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NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program)

Seismic Provisions:
Design Examples
FEMA P-1051

2015 Edition

Prepared for the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
By the Building Seismic Safety Council of the
National Institute of Building Sciences


A council of the National Institute of Building Sciences
Washington, D.C.
NOTICE: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, neither FEMA
nor any of its employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assume any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process
included in this publication.

The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) was established in 1979

under the auspices of the National Institute of Building Sciences as a forum-
based mechanism for dealing with the complex regulatory, technical, social,
and economic issues involved in developing and promulgating building
earthquake hazard mitigation regulatory provisions that are national in scope.
By bringing together in the BSSC all of the needed expertise and all relevant
public and private interests, it was believed that issues related to the seismic
safety of the built environment could be resolved and jurisdictional problems
overcome through authoritative guidance and assistance backed by a broad
The BSSC is an independent, voluntary membership body representing a
wide variety of building community interests. Its fundamental purpose is to
enhance public safety by providing a national forum that fosters improved
seismic safety provisions for use by the building community in the planning,
design, construction, regulation, and utilization of buildings.
This report was prepared under Contract HSFEHQ-09-D-0417 between the
Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of
Building Sciences.
For further information on Building Seismic Safety Council activities and
products, see the Council’s website ( or contact the
Building Seismic Safety Council, National Institute of Building Sciences,
1090 Vermont, Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005; phone
202-289-7800; fax 202-289-1092; e-mail [email protected].
Copies of this report on CD Rom may be obtained from the FEMA
Publication Distribution Facility at 1-800-480-2520. The report can also be
downloaded in pdf form from the BSSC website at .
The National Institute of Building Sciences and its Building Seismic Safety
Council caution users of this document to be alert to patent and copyright
concerns especially when applying prescriptive requirements.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed under the National Earthquake
Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) to support implementation of new knowledge and research results
for improving seismic design and building practices in the nation. One of the goals of FEMA and
NEHRP is to encourage design and building practices that address the earthquake hazard and
minimize the resulting risk of damage and injury. The 2015 edition of the NEHRP Recommended
Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA P-1050) affirmed FEMA’s
ongoing support to improve the seismic safety of construction in this country. The NEHRP Provisions
serves as a key resource for the seismic requirements in the ASCE/SEI 7 Standard Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures as well as the national model building codes, the
International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC) and NFPA 5000 Building
Construction Safety Code. FEMA welcomes the opportunity to provide this material and to work with
these codes and standards organizations.
FEMA P-1051 provides a series of design examples that will assist the users of the 2015 NEHRP
Provisions and the ASCE/SEI 7 standard the Provisions adopted by reference. This product has
included several new chapters to provide examples for nonlinear response history analysis procedures,
horizontal diaphragm analysis, soil structural interaction, and strcutures with energy dissipation devices.
The eighteen chapters not only illustrate how to apply the new methods and requirements adopted in the
2015 NEHRP Provisions for engineering design, but also cover code conforming updates for the design
examples of different structural materials and non-strucutral components. This product serves as an
educational and supporting respource for the 2015 NEHRP Provisions. The new changes in the 2015
NEHRP Provisions have incorporated extensive results and findings from recent research projects,
problem-focused studies, and post-earthquake investigation reports conducted by various professional
organizations, research institutes, universities, material industries and the NEHRP agencies.
FEMA wishes to express its gratitude to the authors listed in the acknowledgements for their
significant efforts in preparing this material and to the BSSC Board of Direction and staff who
made this possible. Their hard work has resulted in a resource product that will provide important
assistance to a significant number of users of the 2015 NEHRP Provisions, and the upcoming
new edition of national design standards and model building codes with incorporated changes
based-on the Provisions.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

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Since its creation in 1979, the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) has provided a
framework for efforts to reduce the risk from earthquakes. The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC)
is proud to have been selected by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to continue to
play a role under NEHRP in improving the seismic resistance of the built environment. The BSSC is
pleased to mark the delivery to FEMA of the 2015 Design Examples, the companion document to the
2015 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures.
This volume of design examples is intended for those experienced structural designers, who are
relatively new to the field of earthquake-resistant design and to the 2015 NEHRP Provisions. By
extension, it also applies to use of the current model codes and standards because the Provisions is the
key resource for updating seismic design requirements in most of those documents including ASCE 7
Standard, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures; and the International Building
Code (IBC). Furthermore, the 2015 NEHRP Provisions (FEMA P-1050) adopted ASCE7-10 by
reference, and the 2012 International Building Code adopted ASCE7-10 by reference; therefore,
seismic design requirements are essentially equivalent across the Provisions, ASCE7 and the national
model code. The Provisions and the national model codes and standards attest to the success of FEMA
and NEHRP and BSSC efforts to ensure that the nation’s building codes and standards reflect the
state-of-the art of earthquake-resistant design.
This edition of the design examples reflects the technical changes in the 2015 NEHRP Provisions
just as the previous version, the FEMA P-751 Design Examples published in September 2012, reflected
the 2009 NEHRP Provisions. Updated education/training materials to supplement this set of design
examples will be published as a separate FEMA product, 2015 NEHRP Recommended Seismic
Provisions: Training Material, FEMA P-1052.
The BSSC is grateful to all those individuals whose assistance made the 2015 edition of the
design examples a reality:
 Robert Pekelnicky, who served as project lead and managing technical editor, and James Malley,
who served as project advisor for the 2015 Design Examples.
 The Design Examples chapter authors: Finley Charney, Kelly Cobeen, S.K. Ghosh, John
Gillengerten, Steven Harris, Curt Haselton, John Hooper, Dominic Kelley, Charlie Kircher, Nico
Luco, James Malley, Ian McFarlane, Robert Pekelnicky, Gregory Soules, and Andrew Taylor.
 Robert Hanson, who provided a review for each chapter.
And finally, the BSSC Board is grateful to FEMA Project Officer Mai Tong for his support and
guidance and to Philip Schneider of the NIBS staff for his efforts in providing project management,
assembling the 2015 volume for publication, and issuance as an e-document available for download
and on CD-ROM.

Jimmy W. Sealy, FAIA

Chair, BSSC Board of Direction

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples



1. Introduction


1.3 THE NEHRP DESIGN EXAMPLES………………………,,,,,,,,,……………………...9

1.4 REFERENCES………………………………………..,,,,,,,,,……………………………12

2. Fundamentals

2.1 EARTHQUAKE PHENOMENA.........................................................................3

2.2 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO GROUND SHAKING....................................4
2.2.1 Response Spectra...........................................................................................4
2.2.2 Inelastic Response.......................................................................................10
2.2.3 Building Materials.......................................................................................13
2.2.4 Building Systems.........................................................................................14
2.2.5 Supplementary Elements Added to Improve Structural Performance.........15
2.3 ENGINEERING PHILOSOPHY........................................................................16
2.4 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS..............................................................................17
2.5 NONSTRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDINGS.......................................19
2.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE..................................................................................20

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

3. Earthquake Ground Motion Update

3.1.1 MCE Ground Motion Intensity Maps in ASCE 7-05 and Earlier Editions
3.1.2 MCER Ground Motions Introduced in the 2009 Provisions and ASCE 7-10
3.1.3 PGA Maps Introduced in the 2009 Provisions and ASCE 7-10
3.1.4 Long-Period Transition Period (TL) Maps Introduced in ASCE 7-05
3.1.5 Vertical Ground Motions Introduced in the 2009 Provisions
3.1.6 Updated MCER Ground Motion and PGA Maps in the 2015 Provisions and ASCE 7-16
3.1.7 Summary
3.2.1 ASCE 7-10 MCER Ground Motion Values
3.2.2 2015 Provisions and ASCE 7-16 MCER Ground Motion Values
3.2.3 2015 Provisions and ASCE 7-16 Horizontal Response Spectra
3.2.4 ASCE 7-16 Vertical Response Spectra
3.2.5 ASCE 7-10 Peak Ground Accelerations
3.2.6 2015 Provisions and ASCE 7-16 Peak Ground Accelerations
3.3.1 Site-Specific MCER and Design Ground Motion Requirements
3.3.2 Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Characterization
3.3.3 Example Site-Specific MCER and Design Ground Motion Spectra
3.4.1 Nonlinear Response History Selection and Scaling
3.4.2 Linear Response History Selection and Scaling
3.5 References

4. Linear Response History Provision


16…………………. 3
4.1.1 Changes in the ASCE 7-16 Standard....................................................................................3
4.1.2 Differences between ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP Provisions.....................................4
4.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND.............................................................................................5
4.2.1 Analysis Procedures.............................................................................................................5
4.2.2 Modeling Systems for 3-D Response........................................................................................11
4.2.3 Selection and Modification of Ground Motions.................................................................13
4.2.4 Runtimes and Storage Requirements.................................................................................16
4.3.1 Description of Building and Lateral Load Resisting System....................................................17
4.3.2 Analysis and Modeling Approach......................................................................................21
4.3.3 Seismic Weight and Masses...............................................................................................24
4.3.4 Preliminary Design using the ELF Procedure....................................................................26
4.3.5 Modal Properties................................................................................................................30
4.3.6 Analysis Results.................................................................................................................36

5. Nonlinear Response History Analysis

5.1 OVERVIEW OF EXAMPLE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...............................................2
5.1.1 Summary of the Chapter 16 Design Approach.................................................................2
5.1.2 Description of Example Building and Site...........................................................................3
5.1.3 Linear Analysis for Initial Proportioning.............................................................................5
5.1.4 Project-Specific Design Criteria...........................................................................................5
5.2 GROUND MOTIONS...................................................................................................................16
5.3 STRUCTURAL MODELING.......................................................................................................16
5.3.1 Overview of Modeling.......................................................................................................17
5.3.2 Gravity Load......................................................................................................................21
5.3.3 P-Delta Effects...................................................................................................................21
5.3.4 Torsion...............................................................................................................................22
5.3.5 Damping............................................................................................................................22
5.3.6 Foundation Modeling and Soil-Structure Interaction.........................................................22
5.4 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA..........................................................................................................22

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

5.4.1 Global Acceptance Criteria................................................................................................23

5.4.2 Element-Level Acceptance Criteria....................................................................................25
5.5 SUMMARY AND CLOSING........................................................................................................45

6. Horizontal Diaphragm Analysis

Step 1: Determine wpx (ASCE 7-16 Section
Step 2: Determine Rs, Diaphragm Design Force Reduction Factor (ASCE 7-16 Table . .6
Step 3: Determine Cpx, Diaphragm Design Acceleration (Force) Coefficient at Level x (ASCE 7-16
Step 4: Determine Fpx, Diaphragm Design Force at Level x (Section
EXAMPLE BUILDINGS............................................................................................................9
6.3.1 Example – One Story Wood Assembly Hall.......................................................................10
6.3.2 Example – Three-Story Multi-Family Residential.............................................................13
6.4 COMPARISON OF DESIGN FORCE LEVELS.......................................................................21
4-Story Perimeter Wall Precast Concrete Parking Structure (SDC C, Knoxville)..............................21
4-Story Interior Wall Precast Concrete Parking Structure (SDC D, Seattle)......................................22
8-Story Precast Concrete Moment Frame Office Building................................................................23
8-Story Precast Concrete Shear Wall Office Building.......................................................................25
Steel-Framed Assembly Structure in Southern California.................................................................27
Steel-Framed Office Structure in Seattle, WA...................................................................................28
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Parking Structure in Southern California.........................................29
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in Northern California...................................30
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in Seattle, WA...............................................31
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in Hawaii.......................................................32
Steel Framed Office Structure in Southern California.......................................................................33
6.5 SEISMIC DESIGN OF PRECAST CONCRETE DIAPHRAGMS...........................................33
Step 1: Determine Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level.....................................................................34
Step 2: Determine Diaphragm Design Option and Corresponding Connector or Joint Reinforcement
Deformability Requirement...............................................................................................35
Step 3: Comply with Qualification Procedure..................................................................................35
Step 4: Amplify Required Shear Strength..........................................................................................35



QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE............................................................................................36
6.7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.........................................................................................................38

7. Foundation and Liquefaction Design

7.1.1 Basic Information................................................................................................................3
7.1.2 Design for Moment-Resisting Frame System......................................................................7
7.1.3 Design for Concentrically Braced Frame System..............................................................15
7.2.1 Basic Information..............................................................................................................22
7.2.2 Pile Analysis, Design and Detailing...................................................................................31
7.2.3 Kinematic Interaction.........................................................................................................46
7.2.4 Design of Pile Caps............................................................................................................47
7.2.5 Foundation Tie Design and Detailing.................................................................................47
7.3 FOUNDATIONS ON LIQUEFIABLE SOIL............................................................................48

8. Soil-Structure Interaction
8.1 SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION OVERVIEW...................................................................3
8.2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NEEDS.............................................................................4
8.3 FLEXIBLE BASE EXAMPLE....................................................................................................5
8.3.1 Fixed Base Building Design..............................................................................................8
8.3.2 Flexible Base Design.......................................................................................................10
8.3.3 Soil and Foundation Yielding...........................................................................................10
8.4 FOUNDATION DAMPING EXAMPLE...................................................................................11
8.4.1 Radiation Damping..........................................................................................................12
8.4.2 Soil Damping 14

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

8.4.3 Foundation Damping........................................................................................................14

8.4.4 Linear procedure..............................................................................................................14
8.4.5 Nonlinear procedures.......................................................................................................17
8.5 KINEMATIC INTERACTION..................................................................................................17
8.5.1 Base-slab averaging.........................................................................................................18
8.5.2 Embedment......................................................................................................................19
8.5.3 Nonlinear Example..........................................................................................................20

9. Structural Steel Design

9.1 INDUSTRIAL HIGH-CLEARANCE BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON.....................................3

9.1.1 Building Description................................................................................................................4
9.1.2 Design Parameters...................................................................................................................7
9.1.3 Structural Design Criteria........................................................................................................8
9.1.4 Analysis.................................................................................................................................10
9.1.5 Proportioning and Details......................................................................................................16
9.2 SEVEN-STORY OFFICE BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA....................................38
9.2.1 Building Description..............................................................................................................38
9.2.2 Basic Requirements................................................................................................................41
9.2.3 Structural Design Criteria......................................................................................................42
9.2.4 Analysis and Design of Alternative A: SMF..........................................................................44
9.2.5 Analysis and Design of Alternative B: SCBF.........................................................................60

10. Reinforced Concrete

10.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................3
10.2 SEISMIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................7
10.2.1 Seismic Response Parameters..............................................................................................7
10.2.2 Seismic Design Category.....................................................................................................8
10.2.3 Structural Systems...............................................................................................................8


10.2.4 Structural Configuration......................................................................................................9

10.2.5 Load Combinations..............................................................................................................9
10.2.6 Material Properties.............................................................................................................10
10.3 DETERMINATION OF SEISMIC FORCES.............................................................................11
10.3.1 Modeling Criteria...............................................................................................................11
10.3.2 Building Mass....................................................................................................................12
10.3.3 Analysis Procedures...........................................................................................................13
10.3.4 Development of Equivalent Lateral Forces........................................................................13
10.3.5 Direction of Loading..........................................................................................................19
10.3.6 Modal Analysis Procedure.................................................................................................20
10.4 DRIFT AND P-DELTA EFFECTS............................................................................................21
10.4.1 Torsion Irregularity Check for the Berkeley Building........................................................21
10.4.2 Drift Check for the Berkeley Building...............................................................................23
10.4.3 P-delta Check for the Berkeley Building............................................................................27
10.4.4 Torsion Irregularity Check for the Honolulu Building.......................................................29
10.4.5 Drift Check for the Honolulu Building..............................................................................29
10.4.6 P-Delta Check for the Honolulu Building..........................................................................31
10.5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE BERKELEY BUILDING..................................................32
10.5.1 Analysis of Frame-Only Structure for 25 Percent of Lateral Load.....................................33
10.5.2 Design of Moment Frame Members for the Berkeley Building.........................................36
10.5.3 Design of Frame 3 Structural Wall.....................................................................................61
10.6 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE HONOLULU BUILDING.................................................69
10.6.1 Compare Seismic Versus Wind Loading............................................................................70
10.6.2 Design and Detailing of Members of Frame 1...................................................................72

11. Precast Concrete Design

11.1 HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS.................................................................................................4
11.1.1 Untopped Precast Concrete Units for Five-Story Masonry Buildings Assigned to Seismic
Design Categories B and C..................................................................................................5
11.1.2 Topped Precast Concrete Units for Five-Story Masonry Building Assigned to Seismic
Design Category D............................................................................................................24
SHEAR WALLS........................................................................................................................33
11.2.1 Building Description..........................................................................................................34
11.2.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................35

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

11.2.3 Load Combinations............................................................................................................37

11.2.4 Seismic Force Analysis......................................................................................................37
11.2.5 Proportioning and Detailing...............................................................................................40
11.3 ONE-STORY PRECAST SHEAR WALL BUILDING.............................................................52
11.3.1 Building Description..........................................................................................................52
11.3.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................54
11.3.3 Load Combinations............................................................................................................56
11.3.4 Seismic Force Analysis......................................................................................................56
11.3.5 Proportioning and Detailing...............................................................................................59
11.4.1 Ductile Connections...........................................................................................................71
11.4.2 Strong Connections............................................................................................................73

12. Composite Steel and Concrete

12.2.1 Connection Details
12.2.2 Connection Moment-Rotation Curves
12.2.3 Connection Design
12.3.1 Gravity Loads and Seismic Weight
12.3.2 Seismic Loads
12.3.3 Wind Loads
12.3.4 Notional Loads
12.3.5 Load Combinations
12.4.1 Preliminary Design
12.4.2 Application of Loading
12.4.3 Beam and Column Moment of Inertia
12.4.4 Connection Behavior Modeling
12.4.5 Building Drift and P-delta Checks
12.4.6 Beam Design
12.4.7 Column Design
12.4.8 Connection Design


12.4.9 Column Splices

12.4.10 Column Base Design

13. Mason
13.1.1 Building Description............................................................................................................3
13.1.2 Design Requirements...........................................................................................................4
13.1.3 Load Combinations..............................................................................................................6
13.1.4 Seismic Forces.....................................................................................................................8
13.1.5 Side Walls............................................................................................................................9
13.1.6 End Walls...........................................................................................................................28
13.1.7 In-Plane Deflection – End Walls........................................................................................47
13.1.8 Bond Beam – Side Walls (and End Walls).........................................................................48
13.2.1 Building Description..........................................................................................................49
13.2.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................52
13.2.3 Load Combinations............................................................................................................54
13.2.4 Seismic Design for Low Seismicity SDC B Building........................................................55
13.2.5 Seismic Design for Moderate Seismicity SDC C Building................................................74
13.2.6 Low Seismicity SDC D Building Seismic Design.............................................................85
13.2.7 Seismic Design for High Seismicity SDC D Building.......................................................93
13.2.8 Summary of Wall D Design for All Four Locations.........................................................105

14. Wood Design

14.1.1 Building Description
14.1.2 Basic Requirements
14.1.3 Seismic Force Analysis
14.1.4 Basic Proportioning

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


14.2.1 Building Description
14.2.2 Basic Requirements
14.2.3 Seismic Force Analysis
14.2.4 Basic Proportioning of Diaphragm Elements (Traditional Method, Sec. 12.10.1 and
14.2.5 Basic Proportioning of Diaphragm Elements (Alternative Method, Sec. 12.10.3)
14.2.6 Masonry Wall Anchorage to Roof Diaphragm

15. Seismically Isolated Structures

15.1 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................5
15.1.1 Concept of Seismic Isolation...............................................................................................5
15.1.2 Types of Isolation Systems...................................................................................................5
15.1.3 Design Process Summary.....................................................................................................6
15.2 PROJECT INFORMATION........................................................................................................7
15.2.1 Building Description............................................................................................................7
15.2.2 Building Weights................................................................................................................12
15.2.3 Seismic Design Parameters................................................................................................13
15.2.4 Structural Design Criteria..................................................................................................14
15.3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF ISOLATION SYSTEM.............................................................15
15.3.1 Elastomeric Isolation System.............................................................................................15
15.3.2 Sliding Isolation System....................................................................................................20
15.4 ISOLATION SYSTEM PROPERTIES......................................................................................24
15.4.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................24
15.4.2 Nominal Properties and Testing λ-Factors.........................................................................25
15.4.3 Aging and Environmental λ-Factors..................................................................................30
15.4.4 Specification λ-Factors......................................................................................................31
15.4.5 Upper- and Lower-Bound Force-Deflection Behavior.......................................................31
15.5 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE..................................................................33
15.5.1 Procedure...........................................................................................................................33
15.5.2 Structural Analysis.............................................................................................................34
15.5.3 Limitation Checks..............................................................................................................43
15.6 DYNAMIC ANALYSES...........................................................................................................44
15.6.1 Background........................................................................................................................44


15.6.2 Structural Analysis and Modeling......................................................................................44

15.6.3 Ground Motion Records.....................................................................................................46
15.6.4 Vertical Response Spectrum Analysis................................................................................47
15.6.5 Nonlinear Response History Analysis................................................................................49
15.7 DESIGN AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................55
15.7.1 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................55
15.7.2 Prototype Bearing Testing Criteria.....................................................................................56
15.7.3 Production Testing.............................................................................................................57

16. Structures with Supplemental Energy

Dissipation Devices
16.1.1 Energy Dissipation Devices
16.1.2 Intent of Seismic Provisions
16.2.1 Building Description
16.2.2 General Parameters
16.2.3 Structural Design Criteria
16.3.1 Advantages of Using Dampers in New Construction
16.3.2 Early Design Decisions
16.3.3 Preliminary Sizing of Damping Devices
16.4.1 Introduction
16.4.2 Ground Motions Histories
16.4.3 Maximum and Minimum Damping Device Properties
16.4.4 Nonlinear Response History Analysis
16.5.1 Seismic Force Resisting System
16.5.2 Damping System

17. Nonbuilding Structure Design

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


17.1.1 Nonbuilding Structure..........................................................................................................5

17.1.2 Nonstructural Component....................................................................................................6
17.2 PIPE RACK, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.......................................................................6
17.2.1 Description...........................................................................................................................6
17.2.2 Provisions Parameters..........................................................................................................7
17.2.3 Design in the Transverse Direction......................................................................................8
17.2.4 Design in the Longitudinal Direction.................................................................................10
17.3 STEEL STORAGE RACK, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C..............................................12
17.3.1 Description.........................................................................................................................12
17.3.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................13
17.3.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................14
17.4.1 Description.........................................................................................................................16
17.4.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................18
17.4.3 Design in the North-South Direction..................................................................................19
17.4.4 Design in the East-West Direction.....................................................................................20
17.5 PIER/WHARF DESIGN, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.................................................21
17.5.1 Description.........................................................................................................................21
17.5.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................22
17.5.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................23
17.6 TANKS AND VESSELS, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.................................................24
17.6.1 Flat-Bottom Water Storage Tank........................................................................................25
17.6.2 Flat-Bottom Gasoline Tank................................................................................................28
17.7 VERTICAL VESSEL, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D......................................................32
17.7.1 Description.........................................................................................................................32
17.7.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................33
17.7.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................34

18. Design for Nonstructural Components

18.1.1 Approach to Nonstructural Components
18.1.2 Force Equations


18.1.3 Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria

18.1.4 Component Amplification Factor
18.1.5 Seismic Coefficient at Grade
18.1.6 Relative Location of the Component in the Structure
18.1.7 Component Response Modification Factor
18.1.8 Component Importance Factor
18.1.9 Accommodation of Seismic Relative Displacements
18.1.10 Component Anchorage Factors and Acceptance Criteria
18.1.11 Construction Documents
18.1.12 Exempt Items
18.1.13 Pre-Manufactured Modular Mechanical and Electrical Systems
18.2.1 Example Description
18.2.2 Design Requirements
18.2.3 Spandrel Panel
18.2.4 Column Cover
18.2.5 Additional Design Considerations
18.3.1 Example Description
18.3.2 Design Requirements
18.3.3 Force and Displacement Demands
18.4.1 Example Description
18.4.2 Design Requirements
18.4.3 Direct Attachment to Structure
18.4.4 Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
18.4.5 Additional Considerations for Support on Vibration Isolators
18.5.1 Example Description
18.5.2 Design Requirements.
18.5.3 Piping System Design
18.5.4 Pipe Supports and Bracing
18.5.5 Design for Displacements
18.6.1 Example Description

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

18.6.2 Design Requirement

18.6.3 Load Combinations
18.6.4 Forces in Vessel Supports
18.6.5 Vessel Support and Attachment
18.6.6 Supporting Frame
18.6.7 Design Considerations for the Vertical Load-Carrying System

Building Seismic Safety Council







Error: Reference source not found

Seismically Isolated Structures
William McVitty, M.S., Andrew Taylor, S.E., Ph.D.
Based in part on materials originally developed by
Charles A. Kircher, P.E., Ph.D.

15.1 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................5
15.1.1 Concept of Seismic Isolation...............................................................................................5
15.1.2 Types of Isolation Systems...................................................................................................5
15.1.3 Design Process Summary.....................................................................................................6
15.2 PROJECT INFORMATION........................................................................................................7
15.2.1 Building Description............................................................................................................7
15.2.2 Building Weights................................................................................................................12
15.2.3 Seismic Design Parameters................................................................................................13
15.2.4 Structural Design Criteria..................................................................................................14
15.3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF ISOLATION SYSTEM.............................................................15
15.3.1 Elastomeric Isolation System.............................................................................................15
15.3.2 Sliding Isolation System....................................................................................................20
15.4 ISOLATION SYSTEM PROPERTIES......................................................................................24
15.4.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................24
15.4.2 Nominal Properties and Testing λ-Factors.........................................................................25
15.4.3 Aging and Environmental λ-Factors..................................................................................30
15.4.4 Specification λ-Factors......................................................................................................31
15.4.5 Upper- and Lower-Bound Force-Deflection Behavior.......................................................31
15.5 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE..................................................................33
15.5.1 Procedure...........................................................................................................................33
15.5.2 Structural Analysis.............................................................................................................34
15.5.3 Limitation Checks..............................................................................................................43
FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

15.6 DYNAMIC ANALYSES...........................................................................................................44

15.6.1 Background........................................................................................................................44
15.6.2 Structural Analysis and Modeling......................................................................................44
15.6.3 Ground Motion Records.....................................................................................................46
15.6.4 Vertical Response Spectrum Analysis................................................................................47
15.6.5 Nonlinear Response History Analysis................................................................................49
15.7 DESIGN AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................55
15.7.1 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................55
15.7.2 Prototype Bearing Testing Criteria.....................................................................................56
15.7.3 Production Testing.............................................................................................................57

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Chapter 17 of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (hereafter the Standard) addresses the design of buildings that incorporate
a seismic isolation system. It defines load, design and testing requirements specific to the isolation
system and interfaces with the other chapters of the Standard for design of the structure above the
isolation system and of the foundation and structural elements below.

The Standard has evolved over the years to reflect the state of art and practice in the field. The latest
evolution of the Standard incorporates a number of major revisions including:
 Added a new section titled Isolation System Properties for the explicit development of property
modification (λ) factors which are used to account for the variation in a bearing’s nominal
mechanical properties.
 Revised provisions to reflect a MCER-only basis for analysis and design.
 Expanded the range of applicability of the equivalent lateral force (ELF) procedure.
 Incorporated a more realistic distribution of shear force over the building height considering the
period of the superstructure and the effective damping of the isolation system.
 Revised and clarified the seismic ground motion selection and scaling criteria.
 Made a number of additions and changes to the testing requirements, such as dynamic testing
sequences, criteria for bearings to be classified as similar, and requirements for quality testing of
100% of production bearings.
 Expanded commentary to compliment the provisions.

This example uses the Standard to analyze and design a three-story emergency operations center (EOC)
located in a region of high seismicity, classified as Seismic Design Category D. The building is base-
isolated to achieve a higher level of seismic performance in a major earthquake. The focus of this
example is given to the analysis and design of the isolation system with two common types considered: 1)
elastomeric bearings and 2) sliding bearings. Arbitrarily, the elastomeric isolation system is carried
through to final design, however generally the analysis is similar for sliding systems. Although the facility
is hypothetical, it is of comparable size and configuration to actual base-isolated EOCs and is generally
representative of base-isolated buildings.

In addition to the Standard, the following documents are either referenced directly, provide background,
or are useful aids for the analysis and design of isolated structures:

Constantinou Constantinou, M. C., Kalpakidis, I., Filiatrault, A. and Ecker Lay, R. A. (2011).
et al. LRFD-Based Analysis and Design Procedures for Bridge Bearings and Seismic
Bearings, Technical Report MCEER-11-0004, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

Constantinou Constantinou, M. C., Whittaker, A. S., Kalpakidis, Y., Fenz, D. M. and Warn, G. P.
et al. (2007). Performance of Seismic Isolation Hardware under Service and Seismic
Loading, Technical Report MCEER-07-0012, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

Fenz and Fenz, D. M., Constantinou, M. C. (2006). “Behavior of Double Concave Friction
Constantinou Pendulum Isolator”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2006, 35:1403-

Fenz and Fenz, D. M., Constantinou, M. C. (2008). “Development, Implementation and

Constantinou Verification of Dynamic Analysis Models for Multi-Spherical Sliding Isolators”,
Technical Report MCEER-08-0018, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Kalpakidis and Kalpakidis, I. V., Constantinou, M. C., (2008). “Effects of Heating and Load History
Constantinou on the Behavior of Lead-Rubber Bearings”, Technical Report MCEER-08-0027,
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

McVitty and McVitty, W. J., Constantinou, M. C. (2015). Property Modification Factors for Seismic
Constantinou Bearings: Design Guidance for Buildings, Technical Report MCEER-15-0005,
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

NEHRP NEHRP (2015). Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other
Structures, FEMA P-750.

NIST NIST (2011). Selecting and Scaling Earthquake Ground Motions for Performing
Response-History Analyses, NIST GCR 11-917-15.

Sarlis and Sarlis A. A. S., Constantinou, M. C. (2010). Modeling Triple Friction Pendulum
Constantinou Bearings in Program SAP2000, Technical Report released to the engineering

Sarkisian et al. Sarkisian et al. (2012). Property Verification of Triple PendulumTM Seismic Isolation
Bearings.20th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference, ASCE.

SEAOC Structural Engineers Association of California (2014). 2012 IBC SEAOC

Structural/Seismic Design Manual, Volume 5: Examples for Seismically Isolated
Buildings and Buildings with Supplemental Damping, Published January 2014.

Thompson et al. Thompson, A. C. T., Whittaker, A. S., Fenves, G. L., and Mahin, S. A. (2000).
“Property modification factors for elastomeric seismic isolation bearings.” Proc., 12th
World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–8.

Warn and Warn G. P., Whittaker, A. S. (2007). Performance Estimates for Seismically Isolated
Whittaker Bridges, Technical Report MCEER-07-0024, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

Wolff et al. Wolff, E. D., Ipek, C., Constantinou, M. C., Morillas, L. (2014). Torsional Response of
Seismically Isolated Structures Revisited Engineering Structures 59, 462-468

York and Ryan York, K., Ryan, K. (2008). Distribution of Lateral Forces in Base-Isolated Buildings
Considering Isolation System Nonlinearity. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Concept of Seismic Isolation
The concept of seismic isolation involves increasing the fundamental period of the structure away from
dominate frequencies of earthquake ground motion as well as providing damping to reduce response. It
can be likened to introducing an engineered soft-story in the structure, whereby a majority of the inelastic
action and displacement is concentrated at a single level (the isolation level) therefore protecting the
building above.

The potential advantages of seismic isolation and the advancements in isolation system products led to the
design and construction of a number of isolated buildings and bridges in the early 1980s. This activity, in
turn, identified a need to supplement existing seismic codes with design requirements developed
specifically for such structures. The application of the technology in the United States is now regulated by
building codes which invariably refer to ASCE 7 (the Standard) for analysis and design requirements.
These requirements assure the public that isolated buildings are safe, they provide engineers with a basis
for preparing designs and they provide building officials with minimum standards for regulating

Seismic isolation is a high-performance system that provides greatly improved seismic performance
compared to most other conventional seismic force resisting systems. That is, a seismically isolated
building and a conventional fixed-base building, designed to the respective minimum requirements of the
Standard will exhibit widely differing performance in a major earthquake. A seismically isolated building
is expected to have considerably better performance, with limited damage, whereas a conventional building
may be damaged to the point where it is uneconomical to rehabilitate. This is due to the inherent nature of
isolation, for example it reduces both displacements and accelerations in the superstructure. Although not
explicitly seeking damage control as an objective, indirectly the minimum requirements of the Standard
will give limited damage as a consequence of ensuring proper isolation achieved. For example, the
Standard limits the amount of inelastic action and drift that may occur in the superstructure to avoid
detrimental coupling with the isolation system. Moreover, the Standard requires that the isolation devices
be designed and tested to be functional under the effects of the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER).

Types of Isolation Systems

The Standard requirements are intentionally broad, accommodating all types of acceptable isolation
systems. To be acceptable, the Standard requires the isolation system to:
 Remain stable for maximum earthquake displacements.
 Provide increasing resistance with increasing displacement.
 Have limited degradation under repeated cycles of earthquake load.
 Have well-established and repeatable mechanical properties (effective stiffness and damping).

The Standard recognizes that the properties of an isolation system, such as effective stiffness and
damping, can change during repeated cycles of earthquake response. This variability is acceptable
provided that the design is based on analyses that conservatively bound (limit) the range of possible
values of design parameters.

The first seismically isolated buildings in the United States were composed of either high-damping rubber
(HDR) or lead-rubber (LR) elastomeric bearings. Other types of isolation systems now include sliding
systems, such as the friction pendulum system, or some combination of elastomeric and sliding bearings.
Furthermore, at sites with very strong ground shaking there has been the application of supplementary
fluid viscous dampers in parallel with the bearings to control displacement. While generally applicable to

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

all types of systems, certain requirements of the Standard (in particular, prototype testing criteria) were
originally developed for isolation systems with elastomeric bearings tested at slow-speeds.

Isolation systems typically provide only horizontal isolation and are rigid or semi-rigid in the vertical
direction. A rare exception to this rule is the full (horizontal and vertical) isolation of a building in
southern California, isolated by large helical coil springs and viscous dampers. Three-dimensional
seismic isolation platforms are also currently being designed and implemented for earthquake
protection of sensitive computer equipment. While the basic concepts of the Standard can be extended
to full isolation systems, the requirements are only for horizontal isolation systems. The design of a full
isolation system requires special analyses that explicitly include vertical ground shaking and the potential
for rocking response.

Design Process Summary

The following design process is specific for elastomeric isolation systems however the process is similar
for sliding isolation systems.

Recommended1 design steps include:

1) Determine the site response spectrum using the USGS website and check if a site-specific ground
motion hazard analysis is required. Determine proximity to faults for use in the selection and
scaling of motions (i.e. near fault, high velocity pulse motions). Engage specialist expertise, as
appropriate, for the selection and scaling of motions for response history analysis.

2) Select bearing dimensions and properties and quickly assess adequacy using the equivalent lateral
force (ELF) procedure for estimating displacement and the stability criterion (see Section 15.3.1).
Be sure to include the effects of additional axial load due to vertical earthquake and overturning
moment effects, and additional displacement due to torsion. The design may be conservative at
this stage as the analysis is not yet refined. Use lower bound properties of the isolation system
and the MCER earthquake.

3) When a bearing design appears promising, proceed with a formal determination of the isolation
system properties (see Section 15.4) and conduct the ELF procedure for lower bound and upper
bound bearing properties on a three-dimensional mathematical model of the building (see Section
15.5). At this point the designer may want to think about distribution of bearing types (e.g. some
with and some without lead cores) so that torsion is minimized. Calculate bearing displacement
demands, story shear forces, story drifts and additional axial bearing loads. Note that for the
calculations of the axial loads the designer will have to perform a static analysis of the frame,
including torsion effects.

4) Perform an analysis to assess the vertical earthquake effects. This could be by simply adding �
0.2SMSD or by more refined calculations. For example, constructing a representative vertical
response spectrum and performing a vertical response spectrum analysis (see Section15.6.4).
This could be done with an ETABS (or similar) comprehensive model or by simply treating the
structure as a rigid block with vertical stiffness derived from the vertical stiffness of the bearings.
This analysis will give the peak vertical load on each bearing due to the vertical ground motion.
This can be combined with the horizontal earthquake effects by combining 100% vertical + 30%
horizontal or 30% vertical +100% horizontal (this is consistent with the ASCE 7-10 philosophy
for combining loads in orthogonal directions, but a statement to this effect is not clearly made in
ASCE 7-10).

1 Adapted from a design steps list created by SUNY Dist. Prof. Michael Constantinou, University at Buffalo.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

5) Assess the adequacy of the bearings using the results of the ELF analysis. Determine if
uplift/tension is a problem. If so, modify the structure to reduce uplift/tension to acceptable
levels (for an elastomeric bearing, negative pressure not more than 3G, where G is the shear
modulus of the elastomer). The model for static analysis in step 3 above is useful in this step. If
not possible to modify the structure to achieve the desired effect, you may consider other options,
including modifying the isolation system to further reduce the shear force, replacing some
elastomeric bearings with another type of bearing or accepting damage to a limited number of
bearings provided the resulting structure response is acceptable.

6) Check requirements to see if a response spectrum or response history analysis is required. For a
response history analysis, model and analyze the structure in the lower and the upper bound
conditions for the MCER (see Section 15.6). The designer needs to decide on how to include
vertical earthquake effects. Options are to include nothing and simply add later the axial load
effect due to the vertical earthquake determined in Step 4, or add a +ag or –ag constant vertical
earthquake in the dynamic analysis where a is a portion of the acceleration determined in the
vertical earthquake response spectrum analysis (say if the peak value was 1.2g, then a = 0.3 �1.2
= 0.36). Also, the designer needs to consider torsion. The best approach is to model only the
actual eccentricities (none in this example, because the building above the bearings and the
isolation system is symmetric) and not artificially shift the center of mass. Accidental torsion is
instead added using the same approach as in the ELF procedure or by using amplification factors.

7) Compare response history and ELF results on peak resultant bearing displacement, story shear
force and drifts (along the two principal building directions). Decide on the final values for
bearing displacements and forces to use in assessing adequacy of the bearings. These values
will be from the response history analysis values if its values are larger than the ELF values;
otherwise the values for evaluation cannot be less than a certain portion of the ELF values per the
Standard §17.6.4.

