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Twelve Steps & Torah

Join the Jewish Collaborative and Our Jewish Recovery live on Zoom Saturdays at 2:00pm PT | 5:00pm ET. Open to those in recovery from all types of addiction, families, friends, and members of Al-Anon.

Moderated by Rabbi Ilan Glazer, author of And God Created Recovery, this communal learning program is participatory and empowering.

Zoom information: 
12 Steps and Torah

Meeting ID: 925 1458 6051
Passcode: SoulTorah
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,92514586051# US (Washington DC)
+16469313860,,92514586051# US

To sign up for weekly text reminders through the Jewish Collaborative and to receive information about other recovery programs, please fill out the form below.

Join Our Jewish Recovery on Facebook.

Rabbi Glazer is the founder of Our Jewish Recovery, a new movement bringing healing and resources to everyone impacted by addiction in the Jewish community. Read more.

Rabbi Tilchin is the Founder of the Jewish Collaborative of Orange County. Read more here.

Please sign up here to receive weekly text reminders

If you would like to support this program with a monthly gift to the Jewish Collaborative, click here.

Vielen Dank!


Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784