Energy research, development, and deployment (RD&D) programs are an essential part of the effort to achieve California’s climate, energy, and equity policy goals. As California moves toward a clean energy future, the technologies and practices that keep the state’s electricity and natural gas systems safe, reliable and affordable must be modernized.

The CPUC oversees large RD&D programs that drive investment in new and emerging energy technologies and solutions that provide benefits to Californians. By testing ideas and sharing results publicly, these programs help investors, innovators, and policymakers plan efficiently for California’s clean energy future.

Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC)

This program is funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

  • R.11-10-003 created the EPIC program
  • D.11-12-035 established interim EPIC funding levels
  • D.12-05-037 fully established the EPIC Program
  • D.13-04-030 provided correction to D.12-05-037
  • Senate Bill 96 (Section 25711.5) directed the CEC's process for implementing EPIC 
  • R.19-10-005 proceeding to review the EPIC program to consider continuing funding
  • D.20-08-042 renewed the EPIC Program through 2030
  • D.21-11-028 approved the IOUs continued role in administering EPIC
  • D.23-04-042 made administrative improvements to increase transparency and focus on specific strategic goals


The Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) supports the development of new, emerging, and pre-commercialized clean energy innovations in California. These projects must be designed to ensure benefits in the form of equitable access to safe, affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable energy for electricity ratepayers. EPIC consists of three program areas: Applied Research and Development (Applied R&D), Technology Demonstration and Deployment (TD&D), and Market Facilitation, described in more detail in Table 1.

Table 1. EPIC Program Area
Program Area Description
Applied R&D Investment in applied energy science and technology that
provides public benefit but for which there is no current
deployment of private capital.
TD&D Investments in technology demonstrations at real-world scales
and in real-world conditions to showcase emerging innovations
and increase technology commercialization.
Market Facilitation  Investments in market research, regulatory permitting and
streamlining, and workforce development activities to address
non-price barriers to clean technology adoption.

    The CPUC oversees and monitors the implementation of the ratepayer-funded EPIC. For EPIC investment periods 1, 2, 3, and 4, there are four program administrators:  the California Energy Commission (CEC), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E).  The CEC administers 80% of EPIC funds while the three large investor-owned utilities together administer 20% of the funds.

      Each administrator is required to submit an EPIC investment plan outlining their proposed projects for a given investment period in the form of an application to the CPUC.  Each application and the decisions reviewing and approving them can be found in Table 2 below.  To date, roughly $2.5 billion have been allocated to fund EPIC projects.

      Table 2. EPIC Program Administrator Investment Plan Applications (A.) and CPUC Decisions (D.)

      Investment Period CEC PG&E SCE SDG&E Decisions
      EPIC 1 (2012- 2014)
      Funding: $467 million
      A.12-11-001 A.12-11-003 A.12-11-004 A.12-11-002 D.13-11-025
      EPIC 2 (2015-2017)
      Funding: $510 million
      A.14-04-034 A.14-05-003 A.14-05-005 A.14-05-004

      EPIC 3 (2018-2020)
      Funding: $555 million










       EPIC 4 (2021-2025)
      Funding: $925 million

      Interim Plan


       A.22-10-003  A.22-10-001  A.22-10-002





      EPIC Project Database
      • The EPIC project database is a comprehensive resource providing publicly searchable information for all EPIC projects since inception of the program, increasing both EPIC program transparency and oversight. The database compiles project lessons learned, data, and results from all project administrators and all EPIC projects into a central online location, containing more than 60 searchable data fields for hundreds of EPIC research, development, and deployment projects. The database is administered by the EPIC Policy + Innovation Coordination Group Project Coordinator.
      • Visit the EPIC Project Database online.


      EPIC Policy + Innovation Coordination Group
      • In Decision 18-10-052, the CPUC established the EPIC Policy + Innovation Coordination Group (PICG) - comprised of a Project Coordinator, the four Administrators, and the CPUC to help ensure that EPIC investments are optimally aligned with and informed by key Commission and California energy innovation needs and policy goals.
      • The PICG website provides access to all EPIC workshops, presentations, and reports facilitated by the PICG Project Coordinator.
      • Visit the EPIC Policy + Innovation Coordination Group Online

      EPIC Program Evaluations


      For more information about EPIC Administration, please visit the following links:


      Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration


      The California Energy Commission’s Gas Research and Development Program

      The California Energy Commission’s (CEC's) Gas Research and Development (R&D) program funds the development and deployment of improved natural gas technologies and practices.  Established by the CPUC in 2004, pursuant to Assembly Bill 1002, the program is administered by the California Energy Commission CEC's R&D Division.  The Gas R&D program has focused on five primary research areas:  Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Advanced Generation, Gas Infrastructure Safety and Integrity, Energy-Related Environmental Research, and Gas-Related Transportation.  These are occasionally supplemented with additional research areas (e.g. Strategic Planning Research).  Each March, the CEC files an annual proposal for the investment of up to $24 million in technologies and strategies to improve California's gas system.  Following submission of the proposals, the CPUC issues a resolution reviewing, approving, and/or modifying these proposals.  Table 3 provides recent Gas R&D Proposed Program Plans and the CPUC's corresponding resolutions.


      Table 3. Recent CEC Gas R&D Plans and Resolutions

      Proposed Plan Resolution
      FY 2014-2015 Plan G-3495 (2014)
      FY 2015-2016 Plan G-3507 (2015)
      FY 2016-2017 Plan G-3519 (2016)
      FY 2017-2018 Plan G-3527 (2017)
      FY 2018-2019 Plan G-3546 (2018)
      FY 2019-2020 Plan G-3555 (2019)
      FY 2020-2021 Plan G-3571 (2020)
      FY 2021-2022 Plan G-3584 (2021)
      FY 2022-2023 Plan G-3592 (2022)
      FY 2023-2024 Plan G-3603 (2023)
      FY 2024-2025 Plan  

      For more information about the CEC-administered Gas R&D program, visit:


      Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration Program

      D.19-09-051, approving SoCalGas’ Test Year 2019 General Rate Case (GRC), ordered SoCalGas to submit its Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) proposal to the Energy Division annually via a Tier 3 Advice Letter. SoCalGas cannot record RD&D expenses to its Research, Development, and Demonstration Expense Account before the Advice Letter is approved via a Resolution.


      Table 4. Recent SoCalGas Gas RD&D Plans and Resolutions

      Proposed Plan Resolution  Funding Amount ($)
      2021 Plan (Advice Letter 5652-G)
       G-3573 (2021)  16.18 million
      2022 Plan (Advice Letter 5824-G)  G-3586 (2022)  16.494 million
      2023 Plan (Advice Letter 5991-G)
       G-3601 (2023)  16.874 million

      For more information about the SoCalGas-administered Gas RD&D program, visit:

      Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration Program

      D.23-11-069, approving PG&E’s General Rate Case for Test Year 2023, ordered PG&E to submit its Gas Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) proposal to the Energy Division annually via a Tier 3 Advice Letter. PG&E cannot record any Gas RD&D project expenses in a one-way balancing account until an annual Tier 3 Advice Letter outlining its Gas RD&D Plan is filed and approved. PG&E must submit its Tier 3 Advice Letter outlining its Gas RD&D annual research plan by July 1, 2024.

      For more information about the PG&E-administered Gas RD&D program, visit:


      California Energy Systems for the 21st Century (CES-21)


      California Energy Systems for the 21st century (CES-21) was a first-of-its-kind effort to use the power of supercomputing to improve the cybersecurity of our electric system and integrate emerging renewable technologies into the grid.  The CPUC and California's three largest electric investor-owned utilities are collaborating with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to improve and expand energy systems to meet 21st century needs.

      CES-21 had a budget of $35 million for the period 2014-2019 and was comprised of two projects: Cybersecurity and Grid Integration. The Cybersecurity project worked to develop a modeling/simulation platform to simulate cybersecurity threat and response scenarios. Additionally, this project used a physical test bed to evaluate threats on actual substation equipment. The Grid Integration project assessed whether the utilities’ planning assumptions and reliability metrics were applicable under future conditions of increased renewable generation. This was done by modeling the grid under thousands of permutations of market demand, weather conditions, and infrastructure investment to simulate the impact of increased renewable penetration and market conditions on the accuracy of reliability and capacity metrics. The Grid Integration project was successfully completed in November 2017 and the Cybersecurity project was completed in October 2019.

      For more information about CES-21, please visit the following links:


      For questions regarding energy research, development, and deployment programs, please contact senior analyst Fredric Beck ([email protected]).

      You may also email [email protected] or find other Energy Division Contacts here.

      To add yourself to a service list for a proceeding, email Process [email protected] and include the proceeding number, your name, title, organization, address, phone number, and e-mail.  The Process Office will email you to confirm your addition to the service list.