Building Description
This Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is a three story, steel frame structure with a large, centrally
located mechanical penthouse. Story heights are 14 feet at the first floor to accommodate computer
access flooring and other architectural and mechanical systems and 12 feet at the second, third and
penthouse floors. The roof and penthouse roof decks are designed for significant live load to
accommodate a helicopter landing pad and to meet other functional requirements of the EOC.
Figure 15.2-1 shows the three-dimensional model of the structural system.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 15.2-1 Three-dimensional Model of the Structural System

The structure (which is regular and symmetrical in configuration) has plan dimensions of 100 feet by
150 feet at all floors except for the penthouse, which is approximately 50 feet by 100 feet in plan.
Columns are spaced at 25 feet in both directions. Figures 15.2-2 and 15.2-3 are framing plans for the
typical floor levels (but with beam sizes for the first level) and the penthouse roof, respectively. The X-
direction is termed the longitudinal direction and the Y-direction is the transverse direction

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Figure 15.2-2 Typical Floor Layout with First Floor Framing

Figure 15.2-3 Penthouse Roof Framing Plan

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

The vertical load-carrying system consists of concrete fill on ribbed steel deck floors, supported by steel
beams at 8.3 feet on center and steel girders at gridlines. Isolation devices (also referred to as isolators or
bearings) support each column below the first floor. The foundation consists of concrete spread footings.

The lateral force resisting system consists of a roughly symmetrical pattern of concentrically braced
frames. These frames are located on Gridlines B and D in the longitudinal direction and on Gridlines 2, 4
and 6 in the transverse direction. Figures 15.2-4, 15.2-5 and 15.2-6 show elevations of the longitudinal
and transverse framing. This framing is specifically configured to reduce the concentration of earthquake
overturning and uplift (tension) loads on the bearings. This is achieved by:
Increasing the number of bays with bracing at lower stories.
Locating braces at interior (rather than perimeter) gridlines since they have greater gravity loading.
Avoiding common end columns for bracing in the transverse and longitudinal directions.

Figure 15.2-4 Longitudinal Bracing Elevation, Gridlines B and D

Figure 15.2-5 Transverse Bracing Elevation, Gridlines 2 and 6:

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Figure 15.2-6 Transverse Bracing Elevations, Gridline 4:

The isolation system has 35 identical lead rubber bearings located below each column. The first floor is
just above grade and the bearings are approximately 3 feet below grade to provide clearance below the
first floor for construction and maintenance personnel. A short retaining wall borders the perimeter of the
facility and provides approximately 2 feet of “moat” clearance for lateral displacement of the isolated
structure. Access to the EOC is provided at the entrances by segments of the first floor slab, which
cantilever over the moat.

Girders at the first-floor gridlines are much heavier than the girders at other floor levels and have
moment-resisting connections to columns. These girders stabilize the bearings by resisting moments due
to both vertical P-delta effects and horizontal shear loads. Column extensions from the first floor to the
top plates of the bearings are stiffened in both horizontal directions to resist these moments and to serve
as stabilizing haunches for the beam-column moment connections. The typical detailing of this
connection is shown in Figure 15.2-7.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 15.2-7 Typical Detailing of Isolation System at Columns

(for clarity, some elements are not shown)

Building Weights
The gravity loadings include the main structural framing (composite floor and framing), architectural
facades, partitions and superimposed dead loads (i.e. MEP, ceiling systems). A summary of the EOC dead
loads and live loads without reduction for each level are:

Penthouse roof DPR = 800 kips LPR = 250 kips

Roof (penthouse floor) DR = 2250 kips LR = 750 kips
Third floor D3 = 1950 kips L3 = 1500 kips
Second floor D2 = 1900 kips L2 = 1500 kips
First floor (base level) D1 = 2200 kips L1 = 1500 kips
Total EOC Dead Load D = 9100 kips Lunred = 5500 kips

The 2012 IBC Section 1607.10 permits an area-based live load reduction of not more than 60 percent for
elements with live loads from multiple stories. Therefore the axial component of live load on columns at
lower levels and on bearings have a total reduced live load (L) of L = 2,200 kips.

The effective seismic weight is taken as the dead load plus half the reduced life load, equal to 10,200 kips.
Alternatively, the seismic weight could be calculated in accordance with Standard §12.7.2, which gives
an effective seismic weight equal to the dead load plus a provision for partitions and the weight of
permanent fixtures. For this example the seismic weight is taken as the former case, D + 0.5L, to be
consistent with vertical load combination 1 specified in §

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Seismic Design Parameters

Performance criteria. The performance criteria are determined according to Standard §1.5.1:

Designated Emergency Operation Center: Occupancy Category IV

Occupancy Importance Factor: I = 1.5 (for a conventional structure)

Occupancy Importance Factor (Standard Chapter 17): I = 1.0 (for an isolated structure)

Note: Standard Chapter 17 does not require use of the occupancy importance factor to determine the
design loads on the structural system of an isolated building (i.e., I = 1.0). However, the component
importance factor is still required by Chapter 13 to determine seismic forces on nonstructural components
of isolated structures (Ip = 1.5 for Occupancy Category IV facilities).

Design spectral accelerations. Chapters 11 and 21 of the Standard are used to determine the design
spectral accelerations. The Standard incorporates changes to the ground motions (new USGS spectral
accelerations and site coefficients) and new site-specific analysis requirements. Section 11.4.7 requires
that a ground hazard analysis be performed in accordance with Section 22.2 on sites with an S1 greater
than or equal to 0.6. For the purpose of this example, a generic site has been selected with details as

Site Hazard and Soil Conditions:

Seismic Design Category (Standard §11.6): D

Nearest active fault: greater than 3 miles away

Site soil type: Site Class D

Short-Period Design Parameters:

Short-period MCER spectral acceleration: SS = 1.4

Site coefficient (Standard Table 11.4-1): Fa = 1.0

Short-period MCER spectral acceleration adjusted for site class (FaSS): SMS = 1.4

1-Second Design Parameters:

1-Second MCER spectral acceleration: S1 = 0.50

Site coefficient (Standard Table 11.4-2): Fv = 1.8

1-Second MCER spectral acceleration adjusted for site class (FvS1): SM1 = 0.9

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Structural Design Criteria

Design basis.

Seismic force-resisting system (< 160 feet): Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames (OCBF)

Although Table 12.2-1 of the Standard limits the height of fixed-base OCBFs to 35 feet for this Seismic
Design Category D building, new provisions (§ permit the use of OCBFs in seismic isolation
applications for heights up to 160 feet. This is permitted provided 1) the OCBF remains elastic for the
MCER event and 2) the displacement capacity to which the isolation system lock-up or impact the moat
wall shall be increased by a factor of 1.2.

Response modification factor for design of the superstructure: RI = 1.0

Note: Standard § gives RI = 3/8R ≤ 2, RI = 1.2 however RI is limited to 1.0 in §
since it is an OCBF.

Horizontal irregularity (of superstructure) (Standard Table 12.3-1: Type 1b): None

Vertical irregularity (of superstructure) (Standard Table 12.3-2: Type 1a, 1b, 5a, 5b): None

Redundancy factor (Standard §17.2.3):  = 1.0

Earthquake load effects (Standard Chapters 12 and 17).

The Standard has been revised so that analysis and design need only be considered for the MCE R event.
The horizontal, vertical and torsional earthquake effects are taken as follows:

Maximum considered earthquake (QE + 0.2SMSD): E = ρQE + 0.28D

Mass eccentricity - actual plus accidental: 0.05b = 5 ft (X direction); 0.05d = 7.5 ft (Y direction)

where QE are the effects of horizontal seismic forces and 0.2SMSD is the vertical seismic load effect. For
the ELF procedure, the combination of the horizontal earthquake effects in the X and Y directions are:

 QE = Max (1.0QEX + 0.3QEY, 0.3QEX + 1.0QEY)

For the response history analysis, two perpendicular components of horizontal ground motion are
simultaneously applied in the model and therefore the combination of orthogonal effects is directly
accounted for.

Superstructure design load combinations (Standard §2.3.2, using RI = 1).

Gravity loads (dead load and reduced live load): 1.4D and 1.2D + 1.6L

Maximum gravity and reduced earthquake loads (1.2D + 0.5L + 1.0E): 1.48D + 0.5L + QE/RI

Minimum gravity and reduced earthquake loads (0.9D - 1.0E): 0.62D - QE/RI

Note the load factor on L is taken as 0.5 for this example since the live load is not greater than 100 psf.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures Isolation system and foundation design load combinations

Gravity loads (for example, long term load on bearings): 1.4D and 1.2D + 1.6L

Standard §

1. Average gravity loads

(1.0D + 0.5L): 1.0D + 0.5L (15.2-1)

2. Maximum gravity and unreduced earthquake loads

(1.2D + 0.5L + 1.0E): 1.48D + 0.5L + QE (15.2-2)

3. Minimum gravity and unreduced earthquake loads

(0.9D - 1.0E): 0.62D - QE (15.2-3)


The preliminary design of both an elastomeric isolation system, consisting of lead-rubber bearings, and a
sliding isolation system, consisting of double concave sliding bearings, is illustrated.

The preliminary design requires the determination of the isolation system properties (e.g., effective period
and damping), which depend on the type and size of the isolation bearings and the type and size of
supplementary dampers if they are also incorporated into the isolation system. The size of the bearings is
related to the amount of vertical load that they support and the maximum lateral displacement. This
displacement is a function of both the MCER ground motions at the building site and the effective period
and damping of the isolation system. Thus, preliminary design tends to be an iterative process.

A common approach is to perform parametric studies to get a theoretical understanding of the tradeoff
between forces and displacements. However the engineer must be mindful of specifying details (i.e. a
friction coefficient or a stiffness) of bearings not previously manufactured and tested as this will give
uncertainty in performance and potential for further iterations later in design. Furthermore, atypical bearings
may be more expensive and take longer to manufacture, test and deliver. A recommended approach is to
make contact with manufacturers early in the design process to view qualification test data (§ of
the Standard) and use this data along with the details of the similar bearings as a basis for design.

The preliminary designs are based on the approach presented in Constantinou et al. (2011). This method
uses the ELF procedure and gives guidance for estimating the dynamic nominal properties of lead-rubber
and friction pendulum bearings based on the assumption that the manufacturer is unknown or
qualification test data is not available.

Elastomeric Isolation System

The elastomeric isolation system will consists of 35 lead-rubber (LR) bearings of the same size. This
section illustrates how to estimate the diameter of the bearing DB, the diameter of lead core DL and the
total rubber thickness Tr. By determining these three variables, along with manufacturer specific or
default properties from Constantinou et al. (2011), one can calculate the force-displacement behavior of
the bearings and in turn the effective stiffness and effective damping of the isolation system.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Force-displacement behavior. The hysteretic force-displacement behavior of LR bearings can be

idealized as bilinear as illustrated in Figure 15.3-1. The two key parameters that characterize behavior are
the characteristic strength Qd, which is primarily dependent on the mechanical properties of lead, and the
post-elastic stiffness kd , which is primarily dependent on the mechanical properties of rubber. The value of
the yield displacement Y is in the range 0.25 to 1.0 inch and, although it may affect the in-structure
accelerations and residual displacements of the isolation system, is of minor significance.

Figure 15.3-1 Bilinear Force-Deflection Behavior of LR Bearings

The characteristic strength Qd is the strength of the bearing at zero displacement and can be idealized as
being related to the diameter of the lead core DL and the effective yield stress of lead σYL:
p DL2s YL
Qd =
4 (15.3-1)

Equation 15.3-1 implies that any contribution to the strength from rubber is included in σYL, which is a
reasonable simplification for low-damping rubbers used in LR bearings.

The post-elastic stiffness kd is related to the shear modulus of rubber G, the bonded rubber area (which is
a function of the diameter of the bearing and the lead core) and the thickness of rubber Tr (sum of the
individual rubber layers):
Gf Lp ( DB2 - DL2 )
kd =
4Tr (15.3-2)

The parameter fL accounts for the effect of the lead core on the kd and ranges in value from 1.0 to about
1.2. Only after repeated cycling is the value of fL close to unity.

Nominal properties and bounding. The two important properties to determine are the effective
yield stress of lead σYL and the shear modulus of rubber G. These properties are dependent on a variety of
parameters and are manufacturer specific.

There is uncertainty in σYL as it is dependent on the speed of motion, size and confinement of the lead core
(i.e. vertical load, manufacturer details with steel plates and installation of the lead core), and degrades from
cycle to cycle due to heating effects. Constantinou et al. (2011) provide guidance on a range of properties
based on high velocity, large amplitude testing of LR bearings. The dynamic nominal value (which is the

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

average of properties over 3-cycles of loading) of σYL may be in the range of 1.45 to 1.75 ksi. The upper bound
is taken as the first cycle properties, recommended as 1.35 times the nominal properties. The lower bound
is assumed to be the nominal properties, which are close to the second cycle properties. Hence the values of
σYL taking into account uncertainty in the nominal value, scragging, speed of motion and heating effects is:
 Upper bound σYL,max = 1.75 �1.35 = 2.36 ksi
 Lower bound σYL,min = 1.45 ksi
The shear modulus of rubber G depends on the rubber compound and manufacturing processes, which are
proprietary, as well as the on the frequency and conditions of loading. Constantinou et al. (2011) recommend
a nominal value in the range of 65 to 125 psi. Lower values of G are possible however few manufacturers
can reliably achieve this without experiencing significant scragging effects (temporary degradation of
properties with repeated cycling). For this example we seek the lowest shear modulus and consider a
range of 60-75psi for a competent bearing manufacturer. The associated scragging and aging effects are
taken as 1.1 and 1.1, respectively, times the nominal value. Hence the values of G are calculated as:
 Upper bound Gmax = 75 �1.1 �1.1 = 91 psi
 Lower bound Gmin = 60 psi

If the manufacturer is inexperienced then these values may not be conservative and it is recommended the
engineer use a wider range to account for uncertainties.

Preliminary design procedure. This procedure is based on examples in Constantinou et al. (2011)
and involves assessing the bearing stability, which is a critical check for preliminary sizing of elastomeric
bearings. Other adequacy checks are necessary but can be done later in design or by the bearing

The bearing stability is critical at maximum displacements and large compression loads. Hence the lower
bound properties will be used for this analysis (lower bound on lateral stiffness) with a conservative
(high) estimate on the vertical load. An upper bound analysis (upper bound on lateral stiffness) may also
be conducted at the preliminary design stage as it typically results in the maximum forces on the structure
and maximum uplift demands on the bearings. This upper bound analysis can also be done after a
mathematical (e.g. ETABS) model is created, so as to better understand the distribution of inertial forces
over the height of the structure.

To enable iteration, the process is best executed using a spreadsheet and can be summarized as follows:
1. Approximate values for the variables DL, DB and/or Tr
2. Conduct the ELF procedure to calculate the maximum displacement DM
3. Increase DM for torsion and make a conservative estimate of the vertical compression load due to
dead, live, vertical earthquake and overturning effects.
4. Calculate the required individual rubber layer thickness to maintain stability of the bearing. An
acceptable design is typically one where the rubber layer thickness is in the range of 0.25 to 0.75
inches and where the shear strain (total displacement DM divided by Tr) is in the 200-250% range.
If this is not achieved then perform another iteration by altering the values in Step 1

A step-by-step illustration of this process with further guidance is provided below:

 Step 1
The first step involves sizing the lead core so that the strength of the isolation system is some desirable
proportion of the building weight W. In general Qd,total/W should be about 0.05 or greater in the lower
bound analysis. A ratio of 0.08 gives a system strength Qd,total of 816 kips and, by Equation 15.3-1, a lead
core diameter of DL = 4.5 inches for 35 LR bearings. As will be seen later, it is necessary to increase DL in

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

order to reduce displacements and maintain stability of the bearing. Guidance from Constantinou et al.
(2011) on the selection of DB and Tr is as follows:
 DB should be in the range of 3DL to 6DL
 Tr should be about equal to or larger than DL

Furthermore, the configuration of the isolation system may be altered, for example by arranging a mixture
of LR bearings and low-damping elastomeric bearings, or by installing supplementary dampers that act in
parallel with the isolation bearings. For simplicity, these options are not explored in this example.

 Step 2
Using the LR bearing dimensions in Step 1 and properties in Section, construct a bilinear force-
displacement model of the isolation system. This is simply the sum of individual bearings strengths and
stiffnesses since the bearings are acting in parallel across the isolation plane. The ELF procedure (per
Section 15.5.1) is then conducted to calculate the maximum bearing displacement DM.

 Step 3
This step involves estimating the critical combination of displacement (including torsion) and vertical
load for the stability calculation. Since this is preliminary design, conservative assumptions can be made
by calculating the displacement for a corner bearing and combining with the maximum vertical load which
occurs at any interior bearing. Since the Standard does not permit the total maximum displacement DTM to
be taken less than 1.15DM, and considering that the building is rectangular and has a uniform distribution
of bearing properties (i.e. not purposely configured to increase the torsion resistance), DTM of the corner
bearing is taken as 1.2 times DM calculated in Step 2. The vertical load from dead and live loads can be
roughly calculated based on tributary area, giving 380 kip and 90 kip, respectively, and the vertical load
from earthquake overturning can be approximated by taking the base shear KMDM, applying it as a vertical
triangular distribution over the height of the structure, distributing it to the braced frames and then
calculating the resistance to this overturning by the reaction from each bearing support. This crude and
conservative calculation gives a maximum overturning load of about 550 kip for the lower bound analysis.

Therefore from load combination Equation (15.2-2) the maximum compression load from preliminary
calculations is 1200 kips which is used for the stability calculation in Step 4.

 Step 4
The empirical equations that follow, for assessing the required rubber layer thickness, are from
Constantinou et al. (2011). For a deformed hollow (assuming the lead core does not to contribute to
stability) circular bearing which is bolted to base plates top and bottom, the maximum thickness of rubber
layers, t, to maintain stability is calculated as follows:

� D � DL2
� �
1- L
� �
� 1- 2�
GD � 4 D B�
� DB �(d - sin d )
t �0.218 B
Tr � DL 2
� fp Pu
� 1- 2�
� DB �

where G is the nominal shear modulus of rubber (ksi), DB is the diameter of the bearing (inch), DL is the
lead core diameter (inch), Tr is the total thickness of rubber (inch), Pu is the factored ultimate compression
load (kip), the factor of safety ϕ is taken as 1.1 and δ is calculated as follows:
d = 2 cos -1 � �
� TM D �
� B�

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

A summary of the preliminary design calculations is provided in Table 15.3-1. The first design iteration
required a rubber thickness of 0.072 of an inch and had a shear strain of over 300%, which is not practical
to construct. Therefore the size of the lead core and diameter of the bearing were increased to get a rubber
layer that is practical to construct and to reduce the shear strain.

Table 15.3-1 Preliminary Design Calculations for LR Bearings

1st Lower Upper
Properties (Section Iteration Bound Bound Units
Effective Yield Stress of Lead σYL 1.45 1.45 2.36 ksi
Rubber Shear Modulus G 60 60 91 psi
Bearing Dimensions (Step 1)
Lead Core Diameter DL 4.5 5.125 5.125 inch
Bonded Rubber Diameter DB 22.5 26.5 26.5 inch
Total Thickness of Rubber Tr 4.5 5.125 5.125 inch
Yield Displacement Y 0.60 0.60 0.60 inch
Isolation System Force-Displacement Behavior (Step 2)
System Post-elastic Stiffness kd,Total 178 218 330 kip/in
System Characteristic Strength Qd,Total 807 1047 1704 kip
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (MCER) (Step 2)
Maximum Displacement DM 13.6 11.2 7.7 inch
Effective Stiffness kM 237 311 551 kip/in
Effective Period TM 2.10 1.83 1.38 second
Effective Damping βM 0.15 0.18 0.24
Required Rubber Layer Thickness (Steps 3 and 4)
(1.2 + 0.2SMS)D + 0.5 L + QE Pu 1156 1199 1328 kip
Displacement with Torsion DTM 16.3 13.4 9.2 inch
Rubber thickness for stability t 0.072 0.274 0.553 inch
Rubber Shear Strain DM/Tr 302 219 150 %
Strength at Yield Qd/W 8 10 17 %
Base Shear Vb/W 32 34 42 %

Uplift assessment. At this point in design it is also worthwhile to assess the potential for uplift at
bearings. Using preliminary estimates of axial loads along with the minimum vertical load combination,
Equation 15.2-3, the uplift demand is about -350 kip (in tension). Tension in elastomeric bearings should
be avoided, nevertheless, Constantinou et al. (2007) states that high quality manufacturers can sustain
tensile pressure of about 3G before cavitation occurs (where G is the shear modulus of the elastomer).
The issue however is that this cannot be known without testing of the production bearings and testing may
damage the bearings. Accordingly, it is recommended to avoid large tension demands that are close to the
capacity of 3GAr (~100 kip for this preliminary sized bearing using lower bound properties).

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

There are various solutions to consider for mitigating the effects of uplift:

1. Change the structural system to eliminate or reduce the bearing tension to an acceptable level, by:
a. Increasing the number of bays with braced frames.
b. Moving the braced frame location to where the columns have high dead loads or artificially
increasing the dead load (i.e. localized thickening of slabs or heavy facades).
c. Stiffening the beams above the bearings to distribute the tension over a larger number of bays.

2. Alter the bearing connection details to allow for limited and controlled uplift. This will be for the
small number of bearings experiencing uplift. Options include:
a. Have one end of the bearing bolted and the other end recessed/slotted (or with a “loose-nut”
condition) to allow limited and controlled uplift.
b. Use of an uplift restraining system.

These options require explicit modeling of the uplift behavior to quantify the effects of bearing
uplift, and testing under these conditions may also be required.

3. Perform more refined calculations for uplift, using a 3-dimensional mathematical model and by
using NLRHA.

Local uplift of individual elements is permitted (Standard §, provided the resulting deflections
do not cause overstress or instability of the isolated structure. For this example, the braced frames are
well distributed and there is not scope to alter the structural system. Therefore a more refined calculation
of the uplift demands will be made using a three dimensional building model and using nonlinear
response history analysis. This is expected to reduce the calculated uplift demand.

Uplift on sliding bearings also needs careful consideration however there are examples where controlled
uplift of sliding bearings have been accepted on projects, for example the Mills-Peninsula Bay Hospital
and the new San Bernardino Court facility, Sarkisian et al. (2012).

Sliding Isolation System

The sliding isolation system will consists of 35 double concave sliding bearings of the same size. Double
concave bearings offer many benefits over the single concave configuration, such as more compact
bearings, increased displacement capacity, decreased sliding velocities (approximately halved) and
therefore reduced frictional heating and associated problems with wear.

The preliminary design involves determining the dynamic friction coefficient of the sliding interface μ
and the post-elastic stiffness kd. This stiffness is simply a function of the radius of curvature of the
concave plates. By determining these two variables, one can calculate the force-displacement behavior of
the bearing and in turn the effective stiffness and effective damping of the isolation system.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Force-displacement behavior. Sliding bearings are available in a number of different

configurations, with a number of different sliding interfaces. The key dimensions of a double concave
sliding bearing are illustrated in Figure 15.3-2, where R is the radius of curvature of the concave plates, μ
is the coefficient of friction, d is the nominal displacement capacity and h is height to the pivot point.
Although double concave bearings may be designed for a range of frictional and geometrical properties
(Fenz and Constantinou 2006), this example assumes the bearing has identical properties about the mid-
height. That is R1= R2, d1=d2, h1=h2 and μ1= μ2= μ (note: technically an articulated slider is not required is
this scenario).

Figure 15.3-2 Section View of Double-concave Sliding Bearing

Single, double and triple concave sliding bearings, with identical friction coefficients and identical radii
of curvature on the outer concave plates, can all be idealized by the rigid-linear model shown in Figure
15.3-3. The rigid-linear model will give a reasonable estimate of the global response of the structure for
triple concave sliding bearings. However, if in-structure accelerations and residual displacements, or
behavior beyond the MCER are of interest to the RDP then it may be appropriate to adopt a more
sophisticated force-displacement model. The formulation, implementation and validation of the triple
concave sliding force-deflection behavior, as well as for other configurations of multi-spherical bearings,
can be found in Fenz and Constantinou (2008).

Figure 15.3-3 Rigid-linear Force-Deflection Behavior of Sliding Bearings

The characteristic strength Qd of the sliding bearing is calculated as μ times the weight on the bearing:
Qd = mW
The post-elastic stiffness kd for the double concave bearing with R1= R2 and h1=h2 is calculated as:
kd = =
2( R1 - h1 ) 2 Reff

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

where Reff if the effective radius of curvature equal to (R1-h1). Furthermore the actual displacement
capacity d* for R1= R2, d1=d2 and h1=h2 is given by:
2( R1 - h1 ) R
d* = 2d1 = eff 2d1
2 R1 R1 (15.3-7)

Nominal properties and bounding. It is recommended to make contact with bearing

manufacturers in order to help select a range of trial design friction coefficients and available radii of
curvature and diameters (i.e. displacement capacity) of concave plates.

As shown in Equation 15.3-6, kd is purely based on the geometry of the bearing. Since this can be constructed
with a high degree of tolerance by most manufacturers, the bounding of kd is not required for sliding bearings.
kd is largely dependent on the value of R1 and therefore this is the parameter the engineer can optimize.
Other bearing dimensions can be determined by the manufacturer. A partial list of previously manufactured
concave plates, from Constantinou et al. (2011), is R1 of 61, 88, 120, 156 and 238 inches. Increasing R1
gives a lower post-elastic stiffness. This typically results in a lower structural shear at the cost of a larger
displacement. Although there are greater P-delta moments and the bearing may require more material
(i.e. thicker top and bottom plates), this extra displacement can be readily accommodated by increasing
the displacement capacity, or by relation d1, with no change in the force-displacement behavior.

For this example, it is assumed that the manufacturer has already produced and tested bearings with an R1
of 88 inches, and that this will be used as a basis for design.

The coefficient of friction μ is affected by a number of factors, of which the sliding velocity, bearing
pressure (axial load divided by the contact area of the slider) and temperature are the most important.
Furthermore μ depends on the type and construction of the sliding interface, which is manufacturer
specific and proprietary. As such, a range of default μ values is not listed here for sliding bearings. Rather
it is recommended to view dynamic test data from the manufacturer without any effects of aging,
contamination and history of loading, that is, for a fresh bearing tested at normal temperature.

For example, Constantinou et al. (2011) approximate the nominal (three-cycle average) coefficient of
friction for concave sliding bearings of a particular manufacturer that uses a polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) and stainless steel sliding interface, as follows:

m = 0.122 - 0.01p (15.3-8)

where p is the contact pressure of the slider. Equation 15.3-8 is applicable for pressures of 2 to 8 ksi, with
a slider diameter of 11 inches, and tested amplitudes of 12 to 28 inches. Furthermore testing at velocities
of the order of 39 inch/s will have a lower μ than those predicted by Equation (15.3-8) by amounts of
about 0.01 to 0.02.

Hence for our preliminary design the average vertical load (D+0.5L) for all bearings is 290 kips, which
for a 12 inch diameter slider gives a bearing pressure of 2.6 ksi and μ of 0.096 less 0.015 (for high
velocities) = 0.081. This value is further adjusted for uncertainty in the nominal value by a factor of 0.80
to give a nominal coefficient of 0.065 rounded down to 6%. This value is also taken as the lower bound.
The upper bound value may be taken as the first cycle value, equal to 1.2 μ, multiplied by aging and
contamination effects taken as (1+0.75(1.1 �1.1-1)) = 1.16 for an internal environment and a 1.2 factor
for uncertainty in the nominal value. Therefore the friction coefficient from preliminary design,
accounting for aging, contamination, velocity and heating effects, and uncertainty in the nominal value

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

 Upper bound μmax = 1.2 �1.16 �1.2 �0.065 = 0.11

 Lower bound μ,min = 0.06

Preliminary design procedure. The selection of the double concave sliding bearing dimensions, as
depicted in Figure 15.3-2, are explained in the preceding sections and are taken as:

 Radius of curvature of plates, R1 = R2 = 88 inches

 Internal slider height, h1 = h2 = 4.5 inches

 Nominal displacement capacity d1 = d2 = 15 inches

Using Equations 15.3-5 and 15.3-6 to construct the force-displacement behavior, the ELF procedure (per
Section 15.5.1) is conducted to calculate the maximum bearing displacement DM and maximum base
shear using the upper and lower bound properties determined in

Table 15.2-2 Sliding Isolation System Preliminary Design Calculations

Lower Upper
Properties Bound Bound Units
Friction coefficient µ 0.06 0.11
Weight W 10200 10200 kip
Bearing Dimensions
Radius of Curvature of Plates R1 = R4 88 88 inch
Half height of internal slider h1 = h2 4.5 4.5 inch
Nominal displacement capacity d1 = d4 15 15 inch
Isolation System Force-Displacement Behavior
System Post-elastic Stiffness kd,Total 61 61 kip/in
System Characteristic Strength Qd,Total 612 1122 kip
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (MCER)
Maximum Displacement DM 19.2 12.5 inch
Effective Stiffness kM 93 151 kip/in
Effective Period TM 3.35 2.63 second
Effective Damping βM 0.22 0.38
Total Maximum Displacement and Base Shear
Displacement with Torsion DTM 23.0 15.0 inch
Strength at Yield Qd/W 6 11 %
Base Shear Vb/W 17 18 %

Using Equation 15.3-7, the actual displacement capacity is 28.5 inches, which is greater than the lower
bound total maximum displacement of 23 inches. This displacement includes torsion taken as 1.2 times
DM. Therefore the displacement capacity of the bearings is adequate.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


The materials used in bearings (i.e. composites, lead, elastomers) differ somewhat from conventional civil
engineering materials, in that their properties may vary considerably due to temperature, aging,
contamination, history of loading, among other factors. There are no standards which govern how a
bearing must be produced and assembled. These details vary by manufacturer and are usually proprietary.
Furthermore, in the United States there is no official certification required of manufactures before they
start supplying bearings for construction. Consequently, there can be a considerable difference in the
quality and performance of bearings, even for identical bearings produced by different manufactures.

Given the importance of the isolation system, and uncertainty in the quality of different manufacturers,
the Standard has taken the approach of requiring the registered design professional (RDP) to determine
(in consultation with the manufacturer) the nominal design properties and to account for the likely
variation in those properties on a product- and project-specific basis. This is achieved through
incorporating new provisions (§17.2.8) for calculating the upper- and lower-bound force-deflection
behavior of the isolation system.

The following sections give guidance on interpreting test data and procedures for determining the
nominal mechanical properties of the bearings. To account for the variation in these properties, property
modification or λ factors are used to modify the nominal properties to an appropriate upper- or lower-

The concept of property modification factors was originally presented in Constantinou et al. (1999) and is
already implemented in bridge design codes. The approach is to assess the impact of a particular effect on
the bearing properties (e.g. heating, aging, velocity, etc), and if the effect is appreciable then assigning it a
λ-factor and accounting for the effect in analysis and design. Therefore the λ-factors encompass many
different effects and describe the deviation in properties their nominal value. For example, if an effect
causes a 10% increase in a nominal property than it is assigned a λ value of 1.10 and contributes to the
overall λmax factor. The λ-factors are determined through testing, rational analysis and engineering
judgment and are categorized in the Standard into three groups:

 λae.max and λae.min which account for aging and environmental effects.

 λtest,max and λtest.min which account for scragging, hysteretic heating and speed of loading.

 λspec,max and λspec.min which account for manufacturing variations.

The Standard then combines the λ-factors using Equations 17.2-1 and 17.2-2 as follows:

lmax = (1 + f a (lae,max - 1)) �ltest,max �lspec,max �1.8

lmin = (1 - f a (1 - lae,min )) �ltest,min �lspec,min �0.6

The λmax and λmin factors are applied to each nominal mechanical property of interest and therefore set the
upper- and lower- bound force-displacement behavior, respectively. For the LR bearing the shear modulus
of rubber G and the effective yield stress of lead σYL are the important properties. For the sliding bearing,
it is the friction coefficient μ. Each of these properties requires determination of property specific λ max and
λmin factors.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

In Equations 17.2-1 and 17.2-2 the Standard presumes a system property adjustment factor fa of 0.75, to
account for the conservative assumption of having full aging and environmental effects when the
governing earthquake occurs. However the RDP has discretion to increase fa based on the contributing
factors to λae and/or based on the significance of the structure.

The limits of Equations 17.2-1 and 17.2-2 do not apply when either:
a) qualification test data per § , (i.e. satisfying Items 2, 4, 7 and 8 of the similarity
requirements of §, is approved by the RDP and is used to establish λ-factors.
b) project-specific dynamic prototype testing is conducted per §, and that data is used
establish λ-factors.

Therefore the limits of Equations 17.2-1 and 17.2-2 are rarely expected to apply and are intentionally
wide. Caution is advised, however, as they may not be conservative for inexperienced manufacturers
with no, or limited test data. Regardless, it is implied by the Standard that dynamic testing is required in
such a case.

Furthermore, to supplement theses new provisions on isolation system properties, the Standard
incorporates a new clause: § Qualification Tests as well as new criteria in § Testing
Similar Units for when a bearing may be classified as similar. § has also been renamed Dynamic
Testing and implies that prototype testing shall be conducted dynamically.

The RDP has the flexibility and authority to determine what data is accepted as qualification test data.
However it is generally the responsibility of the manufacturer to conduct qualification testing. These tests
may be used to aid in the establishment of nominal properties and λ-factors, to characterize the longevity
of the bearing, and to develop models of the bearing for analysis. In practice it is assumed that
manufacturers have comprehensive databases of properties, based on research projects and past prototype
and production testing. This is already the case for two suppliers in the United States which have
compiled large databases.

The intent of the Standard is not that dynamic testing of bearings be conducted on every project. This can
be expensive and can only be performed at a limited number of facilities. The change in language in
§ is identifying that most bearing types exhibit velocity dependence, and that the nominal
properties (average over three cycles) calculated from slow-speed testing will be different from the
nominal properties calculated from dynamic testing. The nominal properties are typically underestimated
by slow-speed testing, due to speed of loading effects, and furthermore the variation in those properties,
or bounds (λtest,max and λtest,min), are also underestimated by slow-speed testing due to less heating effects.
Therefore it is important to account for dynamic effects in the analysis and design.

Nominal Properties and Testing λ-Factors

Interpreting Test Data from Lead-Rubber Bearings. For this example, dynamic testing per
§, Item 3 is conducted at a vertical load equal to D + 0.5L on two virgin (unscragged) bearings
tested at a normal temperature of 20°C. This test consists of three fully-reversed cycles at a displacement
amplitude of DM conducted dynamically at the effective period TM determined from the upper-bound
properties. Therefore the speed of loading effects and heating effects are directly accounted for by the
testing, since it is conducted at approximate peak earthquake velocities (i.e. 30-40 inch/sec).

Figure 15.4-1 illustrates the force-displacement behavior of a LR bearing tested at high-speed, with the
test data for two prototype bearings documented in Table 15.5-1. Table 15.5-1 gives the maximum
measured force and maximum measured displacement in the positive and negative directions, F + and F-
and Δ+ and Δ- respectively, as well as the measured energy dissipated per cycle Eloop. Eloop is calculated by

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

numerical integration of the test loop. Although this test data is fictitious, it is generally representative of
high-speed test results from large LR bearings.

Figure 15.4-1 Representative Dynamic Testing of a LR Bearing

Table 15.4-1 Fictitious Test Data for two Prototype LR Bearings

Measure F+ F- Δ+ Δ- Eloop
Units kip kip inch inch kip-inch
Bearing 1
Cycle 1 175 -143 15 -15 2705
Cycle 2 126 -122 15 -15 1861
Cycle 3 116 -116 15 -15 1482
Bearing 2
Cycle 1 173 -141 15 -15 2688
Cycle 2 124 -120 15 -15 1844
Cycle 3 114 -114 15 -15 1464

The test data in Table 15.4-1 is sufficient to determine the isolation system properties. Before calculating
the nominal properties, a few comments and recommendations are noted as follows:

 The first cycle shows a distinctly higher strength and stiffness. This is due primarily to heating
effects on the lead core and also scragging effects of the rubber if the test is on a virgin/not
previously tested bearing (i.e. unscragged).

 Sequential prototype testing with a small rest time for cooling may give an underestimate of the
strength of lead in the first cycle. Therefore it is recommended to determine properties for
analysis from only the initial test(s), of a regime of many tests.

 The post-elastic stiffness kd is influenced by the lead core. Only after the first few cycles are its
effect negligible (i.e. in Equation 15.3-2 fL is equal to 1.0). Therefore it is recommended that the
first cycle is not used in the calculation in the shear modulus of rubber.

 The shear modulus of rubber shall not be determined from a coupon test specimen that has a low
shape factor (bonded area divided by the area free to bulge). LR bearings used in buildings
typically have a shape factor greater than 10 and often larger than 20, and the rubber deforms
purely in shear. For coupon tests the rubber may be deforming in shear and bending, which

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

results in an artificially low estimate of the shear modulus and consequently an unrealistically
low calculated effective stiffness of the actual bearing.

 It is not possible to determine the scragging effects of rubber from lead rubber bearing test data as
the effects in the first cycle are completely masked by heating effect on the lead core. Data from
bearings tested from a virgin state without the lead core, or using data from plain natural rubber
bearings (if such bearings are also used in parallel in the isolation system) may be suitable.
Coupon tests may also be used to estimate scragging effects as the scragging effects are expected
to be similar on the bending response (coupon test) and shear stiffnesses (full size bearing test).
However size effects shall be taken into consideration since large bearings may exhibit variable
zones of curing through the volume of the bearing whereas small coupon samples are generally
uniformly cured throughout their thickness.

 The stiffness of rubber is dependent on the shear strain; hence the post-elastic stiffness is
displacement-dependent. Although dynamic test data are only shown for the maximum displacement,
this is somewhat in conflict with the Standard which requires that properties envelope �0.5DM
up to and including �DM. This implies that tests at other displacement amplitudes must also be
used in determining properties. Enveloping the post-elastic stiffness at different strains may result
in a multi-linear force-deflection loop (say, high post-elastic stiffness at smaller strains, which is
reduced at medium strains and increased again at large strains). It is the authors’ opinion that the
post-elastic stiffness should be a best-fit representation of the strains from �0.5DM to �DM from
the dynamic test data in Figure15.4-1, using only a bilinear model, and that test cycles at other
displacement amplitudes (i.e. 0.5DM and 0.67DM) be viewed to verify consistency with this best-
fit. The reason for this is that, under the current Standards provisions, analyses are carried out
only at MCER conditions. Furthermore the bilinear representation is fitted to the test loop such
that it has the same values of effective stiffness at the maximum displacement.

