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BIMAH: The Jewish Theater Guild of Orange County is an initiative of the Jewish Collaborative of Orange County supporting theater arts produced and developed within the Orange County Jewish Community. We also advance new Jewish-themed works created by playwrights from throughout the country by hosting staged readings several times a year - both virtually and in person.
Donations to the Jewish Collaborative can be earmarked for BIMAH programs. Click HERE and select "Arts and Music Initiatives" from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!


Jewish Teen Theatre Initiative

JTTI is a new, interest-based youth initiative for OC Jewish teens ages 13-18 interested in all aspects of theater production, including playwriting, acting, set-design, choreography, sound, promotion, and more. 

Thanks to a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Orange County, each of the six events are offered at no charge to participants.



Tuesday, December 27th at 3pm

Christmas Day carries may traditions both secular and spiritual, but for many Jewish families there’s only one right way to observe: with a movie and Chinese food. The Shechter family plans on doing exactly that, convening three generations of the family at one table. But when Lila, the granddaughter, brings her atheist boyfriend along, order slowly spins out of control. Exploring themes of generational trauma, latent antisemitism, homophobia, and inter-sectionalism, When the Cows Come Home to Roost flips the classic dysfunctional family trope on its head through a slapstick farce that will leave you ready for seconds.

Ben Susskind is a local OC playwright whose work had been produced at UCLA, Chapman University, and International Thespian Festival in Omaha, Nebraska. Currently completing his undergraduate degree in playwriting through UCLA’s Theater, Film, and Television department, Ben writes his plays from his own experiences, using naturalistic surrealism to spark a conversation about identity and intersectionality. 

Join us for a reading of Ben's new play at 3 PM on December 27th in Fullerton at Temple Beth Tikvah, located at 1600 N Acacia Ave. Be part of the first audience to hear the play and stay for a talkback with the playwright and Rabbi Tilchin.




Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784