JNF Boruchin Center


JNF Boruchin Center



In June 2015, Jewish National Fund-USA announced the creation of the $100 million JNF-USA Boruchin Center, designed to be one of the most powerful new initiatives in the Jewish world. The center, administered within JNF-USA by a committee of JNF-USA donors and lay people, was created as a result of an estate gift generously given by the late John and Dora Boruchin of California.

John Boruchin was born in Poland and met his wife Dora in Russia after World War II. While most of John’s family perished in the Holocaust, Dora’s immediate family survived, now live mainly in Canada and the United States, and remain active supporters of Israel and Jewish National Fund-USA. John and Dora came to the States and he slowly made his fortune in real estate, eventually becoming one of the largest tract home builders in California. They are survived by their son, Isak. The Boruchins’ love and passion for Israel and Zionism is what led to their goal of connecting young people to Israel through Jewish National Fund-USA.

Mission Statement

Strengthen the lifelong connection of all Americans, and in particular young Jewish Americans, to the land and people of Israel through innovative and inspiring programming. 

Dream Israel: Teen Travel Initiative

Dream Israel is an innovative initiative helping to provide all Jewish teens with the life-changing opportunity to study abroad in Israel while also giving back to the Jewish State. In exchange for fundraising for a Jewish National Fund-USA philanthropic cause in Israel, students in 10th, 11th or 12th grade can earn a grant of up to $7,500 towards their academic program with Alexander Muss, URJ Heller High, Ramah TRY or USY High. To learn more, click here


The Jewish National Fund-USA Boruchin Center is committed to strengthening the lifelong bonds between all Americans --most especially Jewish American teens -- with the land and people of Israel. We focus our grants on programs that foster these connections. Unlike a traditional foundation, the Jewish National Fund-USA Boruchin Center is creating synergies with our grantees in ways that meaningfully accelerate both their own programs and Jewish National Fund-USA’s overarching mission. Our goal is to fund organizations and programs that are interested in collaboration, that both complement the work of Jewish National Fund – USA and provide additional opportunities for Israel engagement and experiences for our shared constituencies. If you are interested in partnering with us in this endeavor, we invite you to submit a letter of interest describing your organization and how you think we might work together.

Grantee Criteria

$100,000 minimum grant request from JNF Boruchin Center

Grantees must also raise matching funds (for a minimum $200,000 budgetary need) 

Current 501c3 status required


Please note that all Boruchin Center grants last for a period of 1 year


Grant Cycle Calendar 2024-2025

February 15, 2024- Letters of Inquiry are due to Boruchin Center


May 17, 2024- Applications for 2025 funding are due


Mid-August 2024- Applicants are informed of committee decisions


September 12, 2024- Signed 2025 Agreements are due


October 1, 2024- 2025 grant period begins

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Should you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Rachel Adams at [email protected] or 212.879.9305 x249.



JNF-USA Boruchin Center is currently funding a number of projects, programs, and initiatives both within the framework of JNF and in partnership with outside organizations and partners. Below is a list and description of the programs that have received grant funds from the JNF-USA Boruchin Center.

External Grantees


Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC)

The mission of ICC is to inspire American college students to see Israel as a source of pride and empower them to stand up for Israel on campus. The ICC’s role in this effort is to unite the many pro-Israel organizations that operate on campuses across the United States by coordinating strategies, providing educational resources, sharing in-depth research, and increasing collaboration.

2022-2023 Funding: $500,000


Heroes to Heroes

The mission of Heroes to Heroes is to provide a spiritual healing and peer support program for American wounded combat veterans who suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), moral injury, and depression.  Their vision is a world in which our veterans feel valued. To fulfill this, they send teams of ten veterans on a ten-day journey to Israel. They travel with five Israeli veterans who share their experiences and become part of their support system.

2022-2023 Funding: $500,000


Yavneh – Campus Leadership Program

Yavneh, now in its third year, recruits, trains and mentors a network of all-star student leaders who are engaged in positive Israel activism, building Jewish life and creating dy­namic programs on college campuses across North America.

2022-2023 Funding: $250,000


Yavneh Bayit

Yavneh Bayit recruits and trains a network of all-star Modern Orthodox young adults to engage in community building and peer leadership for the young professional demographic (ages 22-32).

2022-2023 Funding: $150,000


Center for Israel Education

The Center for Israel Education (CIE) engages Jewish young adults, teens, life-long learners, educators, and the general public in deepening their knowledge about modern Israel. CIE’s purpose is to present and reinforce the dynamic concept that Israel is integral and vital to modern Jewish identities.

2022-2023 Funding: $245,000


Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School - CESJDS

The CESJDS Center for Excellence and Engagement in Jewish History is facilitating Israel education outreach programs and professional development opportunities for Jewish day schools nationwide.

2022-2023 Funding: $100,000


Sinai Temple Israel Center Rabbinic Fellowship

The Sinai Temple Israel Center Rabbinic Fellowship will lead the future of Rabbinical students in Israel education. This program is specific to education, not advocacy, and will partner with national organizations and seminaries to ensure a nuanced approach to Israel will be presented to the future leaders of the Jewish people.

2022-2023 Funding: $150,000


Students Supporting Israel – SSI

Students Supporting Israel mission is to be a clear and confident pro-Israel voice on college campuses, and to support students in grassroots pro-Israel advocacy.

2022-2023 Funding: $100,000

Internal Grantees

Faculty Fellowship

Faculty Fellowship in Israel annually sponsors full-time U.S.-based University and college faculty members on a 10-day program in Israel. Each participant is paired with one or more Israeli professional counterparts in his/her field of study or research. The goal is to facilitate collaboration, shared research, and shared teaching concepts and values, which the participants and their Israeli counterparts can introduce to their respective campuses at the close of the program. The program transcends the current conflicts and demonstrates to the participants how Israel makes the world a better place.

2022-2023 Funding: $500,000


AMHSI Impact Fund

The Impact Fund is a merit-based fellowship grant offered to exceptional high school students of diverse backgrounds who demonstrate leadership qualities, academic achievement and potential to be a future Jewish community leader and activist. 

2022-2023 Funding: $250,000


AMHSI Scholarship Fund

AMHSI-JNF’s National Scholarship Fund is a vital source of financial support to our need-based families and their children, our future.

2022-2023 Funding: $500,000


Caravan for Democracy

Caravan for Democracy Student Leadership Mission is a 10-day, all-expenses paid, educational program to Israel geared towards non-Jewish student leaders who have never been to Israel before. This program provides the opportunity to explore Israel through meetings with political, cultural and community leaders from all backgrounds and faiths.

2022-2023 Funding: $300,000