The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) Poster

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Terrific Muppet movie
TheLittleSongbird8 September 2010
I personally don't think it is QUITE as good as Muppet Movie or Great Muppet Caper, and one or two scenes towards the beginning could have been better paced, but along with those two Muppet movies, Christmas Carol and Treasure Island, The Muppets Take Manhattan is one of the better Muppet movies by far. It has a great story, different but still a fun one, bouncy songs especially It's Time for Saying Goodbye and the superb Together Again, the Manhattan locations are clever and truly stunning and the cameos from the likes of Liza Minelli, Joan Rivers, Brooke Shields and Gregory Hines are fun personified. And the Muppet performers are once again spot on, and any scene with Miss Piggy especially is a joy. Overall, terrific fun and recommended. 8.5/10 Bethany Cox
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Love Miss Piggy
SnoopyStyle16 December 2013
The Muppets gang graduate from college, and try to make it on Broadway. Only they can't find any takers. The gang decide to go on their own, and not depend on Kermit so much. Meanwhile Kermit works in a diner, and try to get his play off the ground.

This starts off great with a lot of comedy from the whole gang. Dabney Coleman is great for some gut busting laughs. It's too bad that the gang is scattered after the start. Miss Piggy has some hilarious fun, but I prefer to have the whole gang together. They're funnier together.

The main live action lead is Juliana Donald who's trying to help Kermit get the play off the ground. She doesn't have any sparks, and looks awkward like she's acting with a bunch of puppets. There are a lot of famous cameos. I'd prefer to have Brooke Shields as the lead. Beside that, there is a lot to love, and a lot of laughs in this Muppets movie.
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Now I've seen every Muppet movie!
ericstevenson18 November 2016
With all the crazy stuff going on in my life, I'm glad to get some relief by watching the last Muppet movie for me. I have now seen every theatrically released one! I was initially confused throughout the first hour of this movie. I believe I saw this movie being advertised and it was saying it would be about Kermit losing his memory. That kind of disinterested me. This was something that had been done many times before. It ended up being something that was only important in the last third! I really do appreciate the good pacing in this film. It's great to see all these heartwarming scenes.

I wasn't expecting to see "Sesame Street" characters making cameos. Of course, there's always cameos in these movies. I just love this part in the credits where they say that all characters were fictitious except for the cameos. Yeah, look at that there! There was a short sequence that was like "Muppet Babies". I didn't know whether this movie came out before or after out but it actually came out at the same time! The emotions are quite strong and the resolution is nice. I'm glad to have seen every Muppet movie now! ***
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"That'll teach ya to mess with a lady!"
TJBNYC14 August 2001
I distinctly remember seeing "Muppets Take Manhattan" in the movie theater when I was 8 years old--following the film, I immediately demanded that my parents purchase the soundtrack LP (yes, on vinyl!). I loved this movie then; I love it still.

Actually, it's my favorite among the first three, classic Muppet films; "Muppet Movie" is great but overlong, while "Great Muppet Caper" is terrific, but seems a bit dated now. "Muppets Take Manhattan," on the other hand, never fails to entertain me, still makes me laugh out loud (the purse-snatching scene; Kermit in his Bert Convy 'fro), and even tugs at my heartstrings.

What's particularly nice about this adventure is that it's an affectionate love letter to Hollywood musicals of yore, without being overly parodying. The musical comedy cliches are presented in a matter-of-fact manner; just as we were expected to suspend our disbelief when Ruby Keeler went out onstage a nobody but "came back a star!", we suspend our disbelief to encompass a group of talking animals putting together a big budget Broadway musical in 2 weeks. These kind of hoary plot devices are presented straight-faced, without any self-conscious "winking" or irony.

The songs are all pretty darn terrific; the show-stopping "Together Again" finale is as good as any contemporary musical number of the last 20 years or so, while "It's Time for Saying Goodbye" always puts a lump in my throat: it's sentimental without being maudlin. The finale, "He/She Makes Me Happy" goes from being sweet to comically over-the-top in less than 3 minutes, and it's a joy.

