The Parent Trap (1998) Poster

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A Delightful Family Film
DanB-425 August 1999
There is only one movie in history that I can name that my wife, my mother and my six-year-old daughter enjoyed equally. This is it.

This is an astonishly effective and pleasant remake of a very good film. It's light, romantic, touching and downright funny. You cannot pour enough accolades on young Lindsay Lohan, who effortlessly plays both twins, and, if you listen closely, juggles four accents. (She changes her Brit accent when she plays her own American alter-ego pretending to be herself in England - if you saw the film, you know what I mean).

Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid with that big, goofy, infectious smile, give the film its romance and maturity, without stepping on the fun-filled kid's plot. This is simple, easy-to-watch family entertainment.

There is also a great editing and effects element. You never once notice a split screen or cheap over-the-shoulder shot when both of Lohan's characters are on-screen - its really quite astounding how seamless it is.

My daughter, after seeing this in the theater, quickly proclaimed this her favourite movie ever. We own the video, and I have watched it with her at least a dozen times without growing tired.

A perfect rental after a bad day, or when you want to have a family movie night. *** out of ****.
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Good natured fun
MartianOctocretr519 July 2006
This is one of those rare cases where a terrific movie is equaled by its remake. Hayley Mills carried the dual roles of twins learning of each other's existence and concocting a plot to reunite their divorced parents splendidly in the '60's version, and Lindsay Lohan showed wonderful comedic talent at an early age in this delightful remake.

It's a Disney flick, so the comedy is family slapstick variety as you would expect. The evil stepmother-to-be is over-the-top evil (even called Cruella De Ville by one of the girls), and she's a character you love to hate. The obvious chemistry of the parents (Randy Quaid and Natasha Richardson) is great, and begs a question which is never answered to satisfaction, "Why did they split up in the first place?" Everything in the film symbolically shows that they were made for each other: even their respective maid and butler take a shine to each other.

The fx and editing to stand Lohan's two characters together is magnificently done; it really looks like two actresses. No split screens, backs of heads of fake-looking "doubles" etc. to distract you from the movie. Lohan skillfully contrasts the American/British accents and mannerisms of the two girls; you know and believe which twin she is at any given moment.

Well directed, well acted and fun. I'll even forgive the film makers for ripping off the stranded-in-the-lake scene from "Meatballs." The closing credit snapshots provide a sweet epilogue to tie up loose ends.

Good family oriented comedy worth a rental.
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Lovable Lindsay
SonOfMoog17 November 2007
This movie is so sweet it should have a warning label for diabetics. Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid play divorced parents who more than a decade later are not sure why they divorced. Instead of opting for joint custody, each of them opted for sole custody of one of their twin daughters. The girls grow up never knowing because their parents never said they had an identical twin sibling. When the twins meet in camp and discover who they are, the plot is set in motion.

Richardson and Quaid are wonderful as the likable parents, still very much in love, even after a decade apart. But, the star of this picture and the one on whom the story turns is Lohan. She is bright, perky, adorable, and completely convincing as both Hallie and Annie. If she isn't, this movie falls apart fast. But, not to worry. Lovable Lindsay makes not a single false step.

