
Office of the Chief Clerk of the House

The Chief Clerk of the House is the administrative officer elected for a two-year term by the membership of the House of Representatives to be responsible for ensuring that the chamber's business and proceedings run smoothly.


Get to Know the Chief Clerk's Office ​


Timothy G. Sekerak, Chief Clerk


[email protected]

The Chief Clerk’s duties are outlined in the Oregon Constitution, House Rules, established customs and precedents, Oregon Revised Statutes, and Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure. These duties include:

  • Serving as the parliamentarian of the House and for handling the administrative functions associated with all House proceedings.
  • Serving as the official custodian of measures and records of proceedings and actions of the House.
  • Providing managerial and administrative support over the process of all legislation as it is considered by the members of the House of Representatives.​
  • Fostering a relationship of trust, respect and confidentiality with all 60 members.


​Sarah Curry, Journal Clerk


[email protected]

  • Prepares original House Journal document as mandated by the Oregon Constitution; it is a chronological record of all formal House proceedings.
  • Creates and publishes the House daily agenda and Speakers scripts​.
  • ​​Assists in reviewing, researching, composing, and revising amendments to House Rules.​
  • Revises and updates all membership documents, including but not limited to: Roll call sheets, seating charts, seniority lists, wing office charts, member moniker cards, and House-Senate districts documents.



Jack Edwards, Reading Clerk
[email protected]

  • Reads all official documents out loud for the record: Messages from the Governor, Messages from the Senate, First Readings, Second Readings, Third Readings, and special announcements.
  • Assists Chief Clerk in operating voting system and ensuring member’s votes are recorded on all motions. and measures. ​
  • ​​Maintains and organizes the Opening Ceremonies order of business, including all invocations and special musical and theatrical performances in the chamber.
  • ​Processes office and members Approval for Payments.



​Mandi McGowan, Measure History Clerk


[email protected]

  • Overseas and manages all aspects of the Oregon House measure history, status reports & OLIS; Records all formal House proceedings during daily sessions, including: votes and corresponding motions and actions into OLIS.
  • Manages the House measure introduction process, which includes verifying that all measures that are delivered back from LC are ready for formal introduction.
  • Manages the enrolling process and oversees and supervises all House member sponsorship requests; Coordinates all Parchment copies of bill, letters to Congress, and all other dignitaries.
  • ​Manages for all House members and staff the ordering of official stationery,​



​Lacy Ramirez, Calendar Clerk


[email protected]

  • Supervises and regulates the flow of all legislation through the House and its committees to ensure compliance with Constitutional requirements and House rules.
  • Serves as the primary liaison to chairs and committees during the notification and scheduling process of Senate amendments to House bills.​
  • Schedules all bills reported out of committee for action by the House, manages the official communication of the House, and coordinates transmission of all bills passed by the House to and from the Senate.
  • Administers the Chief Clerk’s Office internship program and manages the Chief Clerk's webpage and all social media accounts.