The expected parade of cameos work well within the structure, without being intrusive. My particular favorites are Liza Minnelli's (the whole Sardi's scene is wonderful), Linda Lavin's (another terrific comedy moment: "YOU are Mr. Enrico Tortellini of Passaic, New Jersey!"), and Joan Rivers' (another gem). The Muppet performers are their usual, endearing selves: lovable, warm, likable. The "love triangle" between Kermit, Piggy and the human Jenny plays surprisingly well, and Piggy's jealous reactions are hysterical.

These days, "family entertainment" usually means disgustingly white-washed pap that anyone over 10 or 11 would find either sedating or inane. (Disney's live action "101 Dalmations" and its sequel spring to mind.) The Muppet movies proved that a G-rated film could be intelligent, witty, funny and entertaining for all ages. It's a formula that has yet to be improved upon, and "The Muppets Take Manhattan" just might be the best example of it.
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Apparently the "Saying Goodbye" Song Has the Power to Make People Cry
bblack1-699-9685774 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you're keeping up with all my reviews, you should know how I feel about the previous Muppet movies. "The Muppet Movie" was great, and "The Great Muppet Caper" was amazingly hilarious! So how do I feel about this one? I think this one is good. It's not bad, it's not great...I think it's good.

Synopsis: Kermit and the gang are graduating from college, They figure they'll take Kermit's musical, "Manhattan Melodies," and put it on Broadway. However, they find out that becoming successful on Broadway is harder than they thought - I guess becoming rich and famous in Hollywood is much easier than making it on Broadway. After having no luck and a little blow up from Kermit, the gang decides to split ways for a little while until the musical is sold on Broadway. Kermit stays in NYC and tries everything he can to get "Manhattan Melodies" picked up by a Broadway producer. After a while, it's finally sold, and letters are written to everyone so they can come back and prepare for this show. However, there are 2 catches: the show will be put in 2 weeks, and Kermit is nowhere to be found. After he sells the musical, he gets hit by a car, receives amnesia, and puts on a new identity, Phillip Phil.

This movie has most things that all the other Muppet movies traditionally have, but there are two things that make it seem different. The first is the tone. Something about this New York City, on-location atmosphere gives a very different tone to the Muppets. Or maybe it's the script itself. I don't know, but something about the tone of the movie seems different compared to other Muppet movies. Secondly, there's no breaking the fourth wall in this movie. At first, I thought that was kind of nit-picky. But when you think about it, the Muppets always broke the fourth wall in their productions; they include themselves in our reality. We're watching a movie, and they always let us know that. Here, we're on the outside looking in, just like in most productions. The screen separates us from these characters this time. That's kind of weird.

But like I said, there are still a lot of the same things here that are in other Muppet movies. The songs are really nice, the cameo appearances are great, and we get more of those awesome, complicated Muppet scenes! The rat scat scene in the kitchen works really well, and everybody really loves the Muppet babies scene! Remember the TV series "Muppet Babies?" Yeah, it's based on a scene from this movie, and it's quite charming! Again, it doesn't really have a purpose for the movie, but it's fun and it gave us a great TV show.

I have to say something else I love about this movie: it's the end when we see a bunch of Jim Henson's Muppets. We see everyone from "The Muppet Show," "Sesame Street," and one of the characters from "Fraggle Rock." It's scenes like this that make me both happy and sad at the same time. I get the sense that Jim Henson wanted his Muppets to always be together. Now that they're all owned by different companies, we'll never see that again. That is, not unless the companies wise up and choose to continue Jim Henson's legacy...But I digress.

