
Status of Contributions

  • Trust Funds
  • Totals
  • BY
  • BY+
  • BE
  • BZ
  • VB
  • BG
  • BG+
  • BB
  • BB+

Convention on Biological Diversity

The Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity is financed from contributions made by Parties and non-Parties to the following three Trust Funds established by the Conference of the Parties:

  • The General Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity (BY Trust Fund), which is the major source of funding for the Secretariat and is funded from the assessed contributions of Parties to the CBD, based on the United Nations scales of assessment;
  • The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BE Trust Fund) for additional voluntary contributions in support of approved activities of the Convention on Biological Diversity; and
  • The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BZ Trust Fund) for Facilitating Participation of Parties in the Convention Process.

The BE and BZ Trust Funds are voluntary Trust Funds through which countries and organizations can support important work of the Secretariat which is not provided for within the regular budget. The BZ Trust Fund is used to cover travel costs of developing country Parties, in particular the least developed and small island developing States, and other Parties with economies in transition, to enable them to attend the meetings and conferences convened by the Secretariat.

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

In addition, the following three Trust Funds to support the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety have been established by the First Meeting of the Parties in decision BS-I/10:

  • The General Trust Fund (BG Trust Fund) for the Core Programme Budget for the Cartagena Biosafety on Biosafety.
  • The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH Trust Fund) for the Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities;

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources

The following two Trust Funds to support the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing have been established by the First Meeting of the Parties in decision NP-I/13:

  • The General Trust Fund (BB Trust Fund) for the Core Programme Budget for the Nagoya Protocol.
  • The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BX Trust Fund) for the Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities;

Convention on Biological Diversity

General Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity (BY)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties 4,806,424 1,009,489 3,796,935 14,288,422 9,255,646 5,032,776 8,829,711
Total BY 4,806,424 1,009,489 3,796,935 14,288,422 9,255,646 5,032,776 8,829,711

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity (BY+)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties       1,128,015 1,128,015    
Total BY (Additional)       1,128,015 1,128,015    

Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities under the Convention on Biological Diversity (BE)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties 5,822,901 896,477 4,926,424 3,858,323 2,778,209 1,080,114 6,006,538
Total BE 5,822,901 896,477 4,926,424 3,858,323 2,778,209 1,080,114 6,006,538

Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions to Facilitate the Participation of Parties in the Process of the Convention on Biological Diversity (BZ)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties 54,515 54,515   847,149 315,156 531,993 531,993
Total BZ 54,515 54,515   847,149 315,156 531,993 531,993

General Trust Fund for Voluntary Contributions to Facilitate the Participation of Indigenous and Local Communities in the Work of the Convention on Biological Diversity (VB)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties       116,112 116,112    
Total VB       116,112 116,112    

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BG)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties 884,067 66,089 817,978 2,976,745 2,002,283 974,462 1,792,440
Total BG 884,067 66,089 817,978 2,976,745 2,002,283 974,462 1,792,440

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BG+)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties       235,003 235,003    
Total BG (Additional)       235,003 235,003    

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Nagoya Protocol (BB)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties 837,893 218,683 619,210 2,579,842 1,467,841 1,112,001 1,731,211
Total BB 837,893 218,683 619,210 2,579,842 1,467,841 1,112,001 1,731,211

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Nagoya Protocol (BB+)
In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Donor Type Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Parties       203,669 203,669    
Total BB (Additional)       203,669 203,669    

General Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity (BY)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Afghanistan 5,899   5,899 1,072   1,072 6,971
Albanien 1,303 1,303   1,429 1,723 (294) (294)
Algerien 52,546 52,546   19,469   19,469 19,469
Andorra       893 893    
Angola 8,512   8,512 1,429   1,429 9,941
Antigua und Barbuda 326 326   357 357    
Argentinien 221,615 104,528 117,087 128,425   128,425 245,512
Armenien 1,140   1,140 1,250   1,250 2,390
Australien       377,060 540,957 (163,897) (163,897)
Österreich       121,281 121,281    
Aserbaidschan       5,358 5,358    
Bahamas 16,045   16,045 3,394   3,394 19,439
Bahrain       9,645   9,645 9,645
Bangladesch 1,303   1,303 1,429   1,429 2,732
Barbados 1,303   1,303 1,429   1,429 2,732
Weißrussland 6,677   6,677 7,323   7,323 14,000
Belgien       147,895 147,895    
Belize 1,620   1,620 179   179 1,799
Benin 1,494   1,494 893   893 2,387
Bhutan 308   308 179   179 487
Bolivien 14,842   14,842 3,394   3,394 18,236
Bosnien und Herzegowina 3,699   3,699 2,143   2,143 5,842
Botswana       2,679   2,679 2,679
Brasilien 26,236   26,236 359,555   359,555 385,791
Brunei Darussalam 13,832 13,832   3,751 3,751    
Bulgarien       10,003 10,003    
Burkina Faso 3,824   3,824 714   714 4,538
Burundi 1,963   1,963 179   179 2,142
Kambodscha 4,813   4,813 1,250   1,250 6,063
Kamerun 18,328   18,328 2,322   2,322 20,650
Kanada       469,404 469,404    
Kap Verde 163   163 179   179 342
Zentralafrikanische Republik 2,455   2,455 179   179 2,634
Tschad 6,057   6,057 536   536 6,593
Chile 68,396   68,396 75,019   75,019 143,415
China       2,724,617 2,724,617    
Kolumbien       43,940 43,940    
Komoren 5,348   5,348 179   179 5,527
Congo 9,899   9,899 893   893 10,792
Cook Inseln 143 143   179 179    
Costa Rica 22,966   22,966 12,325   12,325 35,291
Côte d'Ivoire 6,446   6,446 3,930   3,930 10,376
Kroatien       16,254 16,254    
Cuba 188,137   188,137 16,969   16,969 205,106
Zypern       6,430   6,430 6,430
Tschechische Republik       60,730 60,730    
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 8,932   8,932 893   893 9,825
Democratic Republic of the Congo 18,157   18,157 1,429   1,429 19,586
Dänemark       98,775 98,775    
Dschibuti 1,657   1,657 179   179 1,836
Dominica 308   308 179   179 487
Dominikanische Republik       11,967 11,857 110 110
Ecuador 69,774   69,774 13,753   13,753 83,527
Ägypten 22,636 22,636   24,828 24,828    
El Salvador 4,007   4,007 2,322   2,322 6,329
Äquatorial-Guinea 18,093   18,093 2,143   2,143 20,236
Eritrea       179 710 (531) (531)
Estland       7,859   7,859 7,859
Eswatini 1,502 1,502   357   357 357
Äthiopien 4,820   4,820 1,429   1,429 6,249
European Union       357,210 357,210    
Federated States of Micronesia 595   595 179   179 774
Fidschi       714 300 414 414
Finnland       74,483 74,483    
Frankreich       771,266   771,266 771,266
Gabun 9,003   9,003 2,322   2,322 11,325
Gambia (the) 750   750 179   179 929
Georgien       1,429 1,429    
Deutschland 127,959 127,959   1,091,526 1,091,526    
Ghana 19,050   19,050 4,287   4,287 23,337
Griechenland 54,531 54,531   58,050 3,518 54,532 54,532
Grenada       179   179 179
Guatemala 45,764   45,764 7,323   7,323 53,087
Guinea 3,502   3,502 536   536 4,038
Guinea Bissau 750   750 179   179 929
Guyana       714   714 714
Haiti 2,732   2,732 1,072   1,072 3,804
Honduras       1,608 652 956 956
Ungarn       40,725   40,725 40,725
Island       6,430   6,430 6,430
Indien 436,311   436,311 186,476   186,476 622,787
Indonesien       98,061 98,061    
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 598,105   598,105 66,267   66,267 664,372
Iraq 136,960 40,000 96,960 22,863   22,863 119,823
Irland       78,413 78,413    
Israel 91,357 91,357   100,204   100,204 100,204
Italien       569,608   569,608 569,608
Jamaika 2,466   2,466 1,429   1,429 3,895
Japan       1,434,827 216,524 1,218,303 1,218,303
Jordanien 3,583   3,583 3,930   3,930 7,513
Kasachstan       23,756   23,756 23,756
Kenia 4,885   4,885 5,358   5,358 10,243
Kiribati 163   163 179   179 342
Kuwait       41,796   41,796 41,796
Kirgisistan 304   304 357   357 661
Lao People's Democratic Republic 4,833 4,833   1,250 1,250    
Lettland       8,931 8,931    
Libanon 29,308   29,308 6,430   6,430 35,738
