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Biological Control of Latin American Weeds and Insects
Characterization of Thecaphora frezzii Isolates in Argentina
Collaboration on Tools to Manage Ecosystem Transitions for Agricultural Sustainability in the Americas
Screening Elite Peanut Breeding Lines for Resistance to Peanut Smut
Biological Control of Waterhyacinth
Analysis of the Immunogenicity of ASFV Proteins
Biological Control of Weeds Endemic to Asia and Australia that are Invasive in the United States
Diversity and Cross-species Spillover of High-risk Zoonotic Viruses in Padma River Basin of Bangladesh
Development of Swine Models for High Consequence-emerging Zoonotic Threats
Characterize Genomic Loci and Epigenetic Events that Contribute to Host Resistance to Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep
Exploring Diet, Microbiome, and Health in an Economically Important Cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus)
Biological Control of Weeds Endemic to Southeast Asia and Australia that are Invasive in the United States
Biological Control of Weeds Endemic to Southeast Asia and Australia that are Invasive in the United States
Evaluation of Round Module Moisture Content Effects on Cotton Quality
Biological Control of Weeds Endemic to Southeast Asia and Australia that are Invasive in the United States
Australian - American Collaboration on Biological Control of Invasive Pests
Modifications in Rearing and Transport of Novel Orangeworm for Improved Effectiveness of SIT
Investigation of Henipaviruses and Other Viral Spillover Events
Early-MILQ (E-MILQ) Study to Collect and Analyze Human Milk During the First Month Postpartum
Prevalence of Antibodies to Malignant Catarrhal Fever Viruses in Cattle and Sheep in Brazil
Evolution of Influenza A Virus in Swine in Brazil
Composition of Early Human Milk (E-MILQ) Brazil
Detection and Characterization of Potential Emerging Arboviruses in Brazil
Developing Biologically-based Approaches for Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) Management
Determining the Threat and Spread of New and Novel South American Ca. Liberibacter Species to North American Potato Crops and Wild Potato Germplasms
Organomineral Fertilizers: A Sustainable Fertility Option for Farmers?
Elucidating Tick-fungal Entomopathogen Interactions for Improved Tick Control
ARS-Embrapa-University of Florida Fertilizer Use Efficiency MOU
Vocabulary, Thesaurus and Ontology Development for USDA FoodData Central
BSL4ZNet Secretariat Support and Maintenance
Molecular Analysis of the Psyllids Potentially Vectoring Ca. Liberibacter Species to North American Potato Crops and Wild Potato Germplasms
Characterization and Diagnostic Detection of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Strains Causing Outbreaks in North America
Enhance Breeding Efficiency through Doubled Haploids Technology
Pangenome and Genetic Characterization of Global Honey Bee Populations
Genotyping Red Clover for Seed Production
Molecular Characterization of Arbovirus-Mosquito-Vertebrate Host Interactions
Developing Collaborative Research Partnerships with the BSL4 Zoonotic network (BSL4Znet): Responding to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases
Evaluation of the Modification of Virulence in Recombinant ASFV with Specific Gene Deletions
Alternatives to Antibiotics: Neonatal Immunomodulation to Improve Disease Resistance in Animals
Winter Nursery and Seed Production for Rapid Germplasm Enhancement
Winter Nursery and Seed Production for Rapid Germplasm Enhancement
Develop and Evaluate a Site-specific Climate Downscaling Tool for Climatic Impact Assessment
Pesticide Resistance Management of Tephritid Fruit Flies and Other Related Pests of Fruit Crops
Classical Biological Control of Invasive Forest Insect Pests: Discovery and Foreign Exploration for New Natural Enemies
Comparative Genomic Analysis of Fusarium Species
Field Surveys and Collections in SW China for Spotted Wing Drosophila Parasitoids
Improve Irrigation Management with Remote Sensing Technology
Understanding Cold-induced Developmental Changes in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops
Biological Control Technology for Hidden Pests Based on Interaction Mechanism Between Entomopathogenic Nematode and Their Insect Hosts
Molecular Characterization and Diversity Analysis of Colombian Cacao Genebank Collections and Cacao Pathogens from Colombia
A Comprehensive Survey of Flat Mite Transmitted Viruses in Different Hosts and in Brevipalpus spp. in Colombia
Systems Approach for the Management of Coffee Berry Borer in Hawaii and Puerto Rico with Emphasis on Biological Control (Cenicafe, Colombia)
Advancement of Cotton Genetic Resources Through Use of a Costa Rican Counter Season Nursery
Evaluation of Improved Cacao (Theobroma cacao) and Coffee Materials for Agronomic Performance and Reaction to Diseases
Support Research Collaboration Efforts Between USDA/ARS and International Scientists Working on Priority Research Projects of Mutual Interest
Composition of Early Human Milk (E-MILQ) Denmark
Evaluation of Human Milk, Dairy Resources, and Medical Nutrition Products to Optimally Meet Human Infant's Nutrition Needs
Building Resilient Organic Weed Management Systems with Precision Smart Sprayer Technologies
Safety and Efficacy Assessment of African Swine Fever Vaccines For Use in the Dominican Republic
Biological Control of Invasive Insect Pests and Weeds.
