Ma (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Exactly what I was expecting
gaamst18 August 2019
Don't understand why people get stuck on realism when they judge this movie. Sure there are a few over-the-top moments, but why does that matter? Not every movie needs to be Oscar bait. It's creepy and menacing, just like it's supposed to be.

Obviously, Octavia Spencer nails it as a former high-school wannabe, who struggles with breaking free from her past. Naturally most people like her wouldn't take it this far, but I'm from a small town, and that post high-school trauma is very real for a lot of people. And this being a horror movie, why not exaggerate a few things and have some fun with it?

Juliette Lewis also deserves a mention. She does not have a lot of screen time, but surely makes the most of it. I can not understand why she isn't getting better parts, in even greater movies, because she is fantastic.

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Come on guys... it's not THAT bad...
vincent-u1611 June 2019
Just don't expect too much!

It's not a horror movie, it's some sort of fun teen thriller-ish movie with some twisted scenarios but overall a quite simple script. It's not very scary, though there are a fez fun jump scares. Turn off those critical brain cells and just enjoy the movie...

I guess I can say that I didn't get bored watching this movie.

For reference maybe it's good to know that I watch movies for entertainment purposes. If you are in it for the "art" (think of the most boring movie 'It comes at night'), you might be disappointed. If you enjoy entertaining flicks like 'Happy deathday' or 'The Babysitter' or stuff like that, I'm sure you will enjoy this one.
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Different From What Was Expected, Works as a Thriller not Horror
Otte124 October 2019
Decent thriller, I did not feel like I lost two hours of my life.

Pros: Seeing Octavia Spencer in this type of movie is refreshing, she has real acting chops and they show even with this limited script.

Cons: Movie did not give a proper development to what happens. We see something earlier on, but there would have been a pattern long before the 'thriller' part started happening. The changes in tone felt 'rushed'.

Not winning awards, but watchable.
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Missing Something
mawhinney31 May 2019
I thought Octavia Spencer did an amazing job. I can't quite put my finger on what is missing from the film but it was okay, not amazing. I suppose I was hoping for more horror, less thriller.

With a tiny $5M budget, they will make a profit.
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Everybody was kung-fu farting
donttouchmeprimate3 September 2019
I think I'm becoming a right old grumpy man, because I'm pretty sure I hate teenagers now.

The film itself was written very well and the cast were all good, but there just wasn't quite enough suspense. It isn't a bad movie by any means, it just had the budget, cast and crew to be better.

The story is a slow burn and when it actually gets down to its 'nitty gritty', things become interesting, even if it is predictable and there are those expected moments where all logic and reason goes out of the window so that the story can progress.

Sorry MA, but I think it's time to put you in a home.
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various problem
SnoopyStyle31 October 2020
New high school transfer student Maggie Thompson (Diana Silvers) lives with her mother Erica (Juliette Lewis) who moved back to her home town after various failures to work as a casino waitress. Maggie is befriended by Haley (McKaley Miller) and her friends. They try to recruit adults to buy them beer and Sue Ann (Octavia Spencer) agrees. Later, she invites them to party at her house and it becomes a student hot spot. She asks them to call her Ma.