She is so good, I found myself thinking about the actress, not the character, feeling a twinge of sadness that Lindsay was not more like Hallie and Annie. This is a wonderful movie, almost too sweet at times. It had me in tears at all the right moments: when the twins meet, when they learn they are sisters, when the parents discover they've switched places, and when the parents inevitably reconcile. First rate family entertainment thanks to a star performance from a very young, very talented Lohan.
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A delight
dtucker866 October 2001
I think that this is the best Walt Disney film that I have seen since The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark. It is a delight from start to finish and every bit as wonderful, perhaps even better then the originial. This ia a welcome return to the good old fashioned clean family films Disney used to make. The soundtrack is wonderful and Lindsey Lohan is a great little actress who plays the two parts very well (I love her British accent). Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson were terrific at playing Brian Keith and Maureen O'Hara's old parts. A young actress named Elaine Hendrix is a great comic villianess. I detested her character and laughed my head off when those girls gave her just what she deserved. Some people might say that this plot is old and clichéd by the standards of today, but it still works. They should release this on a double bill with the original. I hope Disney keeps on making films like this, goes back to "the good old days" so to speak.
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Lohan Shines In Debut
CitizenCaine11 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Lindsay Lohan shines in her debut film: The Parent Trap, a remake, or more accurately, a re-imagining of the 1961 Hayley Mills' film. Lohan stars as the twin girls, who meet each other at summer camp, discover they're sisters living with divorced parents, and scheme to get their parents back together. This time one twin is from London and the other is from wine country in Napa Valley. Lindsay Lohan is full of charm and talent; she is every bit the equal of Hayley Mills in playing the twins. Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson, as the parents, are appealing as well; they have great screen chemistry as parents that never really fell out of love. The supporting roles of the domestics are filled well, and there are several in-joke film references to the first film. The problem with the film is that it is as predictable as it is formulaic, offering us nothing we haven't seen before. Elaine Hendrix, as the fiancé, is funny, but a bit over-the-top in Snidely Whiplash fashion at times. Joanna Barnes, who played this role in the 1961 film, returns as that character's mother this time. The film contains almost laughable turns of plot, which would hardly occur in real life, but it is a family-oriented film. Everything has to come out in the wash. It's interesting to note that the thematic elements concerning divorce do not really have the same negative connotations they most assuredly had in 1961. However, this is really an entertaining showcase for young Lindsay Lohan, a terrific find. This was also the directorial debut for writer Nancy Meyers, who is one to watch. **1/2 of 4 stars.
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Enjoyable and amusing film with a future great star, Lindsay Lohan
ma-cortes4 January 2005
The movie concerns two little girls (Lindsay Lohan in a dual role), they are Hallie Parker and Annie James and both of whom are about to find out . Hallie is a cool girl from California. Annie is a fair rose from London. While they are at a summer holidays camp , they accidentally meet themselves and after dealing with antics each other, they think they have nothing in common except...they're identical twins . As the sympathetic girls suddenly discover the surprise they're twin sisters and scheme a change of personalities among different parents , but they are separated since the divorce . The father (Dennis Quaid) lives in California and the mother (Natasha Richardson) lives in London. The father get married a young (Elaine Hendrix) and the girls are planning the parents reconciliation by creating an impossible life to the father's love r. What if you spent your whole life wishing for something you didn't know you already had? ! Now they're up to their freckles in schemes and dreams to switch places, get their parents back together and have the family they've always wished for!

It's a remake of the classy film featured by Mauren O'Hara and Brian Keith along with their daughter played Hayley Mills but here is adapted to the modern times . Lindsay Lohan's interpretation is top-notch likeness to Hayley Mills of previous film , she interprets both roles and she performs outstanding . Lohan is actually a star since she played ¨Mean girls¨ , number-one in United States box office . Special mention deserves Elaine Hendrix as father's bride , her acting is excellent as the ominous and avaricious fiancée . Joanna Barnes who played the bride in the first version here plays Hendrix's mother . In the film there are family incidents , comedy , tongue-in cheek , humor and results to be pretty bemusing . The picture obtained quite success as well as the first adaptation . The motion picture will appeal to familiar comedies fans. Rating: 6/10 . Very nice . Well worth watching.
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A must see, even if you are adult
itojun27 August 1999
This may look "a film for kids", but this movie really is, a must-see for both adults and kids. It is a great love story. I'm single but the film reached my heart - I'm sure married couples will love this film too.

When I saw this for the first time, I was on airplane. I was lucky enough to get upgraded that time, so I was with personal video screen - I saw _The parent trap_ twice and cried several time in each of the viewing. Now I got DVD for it, I saw it more than dozen times by now. I feel very happy after every viewing of the film.

Lindsay Lohan did it super (especially accents), dad and mom are really lovely.

If the film comes to a theater near you, don't miss it. On big screen you can find some additional details DVD/Video. The film is totally, and completely lovely.
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By far and away one of the better remakes out there
TheLittleSongbird3 June 2010
When I first heard there was a remake of the thoroughly enjoyable 1961 original, I wasn't so sure whether I wanted to see it. I did see it however, and I was pleasantly surprised. This film is really cute, touching and funny, with a wonderfully light tone; it isn't as good as the original but it is definitely one of the better remakes out there, and this is coming from someone who has seen her share of some truly awful ones(ie. Psycho and The Wicker Man-at least the latter had some entertainment value for the wrong reasons!).

The 1998 film does have its small problems though. If you know the plot of the film already, you may find it formulaic and predictable here, I found it very original in the 1961 film, not so much here. Like the 1961 film, the film is a little too long, and it does play loose with some of London's geography and lifestyles.

