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5-min ecommerce tips ⚡

Ecommerce lessons from UX, Marketing, and Analytics pros—in 5-minute video format. In June 2020, we ran an ecommerce and UX-focused event with a twist: each speaker could only use 5 slides and was allocated a maximum of 5 minutes—we called it ⚡Ecommerce UX Lightning Learning.

Last updated

16 Jun 2023

Reading time

1 min


The 5-minute format keeps a talk very practical and actionable, and forces all speakers to really distill their thoughts and the lessons they wanted to share. And after the event was over, we collected all talks on this page so you can keep watching and learning.

How this guide is organized ⚡

We divided all 20+ talks into 6 main categories to keep the learning organized and easily accessible. You can navigate to the sections that are most relevant to you from the list below or by using the side menu: