Brexit fury: Barnier and Frost reach compromise on fishing – that will anger Leave voters

A POST-BREXIT trade deal between the UK and the European Union is now on the brink of being reached after it emerged both sides have moved closer towards a compromise on fishing, in a move which will anger Leave voters.

Boris Johnson told to 'take back your fishing waters' by MEP

The UK’s chief Brexit negotiator David Frost and his EU counterpart Michel Barnier have been locked in discussions over the weekend in Brussels. Outstanding issues over fishing, state aid subsidies and the so-called “level playing field” on competition remained at the forefront of talks.

With less than two months to go until the official end of the Brexit transition period, it is understood a major climb-down has been made on access to UK waters.

The Prime Minister had vowed to leave the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy and take back control of UK waters, but it is thought European boats will now be able to fish in UK territories next year.

Britain has pressed for fishing quotas to be negotiated annually but the EU has so far rejected this proposal and are seeking more concrete reassurances on fishing in UK waters.

READ MORE: Farage set to relaunch Brexit Party to fight coronavirus lockdown

brexit news

Brexit live: A trade deal between the UK and EU is edging closer (Image: GETTY)

Brexit news

Brexit news: David Frost and Michel Barnier are locked in trade talks (Image: GETTY)

In a bid to secure a wider trade deal, it is understood the finer details on quotas could be delayed until a later date, which would then allow EU fishermen to continue plundering UK fishing waters from January 1, 2021.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been pilling the pressure on Mr Barnier to walk away from a deal if there is no agreement on fishing.

France’s Europe Minister, Clement Beaune, has said fisheries is “equally important for both of us, France and the UK, the EU and the UK”.

Brexit news

Brexit news: A timeline of trade talks between the UK and EU (Image: EXPRESS)

He added: “Let’s try to find a solution which respects both interests.

"I think it’s possible.”

Brexit talks between Mr Frost and Mr Barnier will resume in the Belgian capital today.

7.40am update: This blog is now closed - for latest updates click

8.30pm update: Fisherman to be handed huge boost as Barnier caves in battle to control UK’s waters

British negotiators have netted a huge victory in the battle over fishing after Brussels agreed to post-Brexit rules that will massively increase catch opportunities for our boats.

Michel Barnier finally accepted to water down the bloc’s demand to maintain control of the UK’s coastal waters in a bid to clinch an EU-UK trade deal in the coming days. 

The EU’s chief negotiator is understood to have made the significant concession last weekend as both sides held intensive talks to break the deadlock. 

In a desperate bid to prevent negotiations from collapsing, the Brussels diplomat said he was ready to let the exact numbers of fish both sides can land be decided after the Brexit deal is struck.

7.15pm update: Brexit plan blasted by Scottish Tory leader as he demands Sturgeon in loved in trade talks

The Scottish Conservative leader has risked infuriating Brexiteers by calling for Nicola Sturgeon to be given a place at the negotiating table on trade talks with the EU.

In a bid to win over Scottish voters who are growing increasingly sceptical of Boris Johnson over his approach to Brexit, Douglas Ross has sought to distance himself from the Prime Minister. 

Mr Ross said Westminster had used a “winner takes it all” approach to talks with Brussels.

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon (Image: PA)

7pm update: Peers warn of 'broken kingdom' in post-Brexit Britain

The UK is on the verge of becoming a "broken kingdom", a senior Tory has warned in the House of Lords.

Lord Cormack said the Government underestimated "at its own potential peril, just what dangers surround us" post-Brexit.

He said the Westminster Parliament could not behave as if it was the only legislative body in the UK.

Lord Cormack's comments came as peers again called for a greater role for the devolved nations in regulation of the internal market after leaving the EU.

Tory former lord chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern said that, while the UK Parliament had the legislative competence to regulate the internal market, the devolved administrations also had a "fundamental interest" in it.

"It is wise to give them a voice in the way that it is exercised," Lord Mackay said, urging consultations with the devolved administrations through the joint ministerial committee.

6.25pm update: Fishing fury: Boris urged to fight hard as fishermen voice disgust at having to QUIT jobs

Boris Johnson is being urged not to cave to the EU's immense pressure to bow to demands on fishing rights as trade talks enter the final phase.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman said on Monday the UK’s negotiating team, led by David Frost, is working to “bridge the significant gaps that still remain between our positions in the most difficult areas” of talks with Brussels.

Fishing chiefs across the UK will be watching closely what sort of a deal Mr Johnson will come back with after watching their industry suffer under the bloc’s controversial Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) for decades.

