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QMot QBL4208 family


Trinamic Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

Sternstraße 67
D – 20357 Hamburg, Germany
QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 2

Table of Contents
1 Life support policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Features........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Order codes.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Mechanical Dimensions .............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Leadwire Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Torque figures ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Motor QBL4208-41-04-006.................................................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Motor QBL4208-61-04-013.................................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 Motor QBL4208-81-04-019.................................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Motor QBL4208-100-04-025 ............................................................................................................................. 10
6 Motor sizing ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.1 Peak torque requirement ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.2 RMS torque requirement ................................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Motor velocity .................................................................................................................................................... 13
7 Revision history .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.1 Document revision ........................................................................................................................................... 14

List of Figures
Figure 4.1: Dimensions (all values in mm) ................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5.1: QBL4208-41-04-006 Velocity vs. Torque characteristics ......................................................................... 7
Figure 5.2: QBL4208-61-04-013 Velocity vs. torque characteristics .......................................................................... 8
Figure 5.3: QBL4208-81-04-019 Velocity vs. Torque characteristics ......................................................................... 9
Figure 5.4: QBL4208-100-04-025 Velocity vs. Torque characteristics ..................................................................... 10
Figure 5.5: QBL4208-100-04-025 Torque vs. Current characteristics ...................................................................... 11
Figure 6.1: Trapezoidal move and triangular move .................................................................................................. 13

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Motor technical data ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 3.1: Order codes ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 4.1: Leadwire configuration .................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 7.1: Document revision .......................................................................................................................................... 14

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 3

1 Life support policy

TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not
authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life
support systems, without the specific written consent
of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG.

Life support systems are equipment intended to

support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform,
when properly used in accordance with instructions
provided, can be reasonably expected to result in
personal injury or death.

© TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2010

Information given in this data sheet is believed to be

accurate and reliable. However neither responsibility
is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for
any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties, which may result from its use.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 4

2 Features
QMOT BLDC motors are quality motors for universal use. They feature a long life due to ball bearings
and no wearing out parts. These BLDC motors give a good fit to the TRINAMIC family of medium and
high current BLDC motor modules.

Main characteristics:
 Hall Effect Angle: 120° electric angle
 Shaft run out: 0,025 mm
 Insulation Class: B
 Radial Play: 0,02 mm 450G load
 Max Radial Force: 28N (10mm from flange)
 Max Axial Force: 10N
 Dielectric Strength: 500 VDC For One Minute
 Insulation Resistance: 100M Ohm min. 500VDC
 Recommended Ambient Temp.: -20 to +40°C
 Bearing: Brushless motors fitted with ball bearings

QBL 4208
-41-04-006 -61-04-013 -81-04-019 -100-04-025
No. of Pole 8 8 8 8
No. of Phase 3 3 3 3
Rated Voltage V 24 24 24 24
Rated Phase Current A 1.79 3.47 5.14 6.95
Rated Speed RPM 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated Torque Nm 0.0625 0.125 0.185 0.25
Max Peak Torque Nm 0.19 0.38 0.56 0.75
Torque Constant Nm/A 0.035 0.036 0.036 0.036
Line to Line Resistance Ohm 1.8 0.72 0.55 0.28
Line to Line Inductance mH 2.6 1.2 0.8 0.54
Max Peak Current A 5.4 10.6 15.5 20
Length (LMAX) mm 41 61 81 100
Rotor Inertia kgm² x 10-6 24 48 72 96
Mass kg 0.3 0.45 0.65 0.8
Table 2.1: Motor technical data

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

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3 Order codes
Order code Description Dimensions (mm)
QBL4208-41-04-006 QMot BLDC motor 42 mm, 4000RPM, 0.06Nm 42 x 42 x 41
QBL4208-61-04-013 QMot BLDC motor 42 mm, 4000RPM, 0.13Nm 42 x 42 x 61
QBL4208-81-04-019 QMot BLDC motor 42 mm, 4000RPM, 0.19Nm 42 x 42 x 81
QBL4208-100-04-025 QMot BLDC motor 42 mm, 4000RPM, 0.25Nm 42 x 42 x 100
Table 3.1: Order codes

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4 Mechanical dimensions
4.1 Dimensions

22±1 Length 42


Ø5 42 42


Figure 4.1: Dimensions (all values in mm)