This could be a functional horror movie. I can see a crazy Octavia Spencer turning on a group of hapless teens. It doesn't work here for a variety of reasons. It tries to slow burn the story. It tries to have another layer with her daughter. It tries to explain her by giving her a history. The ending has a lot of bad decisions and bad turns. Octavia is giving it all into the role but it's a top price steak in a sour stew.
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Weird but entertaining
lejlah8330 May 2019
I came in to the movie thinking it's probably bad but let's see. Turned out I had quite a good time. Don't expect spectacular acting but just enjoy the movie and i'm sure you won't hate it. Octavia Spencer really surprised me in this role and that alone is worth your time.
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Entertaining but gets tired soon
borgolarici1 December 2019
The concept is gold: maladjusted adult tries to live her unfulfilled teenage dreams. The realisation is absolutely terrible tho: after an adequately creepy start, the movie script becomes more and more implausible. There are a lot of over the top moments which I won't spoil which are well delivered but aren't valorised enough. The final twist feels wasted.
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Not bad
kyleallencole93 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This one was surprisingly good. Its revealed right away that Ma is disturbed. Parts of the film reveal a backstory to her character from a past trauma from high school involving a couple of the main teens parents. Her loneliness makes her become attached to the teens in this film and then turns ugly when they reject her. These kind of films usually use a young antagonist for the part, just this one went a different way and used a grown adult. The violence towards the end was pretty disturbing. Some of the deaths are towards the last half of the film. I was just expecting a larger and more intense showdown at the end, but it was pretty brief.
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Entertaining: almost. Predictable: always. Cheesy: sometimes. Scary: not really.
FrenchEddieFelson6 June 2019
Beyond a far-fetched and almost-laughable script, the actors play pretty well, especially Octavia Spencer, Diana Silvers and Juliette Lewis. The introduction languishes, lasts about an hour and one has overall the impression that the mountain has brought forth a mouse. Although I obviously do not belong to the intended audience which is probably narrowed to teens, it's worth a try with low expectations.
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Ma is a few more drafts from perfection, but the actor playing her is the real deal.
punch8718 December 2019
Ma might be the latest horror show from the omniscient Blumhouse Productions, but it also serves as a particularly effective anti-bullying PSA.
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If you like horror/ revenge movies this is for you
jimferrier13 June 2019
Really good horror / thriller, from start to finish. Thoroughly enjoyed this film.
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Hey Ma!
rinesha2 September 2019
I thought this movie was great overall, although I wish it had more suspenseful scenes. If it weren't for the A-List actors/actresses, this movie would be labeled as a high-quality B-rated film.
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Another Blumhouse Production to Rake in the Money With a Low Budget
Yee_Reviews30 May 2019
Good: No doubt, Octavia Spencer carries the film and without her, the film would have easily crumbled and been unwatchable. And that's about it for the good....

Bad: The story's goal/main theme is not interesting and the choices of the characters are, like always, stupid and ignorant. The romance is forced and unbelievable. The story and characters are under-developed and are not given detail. The film lacks a scare factor/shock-value and the only times the audience jumped were in unnecessary jump scare scenes throughout a campy horror flick.

Overall: Besides Octavia Spencer, the cast is throw-away and do not add much to the film making it its own. This is a skip, at most a wait for Netflix. Messy with loose holes as it never fully develops and dark humor that's cringe and laughable.

*The movie's lesson here is to have common sense!

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Say, has anybody seen my sweet Gypsy Rose?
mcorner13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it. I do think it could have been a bit more fleshed out, but it was decent. Kind of the ultimate bully revenge movie in a way. For a minute when they first introduced Sue Ann's daughter, I thought she was going end up being the result of a rape suffered during Sue Ann's teen years, but that would have made her too old to be known by the current-day teens.

The Munchausen's by proxy twist was interesting, too.
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Spencer lifts this to a level it probably doesn't deserve.
MOscarbradley19 April 2020
We've been here a hundred times before and yet this kind of schlock-horror is still ridiculously entertaining even if the taste it leaves can usually turn more than a little sour. You know the story; sad, lonely and obviously psychopathic female befriends flathunter/new mom/injured writer or in this case, a group of horny teens and then makes their life hell. Here she's outwardly sweet, if much too accomodating, Octavia Spencer, "Ma" as she becomes known to the boys and girls she takes under her wing and she'll go to any lengths to keep them close.

Tate Taylor, who directed Spencer to an Oscar in "The Help", has fun with the over-familiar material and Spencer milks it for all its worth; the teens are fine and other grown-ups include Luke Evans, (one of the dads), Juliette Lewis, (now old enough to be one of the moms), and Allison Janney as Spencer's hard-as-nails employer. There's nothing new here but it's good to see a teen-orientated chiller that's not founded on the supernatural and even if we are invited to stick the knife in Ma by the film's end, Spencer's gloriously over-the-top performance goes a long way to lifting this a notch or two out of the ordinary.
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Very entertaining as a "guilty pleasure."
TxMike11 October 2019
I watched this at home on BluRay from my public library. My wife skipped, not her type of movie.

While there are several other effective actors, the movie rides on the performance of Octavia Spencer as Sue Ann. She is still living in the town she grew up in, as are several of her old classmates, all graduated from high school some years earlier, many of them have sons or daughters who now are in high school.

Sue Ann is approached by a group of teenagers who want an adult to buy some beer and whiskey for them. At first she is reluctant, but when she notices the van the boy is driving, and realizes he is the son of an old boyfriend, she decides to help them. And further, convinces them to party in her basement out in the country, it would be safer than riding around. The kids resort to calling her "Ma".

But we sense very early, and is later confirmed, that her intentions are not for the good. It turns out she was humiliated in high school, there is a flashback scene, and now sees this as a way to get back at the parents, to get her revenge in a very twisted manner.