European dependence on British fishing waters

European dependence on British fishing waters (Image: Express)

5.15pm update: Concerns raised over role of devolved nations in Internal Market Bill

Peers have resumed detailed line-by-line scrutiny of controversial Brexit legislation which would allow ministers to breach international law.

As the third day of committee stage debate on the Internal Market Bill got under way in the Lords, concerns were again raised about the role of the devolved nations.

Tory former lord chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern said that while the UK Parliament had the legislative competence to regulate the internal market, the devolved administrations also had a "fundamental interest" in it.

"It is wise to give them a voice in the way that it is exercised," Lord Mackay said, urging consultations with the devolved administrations through the joint ministerial committee.

4.15pm update: Rishi Sunak urged to plug a Brexit funding blackhole to protect children online

Millions of children are at risk of worse online abuse unless the Government plugs a Brexit funding blackhole, charity leaders, police, and teaching unions have warned.

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UK SIC) is a joint initiative run by three leading charities working together to provide advice, resources and interventions to help keep young people safe online.

In an open letter, UK SIC urged Chancellor Rishi Sunak to replace the £1.3 million currently provided by the EU next year - a sum that makes up half of the Centre's financial support.

Other signatories of the letter include bosses from charities such as the NSPCC and Stonewall, Simon Bailey, who is the national police lead for child protection, and Ian Russell, whose daughter Molly took her own life after viewing images of self harm on social media.

"Efforts to innovate to remove illegal and harmful content online will be hampered, schools will be less supported to educate and protect their pupils on these crucial safety issues, and millions of children will be more vulnerable to the growing number of threats they face online each day," the group said in the letter.

"As 28 members of the education, technology and charity sectors that value the UK Safer Internet Centre and work with it to help young people, we are asking the Government, as it takes back control of UK finances, to commit to supporting the service the UK Safer Internet Centre provides."

Rishi Sunak urged to fund Brexit blackhole

Rishi Sunak urged to fund Brexit blackhole (Image: Downing Street)

4pm update: Brexit fuelling desire for Scottish independence

The pursuit of Brexit is undermining support for Scotland remaining in the UK, analysis of a study examining public opinion across the country has found.

Before the pandemic, all of those who shifted towards a pro-independence view had positive opinions of the EU, according to the research.

Professor Sir John Curtice and Ian Montagu also found most Scots are pessimistic about the consequences of Brexit.

The Scottish Centre for Social Research analysed data from Scottish Social Attitudes surveys conducted over the past several years.

The results of the 2019 survey were released at the end of September this year, covering the period between April 2019 and March 2020.

Of those who would vote Remain in another EU referendum, support for Scottish independence has gone from 44% in 2016 to 57% in the latest survey.

3.30pm update: No-deal Brexit would be 'unconscionable' as the UK battles COVID-19

A No-Deal Brexit would be “unconscionable” as Britain battles the coronavirus crisis, a business chief warned.

Confederation of British Industry director-general Dame Carolyn Fairbairn warned against quitting the transition without a pact when Europe and the UK are mired in the pandemic's latest surge.

She told the lobby group's annual conference: "It would be unconscionable to unleash a no-deal Brexit on the countries of Europe – the UK and the European Union – as we are facing this vicious second wave.

"I've always felt and argued that a good deal was an economic necessity.

"I now think it's a moral necessity as well."

3pm update: Steven Brown takes over from Luke Hawker

2.00pm update: Ireland says it will be the ‘biggest loser’ from no deal

Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin has warned Ireland would be the "biggest loser” if there was no Brexit trade deal between the UK and EU.

He said: “Nobody wants a no deal, though we cannot rule it out and in fact we formulated our budget earlier this month for the eventuality of no deal.

“However, Ireland would be the biggest loser in a no deal. The United Kingdom would be a huge loser as well.

“Europe would lose proportionately and some member states would lose more than others.

“It makes no sense, really, to have no deal. It makes no sense to anybody. I'm hopeful that we will get a deal".

1.15pm update: Gaps remain in Brexit talks with the EU

Downing Street has said the UK will continue to work hard to bridge significant gaps in negotiations with the EU as trade talks between David Frost and Michel Barnier continue in Brussels.  

12.30pm update: Sturgeon's Brexit case for Scottish independence dismantled 'UK spends £10BN in Scotland!'

SNP chief Nicola Sturgeon has had her dreams of an independent Scotland dismantled by Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross MP as he issued a dire warning.

Mr Ross, has explained the UK takes 68 percent of Scottish exports unlike the European Union which takes only 19 percent.

He said: "In the 2014 independence referendum, 55 percent of voters were against leaving the UK and in 2016, 52 percent of voters were in favour of leaving the European Union.

"In a democracy, we respect the outcomes of both referendums.

