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Samar National School Division of Samar Catbalogan City

The Acceptability of Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) shells as an alternative ingredient in making chalk

Proponents: Paul Francis M. Uy John Paul B. Pedrita Daniel D. Cabrales

Mrs. Ermelinda C. Floretes Research Adviser

Chapter I Problem and its Background I. Introduction Nowadays, chalk acts an important role as a tool used especially in schools. Teachers use chalks by writing information on the blackboard or chalkboard to interpret thoroughly the topic that the teacher teaches. But as we can see, these problems that our country is currently experiencing these days, chalks are not well-provided by schools. Many students cant fully comprehend their lessons because of this crisis. The researchers came up with an idea to make chalk out of oyster shells because of the properties found in oyster shells such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and chalks are mostly made out of this compound. It would also be cheaper and would be environmental friendly to use our product because this chalk is made out of oyster shells which are mostly thrown away after eating the insides of the animal. Oyster shells are also attainable, abundant and easy to find all over the markets of Catbalogan.

A. Background of the Study Many people collect seashells for fun and for their past time to make decorations, jewelries and even accessories for a doll out of it. Aside from making these shells for our eyes, seashells can be made into a more useful thing that we could all be benefited. The researchers are aware that education is the most powerful key for us to succeed. And to support this, we need some tools for us to succeed. Of course, we know that we already

have some modernized equipments such as whiteboards that need whiteboard markers and projectors but for those countries experiencing financial crisis the school body doesnt own those modernized equipments due to lack of financial budget. Even though they dont have those equipments still they use a simple blackboard and a piece of chalk and has been proven effective all through the years to provide visual aid to the students. The researchers made some trials and errors from different raw materials to be made into a more durable chalk that we could use. B. Statement of the Problem 1. General Objective This study is aimed to investigate the Acceptability of Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) shells as the main ingredient in making chalk. 2. Specific Objective/s The Researchers specifically aimed a. To compare the effectiveness between commercial chalk and seashell chalk in terms of quality, texture, durability. b. To compare its effectiveness in 3 different sets wherein the amount of chalks are different. C. Hypothesis Null Hypothesis The oyster shells are not effective as chalk.

Alternative Hypothesis The oyster shells are effective as chalk. D. Significance of the Study This study opens another way for us people to be able to save and make chalks that are much durable with long-lasting use that will take part in our study. The study was conducted as a remedy for the common problem of spending much in and it also helpful to gain money when you make this as your business affair. We can also make some raw materials that we thought to be useless, transformed into a much useful and improved thing. E. Scope and Limitation This study is focused on designing and producing alternative chalks. It also deals with the assessment of its actual advantages as compared to some commercialized one. The qualities and quantities data obtained in the testing of the product against the control were limited to 3 tests only. F. Theoretical Framework Some people considered seashell as useless in terms of reasonable things. And because of our research, this belief will now be changed to a bright side. The researchers will prove that seashells are not useless but are significant ones

G. Conceptual Framework
Dependent Variable Oyster Shells Independent Variables Durability Quality Texture Clarity of written output Constant Variables Hot Water Starch Intervening Variable The quality of oyster shells

H. Definition of Terms 1. Seashells is a hard, rigid outer layer, which has evolved in a very wide variety of different animals, including mollusks, sea urchins, crustaceans, turtle sand tortoises, armadillos, etc. Scientific names for this type of structure include exoskeleton, arm our, test, carapace, and peltidium 2. Pulverization- The oyster shells were reduced by crashing it using hammer, mortar and pestle to very small particles. 3. Chalk - is a soft, white, porous sedimentary rock, a form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. 4. Calcium carbonate - is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. Chalk is made out of Calcite and Calcite is Calcium Carbonate.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature Family: Ostreidae. These edible oysters are most commonly known throughout the world as a popular source of seafood. The shell is porcelaneous and the pearls produced from these edible oysters have little value. Oysters from this family group vary in size and shape. WINGED AND PEARLED OYSTER SHELLS Family: Pteriidae. This is a large family of tropical-dwelling oysters, with a smooth mother of pearl interior. They are usually found attached to rocks and wharfs. Some produce a gem quality pearl. THORNY OYSTER SHELLS Family: Spondylidae. Although they look like oysters, thorny oysters are actually more closely related to the scallop shell family. Also known as Chrysanthemum shells, these shells vary greatly in shape, color and spine. There are 2 dozen known species within this family group. Marine growth on the spines offers the living thorny oysters camouflage protection from predators. JINGLE SHELLS Family: Anomiidae. This is a group of thin and semi-translucent shells that are found attached to rocks, wood and other shells. They are commonly found in shallow waters and mangroves.( Top 12 Benefits to Oyster Shells Oyster Shell Products Features and Benefits 1. Quality-Oyster Shell is recognized as the highest quality, most uniformly consistent form of calcium for poultry. 2. Particle Size-Appropriate particle size for the ration being formulated