This isn't the best Muppet movie, but it's still a very good one. I enjoy it a lot, and I think you'll love it as well. You'll laugh, you might even cry (apparently, the "saying Goodbye" song has the power to make people cry). You'll enjoy this movie just fine! BOOYIKA!
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Still fun, but lacks the spark that made the first two films so memorable.
oneguyrambling20 April 2012
After getting the formula about right with The Great Muppet Caper, the series takes a strange turn with 'Manhattan' only a few years later. Veteran Muppet Frank Oz takes the helm from Jim Henson and makes a few minor but noticeable changes. Gone are the nods and winks to the audience for the most part, and the film is far more plot based and linear than the slapstick shenanigans of the first film.

Kermit and the gang are finishing college and pondering their futures, which will very likely result in them all moving on separately and losing touch. However Kermit boldly concocts a plan that will see the gang remain together, by heading en masse to Manhattan to launch a massive stage musical called Manhattan Melodies, with all the Muppets as performers or stage hands.

Unfortunately after just a few short days, no success and low on funds, the various characters are forced to disperse and forge their own future, with the promise from Kermit to summon them all if/when the musical gets greenlit. Kermit takes a job in a diner and everyone goes their separate ways.

In many ways this is a more depressing film than the first two – even with the frog killing theme – for long periods of time the characters mope and ponder a future alone, and it seems that the Muppets will never again operate in unison. Of course this isn't how the film ends, but even in a puppet movie you don't need to be kept sad for over half the running time.

The jokes are less frequent and the tone less tongue in cheek. The cameos are still plentiful but are more 'look here's the famous cameo' than in other films. The inclusion of the Muppet Babies in a thinly veiled promo for the spin-off is as entertaining as it is blatant, and in some ways is a minor indictment on the dull tone of the rest of the film that it can be upstaged by a flashback.

There is another attempt at a grand sequence with Piggy taking a skate through the park, but it is far less successful than either of the sequences from Caper, and the big finale was an apt but desperate ending to proceedings.

Final Rating – 6.5 / 10. I by no means am saying steer clear of Manhattan, but after the Muppet Movie got the ball rolling and Caper took such a great leap forward, it is disappointing that the franchise would take a step back like this.
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Not my favorite
Polaris_DiB11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Muppets are back and this time they're going to take Manhattan! Kermit and friends attend their college graduation by designing a stage musical that is so popular and successful that they decide to take it to Broadway. Instead of a road trip movie like Muppet Movie, however, this time the takings not so easy and the Muppets find themselves dividing (gasp!) to go different ways while Kermit struggles to find support and faith in his script, which seems to be "missing something."

I can't say this is my favorite of the Muppet movies. In each, I usually get one good Kermit quote that seems tellingly missing here. The general mood and wonder of the Muppet mythology (yes, I call it mythology because it's world building and poignant, meaningful and wonderful) is here, including Kermit and Piggy's relationship taking a unique turn towards jealousy with the introduction of Jenny in Kermit's life, but in general the film is less joyous and imaginative than many other Muppet works. Part of the difficulty lies with Kermit trying so hard to be different personalities in this one, which goes against his usual ability to remain true to himself throughout any difficulty. Still, he manages to get aligned.

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Muppets Invade New York!
anaconda-4065830 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984): Dir: Frank Oz / Cast: Dabney Coleman, Joan Rivers, Liza Minnelli, Art Carney, Gregory Hines: Another achievement for Jim Henson with the action taking place in Manhattan where the Broadway fun ends and the gang goes their separate ways. Kermit the frog gets a job at a restaurant. Fozzie Bear attempts hibernation in the mountains. Gonzo joins the circus where he is shot out of a cannon. And Miss Piggy continues her pursuit of Kermit. Frank Oz does a wonderful job directing. The individual subplots regarding the Muppets is involving but they soon come to realize that together they can make a difference. Unfortunately the celebrity cameos are disappointing. Dabney Coleman fares okay as a con artist who bargains with the Muppets with regards to their Broadway performance and ends up arrested. Art Carney also steals a moment when his son attempts to prove himself by taking a chance on their show. Liza Minnelli has an amusing cameo in a restaurant but not long enough, and the same can be said with regards to Joan Rivers who is seen briefly with Miss Piggy. Gregory Hines plays a roller blades guy who ends up giving them up. More would have been better in terms of the celebrity interactions. Entertaining third Muppet outing highlighted with Henson's outstanding work and a wonderful celebration of New York. Score: 8 / 10
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Enjoyable enough Muppet vehicle.
Boba_Fett113825 February 2007
This is a rather enjoyable and harmless entertaining Muppet movie, featuring most of the well known Muppets. It really isn't their best or most memorable one though.