The calculation of the mechanical properties for the two similar/prototype lead rubber bearings is given in
Table 15.4-2. The effective stiffness keff is calculated using Equation 17.8-1 of the Standard. The
characteristic strength Qd (fitted loop force at zero displacement) is determined using Equation 15.4-1,
using the energy dissipated Eloop, the displacement amplitude DM, and by assuming a yield displacement Y,
taken as 0.6 inches for all cycles.

Eloop = 4Qd ( DM - Y )

Assuming that this strength is all from the lead core, per Equation 15.4-1, one can calculate the effective
yield stress of lead. It is noted that rubber may contribute small amount to Eloop (by relation, say 0.02 to 0.05
effective damping), and the interested reader is referred to Kalapakidis et al. (2008) for more information.

The post-elastic stiffness can be determined directly by a straight-line fit, or can be calculated based on
the Qd and keff by the following relationship:

keff = k M = + kd
DM (15.4-2)

The shear modulus of rubber is then calculated by Equation 15.3-2, assuming the contribution to the post-
elastic stiffness from the lead core is negligible (fL=1) after the first cycle. As noted above, the first cycle
properties cannot be used, since the effects of heating on the lead core mask behavior of the rubber.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.4-2 Mechanical Properties of LR Bearings

Measure keff DM Y Qd σYL kd fL G βeff
Calculation Std1. Eq. Averag Eq. Eq. Eq. Eq.
Assumed Assumed Eq.
Method 17.8-1 e 15.4-1 15.3-1 15.4-2 15.3-2
Units kip/in inch inch kip ksi kip/in psi
Cycle 1 10.6 15 0.6 47.0 2.28 Cannot be determined 0.18
Cycle 2 8.3 15 0.6 32.3 1.57 6.11 1 59 0.16
Cycle 3 7.7 15 0.6 25.7 1.25 6.01 1 58 0.14
Average 8.9 1.70 58.5
Cycle 1 10.5 15 0.6 46.7 2.26 Cannot be determined 0.18
Cycle 2 8.1 15 0.6 32.0 1.55 6.01 1 58 0.16
Cycle 3 7.6 15 0.6 25.4 1.23 5.90 1 57 0.14
Average 8.7 1.68 57.5
Average of
8.8 1.69 58
1. Std = ASCE 7-2016 Standard

Fortuitously, the two prototype bearings have near identical properties. The nominal mechanical
properties are calculated as the average among the three cycles, and averaged for the two bearings.
Therefore the nominal properties are G = 58 psi and σYL = 1.69 ksi.

The next step is to determine the associated test λ-factors. The Standard requires λtest,max and λtest,min to
include variation from Item 2 of §, which for the Item 2b dynamic testing consists of the
following sequence: continuous loading of one fully-reversed cycle at each of the following increments of
maximum displacement DM: 1.0, 0.67, 0.5, 0.25 followed by continuous loading of one fully-reversed
cycles at each of the following increments of DM: 0.25, 0.5, 0.67 and 1.0.

For the effective yield stress of lead σYL the upper bound is taken as the first cycle properties divided by
the nominal value, giving λtest,max=2.27/1.69=1.34. What to take for the lower bound is not so clear. In the
initial cycles of loading the lead loses strength due to hysteretic heating effects. This reduction in strength
is temporary and recoverable with adequate cooling time. The representative values in Table 15.5-2 show
a large difference between the σYL in the first and third cycles, which is not uncommon for large-scale
bearings tested at high-speed. It is the opinion of the authors that the lower bound should be based on
considerations of the seismic hazard and nominal isolation system properties (strength and stiffness).
Response history analysis studies by Warn and Whittaker (2007) demonstrate that about two (and less
than three) fully-reversed cycles at the maximum displacement are expected for isolation systems with a
yield strength to supported weight ratio (Qd/W) of 0.06 or larger and period based on a post-elastic
stiffness of 2.5 seconds or greater. Therefore the lower bound will be taken as the second cycle properties,
giving λtest,min=1.56/1.69=0.92.

A validated theory from Kalpakidis et al. (2008) can be used to quantify these heating effects, thus
reducing the need for extensive testing. For example, the tested bearing had a displacement amplitude of
15 inches whereas the preliminary design only required a 11.2 inch amplitude. Examples of using
simplified heating calculations are illustrated in McVitty and Constantinou (2015).

The process described above is believed to be consistent with the intent of the Standard, even though it
uses a different test sequence. Simplified heating calculations by Kalpakidis et al. (2008) show that the
reduction in σYL can be related to the total travel of the bearing. After two cycles of loading at DM the
tested bearing has experienced 2 �4 DM = 120 inches of travel and σYL has reduced to a value of 1.56 ksi.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Had the Item 2b test been conducted, with a DM of 11.2 inches, the total travel for bounding would be
(1+0.67+0.5+0.25) �4 DM = 108 inches, which is less than 120 inches. Therefore the effects of heating
are adequately captured by testing to two full cycles at a displacement of DM. It is also noted that the
effective damping βeff in Table 15.4-2 is under-predicted when compared to the preliminary design values,
as the bearings were tested to a larger displacement.

For the shear modulus of rubber G, the scragging effects need to be determined from other tests, and are
assumed in this example to be minor at λtest,max=1.1 and increased to 1.15 since the nominal value is based
on the last two cycles only. Data presented by Thompson et al. (2000) demonstrate that these scragging
effects are recoverable within a short period of time (see Constantinou et al. 2007 for more references).
Therefore the full effects of scragging should be incorporated in design, even though the bearing is
scragged in the production tests.

In summary, the nominal properties and associated test λ-factors, are:

 Nominal Shear Modulus of Rubber, G = 58 psi
 Maximum test λ-factor λtest,max = 1.15
 Minimum test λ-factor λtest,min = 1.0

 Nominal Effective Yield Stress of Lead, σYL = 1.7 ksi

 Maximum test λ-factor λtest,max = 1.34
 Minimum test λ-factor λtest,min = 0.92

Sliding bearings. Representative high-speed dynamic force-displacement behavior for a sliding

bearing is illustrated in Figure 15.4-2. The test sequence is not too dissimilar from first half of the
§, Item 2b testing. It is noted that this data is for a triple concave sliding bearing, which is why
there is a slope (apparent yield displacement) upon reversal of the direction of displacement. For the
double concave sliding bearing described in this example the behavior would be more likened to the
rigid-linear model of Figure 15.3-3 (i.e. yield displacement Y=0 in Equation 15.4-1).

Figure 15.4-2 Representative Dynamic Testing of a Sliding Bearing

The process of determining the nominal mechanical properties and fitting a rigid-linear loop is a similar
process to that described in Section, with some important points to note:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

 The dynamic friction coefficient μ is the most important parameter to determine. It can be
calculated directly from the measured energy dissipated per cycle, using Equation 15.4-1 and
assuming a yield displacement Y = 0. The utility of this calculation is that it can be readily
obtained without determination/judgment of other parameters (say, for a triple concave sliding

 It is recommended to calculate the post-elastic stiffness based on the geometry of the bearing, per
Equation15.3-6. This is because the geometry can be constructed by most manufacturers with a
high degree of tolerance and theory predicts behavior very accurately. Any observed difference
between the fitted loop kd (based on Equation 15.3-6) and the test data kd may be due to (a)
fluctuations of the vertical load during the test, which affects the instantaneous value of the
friction coefficient, and (b) heating effects on the friction coefficient which are more pronounced
in high-velocity, large-amplitude cycles. Therefore the approach recommended is to accept that
the post-elastic stiffness does not vary and to assign any variability from cycle to cycle to the
frictional properties.

 The hysteretic heating effects on sliding bearings are dependent on the friction coefficient (which
in turn is dependent on temperature), pressure and sliding velocity, as well as size of the bearing
components. Therefore the heating effects on sliding bearings are different from that explained
above for LR bearings, however the studies by Warn and Whittaker (2004), with regard to the
equivalent number of cycles of two at the maximum displacement, are still considered applicable.

Aging and Environmental λ-Factors

The aging and environmental λ factors λae,max and λae,min account for the change in properties that occur
over the design life of the bearing. Effects include aging, creep, contamination, fatigue, effects of ambient
temperature and cumulative travel. For the bearings considered in this example, aging and contamination
are the relevant considerations. This is assuming there is little/no movement in the bearings due to service
loads (i.e. wind) and that for this application the bearings are not exposed to extreme temperatures or
damaging substances. In many cases the effects of aging and contamination are greater than unity (that is
λae,max >1.0 and λae,min = 1.0). Cumulative travel, fatigue and low temperatures are more an issue for
bridges. Creep may be an issue for improperly designed bearings. The interested reader may see
Constantinou et al. (2007) for further discussion on these effects.

The following sections list typical λae,max and λae,min expected of experienced manufacturers, and are
adopted for this example.

Elastomeric bearings. The aging and environmental factors for the shear modulus of rubber G are:

 λae,max,G = λaging,G �λcontamination,G = 1.1 �1.0 = 1.1

 λae,min,G = 1.0

The aging and environmental factors for the effective yield stress of lead σYL of 99.99% purity are:

 λae,max,σ = 1.0

 λae,min,σ = 1.0

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Sliding bearings. The aging and environmental factors for the friction coefficient μ for an
unlubricated PTFE-stainless steel sliding interface are:

 λae,max,μ = λaging,μ �λcontamination,μ = 1.1 �1.1 = 1.21

 λae,min,μ = 1.0

Specification λ-Factors
The specification λ-factors; λspec,max and λspec,min are a manufacturing tolerance assumed for design and
usually written into specifications. It is recommended that the bearing manufacturer be consulted when
establishing these tolerance values.

This tolerance is required because the testing of a small number of prototype bearings may not necessarily
provide the best estimate of the nominal design properties. This potential discrepancy occurs because the
average of two prototype test results may be at the upper or lower end of the range of a larger population.
Alternatively, if past test data is used to establish nominal properties, there may be differences due to the
natural variability in properties and manufacturing variations.

For this example the specification tolerance on the average properties of all bearings, for each property of
interest (i.e. G, σYL or μ), is ±10%. That is:

 λspec,max = 1.10

 λspec,min = 0.90

Variations in individual bearing properties from the nominal design properties may be greater than the
tolerance on the average properties of all bearings, say ±15%. The wider specification tolerance for
individual bearings is not used for analysis of the isolation system but should be taken into account for
bearing connection design by amplifying the upper-bound analysis forces by the ratio of the λ-factors,
e.g., 1.15/1.10 for the example values here.

Upper- and Lower-Bound Force-Deflection Behavior

LR bearings force-displacement behavior. The maximum and minimum λ factors for the shear
modulus of rubber and effective yield stress of lead are calculated based on Equations 17.2-1 and 17.2-2,
as follows:

lmax,G = (1 + 0.75(1.10 - 1)) �1.15 �1.10 = 1.4

lmin,G = (1 - 0.75(1 - 1.0)) �1.0 �0.90 = 0.9
lmax,s YL = (1 + 0.75(1.0 - 1)) �1.34 �1.10 = 1.5
lmin,s YL = (1 - 0.75(1 - 1.0)) �0.92 �0.90 = 0.8

The upper- and lower- bound force-displacement behavior of the preliminary sized elastomeric isolation
system, based on the nominal values and λ-factors in Sections 15.4.2 through 15.4.4, is illustrated in
Figure 15.4-3.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 15.4-3 Force-Deflection Behavior of Preliminary Sized Elastomeric Isolation System

Sliding bearings force-displacement behavior. The upper- and lower- bound force-displacement
behavior of the sliding isolation system, based on the preliminary design, is illustrated in Figure 15.4-4.

Figure 15.4-4 Preliminary Design Force-Deflection Behavior of Sliding Isolation System

A check of the minimum restoring force, per §, gives a difference between the force at 0.5 DM and
1.0DM of 0.037W for the upper-bound properties and difference of 0.057W for the lower-bound
properties. Hence the Standards minimum limit of 0.025W is satisfied.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures


The equivalent lateral force (ELF) procedure is a single-degree-of freedom displacement-based method
that uses simple equations to determine an isolated structures response. The equations are based on
ground shaking defined by 1-second spectral acceleration and the assumption that the shape of the design
response spectrum at long periods is inversely proportional to period. Although the ELF procedure is
considered a linear method of analysis, the equations incorporate amplitude-dependent values of effective
stiffness and effective damping to account implicitly for the nonlinear properties of the isolation system.
The equations assume that the superstructure is rigid and lateral displacements occur primarily in the
isolation system.

The following calculations are illustrated, arbitrarily, for the elastomeric isolation system. The calculation
process for the sliding isolation system would be similar.

The ELF procedure is an iterative process and is illustrated in the following equations for the preliminary
design bearing dimensions and lower bound properties. The terms below are defined in Section 15.3.

1. Assume a maximum displacement, say DM = 11.2 inch

2. Calculate the effective stiffness kM
Qd ,total
kM = kd ,total +
DM (15.5-1)
= 218 + = 311 kip/inch

3. Calculate the effective period TM (Equation 17.5-2):

TM = 2p
kM g

= 2p = 1.83 seconds

4. Calculate the effective damping βM. The yield displacement Y is assumed to be 0.6inch
4Qd ,total ( DM - Y )
bM =
2p k M DM 2 (15.5-3)

4 �1047 �(11.2 - 0.6)

= = 0.18
2p �311�11.22

5. Interpolate the damping coefficient BM from Table 17.5-1

BM = 1.44

6. Check the displacement matches what was initially assumed in Step 1 (Equation 17.5-1):

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

gS M 1TM
DM =
4p 2 BM
386 �0.9 �1.83
= = 11.18 inch �11.2 inch \ O.K
4 �p 2 �1.44

Structural Analysis
The Standard requires that two parallel analyses are performed, one using the isolation system upper-
bound properties and one using the lower-bound properties, with the governing case for each response
parameter of interest being used for design.

Modeling assumptions. To expedite calculation of loads on bearings and other elements of the
seismic-force-resisting system, a three-dimensional mathematical model of the building is developed and
analyzed using the computer program ETABS (CSI, 2013).

The vertical load on each bearing depends on their relative vertical compression stiffness Kv and soil
stiffness, the rigidity of the base level diaphragm/framing and the mass distribution. The compression
stiffness of a multi-layered elastomeric bearing can be approximated accordingly:

� �1 �
4 �

Kv = A � ti � + �

�i �Eci 3K �
� (15.5-5)

where A is the bonded rubber area, ti is the individual rubber layers thickness, K is the bulk modulus of
rubber, assumed as 290 ksi and Eci is the compression modulus for incompressible material behavior
which is dependent on the rubber shear modulus, shape factor and the bearing geometry (see
Constantinou et al., 2007 for details). The compression stiffness for the LR bearings was calculated as
about 10,000 kip/in. The soil stiffness is taken as 150 pci and for a 5ft square footing beneath each
bearing column gives and vertical soil spring stiffness of 540 kip/in.

Since the ELF analysis is a linear-elastic method, the lateral effective stiffness of the bearings at the
maximum displacement is input into the model. For each bearing the effective stiffness is simply the
isolation systems effective stiffness, from Section 15.5.1 calculations, divided by the number of bearings.
A modal analysis of the structure shall be used to verify that the first two modes of vibration are
translational with a period similar to Section 15.5.1 calculations, with the third mode of vibration being
the torsional isolated mode.

Bearing dimensions and properties. The preliminary sizing of the bearing, per Section 15.3.1,
used quick but conservative calculations. Using the more refined calculations that are set out in the
following sections, it was decided to further optimize the sizing of the bearings to reduce structural
shear. The final dimensions of all the 35 LR bearings and their properties (as determined in Section 15.4)
are as follows:

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.5-1 Final Lead-Rubber Bearing Dimensions and Properties

Parameter Symbol Value Units
Lead Core Diameter DL 4.75 inch
Bonded Rubber Diameter DB 25.75 inch
Total Thickness of Rubber Tr 5.225 inch
Yield Displacement Y 0.6 inch
Nominal Effective Yield Stress of Lead σYL 1.7 ksi
Maximum Variation λmax,σ 1.5
Minimum Variation λmin,σ 0.8
Lower-, Upper-Bound σYL,min ,σYLmax 1.36, 2.55 ksi
Nominal Shear Modulus of Rubber G 58 psi
Maximum Variation λmax,G 1.4
Minimum Variation λmin,G 0.9
Lower-, Upper-Bound Gmin ,Gmax 52, 81 ksi

Using Equations 15.3-1 and 15.3-2 and details in Table 15.5-1, the ELF force-displacement behavior of
the isolation system can be constructed, as illustrated in Figure 15.5-1:

Figure 15.5-1 Force-Deflection Behavior of Elastomeric Isolation System

Maximum displacement and effective period. The maximum displacement DM and effective
period at the maximum displacement TM is calculated using the ELF procedure in Section 15.5.1, which
is consistent with § and § of the Standard . The calculations for the upper- and lower-
bound properties are documented in Table 15.5-2.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.5-2 ELF Procedure for Upper- and Lower-Bound

Parameter Symbol Upper-Bound Lower- Units
Maximum Displacement DM 8.3 13.3 inch
Effective Stiffness kM 464 239 kip/inch
Effective Period TM 1.50 2.09 seconds
Effective Damping βM 0.24 0.16
System Post-elastic Stiffness kd,Total 274 176 kip/inch
System Characteristic Strength Qd,Total 1582 843 kip
System Strength Qd/W 0.16 0.08
Base Shear Vb/W 0.38 0.31

Lateral seismic forces and vertical distribution. The lateral shear force required for the design of
the isolation system, foundation and other structural elements below the isolation system is given by Vb in
Equation 17.5-5. The overturning loads (i.e. axial loads) from the superstructure, which are used for the
design of the isolation system, foundation, and elements below the isolation system is given by the
unreduced lateral force Vst in Equation 17.5-7. Subject to the limits of §, the base shear, Vs, for the
design of superstructure above the isolation level is taken as Vst reduced by the RI factor in accordance
with Equation 17.5-6. The results from these calculations for the upper- and lower- bound analysis are
given in Table 15.5-3.

Table 15.5-3 ELF Lateral Design Forces

Parameter Symbol Upper-Bound Lower- Units
Lateral force for elements below the
Vb 3853 3183 kip
isolation system
Unreduced lateral force for
elements above the isolation system Vst 3449 2691 kip
and for overturning loads
Reduced lateral force for elements
Vs 34491 26911 kip
above the isolation system
1. Uses an RI = 1.0.

The minimum lateral design force for structural elements above the isolation system Vs is initially
calculated as 3449 kip. However the value of Vs shall also be checked against § to ensure it
meets the minimum requirements. As shown in Table 15.5-4, the value of Vs is not governed by the
minimum requirements.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.5-4 Minimum Requirements of § for Reduced Lateral Force Vs

m Requirement Check
1 The lateral seismic force required by Standard §12.8 for a 2 SM 1 2 �0.9
fixed-base structure of the same effective seismic weight, Cs = 3 = 3
WS, and a period equal to the period of the isolation system �R � �3.25 �
T� 1.5 � �
using the upper bound properties TM . � �1.5 �
�I e � = 0.19
C S �0.044 �2 �S MS �I e �0.01
= 1940 kip O.K.
2 The base shear corresponding to the factored design wind O.K.
3 The lateral seismic force, Vst, calculated using Eq. 17.5-7, Fy = Qd + k d Y = 1582 + 274 �0.6
and with Vb set equal to the force required to fully activate = 1746 kip O.K.
the isolation system utilizing the upper bound properties.
3a 1.5 times the nominal properties, for the yield level of a N/A
softening system
3b the ultimate capacity of a sacrificial wind-restraint system N/A
3c the break-away friction force of a sliding system, or N/A
3d the force at zero displacement of a sliding system N/A
following a complete dynamic cycle of motion at DM.

The Standard has been revised to incorporate a more realistic distribution of lateral forces over the
buildings height (York and Ryan 2008) with details of the method explained in the Standard commentary.
Because the superstructure is much stiffer laterally than the isolation system, it tends to move as a rigid
body in the first mode, with a pattern of lateral seismic forces that is typically more uniformly distributed
over the height of the building. This is rather than an inverted triangular distribution, which is
representative of the first mode for a fixed-base building.

The method calculates the force of the base level, immediately above the isolation plane, then distributes
the remainder of the base shear among the other levels. The vertical distribution of the unreduced lateral
forces is given in Table 15.5-5. It is noted that § has an exception which recommends a more
conservative exponent term be used in Equation 17.5-7 when the hysteretic behavior of the isolation
system is characterized by an abrupt transition from pre-yield to post-yield. For an elastomeric isolation
system the transition is typically rounded and therefore the (1-2.5β) exponent is relevant.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.5-5 Vertical Distribution of Earthquake Forces

Seismic Cum. Height Story force, Story force,
Distribution Factor
Floor level, x (Story) floor weight above (Cum. Shear) (Cum. Shear)
Upper-, Lower-
weight (kips) isolation Upper-Bound Lower-Bound
Symbol (units) (kips) hx (ft) Cvx Fx, (kips) Fx, (kips)
PH Roof 850 53
(Penthouse) 850 0.22, 0.18 761 486
Roof 2400 41 (761) (486)
(Third) 3250 0.43, 0.40 1477 1070
Third Floor 2250 29 (2238) (1556)
(Second) 5500 0.24, 0.27 836 717
Second Floor 2200 17 (3074) (2273)
(First) 7700 0.11, 0.16 375 418
First Floor 2500 3 (3449) (2691)
(Isolation/Base Level) 10200 N/A 404 492
Total 10200 1.0 3853 3183

Bearing vertical loads. The vertical/axial load on the bearings was calculated using the ETABS
model for both the upper- and lower-bound properties. In this case the upper-bound properties gave the
critical earthquake demands and are reported in Table 15.5-6 and 15.5-7. This table documents the
loadings from dead and reduced live loadings, as well as the envelope of the maximum and minimum
demands from horizontal earthquake and torsion actions. The X and Y directions referred to in the tables
are illustrated in Figure15.3-2. A negative sign denotes tension loading.

Since the isolation system and lateral-force resisting system have a symmetrical layout (in two
directions), only the critical demands are reproduced in the Table 15.5-6 through 15.5-9. That is, loads
and displacements at Gridlines 5, 6 and 7 (not shown) are similar to those at Gridlines 3, 2 and 1,
respectively; and loads and displacements at Gridlines D and E (not shown) are similar to those at
Gridlines B and A, respectively.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.5-6 ELF Vertical Loads on Bearings, Upper-Bound Properties

Summary of dead (D) and reduced live loads (L) on bearings: D, L (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 105, 21 224, 58 170, 38 161, 36
B 239, 56 325, 80 370, 93 386, 97
C 196, 45 345, 86 411, 104 396, 100
Summary of ELF (X-direction) loads on bearings: Max, Min (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 50, -51 44, -47 10, -11 1, 1
B 179, -184 110, -118 52, -60 23, 22
C 83, -85 89, -96 25, -27 19, 19
Summary of ELF (Y-direction) loads on bearings: Max, Min (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 56, -52 248, -232 78, -74 49, -49
B 83, -73 189, -164 165, -152 240, -233
C -5, -5 -61, -65 -7, -7 4, 4
Summary of accidental torsion loads on bearings: Max, Min (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 1, -1 21, -21 4, -4 0, 0
B 7, -7 10, -10 2, -2 1, -1
C 0, 0 7, -7 1, -1 0, 0

Using the load combinations in Section 15.2.4, which incorporate vertical earthquake actions using
�0.2SMSD, Table 15.5-7 shows the maximum and minimum downward forces for design of the bearings.
These forces result from the simultaneous application of gravity loads and unreduced earthquake story
forces (see Table 15.5-5) to the ETABS model. It is noted that tension stresses are developed in a number
of locations. This tension stress is acceptable for a high-quality elastomeric bearing if it is less than three
times the shear modulus of rubber. For the LR bearing in this example the capacity for the upper- and
lower bound properties is 3GA, equal to 80 and 120 kip, respectively. Hence there are four bearing
locations (Gridline A2, E2, A6 and E6) where there is a potential uplift issue. This issue is discussed
further in Section 15.7.1, after the vertical response spectrum and response history analyses.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.5-7 ELF Maximum and Minimum Vertical Loads on Bearings, Upper-Bound
Maximum Loads 1.48D + 0.5L + max(QEX+0.3QEY, 0.3QEX+QEY) + max(QE,Torsion) (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 237 640 356 306
B 592 752 776 867
C 395 631 683 657
Minimum Loads 0.62D + min(QEX+0.3QEY, 0.3QEX+QEY) + min(QE,Torsion) (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A -4 -129 24 52
B -65 -8 57 12
C 35 92 225 255

Total maximum displacement. The maximum design displacement DM calculated previously

represents the peak earthquake displacement at the center of mass of the building without the additional
displacements that can occur at other locations due to actual or accidental mass eccentricity. The
additional displacements due to torsion can be calculated from the ETABS model with the application of
the torsional moment. However, the resultant total maximum displacement DTM may not be taken less than
that calculated in Equation 17.5-3. This equation now includes a new term PT which is the ratio of the
effective translational period to the effective torsional period of the isolation system. Work by Wolff et al.
(2014) give the background theory for this revision of the amplification factor, which offers an
improvement by relaxing the assumption of equal translation and torsional periods.

Using the modal analysis from the ETABS model, the ratio of the 1 st and 3rd modes, which are the
translational and torsional modes, respectively, for the lower-bound properties are 2.14sec/1.83sec or PT =
1.17. There could be a further reduction in the amplification factor (or increase in PT) by placing LR
bearings around the perimeter and plain elastomeric or sliding bearings on the interior of the building to
increase the torsional resistance. However the Standard places a minimum amplification factor of 1.15DM
for the corner bearings, regardless of how torsionally stiff the isolation system is. Part of the reason
behind increasing this minimum factor is that past experimental tests used to quantify the isolation
systems torsional response was on unrealistically torsionally stiff isolation systems (i.e. only four bearings
located on the perimeter).

The Standard minimum torsional amplification factor and total maximum displacements for various
bearing locations is given in Table 15.5-8. The minimum amplification factor is calculated using Equation
17.5-3 with the greater of the amplification for and X- or Y-direction reported in the table. It is noted that
the total maximum displacement calculated using the ETABS model (i.e. with the application of the
torsional moment at each floor level) gives similar values for this example.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.5-8 Minimum Amplification Factors and ELF Total Maximum Displacement
Minimum Torsional Amplification Factor
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 1.15 1.10 1.07 1.07
B 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.03
C 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00
Upper-Bound Total Maximum Displacements, DTM (inches)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 9.6 9.1 8.9 8.9
B 9.6 9.1 8.7 8.6
C 9.6 9.1 8.7 8.3
Lower-Bound Total Maximum Displacements, DTM (inches)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 15.3 14.6 14.2 14.2
B 15.3 14.6 14.0 13.7
C 15.3 14.6 14.0 13.3

Bearing stability and shear strain assessment. A more refined calculation of the minimum
required individual rubber layer thickness for stability (per Equation 15.3-3), with compatible
combinations of maximum axial loads and total maximum displacements, for each bearing location are
documented in Table 15.5-9. The critical bearing location is Gridlines B4 and D4 which require a rubber
thickness less than 0.28 inches which is at the lower limit for what can be satisfactorily constructed by
manufactures. This would give a final bearing with 5.225/0.275 = 19 rubber layers each 0.275 inches (7
mm) thick. The rubber shear strains due to lateral displacements are high at 294% in the corner locations,
but are achievable for a quality manufacturer.

The stability check is illustrated in this example since it is typically a governing criterion for the design of
the lead-rubber bearings. However, the design checks of the bearing stability, rubber shear strains, and
other components of the bearing (i.e. steel shim plates and end plate design) are typically the
responsibility of the manufacturer.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.5-9 Minimum Individual Rubber Thickness and Rubber Shear Strain
Upper-Bound Minimum Individual Rubber Layer Thickness, ti (inches)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 1.54 0.56 1.02 1.17
B 0.71 0.49 0.47 0.43
C 1.07 0.69 0.54 0.57
Lower-Bound Minimum Individual Rubber Layer Thickness, ti (inches)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 0.88 0.36 0.63 0.71
B 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.28
C 0.57 0.38 0.32 0.36
Lower-Bound Rubber Shear Strain, DTM/Tr (%)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 294 281 268 263
B 294 281 272 272
C 294 281 268 263

Story drifts. The Standard permits more liberal drift limits where the design of the superstructure is
based on a nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA). The ELF procedure and response spectrum
drift limits are 0.015hsx for the reduced MCER level forces, which are increased to 0.020hsx for a NLRHA
(where hsx is the story height at level x). Usually a stiff system (e.g., braced frame) is selected for the
superstructure to limit damage to nonstructural components sensitive to drift and therefore the drift
demand is typically less than about 0.005hsx. Standard § requires an explicit check of
superstructure stability at the MCER displacement if the earthquake story drift ratio exceeds 0.010/RI.

The maximum story displacement of the structure above the isolation system is calculated by Equation
12.8-5 with Cd equal to RI (Cd = 1) and using Ie = 1.0. The upper-bound properties give the greater story
shear and therefore greater drift. The story drift in each direction, including accidental eccentricity, are
given in Table 15.5-10. Since the structure has braced frames, the calculated maximum story drift ratio is
well below the limit of 1.5%.

Table 15.5-10 Maximum story drift from ELF procedure

Maximum story drift Maximum story drift
Floor level, x (Story) Story height
X-direction1 Y-direction1
Symbol (units) (feet) % %
Penthouse 12 0.23 0.45
Third 12 0.30 0.39
Second 12 0.27 0.32
First 14 0.22 0.21
1. Includes torsion

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Limitation Checks
The ELF calculations in the preceding sections are permitted to be used for the final design since all the
items of §17.4.1 are satisfied. These checks are reproduced in Table 15.5-11.

If any of the items were not satisfied, then a dynamic analysis would be required. If items number 1, 2, 3,
4, 6 and 7(sic) are satisfied, then the response spectrum procedure is permitted. The ELF and response
spectrum procedures are both linear-elastic analyses, where the bearings behavior is represented by an
effective stiffness and effective damping at the maximum displacement DM. The response history analysis,
on the other hand, directly accounts for the nonlinear bearing behavior and is permitted for all seismically
isolated structures.

Table 15.5-11 Restrictive Requirements for ELF (and Response Spectrum) Analysis
Upper- Lower-
m Requirement Check
bound bound
1 The structure is located on a Site Class A, B, C and
Site Class D O.K.
2 The effective period of the isolated structure at the
maximum displacement, DM, is less than or equal to 1.5 sec 2.1 sec O.K.
3 The structure above the isolation interface is less than
or equal to 4 stories or 65 ft (19.8m) in structural
height measured from the base level. Exception: 4 stories with 50 ft height. O.K.
These limits are permitted to be exceeded if there is
no tension/uplift on the bearings.
4 The effective damping of the isolation system at the
maximum displacement, DM, is less than or equal to 24% 16% O.K.
5 The effective period of the isolated structure TM is
greater than three times the elastic, fixed-base period
TM = 1.5sec TM = 2.1 sec 3Tfb=1.3s
of the structure above the isolation system
determined using a rational modal analysis.
6 The structure above the isolation system does not
No structural irregularity,
have a structural irregularity, as defined in Section O.K.
see Section
7a The effective stiffness of the isolation system at the
maximum displacement, DM, is greater than one-third
464 > 409 239 > 164 O.K.
of the effective stiffness at 20 percent of the
maximum displacement.
7b The isolation system is capable of producing a
restoring force such that the lateral force at the
corresponding maximum displacement is at least 0.11W 0.12W O.K.
0.025W greater than the lateral force at 50 percent of
the corresponding maximum displacement.
7c The isolation system does not limit maximum
Assumed to have no
earthquake displacement to less than the total O.K.
restrictions less than DTM
maximum displacement, DTM.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

There are two dynamic analyses illustrated in this section: 1) a vertical response spectrum analysis to
obtain a better estimate of the vertical earthquake effects and 2) and nonlinear response history analysis
(NLRHA) for more refined estimates of the building horizontal earthquake response.

The NLRHA gives the most realistic estimate of an isolated buildings response. Typically the
superstructure is modeled as elastic with nonlinear behavior confined to the isolation level. Two models
are required, one with the isolator units upper-bound force-deflection properties and one using the lower-
bound properties. Each model is subjected to at least seven different ground motion sets, where the values
used in design (for each response parameter of interest) are taken as the average of the seven ground
motion analyses maxima. The ELF analysis is still necessary to evaluate results of the dynamic analysis
and to obtain minima of response quantities.

In this example the NLRHA is used only to determine the final design displacements of the isolation
system, to assess the overturning loads and uplift, and to verify that ELF-based story forces used for
design of the superstructure are valid. If the NLRHA procedure were used as the primary basis for
superstructure design, then response results would be required for design of individual elements, rather
than for checking a limited number of global response parameters.

Structural Analysis and Modeling

The NLRHA was undertaken in the program ETABS using the Fast Nonlinear Analysis procedure.
ETABS internally calculates modal damping based on the hysteretic properties of the nonlinear elements
(isolators) and an additional amount of user-specified modal damping. Inherent damping was specified as
2% (as the superstructure remains elastic) in each mode of vibration with override such that the damping
in the first six (isolated) modes were specified as zero per procedures described in Sarlis and
Constantinou (2010).

The nonlinear force-deflection characteristics of isolator units are modeled explicitly (rather than using
effective stiffness and damping, as in the ELF procedure). For most types of isolators, force-deflection
properties can be approximated by bilinear, hysteretic curves that can be modeled using commercially
available nonlinear structural analysis programs. The initial stiffness, yield strength and post yield
stiffness ratio of a single bearing for the upper- and lower-bound properties specified in ETABS is given
in Table 15.6-1. These properties give an isolation system response (for 35 bearings) matching that shown
in Figure 15.5-1.

Table 15.6-1 Nonlinear Properties of Individual Bearings for Analysis

Upper-bound Lower-bound
Initial stiffness (kip/inch) 83.1 45.2
Yield strength (kip) 49.9 27.1
Post-yield stiffness ratio 0.094 0.111
Note: ETABS also asks for linear properties which are used in the nonlinear modal history analysis. It is
recommended to specify a low effective stiffness, say equal to the post-elastic stiffness, and zero effective damping.

More sophisticated nonlinear models may be necessary to accurately represent the response of isolators
with complex configurations or properties (e.g., triple pendulum sliding bearings), to capture stiffening
effects at very large displacements (e.g., of elastomeric bearings), to model rate-dependent effects
explicitly (Sarlis 2010, Kalapakidis 2008) or to model uplift behavior.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Special modeling concerns for isolated structures include two important and related issues: uplift of
isolator units and P-delta effects on the isolated superstructure and the substructure. Typically, isolator
units have little or no ability to resist tension forces and can uplift when earthquake overturning (upward)
loads exceed factored gravity (downward) loads. To model uplift effects, gap elements may be used in
nonlinear models or tension may be released manually in linear models. For this example the uplift forces
from NLRHA do not exceed 3GA (see Section for details) therefore uplift is not modeled

The vertical earthquake effects were not explicitly considered in the NLRHA model (i.e. only two
horizontal ground motion components are applied to the model) but are accounted for in the results later.

The effects of P-delta loads on the isolation system and adjacent elements of the structure can be quite
significant. The compression load, P, can be large due to earthquake overturning (and factored gravity
loads) at the same time that large displacements occur in the isolation system. Computer analysis
programs (most of which are based on small-displacement theory) may not correctly calculate P-delta
moments at the isolator level in the structure above or in the foundation below. Figure 15.6-1 illustrates
moments due to P-delta effects (and horizontal shear loads) for an elastomeric bearing and a flat sliding
bearing. The same concept applies for multi-spherical sliding bearings. For the elastomeric bearing, the
P-delta moment is split one-half up and one-half down. For the flat and single-concave sliding bearings,
the full P-delta moment is applied to the foundation below (due to the orientation of the sliding surface).
A reverse (upside down) orientation of the flat and single-sided sliding bearings would apply the full P-
delta moment on the structure above. For the double-concave sliding bearing, P-delta moments are split
one-half up and one-half down, in a manner similar to an elastomeric bearing, provided that the friction
(and curvature) properties of the top and bottom concave dishes are the same.

 

H1 P

MA = VH1 + P/2 MC = VH3

MB = VH2 + P/2 P P MD = VH4 + P


Elastomeric Isolator Flat Sliding Isolator

Figure 15.6-1 Moments due to Horizontal Shear and P-delta Effects

 

E V G V 15-45

H5 H7
FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Ground Motion Records

Selection and scaling of ground motions. The Standard requires that ground motions be scaled to
match maximum spectral response in the horizontal plane. In concept, at a given period of interest, the
maximum spectral response of scaled records should, on average, be the same as that defined by the
MCER spectrum. The ground motion acceleration histories selection and scaling are illustrated in Chapter
3 of these NEHRP Design Examples.

For NLRHA, Standard §17.3 requires at least seven pairs of horizontal ground motion acceleration
histories be selected from actual earthquake records and scaled to match the MCE R spectrum. Where the
required number of recorded pairs is not available, then the Standard permits the use of simulated
ground motion records. Selection and scaling of appropriate ground motions should be performed by a
ground motion expert experienced in earthquake hazard of the region, considering site conditions,
earthquake magnitudes, fault distances and source mechanisms that influence ground motion hazard at the
building site.

Standard §17.3.4 recognizes two types of scaling methods: amplitude scaling and spectrally matching,
and has different requirements for each. There are also different requirements if the site is within 3 miles
(5 km) of an active fault. For this example, the site is greater than 3 miles away from an active fault, and
amplitude scaling is the selected scaling method. In this case, the Standard requires that the earthquake
records are scaled to match a target spectrum over the period range of interest, defined as 0.75TM
determined using upper-bound isolator properties to 1.25TM using lower-bound isolator properties. This
gives a period range of interest of 1.1 to 2.6 seconds for the elastomeric isolation system. For each
period in this range, the average of seven square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS) combinations
(of each pair of horizontal components of scaled ground motion) should be equal to or greater than 1.0
times the MCER spectrum.

The scaling factors are shown in Table 15.6-2 and reflect the total amount that each as-recorded ground
motion is scaled for NRLHA. Also shown are associated parameters which are useful for NLRHA.
Further illustration of selection and scaling of ground motion records is illustrated in Chapter 3 of these
NEHRP Design Examples.