Lesotho 597   597 179   179 776
Liberia 2,234   2,234 179   179 2,413
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 155,035   155,035 3,215   3,215 158,250
Liechtenstein 1,628 1,628   1,786 1,786    
Litauen       13,753 13,753    
Luxemburg 11,074 11,074   12,146 12,146    
Madagaskar 1,235 1,235   714 129 585 585
Malawi 1,502   1,502 357   357 1,859
Malaysia       62,159   62,159 62,159
Malediven 960   960 714   714 1,674
Mali 3,478   3,478 893   893 4,371
Malta 3,094 3,094   3,394 3,394    
Marshallinseln 2,347   2,347 179   179 2,526
Mauretanien 616   616 357   357 973
Mauritius 3,094 3,094   3,394   3,394 3,394
Mexiko       218,091 218,091    
Monaco       1,965 1,965    
Mongolei 1,233   1,233 714   714 1,947
Montenegro 3,002 3,002   714 714    
Marokko 8,957 8,957   9,824   9,824 9,824
Mosambik 1,233   1,233 714   714 1,947
Myanmar 1,421   1,421 1,429   1,429 2,850
Namibia       1,608   1,608 1,608
Nauru 1,295   1,295 179   179 1,474
Nepal 2,466   2,466 1,429   1,429 3,895
Neuseeland       55,193 55,193    
Nicaragua 3,776   3,776 893   893 4,669
Niger 7,473   7,473 536   536 8,009
Nigeria 260,287   260,287 32,508   32,508 292,795
Niue       179   179 179
Norwegen       121,281   121,281 121,281
Oman 119,235   119,235 19,826   19,826 139,061
Pakistan 87,109 5,910 81,199 20,362   20,362 101,561
Palau 2,242   2,242 179   179 2,421
Panama 45,719   45,719 16,075   16,075 61,794
Papua-Neuguinea 8,489   8,489 1,786   1,786 10,275
Paraguay 12,724   12,724 4,644   4,644 17,368
Peru       29,115 27,501 1,614 1,614
Philippinen       37,867 37,867    
Polen       149,502 149,502    
Portugal       63,052 63,052    
Katar 43,806   43,806 48,048   48,048 91,854
Republic of Korea 145,379 145,379   459,759 378,516 81,243 81,243
Republic of Moldova 1,541   1,541 893   893 2,434
Republic of North Macedonia 1,140   1,140 1,250   1,250 2,390
Rumänien       55,728   55,728 55,728
Russian Federation       333,299 333,299    
Ruanda 1,337 1,337   536   536 536
St. Kitts und Nevis 617   617 357   357 974
St. Lucia 1,251   1,251 357   357 1,608
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 4,519   4,519 179   179 4,698
Samoa 406   406 179   179 585
San Marino       357 357    
Sao Tome und Principe 3,021   3,021 179   179 3,200
Saudi arabia       211,482   211,482 211,482
Senegal 3,065   3,065 1,250   1,250 4,315
Serbien       5,716 5,716    
Seychellen       357   357 357
Sierra Leone 1,376 1,376   179 179    
Singapur       90,023 90,023    
Slovak Republic       27,686   27,686 27,686
Slowenien       14,111 14,111    
Solomon islands       179 31 148 148
Somalia 2,113   2,113 179   179 2,292
South africa 39,735 39,735   43,582 43,582    
South Sudan 5,461   5,461 357   357 5,818
Spanien       381,168 381,168    
Sri lanka 260   260 8,038   8,038 8,298
State of Palestine 9,124   9,124 1,965   1,965 11,089
Sudan 8,512   8,512 1,429   1,429 9,941
Surinam 1,612   1,612 536   536 2,148
Schweden       155,575 155,575    
Schweiz       202,551 202,551    
Syrian Arab Republic 38,741   38,741 1,608   1,608 40,349
Tadschikistan       536   536 536
Thailand 23,487 23,487   65,731 58,183 7,548 7,548
The Netherlands 224,241 224,241   245,955   245,955 245,955
Timor-Leste 1,193   1,193 179   179 1,372
Togo 1,816   1,816 357   357 2,173
Tonga 1,530   1,530 179   179 1,709
Trinidad und Tobago       6,609 6,609    
Tunesien 3,094 3,094   3,394 3,394    
Türkei       150,931   150,931 150,931
Turkmenistan 46,971   46,971 6,073   6,073 53,044
Tuvalu 909   909 179   179 1,088
Uganda 10,409   10,409 1,429   1,429 11,838
Ukraine 17,260 16,855 405 10,003   10,003 10,408
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate       113,422   113,422 113,422
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland       781,448 781,448    
United Republic of Tanzania 491 491   1,429   1,429 1,429
Uruguay 14,982   14,982 16,433   16,433 31,415
Usbekistan 17,257   17,257 4,823   4,823 22,080
Vanuatu 2,234   2,234 179   179 2,413
Venezuela 892,250   892,250 31,258   31,258 923,508
Viet Nam 5,799   5,799 16,611   16,611 22,410
Jemen 19,691   19,691 1,429   1,429 21,120
Sambia 8,642   8,642 1,429   1,429 10,071
Simbabwe 7,148   7,148 1,250   1,250 8,398
Total BY 4,806,410 1,009,485 3,796,925 14,288,422 9,255,644 5,032,778 8,829,703