3. Density- Bulk density (65lb./ft) ensures more even distribution through the entire feeding system. Resists separation. 4. Consistency-Oyster Shell always contains 38% calcium with no detrimental impurities to harm eggshell quality. 5. Heat Treated- All Oyster Shell is heat treated to 250 degrees F in a rotary drier to help prevent Salmonella and minimize contamination. 6. Biologically Available- Oyster Shell is available when most needed for eggshell formation. 7. Improves Bone Strength-When placed in the feed of spent hens being sent to market, Oyster Shell has been shown to reduce bone fragility. 8. More Marketable Eggs-When Oyster Shell is included as a portion of the calcium in the ration of laying hens, more eggs per hen consistently reach the consumer. 9. Improves Eggshell Specific Gravity-Recent research has shown a significant improvement in eggshell specific gravity for hens fed a portion of their calcium in the form of Oyster Shell. 10. Drier Droppings-Hens fed Oyster Shell have been shown to reduce manure moisture, improving fly control and total manure management. 11. Reduces Mortality-It has been reported by several managers of large laying complexes that the inclusion of Oyster Shell as a portion of the calcium requirement of laying hens, improve both shell quality and reduces mortality.

12. Molting-The incorporation of Oyster Shell as a portion of the ration for one week prior to molting and during the return to full feed, has optimized production results. Results typically achieved when including Oyster Shell as 1/3-1/2 of the calcium ration. It makes "cents" to always use Oyster Shell in poultry rations. ( A favorite among exotic foods, oysters are large shellfish loaded with many health benefits. They have rough, fluted shells that are soft and fleshy in texture, influenced by the water they come from. Sweet and sometimes salty, oysters have a unique dusky flavor. Oysters can be consumed in variety of ways such as half shelled, raw, smoked, boiled, baked, fried, roasted, stewed, canned, pickled, steamed and grilled. They are rich in various vitamins and minerals and hence, benefit the young and old, men and women. Read through the following lines to know more about the health and nutrition benefits of eating oysters and also explore the nutritional value of oysters. Nutrition and Health Benefits of Eating Oysters A rich natural source of zinc, oysters assist in maintaining a strong immune system, healing wounds, maintaining the senses of taste and smell and inhibiting the abnormal clotting that contributes to cardiovascular disease. Oysters contain proteins that are high in tyrosine, an amino acid that is used by the brain to help in regulating mood and adapting to stress. Including oysters in your diet helps in maintaining collagen levels in the skin. This enables the skin to retain its elasticity and firmness and delay the onset of wrinkles.

The high levels of calcium, iron and vitamin A in oysters assist in healthy being of the bones, blood and eyesight, respectively. Oysters are low in fat, cholesterol and calories and can thus be enjoyed by everyone, if consumed in moderation. Since oysters are rich in amino acids, they are known as aphrodisiacs for triggering increased levels of sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen. Buying and Storing Tips Fresh oysters smell clean just like the ocean. Live oysters have their shells tightly sealed. To preserve oysters, place them on a platter or cookie sheet with their flat side up and cover them with a towel. Refrigerate them until serving. Cooking Tips Oysters are prepared by simply opening the shell and serving the contents either raw or by adding salt or lemon. Raw oysters can also be blanched for 30 seconds to 1 minute in very hot water to kill the oysters and open up by themselves. Grill the oysters about 6 inches above the coals with their flat side up for about 3 minutes. When done, the oysters will pop up open by themselves. Immerse shucked oysters in flour or cornmeal mixed with herbs and spices. Fry it in butter or oil and saut until brown for about 2 to 3 minutes. Caution