Lets face it and be honest here, this movie really isn't the greatest made or best written one. The only real reason that the movie still works out is thanks to the Muppets. The humor actually isn't that much good, since its mostly simply written and the events are predictable. Nevertheless the movie still manages to become funny because of the humorous and well known characters, that need no introduction.

For me it really was in this case Miss Piggy that makes the movie work out. Her character features by far the most humorous and enjoyable situations. Miss Piggy is basically a Muppet-favorite of every one! She is such a great and comical character. Also the idea alone that a grown up man, such as Frank Oz, is with his hand inside a silly looking pig and doing a very feminine voice is reason enough already to crack me up. I really respect the Muppet-performers and their timing and handling is always just great, especially Frank Oz who always is subtle and handles the most enjoyable Muppet characters. Besides acting, Frank Oz also was the person who directed and wrote the movie.

The movie concentrates a bit too much on just the two main characters of the movie; Kermit and Miss Piggy. Also the human cast gets wasted because of that but of course also most of the Muppet characters. They put (too) many Muppets in the movie but doesn't provide them with enough room to let them shine, or their characters speak out. They tried to do so by putting in some extra solo sequences, featuring some of the Muppet characters, which felt like a last minute addition but was amusing, though distracting, nevertheless. The movie also features Rizzo the Rat in his first big movie role but it's too bad that he didn't teamed up with Gonzo yet in this on. The movie could had really used another and distracting from the main plot, comical duo, besides Kermit and Miss Piggy.

The movie yet again features many cameo from well known actors and other celebrities. Celebrities and Muppets always have been a great combination. Not only well known (at the time) celebrities make a cameo but also the "Sesame Street" characters do so, toward the ending.

It's obvious that they used this movie as a vehicle to also use some new puppet techniques, that in my opinion however don't work out and are redundant. Showing the Muppet's legs when they walk, bad idea! Putting someone in a Miss Piggy suit when she is on roller-blades, bad idea!

Though the movie is mostly forgettable it of course still features some great sequences such as the one with the Muppet babies. It also of course features some good comedy moments and it obviously makes this an enjoyable simple movie to watch but it's all not quite enough for this movie to really make a lasting impression. Out of all the Muppet movies this is probably the one with the most less re-playability factor.

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Enjoyable mostly on nostalgic terms, and great with an audience
Quinoa198415 September 2000
Throughout this film, you might think this film is just for kids. Well, it is mainly pointed towards them, but it's also well-rounded enough with the jokes pointed also at the adults in the audience. This time around, the Muppet gang try to get on Broadway, with the dire straits keeping them from getting it produced, leading them to splitting up. But Kermit won't stop, and his determination keeps things moving along until after getting the deal together he gets hit by a car and sent into amnesia!

It's a send-up, in part, of those old starring vehicles from the 40s with musicals actually as the topic of a musical, only here there's the usual lot of zaniness and wonderful moments thrown into a pot of hysterically funny moments (Lou Zealand's boomerang fish; Gonzo's water-stunt display, the whisper campaign, among many others), but also with a lot of heart too. The Muppet writers aren't shy of the conventions, on the contrary, they embrace them to the point where it's almost refreshing to see such a 'lets put on a show' story where through thick and think the characters will meet their dream.