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Convention on Biological Diversity (BY+)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Kanada       846,057 846,057    
Kanada       281,957 281,957    
Total BY (Additional)       1,128,014 1,128,014    

Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities under the Convention on Biological Diversity (BE)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Note Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Kanada  1 8,460   8,460       8,460
Kanada  2 226,544 97,253 129,291 80,113   80,113 209,404
Kolumbien  3       2,000,000 2,000,000    
Dänemark  4 578,871   578,871       578,871
European Union  6       1,000,000   1,000,000 1,000,000
European Union  5 679,450   679,450       679,450
Frankreich  7 155,210   155,210       155,210
Deutschland  8 102,500 102,500          
Deutschland  9 105,283 105,283          
Japan  10 2,800,000 527,778 2,272,222       2,272,222
Monaco  14       96,759 96,759    
Norwegen  16 898,553   898,553       898,553
Republic of Korea  11 155,345   155,345       155,345
Republic of Korea  12       290,128 290,128    
Republic of Korea  13       335,148 335,148    
Schweiz  17       56,173 56,173    
The Netherlands  15 49,019   49,019       49,019
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  18 63,661 63,661          
Total BE 5,822,896 896,475 4,926,421 3,858,321 2,778,208 1,080,113 6,006,534

1. Canada pledge CAD 100,000 for expert workshops to review modalities for modifying the descriptions of EBSAs.
2. Canada pledge CAD 380,000 plus additional CAD 109,035 in 2024 for advancing Canada's priorities in the Convention on Biological Diversity.
3. Colombia pledge USD 2,000,000 for COP 16
4. Denmark pledge DKK 14,000,000 for the Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
5. European Union pledge USD 1,898,180 to support the implementation of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and outcomes of COP 15, CP-MOP 10 and NP-MOP 4.
6. European Union pledge USD 1,000,000 for additional support for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal GBF and outcomes of COP15, CP-MOP10 and NP-MOP4 (CBD COP15-BIS).
7. France pledge EUR 200,000 for Sustainable Ocean Initiative in the post-2020 Biodiversity Strategic Framework. 2023 - 2025
8. Germany (GIZ) GmbH pledged EUR 94,920 for implementing the biodiversity-climate nexus in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Assessing needs and expectations relating to Targets 8 and 11
9. Germany (GIZ) GmbH pledged EUR 99,440 (includes 1 % levy) for facilitation of an effective implemetation to achieve Target 3 and its quantitative and qualitative elements.
10. Japan pledge USD 2,800,000 for implementing Kunming-Montreal GBF and updating and implementing their NBSAPs.
11. Korea pledge KRW 400,000,000 for Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative (1 November 2023 – 31 October 2025)
12. Korea pledge KRW 400,000,000 to support Sustainable Ocean Initiative 2024 Project
13. Korea pledge KRW 464,000,000 for the implementation of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI)
14. Monaco pledge EUR 90,000 to support Sustainable Ocean Initiative activities in 2024
15. Netherlands pledge EUR 45,000 to support activities under the Cartagena Protocol for 2023.
16. Norway pledge NOK 20,000,000 to support the work on digital sequence information.
17. Switzerland pledge CHF 50,000 to support approved activities of the CBD.
18. United Kingdom (DEFRA) pledge GBP 50,000 for Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators.

Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions to Facilitate the Participation of Parties in the Process of the Convention on Biological Diversity (BZ)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Note Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Belgien  1 54,515 54,515          
European Union  2       100,000   100,000 100,000
Finnland  3       27,190 27,190    
Frankreich  4       16,026 16,026    
Deutschland  5       217,860 217,860    
Neuseeland  6       9,141 9,141    
Schweden  8       377,821   377,821 377,821
Schweiz  9       44,938 44,938    
The Netherlands  7       54,171   54,171 54,171
Total BZ 54,515 54,515   847,147 315,155 531,992 531,992

1. Belgium pledge EUR 50,000 for participation of the developing parties in the Convention process - SBSTTA-26 and SBI-4 meetings in 2024.
2. European Union pledge USD 100,000 for participation of developing country delegates in processes of CBD - Participation II
3. Finland pledge EUR 25,000 for participation of developing countries in COP 16, BS MOP-11, NP MOP-5.
4. France pledge EUR 15,000 for participation of developing parties in COP 16 and related MOP meetings.
5. Germany pledge EUR 200,000 for participation of two representatives from each of the eligible Parties at SBI-5 and COP16.
6. New Zealand pledge NZD 15,000 for participation of developing parties in 2nd OEWG-DSI, SBI-5, COP 16 and related meetings.
7. Netherlands pledge EUR 50,000 for participation of developing countries to negotiations at CBD COP16.
8. Sweden pledge SEK 4,000,000 for participation of developing country parties in the work of the CBD during 2024.
9. Switzerland pledge CHF 40,000 for participation of developing country parties in the process of the CBD.

General Trust Fund for Voluntary Contributions to Facilitate the Participation of Indigenous and Local Communities in the Work of the Convention on Biological Diversity (VB)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Note Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Australien  1       39,702 39,702    
Finnland  2       21,598 21,598    
Deutschland  3       43,577 43,577    
Schweiz  4       11,234 11,234    
Total VB       116,111 116,111    

1. Australia pledge AUD 60,000 for the participation of representatives of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC). Contribution to be granted in priority to IPLC from Australia.
2. Finland pledge EUR 20,000 for participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in COP 16, BS MOP-11, NP MOP-5.
3. Germany pledge EUR 40,000 for participation of indigenous peoples and local communities at SBI-5 & COP16.
4. Switzerland pledge CHF 10,000 for participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the work of the CBD