Biological Control in Integrated Weed Management of Invasive Weeds from Europe, Asia, and Africa
Biological Control and Integrated Management of Invasive Arthropod Pests from Europe, Asia, and Africa
Mosquito and West Nile Virus Surveillance Strategies
Assessing the Risk of Arthropod-Borne Disease in the Caribbean and the Americas (RACE Risk of Arthropod-borne diseases in the Caribbean)
Integrated Pest Management of Diamondback Moth (DBM) on Cole Crops
African Swine Fever Collaborative Agreement
USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and The National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), France
Chitin Interactions in Plant Disease Mitigation in Theobroma Cacao and Analysis of Erythroxylum Specie Gene Function
Influence of Vaccines, Host Genetics, and Pathogen Mutation Rates on the Evolutionary Dynamics of Infectious Diseases - Berlin
Oat Pangenome Project Data Sharing Agreement
Considering FMDV Recombination and Strain Emergence in Context of Development of Live-attenuated Vaccines
Ecometabolomic Profile of Maize and Wheat with Different Management Strategies
Support of the International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement (FY2023-FY2026)
Understanding Molecular Bases in the Production of Genetic Diversity of African Swine Fever Virus
Improving Sustainability in Cropping Systems of Semi-arid Regions
Improving Current Tools and Diagnostics for Vector Surveillance and Control
Attract-and-kill and Mating Disruption of the Stored Product Quarantine Threat Khapra Beetle
Human Milk Volume Measurement by the Deuterated Water Method in the E-MILQ
US-Israel Binational Agricultural R&D Fund
Driving Insect-Microbe Interactions by Natural Immune-Modulators: a Novel Tool for Insect Rearing and Control
Field Collections and Rearing of Tick Parasitoids from Italy
Metabolomics of Seeds (Corn Grain) and Tomato
Discovery and Pre-Release Evaluation of Weed Biocontrol Agents
Biological Control of Invasive Weeds and Insect Pests
Biological Control of Invasive Ventenata Using Plant Pathogens
Discovery and Pre-Release Evaluation of Weed Biocontrol Agents
Preemptive Biological Control of a High-Risk Invasive Longhorn Beetle
Optimizing Corn-based Starch Bioplastic Formulations to Enhance the Efficacy of Beneficial Pathogens to Control Agricultural Pests
Generation of a Transposon Mutant Library of Mycoplasma Mycoides Subspecies Mycoides
Investigation of Arboviral Infection Rates and Blood Meal Sources of Various Mosquito Species in Rift Valley Fever Endemic Areas in Kenya
Evaluate ARS Vaccine Candidates Against Mycoplasma Mycoides Subspecies Mycoides
Analysis of the Cross Protective Response Induced by ASFV Recombinant Vaccine ASFV-G-DeltaI177L
Molecular Characterization and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses in Kenya’s Wildlife
Proactive Classical Biological Control of Tuta absoluta in California
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Surveillance in Kenyan Livestock by Sampling at Animal Concentration Points
Molecular Characterization and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses in Kenya’s Livestock
Characterization of Risk for Emerging High-consequence Zoonoses in Liberia
Identifying New Genetic Sources and Evaluating United States Wheat Germplasm for Resistance to Stem Rust in Eastern Africa
Diversity of Foreign Phytophthora Infestans Genotypes
Understanding Genetic Variation of Parasites that cause Bovine Babesiosis to Develop Efficient Control Strategies
Identifying New Genetic Sources and Evaluating United States Wheat Germplasm for Resistance to Stem Rust in Eastern Africa
Improved Vector-Borne Disease Response in South Asia
A Genetic Approach to Assess the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Disease Vectors
Modeling to Forecast Mycotoxin Breakout in U.S.-Grown Maize
Development of Elastic Light Scattering-Based Rapid Identification Methods for Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens
Characterization of Emerging Zoonotic Threats
Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance for Sustainable Cotton Production