While not as totally original in scope as the Muppet Movie, it's got many catchy and memorable songs, excellent locations all over Manhattan, and even some intonations of inter-species dating (and marriage)! Cameos include Liza Minneli ("a frog?"), Elliot Gould (as the cop), Brooke Shields (propositioned by a rat), Edward I. Koch, Gregory Hines and Joan Rivers. So get ready to sing-along, or just have a lot of big laughs and romantic (yes romantic) times with one of the best Muppet movies.
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Baby Muppets!
schroeder-gustavo12 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Muppets Take Manhattan is about the Muppets trying to get their show into Broadway. First of all the Muppet characters are great. I loved Kermit, Piggy and Rizzo in the movie. Everyone else should have stayed home for this one. Look, I love the Muppets, but one of the things that just does not work in this movie is that there is an overabundance of characters and most of them are not really used at all. Take Gonzo and Fozzie for example. Great characters, but in this movie they really had nothing to do and most of the other like ten muppets were kind of shoehorned in. Muppets movie or not, rule number one of screen writing is everything that happens in the movie should advance the plot in some way and there were so many characters that did not belong in this movie because they had nothing to do. The story should have focused entirely on Kermit, Rizzo and Piggy, which is what they kind of did but they also let the other characters interfere every now and then and it took me out of the movie.

The movie really starts off strong but after the first 30 minutes or so it's really hit or miss. The humor isn't as clever as in the first part of the movie and things just conveniently happen like Kermit getting hit by the car to get the amnesia subplot going on or the son of the producer picking up the script to the Muppets' play. Also, there was a part where I laughed out loud but it's unintentionally funny. The part where Piggy gets her purse stolen and she chases the guy with the roller blades, they show these shots from far away of Piggy chasing the guy and it's just so clear that it's someone in a Piggy costume chasing after the guy. I laughed really hard at that.

The movie has some great sequences like when they split up and they sing. That's pretty good and the best part about this film is the Baby Muppets sequence. I love that part. Some great songs and the design of the Muppets is great of course. Very lighthearted movie and really not offensive, but I would say most of it is forgettable, mostly due to the script. But I still had an enjoyable enough time with The Muppets Take Manhattan, although the script isn't too solid and there are way too many characters for me to care. It's an OK movie with one or two great moments.

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great muppet movie...
filmfreak4427 December 2002
i love this film. the songs and story lines are great fun. and the song "saying goodbye" always moves me. what a brilliant thing to do to bring puppets to life, in a way that you actually care about these things made of cloth and fabric and whatever. great voices and great talent. why were all the other muppet films that came after this one so much less interesting, moving and funny? is it that mr. henson is just so very missed?
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Could have been better.
bannonanthony30 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I previously thought that this film was the lamest of the Muppet films. I would like now to retract that statement. In my opinion now, the lamest MUppet film was the TV movie IT'S A VERY MERRY MUPPET Christmas, am IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE rip off that was truly dreadful. MUPPETS TAKE MANHATTAN is nothing special, but miles more enjoyable than MERRY MUPPET Christmas.

The best songs are that 'You Can't Take No For An Answer' song, the one the Muppet Babies sing and the songs for the big finale itself. As I loved the Muppet Babies TV show, I loved the Muppet Babies sequence here (I'm told that it was what inspired the Muppet Babies show)

The MANHATTAN MELODIES show itself was the real showstopper, with Muppets from Sesame Street even appearing for the wedding. As Kermit puts it in his final line 'What better way could anything end?'. But I wish that what was between the beginning and end was a bit more entertaining. There are cute cameos from Brooke Shields and Gregory Hines and a great dance sequence from Rizzo and the Rats (choreographed by the late, great Jim Henson himself) and the film certainly entertains. I must state though that MUPPET MOVIE, GREAT MUPPET CAPER and MUPPET Christmas CAROL are the three defininitive MUppet movies.
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What a bunch of Muppets!
adamjohns-4257521 April 2022
The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) -

This film probably had more poignance at the time of release for viewers that would have been following the TV series and recognised the characters and their antics, but for a newer audience it may be a struggle to feel for them without more knowledge of their back story. The biggest issue I found watching this film, 35 years after it's release, is that I have been spoiled every year by watching 'The Muppets Christmas Carol' (1992). It is such a great way of utilising these quirky and fun characters to tell, what is in my opinion, the greatest story ever told. So "Manhattan" seems quite weak by comparison. The humour is not as strong as it should be and the script is quite poor and dragged out.

