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DOJ Privacy Policies & Guidance

Department of Justice Policy Guidance: Domestic Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Summary of UAS Operations for Calendar Year (CY) 2017

Department of Justice Policy Guidance: Use of Cell-Site Simulator Technology

DOJ Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Protection Policy for the Information Sharing Environment

Promoting Public Safety, Privacy, and the Rule of Law Around the World: The Purpose and Impact of the CLOUD

DOJ Order 0601, Privacy and Civil Liberties, May 2020

DOJ Privacy Act Overview

Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974, 2020 Edition

General Privacy Laws Governing Federal Agencies

Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. § 552a (2018)

E-Government Act of 2002

Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014

Judicial Redress Act of 2015

For a comprehensive list of Federal laws related to privacy, visit the Federal Privacy Council's Law Library page

OMB Privacy Guidance and Policies

Privacy Act Implementation, Guidelines and Responsibilities

OMB Circular No. A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource

OMB Circular No. A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act

OMB Memorandum M-99-18, Privacy Policies on Federal Web Sites

OMB Memorandum M-03-22, OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002

OMB Memorandum M-10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies

OMB Memorandum M-10-23, Guidance for Agency Use of Third-Party Websites and Applications

OMB Memorandum M-16-24, Role and Designation of Senior Agency Officials for Privacy

OMB Memorandum M-17-06, Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services

OMB Memorandum M-17-12, Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information

Other OMB Guidelines

Other Resources

Federal Privacy Council Website

Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens: Report of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (July 1973)

Training Resources for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers on Privacy and Civil Liberties Issues in the Information Sharing Environment

Remarks of Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole at DOJ Privacy Forum on November 17, 2014

Agreement Between the United States of America and the European Union on the Protection of Personal Information Relating to the Prevention, Investigation, Detection, and Prosecution of Criminal Offenses

Department of Justice Statement on the intrusion into the Department’s Microsoft O365 email environment

Updated March 24, 2023