Flaws aside, what we do have is a light, funny, upbeat and touching film, elevated by a witty and snappy script, adept direction, gorgeous cinematography and scenery, a breezy soundtrack and of course some great acting. Lindsey Lohan had a lot to live up to, considering how outstanding Hayley Mills was, and thanks to some superb make up, she does a really good job in one of her better performances. Just for the record, she has done some good performances such as in this, Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, but she has also been in some mediocre to bad movies especially Get a Clue. Not only is The Parent Trap one of her better movies her dual role performance is one of her better performances too. In terms of supporting performances, Dennis Quaid is great as the father, very cute and funny and actually more at home than Brian Keith was I feel, while the late Natasha Richardson is drop dead gorgeous in this movie.

Overall, just a delightful remake of a delightful original. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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The Changes Of Lindsay Lohan.
bloodskateboard26 July 2009
It seems that no one has recently commented on this Video for quite some time, maybe even years. My name is Zachary Fiducia, i'm 18 years old, from when i was about 5 years old till now occasionally ill watch this video knowing that for the longest time it was my favorite movie ever. It seems that even over the years this video is still number one in my records. One of the reason's why is because of Lindsay Lohans duel acting part. It was brilliant beyond no matter, her acting skills seemed flawless for the time. Along with Natasha Richardson who recently passed away unfortunately at such a young age and Dennis Quaid. What really got me was the selection of music for the film, it included "The Beatles, along with Nat King Cole" After watching this Film, i have to question myself what happened over the years? It seems that either movies are changing or people are changing. For example Lindsay Lohan, a once very talented actress and i say that with no regret, seems to be throwing away her talent here in 2009, and continuously over the years and its a shame. She once said that she wanted to "Become a director, continue acting and go to college" She might've tried to stick with that for a few years but it seems that she's given up? It hurts to watch this film knowing Natasha is gone (Rest in Peace) and that Lindsay is not this delightful young talented actor anymore. It's a shame i still give this film an 8 out of 10 because it proves that Lindsay does have talent, she always has she just doesn't know how to show it anymore. I thank the Directors for producing such a great family movie, it'll be my favorite for as long as i live.
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The film which first launched Li-Lo onto an unsuspecting world
JamesHitchcock9 January 2009
Hallie Parker is an eleven-year-old girl who lives in California with her father Nick, a successful winemaker. She knows very little about her mother, from whom Nick was divorced when she was a baby, and is completely unaware that she has an identical twin sister living in England.

Annie James is an eleven-year-old girl who lives in London with her mother Elizabeth, a successful fashion designer. She knows very little about her father, from whom Elizabeth was divorced when she was a baby, and is completely unaware that she has an identical twin sister living in America.

And then, quite by chance, Hallie and Annie meet when they are sent to the same summer camp. They quickly realise that they are in fact sisters, and decide that it is their mission in life to reunite their parents. To achieve this ambition they hit upon a plan. Hallie will return to London, pretending to be Annie, and Annie will return to California, pretending to be Hallie. The one obstacle to their plans seems to be Nick's fiancée Meredith, attractive and seemingly charming but really scheming and mercenary.

There are plenty of plot holes in this film. I cannot see any divorce court, on either side of the Atlantic, sanctioning the bizarre arrangement Nick and Elizabeth evidently made about the future of their children. (The courts are often reluctant to split up siblings, especially twins). The British aristocracy do not normally send their children to American summer camps. (Elizabeth's father, with whom she lives in a huge London mansion, is evidently from the upper classes). Is it really conceivable that neither Nick nor Elizabeth would have told their child that she has a sister? And is it conceivable that neither of them would have seen through the deception that was being practised upon them, especially as Lindsay Lohan's English accent, both as Annie and as Hallie-pretending-to-be-Annie, often slips? (Hallie-pretending-to-be-Annie is eventually exposed by her grandfather, and Annie-pretending-to-be-Hallie by her father's maid).

Fortunately, this is the sort of film in which plot holes do not really matter, being a romantic comedy, not a serious, realistic drama. It effectively revives the "comedy of remarriage", a sub-genre of romantic comedy which deals with a divorced or separated couple who rediscover their love for one another. This type of film was very popular in the thirties and forties ("The Philadelphia Story" is perhaps the best-known example) and to a lesser extent in the sixties (the original "Parent Trap" was made with Hayley Mills in 1961) but has become less common in recent years.