I think that the whole film needed to be more like the actual stage show at the end, maybe more like the series itself. I personally would love to see the Muppets take on 'Romeo & Juliet', 'Gulliver's Travels' or other classic stories. Their interpretation of 'Treasure Island' wasn't the best, but it was still an improvement on this one and I think that their parodies work the best for them.

With all that said, it's still a harmless and fun film to watch that doesn't hurt anybody or offend. It's easy to sit in front of and anyone can appreciate the great characters, even if the script is not outstanding.

Kermit really is the star of any Muppets production, I just love him, but I also love the way him and Piggy bounce off of each other. They all contribute to the story and the flow of the humour, but it's Kermit that holds it all together.

I will always be a Muppet fan and I hope that they find a way to continue and last, because the films that have come since 'The Muppets Treasure Island' (1996) haven't been the best. I hope they find someone to help them to keep going throughout the 21st Century with stories, scripts and productions worthy of their talent and loveable personalities.

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Not their best
Hotoil9 February 2001
This is my least-favorite of the three Muppet movies of the Henson era. There just isn't enough Muppets. Most of the gang leaves during the very beginning and it's all about Kermit, Piggy and Rizzo. Great characters, yes, but without the whole wacky ensemble it's just not the same. That, and the film is kind of just reinforcing what happened in the original Muppet movie, only replacing Hollywood with Broadway.

Don't get me wrong, it's an enjoyable movie, but it's not grade 'A' muppet material.
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Maybe the weakest of the original Muppet movie trilogy, but as usual, it's pleasing
Beta_Gallinger6 March 2010
This was the third Muppet movie and the last one Jim Henson was around to take part in the making of before his premature death in 1990. The first three films starring the famous characters were all made and released into theatres before I was born. I originally saw the first and second installments in the original trilogy, "The Muppet Movie" and "The Great Muppet Caper", around the mid-nineties, as a kid, but didn't see this third one, "The Muppets Take Manhattan", until April 2007. This was shortly after I had seen its two predecessors and 1996's "Muppet Treasure Island" for the first time in many years. This third Muppet movie definitely didn't disappoint me the first time I saw it, and my second viewing nearly three years later may not have impressed me as much, but if not, it certainly didn't go too far downhill.

The Muppets' stage musical, "Manhattan Melodies", turns out to be a big hit on their college campus. They are graduating from college, so they will soon be leaving, but decide they will all stay together and go to Manhattan to try and get their show on Broadway. After their arrival, they begin searching for a producer, but after many rejections, they finally decide to part and go find jobs. Most of them leave town, but Kermit stays, and is still determined to find the right producer and reunite the Muppet gang. He gets a job at a New York restaurant owned by a man named Pete. The frog quickly befriends Pete's daughter, Jenny, an aspiring fashion designer who currently works at her father's restaurant as a waitress. As Kermit continues his attempts to reach stardom, now with the help of Jenny, he doesn't know that Miss Piggy has secretly stayed in New York and is now spying on him. She begins to see Kermit and Jenny together, and to her it looks like they're getting close, which leads to jealousy!

When I saw this movie for the second time, it looked disappointing at first. It seemed a little rushed, unfocused, and maybe even forgettable around the beginning. There are some funny bits during this part of the film, such as Animal chasing a woman through the audience on the college campus, but for a little while, the film seemed bland to me compared to its two predecessors. Fortunately, it wasn't long before that changed. The film is entertaining for the most part, with "Saying Goodbye", the poignant song the Muppets sing as they part, and a lot that happens after that. The two funniest parts MIGHT be Miss Piggy's tantrums after she sees Kermit and Jenny hugging, but there were definitely many other times when I laughed, such as poor Fozzie trying to hibernate with other bears. The Muppets still have their charm and comical antics, which obviously also helps carry the movie for the most part, as does the plot, a simple but intriguing one for all ages. There are some weaker moments, such as the Muppet babies sequence, and Juliana Donald's performance as Jenny is lacklustre, but neither of these problems are too significant, and are far from enough to ruin the entire experience.