For what it is, a twisted psychological thriller, it works very well. There isn't anything I would change about it.
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Such a good actress for a lazy script
huugomota2 February 2020
C'mon, really? You get Octavia Spencer and put her into this? The plot is terrible, the motivation is ridiculous, lazy script, stupid dialogues...I'm embarrassed... Octavia deserves more!
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Know what you're seeing
hijodejuliete12 June 2019
Often people goes to an arty movie and they complain about it being... Well, too arty, and then they go to a flicker and they expect to learn about the meaning of life. This movie is silly, plenty of fun and, contrary of what some say, it gets better towards the end, when everything goes of the rails
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So many missed opportunities...
joysbabygirl3 March 2020
Oh, call 911! No? Okay, how about now? Still no? Surely you'll call 911 this time. Dammit!
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This movie could have been way better
roueljones19 June 2019
If they fixed a few problems earlier in the movie this could have been a really good movie. It took her forever to go off the rails in my opinion
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Too easy man
omargiaq21 March 2020
This film is so clear since 5:00 minutes, no plot twist and no other things. It seems that you just saw it
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Better than expected from a Blumhouse film
BandSAboutMovies30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to gravitate toward the exploitation and horror films of the 1970's, when situations would make no sense in movies that couldn't really be classified as anything other than weird. So it's kind of my dream that a movie like Ma was made in 1974 by S. F. Brownrigg, because then the people next to me who were shocked by how strange it got would be absolutely horrified by just how out of control it could get. That said, by 2019 standards, this was a pretty fine film.

Maggie Thompson (Diane Silvers from Booksmart) and her mother Erica (Juliette Lewis, who has been dependably turning out character actor roles for the last few years) have moved back to Ohio after Erica abandons them. Maggie quickly makes new friends who do the only thing there is to do in a small town - drinks and drugs. Trust me - I grew up 15 minutes from Youngstown. All I did was sit in my room, watch horror movies and drink. Then again, that sounds like heaven, so I'm kind of glad I never had a circle of friends like the one in this film that would force me to go outside.

But I digress - the teens soon meet Sue Ann Ellington (Octavia Spencer, who pretty much makes this movie worth watching singlehandedly), a vet tech who they convince to buy them alcohol. Look for Allison Janney in a cameo as her boss.

Soon, they're drinking in her basement, which becomes fully furnished over time and more popular with other students. That said, Ma is that special personality that wants more and more over time, leading the students to stop spending so much time with her, particularly after they suspect her of stealing jewelry and personal effects. And oh yeah - Ma has Munchausen syndrome by proxy and a young daughter named Genie who may or may not really need her wheelchair.

This is when we learn the real secret of Ma, Slaughter High-style. Back when Ma was just Sue Ann, she had been the shy kid who was the target of a cruel prank by the parents of the children she's befriending today. She had been in love with Andy's father Ben - played today by Luke Evans - but the group had switched him out for a geeky boy in a dark closet, making fun of her for giving him, shall we say, a little bit of neckboning.

Ma is driven over the edge now, murdering Ben's girlfriend Mercedes with her car - a scene that caused gasps from the car next to us - as well as attacking Maggie's dog and using its blood to replace Ben's blood before slicing his wrists. I have no idea what that last one is about, but the scene of her holding his member and threatening to castrate him also upset people. This is where the film descends into madness and I, for one, could not have been happier.

Our villainous middle-aged woman then traps the entire group in the basement, forcing them all to endure a series of tortures, like sewing a girl's mouth shut, ironing a boy's abs and then painting the token black friend white, whispering, "They only need one of us." Whew!

I don't want to give away the final scene, but it was so perfect that I started laughing out loud, impressed with the audaciousness of the filmmakers. Well done!

Ma was made because of director Tate Taylor's (The Help, Girl On the Train) desire to direct a film about "something CENSORED up. After meeting with Spencer and learning that she was sick of the same roles and never getting to be a lead, he started looking for a project. Upon meeting with Jason Bloom, he read the Scotty Landes script for this film and decided to make the film.

Although the original script was written with a white woman - with no sympathy or back story - in the title role, Taylor immediately thought of Spencer for the role of Ma. He called her, asked if she wanted to be in a horror movie and she said yes without even reading the script.
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Not as good as I was told.
paowie120 August 2019
It has good actors. but the storyline and A good story has a start middle and end. This one seems to forgot that.
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Dont believe the hype
hms-6304531 May 2019
I expected so much more. Octavia Spencer did a great job , but she didn't have much of a script to go by. Predictable and you've already seen all the best parts. All in all a let down.
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