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DOJ Privacy Act Regulations

Below is a listing of the DOJ Privacy Act implementing and exemption regulations. Each agency that maintains a system of records is required to promulgate certain rules in order to carry out the provisions of the Privacy Act.  In addition, the head of any agency may promulgate rules to exempt certain system of records within the agency from certain provisions of the Privacy Act.


Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart D, "Protection of Privacy and Access to Individual Records Under the Privacy Act of 1974" 

§16.40   General provisions.
§16.41   Requests for access to records.
§16.42   Responsibility for responding to requests for access to records.
§16.43   Responses to requests for access to records.
§16.44   Classified information.
§16.45   Appeals from denials of requests for access to records.
§16.46   Requests for amendment or correction of records.
§16.47   Requests for an accounting of record disclosures.
§16.48   Preservation of records.
§16.49   Fees.
§16.50   Notice of court-ordered and emergency disclosures.
§16.51   Security of systems of records.
§16.52   Contracts for the operation of record systems.
§16.53   Use and collection of social security numbers.
§16.54   Employee standards of conduct.
§16.55   Other rights and services.


Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart E, "Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act"

§16.70   Exemption of the Office of the Attorney General System—limited access.
§16.71   Exemption of the Office of the Deputy Attorney General System—limited access.
§16.72   Exemption of Office of the Associate Attorney General System—limited access.
§16.73   Exemption of Office of Legal Policy System—limited access.
§16.74   Exemption of National Security Division Systems—limited access.
§16.75   Exemption of the Office of the Inspector General Systems/Limited Access.
§16.76   Exemption of Justice Management Division.
§16.77   Exemption of U.S. Trustee Program System—limited access.
§16.78   Exemption of the Special Counsel for Immigration-Related, Unfair Employment Practices Systems.
§16.79   Exemption of Pardon Attorney System.
§16.80   Exemption of Office of Professional Responsibility System—limited access.
§16.81   Exemption of United States Attorneys Systems—limited access.
§16.82   Exemption of the National Drug Intelligence Center Data Base—limited access.
§16.83   Exemption of the Executive Office for Immigration Review System—limited access.
§16.84   Exemption of Immigration Appeals System.
§16.85   Exemption of U.S. Parole Commission—limited access.
§16.88   Exemption of Antitrust Division Systems—limited access.
§16.89   Exemption of Civil Division Systems—limited access.
§16.90   Exemption of Civil Rights Division Systems.
§16.91   Exemption of Criminal Division Systems—limited access, as indicated.
§16.92   Exemption of Environment and Natural Resources Division Systems—limited access.
§16.93   Exemption of Tax Division Systems—limited access.
§16.96   Exemption of Federal Bureau of Investigation Systems—limited access.
§16.97   Exemption of Bureau of Prisons Systems—limited access.
§16.98   Exemption of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Systems—limited access.
§16.99   Exemption of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Systems-limited access.
§16.100   Exemption of Office of Justice Programs—limited access.
§16.101   Exemption of U.S. Marshals Service Systems—limited access, as indicated.
§16.102   Exemption of Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Naturalization Service Joint System of Records.
§16.103   Exemption of the INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau (INTERPOL-USNCB) System.
§16.104   Exemption of Office of Special Counsel—Waco System.
§16.105   Exemption of Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force System.
§16.106   Exemption of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)—Limited Access.
§16.130   Exemption of Department of Justice Systems: Correspondence Management Systems for the Department of Justice (DOJ-003); Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act and Mandatory Declassification Review Requests and Administrative Appeals for the Department of Justice (DOJ-004).
§16.131   Exemption of Department of Justice (DOJ)/Nationwide Joint Automated Booking System (JABS), DOJ-005.
§16.132   Exemption of Department of Justice System—Personnel Investigation and Security Clearance Records for the Department of Justice (DOJ), DOJ-006.
§16.133   Exemption of Department of Justice Regional Data Exchange System (RDEX), DOJ-012.
§16.134   Exemption of Debt Collection Enforcement System, Justice/DOJ-016.
§16.135   Exemptions of Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Systems.
§16.136   Exemption of the Department of Justice, Giglio Information System, Justice/DOJ-017.

Updated December 20, 2016