4.2 Leadwire configuration

Cable type 1 Gauge Function

Vcc Hall Sensor
Red  UL1007 AWG26
+5VDC to +24VDC
Blue  UL1007 AWG26 Hall A
Green  UL1007 AWG26 Hall B
White  UL1007 AWG26 Hall C
GND Hall
Black  UL1007 AWG26
Sensor Ground
Yellow  UL1007 AWG20 Phase U
Red  UL1007 AWG20 Phase V
Black  UL1007 AWG20 Phase W
Table 4.1: Leadwire configuration

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

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5 Torque figures
The torque figures detail motor torque characteristics measured in block commutation. Please be
careful not to operate the motors outside the blue field. This is possible for short times only because
of a resulting high coil temperature. The motors have insulation class B.
The blue field is described by rated speed and rated torque.

5.1 Motor QBL4208-41-04-006

Velocity vs. torque measured with 24V supply voltage







0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

Figure 5.1: QBL4208-41-04-006 velocity vs. torque characteristics

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 8

5.2 Motor QBL4208-61-04-013

Velocity vs. torque measured with 24V supply voltage







0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 025 0.3

Figure 5.2: QBL4208-61-04-013 velocity vs. torque characteristics

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 9

5.3 Motor QBL4208-81-04-019

Velocity vs. torque measured with 24V supply voltage






0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Figure 5.3: QBL4208-81-04-019 velocity vs. torque characteristics

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 10

5.4 Motor QBL4208-100-04-025

Velocity vs. torque measured with 24V supply voltage







0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 025 0.3

Figure 5.4: QBL4208-100-04-025 velocity vs. torque characteristics

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 11

Torque vs. current measured with 24V supply voltage


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 025 0.3

Figure 5.5: QBL4208-100-04-025 torque vs. current characteristics

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 12

6 Motor sizing
For the optimum solution it is important to fit the motor to the application. The three key parameters
are peak torque requirement, RMS torque requirement and motor velocity.

6.1 Peak torque requirement

Peak torque TP is the sum of the torque due to acceleration of inertia (TI), load (TL) and friction (TF):

TP  TJ  TL  TF

The torque due to inertia is the product of the load (including motor rotor) inertia and the load

TJ  J  a

The torque due to the load is defined by the configuration of the mechanical system coupled to the
motor. The system also determines the amount of torque required to overcome the friction.

6.2 RMS torque requirement

Root-Mean-Square or RMS torque is a value used to approximate the average continuous torque
requirement. Its statistical approximation is with
t1: acceleration time t2: run time t3: deceleration time t4: time in a move

TP2  t 1  TL  TF   t 2  TJ  TL  TF   t 3

2 2
t1  t 2  t 3  t 4

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

QBL4208 Manual (V1.03 / 2010-NOV-03) 13

6.3 Motor velocity

The motor velocity is also dictated by the configuration of the mechanical system that is coupled to
the motor shaft, and by the type of move that is to be affected. For example, a single velocity
application would require a motor with rated velocity equal to the average move velocity. A point to
point positioning would require a motor with a rated velocity higher than the average move velocity.
(The higher velocity would account for acceleration, deceleration and run times of the motion profile).
Figure 6.1: Trapezoidal move and triangular move relates rated motor velocity to average move
velocity for two point to point positioning move profiles.

Trapezoidal move Triangular move


(1/4)D (1/2)D (1/4)D

(1/2)D (1/2)D

t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t3 t4

For acceleration portion of curve: For acceleration portion of curve:

For entire move: For entire move:

Example: Example:

ωmax rated operating speed of motor RPM

ωtrap average speed of motor required for a specified trapezoidal move, RPM
ωtri average speed of motor required for a specified triangular move, RPM
D total distance traveled, motor shaft revolutions
t1 acceleration time, seconds
t2 run time, seconds
t3 deceleration time, seconds
t4 dwell time, seconds

Figure 6.1: Trapezoidal move and triangular move

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

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7 Revision history
7.1 Document revision
Version Date Author Description
1.00 2007-MAY-09 HC Initial Release
1.01 2008-APR-01 GE Motor coil connections corrected
1.02 2008-NOV-25 MJ Leadwire corrected
1.03 2010-NOV-03 SD New motor drawings, order codes added, minor changes
Table 7.1: Document revision

Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

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