Table 15.6-2 Selected and Scaled Ground Motions1

Unscaled Unscaled Scale ETABS
GM Duration Time step
Earthquake name PGA (g) PGA (g) factor SF
No. (seconds) (seconds)
X-component Y-component (SF) (inch/sec2)
1 Tokachi-oki, Japan 247.0 0.01 0.14 0.10 3.00 1158
2 Tokachi-oki, Japan 269.0 0.01 0.62 0.44 1.20 463
3 Tokachi-oki, Japan 120.0 0.02 0.24 0.30 1.65 637
4 Western Washington 89.2 0.02 0.16 0.26 2.95 1139
5 Loma Prieta 40.0 0.005 0.51 0.33 1.65 637
6 Duzce, Turkey 25.9 0.005 0.40 0.51 1.10 425
7 Kobe, Japan 41.0 0.01 0.48 0.46 1.75 676
1. Directly adopted from Chapter 3.4 of these NEHRP Design Examples.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Orientation of ground motion components for analysis. Only for sites within 3 miles of an active
fault does the Standard specify how the two scaled components of each record should be applied to a
three-dimensional model (i.e., how the two components of each record should be oriented with respect to
the axes of the model). For other sites, the Standards commentary states that individual pairs of
horizontal ground motion components need not be applied in multiple orientations. Guidance on the
orientation of components of ground motions by NIST (2011) state that there is no systematic directional
dependence to ground motions at distant sites and that each pair of motions need only be applied to the
model in one orientation.

Since this example building is symmetrical in both directions and the site is further than 3 miles from an
active fault, the earthquake records were applied randomly to the model in one orientation only. The post-
processing of results per Section 15.6.4 accounts for whether the maximum response occurs in the
positive or negative direction.

On some projects, lack of guidance sometimes caused engineers to perform an unnecessarily large
number of response history analyses with each pair of ground motion records oriented in four or even
more different orientations. It is the author’s experience that these additional analyses have diminishing
returns. However, multiple orientations may still be necessary depending on project, and should be
assessed on a case-by-case basis (i.e. jurisdictional requirements or as requested for design verification).

Vertical Response Spectrum Analysis

Vertical Earthquake Spectrum. In the ELF procedure the vertical earthquake effects are accounted
for by simply adding or subtracting 0.2SMSD or 0.2 �1.4 = 0.28g. The 0.2 factor is derived by multiplying
the horizontal spectrum at short periods by 2/3 and then using a 30% combination with horizontal
earthquake effects. This crude approach is also valid for NLRHA; however a more thorough method is
illustrated herein.

The Standard does not give explicit guidance of how to account for vertical motions, however
commentary has been added to address the matter. In §C17.3.3 one recommended approach to compute
the vertical design spectrum is to use the 2009 NEHRP Provisions in Chapter 23 where SDS is replaced
with SMS. The vertical spectra are a strong function of the natural period, source-to-site distance and local
site conditions, and relatively weak function of magnitude and faulting mechanisms. The 2009 Provisions
have simplified this so that the vertical spectrum can be calculated through the parameter SS (short-period
horizontal spectral acceleration for the site), as well as the site class classification. Using the 2009
Provisions the vertical coefficient Cv was calculated to be 1.38 for the D site class. The resulting vertical
response spectrum, along with horizontal spectra for comparison (both for the MCE R event) is given in
Figure 15.6-2. There is a limit that the vertical response spectrum acceleration shall not be less than one-
half (1/2) of the corresponding horizontal spectral acceleration, which is why there is a “kink” in the
vertical spectra to be used for design.

For the design vertical spectrum the period refers to the vertical period and the spectral acceleration is in
the upwards or downwards direction.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 15.6-2 MCER Vertical Spectrum for Design

Analysis and Bearing Axial Loads. A vertical earthquake analysis requires careful modeling
considerations. These are outlined in the Standard commentary §C17.6.2, such as including all structural
elements in the model and adding more degrees of freedom (i.e. nodes along a beam or slab) so that the
mass is realistically distributed across the building footprint. Consideration of the soil-structure
interaction is also necessary and will require input from a geotechnical engineer. The modal analysis must
also capture the vertical excitation of the building, which may require hundreds of modes to obtain 90-
100% of the mass participation in the vertical direction.

A single degree of freedom analysis should be used initially to estimate the vertical period and resulting
vertical base reaction. The stiffness of the building in the vertical direction is calculated as the vertical
stiffness of the bearing (10,000 kip/in) and soil stiffness below (540 kip/in) acting in series, which gives a
total vertical stiffness of 35 bearings multiplied by 512 kip/in (1/512 = 1/10000 + 1/540), which is 17,920
kip/in. The corresponding vertical period would be:

10, 200
T = 2p = 0.24 seconds
17920 �386

The vertical spectral acceleration for a period of 0.24 seconds is 1.09g. However the multi-degree of
freedom ETABS model shows that the longest period for a vertical mode shape is around 0.34 seconds, so
we would expect a lower base reaction than 1.09g using the vertical response spectrum analysis.

The vertical response spectrum analysis resulted in a total reaction in the upwards/downwards direction of
7174 kip, which is equivalent to 7174/10200 = 0.7g. This corresponds to about 0.15SMS (i.e. 0.7 �
30%/1.4) which is less than the 0.2SMS used in Section 15.5 to account for vertical earthquake effects. The
response spectrum analysis also gives a more realistic distribution of vertical earthquake loads over the
building footprint. These bearing axial loads are given in Table15.6-3 and can be acting either in the
upward (tension) or downward (compression) directions. These maximum vertical earthquake loads can
be combined with the maximum vertical reactions due to horizontal earthquake loads using orthogonal
combinations corresponding to the 100%-30% rule per §C17.2.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.6-3 Bearings Axial Loads due to Vertical Earthquake Effects, Ev

Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 70 160 129 128
B 165 247 314 342
C 140 262 434 369

Nonlinear Response History Analysis

Introduction. The two independent ETABS models, which represent upper- or lower-bound bearing
properties, are analyzed for the set of seven pairs of horizontal ground motion records applied to the
model in the one orientation only (i.e. are not rotated). The post-processing in this section takes the
absolute maximum (i.e. maximum whether in the positive or negative directions) response for each
ground motion. The average of these absolute maxima responses over the seven ground motions is then
used for design.

Due to the many inputs required for NLRHA it is important to carry out verification checks. For example,
Figure 15.6-3 shows the NLRHA hysteretic response (base shear vs. displacement) of the isolation system
in the X and Y directions from ground motion 5, which compares well to the ELF procedure.

Figure 15.6-3 Base Shear Force-Displacement Behavior of Isolation System for Lower Bound
Properties, comparison of ELF and NLRHA for Ground Motion 5.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Torsion. The Standard § requires that the effect of torsion above the isolation interface,
considering the most disadvantageous position of eccentric mass, be considered. There are two
components of eccentric mass, the inherent eccentricity between the center of mass and center of rigidity
and the accidental eccentricity. This accidental eccentricity approach is used to indirectly account for
various effects, including: plan distributions of mass that differ from those assumed in design, variations
in the mechanical properties of structural components, non-uniform yielding of the lateral system, and
torsional and rotational ground motions.

Different models could be used to explicitly evaluate various locations of accidental mass eccentricity.
However, this approach would require multiple additional models to consider the most disadvantageous
location of accidental eccentric mass. To avoid doing an unnecessarily larger number of analyses, the
Standard § now permits the use of amplification factors to account for the effects of accidental
mass eccentricity.

In the NLRHA of this example, only the actual eccentricities (none in this case since the superstructure
and isolation system are symmetric) were modeled, with the calculated displacements and forces being
increased for accidental eccentricity effects during post-processing of the results. The resultant maximum
displacement, DM was multiplied by the amplification factor given in Standard Equation 17.5-3 (see Table
15.5-8). This procedure of amplifying DM by a factor is the recommended method to account for
accidental torsion in NLRHA since it can be problematic to artificially alter the mass and/or center of
stiffness of the model because it changes the dynamic characteristics of the model and may
unintentionally improve performance. Furthermore it significantly reduces computational effort. For shear
and axial forces, the effects of accidental eccentricities were accounted for by using the ELF procedure.
That is, applying the torsion statically to the model and superimposing the results on the NLRHA results
to give the worst effect.

Peak isolation system displacement and base shear. The isolation system displaces
simultaneously in the X- and Y-directions at each increment in time with the resultant displacement being
the vectorial (SRSS) combination of these two components. Simply taking the maximum X or Y
displacement over the whole ground motion record and calculating their SRSS combination may be
overly conservative. For example, Figure 15.6-4 shows the displacement history of the isolation system in
the X and Y directions for ground motion 5, Loma Prieta, using lower-bound properties. The peak X, Y
and SRSS displacements were 11.9, 6.5 and 12.0 inches, respectively. The SRSS of the maximum X and
Y displacements is overly conservative at (11.92+6.52)1/2 = 13.6 inches.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Figure 15.6-4 Displacement Histories of Isolation System, Ground Motion 5, Lower Bound

Table 15.6-4 summarizes peak SRSS combinations of isolation system displacements and base shears for
each ground motion from the NLRHA. The ELF calculated displacement and base shear are also given
for comparison. The displacements are calculated at the center of mass of the isolation system and do not
include the effects of accidental mass eccentricity. This is accounted for by using the amplification factors
in Table15.5-8.

Table 15.6-4 NLRHA Peak SRSS Displacement and Base Shear of the Isolation System
Upper Bound Lower Bound
Ground Motion Displacement Base Shear Displacement Base Shear
(inch) (kip) (inch) (kip)
GM 1 3.6 2300 7.5 2047
GM 2 6.7 3041 6.6 1905
GM 3 6.5 3162 9.1 2048
GM 4 4.4 2140 6.7 1991
GM 5 9.1 3846 12.0 2858
GM 6 8.0 2561 12.5 2947
GM 7 4.9 2789 7.4 2120
NLRHA Average 6.2 2834 (28%) 8.9 2273 (22%)
ELF 8.3 3853 (38%) 13.3 3183 (31%)

To avoid possible under-design, the Standard establishes lower-bound limits on results of dynamic
analysis to be used for design. These limits are established as a percentage of the corresponding parameter
calculated using the ELF procedure equations.

The total maximum displacement of the isolation system shall not be taken less than 80 percent of DTM
calculated in Section 15.5, where DM may be replaced with D’M per Standard Equation 17.6-1.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

 Minimum displacement limit:

1 1
� �
1 + (T / TM ) 1 + (0.43 / 2.09) = 12.0 inch
DTM,LB = 80% �Equation 17.5-3 = 0.8 �(1.15 �13.3)

DTM,UB = 0.8 �(1.15 �8.3)
1 + (0.43 /1.50) = 6.7 inch

 NLRHA total maximum displacement:

DTM,LB = 1.15 �8.9 = 10.2 inches < 12.0 \ use 12.0 inches

DTM,UB = 1.15 �6.2 = 7.1 inches > 6.7 \ use 7.1 inches

Therefore the displacement used to design the bearings shall be no less than DTM = 12.0 inches for lower
bound properties, as the minimum limit governs, and DTM = 7.1 inches for upper bound properties.

Since an OCBF structural system has been used the moat clearance and all elements crossing the isolation
interface shall designed for a displacement increased by a factor of 1.2 per §

 Displacement capacity of moat/seismic gap:

DTM = 1.2 �12.0 = 14.4 inches, rounded up to 15 inches around the building perimeter.

The isolation system, foundation and all structural elements below the isolation system shall be designed
for lateral force no less than 0.9Vb. Therefore the NLRHA forces below the isolation system would need
to be scaled up by a factor of:

 Scale factor for forces below the isolation level = 0.9 �3853/2834 = 1.2

and further increased to account for accidental eccentricity.

Story forces. Table 15.6-5 summarizes average (of seven ground motions) absolute maximum
(maximum whether in the positive or negative direction) story shear force results at each level in the X
and Y directions from the NLRHA and compares these values with story shear forces calculated by ELF
formulas for unreduced design earthquake loads. The upper-bound isolation system properties gave the
greater shear forces. Figure 15.6-5 shows story shears calculated by ELF formulas and by the NLRHA .

Table 15.6-5 Summary of Peak Design Story Shear Forces and Comparison with Story Shear
Values Calculated Using ELF Methods, Upper Bound Properties
Method of Analysis
Response Parameter Peak NLRHA Result
ELF formulas
X-direction Y-direction
Penthouse 761 803 807
Third Story 2238 1787 1915
Second Story 3074 2392 2277
First Story 3449 2620 2230
Vb (Isolators) 3853 2834 2410

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Figure 15.6-5 Comparison of Story Shear Force based on NLRHA Average and ELF Procedures,
Upper-bound Properties

The minimum requirements of the Standard are that the base shear, Vb, shall not be taken less than 80
percent of that determined from the ELF procedure (for this regular structure) and that Vs shall not be
taken less than the limits in Table 15.5-4.

Therefore if the NLRHA demands are used for superstructure design, all demands on structural elements
above the isolation level need to be scaled up by the following factors:

 X-direction scale factor: 0.8 �3853/2834 = 1.09

Checking X-direction minimum structural shear Vs = 1.09 �2620 kip >1940 kip (Table15.5-4) O.K.

 Y-direction scale factor: 0.8 �3853/2410 = 1.28

Checking Y-direction minimum structural shear Vs = 1.28 �2230 kip >1940 kip (Table15.5-4) O.K.

Bearing vertical loads. The combination of vertical/axial loads on the bearings to be used for
design consist of static dead and live loads, torsion (from the ELF procedure per Table 15.5-6), vertical
earthquake loads per the response spectrum analysis and given in Table 15.6-3, as well as the vertical
effects of horizontal earthquake loads from the NLRHA per this section.

The earthquake horizontal/overturning forces are calculated to be smaller in the NLRHA compared to the
ELF procedure. These force need to be increased by the ratio of the NLRHA base shear to the minimum
limit given by §17.6.4. This gives a scale factor of 1.2, per Section, on the earthquake
overturning load. The scaled and factored minimum axial loads on the bearings, which were critical for
upper bound properties, are given in Table 15.6-6.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Table 15.6-6 Maximum and Minimum Bearing Vertical Loads, Upper-Bound Properties
Maximum Loads 1.2D + 0.5L + max(QE)a + max(QE,Torsion)b + 0.3(EV)c (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 215 568 325 287
B 535 702 736 829
C 369 651 698 665
Maximum Loads 1.2D + 0.5L + max(0.3QE) + max(0.3QE,Torsion) + EV (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 223 522 371 351
B 531 736 850 918
C 419 753 986 903
Minimum Loads 0.9D + min(QE) + min(QE,Torsion) - 0.3EV (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 14 -74 51 70
B -16 31 79 30
C 62 119 208 219
Minimum Loads 0.9D + min(0.3QE) + min(0.3QE,Torsion) - EV (kips)
Gridline 1 2 3 4
A 6 -27 5 6
B -4 -11 -29 -59
C 15 15 -74 -20
a. NLRHA average of maximum or minimum value from each of the seven ground motion records and scaled by a
factor of 1.2
b. Calculated per the ELF procedure
c. Vertical response spectrum analysis per Section15.6.4, Table 15.6-3

The vertical loads in Table 15.6-6 and displacements per Section are slightly less critical than
that calculated from the ELF procedure (see Tables 15.5-7 and 15.5-8, respectively). Therefore the sizing
of the bearing from the ELF procedure is adequate, however and could be further optimized with another
design iteration.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures


Detailed design of the bearings typically is the responsibility of the manufacturer subject to the design
and testing (performance) criteria included in the construction documents (drawings and/or
specifications). Performance criteria typically include a basic description and size(s) of isolator units;
design life, durability, environmental loads and fire-resistance criteria; quality assurance and quality
control requirements (including QC testing of production units); design criteria (loads, displacements,
effective stiffness and damping); and prototype testing requirements. This section summarizes the design
criteria and prototype testing requirements for the LR bearings of the example EOC.

Design Requirements

Bearing design loads.

For stability checking of the bearing:
Maximum Long-Term Load (from Table 15.5-6, Col. C3):
1.2D + 1.6L = 665 kips

Maximum Short-Term Load (from Tables 15.6-6 Col. C3):

1.2D + 0.5L + 0.3|QE| + EV = 986 kips
for a displacement 30% times the upper bound displacement = 0.3 �7.1= 2.1 inches.

Maximum Short-Term Load (from Tables 15.6-6 Col. B4):

1.2D + 0.5L + |QE| + 0.3EV = 829 kips
conservatively for the lower bound displacement = 12.0 inches. In lieu of this envelope (i.e.
maximum load from upper-bound isolator properties and maximum displacement from lower-
bound isolator properties), it is permitted to use two combinations of vertical load and horizontal
displacement, as shown in Section

Minimum Short-Term Load (from Table 15.6-6, Col. A2):

0.9D + 0.5L + |QE| - 0.3EV = -74 kips
conservatively for the lower bound displacement = 12.0 inches, or use load combinations
compatible with upper- and lower-bound isolator properties.

Although tension in elastomeric bearings is discouraged, high quality bearings can sustain significant
tensile deformation and this characteristic can be utilized if tension is unavoidable. Constantinou et al.
(2007) observes that the bearing have approximately the same stiffness in tension and compression up to
cavitation (where small cracks develop in the volume of rubber). Cavitation occurs at a negative pressure
over about 3G, where G is the shear modulus of rubber. Hence the bearing per Table 15.5-1, and using
nominal properties, can sustain a tension load of about 88 kip which is greater than 74 kip (which results
from upper bound properties). Therefore theoretically this is achievable; however the tension capacity of
the manufacturers’ isolator should be verified to the satisfaction of the RDP.

For cyclic-load testing (Standard §

 Typical Load (Table 15.5-6, average all bearings):
1.0D + 0.5L = 290 kips

 Maximum Load (Table 15.5-6, average all bearings):

1.2D + 0.5L + E = 590 kips

 Minimum Load (Table 15.5-6, average all bearings):

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

0.9D - E = 30 kips
The Standard § requires that cyclic tests at different displacement amplitudes be performed for
typical vertical load (1.0D + 0.5L) and for maximum and minimum values of vertical load which are
based on the load combinations of Standard § For this example, maximum and minimum values
of vertical load are based on average of all the bearings peak earthquake response load (critical for upper
bound properties), as defined by the loads in Table 15.6-6. The test displacement is conservatively based
on the isolation system lower bound properties. This range of vertical load, from 30 kips to 590 kips,
addresses the intent of the cyclic testing requirements (i.e., to measure possible variation in effective
stiffness and damping properties).

Bearing design displacements.

Maximum considered earthquake displacement: DM = 10.4 in.

Total maximum considered earthquake displacement: DTM = 12.0 in.

Bearing force-displacement behavior and bounds.

Nominal effective stiffness (average over three cycles) for typical vertical load tested at high-speed
(or tested at low speed and adjusted for high speed response) and with a displacement amplitude
of 1.0DM:

Gnomp ( DB2 - DL2 ) 0.25p DLs YL , Nom 0.058 �p (25.752 - 4.752 ) 0.25p �4.75 2 �1.7

kM = + = +
4Tr DM 4 �5.225 10.4
kM = 8.5 kips/inch

Nominal energy dissipated per cycle (average over three cycles), Eloop or EDC, for typical vertical
load tested at high-speed (or tested at low speed and adjusted for high speed response) and with a
displacement amplitude of 1.0DM:

Eloop = 4 ALs YL , Nom ( DM - DY ) = 4 �0.25 �4.752 �p �1.7 �(10.4 - 0.6)

Eloop = 1180 kip-inch

The range in this effective stiffness and EDC shall fall within the limits specified by the RDP, as defined
by the λ-factors determined in Section 15.4.

Prototype Bearing Testing Criteria

Standard Section 17.8 prescribes a series of prototype tests to establish and validate design properties
used for design of the isolation system and defines “generic” acceptance criteria (§17.8.4) with respect to
force-deflection properties of test specimens. Table 15.7-1 summarizes one approach of the sequence and
cycles of prototype testing found in Standard §17.8.2, applicable to the LR bearing of the example EOC.

Chapter 15: Seismically Isolated Structures

Table 15.7-1 Example Prototype Test Requirements1

Standard Criteria Example EOC Criteria
No. of Cycles
Vertical Load Lateral Load Vertical Load Lateral Load
Production Set of Tests, Performed Quasi-Statically on a Virgin Bearing
3 cycles Typical 0.67DM 290 kips 7.0 in.
Cyclic Load Tests to Establish Force-Deflection Behavior, Performed Dynamically
1 cycle at each increment 1.0, 0.67, 0.5, 10.4, 7.0, 5.2, 2.6
Typical 290 kips
of displacement 0.25DM in.
1 cycle at each increment 0.25, 0.5, 0.67, 2.6, 5.2 7.0, 10.4
Typical 290 kips
of displacement 1.0DM in.
1 cycle at each increment 1.0, 0.67, 0.5, 10.4, 7.0, 5.2, 2.6
Maximum 590 kips
of displacement 0.25DM in.
1 cycle at each increment 0.25, 0.5, 0.67, 2.6, 5.2 7.0, 10.4
Maximum 590 kips
of displacement 1.0DM in.
1 cycle at each increment 1.0, 0.67, 0.5, 10.4, 7.0, 5.2, 2.6
Minimum 30 kips
of displacement 0.25DM in.
1 cycle at each increment 0.25, 0.5, 0.67, 2.6, 5.2 7.0, 10.4
Minimum 30 kips
of displacement 1.0DM in.
3 cycles Typical 1.0DM 290 kips 10.4 in.
3 cycles Maximum 1.0DM 590 kips 10.4 in.
3 cycles Minimum 1.0DM 30 kips 10.4 in.
Cyclic Load Tests to Check Durability
14 cycles Typical 0.75DM 290 kips 7.8 in.
Load Test of Isolator Stability3
1 cycle Maximum 1.0DTM 830 kips 12.0 in.
1 cycle Minimum 1.0DTM -75 kips 12.0 in.
1. Item 1 of Standard § is omitted.
2. 30SM1/SMSBM = 14 cycles and may be performed in 3 sets of tests (5 cycles each) if tests are dynamic.
3. The exception of Standard § may be used to have load and displacement combinations compatible
with upper- and lower-bound isolator properties.
4. This is an unusual case and should be coordinated with the bearing manufacturer. It is uncommon to test
LR isolators in tension as design should ideally avoid tension.

Production Testing
Production testing is intended to verify the quality of the individual production isolators and is commonly
referred to as quality control testing. The Standard now requires that 100% of the project’s isolators to be
tested in compression and shear, and gives the RDP flexibility to determine the manufacturing quality
control test program and acceptance criteria. The requirement for production testing of all isolation
hardware has been the result of recent observation of failures or unacceptable behavior of hardware that
has not been tested with two notable examples being:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

1) Elastomeric isolators for the Kunming Airport in China were installed in 2011 without
testing. As construction progressed and loads increased on the isolators, several showed
signs of delamination. Hundreds of isolators were removed and replaced.
2) Sliding isolators for a project in Italy in which production testing would have disclosed
defects in manufacturing.

Furthermore, production testing shall be used to confirm that the isolation system properties are
appropriate and within the specification tolerance assumed for analysis and design. As discussed in
Section 15.4.4, variations in individual isolator properties from the nominal design properties may be
greater than the tolerance (λspec) on the average properties of all isolators, provided the individual
tolerance is taken into account for isolator connection design and structure in vicinity of the bearing.

Quasi-static production testing is assumed to be the common practice for most manufacturers at present.
Therefore to evaluate the consistency of the nominal values measured from production testing, there must
be a relationship established between properties determined under quasi-static and to behavior under
dynamic conditions. Typically, this requires that the prototype isolators are tested under the same
conditions as the production testing to establish the criteria for acceptance of the production isolators, and
to be tested under dynamic conditions for obtaining the nominal values and related property modification
factors for analysis.

A recommended approach, which is now written into the Standard §17.8.2, is to perform the production
set of tests on the prototype bearings (these are the bearings which are used to calculate the dynamic
properties and bounds for analysis) prior to the sequence and cycles in § This testing is
recommended first as it represents the test conditions of productions bearings. That is, a virgin state and
not previously tested. Therefore the calculated nominal properties (average over three cycles), which are
multiplied by λspec to give the acceptable range, will include scragging/first-cycle effects and will not be
influenced by heating effects from previous testing. Hence, the acceptance criteria of the average of all
production bearings are:

λspec.min �NomProto. �NomProd,Avg �λspec.max �NomProto.

NomProto = Nominal property average over three cycles from testing specified in Table 15.7-1 from
prototype isolator units not previously tested (virgin state).

NomProd,Avg = Nominal property average over three cycles from testing specified in Table 15.7-2 from
production isolator units not previously tested (virgin state), averaged for all production bearings of a
common type.

Table 15.7-2 Example Production Test Requirements1

Standard Criteria Example EOC Criteria
No. of Cycles
Vertical Load Lateral Load Vertical Load Lateral Load
3 cycles Typical 0.67DM 290 kips 7 in.
1. Testing performed quasi-statically

Structures with
William McVitty, M.S.,
Andrew Taylor, S.E.,

16.1 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................4
16.1.1 Energy Dissipation Devices.................................................................................................4
16.1.2 Intent of Seismic Provisions.................................................................................................4
16.2 PROJECT INFORMATION........................................................................................................6
16.2.1 Building Description............................................................................................................6
16.2.2 General Parameters..............................................................................................................8
16.2.3 Structural Design Criteria..................................................................................................10
16.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................................11
16.3.1 Advantages of Using Dampers in New Construction.........................................................11
16.3.2 Early Design Decisions......................................................................................................11
16.3.3 Preliminary Sizing of Damping Devices............................................................................14
16.4 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................20
16.4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................20
16.4.2 Ground Motions Histories..................................................................................................20
16.4.3 Maximum and Minimum Damping Device Properties.......................................................22
16.4.4 Nonlinear Response History Analysis................................................................................25
16.5 DESIGN OF LATERAL AND DAMPING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS..................................31
16.5.1 Seismic Force Resisting System........................................................................................31
FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

16.5.2 Damping System................................................................................................................37

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Chapter 18 of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (hereafter the Standard) addresses the design of structures that incorporate
supplemental energy dissipation devices. These devices cannot be used as the primary load path to resist
earthquake loads. Instead, they supplement a seismic force resisting system and are typically used to
improve the seismic performance.

This Standard defines load, design and testing requirements specific to structures with supplemental
energy dissipation devices and interfaces with other chapters of the Standard for design of the structure.
The latest evolution of the Standard (2016) incorporates revisions that reflect the state of practice, some
of which include:
 Revised the requirements for selection and scaling of ground motions for response history analysis.
 Added new sections for the determination of the maximum and minimum damper properties for
use in analysis and design.
 Revised the testing requirements for more realistic combinations of intensities and cycles.
 Clarified and revised the design review criteria, where only one registered design professional is
adequate to perform the review.
 Reordered the sections to show that the current and preferred practice for analysis procedures is
nonlinear response history. This involved moving the linear elastic procedures to the end of the
chapter and placing them under the title “alternative procedures”.
 Added commentary to compliment the provisions.

This example uses the Standard to design a seven-story office building located in a region of high
seismicity, classified as Seismic Design Category D. The building has steel special moment resisting
frames (SMRF) around the perimeter and fluid viscous dampers (FVD) in interior frames. The design of
the SMRF without energy dissipation devices, for a comparable area of seismicity, is illustrated in
Chapter 9 of these NEHRP design examples. The details of that building are directly adopted as a starting
point for this example.

In addition to the Standard, the following documents are either referenced directly, provide background,
or are useful aids for the analysis and design of structures with supplemental energy dissipation devices.

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction (2010). Seismic Provisions for Structural
Steel Buildings. Standard AISC 341-10

Basu et al Basu, D., Constantinou, M. C., Whittaker, A. S. (2014). An equivalent accidental

eccentricity to account for the effects of torsional ground motion on structure, Eng.
Struct. Vol. 69

CERC Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Final Report (2012), Volume 3 Low
Damage Building Technologies.

Charney and Charney, F. A., and McNamara, R. J. (2008). A comparison of methods for computing
McNamara equivalent viscous damping ratios of structures with added viscous damping. J. Struct.
Eng., 134, 32–44.

Christopoulos Christopoulos, C., Filiatrault, A. (2006) Principles of Passive Supplemental Damping

and Filiatrualt and Seismic Isolation. IUSS Press.
Constantinou Constantinou, M. C., Whittaker, A. S., Kalpakidis, Y., Fenz, D. M. and Warn, G. P.
et al (2007). Performance of Seismic Isolation Hardware under Service and Seismic
Loading, Technical Report MCEER-07-0012, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Constantinou Constantinou, M. C., Tsopelas, P., Hammel, W., and Sigaher, A. N. (2001). Toggle-
et al brace-damper seismic energy dissipation systems. J.Struct. Eng., 1272, 105–112.

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA 273 (1997) Prestandard and
Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings.

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA 356 (2000) NEHRP Guidelines for
the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings.

Hamburger et al Hamburger, R. O, Krawinkler, H., Malley, J. O., Adan, S. C., (2009) Seismic Design of
Steel Special Moment Frames: A Guide for Practicing Engineers. NIST GCR 09-917-3.

Pavlou and Pavlou, E., and Constantinou, M. C. (2004). Response of elastic and inelastic
Constantinou structures with damping systems to near-field and soft-soil ground motions. Eng.
Struct., 269, 1217–1230.

Pavlou and Pavlou, E. and Constantinou, M.C. (2006), Response of Nonstructural Components in
Constantinou Structures with Damping Systems, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132,
No. 7, 1108-1117.

Ramirez et al Ramirez, O. M., Constantinou, M. C,, Kircher, C. A., Whittaker, A. S., Johnson, M. W.,
Gomez, J. D., Chrysostomou C. Z. (2001) Development and Evaluation of Simplified
Procedures for Analysis and Design of Buildings with Passive Energy Dissipation
Systems. MCEER-00-0010, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering
Research, Buffalo, New York.

SEAOC Structural Engineers Association of California (2014). 2012 IBC SEAOC

Structural/Seismic Design Manual, Volume 5: Examples for Seismically Isolated
Buildings and Buildings with Supplemental Damping, Published January 2014.

Symans et al Symans M. D., Charney, F. A., Whittaker, A. S., Constantinou, M. C., Kircher, C. A.,
Johnson, M. W., McNamara, R. J. (2008) Energy Dissipation Systems for Seismic
Applications: Current Practice and Recent Developments. ASCE Journal of Structural

Taylor Taylor, D. P. (1999). Buildings: Design for Damping.


Whittaker et al Whittaker, A. S., Aiken, I. D., Bergman, D., Clark, P. W., Cohen, J., Kelly, J. M., and
Scholl, R. E. (1993). Code requirements for design and implementation of passive
energy dissipation systems. Proc., ATC-17–1 Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive
Energy Dissipation, and Active Control, Vol. 2, ATC, Redwood City, Calif., 497–508.

Wolff and Wolff, E.D. and Constantinou, M.C. (2004), Experimental Study of Seismic Isolation
Constantinou Systems with Emphasis on Secondary System Response and Verification of Accuracy of
Dynamic Response History Analysis Methods, Report No. MCEER-04-0001.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Energy Dissipation Devices
Passive energy dissipation devices (widely known, and referred to hereafter, as dampers) absorb and
dissipate vibration energy through relative movement across the damper and can be implemented in
buildings to achieve a higher level of seismic performance. These dampers supplement the seismic force
resisting system (SFRS) and are primarily used to reduce displacements. Dampers can also reduce force
in the structure, provided the structure is responding elastically, but would not necessarily be expected to
reduce force in structures that are responding inelastically.

The dampers are termed ‘passive’ to differentiate them from semi-active or active dampers which require
a computerized control system and an external power source to adjust the engagement and/or properties
of the energy dissipation devices. These latter systems have yet to gain confidence in the United States for
seismic applications. Passive dampers are divided into three categories: displacement-dependent/activated
devices, velocity-dependent/activated devices, and other. Examples of displacement-dependent devices
include metallic yielding, friction and lead-extrusion dampers which exhibit hysteretic force-displacement
behavior. Examples of velocity-dependent devices include dampers consisting of visco-elastic solid
materials, dampers operating by deformation of visco-elastic fluids (e.g. viscous shear walls), and dampers
operating by forcing fluid through an orifice (e.g. viscous fluid dampers). Systems categorized as ‘other’
have characteristics that cannot be classified into the former two categories (see Constantinou et al. 2007).

This example uses the fluid viscous damper (FVD) since it is a predominate type of damper used in
seismic applications and has been implemented in structures in the United States since the early 1990s.
One manufacturer of FVDs lists over 400 civil structures worldwide that have incorporated FVDs to
improve the seismic performance2. These types of devices were originally developed for military
applications dating back over 40 years.

Structures that contain damping systems must have a SFRS that confirms to one of the types in Standard
Table 12.2-1. Or conversely, Chapter 18 applies to structural systems that dissipated earthquake energy
but are not listed as a SFRS in Table 12.2-1. For example, prior to the development of the Buckling-
Restrained Brace (BRB) frame, one could have designed the system using Chapter 18 where the BRB is
a displacement-dependent damper that supplements a SMRF. However to foster implementation,
proponents of the BRB have progressed the system such that it is regarded as the primary lateral load
path and designed in a similar manner to a conventional braced frame using its own response
modification factor, R.

Intent of Seismic Provisions

The design philosophy of the current Standard can be traced back to earlier SEAONC, FEMA and
NEHRP guidelines. Key concepts which are relevant to the current Standard are outlined in Symans et al.
(2008) as follows:

1. The Standard is applicable to all types of damping systems, including displacement-dependent

damping devices, hysteretic or friction systems, and velocity-dependent viscous or viscoelastic

2. The Standard provides minimum design criteria with performance objectives comparable to those
for a structure with a conventional seismic-force-resisting system but also permits design criteria
that will achieve higher performance levels;


FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

3. The Standard requires that the damping system also have a SFRS (see Standard Table 12.2-1)
that provides a complete load path. The SFRS must comply with the requirements of the
Standard (i.e. minimum base shear), except that the damping system may be used to meet drift
limits. Thus, the detailing requirements that are in place for structures without damping systems
may not be relaxed for structures which include damping systems;

4. The Standard requires design of damping devices and prototype testing of damper units for
displacements, velocities, and forces corresponding to those of the maximum considered
earthquake; and

5. The Standard provides linear static and response spectrum analysis methods for design of
structures that meet certain configuration and other limiting criteria. For example, at least two
damping devices at each story configured to resist torsion, a S 1 value for the site less than 0.6,
among other requirements. These procedures are listed under “alterative procedures” since
nonlinear response history analysis is the preferred design tool.

With regard to point 2, although the requirements of the Standard are intended to produce a performance
comparable to that for a structure with a conventional SFRS system, it is common practice for the
structures to be designed to achieve a much higher performance. This is achieved by designing the SFRS
to remain essentially elastic at the MCER level with a majority of the earthquake energy dissipated by the
damping system.

The intent of initial guidelines (Whittaker et al. 1993) was to direct dissipation of earthquake-induced
energy into damping systems not part of the vertical load resisting structure, thereby improving
performance by reducing repair costs and business interruption. However since severe earthquakes are
very rare events and limiting damage may be costly for conventional SFRS, the building codes only
enforce a design philosophy intended to provide safety by avoiding collapse, while permitting extensive
structural and nonstructural damage. The reality with this design approach was notably demonstrated by
the Canterbury earthquakes in New Zealand 2010/2011. The business disruption and economic impacts
were considerable. The central business district was cordoned off for nearly two years to allow for the
demolition or repair of buildings, with damage estimated at NZ$20 billion (Royal Commission 2012), or
8% of GDP. Simply directing the dissipation of earthquake energy into elements that are readily
replaceable (or do not require replacement at all) is a wise progression for the seismic design of structures.

With regard to point 3, the design philosophy of the Standard is centered on the independent design of the
SFRS and the damping system (i.e. dampers and connected elements), where these two systems may or
may not have common elements. The SFRS must provide a complete lateral load path, as if the dampers
where disconnected, so as to provide safety in the event of the dampers malfunctioning. The presence of
the dampers is accounted for by modifying the characteristics of the SFRS, foremost its damping, and in
the case of hysteretic and viscoelastic dampers, also its lateral stiffness characteristics. The Standard
specifies minimum base shear criteria for the design of SFRS which may be more critical than that
calculated from analysis but, on the other hand, allows the damping system to be used when assessing the
Standard’s drift limits.

With regard to point 5, the elastic procedures for analysis and design are largely based on studies by
Ramirez et al. 2001. These methods have been shown to give a reasonable estimate of responses, however
are not straightforward to apply and have their limitations. Current practice and computing power has
evolved such that nonlinear response history analysis is the common and preferred analysis tool used to
calculate peak responses. One complication over the ELF and response spectrum procedures is that a suite
of ground motions is required, which is typically unavailable at the preliminary design stage. Hence
elastic methods may be useful for the initial sizing of damping devices but are rarely used as a basis for
the final design requirements.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Building Description
The example building is a seven story steel framed office building located in a region of high seismicity,
classified as Seismic Design Category D. The building has a rectangular plan configuration measuring
175 feet, in the E-W direction and 125 feet wide in the N-S direction (Figure 16.2-1). The typical story
height is 13 feet, 4 inches but with a first story height of 22 feet, 4 inches (Figure 16.2-2). The building
has a penthouse that extends 16 feet above the roof level of the building and covers the area bounded by
Gridlines C, F, 3 and 4 in Figure16.2-1. The floors consist of 3-1/4-inch lightweight concrete over
composite metal deck. The elevators and stairs are located in the central three bays.

The seismic force resisting system consists of steel special moment resisting frames (SMRF) with
prequalified Reduced Beam Section (RBS) connections located on the perimeter bays of the building
along Gridlines A, H, 1 and 6 as shown in Figure 16.2-1. Each SMRF line has five bays of moment
resisting frames. The elevations and member sizes are directly adopted from the Chapter 9 analysis and
are given in Figures 16.2-3 and 16.2-4 for Gridlines 1 and 6, and A and H, respectively. To meet the
architect’s requirement of having no diagonal bracing members around the perimeter of the building,
supplemental damping devices are located on gravity framing lines on the interior of the structure on
Gridlines B, G, 2, and 5. The number and layout of these dampers is determined in the preliminary design
and is shown later in Figures 16.3-1 and 16.3-2 in Section 16.3.