"Then there are economic arguments. The rest of the UK is a destination for 68 percent of Scottish exports, supporting over half a million jobs.

"In comparison, the EU is a recipient of only 19 percent of our trade.

"The UK is also worth £10billion in additional public spending in Scotland.

Brexit: Douglas Ross hits out at SNP's stance on UK leaving EU

11.50am update: Biden links to Ireland could affect Brexit deal – expert warns

Joe Biden could intervene in Brexit talks if he wins the US election due to his close links to Ireland, a former Number 10 chief has indicated.

The Democrat Presidential nominee has previously warned he will not let the Good Friday Agreement become a “casualty of Brexit” after Boris Johnson threatened to re-open the withdrawal Agreement.

Tom Fletcher, a former senior foreign policy advisor in Downing Street, told Sky News: "I think Biden clearly has strong sentimental links to Ireland.

"He will be more interested in what's happening this side of Atlantic. He had a close working relationship with the UK system."

11.10am update: EU threatens to sue Boris Johnson for refusing to implement the bloc's rules AFTER Brexit

The European Commission has threatened legal action against the UK for failing to remove a number of bilateral treaties from domestic law.

The European Commission said it would haul the Prime Minister before the European Court of Justice unless Downing Street agrees to the changes. 

Britain is currently obliged to follow the EU’s rulebook before its transition from the bloc ends on December 31. In its monthly round-up of legal action


Brexit news: A map of EU national most reliant on UK waters (Image: EXPRESS)

10.30am update: Scottish Conservative leader hits out at Boris’s handling of Brexit

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has hit out at Boris Johnson’s handling of Brexit and claimed it has undermine the Union.

Douglas Ross says the Westminster Government has failed to unite the country since the 2016 EU referendum and criticised the “winner takes it all approach”.

He said: “There is no getting away from the fact that Brexit and how it has been delivered has undermined the perception that there are common shared values that unite us.

“We failed to bring our country back together again after the vote. Leave and Remain parts still feel divided more than four years on from the decision.

“We did not build a consensus around delivering Brexit. Instead there has been a ‘winner takes it all’ approach."

10.00am update: UK business chief issues no deal warning to Boris

Dame Carolyn Fairbairn, the director-general of the Confederation of British Industry, has warned the Government against leaving the EU without a trade deal as the UK battles a second wave of coronavirus.

Ms Fairbairn said it would be "unconscionable" for the UK to exit the bloc at the end of the Brexit transition period without an agreement.

She added: "I've always felt and argued that a good deal was an economic necessity, I now think it's a moral necessity as well.”

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has been warned against a no deal Brexit (Image: PA)

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage will rebrand the Brexit Party (Image: GETTY)

9.45am update: Brexit Party to relaunch – would you vote for Nigel Farage’s new political movement?

Nigel Farage will relaunch the Brexit Party as an anti-lockdown group called Reform UK. So would you vote for the new political movement?

READ MORE: Election POLL: Would you vote for Nigel Farage's new anti lockdown party Reform UK? VOTE

9.20am update: Brexiteer Ben Habib says there is zero chance Boris will agree to no deal 

Brexiteer Ben Habib has conceded there is zero chance of Boris Johnson perusing a no deal Brexit with the EU.

He said: "I think there is no prospect of, what I would call, a proper no deal exit on December 31.

"Because of that I am convinced that Boris Johnson will be working very hard to do a deal with the EU.

"This is because he doesn't want pernicious effects of the Northern Ireland protocol to be starkly revealed.

"The details would be revealed in the event of not having a future trading relationship with the entire United Kingdom."

Ben Habib

Ben Habib has cast serious doubt over whether Boris Johnson will pursue no deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

9.00am update: BBC’s Katya Adler says mood in Brussels is ‘cautiously optimistic’ over Brexit deal

In a post on Twitter, BBC Europe Editor Katya Adler said: “Trade talks continue in Brussels today.

“EU+UK negotiators now in media block-out tunnel as they hammer out the toughest issues. Public silence is generally seen as a sign of progress - or at least of concerted efforts by both sides. The mood: cautiously optimistic.”

8.20am update: Farage says he will ‘continue to keep a very close eye’ on Brexit amid the launch of Reform UK

Nigel Farage will not take his eye off trade negotiations with the EU as he prepares to wind down the Brexit Party and launch an anti-lockdown movement called Reform UK.

Mr Farage said: "As promised, we continue to keep a very close eye on the Government's trade negotiations with the EU, to ensure a proper Brexit.

"Further reform in many other areas is also vital for our nation's future."

8.07am update: Farage set to rename Brexit Party

Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit Party, has applied to the Electoral Commission to change its name to Reform UK.

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