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The diary of young girl

Anne Frank

1. Basic information about the author

The Author and the major charakter are the same person. Anne was born on 12th June 1929
in Germany. In 1933 her family moved to Holland for safety before Nazis, because the whole
of her family was Jews and in 1942 they had to move to their secret hiding place. In August
1944 Nazis found them and took Anne with Margot (her sister) to the concentration camp in
Auschtwitz and later the Nazis move them to the concentration camp in Berger-Belsen
where they died of typhus.

2. Type of the book


3. Settings

This diary takes place in the second world war, specifically from 13th June 1942 – 1st August
1944 in Amsterdam in Holland.

4. Characters

Major character – Anne Frank

She was young a teen girl with a dark hair. She didn’t have a lot of friends. She had two
personal „sides“ the first was cheerful and amusing and the other was deeper and finer.

Minor characters

Otto Frank and Anne’s mother – Anne‘s parents (Otto survived the war and published her

Margot Frank – Anne’s older sister

Miep and Jan – They weren’t Jews,therefore, they could help Franks and van Daan families
from the outside.

Mr and Mrs van Daan – They were in the secret annexe with Frank’s family.

Peter van Daan – Mr and Mrs van Daan’s son

Albert Dussel – dentist who was in the secret annexe with them too.

Mr. Kleiman – a manager at Mr Frank’s company

5. What happened in the story

This story is about a young Jewish girl and her family. They lived in Germany but due to Nazi
regime in 1933 they had to move to Amsterdam in Holland. In 1942 they had to hide in their
secret hiding place because the Nazis wanted to talk with Anne’s father. Actually they
wanted to talk with Margot maybe they wanted to deport her. Their hiding place was in the
annex of Otto’s company. They were there with van Daan’s family. Mr and Mrs van Daan had
a son – Peter. Anne thought that Peter is a boring and shy boy but after some time she knew
him better and they became good friends. Later Mr. Dussel (dentist) came to their annexe
for safety too. After a long time spent in the annexe the relationship among the people
started to be worse and worse but Anne fell in love with Peter. On 4th August 1944 their
annexe was found by Nazis. Nazis took all of them to concentration camps. All of them died
only Anne’s father survived and after the second world war he published her diary which
was founded by Miep.

6. My opinion

This book totally disappointed me. I don’t know why it is so popular. For me is this book
literature trash. I can’t say if the normal book is better than this penguin version but this
book was only waste of time for me. The book was full of the senseless emotions of a young
girl and there was no plot…

7. New vocabulary
Sex – pohlavní styk

Annexe – přístavba

Arrest – zatknout

Suffer – trpět

Quarrel – hádka

Prayer – modlitba

Pretend – předstírat

Authority – úřady

Raid – nálet

Mood – nálada

Bottom floor – dolní patro

Coat – kabát

Although - ačkoli

Tightly – těsně
Spoilt – rozmazlený

Stiff – tuhý

Awful – hrozný

Unpleasant – nepříjemný

Tin – plechovka

Amusing - zábavný

Weak - slabý

Enough - dost

Cheerful - veselý

Unfortunately – bohužel

Curtains – záclony

Apologize – omluvit se

Cupboard – skříňka

Pot – hrnec

Honestly – upřímně

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