The foundations elements are designed and detailed with adequate strength and stiffness to provide fixity
such that the column bases of the SMRF can be modeled assuming fixed bases.

Figure 16.2-1 Typical Floor Framing Plan with SMRF Locations


FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

PH roof


6 at 13'-4"


Figure 16.2-2 Typical North-South Building Elevation

Figure 16.2-3 Steel Special Moment Frame on Gridlines 1 and 6

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.2-4 Steel Special Moment Frame on Gridlines A and H

General Parameters

1.1.1 Seismic design parameters. See Chapter 3 of these NERHP design examples for illustration of
calculating design ground motion parameters. For this example, the parameters adopted are:
SDS = 0.93
SD1 = 0.6
Risk Category II
Ie = 1.0
Seismic Design Category D
Site Class D
Site is located greater than 3 miles from an active fault. Therefore the scaling and orientation
requirements for sites located near an active fault do not apply.

For a Steel Special Moment Frame (Standard Table 12.2-1)

0 = 3
Cd = 5.5

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Gravity loads.

Dead Loads:
Penthouse roof dead load: 25 psf
Exterior walls of penthouse: 25 psf
Roof dead load (roofing, insulation, deck beams, girders, fireproofing, ceiling, mechanical,
electrical plumbing): 55 psf
Exterior wall cladding: 25 psf
Penthouse floor dead load: 65 psf
Penthouse permanent equipment: 39 psf
Floor dead load (deck, beams, girders, fireproofing, ceiling, mechanical electrical, plumbing,
partitions): 68 psf

Reducible Live Loads:

Roof live load: 25 psf
Floors live load: 50 psf
Live load reduction: 2012 IBC Section 1607.10 permits area-based live load reduction of not
more than 50 percent for elements with live loads from a single story (girders) and not more than
60 percent for elements with live loads from multiple stories (axial component of live load on
columns at lower levels).

Seismic weight calculation. The seismic weight calculation assumes a 14 inch overhang of the slab
around the perimeter of the building. The total seismic weight of building is 94 kips + 1,537 kips + 6 �
(1,920 kips) = 13,151 kips
Penthouse roof:
Roof slab = (0.025 ksf)(25 ft)(75 ft) = 47 kips
Walls = (0.025 ksf)(8 ft)(200 ft) = 40 kips
Columns = (0.110 ksf)(8 ft)(8 ft) = 7 kips
Total = 94 kips
Lower roof:
Roof slab = (0.055 ksf)[(127.33 ft)(177.33 ft) - (25 ft)(75 ft)] = 1139 kips
Penthouse floor = (0.065 ksf)(25 ft)(75 ft) = 122 kips
Walls = 40 kips + (0.025 ksf)(609 ft)(6.67 ft) = 142 kips
Columns = 7 kips + (0.170 ksf)(6.67 ft)(48 ft) = 61 kips
Equipment = (0.039 ksf)(25 ft)(75 ft) = 73 kips
Total = 1,537 kips
Typical floor:
Floor = (0.068 ksf)(127.33 ft)(177.33 ft) = 1,535 kips
Walls = (0.025 ksf)(609 ft)(13.33 ft) = 203 kips
Columns = (0.285 ksf)(13.33 ft)(48 ft) = 182 kips
Total = 1,920 kips

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Structural Design Criteria

Structural component load effects. The effect of seismic load is defined by Standard §12.4.2 as:

E = ρQE ± 0.2SDSD

where QE is the horizontal seismic load and 0.2SDSD is the vertical seismic load effects. Using Standard
§, ρ is 1.0. The value of SDS is taken as 0.93 for the design earthquake, whereas SDS is replaced by
SMS and taken as 1.4 for the MCER event.

Design Earthquake: E = QE ± 0.19D

E = QE ± 0.28D

Load combinations. Load combinations from ASCE 7-10 are as follows:

1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr
1.2D + L + 1.6Lr

For the design earthquake level:

(1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + 0.5L + QE = 1.39D + 0.5L � QE

(0.9 – 0.2 SDS)D + QE = 0.71D � QE

For the MCER event:

(1.2 + 0.2SMS)D + 0.5L + QE = 1.48D + 0.5L � QE

(0.9 – 0.2 SMS)D + QE = 0.62D � QE

Response history analysis combinations. The NLRHA can generate a large amount of data
considering there are seven ground motions, each with two components that may be applied in multiple
orientations, multiplied by maximum and minimum dampers properties, and with various load
combination cases. This number of analyses may also be magnified by considering different cases of
accidental eccentricity.

The post-processing approach to determine the critical demands for the design of structural members
depends on a number of factors, such as whether the site is near a fault, the complexity of the buildings
geometry, the importance of the structure, and the reviewing jurisdiction. For this example building, the
authors consider the following approach practical and appropriate:
 Since the building is greater than 3 miles from an active fault the two horizontal components of
each ground motion are applied randomly to the building model parallel to the principal axes of the
building. The ground motions are not rotated to their fault-normal and fault-parallel components
nor are the components rotated. The ground motions are applied in one orientation only.
 The maximum and minimum demands are calculated for each ground motion.
 In Section the absolute maximum of the maximum and minimum demands is taken for
each ground motion and then averaged for the seven ground motions.
 In Section 16.5, the average of the maximum demands and average of the minimum demands is
taken for the seven ground motions. This is so that the maximum tension in the frame columns

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

can be calculated. Therefore, since the absolute maximum is not taken from each ground motion,
the average results are slightly less than the average results calculated in the step above (by about
5-10% or less in this example).

Advantages of Using Dampers in New Construction
One primary reason to use dampers in the seismic design of new construction is to limit damaging
deformations in structural components and therefore achieve a higher performance level. The inclusion of
FVD within the a steel SMRF is effective in reducing seismic drifts, and therefore can lead to a number of
benefits as explained in Symans et al. 2008:

1. A reduction in the size of framing members of the SMRF, which may offset the cost of the added
damping elements.

2. A reduction in overturning moment and foundation sizes when compared to a conventional

braced frame system.

3. A reduction in yielding, and hence damage, to the SMRF. The structure may be designed to
achieve an operational performance level following a severe earthquake. In comparison, both a
conventional SMRF and braced frame may have significant damage, to the point where it is
uneconomical to repair.

Early Design Decisions

Performance goals. Typical practice is to use the FVD devices in new construction to reduce
damage. Therefore the office building will be designed to achieve a higher performance level than the
minimum requirements of the Standard. This will be achieved by sizing the seismic force resisting system
(SFRS) such that all the structural members remain “essentially” elastic at the MCE R level, with virtually
all earthquake energy dissipated by the FVDs.

Added damping. Added damping of 20 percent of critical in the fundamental mode of vibration is
targeted for the initial sizing of the dampers. The optimal amount of added damping depends on the
structure and excitation. Generalized damping levels from previous projects are as follows (Taylor 1999):
 Building 1-15 floors = 15-25% added damping
 Tall buildings = 5-15% added damping

A reduction in ductility demand in the SFRS is facilitated through displacement reductions, which come
from increased damping provided by the FVD. However with increased damping typically comes
increased base shear (depending on the FVD properties), which will need to be accommodated in the
design of the structure and foundations. Nevertheless, in some cases the structural analysis may show
benefits from higher damping ratios, greater than 35-45 percent. However at these high damping levels
the damper costs starts going past the point of diminishing returns.

Other considerations are that the equivalent lateral force (ELF) and response spectrum procedures are
only permitted by the Standard if the damping ratio is less than 35 percent of critical. Also the Standard
states that the seismic base shear of the SFRS shall be taken no less than 75 percent of the seismic base
shear of the un-damped frame, V, determined in accordance with Standard §12.8. Hence at high damping
ratios, there may be limited benefit from adding more damping to reduce the base shear on the
independent SFRS, as the 75 percent base shear limit of the Standard will govern the design of the SFRS.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Placement and configuration of dampers. The design of the SFRS and/or damping system may be
affected by requirements in the Standard which refer to the number and location of dampers. These
 § The base shear of the SFRS may be taken no less than 1.0V if, in the direction of
interest, the damping system has less than two damping devices configured to resist torsion on
each floor level.
 §18.2.3: The ELF and response spectrum procedures are permitted only if there are two or more
damping devices configured to resist torsion on each floor level.
 § If there are fewer than four damping devices provided in each principal direction at
each floor level or less than two damping devices are configured to resist torsion in either
principal direction, the maximum calculated velocity for the FVD under the MCE R earthquake
shall be penalized by a factor of 1.3.

In the upper stories the example building has two bays installed with dampers in the north-south direction
and two bays installed with dampers in the east-west direction, as shown in Figure 16.3-1. Dampers are
located at every story apart from the penthouse roof level. This level is a minor attachment at the top of
the building, at only 6 percent of the weight of the floor below. Therefore it can be assumed that the
structure has damping devices over its full height. The center of stiffness is located at the center of the
floor plate at every story and coincides with the center of mass. The dampers are configured to resist
torsion by placing the two bays of dampers on gridlines which are at an equal distance either side of the
center of stiffness.

The configuration in Figure 16.3-1 satisfies the first two requirements of the Standard as noted above,
that is: the SFRS base shear is permitted to be taken as small as 0.75V and both the ELF and response
spectrum analysis procedures are allowed. However the damping system does not meet the redundancy
criterion. The redundancy criterion of Standard § is the most demanding, as it requires more
damping devices to be located in each story. The interpretation of the Standard is that it is referring to the
number of bays with damping devices, not the number of damping devices themselves. For example, a
configuration with chevron bracing and two dampers located horizontally either side of the chevron apex
gives a total number of four dampers in each principal direction for each story, but is only in two bays of
framing. This example does not increase the number of bays with damping devices in the upper stories to
avoid the penalty factor of 1.3 as: a) the architect wants to minimize diagonal members in the occupied
areas of the floor plate and b) it typically is not difficult or costly to design the FVD itself for the
additional displacement (i.e. stroke) and force demands required by the Standard.

The effectiveness of each FVD is a function of the velocity and damper design properties. For each mode
of vibration, the effectiveness of the dampers can be maximized by positioning the devices in accordance
with the largest story displacements in that mode. For this example the dampers are installed at the largest
distance from the center of stiffness as the architect’s requirements allow. This is to improve the
effectiveness of dampers over the first few fundamental modes of vibrations, which typically contribute
the most to seismic response. If the dampers were instead installed in the core of the building, although
they would still be effective in the first and second modes of vibration (which are translational modes),
they would provide little damping in the torsional modes, such as the third mode for the example

The dampers may also be strategically placed and damping values optimized to remedy irregularities in
the building such as soft-stories and torsional irregularities. For the example, the dampers in the first level
of the example building would experience significant deformations and thus produce significant damping
forces to mitigate the potential soft-story P-delta effects. Furthermore the effectiveness of dampers may
be enhanced, particularly for stiff structures, by using configurations that geometrically amplify the

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

relative displacement. Examples include toggle and scissor-jack bracing as described by Constantinou et
al. 2001.

Analysis procedure selection. A nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA) will be used to
calculate the maximum displacement, velocities and forces at the MCE R level which are used for the
design of the damping system and to calculate frame moments, shears and axial forces at the design
earthquake level for the design of the SFRS.

A NLRHA is adopted because a) it is typically common practice in design firms and preferred by the
Standard, b) it may be required by peer review, and c) the computational effort is not notably more than
elastic methods. Above all the NLRHA gives the most realistic prediction of seismic response. This is
because the degree to which a damped structure is able to accomplish its performance goals depends on
the inherent properties of the structure, the properties of the dampers and its connecting elements, the
characteristics of the ground motion, and the limit state being investigated. Given the potentially large
variation in each of these parameters, it is usually necessary to perform an extensive suite of nonlinear
response-history analyses.

Viscous damper velocity exponent. The force output of a linear and nonlinear fluid viscous damper
is specified as follows:

F = C v sgn(v)

where v is the velocity, C is the damping coefficient, α is the velocity exponent in the range of 0.1 to 2.0
and sgn is the signum function (i.e. sign of the velocity, whether positive of negative). An α value of 1.0
gives linear behavior. The difference in force-velocity and force-displacement behavior of a linear and
nonlinear FVD is illustrated in Figures 16.3-5 and 16.3-6.

Nonlinear fluid viscous dampers, with exponents in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 are often used in design for
the following reasons: (a) force output increments are small at large velocities, therefore limiting the force
output of the damper for velocities in excess of the design velocity (b) energy dissipation per cycle is
more than that of comparable linear viscous dampers and the dampers are more effective for smaller
magnitude earthquakes, and (c) such devices are suitable for attenuating the effects of high velocity pulses
that may occur at near-fault locations. The selection of an appropriate α exponent is based on experience
and typically design firms conduct trial-and-error design iterations.

It is noted however, the use of highly nonlinear viscous damping devices (particularly those with a very
low velocity exponent) can negatively impact the performance of nonstructural components (Wolff and
Constantinou, 2004; Pavlou and Constantinou, 2006). Furthermore, with nonlinear dampers you lose the
benefit of the maximum velocity (dampers force) and maximum displacement (maximum elastic story
shear) being nominally out of phase by 90 degrees.

Fabrication and detailing. Further practical design considerations which are all interrelated

1. Deciding whether to have a large number of small dampers or lesser number of large dampers

2. Deciding how many different types of dampers will be used.

3. Deciding on the damping configuration.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Experience on previous projects helps guide the engineer to arrive at a cost-effective design solution.
Based on such experience (see Taylor 1999), quantities of dampers smaller than 32 pieces tend to become
costly. Also, the least expensive damper sizes tend to be in the range of 300-600 kip force capacity, that is,
one piece of a 300 kip capacity damper costs less than 10 pieces of a 30 kip capacity damper. A trade-off
is that larger devices give large concentrations of load in the structure which requires special design
considerations for the connected structure. Based on the statement above, the following iterative process
is recommended:
 Start out with multiple dampers of the same size and distribute them uniformly throughout the
 Use the next larger size of damper to reduce the number of dampers until:
o The quantity of dampers goes below 32 pieces
o The force rating of the dampers goes above 600 kips
o The structure begins to behave less efficiently because the dampers are not distributed
 Alternatively, if the structure is to be optimized for irregularities or other design objectives, it
may be advantageous to start out with two or more types/sizes of damper.

In terms of damping configuration, there are three basic ways to incorporate dampers into a building: a)
diagonal bracing, b) chevron bracing and c) toggle or geometric amplification configurations. The damper
increases in effectiveness from configuration a) to c). For example, the relative movement across the
damper, arising from story drifts, is greater if the damper is configured horizontally compared to at an

This example adopts a diagonal configuration. Chevron and toggle configurations may require special
out-of-plane detailing. For example out-of-plane bracing at the apex of the chevron apex may be
necessary to restrain bucking of the braces. Furthermore, the Standard specifically states in § that
the connection points of the damping system shall provide sufficient articulation. This is usually achieved
by using a spherical bearing connection at each end of the damper, so to accommodate the motion from
the relatively small drifts encountered in the out-of-plane /orthogonal direction.

Preliminary Sizing of Damping Devices

Linear viscous dampers. The preliminary design is based on a practical method presented in
Christopoulos and Filiatrault, 2006. The procedure calculates the linear viscous damping coefficients
required of dampers at each story in order to achieve a certain damping ratio in a particular mode. This
provides a rough initial estimate of order-of-magnitude of damping coefficients, which can later be
refined by using nonlinear response history analysis to optimize the parameters of interest.

The steps of this method are as follows:

Step 1: Create a mathematical model of the building without the dampers and conduct a modal analysis to
calculate the period of the primary mode of vibration Tm in each principal direction.

Step 2: Select an amount of added damping for each primary mode. For the example building the first and
second modes of vibration are translation in the north-south and east-west directions, respectively. An
added damping of 20% of critical is targeted in each of these modes, giving a damping ratio in the first
and second modes, ξ1 and ξ2, of 0.20. For simplicity, the inherent damping of the building without
dampers is neglected.

Step 3: Calculate the pseudo braced building primary periods of vibration Tps for each principal direction.
For the each mode of interest, this is calculated as:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Tps ,m =
2x m + 1

Step 4: Calculate the area of pseudo braces to be introduced into the building’s mathematical model in
order to achieve the pseudo braced period calculated in Step 3, for each principal direction. These pseudo
braces are located at the same locations as the proposed FVD. Since the procedure is based on stiffness
proportional damping, the pseudo braces (or linear viscous dampers) are distributed according to the
lateral stiffness of the structure so as to achieve an identical mode shape to the “un-braced” building.

The calculation of the stiffness of the pseudo braces requires one iteration, and can be further broken
down into the following steps:

a) Calculate the lateral stiffness of each story in each principal direction. This can be estimated by
applying a unit lateral force at the roof of the building, to give a uniform shear at each story and
evaluating the resulting story drifts.

b) Select a trial value of the pseudo horizontal stiffness, for the first level Ktrial,1, and proportion the
horizontal stiffness on the upper stories according to their relative story stiffness. The horizontal
story stiffness at each story, i, can be simulated in the mathematical (ETABS) model by placing
diagonally orientated braces in each bay, each with a pseudo brace area Abrace, calculated from:

K trial ,i Lwp - wp
Abrace ,i =
N i E cos 2 q (16.3-3)

where Lwp-wp is the length of the brace between work points, N is the number of braced bays in the
direction of interest, E is the elastic modulus of the brace material and θ is the angle of the brace
measured from the horizontal.

c) Using the trial horizontal stiffness, conduct a modal analysis of the pseudo braced building to
calculate the trial period, Ttrial.

d) Re-calculate the pseudo horizontal stiffnesses at each story based on the trial period, as follows:

K trial ,i
K hor ,i =
�Tm2 - Ttrial
2 �
�Tps2 ,m �

�T 2 - T 2 � �
�T 2 �
� �
�m � trial �
ps , m �

Step 5: Calculate the required horizontal linear viscous damping constant C L,hor for each story, i , based on
the pseudo stiffness and primary mode period:

K hor ,iTm
CL ,hor ,i =
2p (16.4-5)

The equivalent damping constant for a diagonally orientated FVD in each bay is then determined using:

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

CL ,hor ,i
CL ,diag ,i =
Ni cos 2 q (16.4-6)

The calculated damping coefficients for diagonally oriented FVD’s in 2 bays at each story in each
principal direction are given in Table 16.3-1. The coefficients are based on the method explained above
which seeks 20% added damping in the first and second modes using linear viscous dampers with
coefficients proportioned according to the mode shapes.

Table 16.3-1 Stiffness-Proportional Linear Viscous Damping Constants for Example Building
North-South Direction East-West Direction
Story CL,diag CL,diag
kip-sec/inch kip-sec/inch
7 41 56
6 37 60
5 37 63
4 41 65
3 51 72
2 94 125
1 96 116

Since it is not practical to use different damping coefficients at every level, engineering judgment can be
used to reduce the number of dampers to 1 or 2 types. For this example it is decided to use only one type
of damper which is used at every story in both principal directions. That is, a linear FVD with a damping
coefficient of 50 kip-sec/inch with an added two bays of dampers in the lower two stories in each
principal direction is adopted. This gives a total of 36 dampers in the building.

The plan view of the bays with damping devices for stories 3 to 7 and 1 to 2 are shown in Figures 16.3-1
and 16.3-2, respectively. An elevation view of the frames with dampers is shown in Figures 16.3-3 and
16.3-4 for Gridlines 2, 5 and B, G, respectively.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 16.3-1 Floor Framing Plan with Damper Locations in Stories 3-7

Figure 16.3-2 Floor Framing Plan with Damper Locations in Stories 1-2

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.3-3 Elevation of Gridlines 2 and 5 with Damper Locations

Figure 16.3-4 Elevation of Gridlines B and G with Damper Locations

Nonlinear viscous dampers. Due to the advantages of using nonlinear FVD over linear FVD, as
discussed in Section, it is decided to progress design with a nonlinear FVD with an
exponent/alpha value of 0.4.

A procedure to size the nonlinear damper based on energy considerations is provided in Christopoulos
and Filiatrault, 2006. The required damping constant of a nonlinear FVD, CNL, to dissipate a similar
amount of energy per cycle as a linear FVD, for damping exponent, α, values 0.2-1.0, can be obtained
approximately by:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

C NL �CL (w X 0 )1-a
2 (16.3-7)

where CL in the linear FVD coefficient , ω is the circular frequency which can be taken as the
fundamental frequency of the structure in the direction of interest and X0 is the displacement in the
dampers corresponding to the desired performance drift level.

Using the CL of 50 kip-sec/inch and assuming a circular frequency of 2.1 rad/sec and displacement
amplitude in the dampers of 2.5 inches, gives a nonlinear damping coefficient CNL of 120kip-sec/inch
using Equation 16.3-7.

A comparison of the force-velocity and force-displacement behavior of the linear and nonlinear dampers
with damping coefficients of 50 kip-sec/inch and 120 kip-sec/inch, respectively, is shown in Figures 16.3-
5 and 16.3-6. The peak velocity, based on a sinusoidal displacement, is 5.25 inch/sec. The peak force in
the linear and nonlinear dampers is similar at the desired drift/velocity level. However the design of the
damper components itself (conducted by the manufacturer) typically is for 1.5 times this peak velocity. As
can be seen in the Figure 16.3-5, there is a larger increase in forces for linear dampers than nonlinear
dampers at velocities in excess of the design velocity.

Figure 16.3-5: Force-Velocity Relationships for Linear and Nonlinear Fluid Viscous Dampers

Figure 16.3-6 gives the force-displacement relationships for linear and nonlinear FVD. For nonlinear
dampers, there are larger forces induced near the maximum displacements. For linear dampers the force is
zero at the maximum displacement and theoretically 90 degrees out of phase with the frame peak forces.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.3-6: Force-Displacement Relationships for Linear and Nonlinear Fluid Viscous Dampers

The Standard requires two parallel analyses be performed, one for the design level earthquake and one for
the MCER. For each of these hazard levels, one analysis is conducted using the maximum design
properties of the damping device and one using its minimum properties.

As discussed in Section, a NLRHA will be used in this example since it is commonly used by
consulting engineers. It gives the most realistic prediction of the response and is not overly complex
compared to elastic methods. Furthermore the Standard is formatted to imply that NLRHA is the
preferred procedure. For example, Standard §18.2.3 states that the damping system shall be analyzed
using response history analysis and it is an exception to perform response spectrum or the equivalent
lateral force procedure. The response history analysis procedure of Standard §18.3 is permitted for all
project types (i.e. all building types and seismic hazards)

Ground Motions Histories

The Standard incorporates new criteria for the determination of design spectral accelerations and of the
selection and scaling procedures for the ground motions used in NLRHA. These procedures are explained
in Chapter 3.4 of these NEHRP design examples.

Since the 1-second spectral acceleration, S1, is greater than 0.2 and the soil type is a Site Class D, a site-
specific hazard analysis is conducted in accordance Standard §11.4.7 requirements. For convenience, it is
assumed that the resulting design earthquake spectrum and MCE R response spectrum (the target spectra)
are identical to the response spectra developed in accordance with Standard §11.4.5 with spectral values
as in Section 16.2.2.

The example building’s site is more than 3 miles away from an active fault, and amplitude scaling is the
chosen scaling method. In this case, the Standard requires that the earthquake records are scaled to match
a target spectrum over the period range of interest, defined as 0.2T1D determined using maximum
properties to 1.25T1M using minimum properties. The fundamental period of the building is not
significantly affected by the insertion of the FVDs; therefore the maximum and minimum properties of
the dampers and the hazard level do not affect the calculation of the period range. The period range of

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

interest is calculated as the product of 0.2 and the shorter period in the east-west direction (2.9 sec) and
the product of 1.25 and the longer period in the north-south direction (3.1 sec), giving a scaling range of
0.58 to 3.9 seconds.

The selection and scaling of appropriate ground motions should be performed by a ground motion expert
experienced with earthquake hazards of the region. Scaling should be carried out with consideration of
site conditions, earthquake magnitudes, fault distances and source mechanisms that influence ground
motion hazards at the building site. It is assumed that the ground motion expert recommends the suite of
ground motions and scaling factors listed in Table 16.4-1 for the MCER hazard.

Table 16.4-1 Selected and Scaled Ground Motions for MCER Hazard at the Building Site1
GM Distance Scale
No. Year Earthquake name M Source type Recording station (km) factor
1 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan 8.3 Subduction zone HKD 094 67 3.30
2 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan 8.3 Subduction zone HKD 092 46 1.32
3 1968 Tokachi-oki, Japan 8.2 Subduction zone Hachinohe (S-252) 71 1.82
4 1949 Western Washington 7.1 Deep intraplate Olympia 75 3.25
5 1989 Loma Prieta 6.9 Shallow crustal Saratoga -- Aloha Ave 9 1.82
6 1999 Duzce, Turkey 7.1 Shallow crustal Duzce 7 1.21
7 1995 Kobe, Japan 6.9 Shallow crustal Nishi-Akashi 7 1.93
2. Motions obtained from K-NET (, PEER Ground Motion
Database ( and with assistance from Doug Lindquist, GE of Hart Crowser, Seattle.

The scaling of ground motions for the design earthquake hazard level are taken as 0.65 times the scale
factors in Table 16.4-1 for this example.

The response spectrum for each of the horizontal ground motion components is calculated and the
combined square root sum of the square (SRSS) of the two components for each ground motion is shown
in Figure 16.4-1. The average SRSS spectrum of the seven ground motions must be above the
corresponding spectral acceleration ordinate of the target MCE R spectrum over the period range of 0.58 to
3.9 seconds. As shown in Figure 16.4- 1, using the scale factors in Table 16.4-1, the scaling of the ground
motions meets this requirement of the Standard.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.4-1 SRSS Response Spectra of Ground Motions and Comparison of Average to Target
MCER Spectrum

Maximum and Minimum Damping Device Properties

Overview. The nominal properties of damping devices can vary over their design life due to aging
and environmental effects, can vary during seismic excitation due to speed of motion, first cycle and
heating effects, and can vary between individual devices due to manufacturing tolerances.

There are no standards which govern how a damping device must be produced and assembled. These
details vary by manufacturer and are usually proprietary. Furthermore, in the United States there is no
official certification required of manufactures before they start supplying dampers for construction.
Consequently, there can be a considerable difference in the performance of damping devices, even for
identical types of devices produced by different manufactures.

Given the large variety of damping device types as well as the uncertainty in the quality of different
manufacturers, the Standard has taken the approach of requiring the registered design professional (RDP)
to determine (in consultation with the manufacturer) the nominal design properties and to account for the
likely variation in those properties on a project- and product-specific basis. The variation in properties is
accounted for by using property modification or λ (lambda) factors, which modify the nominal properties
to an appropriate upper- or lower-bound. Maximum and minimum λ factors are determined according to
the new § provisions.

The concept of property modification factors is used to account for changes in nominal properties which
are not explicitly accounted for in the mathematical analysis model of the damping devices. The approach
is to assess the impact of a particular effect on the damper properties (e.g. heating, aging, ambient
temperature, etc), and if the effect is appreciable then assigning it a λ-factor and accounting for the effect
in analysis and design. Therefore the λ-factors encompass many different effects and describe the deviation

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

in properties from unity. For example, if an effect causes a 10% increase in a nominal property than it is
assigned a λ value of 1.10 and contributes to the overall λmax factor. The λ-factors are determined through
testing, rational analysis and engineering judgment and are categorized in the Standard into three groups:
 λae,max and λae,min which account for aging and environmental effects.
 λtest,max and λtest,min which account for variations observed during prototype testing.
 λspec,max and λspec,min which account for manufacturing variations.

The Standard then combines the λ-factors using Equations 18.2-3a and 18.2-3b as follows:

lmax = (1 + f a (lae,max - 1)) �ltest ,max �lspec,max �1.2

lmin = (1 - f a (1 - lae,min )) �ltest ,min �lspec,min �0.85

The Standard specifies a system property adjustment factor fa of 0.75 based on the assumption that the
device will not have full aging and environmental effects occurring simultaneously at the time of the
design earthquake. The λmax and λmin factors are applied to each nominal mechanical property of interest
and therefore set the maximum and minimum damper properties, respectively.

Nominal properties and λ-factors. The nominal properties are typically determined based on
advice from the manufacturer, which can be confirmed later by prototype and/or production testing. For
the nonlinear FVD, the parameters of interest are the damping coefficient, CNL, and the nonlinear
exponent α. Instead of optimizing for different values of CNL and α it may be more cost effective, and with
less uncertainty, to directly adopt a device which the manufacturer has already produced and tested. It so
happens that the manufacturer has previous prototype test data for a nonlinear FVD with a CNL=128 kip-
sec/inch and α=0.38, which is similar to that calculated from preliminary design.

Results from previous prototype testing are shown in Figure 16.4-2. The solid line in Figure 16.4-2
depicts the nominal force-velocity relationship of the nonlinear damper with the dotted lines representing
a �10% and �20% change in the damping constant value CNL. The data from prototype tests for each
cycle (maximum in each direction) are shown as data points.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.4-2 Force-Velocity Test Data of a Nonlinear Viscous Damper

The previous prototype testing of the dampers were conducted under the following conditions:
 Force-velocity characteristic tests, all conducted at ambient temperature of 70° F. 10 full cycles
performed at various amplitudes.
 Temperature tests, three fully reversible cycles conducted at various velocities at the following
temperatures 40, 70 and 100° F
This test data are assumed to be consistent with the sequence and cycles of Standard §18.6.1. The
previously tested device meets the similarity requirements of Standard § since the device is
identical to that being proposed for analysis and design and since the strokes and forces are similar to
those required for design.

The determination of the three categories of λ-factors should be developed in conjunction with the device
manufacturer based on their history of production damper test data and experience with aging and other
environmental effects. For this example:
 There are no aging effects to consider for this type of device. Although the previous prototype
testing was performed at various ambient temperatures, the FVDs in this example are assumed to
be in an enclosed and conditioned environment such that there are small variations in ambient
temperature. Hence the aging and environmental factors are taken as unity (lae,max = 1.0, lae,min = 1.0)
 The test data points, which include heating effects, are essentially bounded by the �10% change
in the damping coefficient. This small range is due to the device being specifically designed to
alleviate heating effects. This is achieved by using accumulators or by utilizing materials with
thermal expansion properties such that the dampers properties are automatically adjusted. Hence
the test lambda factors are taken as λtest,max = 1.1, λtest,min = 0.9.
 The FVD are highly engineered and precision made, such that there is typically little variation
due to manufacturing tolerance. Hence specification lambda factors are taken as ±5% (lspec,max =
1.05, lspec,min = 0.95).

Using these values in Standard Equations 18.2-3a and 18.2-3b results in:
 lmax = 1.15
 lmin = 0.85

These values are allowed to be less than the maximum and minimum limits of Standard § since
they are based on similar prototype test data. These maximum and minimum lfactors are applied to the
damping coefficient only. There is no independent variation considered for the nonlinear exponent α,
since varying the damping coefficient in effect also captures the variation (if any) of the α value.

The analysis with maximum damper properties will typically produce larger damper forces for use in the
design of members and connections, whereas the analysis with minimum damper properties will typically
produce less total energy dissipation and hence larger building drifts.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Nonlinear Response History Analysis

Modeling. A three-dimensional mathematical model of the building is created in ETABS (CSI 2013)
to assess the effectiveness of the added damping system and to determine design actions. Structural
elements part of the damping systems load path and the SFRS are included in the analysis model so that
the deformations that occur in these members are accounted for. For example the in-plane stiffness of the
diaphragm and stiffness of elements connected to the dampers (i.e. braces) is explicitly modeled. Failure
to account for such deformations along with the load path between all dampers and the main structural
system can reduce the effectiveness of the damping system to the point that the damping system simply
rides along with the seismic movements and provides virtually no response reduction in an actual
earthquake (see Charney and McNamara 2008).

In this example, the in-plane stiffness of the 3.25inch thick concrete diaphragm is modeled and the
damper-brace assembly which is installed diagonally across a bay is estimated to have an axial stiffness of
2000 kip/inch. The mathematical model of the building does not specifically include the penthouse roof
level as there are no dampers installed at this level and because the weight is only a small fraction of the
weight of all other floors. Hence for simplicity the weight of the penthouse roof level is added to the roof
level weight. The three-dimensional ETABS mathematical model of the building is shown in Figure 16.4-3.

The perimeter moment frames (see Figure 16.2-1), which provide the primary lateral-force resistance, are
modeled with moment resisting connections. The gravity framing, which is all the other beams and
columns including those where the FVD are located, are also included in the model. The beams in the
gravity framing are modeled with end moment releases (pinned connections) whereas the columns are
only pinned at their base. This is considered realistic as the gravity framing beams have end connections
which provide limited moment resistance under seismic induced displacements whereas the columns are
continuous with moment resisting splice connections.

The performance objective for this example is that the SFRS structural elements remain “essentially”
elastic during the MCER event. Essentially elastic is defined in the Standard as an elastic/linear force that
does not exceed 1.5 times the expected strength of the element with a strength reduction factor of ϕ=1.0.
This has been increased from previous versions of the Standard which used the nominal (lower bound)
strength. On the other hand the damping system, which includes the damping devices and all other
components required to connect the dampers to the structure, must remain elastic (i.e. linear force does
not exceed 1.0 times the nominal strength of the structure with ϕ=1.0) for MCE R loads per Standard
§ If the linear-elastic demands in the beams and columns of the SFRS exceed the essentially
elastic definition above then the engineer is faced with two options: a) increase the size of the structural
element such that it remains essentially elastic or b) accept damage in the SFRS and explicitly model the
nonlinear force-displacement behavior of the yielding elements. The former option of increasing the
member sizes has been selected as an option for this example since a higher performance level is desired
and it avoids nonlinear response modeling of the structural elements. Hence the only nonlinear behavior
occurring in the ETBAS model is in the nonlinear dampers.

The nonlinear FVD are velocity-dependent devices and can be modeled in ETABS as a link element. The
damping coefficient, exponent alpha and stiffness of the damper-brace assembly are the required parameters
for this link element. The change in properties with temperature is accounted for indirectly by conducting
bounding analyses. That is, the maximum and minimum damping properties, as determined in Section 16.4.3,
bound the change in properties due to heating effects. This modeling is in compliance with Standard §18.3.1.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.4-3 Three-Dimensional Extruded View of ETABS Model

Inherent damping of the structure is specified as constant damping of 3 percent of critical for all modes of
vibration. A higher level of damping is only allowed by the Standard §18.3 if test data consistent with
levels of deformation just below yield is available.

Since the building site is greater than 3 miles away from an active fault the ground motions need not be
rotated and applied in the fault-normal and fault-parallel orientations. Instead, the two horizontal
components of each ground motion were applied randomly to the building model. Some engineers and
jurisdictions may require multiple orientations of the ground motion be considered. It is the experience of
the authors that this further analysis has diminishing returns, and it has little effect on the final design
specifications (since the design is typically not optimized for certain directions). Furthermore, new
language in Standard §18.3 states that the ground motion components need not be applied in multiple

Analysis results. A NLRHA is conducted using the software ETABS with two models: one using the
maximum damper properties and one using the minimum damper properties. The analysis is conducted at
both the MCER and design earthquake hazard levels. The maximum value of story drift, damper force
and damper displacement/stroke is calculated for each ground motion. The average of the maximum
values from the seven ground motions is permitted to be used for design (Standard §18.3.3) and these
values are summarized for each principal direction in the tables below. Table 16.4-2 is for the analysis
model that uses the maximum dampers properties and Table 16.4-3 is for the minimum damper properties.

The building is symmetrical in both directions with no actual eccentricities (i.e. the center of mass and
center of stiffness coincide at every story) and therefore the damper forces on each story are the same on
Gridlines B and G, and 2 and 5, respectively. The same principle is true for the SFRS demands on
Gridlines 1 and 6, and A and H, respectively. In the lower stories, where there are two dampers on the

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

same gridline, each damper has the same demand therefore only the demands for one damper is reported
in Tables 16.4-2 and 16.4-3. These values do not include an increase due to accidental eccentricity. This is
later incorporated in design using amplification factors per Section

Table 16.4-2 MCER NLRHA Average Story Drift, Damper Force and Stroke for Maximum Damper
Properties, Load Case 0.62D + QE (similar for 1.48D + 0.5L + QE)

Peak Damper Force Peak Damper Stroke

Story Drift (%)
Story (kip) (inch)
UX East UY North FX East FY North DX East DY North
7 0.6% 0.6% 227 222 0.6 0.7
6 1.0% 1.1% 288 268 1.2 1.3
5 1.4% 1.6% 321 302 1.7 2.0
4 1.7% 1.8% 329 319 2.1 2.3
3 1.6% 1.6% 321 307 2.1 2.1
2 1.1% 1.1% 295 272 1.5 1.5
1 1.1% 1.0% 375 329 2.1 2.0
Envelope 1.7% 1.8% 375 329 2.1 2.3

Table 16.4-3 MCER NLRHA Average Story Drift, Damper Force and Stroke for Minimum Damper
Properties, Load Case 0.62D + QE (similar for 1.48D + 0.5L + QE)

Peak Damper Force Peak Damper Stroke

Story Drift (%)
Story (kip) (inch)
UX East UY North FX East FY North DX East DY North
7 0.8% 0.8% 204 195 1.0 1.0
6 1.2% 1.3% 226 218 1.6 1.7
5 1.7% 1.8% 251 238 2.1 2.4
4 1.9% 2.0% 255 246 2.5 2.7
3 1.9% 1.9% 248 236 2.5 2.5
2 1.2% 1.2% 230 211 1.8 1.8
1 1.2% 1.2% 286 257 2.4 2.3
Envelope 1.9% 2.0% 286 257 2.5 2.7

The maximum velocity for each damper can be determined from the maximum force through the
relationship of Equation 16.3-1. For example, the damper force of 375 kips for the maximum damper
properties correspond to a peak velocity of:

F 375
v = 0.38 = 0.38 = 11.7 inch/sec
l CNL 1.15 �128

Similarly the maximum velocity from the minimum damper properties from a damper force of 286 kips
corresponds to a peak velocity of 12.7 inch/sec. So the maximum velocity is from the minimum dampers
properties but the maximum force is from the maximum dampers properties.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

The base shear for the SFRS to remain essentially elastic is shown in Table 16.4-4. These values are the
average of the maximum values from the seven ground motions for each principal direction. Again, these
values do not include the effects due to torsion.

