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Some of the kids in Marilyns class have monsters.

doesnt have hers yet, but she cant just go out and look for one.
Your monster has to find you. Thats just the way it works.
Marilyn tries to be patient and the kind of girl no monster can
resist, but her monster doesnt come. Could she go out and
search for him herself ? Even if thats not the way it works?
From favorite picture-book creators Michelle Knudsen and Matt
Phelan comes a story about one little girl and the perfect monster
she knows is out there . . . and what happens when she decides
shes waited long enough.
Extend your story-hour fun with these kid-friendly (and
monster-friendly!) activities inspired by Marilyns Monster.
HC: 978-0-7636-6011-6

Marilyns Monster Maze

How I Met My Monster

Marilyns Monster is a story about a very

determined girl who sets off in search of her
perfect monster. Marilyn looks as hard as she can
in the library, the park, and many other places. As
a group, talk about the kinds of places you would
check if you were looking for your monster. Then
help Marilyn find her monster by completing the
maze on the corresponding reproducible.

As a group, write your own version of

Marilyns Monster by filling in the blanks on the
corresponding reproducible. Call on the kids to
get ideas for the items in parentheses. Once all of
the blanks are filled in, read the story out loud.

Whos Your Monster?

After reading Marilyns Monster, ask the kids to
dream up their ideal monster companion. What
does their monster look like? Does their monster
have a name? How would they find each other?
What kinds of activities would they do together?
Then have them draw a picture of themselves with
their new monster friend on the corresponding
Marilyns Monster
Monster Story-Time
Kit Candlewick
Illustrations copyright 2015 by Matt Phelan

Help Marilyn find her perfect monster! Draw a route from the start to the finish.


Marilyns Monster
Monster Story-Time
Kit Candlewick
Illustrations copyright 2015 by Matt Phelan

Draw a picture of yourself with your perfect monster companion.

Marilyns Monster
Monster Story-Time
Kit Candlewick
Illustrations copyright 2015 by Matt Phelan

Write your own story about the time you met your perfect monster.
Some of the kids in my class have monsters. Its the latest thing. Some kids got them at the
______________________. Some got them while ______________________. I know I need

(verb that ends in -ing)

to be patient, but I want one too!

Thats it, I said one morning. Im going to find my monster. I packed a thermos of
______________________ and some ______________________. I looked as hard as I could.

(plural noun)

I searched at the ______________________ and at the ______________________. Finally I



shouted in my loudest voice, Where are you?

And then I heard a voice say, Im here. I followed the voice and found my monster at
______________________. He was ______________________ and had a big


______________________ and could ______________________. His name is



______________________, and he likes to eat ______________________.

(proper noun)


I am so happy we found each other!

We like to ______________________

and ______________________.

We have so much fun together.

Marilyns Monster
Monster Story-Time
Kit Candlewick
Illustrations copyright 2015 by Matt Phelan

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