Country Profiles

Main References

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.2)

Fifth National Report

NOTE: Please consult Section VII of the Sixth National Report to access an updated biodiversity profile containing biodiversity facts and information on NBSAP implementation, among other details, prepared by the Party concerned. Sixth national reports prepared using the online reporting tool are posted on the respective country webpage on the CBD website and on the CBD CHM. Sixth national reports prepared "offline" are posted in PDF at the National Reports homepage.

National Contacts

Full details of national contacts »

Convention on Biological Diversity

Mr. Cicer Costa da Graça
CBD Primary NFP
H.E. Mr. Carlos Filomena Agostinho das Neves
CBD Secondary NFP
Mr. José Deus Lima de Menezes
Resource Mobilization FP
Mr. Arlindo De Ceita Carvalho

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Mr. Severino Neto do Espírito Santo
Cartagena Protocol Primary NFP
Mr. Lorenço Monteiro de Jesus