Table 16.4-4 NLRHA Average Base Shear for SFRS

Base Shear, V (kip)
FX East (kip) V/W FY North V/W
Design Earthquake Level
Maximum Properties 856 0.07 837 0.06
Minimum Properties 1007 0.08 961 0.07
MCER Level
Maximum Properties 1522 0.12 1458 0.11
Minimum Properties 1769 0.13 1659 0.13

These analysis results show that:

 Maximum story drifts, damper stroke and peak velocity, and base shear of the SFRS are
experienced with minimum damper properties.
 Maximum damper force is experienced with maximum damper properties.

The critical design actions, whether from the maximum or minimum damper properties will be used for
design. Since there is only one type of damper in the building, the critical demands at any story and any
gridline will be used to design the damper.

Figure 16.4-4 illustrates of the force-displacement behavior of a nonlinear damper located on the first
story on gridline 2, in the bay between gridlines C and D. The response is shown arbitrarily for only one
ground motion: record 5 Loma Prieta. The figure shows a comparison of the response for analyses
conducted using the maximum damper properties (CNL=147.2kip-sec/inch) and the minimum damper
properties (CNL=108.8kip-sec/inch). The maximum force occurs at the peak velocity, and gives a force of
391 kip for ground motion 5 using maximum properties. This peak velocity does not occur at zero
displacement, as one would expect for a linear damper, but at around 1.2 inches stroke. The area within
the loops represents the energy dissipated by the dampers and large/fat loops indicate that the dampers are
working efficiently to dissipate seismic energy.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 16.4-4 Force-Displacement Behavior for Maximum and Minimum Analyses, GM5 Record
for Damper on 1st Story in East-West Direction.

Since the purpose of adding supplemental damping is to dissipate energy, it is natural to consider the
migration of energy quantities in a structure during the earthquake. Christopoulos and Filiatrault 2006
present a “rain-flow” analogy to help understand this flow of energies. Briefly, the earthquake gives
energy to the structure, termed the input energy EInput , where its magnitude depends on the characteristics
of the structure and the ground motion. This energy excites the building which oscillates back and forth as
energy is transferred from maximum strain (or potential) energy, when it is at maximum displacement, to
maximum kinetic energy when the building is near its equilibrium position with maximum velocity. For
an elastically responding building this fluctuation from maximum strain energy to maximum kinetic
energy decays (is dissipated) due to inherent damping (E inherent) and, if they are incorporated, also due to
supplemental damping systems (Edamper). If the strain energy is large enough then energy will also be
dissipated by hysteretic behavior (Ehysteretic) which comes in the form of plastic hinging and damage to the
structure. Therefore for energy equilibrium, the follow relationship shall hold:

EInput = Einherent + Edamper + Ehysteretic


The energy balance for this example is illustrated in Figure 16.4-6 for ground motion 5 using the
maximum damper properties. The inherent damping E inherent is modeled using modal damping specified as
3 percent for all modes and makes up only a small proportion of the overall energy dissipated. There is no
significant yielding of the SFRS (and it is not modeled anyway) therefore E hysteretic is zero. A majority of
the input energy is dissipated by the nonlinear viscous dampers (E damper), which shows good effectiveness.
It is noted that energy plots such as Figure 16.4-6 are particularly useful for retrofits to see the reduction
in hysteretic energy, and hence damage to the existing structure, and how this energy is transferred to the
supplemental damping systems.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.4-5 Energy Equilibrium for Ground Motion 5

Accidental mass eccentricity. The Standard has incorporated new provisions which permit the use
of amplification factors to account for accidental mass eccentricity. The rationale behind this is to avoid
doing (unnecessarily) large amounts of analysis to calculate the worst case of accidental eccentricity.

The requirement to account for accidental mass eccentricity, Standard §18.3.2, is intend to increase the
design actions. It accounts for effects such as: a) plan distributions of mass being different from that
assumed in design, b) non-uniform properties of the SFRS (i.e. strength, stiffness) and/or damping
devices, and c) rotational and torsional ground motions.

Artificially altering the center of mass in the mathematical model may lead to the paradox of a reduced
response (Basu et al. 2014), which is not the intent of the provision. In this example amplification factors
are conservatively developed to account for accidental eccentricity. The procedure explained in this
section aligns with that recommended in the commentary of the Standard.

Three NLRHA cases will be used to establish the amplification factors. All cases use the minimum
dampers properties and include inherent eccentricities (none for the example building). When there are
inherent eccentricities, the accidental eccentricities should be applied in the most critical direction such
that it adds to this inherent eccentricity. The three cases are:
 Case I: No accidental eccentricity (Baseline case)
 Case II: 5% accidental eccentricity in the X-direction
 Case III: 5% accidental eccentricity in the Y-direction

To simulate the 5% accidental eccentricity in the X (east-west) or Y (north-south) directions, the applied
mass on the floor plate at every level is augmented such that the center of mass is offset from the center of
rigidity by 8.75ft in the X direction, or 6.25ft in the Y-direction. The mass source in the ETABS model is
from specified load patterns (instead of the self-weight calculation), therefore the accidental eccentricity
is achieved by artificially altering the floor plate uniformly distributed pressure such that it gives the
desired eccentricity.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

A NLRHA is conducted for each of the three models/cases and the results from Cases II and III are
compared to Case I. The following amplification factors (ratio of Case II or III response to Case I
response) are computed.
 Drift amplification factor: The amplification for story drift in the structure at the plan location
with the highest drift, enveloped over all stories;
 Force amplification factor: The amplification for frame-line base shear forces at each story for
the frame subjected to the maximum drift.

For this example, Case II gives greater drift and force amplification factors than Case III. The ratio of the
Case II results divided by the baseline Case I results (see Table 16.4-2) are provided in Table 16.4-3. The
ratios of base shear for the east-west and north-south directions, for Case II divide by Case I is, 1.01 and
1.08, respectively.

Table 16.4-3 NLRHA Average Results- Ratio of Case II to Case I

Peak Damper Force Peak Damper Stroke
Story Drift (%)
Story (kip) (inch)
UX East UY North SRSS FX East FY North DX East DY North
7 0.99 1.14 1.04 1.00 1.03 1.01 1.10
6 0.99 1.11 1.04 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.08
5 0.99 1.09 1.04 1.00 1.03 1.01 1.06
4 0.99 1.09 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.06
3 0.99 1.08 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.05
2 0.99 1.08 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.05
1 0.98 1.07 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.05
Envelope 0.99 1.14 1.04 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.10

Therefore the amplification factors are chosen to be:

 Drift amplification factor = 1.14
 Force amplification factor = 1.08

The effects of accidental eccentricity are considered as follows. The NLRHA procedure is run for the
inherent mass eccentricity case only, considering both maximum and minimum damper properties (see
Section16.4.4.3). All resulting deformation response quantities (i.e. story drifts and damper stroke)
should be increased by the deformation amplifier of 1.14 and all resulting force quantities (i.e. base shear
and damper force) should be increased by the force amplifier of 1.08 before being used for design.


Seismic Force Resisting System
Configuration and detailing. Structures that have damping system must have an independent SFRS
in each lateral direction which provides a complete lateral load path and conforms with a type listed in
Table 12.2-1 of the Standard. Steel special moment resisting frames (SMRF) are located on the perimeter
of the example building to meet this requirement. The SMRF is designed and detailed as if the damping
system was disconnected and this process is illustrated in Chapter 9 of these design examples. This is the
first step in design as the Standard does not have any relaxation on the height, seismic design category,
redundancy limitations or detailing requirements (i.e. RBS connections, strong-beam weak-column) for a
SFRS in a structure with damping devices.

The benefit of the damping system may be taken into account when assessing the minimum base shear
and drift requirements.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Minimum base shear. The minimum base shear Vmin used for design depends on the number of FVD
at each floor level and if any horizontal or vertical irregularities exist. Vmin is calculated using the design
earthquake which is two-thirds of the MCER.

The building has no vertical irregularities despite the relatively tall height of the first story. The exception
of Standard § is taken, in which the drift ratio of adjacent stories are compared rather than the
stiffness of the stories. In the three-dimensional analysis, the first story drift ratio is less than 130 percent
of that for the story above. Because the building is symmetrical in plan, plan irregularities would not be
expected. This assessment of irregularities is conducted on a building model that excludes the FVD’s and
the inclusion of these damping devices does not exacerbate any irregularity.

At least two FVD’s are located at each floor level, in each principal direction and are configured to resist
torsion. Using Equations 18.2-1 and 18.2-2 and 20% added damping plus 3% inherent damping, the
minimum base shear is:

Vmin = max { V /1.59, 0.75V } = 0.75V

where V is the seismic base shear in the direction of interest determined in Standard §12.8 using the
following steps:
Determine the building period (T) per Standard Equation 12.8-7:

Ta = Ct hnx = 0.028 �102.30.8 = 1.14sec

where hn is the height to the main roof taken as 102.3 feet. CuTa, the upper limit on the building period, is
determined per Standard Table 12.8-1:

T = CuTa = 1.4 �1.14 = 1.6sec

The calculated period from the mathematical building model exceeds CuTa therefore the period used to
calculate CS is limited to this maximum value. The seismic response coefficient Cs is 0.047 from Standard
Equation 12.8-2 using:

�S S D1 � �0.93 0.6 �
Cs = min � DS , �= � , �= 0.047
� e/ I T ( R / I )
e � �8 /1 1.6(8 /1) �
this satisfies the minimum value for Cs per Standard Equation 12.8-1.
Therefore the seismic base shear is computed per Standard Equation 12.8-1 as:

V = CsW = 0.047 �13151 = 618 kip

where W is the seismic weight of the building as determined in Section The minimum base shear
that may be used for the design of the SFRS in the example building is therefore:

Vmin = 0.75V = 0.75 �618 = 464 kip

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Strength design of SFRS. There are three design checks to ensure that the SFRS is of adequate
strength. Foremost the factored nominal capacity of the SMRF shall satisfy:
 The minimum base shear of 464 kip, as given by Standard §
 The demands from the design earthquake NLRHA.

Furthermore if the mathematical model assumes that the SFRS behavior is essentially elastic, then the
demands from the NLRHA shall be no more than 1.5 times the expected capacity of the frame.

To check the minimum base shear requirement a modal response spectrum analysis is conducted on a
mathematical model of the building which excludes the FVDs, in accordance with Standard §12.9. In
many cases for SMRFs, analysis will show a much longer period than that determined by approximate
methods (Standard Equation 12.8-7) and as a result a substantial reduction in base shear forces. For the
example building the modal response spectrum analysis calculates a reduced base shear of:

Vmodal,reduced = = 297 kip
( R / Ie )

in the north-south direction and 315 kip in the east-west direction. Therefore the modal base shear and all
corresponding element forces are scaled up by a factor of 464/297 = 1.56 in the north-south direction and
464/315 = 1.47 in the east-west direction.

The sizing and detailing of beams and columns is illustrated in Chapter 9 of these design examples and
were directly adopted as a starting point for this example. The primary factors affecting SMRF member
size selection are the need to control drifts below permissible levels, the need to avoid P-delta
instabilities, and the need to proportion the frame to comply with the strong-column/weak-beam criteria
of AISC 341 (Hamburger et al. 2009). Consequently from a strength standpoint, the sizing of the RBS
typically governs the sizing of other members in the SFRS, since the frame is capacity-designed so that
inelastic action occurs primarily in the beam’s Reduced Beam Section (RBS). The flexural demand over
capacity (D/C) ratios at the center of the beam’s RBS on Gridline 1 (or 6) is shown in Figure 16.5-1. The
D/C ratio in Figure 16.5-1 is calculated using the following definitions:
 Reduced Elastic Demand: Load combinations per Section, design earthquake response
spectrum, elastic earthquake forces multiplied by I e/R = 0.125 and scaled up to the minimum base
shear (i.e. 0.75V/Vmodal,reduced). Accidental eccentricity need not be included.
 Factored Nominal Capacity: Located at the RBS center, nominal yield strength with strength
reduction factor, ϕ, of 0.9. The selected RBS dimensions per AISC 358 are a=0.625bbf, b=0.75d
and c = 0.18bbf. The W21x73 beam between Gridlines D and E at Story 3 has a factored nominal
capacity of:
f M n = f Fy Z RBS = f Fy ( Z x - 2ctbf (d - tbf )) = 0.9 �50 �(172 - 2 �(0.18 �8.3) �0.74 �(21.2 - 0.74))
f M n = 475 kip-ft

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.5-1 Modal Response Spectrum Reduced Demands divided by Factored Nominal Capacity
Ratios for Gridline 1 SMRF, No Dampers

Figure 16.5-1 shows that the sizing of the frame is of adequate strength to meet the minimum base shear
requirement of the Standard as no D/C ratio is greater than 1.0. Even for the conventional design of the
SMRF (i.e. per Chapter 9) the minimum base shear using modal response spectrum is allowed to be taken
as 0.85V . This along with an increase in forces to account for accidental eccentricity would give D/C
ratios for the frame of about 15-20% larger than that in Figure 16.5-1. This is still well below a D/C close
to 1.0, which one may seek to optimize design. The reason for this is that the sizing of beams, and hence
columns (due to strong-column, weak-beam requirements), are typically controlled by considerations for
drift (Hamburg et al. 2009).

The strength of the SFRS must also satisfy the demands from the design earthquake NLRHA where the
damping devices are included in the analysis model. The critical demands are taken from either the
analysis model using the maximum FVD properties or the model using minimum properties. Here the
minimum FVD properties give the larger forces on the SFRS. The flexural D/C ratios at the center of the
RBS from the NLRHA are shown in Figure 16.5-2. The capacity is taken as the factored nominal capacity
as defined above, however the demands from the NLRHA are calculated differently as follows:
 Unreduced Elastic Demand: Load combinations per Section, where the average from
the seven ground motions is used as explained in Section The demands are elastic,
unreduced forces on the frame as the only nonlinear element in the model is the FVDs.
Although Figure 16.5-2 shows that the D/C exceeds 1.0, this is acceptable. SMRF are highly ductile
systems and have an allowable R-factor of 8; although the Standard implies that high levels of ductility
would require explicit nonlinear modeling. In this case the SMRF is close to performing purely
elastically, with limited damage at the design earthquake and has a much better performance than that
shown in Figure 16.5-1. To better compare Figure 16.5-1, the modal response spectrum analysis with no
dampers, to Figure 16.5-2, the design earthquake NLRHA with dampers included, the D/C ratios in
Figure 16.5-1 should be treated as unreduced forces. The story 3, D-E beam, for example, has elastic

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

demands which exceed the factored nominal capacity by a factor of 0.53 �(8/1)= 4.24 (or 2.88 if not
scaled to minimum base shear) in Figure 16.5-1 versus a factor of 0.94 in Figure 16.5-2.

Figure 16.5-2 Design Earthquake NLRHA Unreduced Demand divided by Factored Nominal
Capacity Ratios for Gridline 1 SMRF, Dampers Included

Figure 16.5-3 Design Earthquake NLRHA Moment Demands Envelope, Average of Seven Ground
Motions, Beam D-E, Story 3, Gridline 1

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

The processing of NLRHA results in explained in Section and is further illustrated in Figure
16.5-3 which shows the design earthquake NLRHA average flexural demands on beam D-E at story 3.
The maximum flexure in the RBS occurs in negative bending for load combination 1.39D+0.5L+Q E at the
right end of the beam. The demand is about -445 kip-ft which gives the 0.94 D/C ratio in Figure 16.5-2.

The mathematical model of the building does not include any nonlinear behavior of the RBS. The SMRF
is modeled as linear-elastic with only the nonlinear behavior of the FVDs being modeled. Standard §18.3
requires that all members and connections undergoing inelastic behavior be directly accounted for in the
mathematical model. An exception to this is if the members perform “essentially” elastic, defined as
 “Essentially” Elastic: The force in an element of the SFRS or the damping system does not
exceed 1.5 times the expected strength using a strength reduction factor, ϕ, of 1.0.

Figure 16.5-4 illustrates the D/C ratios for the flexure in the RBS subject to the MCE R event on Gridline
1. Since the unreduced elastic demands /capacity ratios do not exceed 1.5, the SFRS is permitted to be
modeled as linear. The D/C ratio in Figure 16.5-4 uses a capacity defined as:
 Expected Capacity: Located at the RBS center, expected yield strength with strength reduction
factor, ϕ, of 1.0. The W21x73 beam between Gridlines D and E at Story 3 has an expected

M e = f Ry Fy Z RBS = 1.0 �1.1�50 �126.8

M e = 581 kip-ft

Figure 16.5-4 MCER NLRHA Demand divided by Expected Moment Capacity Ratios for Gridline 1.

The inclusion of the dampers reduces the forces in the SMRF and therefore leads to less damage and
better seismic performance. As a side note, a linear RHA of the code-design structure in Chapter 9 (i.e.
with no dampers) of these examples gives D/C ratios 2 to 3 times larger than that shown in Figure 16.5-4.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Permissible drift. The story drifts are only checked using the MCE R ground motions using a model
which includes the damping system. The maximum permitted drift by the Standard §18.4.1 is the smaller
 3%
 1.5 �(8/5.5) �2% (Table 12.12-1 limit) = 4.4%
 1.9 �2% (Table 12.12-1 limit) = 3.8%

Therefore the story drift at any floor and in any principal direction shall not exceed 3%.

The story drift history (i.e. drift vs. time) is calculated for each ground motion by subtracting the node
displacement at the floor below from a vertically aligned node from the floor above. The maximum drift,
at any instant in time, from each of the ground motions is then averaged to give the MCE R drifts in Tables
16.4-2 and Table 16.4-3 for maximum and minimum damper properties, respectively. The maximum drift
at any story, in either principal direction, is 2.0%. This value needs to be increased to account for
accidental eccentricity. As per Section a drift amplifier of 1.14 is applicable, giving a drift
demand of 2.3% which is less than the 3% limit.

As a side note, the original design of the SMRF (per Chapter 9) was governed by limiting the drift at the
design earthquake level to the 2.0% permissible limit of Standard Table 12.12-1. A linear RHA analysis of
the building without dampers gave a design earthquake maximum story drift of 2.8% �(Cd/R)=1.9%,
which compares well with the modal response spectrum calculated drifts in Chapter 9. The NLRHA with
dampers at the design earthquake level gave a maximum drift of 1.2%.

The strength design of the SFRS and the drift demand show that there is scope to reduce the size of
members in the SFRS. However since the performance goal of this building is to maintain an
“essentially” elastic behavior of the structure during the MCE R, the original SMRF sizes are maintained.
A reduction in member sizes may prompt the need to explicitly model their nonlinear behavior since the
D/C ratios in 16.5-4 are close to exceeding 1.5.

Damping System
Damping devices. The damping devices shall be sized to elastically resist the forces, displacements
and velocities from the MCER ground motions. Furthermore since the redundancy criteria of § are
not satisfied for stories 3-7, the devices at these stories must be capable of sustaining the force and
displacement associated with a velocity equal to 1.3 times the maximum calculated velocity. For ease of
construction and to control damper and detailing costs, all dampers will be designed for this penalty to
maintain one type of damper.

Based on the peak velocity that corresponds to the maximum force calculated in Section, and
increasing for redundancy and accidental eccentricity, the maximum damper design force at the MCE R
level is:

Damper Force = Force amplifier �lmax CNL (1.3v)a

= 1.08 �1.15 �128 �(1.3 �11.7) 0.38 = 447 kip

The required stroke of the device is calculated as follows:

Damper Stroke = Displacement amplifier �1.3 �Max Stroke

= 1.14 �1.3 �2.7 = 4.0 inch

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Usually it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to design the components of the damping device itself
and the design engineer provides performance details, as shown in Table 16.5-1.

Table 16.5-1 Nonlinear Viscous Damper Device Details1

Parameter Symbol Value Units
Damping Coefficient CNL 128 kip-sec/in
Velocity Exponent α 0.38 -
Maximum Force, Max Properties Fmax 447 kip
Required Stroke, Min Properties ustr �4.0 inch
Peak Velocity, Max Properties vmax 15.2 inch/sec
Peak Velocity, Min Properties2 vmax 16.5 inch/sec

Allowable Variations on CNL

Max. Testing Variations λtest,max,C 1.10
Min. Testing Variations λtest,min,C 0.90
Max. Specification Tolerance λspec,max,C 1.05
Min. Specification Tolerance λspec,min,C 0.95
Max. and Min Aging and Environmental λae,max,C and λae,min,C 1.0
Max. System Property Mod. Factor λmax,C 1.15
Max. System Property Mod. Factor λmin,C 0.85
1. All values for MCER ground motions.
2. Includes a 1.3 factor increase per redundancy clause §

Framing, braces and connections. Other elements classified as part of the damping system include
the braces in-line with the dampers, their connections, the framing (beams and columns) which
encompass the damping devices and the collectors and diaphragm which bridge between the gridline
where the dampers are located to the gridline where the SFRS’s are. The sizing of these elements must be
such that they remain elastic for the unreduced linear-elastic MCE R demands. The capacity of element is
defined in this example as follows:
 Nominal Capacity: Nominal yield strength with strength reduction factor, ϕ, of 1.0.
The Standard makes the distinction that “force-controlled” elements shall be designed for seismic forces
that are increased by 20%. Force-controlled actions are defined as element actions for which reliable
inelastic deformation capacity is not achievable without critical strength decay. Therefore this is
interpreted as meaning actions such as axial loads on the braces and axial and shear loads on columns
will be increased by 20% and then designed using nominal material strengths and a strength reduction
factor equal to unity.

The NLRHA allows for the determination of the average peak demands in beams and columns over the
building height. Conversely, designing a column at story 1 for the maximum damper force occurring at
every story would be overly conservative. This is because the peak force in the dampers does not occur
simultaneous over the full height of the building, but at different times. In ground motion 5 the maximum
damper force of 391kip in story 1 occurs at a time of 6.0 seconds into the record. At this instant in time
the damper forces on the upper levels are not at their peak response, for example the damper at story 5
only has a 12 kip force as shown in 16.5-5. Furthermore the NLRHA allows for determination of the peak
demands which may result from the peak drift, peak velocity or a combination of drift and velocity below
their peak values.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

For this example, the average of the maximum positive and negative demands from the NLRHA is used
for the design of the damping system. Figure 16.5-6 shows the axial tension and compression forces in the
dampers on gridline 2, using maximum damper properties (which gave the larger damper forces). It is
noted that the maximum damper forces shown in the figure (i.e. 359 kip for story 1) are slightly less than
that calculated in Section (i.e. 375 kip for story 1). This is because Figure 16.5-6 forces are
calculated in ETABS by taking the envelope of the demands from each ground motion, and then
averaging the maximum positive and negative demands of the seven ground motions. On the other hand,
in Section the absolute maximum of the positive and negative forces is taken for each ground
motions and then the absolute maximum is averaged for the seven ground motions (so gives a larger
demand). Nevertheless the damper forces compare very well in the upper stories and the difference is
small at less than 5%.

Figure 16.5-5 MCER NLRHA Ground Motion 5 Damper Axial Forces on Gridline 2 at 6.0 seconds,
Maximum Damper Properties (Units: kip, negative sign = compression force, positive = tension

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

Figure 16.5-6 MCER NLRHA Average Results of the Tension and Compression Damper Axial
Forces on Gridline 2, excluding accidental eccentricity, Maximum Damper Properties (kip)

Using the post-processing explained previously it is possible to capture the peak compression and tension
demands occurring in the columns, averaged for the seven ground motions. Figure 16.5-7 shows the peak
compression force in the columns from load combination 1.48D + 0.5L + QE and Figure 16.5-8 shows the
peak tension force for load combination 0.62D + QE.

Figure 16.5-7 MCER NLRHA Average Results of the Minimum (Peak Compression) Column Axial
Forces on Gridline 2, excluding accidental eccentricity, Maximum Damper Properties, Load Case

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

1.48D + 0.5L + QE

Figure 16.5-8 MCER NLRHA Average Results of the Maximum (Peak Tension) Column Axial
Forces on Gridline 2, excluding accidental eccentricity, Maximum Damper Properties, Load Case
0.62D + QE

The design of the damping system components can proceed by taking the forces from the MCE R
NLRHA, increasing the actions for accidental eccentricity by using amplification factors and further
increasing the action if it is force-controlled. These amplified actions should be no greater than the
nominal member capacity, as defined above.

For example, the design of the brace in-line with the damper at story 1 is based on:
 Required brace axial stiffness of 2000 kip/inch
 Force-controlled design axial force of 1.08 �1.2 �375 = 486kip.

The FVD will be pinned and connected directly to the gusset plate at one end, with the other end being
a thick plate which is rigidly bolted to the end of the driver brace. The net length of the brace and
damper is calculated to be about:

L = ( Lbay - d column )2 + (h - d beam )2 - 2 Lgusset

= (25 - 2) 2 + (22.3 - 1) 2 - 2 �1 = 29.3 ft

The axial stiffness of 2000 kip/in is the stiffness combination of the brace and damper in series.
Simply assuming the brace is the full length gives a required area of the brace of:

A �KL = 2000 �29.3 �12 = 24.2 in 2

E 29000

Adopting HSS of 14 �5/8 gives an area of 25.5in 2 to satisfy the stiffness requirement.

Chapter 16: Structures with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices

The buckling capacity of the brace is calculated as follows. Checking the limit on inelastic buckling:

KL 1.0 �29.3 �12 E

= = 74 �4.71 = 124
r 4.75 Fy
p 2E p 2 �29000
Fe = 2
= 2
= 52.3 ksi
�kL � � 1.0 �29.3 �12 �
� � � �
�r � � 4.75 �
Pn = Fcr Ag = 0.658 52.3 �42 �24.5 = 735 kip

Therefore the nominal buckling capacity exceeds the maximum force delivered to the brace and the
ASTM A500 Grade B HSS 14 �5/8 is adequate.

The design of the other structural members follows conventional design practices and is not addressed in
this example. The columns, connections and the foundation must be designed for the large compression
and tension axial forces as shown in Figures 16.5-7 and 16.5-8. These tension forces arise as the forces
in the dampers overcome the gravity loading in the columns. Other elements not addressed in this
example include:
 Connection design, for example gusset plates, splices, collector beams, foundations.
 Diaphragm and beam/collector design.
 Comparison of wind and seismic forces.

Structure Design
By J. G. (Greg) Soules,
P.E., S.E., SECB
Originally developed by Harold O.
Sprague, Jr., P.E.

17.1.1 Nonbuilding Structure..........................................................................................................5
17.1.2 Nonstructural Component....................................................................................................6
17.2 PIPE RACK, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.......................................................................6
17.2.1 Description...........................................................................................................................6
17.2.2 Provisions Parameters..........................................................................................................7
17.2.3 Design in the Transverse Direction......................................................................................8
17.2.4 Design in the Longitudinal Direction.................................................................................10
17.3 STEEL STORAGE RACK, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C..............................................12
17.3.1 Description.........................................................................................................................12
17.3.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................13
17.3.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................14
17.4.1 Description.........................................................................................................................16
17.4.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................18
17.4.3 Design in the North-South Direction..................................................................................19
17.4.4 Design in the East-West Direction.....................................................................................20
17.5 PIER/WHARF DESIGN, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.................................................21
17.5.1 Description.........................................................................................................................21
17.5.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................22
17.5.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................23
17.6 TANKS AND VESSELS, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D.................................................24
About BSSC

17.6.1 Flat-Bottom Water Storage Tank........................................................................................25

17.6.2 Flat-Bottom Gasoline Tank................................................................................................28
17.7 VERTICAL VESSEL, SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D......................................................32
17.7.1 Description.........................................................................................................................32
17.7.2 Provisions Parameters........................................................................................................33
17.7.3 Design of the System.........................................................................................................34

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Chapter 15 of the Standard is devoted to nonbuilding structures. Nonbuilding structures comprise a

myriad of structures constructed of all types of materials with markedly different dynamic characteristics
and a wide range of performance requirements.

Nonbuilding structures are a general category of structure distinct from buildings. Key features that
differentiate nonbuilding structures from buildings include human occupancy, function, dynamic response
and risk to society. Human occupancy, which is incidental in most nonbuilding structures, is the primary
purpose of most buildings. The primary purpose and function of nonbuilding structures can be incidental
to society, or the purpose and function can be critical for society.

In the past, many nonbuilding structures were designed for seismic resistance using building code
provisions developed specifically for buildings. These code provisions were inadequate to address the
performance requirements and expectations that are unique to nonbuilding structures. For example,
consider secondary containment for a vertical vessel containing hazardous materials. Nonlinear
performance and collapse prevention, which are performance expectations for buildings, are insufficient
for a secondary containment structure, which must not leak.

Seismic design requirements specific to nonbuilding structures were first introduced in the 2000
Provisions. Before the introduction of the 2000 Provisions, the seismic design of nonbuilding structures
depended on the various trade organizations and standards development organizations that were not
connected with the building codes.

This chapter develops examples specifically to help clarify Chapter 15 of the Standard. The solutions
developed are not intended to be comprehensive but instead focus on correct interpretation of the
requirements. Complete solutions to the examples cited are beyond the scope of this chapter.

In addition to the Provisions and Commentary, the following publications are referenced in this chapter:

API 650 American Petroleum Institute, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, 12th edition,
Addendum 1, 2014.

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers, Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Design of
Petrochemical Facilities, 2nd Edition, 2011.

ASME BPVC American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section VIII, Division 2, Alternate Rules,
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, 2015 Edition.

AWWA D100 American Water Works Association, Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage, 2011.

Bachman and Bachman, Robert and Dowty, Susan, “Nonstructural Component or

Dowty Nonbuilding Structure?”, Building Safety Journal, International Code Council, April-
May 2008.

Jacobsen Jacobsen, L.S., “Impulsive Hydrodynamics of Fluid Inside a Cylindrical Tank and of
Fluid Surrounding a Cylindrical Pier,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 39(3), 189-204, 1949.

Morison Morison, J.R., O’Brien, J.W. and Sohaaf, S.A., “The Forces Exerted by Surface Waves
on Piles,” Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Vol. 189; 1950.

About BSSC

RMI Rack Manufacturers Institute, Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of
Industrial Steel Storage Racks, MH16.1, 2012

Soules Soules, J. G., “The Seismic Provisions of the 2006 IBC – Nonbuilding Structure
Criteria,” Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San
Francisco, CA, April 18, 2006.


Many industrial structures are classified as either nonbuilding structures or nonstructural components.
This distinction is necessary to determine how the practicing engineer designs the structure. The intent of
the Standard is to provide a clear and consistent design methodology for engineers to follow regardless of
whether the structure is a nonbuilding structure or a nonstructural component. Central to the
methodology is how to determine which classification is appropriate. Table 17-1 provides a simple
method to determine the appropriate classification. Additional discussion on this topic can be found in
Bachman and Dowty (2008).

The design methodology contained in Chapter 13 of the Standard focuses on nonstructural component
design. As such, the amplification by the supporting structure of the earthquake-induced accelerations is
critical to the design of the component and its supports and attachments. The design methodology
contained in Chapter 15 of the Standard focuses on the direct effects of earthquake ground motion on the
nonbuilding structure.

Table 17-1 Applicability of the Chapters of the Standard

Supporting Supported Item

Structure Nonstructural Component Nonbuilding Structure

Building Chapter 12 for supporting structure; Chapter 12 for supporting structure;

Chapter 13 for supported item Chapter 15 for supported item
Chapter 15 for supporting structure; Chapter 15 for both supporting
Chapter 13 for supported item structure and supported item

The example shown in Figure 17-1 is a combustion turbine, electric-power-generating facility with four
bays. Each bay contains a combustion turbine and supports an inlet filter on the roof. The uniform
seismic dead load of the supporting roof structure is 30 psf. Each filter weighs 34 kips.

The following two examples illustrate the difference between nonbuilding structures that are treated as
nonstructural components, using Standard Chapter 13 and those which are designed in accordance with
Standard Chapter 15. In many instances, the weight of the supported nonbuilding structure is relatively
small compared to the weight of the supporting structure (less than 25 percent of the combined weight)
such that the supported nonbuilding structure will have a relatively small effect on the overall nonlinear
earthquake response of the primary structure during design-level ground motions. It is permitted to treat
such structures as nonstructural components and use the requirements of Standard Chapter 13 for their
design. Where the weight of the supported structure is relatively large (greater than or equal to 25 percent
of the combined weight) compared to the weight of the supporting structure, the overall response can be
affected significantly. In such cases it is intended that seismic design loads and detailing requirements be

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

determined following the procedures of Standard Chapter 15. Where there are multiple large nonbuilding
structures, such as vessels supported on a primary nonbuilding structure and the weight of an individual
supported nonbuilding structure does not exceed the 25 percent limit but the combined weight of the
supported nonbuilding structures does, it is recommended that the combined analysis and design approach
of Standard Chapter 15 be used.

This difference in design approach is explored in the following example.

Inlet filter



30' 30' 30' 30'

Figure 17-1 Combustion turbine building (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

17.1.1 Nonbuilding Structure

For the purpose of illustration, assume that the four filter units are connected in a fashion that couples
their dynamic response through a rigid diaphragm. Therefore, it is appropriate to combine the masses of
the four filter units for both the transverse and longitudinal direction responses. Calculation of seismic weights.

All four inlet filters = WIF = 4(34 kips) = 136 kips

Support structure = WSS = 4(30 ft)(80 ft)(30 psf) = 288 kips

The combined weight of the nonbuilding structure (inlet filters) and the supporting structural system is:

Wcombined = 136 kips + 288 kips = 424 kips Selection of design method. The ratio of the supported weight to the total weight is:

WIF 136
= = 0.321 > 25%
WCombined 424

About BSSC

Because the weight of the inlet filters is 25 percent or more of the combined weight of the nonbuilding
structure and the supporting structure (Standard Sec. 15.3.2), the inlet filters are classified as
“nonbuilding structures” and the seismic design forces must be determined from analysis of the combined
seismic-resistant structural systems. This would require modeling the filters, the structural components of
the filters and the structural components of the combustion turbine supporting structure to determine
accurately the seismic forces on the structural elements as opposed to modeling the filters as lumped

17.1.2 Nonstructural Component

For the purpose of illustration, assume that the inlet filters are independent structures, although each is
supported on the same basic structure. Unlike the previous example where the filter units were connected
to each other through a rigid diaphragm, the four filter units are not connected in a fashion that couples
their dynamic response. In other words, the four independent structures do not significantly affect the
response of the support structure. In this instance, one filter is the nonbuilding structure. The question is
whether it is heavy enough to significantly change the response of the combined system. Calculation of seismic weights.

One inlet filter = WIF = 34 kips

Support structure = WSS = 4(30 ft)(80 ft)(30 psf) = 288 kips

The combined weight of the nonbuilding structures (all four inlet filters) and the supporting structural
system is:

Wcombined = 4(34 kips) + 288 kips = 424 kips Selection of design method. The ratio of the supported weight to the total weight is:

WIF 34
= = 0.08 < 25%
WCombined 424

Because the weight of an inlet filter is less than 25 percent of the combined weight of the nonbuilding
structures and the supporting structure (Standard Sec. 15.3.1), the inlet filters are classified as
“nonstructural components” and the seismic design forces must be determined in accordance with
Standard Chapter 13. In this example, the filters could be modeled as lumped masses. The filters and the
filter supports could then be designed as nonstructural components.


This example illustrates the calculation of design base shears and maximum inelastic displacements for a
pipe rack using the equivalent lateral force (ELF) procedure. The pipe rack in this example is supported
at grade and is considered a nonbuilding structure.

17.2.1 Description
A two-tier, 12-bay pipe rack in a petrochemical facility has concentrically braced frames in the
longitudinal direction and ordinary moment frames in the transverse direction. The pipe rack supports
four runs of 12-inch-diameter pipe carrying naphtha on the top tier and four runs of 8-inch-diameter pipe
carrying water for fire suppression on the bottom tier. The minimum seismic dead load for piping is

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

35 psf on each tier to allow for future piping loads. The seismic dead load for the steel support structure
is 10 psf on each tier.

Pipe supports connect the pipe to the structural steel frame and are designed to support the gravity load
and resist the seismic and wind forces perpendicular to the pipe. The typical pipe support allows the pipe
to move in the longitudinal direction of the pipe to avoid restraining thermal movement. The pipe support
near the center of the run is designed to resist longitudinal and transverse pipe movement as well as
provide gravity support; such supports are generally referred to as fixed supports.

Pipes themselves must be designed to resist gravity, wind, seismic and thermally induced forces, spanning
from support to support.

If the pipe run is continuous for hundreds of feet, thermal/seismic loops are provided to avoid a
cumulative thermal growth effect. The longitudinal runs of pipe in this example are broken up into
sections by providing thermal/seismic loops at spaced intervals as shown in Figure 17-2. In Figure 17-2,
it is assumed thermal/seismic loops are provided at each end of the pipe run.

6 bays @ 20'-0" 5 bays @ 20'-0"

= 120'-0" 20'-0" = 100'-0"

Expansion loop

breaks the

PLAN Horizontal bracing

at braced bay only




Figure 17-2 Pipe rack (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

17.2.2 Provisions Parameters Ground motion. See Section 3.2 for an example illustrating the determination of design ground
motion parameters. For this example, the parameters are as follows:

SDS = 0.40
SD1 = 0.18

About BSSC Risk category and importance factor. The upper piping carries naphtha. A review of a typical
material safety datasheet (MSDS) for naphtha indicates that naphtha has a medium lethal concentration
[LC(50)] of 5.2 mg per liter. Standard Section C1.5.3 defines a toxic material as a chemical with a
LC(50) between 2 mg per liter and 20 mg per liter. Therefore, based on a LC(50) of 5.2 mg per liter,
naphtha is considered a toxic material and therefore is assigned to Risk Category III per Standard Table
1.5-1. The lower piping is required for fire suppression and therefore is assigned to Risk Category IV per
Standard Table 1,5-1. The naphtha piping and the fire water piping are included in Standard
Section 1.5.1; therefore, the pipe rack is assigned to Risk Category IV based on the more severe category.

Standard Section directs the user to use the largest value of Ie based on the applicable reference
document listed in Standard Chapter 23, the largest value selected from Standard Table 1.5-2, or as
specified elsewhere in Standard Chapter 15. It is important to be aware of the requirements of Standard
Section While the importance factor for most structures will be determined based on Standard
Table 1.5-2, there are reference documents that define importance factors greater than those found in
Standard Table 1.5-2. Additionally, Standard Section requires that steel storage racks in
structures open to the public be assigned an importance factor of 1.5. This additional requirement for
steel storage racks addresses a risk to the public that is not addressed by Standard Table 1.5-2 and
Standard Table1.5-1. For this example, Standard Table 1.5-2 governs the choice of importance factor.
According to Standard Table 1.5-2, the importance factor, Ie, is 1.5 based on Risk Category IV. Seismic design category. For this structure assigned to Risk Category IV with SDS = 0.40 and
SD1 = 0.18, the Seismic Design Category is D according to Standard Section 11.6.