There was perhaps a reason why Disney decided to remake this film and revive the genre. The story differs from most rom-coms in an important respect. Most romantic comedies focus upon the lovers themselves, but in this one Dennis Quaid as Nick and Natasha Richardson as Elizabeth end up playing supporting roles to the triumphal entry of Lindsay Lohan onto the world stage. This was, of course, the film which first launched Li-Lo onto an unsuspecting world, and it is she who steals the show. One film was all it took to establish herself as the most self-assured, charismatic and lovable child star of the age, just as Hayley Mills was in 1961. (Like Hayley, Lindsay plays both sisters). The focus on the film's child star makes it ideal for a family audience, whereas most romantic comedies are intended primarily for adults.

I've never actually seen the 1961 version so I can't compare the two, unlike many reviewers who seem to have a definite preference for one version or the other. The 1998 version is no great masterpiece, but it is an amiable and likable family comedy with a great little heroine. 6/10
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This movie will be loved by all teenage girls
philip_vanderveken7 November 2004
I'm sure this movie will be loved by all teenage girls, exactly the group of people Disney targets with this kind of movies. Personally I thought it was much too corny and oh so predictable, but I'm not a teenage girl of course.

Imagine: Two 11-year old girls meet each other at summer camp. One comes from California and the other from London. They resemble to each other, not only in looks but also in taste. Of course they find out they are twins and that they got separated at a young age, when their parents divorced. The first wants to see her dad for the first time, the other her mom. They switch places and they will live with the other parent. Of course the girls want to get their parents back together but there is a problem. Their father has a girlfriend, which is of course an absolute bitch who hates the kids, but no problem: They will arrange a meeting anyway and do whatever is necessary to get them back together. From one thing comes another and of course they fall in love again...

Perhaps it is just me, but I don't believe in this kind of "romantic" stories with a lot of pink ribbons around it and beautiful red hearts shooting trough the air. I guess that's not what girls want to hear, and certainly not 11-year olds. But no problem, they'll learn it later on.

Even though I thought it was very predictable and way too corny it also had a good point: the acting. It really wasn't bad. That's also the reason why I still give this movie a 5/10. If I had been a teenage girl it would probably have been a 9 or even a 10
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Cute remake of a great original
Adriane21 January 1999
This movie was pretty good. It was better than I expected. I especially loved the performance of Natasha Richardson, who is really gorgeous. Dennis Quaid was cute too. Lindsay Lohan was incredible too. My 8 year old sisters loved the original and got the new one and fell in love with it too. They are already reciting it. Rent both versions and enjoy both! They are great!
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Lindsay Lohan when she did good work
SnoopyStyle30 November 2013
It's a remake of the Disney classic. Lindsay Lohan plays identical twins separated after their parents (Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson) divorced. They reunite at summer camp and discover their connection. They devise a plan to switch places to see the other parent, and force them to meet again.

The plot is stupid. The premise of splitting twins is draconian. The plan is actually at the level of an 11 year old's mind. It's a farce worthy of early 60s Disney.

Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson make for a likable couple. But it's Lindsay Lohan who does some great kid-acting here. She's playing two different characters with two different accents, and she plays them convincingly. It's incredible to see her acting two sides of the same conversation without missing a beat. It's easy to see her potential.
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Two selfish parents have twins
EmDee-427-46934410 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why other posters have said this movie is cute, romantic, filled with heart etc. These two parents had twins and each took one and never let them know about each other or know about the other parent. The mother took one back to England and the father kept one in America

Then the kids meet at 11yrs old at a camp in America (as if kids from London want to go to camps there?) and decide thy want their parents back together. The father has a new fiancé (who he also didn't introduce to his daughter until 2 weeks before their wedding? (who does that other than someone selfish?)).

His new fiancé is only after him for his money and he is only after her for the bedroom antics and "young trophy wife" benefits. Again selfishness all around the two kids. Even when his daughter says she always wanted a mother he still didn't tell her she has a mother. The fiancé is quickly removed from the scene by the two kids ganging up on her and her showing her true colors.

