
​​Legislative Policy and Research ​​Office

Research and Analysis​

​​Oregon State Capitol

LPRO provides nonpartisan public policy research, analysis, and development on a wide range of topics at the request of legislators, legislative committees, and task forces. Lawmakers can contact LPRO to submit a research request or to schedule a research consultation.  ​
LPR​O research and analysis is published in a variety of formats.
  • Issue Briefs, Memos, and Reports provide research and context for policy issues of current or historical interest to lawmakers.
  • Legislative Task Force Reports are formal reports from task forces to the Legislative Assembly.
  • Maps and Data Visualizations are visual or interactive tools for exploring policy issues.
  • Staff Measure Summaries are brief, informative, and impartial summaries of legislative measures scheduled to be heard by a committee. Staff Measure Summaries are located under the “analysis” tab of each measure on the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS)​ ​​(not included in the search below)​.
  • Summaries of Legislation are a recap of select measures considered during each session of the Legislative Assembly. ​Visit our Summary of Legislation page.
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LPRO research and analysis publications designed for general use are here. If you know the name of the publication, enter it in the search bar or use one or more keywords. Click on the table titles (e.g., Report Type, Publications by Year) to sort and click the arrows to the right of the titles to filter. Alternatively, you can scroll down to browse by policy area and search by type of publication you’d like to see.​ 

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Publication I​nformation​

LPRO provides centralized, nonpartisan research and issue analysis fo​r Oregon’s legislative branch. LPRO does not provide legal advice. LPRO publications contain general information that is current as of the date of publication. Subsequent action by the legislative, executive, or judicial branches may affect accuracy.

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Contact Us​
pin_drop​​Where to Find Us​​​​:
255 Capito​l St NE, R​m., 5th floor, Salem, OR 97301​​​
​​​​​​ mail​​Mailing Address​​​​:
​Oregon State Capitol​, ​90​0 Court St​. NE, Rm.​ 453, Salem OR, 97301