Land Suitability Analysis for Olive and Maize Crop in Agroforestry System by Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Screwworm Genetic Sexing Line Development
Evaluate Wild Cacao Germplasm for Tolerance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses and Develop Genomes and Transcriptomes of Cacao Pathogen Species
Assessing Multiple Benefits of Silcate Rock Dust Applications in Paddy Rice Under AWD Irrigation
Genome-wide Association Mapping of Genes for Powdery Mildew Resistance in Oat
Improved Management of Cacao Mild Mosaic Virus (CaMMV) by Identifying Alternative Hosts Serving as Inoculum Reservoirs
Overseas Surveys and Testing and Testing for the Development of Biological Control Cogongrass (Imperata Cylindrica)
Demonstration of Long-term Protection Against RVFV Infection Afforded by a Single Dose of Rift Valley Fever Smithburn MLV Vaccine in Sheep
Discovery, Identification, Collection and Shipment of Biological Control Agents of Slenderleaf Ice Plant in South Africa
Molecular Characterization of Arboviruses in South African Livestock
MOU Between ARS and the Agricultural Research Council, Republic of South Africa
Nipah VLP Vaccine for Pandemic Preparedness
Population Genetics of Potential Rift Valley Fever Virus Vectors in South Africa
Fumigation Treatments to Eliminate Invasive Pests of Concern in U.S.-Korea Trade
Spectral Sensing and Instrumentation for Automated Food Integrity Assessment
Preemptive Biological Control of a High-Risk Invasive Longhorn Beetle
Gene Editing of Lentils
Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration for Agronomic Mgmt and Irrigation Scheduling for Mitigating the Impacts of Droughts and Heat Waves
Structural Characterization of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Membrane Interacting Proteins
Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Vaccine FlagT4G Vaccine Efficacy: Assessing Oral Administration and Protection in Pregnant Sows
Assessment of the Immune Response to Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) in Small Ruminant and the Influence of Other Viral Diseases Susceptibility
Analysis of the Immune Response Elicited by Classical Swine Fever Virus Recombinant Vaccine Candidate FlagT4G
Reducing the Impact of Invasive Weeds in Pacific West Estuaries through Plant Community Restoration
Characterizing the Structure-Function of Various Families of Viroporins to Support African Swine Fever Virus Vaccine Candidates
Optimized Allocation of Limited Amount of Irrigation Water among Simultaneous Annual Crops at Farm Level (ORDILS)
Development of Fusarium Head Blight Control Strategies to Support East African Agriculture
Developing an Aptamer Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Lateral Flow Assay for Detecting Pathogens
Increasing Common Bean Productivity in Tanzania
Detection and Characterization of Potential Emerging and Emergent Arboviruses in Mosquitoes in the Caribbean
Evaluation of Cacao Germplasm for Enhanced Agronomic Traits in the International Cocao Genebank, Trinidad
Epidemiology of FMD in Small Ruminants and Domestic Pigs in Uganda
Flowering Rush Agent Rearing and Collection
Curated African Swine Fever Genomic Database
Facilitated Expert Gap Analysis and Review of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP)
Foodborne Pathogens and Response to Stressors
Composition of Early Human Milk (E-MILQ) the Gambia
Global Foot and Mouth Disease Research Alliance (GFRA) MOU (2022-2027)
The Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance (GARA)
The Genetics of Oat Seedling Response to Abiotic Stress
Exploiting Genetic Variation of Australian and African Diploid Accessions for American Tetraploid Cotton
Field Exposures of Cattle Fever Tick Eggs and Larvae in Vietnam to Rear Biological Control Agents
Plant Exploration in the Central Highlands and Mountainous Area of Northern Vietnam to Collect Malus doumeri Germplasm
Memorandum of Understanding between Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development of Vietnam and USDA/ARS
Plant Exploration to Collect Citrus in Vietnam
Development of Safe Vaccination Protocols for Pregnant Sows, Piglets and Boars Using ASFV-G-DI177L
Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens Affecting Livestock in Zimbabwe