I would say "The Muppet Movie", the film that started the franchise in 1979, is the best of the original trilogy, and that seems to be the most popular opinion. This third film is probably the weakest of the three, but all of them are good. Unlike "Muppets From Space", the third of the theatrical films in the franchise made after Henson's sad passing, at least "The Muppets Take Manhattan" is still the Muppets! I won't go into details about what I think of the Muppets' 1999 film, released twenty years after their first one, since I've already explained in my review of it why I found it so disappointing, and even though it does have some appeal, I'm clearly not alone. However, every theatrical movie starring the lovable Muppets that was made during Henson's life is good entertainment for the whole family, even if the second and third installment each showed a slight decline in quality after the one that directly preceded it.
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Not exactly a classic.
suzy q12313 March 2001
But if you like the muppets I defy you to dislike this one. Basically the same plot regurgitated (this time New York, not LA) it features a lot of fun cameos and muppet hi-jinx. A lot of the muppets leave the film pretty early on as it centers around Kermy and Miss Piggy. I happened to have enjoyed it greatly. Fun to watch with your kids.
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"Maybe we could sell the show if you wrote in more special effects like exploding socks."
utgard142 December 2014
The Muppets go to New York to try and sell Kermit's musical to a Broadway producer but are met with nothing but rejection. Thinking they are holding Kermit back, the other Muppets leave him in the city and return home. Kermit gets a job working at a café where rats are waiters. When a producer finally shows interest in Kermit's musical, the frog faces two obstacles: first, he must put the whole show together in two weeks; second, he's hit by a car and gets amnesia! Hopefully his friends, new and old, can help him get his memory back and put on the big show.

The third Muppets movie is a pleasant, leisurely film. Nowhere near the classic Muppet Movie but the songs are nice and the Muppets endearing as ever. It's kind of a solo movie for Kermit for awhile. The human cast is good, with several little-known actors in supporting parts. The celebrity cameos this time include Dabney Coleman, Brooke Shields, Elliott Gould, Art Carney, Joan Rivers, Gregory Hines, and Liza Minnelli. Most importantly, this movie introduced the Muppet Babies in a fantasy sequence. The Muppet Babies would go on to be an adorable cartoon series that was a beloved part of my childhood. This movie is the last of the Muppet films made while Jim Henson was still alive. It will surely please fans and those who love movies with heart and humor and magic.
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The Pinnacle of Muppet-dom (contains quotes, may or may not be spoilers)
milkshakeboom26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this film in the 1980's, I was in my middle teenage years and somewhat reluctant to see this since I considered myself grown up and out of the "Sesame Street/Muppets" age. I honestly don't remember if I liked it at the time or not. However, somewhere in college I watched this film again, and it wound up going (and staying) into my personal Best Films Ever collection.

