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I Live

I wish I live like this

A normal teenage girl
Living in a wonderful world
Without thinking any danger
But it came
Never ending game
Full of cruelty, chaos, and revenge
It destroy my life
Heartless Nazis
Power from their Lord, Adolf Hitler
Jews must die
Germans will live
Secret Annex
Serves us a cave
My family was safe
Until Nazis came
Concentration Camp
Screams, blood, bones
I lose hope
But I had to be strong
I just dream again
To ease some pain
Thinking in another dimension
But it was a tension
I know in another life
Mom, Margot, and I will live at peace
God is with me
My savior forever

What is Anne Franks greatest contribution in
There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the
law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity - the law of nature
and of nations. by Edmund Burke.

For me Humanity describes a total characteristics or the behavior of a

person. The essence of being human is what we should do. We should
have also the inner part of ourselves not just in outer appearance. This
makes us a human being.
Anne Frank is not a typical girl that we all know. Shes a girl from World
War II. Who show s a very strong image to her fellow Jewish. She
encourages herself and family to stand in a destructive force. Surviving
for two years hiding in a secret room with her family, having lost
everything she loved including her freedom to be a normal children , yet
through it all she never became bitter , never hated Germans, never gave
up hope. Even in prison after her captured, she continued to show the
strength of character and care for others.
From there, Anne Frank touches our hearts with her undying
experiences and leaves us a mark of being brave in the time of World War
II. And her Diary represents a good source of how people overcome a
prejudice. An opportunity to
2.) Describe the following

a.)Hiding place- the hiding Place is located in Amsterdam. It was

actually just an old factory where Otto Frank used to work.There was an old
house built into the back of it. That is where the eight Jews stayed during two years
of the Second World War. The Secret Annexe was described to be, small and
uncomfortable. There were only a few rooms in the house, so the families had to
share between themselves. Anne shared a room with Dr. Dussel. Otto, Edith, and
Margot shared a room. Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan shared a room, and Peter got his own
small room with the stairs leading to the attic. Besides the bedrooms, the only other
rooms in the Secret Annexe were the attic and bathroom. There was a kitchen, but it
was in the bottom floor of the house, which wasn't considered part of the Secret
The Secret Annex was above street level but that didn't mean that people
walking by couldn't see Anne and the other people. The first day that Anne and her
family moved in, they made dark curtains to hang up over the windows so no one
could see inside the Annex. The "curtains" weren't actually real curtains. They were
only loose strips of material, all different shapes, quality and pattern, which Anne
and her father sewed together in a very "unprofessional" way. As Anne said, "These
works of art are fixed in position with drawing pins, not to come down until we
emerge from here."
At first, the Secret Annex was not exactly considered safe. There was an obvious
entrance to the above-street-level floors. The Franks, Van Daans, and Dr. Dussel

could easily be found and captured, so they came up with an idea to make the
Secret Annex really safe. They made a book shelf, and attached it to the doorway so
it would swing open and closed for the people to get in and out of. This was just like
a secret door.
Anne and her companions were not allowed to leave the Secret Annex for
anything. If they did, they would be captured and taken away to a concentration
camp. They obviously needed food and water so they, very much, needed someone
to get it for them. There were a couple of people who helped the people living in the
Secret Annex. They brought whatever anyone really wanted and needed. Miep Gies,
Bep Voskuijl, Victor Kuglar, Kraler, and Johannes Kleiman were all a great help to
Anne, her family, the Van Daans, and Dr. Dussel. Without them, they all would have
been captured much earlier, and lived a much shorter life.

b.) People and Characters

Anne Frank - The thirteen-year-old Jewish girl who writes a diary while
she is hiding in Amsterdam from the Nazis during World War II.
Shes the second child of Mr&Mrs Franks. As her diary reveals, she is very
introspective and creative and has a vivid imagination.
Margot Frank: a sixteen-year-old. Margot is much more like her mother
than Anne. She is quiet, modest, and reserved: the complete opposite of
Edith Frank : Annes reserved and nervous mother, Mrs. Frank loves
Anne, but she wishes she were more proper and polite, like her sister Margot.
Because of her reserved nature, Mrs. Frank and Anne are not close. she is the
source of many conflicts with Anne during the two years that the family
spends in hiding.
Otto Frank : He is a Jewish businessman who left Germany after Hitler's
rise to power, hoping to find refuge in Holland. Hes polite and practical
father, Mr. Frank is the head of the attic family. His calmness and patience
are an asset in the cramped attic and a comfort to Anne, who is very close to
Putti Van Daan: A Jewish businessman and an associate of Mr. Frank's.
He and his family share the "Secret Annex" with the Franks.
Petronella Van Daana rather interfering person. Anne finds it difficult to
get along with her.