General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BG)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Afghanistan 1,148   1,148 252   252 1,400
Albanien 307 307   336 29 307 307
Algerien 4,176 4,176   4,581   4,581 4,581
Angola 2,547   2,547 298   298 2,845
Antigua und Barbuda 77 77   84 84    
Armenien       294   294 294
Österreich       28,534 28,534    
Aserbaidschan       1,261 1,261    
Bahamas 4,278   4,278 798   798 5,076
Bahrain       2,269   2,269 2,269
Bangladesch 271   271 298   298 569
Barbados 307   307 336   336 643
Weißrussland 1,571   1,571 1,723   1,723 3,294
Belgien       34,796 34,796    
Belize 362   362 42   42 404
Benin 353   353 210   210 563
Bhutan 38   38 42   42 80
Bolivien 3,919   3,919 798   798 4,717
Bosnien und Herzegowina 859   859 504   504 1,363
Botswana       630   630 630
Brasilien       84,594   84,594 84,594
Bulgarien       2,353 2,353    
Burkina Faso 1,302   1,302 168   168 1,470
Burundi 524   524 42   42 566
Kambodscha 1,116   1,116 294   294 1,410
Kamerun 4,347   4,347 546   546 4,893
Kap Verde 120   120 42   42 162
Zentralafrikanische Republik 520   520 42   42 562
Tschad 1,008   1,008 126   126 1,134
China       641,032 641,032    
Kolumbien       10,338 10,338    
Komoren 495   495 42   42 537
Congo 2,368   2,368 210   210 2,578
Costa Rica 4,136   4,136 2,900   2,900 7,036
Côte d'Ivoire 4,260   4,260 925   925 5,185
Kroatien       3,824 3,824    
Cuba 43,567   43,567 3,992   3,992 47,559
Zypern       1,513   1,513 1,513
Tschechische Republik       14,288 14,288    
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1,997   1,997 210   210 2,207
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2,508   2,508 298   298 2,806
Dänemark       23,239   23,239 23,239
Dschibuti 462   462 42   42 504
Dominica 173   173 42   42 215
Dominikanische Republik 4,762 3,075 1,687 2,816   2,816 4,503
Ecuador 16,311   16,311 3,236   3,236 19,547
Ägypten 40,664   40,664 5,841   5,841 46,505
El Salvador 1,750   1,750 546   546 2,296
Eritrea       42 42    
Estland       1,849 1,849    
Eswatini 2,195 2,195   84   84 84
Äthiopien 1,098   1,098 298   298 1,396
European Union       74,419 74,419    
Fidschi 153   153 168   168 321
Finnland       17,524 17,524    
Frankreich       181,459   181,459 181,459
Gabun 5,289   5,289 546   546 5,835
Gambia (the) 173   173 42   42 215
Georgien       336 336    
Deutschland       256,808 256,808    
Ghana 6,365   6,365 1,009   1,009 7,374
Griechenland       13,658 13,658    
Grenada       42 42    
Guatemala 9,777   9,777 1,723   1,723 11,500
Guinea 823   823 126   126 949
Guinea Bissau 475   475 42   42 517
Guyana       168 44 124 124
Honduras 2,254   2,254 378   378 2,632
Ungarn       9,581 9,581    
Indien 160,261   160,261 43,873   43,873 204,134
Indonesien       23,071 23,071    
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 51,264   51,264 15,591   15,591 66,855
Iraq 34,932 20,000 14,932 5,379   5,379 20,311
Irland       18,448 18,448    
Italien       134,014 134,014    
Jamaika 1,393   1,393 336   336 1,729
Japan       337,578 94,221 243,357 243,357
Jordanien 843 843   925 925    
Kasachstan       5,589   5,589 5,589
Kenia 1,149   1,149 1,261   1,261 2,410
Kiribati 290   290 42   42 332
Kuwait       9,834   9,834 9,834
Kirgisistan 77   77 84   84 161
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,244   1,244 294   294 1,538
Lettland       2,101 2,101    
Libanon 5,783   5,783 1,513   1,513 7,296
Lesotho 90   90 42   42 132
