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Submit an Application for a Grant

A grant is a legal instrument used to enter into a relationship between the Department of Defense (DoD) and a grantee when (1) the principal purpose is to transfer a thing of value to the recipient to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the United States, rather than to acquire property or services for the DoD's direct benefit or use, and (2) substantial involvement is not expected between the DoD and the recipient when carrying out the activity contemplated by the grant.

A grantee can be a university, nonprofit organization or commercial entity.

For a listing of current opportunities with the Office of Naval Research (ONR), consult our funding opportunities listing or www.grants.gov.

Information on this page:

What to Submit | How to Submit a Grant Application | Model Grant Awards | Grants Terms and Conditions

What to Submit

Grant applications are submitted in accordance with individual broad agency announcements or funding opportunity announcements. Each announcement contains specific application requirements for completing the Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424). Refer to the individual announcement for specific submission requirements.

Restrictions on Lobbying

Grant awards greater than $100,000 require a certification of compliance with a national policy mandate concerning lobbying. Statutes and government-wide regulations require the certification to be submitted at the time of proposal rather than at the time of award. The certification is set forth at Appendix A to 32 CFR 28 regarding lobbying. The certification can be provided in either of three ways:

  1. When submitting your grant through Grants.gov, by completing block 17 of the Application for Federal Assistance, SF 424 R&R, the grant applicant is providing the certification on lobbying required by 32 CFR Part 28.
  2. Print the Certification for Restrictions on Lobbying form and have it signed in full text by an authorized official of the university, nonprofit organization or commercial entity.
  3. Incorporation by exact reference to the CFR as cited above. The proposal must include the following: "By signing and submitting the proposal, the proposer is providing Certification at Appendix A to 32 CFR Part 28 regarding lobbying." The proposal must be signed and dated by an authorized official of the organization and include Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

How to Submit a Grant Application

The submission process generally takes place in two stages.

  1. White Paper Submission

    You are encouraged to submit white papers which can minimize the labor and cost associated with production of detailed full applications that may have very little chance of being selected. Based on an assessment of the white papers/quad charts, the responsible research topic lead (ONR program officer) will provide you with informal feedback. White papers arriving after the deadline may not receive, and therefore may not benefit from, the informal feedback. White papers shall be submitted via FedConnect unless the Broad Agency Announcement or Funding Opportunity Announcement states differently (see below for more information).

  2. Full Application Submission

    All full applications are submitted under the specific announcement to ONR through grants.gov. Use the application package cited in the announcement found at www.grants.gov.

Where to Submit

ONR uses FedConnect to electronically receive white papers for grants unless the Broad Agency Announcement or Funding Opportunity Announcement states differently. To access FedConnect, please go to https://www.fedconnect.net. All full grant applications shall be submitted under the specific announcement to ONR through grants.gov.

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to inquiries related to using FedConnect.

Registration Requirements for Grants.gov

There are several one-time actions you must complete in order to submit an application through Grants.gov: Register with System for Award Management (SAM) at https://www.sam.gov and complete the online SAM registration process to obtain a UEI or verify if your organization already has one; Create a Grants.gov account; Add a profile to a Grants.gov account; and obtain the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) role. Designating an e-business point of contact (EBiz POC) and ensuring your organization/entity registration process is complete are important steps in the SAM registration process. Applicants who are not registered with SAM and Grants.gov should allow at least 21 days to complete these requirements. It is suggested that the process be started as soon as possible.

Questions relating to the registration process, system requirements, how an application form works or the submittal process must be directed to Grants.gov at 800-518-4726 or [email protected]. Applicants residing outside the United States who cannot access the toll-free number can contact Grants.gov at 606-545-5035.

Model Grant Awards

Below are examples of typical grants awarded at ONR. The actual award document may be different than the example due differences in the type of awardee, grant program, clause updates and other factors. Use Standard terms and conditions for new, renewal and expansion ONR grant awards

Grants Terms and Conditions

Listed below are standard terms and conditions being used on new, renewal and expansion ONR grant awards. Visit the Grants Terms and Conditions page for a full list that includes prior or historic terms and conditions that are still effective on many previously issued ONR grants.

Standard terms and conditions for new, renewal and expansion ONR grant awards

UAWA Award A (September 2017): This award is based on the application/proposal submitted to, and as approved by, the awarding agency. The date of the current approved application/proposal is shown in Block 10 of the ONR Award Form (10/99) of the most recent award action (e.g., initial award or subsequent modification).

Special terms and conditions