In the end the girls get what they want and the parents end up together seemingly romantically and forever (because we can expect that from selfish people in a Hollywood movie).
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shrek20044 July 2003
Wonderful remake of the 1961 Hayley Mills film. This film is much more realistic, with better acting. Lindsey Lohan is amazing as both Hallie and Annie--I really did think she was two people, she portrayed the two different charactars fantastically. All the different charactars in this movie are really funny as well, and there are no bad actors. The plot just zips by! I give this movie 10/10.
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Lohan's Best Performance!
beccad902 January 2007
Lindsay Lohan, known for being an easy press target, used to be cute! This movie is a good example of her red-headed, freckled goodness! In this late 90's remake of a Hayley Mills classic, Lohan plays both homely Napa Vallley girl Hallie Parker and Prim and proper London native Annie James...who unexpectedly meet at summer camp and don't exactly take a fancy to each other. But, when both put in the isolation cabin due to their antics, they learn they are twins separated at birth. So, predictably...they swap places, meet their parents...but there is an ugly surprise: Hallie's dad is about to wed snooty newspaper reporter Meridith Blake...this could thwart their efforts to bring their parents back together...or will it? This was, overall, a very entertaining film. Lohan was adorable. The performances of Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid as the parents were also very memorable! I recommend this if you like the cute redhead version of Lohan...
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A movie about failed parenting and self-absorption
msantos11167 June 2022
This is a quirky Disney flick that is geared toward children and families. A very young Lindsay Lohan plays twin sisters Annie and Hallie who were torn apart when they were babies and before they could remember they each had a sister.

The first part of the movie takes place at a rustic Maine summer camp and includes all of the typical rascally hijinks you'd expect to see in a movie about young children at a sleepaway camp. Hallie shows up at the camp from Napa Valley, where she lived in an enormous mansion with her father who is some sort of mega-rich winemaker. Annie shows up at the camp from London, where she lived in an enormous mansion with her mother, who is some sort of world-renowned dress designer. Privilege is abound in this flick!

The two girls discover that they are sisters by talking about their home lives and families and devise a plan to get their parents back together. It all works out in the end and the parents to reunite, but at what cost?

Randy Quaid plays Nick Parker and Natasha Richardson plays Elizabeth James as the parents of Hallie and Annie. It is revealed that the two had a fling of a relationship, popped out twins, and then decided to split. The arrangement was that each parent would take a twin and then never allow their daughters to know that they have a twin sister.

Essentially, each of the parents willfully abandoned one of their children just so they could go on with their own self-absorbed personal lives to chase their "dreams" and large sums of money. Nick Parker and Elizabeth James may be two of the worst villains you might see. However, the producers at Disney do not portray it this way and instead portray Nick's fiancee, Meredith Blake (played by Elaine Hendrix) as the villain.

Annie (now in Napa) plots to destroy Nick and Meredith's relationship and ultimately succeeds. Meredith Blake may not be likable due to her acidic personality and questionable motives for marrying Nick, but she is by no means the villain here.

Nick and Elizabeth are two of the worst parents around. They essentially lied to their daughters for 11 years. Nick fell in love and became engaged to Meredith and lied to her about his deep, dark secret, too!

Ultimately, the movie celebrates the two lowlifes for falling back in love, getting back together, and reuniting Hallie and Annie. I guess the lesson here is that even the bad guys win sometimes.
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I found tissues a must for wiping the tears away
dewy-317 February 2009
Remakes are never as good as the original so I never bothered watching the 1998 version as I had seen the original in 1961 and it was a film that sticks in your memory.

One night I could not find anything I wanted to watch on TV so was flipping through the channels and came across this version on Film4 (UK satellite TV). The film was half way through and I loved it.

I found the film on the same channel a few weeks later but once again missed the first part. The same happened a 3rd time so I went through the channel listings for the next month until it was on again on 23rd Jan. I then recorded it on both my living room and bedroom SkyPlus boxes.

Although a Disney comedy I find this version to be a real tear jerker. 10 times there are scenes that bring a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes.

I have watching it least 50 times and still watch it at least twice a day.

The cast are perfect with Lindsay Lohan stealing the show.

