Aug 28, 2024
ACLU Releases Roadmap to Rein in Government Surveillance Under a Harris Administration
The roadmap continues the ACLU’s 2024 election policy memo series exploring likely policies from a potential Trump or Harris administration.
Aug 16, 2024
ACLU Cheers Ninth Circuit Decision to Block Content-Based Provisions of California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
SAN FRANCISCO — The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today blocked several provisions of the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) that impermissibly and unconstituti...
Jul 30, 2024
ACLU Slams Senate Passage of Kids Online Safety Act, Urges House to Protect Free Speech
WASHINGTON, DC – The Senate today passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would violate the First Amendment by enabling the federal government to dictate what information...
Jul 11, 2024
ACLU Releases Legal, Legislative, and Advocacy Roadmap to Fight Executive Power Abuses in a Second Trump Administration
As part of the ACLU’s 2024 election policy memo series, this roadmap dives into the surveillance, protest, and free speech abuses the U.S. could face if Trump wins and implements Project 2025 policies
Jul 01, 2024
Supreme Court Ruling Underscores Importance of Free Speech Online
The court recognized that government attempts to control the editorial decisions of social media companies violate the First Amendment
Jun 28, 2024
Civil Rights Advocates Achieve the Nation’s Strongest Police Department Policy on Facial Recognition Technology
DETROIT, Mich. — Civil rights advocates announced today a settlement in the lawsuit brought on behalf of Robert Williams, who was wrongfully arrested by the Detroit Police Depart...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
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