17.2.3 Design in the Transverse Direction Design coefficients. According to Standard Section 15.4-1, either Standard Table 12.2-1 or
Standard Table 15.4-1 may be used to determine the seismic parameters, although mixing and matching
of values and requirements from the tables is not allowed. In Standard Chapter 15, selected nonbuilding
structures similar to buildings are provided an option where both lower R values and less restrictive
height limits are specified. This option permits selected types of nonbuilding structures which have
performed well in past earthquakes to be constructed with fewer restrictions in Seismic Design Categories
D, E and F provided seismic detailing is used and design force levels are considerably higher. The R
value-height limit trade-off recognizes that the size of some nonbuilding structures is determined by
factors other than traditional loadings and result in structures that are much stronger than required for
seismic loadings (Soules, 2006). Therefore, the structure’s ductility demand is generally much lower than
a corresponding building. The R value-height trade-off also attempts to obtain the same structural
performance at the increased heights. The user will find that the option of reduced R value with less
restricted height will prove to be the economical choice in most situations due to the relative cost of
materials and construction labor. It must be emphasized that the R value-height limit trade-off of
Standard Table 15.4-1 applies only to nonbuilding structures similar to buildings and cannot be applied to
building structures.

In Standard Table 12.2-1, ordinary steel moment frames are not permitted in Seismic Design Category D
(with some exceptions) and cannot be used in this example. There are several options for ordinary steel
moment frames found in Standard Table 15.4-1. These options are as follows:

1. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary moment frames of steel, R = 3.5, o = 3, Cd = 3. According to

Note c in Standard Table 15.4-1, this system is allowed for pipe racks up to 65 feet high using
bolted end plate moment connections and per Note (d) this system is allowed for pipe racks up to
35 feet without limitations on the connection type. This option requires the use of the AISC 341.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

2. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary moment frames of steel with permitted height increase, R = 2.5,
0 = 2, Cd = 2.5. This option is intended for pipe racks with height greater than 65 feet and
limited to 100 feet. This option is not applicable for this example.

3. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary moment frames of steel with unlimited height, R=1, 0 = 1, Cd =
1. This option does not require the use of the AISC 341.

For this example, Option 1 above is chosen. Using Standard Table 15.4-1, the parameters for this
ordinary steel moment frame are:

R = 3.5
0 = 3
Cd = 3

Ordinary steel moment frames are retained for use in nonbuilding structures such as pipe racks because
they allow greater flexibility for accommodating process piping and are easier to design and construct
than special steel moment frames. Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 0.4
C s= = =0.171
R / I e 3.5/1.5

From analysis, T = 0.42 second. For nonbuilding structures, the fundamental period is generally
approximated for the first iteration and must be verified with final calculations. Standard Section 15.4.4
makes clear that the approximate period equations of Standard Section 12.8.2 do not apply to nonbuilding

Using Standard Equation 12.8-3 for T ≤ TL, Cs does not need to exceed

SD 1 0.18
C s= = =0.184
T ( R/ I e ) 0.42 ( 3.5/ 1.5 )

Using Standard Equation 12.8-5, Cs must not be less than

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.01 = 0.044(1.5)(0.4) = 0.0264

Standard Equation 12.8-2 controls; Cs = 0.171. Seismic weight.

The seismic weight resisted by the moment frame in the transverse direction is shown below based on two
levels of piping, a 20 ft bent spacing, a bent width (perpendicular with the piping) of 20 ft, piping dead
weight of 35 psf and structure dead weight of 10 psf.

W = 2(20 ft)(20 ft)(35 psf + 10 psf) = 36 kips Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

About BSSC

V = CsW = 0.171(36 kips) = 6.2 kips Drift. Although not shown here, drift of the pipe rack in the transverse direction was calculated
by elastic analysis using the design forces calculated above. The calculated lateral drift, δxe = 0.328 inch.
Using Standard Equation 12.8-15:

C d δ xe 3 ( 0.328 )
δ x= = =0.656 ∈.
Ie 1.5

The lateral drift must be checked with regard to acceptable limits. The acceptable limits for nonbuilding
structures are not found in codes. Rather, the limits are what is acceptable for the performance of the
piping. In general, piping can safely accommodate the amount of lateral drift calculated in this example.
P-delta effects must also be considered and checked as required in Standard Section 15.4.5. Redundancy factor. Some nonbuilding structures are designed with parameters from Standard
Table 12.2-1 or 15.4-1 if they are termed “nonbuilding structures similar to buildings”. For such
structures (assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F) the redundancy factor applies. Pipe racks,
being fairly simple moment frames or braced frames, are in the category similar to buildings. Because
this structure is assigned to Seismic Design Category D, Standard Section applies.

Considering the transverse direction, the seismic force-resisting system is an ordinary moment resisting
frame with only two columns in a single frame. The frames repeat in an identical pattern. Loss of
moment resistance at the beam-to-column connections at both ends results in a loss of more than
33 percent in story strength. Therefore, Standard Section, Condition (a) is not met. The moment
frame as described above consists only of a single bay. Therefore, Standard Section, Condition b
is not met. The value of  in the transverse direction is therefore 1.3. Determining E. In Standard Section 12.4.2, E is defined to include the effects of horizontal and
vertical ground motions and can be summarized as follows:

E = QE ± Ev = QE ± 0.2 SDS D

where QE is the effect of the horizontal earthquake ground motions, which is determined primarily by the
base shear just computed and Ev is the effect of the vertical earthquake ground motions, D is the effect of
dead load. By putting a simple multiplier on the effect of dead load, the last term is an approximation of
the effect of vertical ground motion. For the moment frame, the joint moment is influenced by both
terms. E with the “+” on the second term where combined with dead and live loads will generally
produce the largest negative moment at the joints, while E with the “-” on the second term where
combined with the minimum dead load (0.9D) will produce the largest positive joint moments.

The Standard also requires the consideration of an overstrength factor, Ω0, on the effect of horizontal
motions in defining Em for components susceptible to brittle failure. Standard Section 12.4.3 defines Em
and this definition can be summarized as follows:

Em = Ω0 QE ± Ev = Ω0 QE ± 0.2 SDS D

The moment frame portion of the pipe rack does not have components that require such consideration.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

17.2.4 Design in the Longitudinal Direction Design coefficients. In Standard Section 15.4-1, either Standard Table 12.2-1 or
Standard Table 15.4-1 may be used to determine the seismic parameters. In Standard Table
12.2-1, ordinary steel concentrically braced frames are not permitted for Seismic Design
Category D (with some exceptions) and cannot be used for this example. There are several
options for ordinary steel concentrically braced frames found in Standard Table 15.4-1. These
options are as follows:

1. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary steel concentrically braced frame, R = 3.25, 0 = 2, Cd =

3.25. According to Note b in Standard Table 15.4-1, this system is allowed for pipe racks
up to 65 feet high. This option requires the use of AISC 341.

2. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames with permitted height
increase, R = 2.5, 0 = 2, Cd = 2.5. This option is intended for pipe racks with height
greater than 65 feet and limited to 160 feet. This option is not applicable for this

3. Standard Table 15.4-1, Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames with unlimited
height, R = 1.5, 0 = 1, Cd = 1.5. This option does not require the use of AISC 341.

For this example, Option 1 above is chosen. Using Standard Table 15.4-1, the parameters for this
ordinary steel concentrically braced frame are:

R = 3.25
Ω0 = 2
Cd = 3.25 Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 0.4
C s= = =0.185
R / I e 3.25/1.5

From analysis, T = 0.24 second. The fundamental period for nonbuilding structures is generally
approximated for the first iteration and must be verified with final calculations.

Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, Cs does not need to exceed:

SD 1 0.18
C s= = =0.346
T ( R/ I e ) 0.24 (3.25 /1.5 )

Using Standard Equation 12.8-5, Cs must not be less than:

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.01 = 0.044(1.5)(0.4) = 0.0264

Standard Equation 12.8-2 controls; Cs = 0.185. Seismic weight.

W = 2(240 ft)(20 ft)(35 psf + 10 psf) = 432 kips

About BSSC Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 0.185(432 kips) = 79.9 kips Redundancy factor. The pipe rack in this example does not meet either of the two
redundancy conditions specified in Standard Section Condition a is not met because
only one set of bracing is provided on each side, so removal of one brace would result in a
reduction of greater than 33 percent in story strength. Condition b is not met because two bays
of seismic force-resisting perimeter framing are not provided in each orthogonal direction.
Therefore, the redundancy factor, , is 1.3. If two bays of bracing were provided on each side of
the pipe rack in the longitudinal direction, the pipe rack would meet Condition (a) and qualify for
a redundancy factor, , of 1.0 in that direction. Determine E. In Standard Section 12.4.2, E is defined to include the effects of horizontal and
vertical ground motions and can be summarized as follows:

E = QE ± Ev = QE ± 0.2 SDS D

where QE is the effect of the horizontal earthquake ground motions, which is determined primarily by the
base shear just computed and Ev is the effect of the vertical earthquake ground motions. D is the effect of
dead load. By putting a simple multiplier on the effect of dead load, the last term is an approximation of
the effect of vertical ground motion.

The Standard also requires the consideration of an overstrength factor, Ω0, on the effect of horizontal
motions in defining Em for components susceptible to brittle failure. Standard Section 12.4.3 defines Em
and this definition can be summarized as follows:

Em = Ω0 QE ± Ev = Ω0 QE ± 0.2 SDS D

The ordinary steel concentrically braced frame portion of the pipe rack does have components that require
such consideration. The beams connecting each moment frame in the longitudinal direction act as
collectors and, as required by Standard Section, must be designed for the seismic load effect
including overstrength factor. Orthogonal loads. Because the pipe rack in this example is assigned to Seismic Design
Category D, Standard Section 12.5.4 requires that the braced sections of the pipe rack be evaluated using
the orthogonal combination rule of Standard Section 12.5.3a. Two cases must be checked: 100 percent
transverse seismic force plus 30 percent longitudinal seismic force and 100 percent longitudinal seismic
force plus 30 percent transverse seismic force. The vertical seismic force represented by 0.2SDSD is only
applied once in each load case. Do not include the vertical seismic force in with both horizontal seismic
load combinations. In this pipe rack example, due to the bracing configuration, the foundation and
column anchorage would be the only components impacted by the orthogonal load combinations.


This example uses the ELF procedure to calculate the seismic base shear in the east-west direction for a
steel storage rack.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

17.3.1 Description
A four-tier, five-bay steel storage rack is located in a retail discount warehouse. There are concentrically
braced frames in the north-south and east-west directions. The general public has direct access to the
aisles and merchandise is stored on the upper racks. The rack is supported on a slab on grade. The design
operating load for the rack contents is 125 psf on each tier. The weight of the steel support structure is
assumed to be 5 psf on each tier.

8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0"

0 "


Figure 17-3 Steel storage rack (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

17.3.2 Provisions Parameters Ground motion. The spectral response acceleration coefficients at the site are as follows:

SDS = 0.40
SD1 = 0.18 Risk category and importance factor. Use Standard Section 1.5.1. The storage rack is in a
retail facility. Therefore, the storage rack is assigned to Risk Category II. According to the exception
listed in Standard Section, Ie = Ip = 1.5 because the rack is in an area open to the general public. Seismic design category. Use Standard Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2. Given Risk Category II, SDS =
0.40 and SD1 = 0.18, the Seismic Design Category is C.

About BSSC Design coefficients. According to Standard Table 15.4-1, the design coefficients for this steel
storage rack are as follows:

Ω0 = 2
Cd = 3.5

17.3.3 Design of the System Seismic response coefficient. Standard Section 15.5.3 allows designers some latitude in
selecting the seismic design methodology. Designers may use the Rack Manufacturer’s Institute
specification (MH16.1-2012) to design steel storage racks as modified by Sections and
In other words, racks designed using the RMI method of Section 15.5.3 are deemed to comply as long as
the anchorage of the rack complies with Sections and RMI reproduces the seismic
ground motion maps from ASCE 7-10. The intent of the Standard is to always use the ground motions
defined in Standard Section 11.4 and not the ground motions defined in a reference standard, such as
RMI. ASCE 7-16 Section 15.5.3 has been revised to make this point clear. As an alternate, designers
may use the requirements of Standard Sections through The RMI approach will be
used in this example.

Using RMI Section 2.6.3, from analysis, T = 0.24 seconds. For this particular example, the short period
spectral value controls the design. The period for taller racks, however, may be significant and will be a
function of the operating weight. As shown in the calculations that follow, in the RMI method the
importance factor appears in the equation for V rather than in the equation for Cs. The seismic response
coefficient from RMI is:

S D1 0.18
Cs = = = 0.188
T ( R ) 0.24( 4 )

But need not be greater than:

S DS 0.4
Cs = = = 0.10
R 4

Nor less than:

Cs = 0.044 S DS = 0.044( 0.4 ) = 0.0176

The governing value of Cs = 0.10. From RMI Section 2.6.2, the seismic base shear is calculated as

V = Cs I p Ws = 0.1( 1.5 ) Ws = 0.15Ws Condition 1 (each rack loaded). Seismic weight. In accordance with RMI Section 2.6.9, Item 1:

Ws = 4(5)(8 ft)(3 ft)[0.67(125 psf)+5 psf] = 42.6 kips

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples Design forces and moments. Using RMI Section 2.6.2, the design base shear for Condition 1
is calculated as follows:

V = CsIpWs = 0.15(42.6 kips) = 6.39 kips

In order to calculate the design forces, shears and overturning moments at each level, seismic forces must
be distributed vertically in accordance with RMI Section 2.6.7. The calculations are shown in Table 17.3-

Table 17.3-1 Seismic Forces, Shears and Overturning Moment

wx hxk
wx hxk
(ft) (k = 1)
�wi hi Fx
i =1
5 10.65 12 127.80 0.40 2.56
2.56 7.68
4 10.65 9 95.85 0.30 1.92
4.48 21.1
3 10.65 6 63.90 0.20 1.28
5.76 38.4
2 10.65 3 31.95 0.10 0.63
6.39 57.6
Σ 42.6 319.5
1.0 ft = 0.3048 m, 1.0 kip = 4.45 kN, 1.0 ft-kip = 1.36 kN-m. Resisting moment at the base.

MOT, resisting = Ws (1.5 ft) = 42.6(1.5 ft) = 63.9 ft-kips Condition 2 (only top rack loaded). Seismic weight. In accordance with RMI Section 2.6.9, Item 2:

Ws = 1(5)(8 ft)(3 ft)(125 psf) + 4(5)(8 ft)(3 ft)(5 psf) = 17.4 kips Base shear. Using RMI Section 2.6.2, the design base shear for Condition 2 is calculated as

V = CsIpWs = 0.15(17.4 kips) = 2.61 kips Overturning moment at the base. Although the forces could be distributed as shown above
for Condition 1, a simpler, conservative approach for Condition 2 is to assume that a seismic force equal
to the entire base shear is applied at the top level. Using that simplifying assumption,

MOT = Vb (12 ft) = 2.61 kip (12 ft) = 31.3 ft-kips Resisting moment at the base.

About BSSC

MOT, resisting = Ws (1.5 ft) = 17.4(1.5 ft) = 26.1 ft-kips Controlling conditions. Condition 1 controls shear demands at all but the top level. Although
the overturning moment is larger under Condition 1, the resisting moment is larger than the overturning
moment. Under Condition 2 the resistance to overturning is less than the applied overturning moment.
Therefore, the rack anchors must be designed to resist the uplift induced by the base shear for
Condition 2. Torsion. It should be noted that the distribution of east-west seismic shear will induce torsion in
the rack system because the east-west brace is only on the back of the storage rack. The torsion should be
resisted by the north-south braces at each end of the bay where the east-west braces are placed. If the
torsion were to be distributed to each end of the storage rack, the engineer would be required to calculate
the transfer of torsional forces in diaphragm action in the shelving, which may be impractical. Therefore,
north-south braces are provided in each bay. Anchorage. While RMI is generally viewed as deeming to comply with the Standard, Standard
Sections and were added to address deficiencies in RMI with regards to anchorage.
Standard Section was added to modify RMI Section 7.1.2 to require that the rack’s anchorage to
concrete or masonry be based on using design forces determined using load combinations with
overstrength provided in Standard Section and to require that the anchorage of the rack to
concrete comply with Standard Section 15.4.9. Standard Section was added to modify RMI
Section 7.1.4 to require that shim stacks be interlocked or welded together in order to transfer shear forces
to the foundation and that bending in the anchors associated with the shims or grout be taken into account
in the design of the anchors.


This example highlights some of the differences between the design of nonbuilding structures and the
design of building structures. The boiler building in this example illustrates a solution using the ELF
procedure. Due to mass irregularities, the boiler building would probably also require a modal analysis.
For brevity, the modal analysis is not illustrated.

17.4.1 Description
Large boilers in coal-fired electric power plants generally are suspended from the supporting steel near
the roof level. Additional lateral supports (called buck stays) are provided near the bottom of the boiler.
The buck stays resist lateral forces but allow the boiler to move vertically. Lateral seismic forces are
resisted at the roof and at the buck stay level. Close coordination with the boiler manufacturer is required
in order to determine the proper distribution of seismic forces.

In this example, a boiler building for a 950 MW coal-fired electric power generating plant is braced
laterally with ordinary concentrically braced frames in both the north-south and east-west directions. The
facility is part of a grid and is not for emergency backup of an Risk Category IV facility.

The dead load of the structure, equipment and piping, WDL, is 16,700 kips.

The weight of the boiler in service, WBoiler, is 31,600 kips.

The natural period of the structure (determined from analysis) is as follows:

North-South, TNS = 1.90 seconds

East-West, TEW = 2.60 seconds

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples



230'-0" E

Plate girder to
support boiler

Buck stays


Section A-A

Figure 17-4 Boiler building (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

About BSSC

17.4.2 Provisions Parameters

Risk Category (Standard Sec. 1.5.1) = III
(for continuous operation, but not for emergency backup
of an Risk Category IV facility)

Importance Factor, Ie (Standard Table 1.5-2) = 1.25

Short-period Response, SS = 0.864

One-second Period Response, S1 = 0.261

Site Class (Standard Sec. 11.4.2) = D

Design Spectral Acceleration Response Parameters

SDS = 0.665
SD1 = 0.327

Seismic Design Category (Standard Sec. 11.6) = D

Seismic Force-resisting System (Standard Table 15.4-1) = Ordinary steel

concentrically braced
frame with unlimited

Response Modification Coefficient, R = 1.5

System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 1

Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 1.5

Height Limit (Standard Table 15.4-1) = Unlimited

According to Standard Section 15.4.1(1), either Standard Table 12.2-1 or Standard Table 15.4-1 may be
used to determine the seismic parameters, although mixing and matching of values and requirements from
the tables is not allowed. If the structure were classified as a “building,” its height would be limited to
35 feet for a Seismic Design Category D ordinary steel concentrically braced frame, according to
Standard Table 12.2-1. A review of Standard Table 12.2-1 shows that three steel high ductility braced
frame systems (two eccentrically braced systems and the special concentrically braced system) and two
special moment frame systems can be used at a height of 240 feet. In most of these cases, the additional
requirements of Standard Section must be met to qualify the system at a height of 240 feet.
Boiler buildings normally are constructed using ordinary concentrically braced frames.

As discussed in Section above, Chapter 15 of the Standard presents options to increase height
limits for design of some nonbuilding structures similar to buildings where R factors are reduced. For this
example, an ordinary steel concentrically braced frame with unlimited height is chosen from Standard
Table 15.4-1. By using a significantly reduced R value, the seismic design and detailing requirements of
AISC 341 need not be applied.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

17.4.3 Design in the North-South Direction Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 0.665
C s= = =0.554
R / I e 1.5/1.25

From analysis, T = 1.90 seconds. Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, CS does not need to exceed:
SD 1 0.327
C s= = =0.143
T ( R/ I e ) 1.90 ( 1.5/1.25 )

but using Standard Equation 12.8-5, Cs must not be less than:

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.01 = 0.044(1.25)(0.665) = 0.0366

Standard Equation 12.8-3 controls; Cs = 0.143. Seismic weight. Calculate the total seismic weight, W, as follows:

W = WDL + WBoiler = 16,700 kips + 31,600 kips = 48,300 kips Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 0.143(48,300 kips) = 6,907 kips Redundancy factor. The structure in this example meets the requirements of Condition b
specified in Standard Section, because two bays of seismic force-resisting perimeter
framing are provided in each orthogonal direction. Therefore, the redundancy factor, , is 1.0.

It is important to note that each story resists more than 35 percent of the base shear because the
boiler is hung from the top of the structure. Therefore, each story must comply with the
requirements of Condition b. If a story resisted less than 35 percent of the base shear, the
requirements of Standard Section would not apply and that story would not be
considered in establishing the redundancy factor. Determining E. E is defined to include the effects of horizontal and vertical ground motions as

E = QE ± Ev

where QE is the effect of the horizontal earthquake ground motions, which is determined primarily by the
base shear just computed and Ev is the effect of the vertical earthquake ground motions.

The Standard also requires the consideration of an overstrength factor, Ω0, on the effect of horizontal
motions in defining E for components susceptible to brittle failure.

E = Ω0 QE ± Ev

About BSSC

The ordinary steel concentrically braced frames have components that require such consideration. The
beams transferring shear from one set of braces to another act as collectors and, as required by Standard
Section, must be designed for the seismic load effect including overstrength factor. Determining Ev. Standard Chapter 23A provides an alternate method of determining vertical
seismic ground motions that could be used to determine a value of E v different from the value of 0.2SDSD
specified in Standard Section The Standard does not provide any charging language to require
the use of Standard Chapter 23A. ASCE 7-16 has adopted Standard Chapter 23A as a new Section 11.9.
ASCE 7-16 Section 11.9 is identical to Standard Chapter 23A except that the response
spectrum is defined at the MCER level. Only ASCE 7-16 Chapter 15 invokes the provisions of Section
11.9. Specifically, ASCE 7-16 Section 15.1.4 requires the use of the provisions of Section 11.9 for tanks,
vessels, hanging structures, and nonbuilding structures incorporating horizontal cantilevers.

Because the boiler building of this example contains a hanging boiler, the provisions of ASCE 7-16
Sections 11.9 and 15.1.4 will be applied to determine the vertical seismic load effect, E v.

ASCE 7-16 Section 15.1.4 requires that the design vertical response spectral acceleration, S av, be taken as
the peak value from the response spectrum of ASCE 7-16 Section 11.9 for hanging structures and
nonbuilding structures incorporating horizontal cantilevers. Using ASCE 7-16 Equation 11.9.2-3, the
peak vertical response spectral acceleration at the MCE R is:

SaMv = 0.8CvSMS

The coefficient Cv is determined from ASCE 7-16 Table 11.9.2-1 and is based on the value of S S and the
site class. For this example, the value of C v is 1.23. According to ASCE 7-16 Section 11.9.3, the peak
design vertical response spectral acceleration, S av, is taken as two-thirds of SaMv and is determined as

Sav = (2/3)SMS(0.8)(1.23) = 0.665(0.8)(1.23) = 0.654

According to ASCE 7-16 Section Exception 1, the value of Ev is determined as follows using
ASCE 7-16 Equation 12.4-4b:

Ev = 0.3SavD = 0.3(.654)D = 0.197D

17.4.4 Design in the East-West Direction Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 0.665
C s= = =0.554
R / I e 1.5/ 1.25

From analysis, T = 2.60 seconds. Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, Cs does not need to exceed:

SD 1 0.327
C s= = =0.105
T ( R/ I e ) 2.60 ( 1.5/1.25 )

Using Standard Equation 12.8-5, Cs must not be less than:

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.01 = 0.044(1.25)(0.665) = 0.0366

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Standard Equation 12.8-3 controls; Cs = 0.105. Seismic weight. Calculate the total seismic weight, W, as follows:

W = WDL + WBoiler = 16,700 kips + 31,600 kips = 48,300 kips Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 0.105(48,300 kips) = 5072 kips


This example illustrates the calculation of the seismic base shear in the east-west direction for the pier
using the ELF procedure. Piers and wharves are covered in Standard Section 15.5.6.

17.5.1 Description
A cruise ship company is developing a pier in Long Beach, California, to service ocean liners. The pier
will be accessible by the general public. The pier contains a large warehouse owned by the cruise ship
company. In the north-south direction, the pier is tied directly to an abutment structure supported on
grade. In the east-west direction, the pier resists seismic forces using moment frames. Calculations for
the abutment are not included in this example, but it is assumed to be much stiffer than the moment

The design live load for warehouse storage is 1,000 psf.

About BSSC


10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 3'-0"

Mean Sea Level





Figure 17-5 Pier plan and elevation (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

17.5.2 Provisions Parameters

Risk Category (Standard Sec. 1.5.1) = II
(The pier serves cruise ships that carry no hazardous

Importance Factor, Ie (Standard Table 1.5-2) = 1.0

Site Class (Standard Chapter 20) = D (dense sand)

Design Spectral Acceleration

Response Parameters

SDS = 1.167
SD1 = 0.60

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Seismic Design Category (Standard Sec. 11.6) = D

Seismic Force-resisting System (Standard Table 15.4-1) = Intermediate concrete

moment frame with
permitted height increase

Response Modification Coefficient, R = 3

System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 2

Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 2.5

Height Limit (Standard Table 15.4-1) = 50 ft

If the structure was classified as a building, an intermediate reinforced concrete moment frame would
not be permitted in Seismic Design Category D.

17.5.3 Design of the System Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 1.167
C s= = =0.389
R / I e 3.0/1.0

From analysis, T = 0.596 seconds. Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, Cs does not need to exceed:

SD 1 0.60
C s= = =0.336
T ( R/ I e ) 0.596 ( 3 /1.0 )

Using Standard Equation 12.8-5, Cs must not be less than:

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.01 = 0.044(1.0)(1.167) = 0.0513

Standard Equation 12.8-3 controls; Cs = 0.336. Seismic weight. In accordance with Standard Section 12.7.2, calculate the dead load due to the
deck, beams and support piers, as follows:

WDeck = 1.0(43 ft)(21 ft)(0.150 kip/ft3) = 135.5 kips

WBeam = 4(2 ft)(2 ft)(21 ft)(0.150 kip/ft3) = 50.4 kips

WPier = 8[π(1.25 ft)2][(10 ft - 3 ft) + (20 ft)/2](0.150 kip/ft3) = 100.1 kips

WDL = WDeck + WBeams + WPiers = 135.5 + 50.4 + 100.1 = 286.0 kips

Calculate 25 percent of the storage live load, as follows:

W1/4 LL = 0.25(1,000 psf)(43 ft)(21 ft) = 225.8 kips

About BSSC

Standard Section requires that all applicable marine loading combinations be considered (such as
those for mooring, berthing, wave and current on piers and wharves). For this example, additional
seismic loads from water flowing around the piles will be considered. A “virtual” mass (Jacobsen, 1959)
of water equal to a column of water of identical dimensions of the circular pile is to be considered in the
effective seismic mass. This additional weight is calculated as follows:

WVirtual Mass = 8[π(1.25 ft)2][(20 ft)/2](64 pcf) = 25.1 kips

Therefore, the total seismic weight is

W = WDL + W1/4LL + WVirtual Mass = 286.0 + 225.8 + 25.1 = 536.9 kips

Additional seismic forces from the water due to wave action may also act on the piles. These additional
forces are highly dependent on the acceleration and velocity of the waves and are heavily dependent on
the geometry of the body of water. These forces can be calculated using the Morison Equation (Morison,
1950). The determination of these forces is beyond the scope of this example. Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 0.336(536.9 kips) = 180.4 kips Redundancy factor. The pier in this example has a sufficient number of moment frames that
loss of moment resistance at both ends of a single beam would not result in more than a 33 percent
reduction in story strength. However, the direct tie to a much stiffer abutment at the north end likely
would cause an extreme torsional irregularity for east-west motion, so that Condition (a) would not be
met. Condition (b) is not met because two bays of seismic force-resisting perimeter framing are not
provided in each orthogonal direction. Therefore, the redundancy factor, , is taken to be 1.3.


The seismic response of tanks and vessels can be significantly different from that of buildings. For a
structure composed of interconnected solid elements, it is not difficult to recognize how ground motions
accelerate the structure and cause inertial forces within the structure. Tanks and vessels, where empty,
respond in a similar manner.

Where there is liquid in the tank, the response is much more complicated. As earthquake ground motions
accelerate the tank shell, the shell applies lateral forces to the liquid. The response of the liquid to those
lateral forces may be amplified significantly if the period content of the earthquake ground motion is
similar to the natural sloshing period of the liquid.

Earthquake-induced impulsive fluid forces are those calculated assuming that the liquid is a solid mass.
Convective fluid forces are those that result from sloshing in the tank. It is important to account for
convective forces on columns and appurtenances inside the tank, because they are affected by sloshing in
the same way that waves affect a pier in the ocean.

Freeboard considerations are critical. Oftentimes, the roof acts as a structural diaphragm. If a tank does
not have sufficient freeboard, the sloshing wave can rip the roof from the wall of the tank. This could
result in failure of the wall and loss of the liquid within.

Seismic design for liquid-containing tanks and vessels is complicated. The fluid mass that is effective for
impulsive and convective seismic forces is discussed in AWWA D100 and API 650.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

17.6.1 Flat-Bottom Water Storage Tank Description. This example illustrates the calculation of the design base shear and the required
freeboard using the procedure outlined in AWWA D100 for a steel water storage tank used to store
potable water for fire protection within a chemical plant (Figure 17-6). According to Standard
Section, the governing reference document for this tank is AWWA D100. Standard Chapter 15
makes no modifications to this document for the seismic design of flat-bottom water storage tanks. ASCE
7-16 has added two exceptions to the use of AWWA D100. The exceptions require that the seismic
ground motion values be determined according to ASCE 7-16 Section 11.4 and that the seismic freeboard
meet the requirements of ASCE 7-16. AWWA D100 is written in terms of allowable stress design (ASD)
while the seismic requirements of the Standard are written in terms of strength design. AWWA D100
translates the force equations from the Standard by substituting 1.4R for R. For the purposes of this
example, all loads are calculated in terms of strength design. Where appropriate, AWWA D100 equations
are referenced for the determination of impulsive and convective (sloshing) masses.

D = 20'-0"


HR = 15'-0"

H = 10'-0"

Figure 17-6 Storage tank section (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

The weight of the tank shell, roof, bottom and equipment is 15,400 pounds. Seismic design parameters.

Risk Category (Standard Sec. 1.5.1) = IV

Importance Factor, Ie (Standard Table 1.5-2) = 1.5

Long-period Transition Period, TL = 6 seconds

Site Class (Standard Chapter 20) = C (per geotech)

Design Spectral Acceleration Response Parameters

SDS = 0.824
SD1 = 0.376

About BSSC

Seismic Force-resisting System (Standard Table 15.4-2) = Flat-bottom, ground-

supported, mechanically
anchored steel tank

Response Modification Coefficient, R = 3

System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 2

Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 2.5 Calculations for impulsive response. Natural period for the first mode of vibration. AWWA D100 Section 13.5.1 does not
require the computation of the natural period for the first mode of vibration. The impulsive acceleration
is assumed to be equal to SDS. Spectral acceleration. Based on AWWA D100 Section 13.5.1, the impulsive acceleration is
set equal to SDS.

Sai = SDS = 0.824 Seismic (impulsive) weight.

Wtank = 15.4 kips

Wiwater = p(10 ft)2(10 ft)(0.0624 kip/ft3) (Wi/WT)= 196.0 (0.542) kips = 106.2 kips

The ratio Wi/WT (= 0.542) was determined from Equation 13-24 (only valid for D/H ≥ 1.333) of AWWA
D100 for a diameter-to-liquid height ratio of 2.0 as shown below:

� D� � 20 �
tanh �
0.866 � tanh �
0.866 �
Wi � H �= � 10 �= 0.542
WT D 20
0.866 0.866
H 10

Wi = Wtank + Wiwater = 15.4 + 106.2 = 121.6 kips Base Shear.

According to Standard Equation 15.7-5:

S ai W i 0.824 ( 121.6 )
V i= = =50.1 kips
R/ I e 3/1.5 Calculations for convective response natural period for the first mode of sloshing. Natural period for the first mode of sloshing. Using Standard Equation 15.7-12:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

√ √
D 20 ft
T c =2 π =2 π =2.65 s
3.68 H 3.68 ( 10 ft )
3.68 g tanh ( D ) ( ft
) (
3.68 32.174 2 tanh
s 20 ft ) Spectral acceleration. Using Standard Equation 15.7-10 with Tc < TL = 6 seconds:

1.5S D1 1.5( 0.376 )

Sac = = = 0.212
Tc 2.65 Seismic (convective) weight.

Wc = Wwater (Wc/WT) = 196 (0.437) = 85.7 kips

The ratio Wc/WT (= 0.437) was determined from Equation 13-26 (valid for all D/H) of AWWA D100 for a
diameter-to-liquid height ratio of 2.0 as shown below:

Wc �D � � H � �20 � � 10 �
= 0.230� � 3.67 �= 0.230� �
tanh � 3.67 �= 0.437
tanh �
WT �H � � D � �10 � � 20 � Base shear. According to Standard Equation 15.7-6:

S ac I e 0.212 ( 1.5 )
V c= W c= ( 85.7 )=18.2 kips
1.5 1.5 Design base shear. Item b of Standard Section 15.7.2 indicates that impulsive and convective
components may, in general, be combined using the SRSS method. Standard Equation 15.7-4 requires
that the direct sum be used for ground-supported storage tanks for liquids. Note b under Standard Section allows the use of the SRSS method in lieu of using Standard Equation 15.7-4. Therefore, the
base shear is computed as follows:

V = Vi 2 + Vc2 = 50.12 + 18.22 = 53.3 kips Minimum freeboard. Because the tank is assigned to Risk Category IV, the full value of the
theoretical wave height must be provided for freeboard. For the case of Risk Category IV tanks, the wave
height is calculated based on the convective acceleration using the actual value of TL and an importance
factor of 1.0. Standard Table 15.7-3 indicates that a minimum freeboard equal to δs is required for this
tank. Using Standard Equation 15.7-13 and Note (c) (sets Ie = 1.0 for Risk Category IV for wave height
determination) from Standard Section

δs = 0.42DiIeSac = 0.42(20 ft)(1.0)(0.212) = 1.78 ft

The 5 feet of freeboard provided is adequate. Please note that AWWA D100 has not been updated to
reflect Standard Equation 15.7-13. Under the AWWA D100 rules, the required freeboard is determined as

δs = 0.5DiIeSac = 0.5(20 ft)(1.0)(0.212) = 2.12 ft

About BSSC

ASCE 7-16 Table 15.7-3, Section, and Section have been reorganized for increased
clarity. No technical changes have occurred relative to the discussions above. Note (c) referenced above
has become subsection (b) and placed in Section

17.6.2 Flat-Bottom Gasoline Tank Description. This example illustrates the calculation of the base shear and the required
freeboard using the procedure outlined in API 650 for a petrochemical storage tank in a refinery tank farm
(Figure 17-7). The vertical design response spectral acceleration, S av, for use in the determination of shell
hoop stress will also be calculated according to the provisions of ASCE 7-16 Sections 11.9 and 15.1.4.
An impoundment dike is not provided to control liquid spills. According to Standard Section, the
governing reference document for this tank is API 650. API 650 is written in terms of allowable stress
design (ASD) while the seismic requirements of the Standard are written in terms of strength design. API
650 translates the force equations from the Standard by substituting Rw for R, where Rw is equal to 1.4R.
For the purposes of this example, all loads are calculated in terms of strength design. Where appropriate,
API 650 equations are referenced for the determination of impulsive and convective (sloshing) masses.

The tank is a flat-bottom, ground-supported, self-anchored, welded steel tank constructed in accordance
with API 650. The weight of the tank shell, roof, bottom and equipment is 490,000 pounds.

3/16 Thk Top angle (Toe out)

roof PL 3x3x3/8
3'-9 5/16"

Ring No. 5 - 5/16 Thk

Roof rafters 1R
(54) W14x26
Ring No. 4 - 5/16 Thk
Center column 1C
20 Dia Sch 10 Ring No. 3 - 5/16 Thk
33' High Height
liquid =40'-0"
Internal aluminum Ring No. 2 - 5/16 Thk
floating roof Top of
bottom PL
Ring No. 1 - 0.401 Thk

3'-0" Low 10' 1/4" Thk Ringwall
6" bottom bottom PL
Liquid Level crown at foundation
Low rest position 3'-0"
High rest position 6'-0" 120'-0" Nominal Diameter

Figure 17-7 Storage tank section (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m) Seismic design parameters.

Risk Category (Standard Sec. 1.5.1) = III

(The tank is used for storage of toxic or explosive
material based on an LC(50) value of 5.2 mg per liter
taken from a typical MSDS for gasoline.)

Importance Factor, Ie (Standard Table 1.5-2) = 1.25

Short-period Response, SS = 1.236

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

One-second Period Response, S1 = 0.406

Long-period Transition Period, TL = 6 seconds

Site Class (Standard Chapter 20) = C (per geotech)

Design Spectral Acceleration Response Parameters

(Using the same site as in Section 17.6.1)

SDS = 0.824
SD1 = 0.376

Seismic Force-Resisting System (Standard Table 15.4-2) = Flat-bottom, ground-

supported, self- anchored
steel tank

Response Modification Coefficient, R = 2.5

System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 2

Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 2 Calculations for impulsive response. Natural period for the first mode of vibration. API 650 Section E.4.5.1 does not require the
computation of the natural period for the first mode of vibration. The impulsive acceleration is assumed
to be equal to SDS. Spectral acceleration. Based on Standard Section 15.7.6 Note a, the impulsive acceleration is
set equal to SDS.

Sai = SDS = 0.824 Seismic (impulsive) weight.