Oysters should not be consumed by people with heart disease or hypertension, since they are high in sodium. Raw oysters contain bacteria called Vibrio that causes illness, especially in people with weakened immune system. ( Chemicalmechanical characteristics of crushed oyster-shell Gil-Lim Yoon*, Byung-Tak Kim, Baeck-Oon Kim, Sang-Hun Han Coastal & Harbor Engineering Research Division, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, 1270 Sadong, Ansan City, 425-744, South Korea Accepted 16 October 2002 Abstract Enormous amount of oyster-shell waste has been illegally disposed at oyster farm sites along the southern coast of Korea. To seek for a possibility to recycle the waste as construction materials, chemical and mechanical characteristics of crushed oyster-shell were investigated. Chemical and microstructure analyses showed that oyster-shells are predominantly composed of calcium carbonate with rare impurities. Compressive strength tests for soil mortar specimens with varying blending ratio of cement, water. sand, and oyster-shell were compared with normal cement mortar. There was no signicant reduction in the compressive strength. up to 40% of dosages of oyster-shell

instead of sand. The experimental results demonstrate that oyster-shells can be resources of pure calcareous materials and eective in replacement of sand, indicating promising reusable construction materials. (# 2002 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.) Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of the body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid in their removal from the body. Calcium carbonate is used to prevent and to treat calcium deficiencies. Calcium carbonate may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide. Take calcium carbonate exactly as directed by your doctor or follow the directions on the package. If you do not understand these directions, ask your pharmacist, nurse, or doctor to explain them to you. Swallow the calcium carbonate tablets and capsules with a full glass of water. Chew the chewable forms of calcium carbonate completely before swallowing. Use the calcium carbonate powder as directed. Allow the powder to dissolve completely, and then consume the mixture. Shake the calcium carbonate suspension well before measuring a dose. To ensure that you get the correct dose, use a dose-measuring spoon or cup, not a regular table spoon to measure the liquid. If you do not have a dosemeasuring device, ask your pharmacist where you can get one. Take calcium with meals to increase its absorption by the body, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Store calcium carbonate at room temperature away from moisture and heat. (

Chapter III Methodology Set 1 A. Materials and Equipment Materials 10 grams of fine Oyster Shells 1 tablespoon Starch 1 spoon of hot water Equipment B. General Procedure The Oyster shells will be obtained at the Catbalogans Public Market. Pulverized the 10g Oyster shells until it becomes fine as powder you can use a hammer first and afterwards, use a mortar and pestle works great for this process. Add a 1 tablespoon of starch and 1 spoon of hot water of water at the right ratio of the quantity of the mixture. Mold the mixture into different shapes and sizes according to your desire using wax paper. Place it under the sun and wait until it dries up and is ready to be used. Peel the paper off one end. Mortar and pestle Molder Hammer Container Wax paper Spoon Tablespoon

Set 2 A. Materials and Equipment Materials 15 grams of fine Oyster Shells 1 tablespoon Starch 1 spoon of hot water B. General Procedure The Oyster shells will be obtained at the Catbalogans Public Market. Pulverized the 15g Oyster shells until it becomes fine as powder you can use a hammer first and afterwards, use a mortar and pestle works great for this process. Add a 1 tablespoon of starch and 1 spoon of hot water of water at the right ratio of the quantity of the mixture. Mold the mixture into different shapes and sizes according to your desire using wax paper. Place it under the sun and wait until it dries up and is ready to be used. Peel the paper off one end. Hammer Container Wax paper Spoon Tablespoon Molder Equipment Mortar and pestle

Set 3 A. Materials and Equipment Equipment Materials 20 grams of fine Oyster Shells 1 tablespoon Starch 1 spoon of hot water B. General Procedure The Oyster shells will be obtained at the Catbalogans Public Market. Pulverized the 20g Oyster shells until it becomes fine as powder you can use a hammer first and afterwards, use a mortar and pestle works great for this process. Add a 1 tablespoon of starch and 1 spoon of hot water of water at the right ratio of the quantity of the mixture. Mold the mixture into different shapes and sizes according to your desire using wax paper. Place it under the sun and wait until it dries up and is ready to be used. Peel the paper off one end. Mortar and pestle Molder Hammer Container Wax paper Spoon Tablespoon

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