Peter Van Daan : The is two-and-a-half years older than Anne, and his
calm, quiet nature contrasts with her more excitable, vital personality. At
first, Anne thinks that Peter is dull, but later on, they develop a warm and
loving friendship.
Mr. Dssel: An elderly dentist who joins the group in hiding in November
1942. He shares Anne's room, and his pedantic nature continually irritates
Mr. Kraler :A Dutch Gentile businessman who has been an associate of Mr.
Frank and Mr. Van Daan and who takes over the running of the business
when they are no longer able to do so. He works in the office in the building
where the "Secret Annex" is located, and he helps with technical, logistical
aspects, such as obtaining food for the people in hiding.
Mr. Koophuis: A Dutch Gentile business associate of Mr. Frank and Mr. Van
Daan. He also takes over the running of the business after all Jews have been
forbidden to employ Gentiles, and he helps to conceal the group in hiding
and obtain supplies for them.
Miep:A young woman who works in the office below the "Secret Annex."
She helps with obtaining food and supplies for the group in hiding and
keeping their spirits up.
Elli: A young typist who also works in the office below the "Secret Annex."
She also helps obtain food and supplies for the group in hiding and comforts
them psychologically.

c.) About her hope and peace

In the 14th of June 1942. A picture of happy family. A birthday party for their
little girl named Anne Frank . Days past and suddenly a bad news came.
Adolf Hitler proclaimed a Martial Law which kills thousand of Jewish people.
By putting them in a concentration camp or in gas chamber. A great
holocaust was happened. In two years Franks and Daans hide in the Secret
Annex. That serves them a shield from the Nazi.
By the month of August 1, 1944. This day was full of sorrow. The time she
and Margot placed in Belsen, her sister was already sick and Anne was sick
too. And afterwards she died ; peacefully, feeling that nothing bad was
happening to her.

I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too; I
feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I
somehow feel that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and
tranquility will return once more. (Saturday 15th of July, 1944)
From this quotation I personally salute Anne Frank for being optimistic and
living her life like its normal.
d.) About her talent
By the time she had her first ever diary, Anne doesnt know what to write
on. So she decided to named it Kitty and treat like her friend.
She show a different kind of girl. Through writing her diary and making it a
remarkable for each of us.
e.) About her ambition
Anne Frank aspired to be a journalist and a famous writer but was not
allowed the chance to pursue that dream, although she clearly had the
potential to achieve it. she worked hard to improve her skills. She wrote
thoughtful, soul-searching short stories, some of which have survived. She
looked critically at what she wrote, revising her efforts with an eye to their
postwar publication. But in a cruel instance of mans inhumanity to man, her
potential was checked before it was fully developed. That is the tragedy.
The joy is that she achieved her purpose nonetheless. Anne Frank was a
young girl with a vision: to become an author and have a profound effect on
the world. Although her life was cut short, the dedication she applied to her
vision actually resulted in its realizationpossibly beyond her wildest hopes.
"I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am so
grateful to God for having given me this gift, this possibility of
developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is inside
me!" Anne Frank

Margaret Nicole C. Larin

The story's ideas? Author's attitude towards those ideas? Author's "statement" about those ideas? The story's
message or main point? Your attitude?
What people/forces/ideas/interests/values/institutions oppose each other?
What decisions must the characters make? Between what two things is
he/she deciding? What do these things represent?
What kinds of person/people are the character(s)? Their
virtues/talents? How do they conduct themselves? What do they say and do to reval themselves? What do others
say and do about the? What are your opinions or feelings about them?

What concrete, specific objects have been used to represent abstract ideas? What colors, names, settings, recurring
objects have been referred to? What ideas do these represent?
Setting refers to TIME and PLACE: Time: of day, year, era/age? Place: city, country? Outside, inside? Rich and
opulent or poor and simple? Stark and barren landscape? Rainy or sunny? Beautiful or adversarial? Dark or light?
Dangerous or safe? The weather? How does all this affect meaning? What feelings (atmosphere) are evoked just
by the setting?
What is the emotional feeling of the whole work and the writing/artist's craft? Joyful? Melancholy? Fatalistic? Angry?
Peaceful? Scary?
Figurative Language
What kinds of comparisons are made that add layers to the meaning of the poem or story?
A metaphor is a direct comparison: my love is a rose, or he was a snake.
A simile is indirect, mediated by "like" or "as": my love is like a rose, or he was as mean as a

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