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Oregon State Legislature Official Oregon State Redistricting Site

Oregon Redistricting

Welcome to the official Oregon State Redistricting site​. Redistricting is the once-a-decade process of redrawing United State House of Representatives (Congressional) and Oregon State Senate and State House of Representatives (Legislative) district boundaries to account for changes in population. ​​

2021 Redistricting Process Complete

On September 27, 2021 the Legislative Assembly completed the adoption of new congressional and legislative redistricting plans for Oregon with the passage of Senate Bill 881 A and Senate Bill 882. These plans were signed into law by Governor Brown and subsequently upheld by the courts. Elections using these new plans will take place in 2022 with those elected taking their seats in January of 2023. ​Links to information on the measures is available below.

   Congress:  SB 881 A Bill Information​  |  SB 881 A Enrolled Bill Text​

   Legislature:  SB 882 Bill Information  |  SB 882 Enrolled Bill Text​​

   Maps and GIS:  Find Your District​  |​  PDF Maps - Letter Size   |​  PDF Maps - Poster Size   |​  ​​GIS Downloads​  

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​General Questions: 
Call 1-800-332-2313

Staff Contacts: 
Patrick Brennan​, Committee Analyst