The most beautifully emotional film I have ever seen.
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Fun film about family
Terrifying_Tigerfish18 January 2022
It's an endearing film for kids about the importance of family. You kinda know know what you're getting into. Lindsay Lohan brings a ton of heart, and makes it a warm film.
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A sensational piece of family entertainment!
astro_9223 July 2005
Walt Disney's 1998 remake of The Parent Trap is a sensational piece of family entertainment. This film marks the theatrical debut of the incredibly attractive Lindsay Lohan, who is now one of today's biggest stars. Lohan was a great choice for the dual role shown in this wonderful two-hour show. Lohan was beautiful even as a preteen (she was 11 years old when this movie was made). When I saw this movie for the first time, both of her characters, Hallie and Annie, really captivated me. Lohan really sparkles and does some adorable stuff throughout the entire motion picture. Both Hallie and Annie have a strong way with affection, and that is something that I deeply admire. I was touched when the two girls hugged each other in the camp's isolation cabin. Hugs are joyful and so is this movie!
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Not original or outstanding,but cool.
Lady_Targaryen29 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
'The Parent Trap 'is a remake of another movie from 1961 with the same title and also remembers a lot'' It Takes Two' with the Olsen twins. Since I watched both movies (''The Parent Trap'' from 1961 and ''It Takes Two'') before this new remake, I found it totally predictable, even this movie having some small differences of the other two. I think the nicest thing about watching this film is to see the young Lindsay Lohan in a cute movie. The first time I watched this movie(1999) Lindsay was not famous, so only now, taking the movie to watch again that I could notice that she was in there. We also have Dennis Quaid as the charming dad of the girls, and the actress who plays Janice(Maggie Wheeler) in 'Friends',as one of the women working in the girls camp.
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Have they fired Eisner yet?
kzlister29 May 2005
For fans of the original, this was a waste of time. However, it was a noble attempt at remaking a good story for a new audience. And Lohan has become the Disney company's new Haley Mills. (Too bad she is quickly transforming into another Britney-clone.) But can someone explain to Mr. Eisner that he needs to make NEW movies, not ride on the shoulders of the Disney genius of old? This film was made amongst a slew of mediocre remakes of and unnecessary and uncalled-for sequels to some great Disney classics.

No wonder the company is in trouble; when you have this little imagination, how are you supposed to run the greatest Magic Factory in all of entertainment?
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I love this movie!
PrincessPeachx8 March 2013
The Parent Trap is a must-see for anyone, even adults!

When this movie came out I was 9 years old - now I'm 23 and STILL love it. The jokes and plots hold up well, even 13 years later. I watched this movie the other day and cannot believe how much I still enjoy it.

The soundtrack is amazing, as well. The decades-old songs work so well with this movie, which is a great surprise. The Parent Trap has one of the best soundtracks to a movie (okay I'll admit it... I own the CD and STILL listen to it in my car!)

Do yourself a favor and see this movie if you haven't already. I've never met a person who didn't like this movie. Plus, it's endearing to see Lindsay Lohan as an innocent child (though sad comparing to what she turned out to be.)

Bottom line: You won't be disappointed. 10/10
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Good Clean Dysfunctional Family Fun?
bob_bear31 December 2005
A couple get divorced (for no good reason that is ever explained)and decide to each take one of their twin daughters with them - so as never to have to communicate with each other again. Subsequently, both parents appear to forget they ever had a second child, never bother to tell either twin that the other exists or discuss with them their missing parent. That is the ridiculous premise upon which The Parent Trap is built. And this, one reviewer described as "good, clean family fun"? Good clean dysfunctional family fun, perhaps.

If you can get beyond the glaring flaws in the plot you'll be impressed by the cast. Lindsay Lohan is exceptional. Even her English accent is flawless - pretty amazing for an actress of any age never mind one of eleven! And it is especially commendable as it is the only accurate reference to England and the English in the entire film.

We don't have "Oreos" (or however you spell it) in England so when Halle/Annie both claim to have always enjoyed eating them with peanut butter it just comes across as clumsy product placement. But then again, Disney's chocolate box version of London only exists in the mind of people who've never visited it.

Annie's relationship with her "Butler" is too intimate for a professional relationship and their handshake ritual is, frankly, ridiculous. As is the pairing of said camp butler with butch nanny in the romance stakes.

An odd film, not badly made but still odd. It trivializes divorce and its repercussions in the context of a family entertainment. A contradiction in terms, me thinks. In the real world, parents like these should have been "trapped" by social services but that would hardly make for Disney entertainment, would it?!
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annmason112 May 2009
I agree with another author who said that the one dimensional "support" characters...that is, everyone but Lohman...did not help this film. The original was indeed more of a cast movie, there were several good roles. I was embarrassed for Dennis Quaid. Talk about phoning in a performance! And there was no relationship evident- past or present, with Natasha Richardson's character. Neither had substance.

And the ridiculous "butler"- what's with that? Was he meant to be gay originally and then the writers changed their minds? The little dance with Annie was also embarrassing. It appears that no one gave any thought to character development at all. Why oh why did the parents get together in the first place, and ditto for the second time around.

The main interest here is comparing it to the much superior 1961 version.
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