Liberia 418   418 42   42 460
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 47,300   47,300 756   756 48,056
Litauen       3,236 3,236    
Luxemburg 2,605 2,605   2,858   2,858 2,858
Madagaskar 310 310   168 10 158 158
Malawi 350   350 84   84 434
Malaysia       14,624   14,624 14,624
Malediven       168 168    
Mali 1,003   1,003 210   210 1,213
Malta       798 798    
Marshallinseln 648   648 42   42 690
Mauretanien 26   26 84   84 110
Mauritius 728 728   798 798    
Mexiko       51,311 51,311    
Mongolei 153   153 168   168 321
Montenegro 545   545 168   168 713
Marokko       2,311   2,311 2,311
Mosambik 1,002   1,002 168   168 1,170
Myanmar 271   271 298   298 569
Namibia       378   378 378
Nauru 648   648 42   42 690
Neuseeland 11,839 11,839   12,985 1,146 11,839 11,839
Nicaragua 1,026   1,026 210   210 1,236
Niger 1,183   1,183 126   126 1,309
Nigeria 25,951   25,951 7,648   7,648 33,599
Niue 609   609 298   298 907
Norwegen       28,534   28,534 28,534
Oman 4,253 4,253   4,665 4,665    
Pakistan 28,988 2,983 26,005 4,791   4,791 30,796
Palau 648   648 42   42 690
Panama 7,874   7,874 3,782   3,782 11,656
Papua-Neuguinea 2,421   2,421 420   420 2,841
Paraguay 1,861   1,861 1,093   1,093 2,954
Peru       6,850 9,002 (2,152) (2,152)
Philippinen       8,909 8,909    
Polen       35,174 35,174    
Portugal       14,834 14,834    
Katar 10,306   10,306 11,304   11,304 21,610
Republic of Korea 5,924   5,924 108,169   108,169 114,093
Republic of Moldova       210   210 210
Republic of North Macedonia 501   501 294   294 795
Rumänien       13,111   13,111 13,111
Ruanda 310 310   126   126 126
St. Kitts und Nevis       84 6 78 78
St. Lucia 246 246   84 84    
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 103   103 42   42 145
Samoa       42   42 42
Saudi arabia       49,756   49,756 49,756
Senegal 531   531 294   294 825
Serbien 1,226 1,226   1,345   1,345 1,345
Seychellen       84   84 84
Sierra Leone 115   115 42   42 157
Slovak Republic       6,514 6,514    
Slowenien       3,320 3,320    
Solomon islands 173   173 42   42 215
Somalia 468   468 42   42 510
South africa       10,254 10,254    
Spanien       89,679 89,679    
Sri lanka 3,294   3,294 1,891   1,891 5,185
State of Palestine 1,722   1,722 462   462 2,184
Sudan 1,752   1,752 298   298 2,050
Surinam 215   215 126   126 341
Schweden       36,603 36,603    
Schweiz       47,655 47,655    
Syrian Arab Republic 10,272   10,272 378   378 10,650
Tadschikistan       126   126 126
Thailand 5,506 5,506   15,465 12,603 2,862 2,862
The Netherlands       57,867 57,867    
Togo 427   427 84   84 511
Tonga       42 2,361 (2,319) (2,319)
Trinidad und Tobago       1,555 1,555    
Tunesien 3,923   3,923 798   798 4,721
Türkei       35,510 35,510    
Turkmenistan 11,317   11,317 1,429   1,429 12,746
Uganda       298 745 (447) (447)
Ukraine 4,010 3,916 94 2,353   2,353 2,447
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate       26,685   26,685 26,685
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland       183,854 183,854    
United Republic of Tanzania 1,492 1,492   298   298 298
Uruguay       3,866   3,866 3,866
Usbekistan 4,041   4,041 1,135   1,135 5,176
Venezuela 226,922   226,922 7,354   7,354 234,276
Viet Nam 1,291   1,291 3,908   3,908 5,199
Jemen 3,493   3,493 298   298 3,791
Sambia 1,966   1,966 298   298 2,264
Simbabwe 1,320   1,320 294   294 1,614
Total BG 884,057 66,087 817,970 2,976,745 2,002,283 974,462 1,792,432