This film is LOADED with humor that goes far above and beyond what one would have expected from the Muppets. I mean, obviously the Muppets always have appealed to adults and children because there's humor geared towards both generations. But come on...Janice is accidentally overheard telling someone "I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it IS artistic"...there's a joke from a father to a son that if the son in love with Kermit the Frog then the father doesn't want to hear it...Gonzo saves a chicken with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (sp?) and afterwards says "I think we're engaged now"...these and plenty of other moments in the film had me rolling. Add to that very smart dialogue, very smart New York/Broadway "wink wink" humor, the usual large amount of celebrity cameos and some really enjoyable songs that don't border on "kid-level cheesy" whatsoever...this film is a masterpiece! I don't throw "10"'s out on a regular basis...but this one deserves it. Over 20 years later, this film totally holds up, perhaps even more so. The Muppets never were and never will be again, as funny and smart and just plain brilliant as this film was and is. ---Q
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Not the best Muppet movie, but still good
cricketbat7 August 2019
Muppets Take Manhattan isn't one of the best Muppet movies, but it still has memorable moments and fun songs. It also feels more dated than the other Muppet movies, but that could just be because of Miss Piggy's hair. Still, my kids seemed to enjoy it and it's fun to see all the Muppet characters singing together at the end.
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That'll Teach You To Mess With a Lady
Sylviastel18 January 2018
What else can you expect when the Muppets don't take Manhattan but steal the show from cameo celebrities and a plot to get their musical on Broadway called "Manhattan Melodies." The Muppet gang finished college in some small town New England and go to the big city. Kermit and the gang try but unsuccessfully at first to get Manhattan Melodies. Kermit and the gang split up and get jobs in various places. Miss Piggy works at a department store with Joan Rivers. Kermit works at a diner with Jenny. Kermit comes with innovative ways especially the scene at Sardis where he replaces Liza Minnelli's picture with his own in her cameo. There are plenty of celebrities like the three term Mayor Ed Koch; Gregory Hines in Central Park; Brooke Shields at the diner; Linda Lavin as Kermit's doctor; Elliott Gould; James Coco; Dabney Coleman; Gates McFadden and more. The story and songs are entertaining and likable. Jim Henson was still alive and this film was done in his adoptive city.
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The Muppets Take Manhattan
jboothmillard7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There are some nearly tear-jerking moments towards he end, but the rest of the film is filled with some good moments of humour, and of course, all the Muppets you need. Basically all the Muppets lead by Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson) decide to take their stage show, Manhattan Melodies, to New York, Broadway. It doesn't go that well for a while and they all split up to find jobs. But Kermit is still determined to sell the show to a producer, with help of Jenny (Juliana Donald) and her Dad, Pete (Louis Zorich). There is good turnout when he does sell it to wannabe producer Ronnie Crawford (Lonnie Price), with his real producer Dad, Bernard Crawford (Art Carney), and there is even a wedding for Kermit and Miss Piggy, with all of the Muppets and Sesame Street invited. Also starring Henson as Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Swedish Chef and Ernie; Frank Oz as Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal, Sam the Eagle, Bert and Cookie Monster; Dave Goelz as The Great Gonzo, Zoot and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. Steve Whitmire as Rizzo the Rat, Gill the Frog and Baby Kermit and Richard Hunt as Scooter, Janice and Beaker. With cameos by Dabney Coleman, Gregory Hines, Linda Lavin, Joan Rivers, Elliot Gould, Liza Minnelli, Brooke Shields and John Landis. It was number 49 on The 100 Greatest Musicals, and The Muppets were number 47 on The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Icons. Good!
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I'll Take the Muppets!
Sylviastel29 November 2009
Jim Henson's Muppets were a favorite of mine since childhood. This film makes me feel like a kid again. Okay, the Muppets are back with Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog and their friends. The premise is that they are trying to get on Broadway in a musical show in where else but New York City. You will see cameos by the then New York City Mayor Ed Koch. Anyway, the film turns 25 this year and I hope the kids of today will learn to appreciate the lightheartedness of the Muppets Gang. The problem with the show is Kermit goes missing and the gang has to find him in New York City. It's worth watching for kids and even sentimental adults like myself.
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Mixed Feelings
GHCool22 November 2001
I just saw The Muppets Take Manhattan. I can't say I didn't like it, but I can't really say I liked it either. It has the flimsiest of plots, but I kept smiling the whole way through. I'm sure kids would love it.
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Not The Best Muppet Film, But Still A Good One
Nemo_2427 July 2019
The Muppets Take Manhattan, is not one of my favorite Muppet movies, but it is still a good watch! Like most Muppet movies, you will see some pretty big names featured in the film and all of them take park in the goofy gags and jokes that Muppets are known for. Manhattan is a great film for any Muppet fan!
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