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BG+)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Kanada       176,262 176,262    
Kanada       58,741 58,741    
Total BG (Additional)       235,003 235,003    

General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Nagoya Protocol (BB)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Afghanistan 353   353 240   240 593
Albanien 512 320 192 320   320 512
Angola 1,153   1,153 258   258 1,411
Antigua und Barbuda 74   74 80   80 154
Argentinien 46,007 19,556 26,451 28,801   28,801 55,252
Österreich       27,199 27,199    
Bahamas 1,130   1,130 761   761 1,891
Bahrain 2,884   2,884 2,163   2,163 5,047
Bangladesch 171   171 258   258 429
Weißrussland 1,508   1,508 1,642   1,642 3,150
Belgien       33,168 33,168    
Benin 315   315 200   200 515
Bhutan       40   40 40
Bolivien 3,390   3,390 761   761 4,151
Botswana       601   601 601
Brasilien 173,971   173,971 80,636   80,636 254,607
Bulgarien       2,243 2,243    
Burkina Faso 894   894 160   160 1,054
Burundi 341   341 40   40 381
Kambodscha 860   860 258   258 1,118
Kamerun 2,561   2,561 521   521 3,082
Zentralafrikanische Republik 161   161 40   40 201
Tschad 610   610 120   120 730
China       611,036 611,036    
Komoren 341   341 40   40 381
Congo 1,766   1,766 200   200 1,966
Côte d'Ivoire 4,198   4,198 881   881 5,079
Kroatien       3,645 3,645    
Cuba 24,026   24,026 3,805   3,805 27,831
Tschechische Republik       13,620 13,620    
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 681   681 200   200 881
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,316   1,316 258   258 1,574
Dänemark 20,344 20,344   22,152 22,152    
Dschibuti 311   311 40   40 351
Dominikanische Republik 19   19 2,684   2,684 2,703
Ecuador 4,927   4,927 3,084   3,084 8,011
Ägypten 46,792   46,792 5,568   5,568 52,360
Äquatorial-Guinea       481   481 481
Eritrea       40 40    
Estland       1,763 1,763    
Eswatini 74   74 80   80 154
Äthiopien 758   758 258   258 1,016
European Union       64,496 64,496    
Federated States of Micronesia 37   37 40   40 77
Fidschi 167   167 160   160 327
Finnland       16,704 16,704    
Frankreich       172,968   172,968 172,968
Gabun 1,928   1,928 521   521 2,449
Gambia (the) 156   156 40   40 196
Deutschland       244,791   244,791 244,791
Ghana 2,508   2,508 961   961 3,469
Griechenland 16,351   16,351 13,019   13,019 29,370
Guatemala 7,578   7,578 1,642   1,642 9,220
Guinea 682   682 120   120 802
Guinea Bissau 156   156 40   40 196
Guyana       160 721 (561) (561)
Honduras 2,889   2,889 361   361 3,250
Ungarn       9,133   9,133 9,133
Indien 89,817   89,817 41,820   41,820 131,637
Indonesien       21,992 21,992    
Irland 10,256 10,256   17,585 7,329 10,256 10,256
Japan       321,781 75,659 246,122 246,122
Jordanien       881 881    
Kasachstan 48,806   48,806 5,328   5,328 54,134
Kenia 1,104   1,104 1,202   1,202 2,306
Kiribati 73   73 40   40 113
Kuwait       9,373   9,373 9,373
Kirgisistan 74   74 80   80 154
Lao People's Democratic Republic 730   730 258   258 988
Libanon 7,666   7,666 1,442   1,442 9,108
Lesotho 338   338 40   40 378
Liberia 315   315 40   40 355
Luxemburg       2,724   2,724 2,724
Madagaskar 685 147 538 160   160 698
Malawi 313   313 80   80 393
Malaysia       13,940   13,940 13,940
Malediven 527 527   160 160    
Mali 531   531 200   200 731
Malta       761   761 761
Marshallinseln 340   340 40   40 380
Mauretanien 15   15 80   80 95
Mauritius       761 761    
Mexiko       48,910 48,910    
Mongolei 718   718 160   160 878
Montenegro       160   160 160
Marokko       2,203   2,203 2,203
Mosambik 858   858 160   160 1,018
Myanmar 235   235 258   258 493
Namibia       361   361 361
Nepal 408   408 258   258 666
Nicaragua 508   508 200   200 708
Niger 621   621 120   120 741
Nigeria 7,982   7,982 7,290   7,290 15,272
Norwegen       27,199 27,199    
Oman       4,446 4,446    
Pakistan 4,951 3,050 1,901 4,567   4,567 6,468
Palau 164   164 40   40 204
Panama 15,194   15,194 3,605   3,605 18,799
Peru       6,529 5,854 675 675
Philippinen       8,492 8,492    
Portugal       14,140 14,140    
Katar       10,775 9,780 995 995
Republic of Korea 60,821 60,821   103,108 93,176 9,932 9,932
Republic of Moldova       200   200 200
Rumänien       12,498   12,498 12,498
Ruanda 275 275   120   120 120
St. Kitts und Nevis 74 74   80   80 80
St. Lucia 128   128 80   80 208
Samoa 29   29 40   40 69
Sao Tome und Principe 204   204 40   40 244
Saudi arabia 75,762 75,762   47,428   47,428 47,428
Senegal 1,346   1,346 258   258 1,604
Serbien       1,282 1,282    
Seychellen       80   80 80
Sierra Leone 211 211   40 40    
Slovak Republic       6,209   6,209 6,209
Solomon islands 122   122 40   40 162
South africa       9,774 9,774    
Spanien       85,483 85,483    
Sudan 1,209   1,209 258   258 1,467
Schweden       34,890 34,890    
Schweiz       45,425 45,425    
Syrian Arab Republic 7,558   7,558 361   361 7,919
Tadschikistan 1,175   1,175 120   120 1,295
The Netherlands       55,159   55,159 55,159
Togo 431   431 80   80 511
Tonga 124   124 40   40 164
Tunesien 1,282   1,282 761   761 2,043
Turkmenistan 2,983   2,983 1,362   1,362 4,345
Tuvalu       40 127 (87) (87)
Uganda 1,326   1,326 258   258 1,584
Ukraine 3,020 2,949 71 2,243   2,243 2,314
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 23,361 23,361   25,436   25,436 25,436
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland       175,251 175,251    
United Republic of Tanzania 1,028 1,028   258   258 258
Uruguay 6,283   6,283 3,685   3,685 9,968
Vanuatu       40   40 40
Venezuela 77,348   77,348 7,010   7,010 84,358
Viet Nam 1,096   1,096 3,725   3,725 4,821
Sambia 1,540   1,540 258   258 1,798
Simbabwe 1,020   1,020 280   280 1,300
Total BB 837,885 218,681 619,204 2,579,842 1,467,838 1,112,004 1,731,208

Additional contributions to the General Trust Fund for the Core Programme Budget for the Nagoya Protocol (BB+)

In USD as at 2024-07-15
  Years prior to 2024 2024
Land Arrears Collections In 2024 Unpaid Pledges Collections Unpaid Total Unpaid
Kanada       152,760 152,760    
Kanada       50,909 50,909    
Total BB (Additional)       203,669 203,669