Wtank = 490.0 kips

WGas = p(60 ft)2(33 ft)(0.0474 kip/ft3)(Wi/Wp) = 17,691 kips (0.316) = 5,590 kips

The ratio Wi/Wp (= 0.316) was determined from Equation E.6.1.1-1 (only valid for D/H ≥ 1.333) of API
650 for a diameter-to-liquid height ratio of 3.636 as shown below:

� D� � 120 �
tanh �
0.866 � tanh �
Wi � H� � 33 �
�= 0.316
= =
Wp D 120
0.866 0.866
H 33

Wi = Wtank + WGas = 490 + 5590 = 6,080 kips

About BSSC Base shear. According to Standard Equation 15.7-5:

S ai W i 0.824 ( 6,080 )
V i= = =2,505 kips
R/ I e 2.5/ 1.25 Calculations for convective response. Natural period for the first mode of sloshing. Using Standard Equation 15.7-12:

√ √
D 120 ft
T c =2 π =2 π =7.22s
3.68 g tanh ( 3.68D H ) ( ft
) (
3.68 32.174 2 tanh
3.68 ( 33 ft )
120 ft ) Spectral acceleration. Using Standard Equation 15.7-11 with Tc > TL = 6 seconds:

1.5S D1 TL 1.5( 0.376 )( 6 )

Sac = = = 0.0649
Tc2 7.222 Seismic (convective) weight.

Wc = WGAS (Wc/Wp) = 17,691 (0.640) = 11,322 kips

The ratio Wc/Wp (= 0.640) was determined from Equation E.6.1.1-3 (valid for all D/H) of API 650 for a
diameter-to-liquid height ratio of 3.636 as shown below:

Wc �D � � H � �120 � � 33 �
= 0.230� � 3.67 �= 0.230� �
tanh � tanh �
3.67 �= 0.640
WT �H � � D � �33 � � 120 � Base shear. According to Standard Equation 15.7-6:

S ac I e 0.0649 (1.5 )
V c= W c= ( 11,322 )=735 kips
1.5 1.5 Design base shear. Item (b) of Standard Section 15.7.2 indicates that impulsive and convective
components may, in general, be combined using the SRSS method. Standard Equation 15.7-4 requires
that the direct sum be used for ground-supported storage tanks for liquids. Note b under Standard Section allows the use of the SRSS method in lieu of using Standard Equation 15.7-4. Therefore, the
base shear is computed as follows:

V = Vi 2 + Vc2 = 25052 + 7352 = 2,611 kips Minimum freeboard. Because the tank is assigned to Risk Category III and SDS is greater than
0.50, the freeboard provided must be at least 70 percent of the full value of the theoretical wave height
(based on TL = 4 s). For the case of Risk Category III tanks, the wave height is calculated based on the
convective acceleration using a value of TL equal to 4 seconds and an importance factor of 1.25 according
to Standard Section, Note (d). Standard Table 15.7-3 indicates that a minimum freeboard equal

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

to 0.7δs is required for this tank. Using Standard Equation 15.7-13 and Note (d) (sets Ie = 1.25 and TL to 4
seconds for Risk Category III for wave height determination) from Standard Section

δs = 0.42DiISac = 0.42(120 ft)(1.25)(0.0433) = 2.73 ft

1.5S D1 TL 1.5( 0.376 ) 4

Sac = = = 0.0433
Tc2 7.22 2

0.7 δs = 1.91 ft

The 7 feet of freeboard provided also includes a 3-foot allowance for an aluminum internal floating roof
and the roof framing. The seismic freeboard must be sufficient to avoid forcing the floating roof into the
fixed roof framing. The freeboard provided is adequate. The reduced freeboard requirement recognizes
that providing seismic freeboard for Risk Category I, II, or III tanks is an economic decision (reducing
damage) and not a life-safety issue. Because of this, a reduced freeboard is allowed. If secondary
containment were provided, no freeboard would be required based on Standard Table 15.7-3,
Footnote (b).

ASCE 7-16 Table 15.7-3, Section, and Section have been reorganized for increased
clarity. No technical changes have occurred relative to the discussions above. Note (d) referenced above
has become subsection (c) and placed in Section Footnote (b) of Standard Table 15.7.3 has
been moved to ASCE 7-16 Section (d)(3). Determining Ev. Standard Chapter 23A provides an alternate method of determining vertical
seismic ground motions that could be used to determine a value of E v different from the value of 0.2SDSD
specified in Standard Section The Standard does not provide any charging language to require
the use of Standard Chapter 23A. ASCE 7-16 has adopted Standard Chapter 23A as a new Section 11.9.
ASCE 7-16 Section 11.9 is identical to Standard Chapter 23A except that the response
spectrum is defined at the MCER level. Only ASCE 7-16 Chapter 15 invokes the provisions of Section
11.9. Specifically, ASCE 7-16 Section 15.1.4 requires the use of the provisions of Section 11.9 for tanks,
vessels, hanging structures, and nonbuilding structures incorporating horizontal cantilevers. Natural vertical period. Using ASCE 7-16 Equation C15.7-2:

√ √(
γ L R H 2L ( 47.4 pcf )( 60 ft ) (33 ft )2
T v =2 π =2 π =0.182 s
gtE in
386 2 ( 0.330 in ) ( 29,000,000 psi )
s Design vertical response spectral acceleration. ASCE 7-16 Section 15.1.4 requires that the
design vertical response spectral acceleration, S av, used to determine hydrodynamic hoop forces in
cylindrical tanks be determined using the requirements of ASCE 7-16 Section 15.7.2c(2).

Using ASCE 7-16 Equation 11.9.2-4 for the natural vertical period Tv = 0.182 s, the vertical response
spectral acceleration at the MCER is:
S aMv =0.8 C v S MS ( )

About BSSC

The coefficient Cv is determined from ASCE 7-16 Table 11.9.2-1 and is based on the value of S S and the
site class. For this example, the value of C v is 1.15. According to ASCE 7-16 Section 11.9.3, the design
vertical response spectral acceleration, Sav, is taken as two-thirds of SaMv and is determined as follows:
0.75 0.75
2 0.15 0.15
S av =0.8 C v () ( )
=0.8 ( 1.15 ) ( 0.824 ) ( 0.182 ) =0.656


17.7.1 Description
This example illustrates the calculation of the base shear using the ELF procedure for a flexible vertical
vessel (Figure 17-8). The vertical vessel contains highly toxic material (Risk Category IV).




Figure 17-8 Vertical vessel (1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

The weight of the vertical vessel plus contents is 300,000 pounds.

Standard Section 15.4.4 allows the fundamental period of a nonbuilding structure to be determined using
a properly substantiated analysis. The period of the vertical vessel is calculated using the equation for a
uniform vertical cylindrical steel vessel as found in Appendix 4.A of ASCE (2011). The period of the
vessel is calculated as follows:

100 � 12( 300000 100 ) 10

2 2
7.78 �H � 12W D 7.78 �
T= � � = � � = 0.762s
106 �D � t 106 �10 � 0.375

where: T = period (s)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

W = weight (lb/ft)
H = height (ft)
D = diameter (ft)
T = shell thickness (in.)

17.7.2 Provisions Parameters Ground motion. The design response spectral accelerations are defined as follows:

SDS = 1.86
SD1 = 0.79 Importance factor. The vertical vessel contains highly toxic material. Therefore, it is assigned
to Risk Category IV, as required by Standard Section 1.5.1. Using Standard Table 11.5.1, the importance
factor, Ie, is equal to 1.5. Seismic coefficients. The vertical vessel used in this example is a skirt-supported distributed
mass cantilevered structure. There are three possible entries in Standard Table 15.4-2 that describe the
vessel in question:

1. Elevated tanks, vessels, bins, or hoppers: Single pedestal or skirt supported – welded steel.

2. Elevated tanks, vessels, bins, or hoppers: Single pedestal or skirt supported – welded steel with
special detailing.

3. All other steel and reinforced concrete distributed mass cantilever structures not covered herein
including stacks, chimneys, silos and skirt-supported vertical vessels that are not similar to

All three options are keyed to the detailing requirements of Standard Section 15.7.10. Two of the options
specifically require that Items (a) and (b) of Standard Section 15.7.10 be met. The intent of Standard
Section 15.7.10 and Standard Table 15.4-2 is that skirt-supported vessels be checked for seismic loads
based on R/Ie = 1.0 if the structure is assigned to Risk Category IV or if an R factor of 3.0 is used in the
design of the vessel. Skirt-supported vessels fail in buckling, which is not a ductile failure mode, so a
more conservative design approach is required. The R/Ie = 1.0 check typically will govern the design of
the skirt over using loads determined with an R factor of 3 in a moderate to high area of seismic activity.
The only benefit of using an R factor of 3 in this case is in the design of the foundation. The foundation is
not required to be designed for the R/Ie = 1.0 load. For the R/Ie = 1.0 load, the skirt can be designed based
on critical buckling (factor of safety of 1.0). The critical buckling strength of a skirt can be determined
using a number of published sources. The two most common methods for determining the critical
buckling strength of a skirt are ASME BVPC Section VIII, Division 2, Paragraph 4.4 using a factor of
safety of 1.0 and AWWA D100 Section An example of calculating the critical buckling strength
of the skirt using ASME BVPC Section VIII, Division 2, Paragraph 4.4 is provided.

For this example, the skirt-supported vertical vessel will be treated as “all other steel and reinforced
concrete distributed mass cantilever structures not covered herein including stacks, chimneys, silos and
skirt-supported vertical vessels that are not similar to buildings” from Standard Table 15.4-2. The seismic
design parameters for this structure are as follows:

Response Modification Coefficient, R = 3

About BSSC

System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 2

Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 2.5

17.7.3 Design of the System Seismic response coefficient. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 1.86
C s= = =0.930
R / I e 3/1.5

Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, Cs does not need to exceed:

SD 1 0.79
C s= = =0.518
T ( R/ I e ) 0.762 ( 3/1.5 )

Using Standard Equation 15.4-1, Cs must not be less than:

Cs = 0.044IeSDS ≥ 0.03 = 0.044(1.5)(1.86) = 0.123

Standard Equation 12.8-3 controls; Cs = 0.518. Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 0.518(300 kips) = 155.4 kips Vertical distribution of seismic forces. Standard Section 12.8.3 defines the vertical distribution
of seismic forces in terms of an exponent, k, related to structural period. If the structural period is less
than or equal to 0.5 second, k = 1 and results in an inverted triangular distribution of forces. If the
structural period is greater than or equal to 2.5 seconds, k = 2 and results in a parabolic distribution of
forces. For periods between 0.5 second and 2.5 seconds, the value of k is determined by linear
interpolation between 1 and 2. The significance of the distribution requirements of Standard
Section 12.8.3 is that the height of the centroid to the horizontal seismic force increases (thus increasing
the overturning moment) as the period increases above 0.5 second (Figure 17-9).

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

h h

k = 1 (triangle) k = value between 1 & 2 k = 2 (parabola)

T = 0.5 s 0.5 s < T < 2.5 s T = 2.5 s

h = 2/3 H h= (k+2) H h = 3/4 H

Figure 17-9 Vertical distribution of seismic forces

Once k is determined, the height to the centroid, h , of the horizontal seismic force is equal to:

( k + 1)
h= H
( k + 2)
where H is the vertical height of the vertical vessel.

For the vessel period of T = 0.762 second,

0.762 - 0.5
k =1+ = 1.131
2.5 - 0.5

The value of h is then calculated as:

( 1.131 + 1) 100 = 0.681 100 = 68.1ft

h= ( ) ( )
( 1.131 + 2 )

The overturning moment is then calculated as M = V h = 155.4(68.1) = 10,583 ft-kips.

About BSSC Critical buckling check. The intent of Standard Section 15.7.10 and Standard Table 15.4-2 is
that skirt-supported vessels be checked for seismic loads based on R/Ie = 1.0 (critical buckling check) if
the structure is assigned to Risk Category IV or if an R factor of 3.0 is used in the design of the vessel.
For the R/Ie = 1.0 load, the skirt can be designed based on critical buckling (factor of safety of 1.0). The
critical buckling strength of a skirt can be determined using a number of published sources. In this
example, the method described in ASME BVPC Section VIII, Division 2, Paragraph 4.4 using a factor of
safety of 1.0 will be used. Seismic response coefficient with R/Ie = 1.0. Using Standard Equation 12.8-2:

S DS 1.86
C s= = =1.86
R / I e 1.0

Using Standard Equation 12.8-3, Cs does not need to exceed:

SD 1 0.79
C s= = =1.037
T ( R/ I e ) 0.762 ( 1.0 )

Standard Equation 12.8-3 controls; Cs = 1.037. Base shear. Using Standard Equation 12.8-1:

V = CsW = 1.037(300 kips) = 311.0 kips Vertical distribution of seismic forces. Moment arm from Section above is:


The overturning moment is then calculated as M = V h = 311.0(68.1) = 21,181 ft-kips. Stresses at base of skirt.

Axial stress (fa) = P/A = 300,000/(π(10)12(0.375)) = 2,122 psi

Bending stress (fb) = M/S = 21,181(1,000)12/[(0.375)π(10(12))2/4] = 59,930 psi

Shear stress (fv) = 2V/A = 2(311.0)(1,000) /(π(10)12(0.375)) = 4,400 psi Evaluation of combined axial stress, bending stress, and shear stress. The procedures
outlined in ASME BVPC Section VIII, Division 2, Paragraph 4.4 using a factor of safety of 1.0 will be
used below to determine the adequacy of the vessel support skirt under seismic loads based on R/Ie = 1.0.
The ASME procedures check many different limit states to arrive at the allowable stress for a particular
loading. The example below only identifies the governing conditions for this particular vessel. Please
note that all “allowable” stresses shown below are based on a factor of safety of 1.0. Nomenclature is
defined in ASME BVPC Section VIII, Division 2.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Uniform Axial Compression (governed by column buckling):

466 F y
F xa= =25,770 psi
( 331+ 0
t )
Allowable longitudinal stress = Fca = 23,081 psi

Axial compression due to bending moment:

Allowable bending stress = Fba = Fxc = 25,770 psi

In-plane shear:

av = 0.8 Cv = 0.2967 Do/t = 320

av C v Et
F ve= =21,509 psi

nv = 0.8197

Allowable shear stress = Fva = nvFve = 17,631 psi

Combination of uniform axial compression, axial compression due to bending moment, and shear in the
absence of hoop compression:

fv 2
K s =1−
F va ( )

π2 E
Fe = =80,622 psi
K Lu
( )

Cm = 1.0 K = 2.1 Lu = 1,200 in.

δ= =1.027
( 1− a
Fe )
fa δf b
Unity = + =2.60> 1.0 NG!
( 2 K s F ca ) ( K s ) ( F ba)
The support skirt in this example is inadequate for the seismic loads based on R/Ie = 1.0. The thickness of
the support skirt must be increased and the critical buckling check repeated.

About BSSC

Design for Nonstructural Components
Robert Bachman, S.E., John Gillengerten, S.E. and Susan
Dowty, S.E.

I. Contents
NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS.......................................................................................4
18.1.1 Approach to Nonstructural Components..............................................................................4
18.1.2 Force Equations...................................................................................................................5
18.1.3 Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria.......................................................................7
18.1.4 Component Amplification Factor.........................................................................................8
18.1.5 Seismic Coefficient at Grade................................................................................................9
18.1.6 Relative Location of the Component in the Structure..........................................................9
18.1.7 Component Response Modification Factor..........................................................................9
18.1.8 Component Importance Factor...........................................................................................10
18.1.9 Accommodation of Seismic Relative Displacements.........................................................10
18.1.10 Component Anchorage Factors and Acceptance Criteria....................................................11
18.1.11 Construction Documents....................................................................................................12
18.1.12 Exempt Items.....................................................................................................................12
18.1.13 Pre-Manufactured Modular Mechanical and Electrical Systems........................................13
18.2 ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE WALL PANEL....................................................................13
18.2.1 Example Description..........................................................................................................13
18.2.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................16
18.2.3 Spandrel Panel...................................................................................................................16
18.2.4 Column Cover....................................................................................................................23
18.2.5 Additional Design Considerations.....................................................................................25
FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

18.3 SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF EGRESS STAIRS............................................................................26

18.3.1 Example Description..........................................................................................................26
18.3.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................28
18.3.3 Force and Displacement Demands.....................................................................................30
18.4 HVAC FAN UNIT SUPPORT...................................................................................................33
18.4.1 Example Description..........................................................................................................33
18.4.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................34
18.4.3 Direct Attachment to Structure...........................................................................................34
18.4.4 Support on Vibration Isolation Springs..............................................................................36
18.4.5 Additional Considerations for Support on Vibration Isolators...........................................40
18.5 PIPING SYSTEM SEISMIC DESIGN......................................................................................42
18.5.1 Example Description..........................................................................................................42
18.5.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................48
18.5.3 Piping System Design........................................................................................................49
18.5.4 Pipe Supports and Bracing.................................................................................................53
18.5.5 Design for Displacements..................................................................................................58
18.6 ELEVATED VESSEL SEISMIC DESIGN................................................................................60
18.6.1 Example Description..........................................................................................................60
18.6.2 Design Requirements.........................................................................................................64
18.6.3 Load Combinations............................................................................................................66
18.6.4 Forces in Vessel Supports...................................................................................................66
18.6.5 Vessel Support and Attachment..........................................................................................68
18.6.6 Supporting Frame..............................................................................................................71
18.6.7 Design Considerations for the Vertical Load-Carrying System..........................................75

About BSSC

The 2015 edition of the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other
Structures adopts by reference the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Engineering Institute
standard, ASCE/SEI 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for New Buildings and Other Structures. Since the
completion of the 2015 NEHRP Provisions, the ASCE Standard has been updated. This chapter focuses
on illustration and application of the 2015 NEHRP Provisions, and changes being made to ASCE/SEI 7
for the 2016 edition. Where the 2015 NEHRP Provisions differ from ASCE/SEI 7-16, the differences are
indicated, and the focus is on the provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-16.

1Chapter 13 of the Standard addresses seismic design of the architectural, mechanical and electrical
components in buildings. The examples presented here illustrate many of the requirements and
procedures. Design and anchorage are illustrated for exterior precast concrete cladding and for a roof-
mounted HVAC unit. The rooftop unit is examined in two common installations: directly attached to the
structure and a vibration-isolated component installed with snubbers. This chapter also contains an
explanation of the fundamental aspects of the Standard. Examples are also provided that illustrate how to
treat non-ASME piping located within a healthcare facility and a platform-supported vessel located on an
upper floor within a building.

The variety of materials and industries involved with nonstructural components is large and numerous
documents define and describe methods of design, construction, manufacture, installation, attachment,
etc. Some of the documents address seismic issues, but many do not. Standard Chapter 23 contains a
listing of approved standards for various nonstructural components.

In addition to the Standard, the following are referenced in this chapter:

ACI 318 American Concrete Institute. 2014. Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete and Commentary.
ACI 355.2 American Concrete Institute. 2007. Qualification of Post-Installed
Mechanical Anchors in Concrete.
TMS 402 The Masonry Society. 2011. Building Code Requirements for Masonry
ASHRAE APP IP American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE). 1999. Seismic and Wind Restraint Design,
Chapter 53.
ASME B31.1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2001. Power Piping. 2002.
ASME B31.3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Process Piping. 2002
ASME B31.4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Transportation Systems for
Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, Pipeline. 2010.
ASME B31.5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Refrigeration Piping and
Heat Transfer Components.

The symbols used in this chapter are drawn from Chapter 11 of the Standard or reflect common
engineering usage. The examples are presented in U.S. customary units.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


18.1.1 Approach to Nonstructural Components
Nonstructural components include the equipment, distribution systems such as piping, ducts, and
electrical raceways, and architectural components. These items make up the majority of the replacement
value of most buildings. The Standard requires that nonstructural components be checked for two
fundamentally different demands placed upon them by the response of the structure to earthquake ground
motion: resistance to inertial forces, referred to as seismic forces, and accommodation of imposed
displacements. Building codes have long had requirements for resistance to seismic forces and
requirements for imposed displacements, due to story of the structure or differential displacements for
components spanning between structures, have been added over time. For seismic design, nonstructural
components are grouped in broad categories based on their function and behavior under seismic loading.
Requirements vary with the ground motion intensity. Components serving essential functions are subject
to more stringent requirements.

Specific performance goals for nonstructural components are not explicitly defined, although the
commentary of the Standard provides expectations of the anticipated behavior of non-critical components
in three levels of earthquake shaking intensity:

1. Minor earthquake ground motions—minimal damage not likely to affect functionality;

2. Moderate earthquake ground motions—some damage that may affect functionality; and
3. Design Earthquake ground motions—major damage but significant falling hazards are avoided;
likely loss of functionality.

While the nonstructural design provisions focus on reducing the risk to life safety, in some cases the
provisions protect functionality and limit economic losses. For example, non-critical equipment in
mechanical rooms that are unlikely to topple in an earthquake still requires anchorage, although they pose
minimal risk to life safety. The flexible connections between unbraced piping and non-critical equipment
are required, but serve mainly to reduce the likelihood of leakage.

Seismic forces for design are computed, considering variation of acceleration with relative height within
the structure, and reduction in design force based upon estimated ductility of the component or its
attachment. The Standard also includes procedures for the evaluating nonstructural components subject
to imposed deformations, such as story drift. The seismic force demands tend to control the design for
vibration-isolated or heavy components, while the imposed deformations are important for the seismic
design of elements that are continuous through multiple levels of a structure or across expansion joints
between adjacent structures, such as cladding or piping.

Chapter 13 of the Standard is organized into six major sections. Section 13.1 provides information on the
applicability of the nonstructural design provisions. Section 13.2 includes general information, with
guidance on determining the importance of the component or system, methods for establishing the
adequacy of the component for seismic forces, and certification requirements for items identified as
critical to life safety or, in essential facilities, items critical to continued function following an earthquake.
Section 13.3 contains the procedures for determining the acceleration and displacement demands on
nonstructural components. Section 13.4 covers design considerations for attachment of nonstructural
components to the structure. Sections 13.5 and 13.6 provide detailed design considerations for
architectural components, and mechanical and electrical components, respectively.

About BSSC

The remaining portions of this section describe some of the most important processes described in the

18.1.2 Force Equations

The following seismic force equations are prescribed for nonstructural components (Standard Eq. 13.3-1
through 13.3-3):

0.4a p S DSW p � z �
Fp = 1+ 2 �

Rp � h�

Fpmax = 1.6S DS I pW p

Fpmin = 0.3S DS I pW p


Fp = horizontal equivalent static

seismic design force centered at the component’s center of gravity and distributed relative to the
component’s mass distribution

ap = component amplification factor

(between 1.0 and 2.5) as tabulated in Standard Table 13.5-1 for architectural components and
Standard Table 13.6-1 for mechanical and electrical components

SDS = five percent damped spectral

response acceleration parameter at short period as defined in Standard Section 11.4.4

Wp = component operating weight

Rp = component response
modification factor (between 1.0 to 12.0) as tabulated in Standard Table 13.5-1 for architectural
components and Standard Table 13.6-1 for mechanical and electrical components

Ip = component importance factor

(either 1.0 or 1.5) as indicated in Standard Section 13.1.3

z= elevation in structure of
component point of attachment relative to the base

h= roof elevation of the structure or

elevation of highest point of the seismic force-resisting system of the structure relative to the

The seismic design force, Fp, is to be applied independently in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
Fp should be applied in both the positive and negative directions if higher demands will result. The

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

effects of these loads on the component are combined with the effects of static loads. Standard
Equations 13.3-2 and 13.3-3 provide maximum and minimum limits for the seismic design force.

In addition to force equation Eq. 13.3-1, there are dynamic analysis methods available for determining the
seismic design force, Fp. A force equation that utilizes either the linear dynamic analysis procedures of
Standard Section 12.9, or the nonlinear response history procedures of Standard Chapters 16, 17, and 18
is available:

ai a p W p
Fp= Ax
( )
(Standard Eq. 13.3-4)

where ai is the acceleration at level i obtained from the modal analysis and Ax is the torsional
amplification factor determined by Standard Eq.12.8-14. The value of the Response Modification
Coefficient of the structure, R, is taken as 1.0 when these procedures are used to determined nonstructural
forces. Where seismic response history analysis is used with at least seven ground motions, ai is taken as
the average of the maximum accelerations. When less than seven ground motions are used, the maximum
acceleration value for each floor is the maximum value obtained from the ground motions analyzed.
When using dynamic analysis procedures, the upper and lower limits of Fp determined by Standard Eqs.
13.3-2 and 13.3-3 apply.

In the 2016 edition of the Standard, additional dynamic analysis options have been introduced. The use
of floor response spectra for determination of the seismic design force is now explicitly permitted
(Standard Sec. Application of this approach requires that a floor response spectrum be
calculated for the design earthquake at each level of the structure, based on a seismic response history
analysis performed in accordance with Standard Section 12.9 or in accordance with the procedures in
Standard Chapters 16, 17 or 18. The floor response spectrum is calculated for each ground motion record
analyzed. The floor acceleration, ai, is the maximum acceleration value from the floor response spectra
for the component period, and the value of ap shall be taken as 1.0.

An alternate floor response spectra method based on a modal analysis is also available (Standard Sec. The periods of vibration and mode shapes of the structure must be calculated for at least the
first three modes in each orthogonal direction using the modal analysis procedure in Standard Section
12.9. The modal participation factors for each of the first three modes are calculated in each direction.
The component dynamic amplification factor, DAF, determined by the ratio of the component period, Tp, to
the building modal period, Tx, is determined based on Standard Figure 13.3-1, reproduced in Figure 18.1-

About BSSC

Figure 18.1-1 Component dynamic amplification factor

For each of the first three modes in each direction, the modal acceleration for components at each floor is
calculated as a function of the nonstructural component period based on Standard Eq. 13.3-5:

Aix = pix Sai DAF

(Standard Eq. 13.3-5)

where Aix is the floor acceleration for mode x at Level i, pix is the modal participation factor for mode x at
Level i obtained from the modal analysis, Sai is the spectral acceleration for mode x, and DAF is the
dynamic amplification factor as a function of the ratio of component period to building period for mode x
using Figure 18.1-1. The floor response spectrum is taken as the maximum floor acceleration at each
building modal period for at least the first three modes, but not less than the spectral acceleration at the
base of the building. The design seismic horizontal force in each direction for a nonstructural component
shall be determined by Standard Eq. 13.3-4 with the product of aiap replaced by Aix, the acceleration from
the floor response spectrum for the period of vibration of the nonstructural component at the Level i on
which the nonstructural component is anchored.

Many nonstructural components are attached to the structure at different heights in the structure, for
example pipe risers and many curtain wall systems. When this condition occurs, a force, Fp, should be
determined based on Standard Equation 13.3-1 for each point of attachment. The minima and maxima
determined from Standard Equations 13.3-2 and 13.3-3 must be considered in determining each Fp. The
weight, Wp, used to determine each Fp should be based on the tributary weight of the component
associated with the point of attachment. When designing the component, the attachment force, Fp, should
be distributed relative to the component’s mass distribution over the area used to establish the tributary
weight. With the exception of structural walls and anchorage of concrete or masonry structural walls,
which are covered by Standard Chapter 12, each anchorage force should be based on simple statics
determined by using all the distributed loads applied to the complete component. Cantilever parapets that
are part of a continuous element should be checked separately for parapet forces.

18.1.3 Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria

Earthquakes cause loads on structures and nonstructural components in both the horizontal and vertical
directions. When these loads are applied to structural and nonstructural systems, the results (forces,
stresses, displacements, etc.) are called “effects”. In Standard Section 12.4.2, seismic load effects are

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

defined. The effects resulting from horizontally applied seismic loads are termed horizontal load effects,
Eh and the effects resulting from vertically applied seismic loads are termed vertical load effects, Ev. The
Ev term is simply a constant 0.2SDS multiplied by the dead load.

Load combinations for use in determining the overall demand on an item are defined in Standard
Section 2.3. Because the load combinations defined in Standard Section 2.3 provide a single term, E, to
define the earthquake, Standard Section 12.4.2 separates the horizontal and vertical components of the
seismic load. Unless otherwise noted in the Standard, the load combinations provided in Standard
Section 12.4 are used for the seismic design of all structures and nonstructural components. Seismic load effects. The horizontal seismic load effect Eh and vertical seismic load effect Ev
are determined by applying the horizontal component load Fp and the vertical dead load D, respectively,
in the structural analysis as indicated below.

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


 QE =
effect of horizontal seismic forces (due to application (Standard Sec.
of Fp for nonstructural components)

ρ = redundancy factor = 1.0 for nonstructural components (Standard Sec 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Where the effects of vertical gravity loads and horizontal earthquake loads are additive,

E = ρQE + 0.2SDSD

And where the effects of vertical gravity load counteract those of horizontal earthquake loads,

E = ρQE - 0.2SDSD


E = effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake-induced forces Strength load combinations Standard Sections 2.3 and 2.4 provide load combinations to
determine design member forces, stresses and displacements. In Standard Section 2.3, load combinations
are provided for Strength Design and in Standard Section 2.4, load combinations are provided for
Allowable Stress Design. For purposes of the Chapter 18 examples, only the Strength Load
Combinations are used.

About BSSC

The terms defined above in Section are substituted for E in the Basic Load Combinations for
Strength Design of Standard Section 2.3.6 to determine the design seismic loads. Once the substitutions
have been made, the strength load combinations are presented in Standard Section 2.3.6:

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

For nonstructural components, the terms L and S are typically zero. For nonstructural components,
load combinations with the overstrength factor are applicable only to the design of attachments to
concrete and masonry and are discussed in Section 18.1.10.

18.1.4 Component Amplification Factor

The component amplification factor, ap, found in Standard Equations 13.3-1 and 13.3-4 represents the
dynamic amplification of the component relative to the maximum acceleration of the component support
point(s). Typically, this amplification is a function of the fundamental period of the component, Tp and
the fundamental period of the supporting structure, T. An analytical method for determining the
fundamental period nonstructural components is provided in Standard Section 13.3.3. When this
approach is used, the effects of the mass and stiffness of the supports and attachments of the component
must be included in the period determination. Use of this approach should limited to nonstructural
components that can be reasonably idealized as single-degree of freedom oscillators. The period of
nonstructural components with complex mass or stiffness configurations should be obtained using shake-
table or pullback tests.

When components are designed or selected, the effective fundamental period of the structure, T, is not
always available. Also, for most nonstructural components, the component fundamental period, Tp, can
be obtained accurately only by expensive shake-table or pullback tests. As a result, the determination of a
component’s fundamental period by dynamic analysis, considering T/Tp ratios, is not always practicable.
For this reason, acceptable values of ap are provided in the Standard tables. Component amplification
factors from either these tables or a dynamic analysis may be used. Values for ap are tabulated for each
component based on the expectation that the component will behave in either a rigid or a flexible manner.
For simplicity, a step function increase based on input motion amplifications is provided to help
distinguish between rigid and flexible behavior. If the fundamental period of the component is less than
0.06 second, no dynamic amplification is expected and ap may be taken to equal 1.0. If the fundamental
period of the component is greater than 0.06 second, dynamic amplification is expected and ap is taken to
equal 2.5. Acceptable procedures for determining ap are provided in Standard Commentary Chapter 13.

18.1.5 Seismic Coefficient at Grade

The short-period design spectral acceleration, SDS, considers the site seismicity and local soil conditions.
The site seismicity is obtained from the design value maps (or software) and SDS is determined in
accordance with Standard Section 11.4.4. The coefficient SDS is the used to design the structure. The
Standard approximates the effective peak ground acceleration as 0.4SDS, which is why 0.4 appears in
Standard Equation 13.3-1.

18.1.6 Relative Location of the Component in the Structure

� z�
1+ 2 �

The relative location term in Standard Eq. 13.3-1, � h �, scales the seismic coefficient at grade,
resulting in values varying linearly from 1.0 at grade to 3.0 at roof level. This factor approximates the

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

dynamic amplification of ground acceleration by the supporting structure. As noted in Section 18.1.2
dynamic analysis procedures are provided that permit alternate methods for considering the effects of
dynamic amplification of ground accelerations.

18.1.7 Component Response Modification Factor

The component response modification factor, Rp, represents the energy absorption capability of the
component’s construction and attachments. In the absence of applicable research, these factors are based
on judgment based on the following benchmark values:

Rp = 1.0 or 1.5: brittle or buckling failure mode is expected

Rp = 2.5: some minimal level of energy dissipation capacity

Rp = 3.5: ductile materials and detailing

Rp = 4.5: non-ASME B31 conforming piping and tubing with threaded joints and/or mechanical

Rp = 6.0: ASME 31 conforming piping and tubing with threaded joints and/mechanical couplings, or
highly ductile equipment.

Rp = 9.0 or 12.0: highly ductile piping and tubing joined with brazing or butt welding. Note that for
the purposes of attachment design, Standard Section 13.4.1 limits the value of Rp to 6.0.

18.1.8 Component Importance Factor

The component importance factor, Ip, which has a value of either 1.0 or 1.5, is applied to the force and
displacement demands on the component. An importance factor of 1.5 is applied to components with
greater life safety or hazard exposure importance. The importance factor of 1.5 is intended to improve the
functionality of the component or structure by requiring design for a lesser amount of inelastic behavior
and providing larger capacity to accommodate seismically induced displacements. It is assumed that
reducing the amount of inelastic behavior will result in a component that will have a higher likelihood of
functioning after a major earthquake.

18.1.9 Accommodation of Seismic Relative Displacements

In addition to the seismic design force, nonstructural components must be capable of accommodating
the effects of seismic relative displacements, both within the structure in the form of interstory drifts, and
between structures when nonstructural components are supported on separate adjacent structures. The
seismic relative displacement demands, DpI, are determined using equation 13.3-6 of the Standard:

DpI = DpIe


 Dp =
displacements within or between structures

Ie = the importance factor for the structure (Standard Sec 11.5.1)

About BSSC

The Standard requires that displacements, Dp, be determined in accordance with several equations.
For two connection points on Structure A (or on the same structural system), one at Level x and the other
at Level y, Dp is determined from Standard Equation 13.3-7:

Dp = xA – yA

Because the computed displacements frequently are not available to the designer of nonstructural
components, one may use the maximum permissible structural displacements per Standard Equation 13.3-

Dp =
( hx – hy ) 

For two connection points on Structures A and B (or on two separate structural systems), one at
Level x and the other at Level y, DP is determined from Standard Equations 13.3-9 and 13.3-10:

D p = d xA + d yB

hx  aA hy  aB
Dp = +
hsx hsx


Dp = seismic displacement that the component must be designed to accommodate.

δxA = deflection of building Level x of Structure A, determined by an elastic analysis as

defined in Standard Section 12.8.6 including being multiplied by the Cd factor.

δyA = deflection of building Level y of Structure A, determined in the same fashion as


hx = height of upper support attachment at Level x as measured from the base.

hy = height of lower support attachment at Level y as measured from the base.

ΔaA = allowable story drift for Structure A as defined in Standard Table 12.2-1.

hsx = story height used in the definition of the allowable drift, Δa, in Standard Table

δyB = deflection of building Level y of Structure B, determined in the same fashion as


FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

ΔaB = allowable story drift for Structure B as defined in Standard Table 12.2-1. Note
that ΔaA/hsx = the drift index.

The effects of seismic relative displacements must be considered in combination with displacements
caused by other loads as appropriate. Specific methods for evaluating seismic relative displacement
effects on components and associated acceptance criteria are not specified in the Standard. However, the
intention is to satisfy the purpose of the Standard. Therefore, for nonessential facilities, nonstructural
components can experience serious damage during the design-level earthquake provided they do not
constitute a serious life-safety hazard. For essential facilities, nonstructural components can experience
some damage or inelastic deformation during the design-level earthquake provided they do not
significantly impair the function of the facility.

18.1.10 Component Anchorage Factors and Acceptance Criteria

Design seismic forces in the connected parts, Fp, are prescribed in Standard Section 13.4. The
requirements for anchorage to concrete and masonry were revised in the 2010 and 2016 editions of the

Design capacity for anchors in concrete is determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D. Design
capacity for anchors in masonry is determined in accordance with ACI 530. Anchors are designed to
either have ductile behavior or they must have a specified degree of excess strength. In earlier editions of
the Standard, anchors embedded in concrete or masonry were proportioned to carry the least of 1.3 times
the prescribed seismic design force, or the maximum force that can be transferred to the anchor by the
component or its support. There was also a limit on the value of the component response modification
factor, Rp used in Section 13.3.1 to determine the forces in the connected part (i.e., the anchor).

The provisions for anchorage in ASCE/SEI 7-10 were substantially simplified, both to improve ease of
use and to harmonize the provisions for anchor design in concrete and masonry with the reference
standards. Adjustments on the Rp value used for the anchorage calculation were eliminated, with the
exception of an upper limit on Rp of 6, which is intended primarily to address the anchorage of ductile
piping systems that are assigned higher Rp values. Higher values of Rp reflect the inherent ductility and
overstrength of ductile piping but resulted in an under prediction of the forces on the anchorage.

For anchors in concrete and masonry, at least one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

Either the component or a support in the load path leading to the structure undergoes ductile yielding
at a load level less than the design strength of the corresponding anchor, or

The anchors are designed to resist the load combinations considering Ω 0 in accordance with Standard
Section 2.3.6.

In the 2016 edition of the Standard, the maximum value of Ω0 for nonstructural components has been
reduced from 2½ to 2.

Post-installed anchors in concrete must be prequalified for seismic applications in accordance with
the procedures of ACI 355.2 or other approved standards. Post-installed anchors in masonry must be
prequalified for seismic applications in accordance with approved qualification procedures. Use of power
actuated fasteners in concrete, masonry, or steel is not permitted for sustained tension or bracing
applications in Seismic Design Categories D, E and F unless approved for such loading. Exceptions in
Standard Section 13.4.5 permit the use of power actuated fasteners in certain conditions when the applied
loads are low.

About BSSC

Friction clips may be used to resist seismic loads, but are not permitted to resist sustained gravity
loads in Seismic Design Categories D, E and F.

Determination of design seismic forces in anchors must consider installation eccentricities, prying
effects, multiple anchor effects and the stiffness of the connected system. When there are multiple
attachments in one location such as a base plate with multiple anchors, the stiffness and ductility of the all
parts of the seismic load path, including the component itself, component supports, attachments, and the
supporting structure must be evaluated for their ability to redistribute loads to the attachments in the

18.1.11 Construction Documents

Construction documents must be prepared by a registered design professional and must include
sufficient detail for use by the owner, building officials, contractors and special inspectors; Standard
Section 13.2.7 includes specific requirements.

18.1.12 Exempt Items

The requirements in Chapter 13 of the Standard are intended to apply only to permanently attached
components, not to furniture, temporary items, or mobile units. Permanently attached nonstructural
components may be exempt, provided that due to their inherent strength and stability, they can meet the
nonstructural performance objectives without explicitly meeting all the requirements of Chapter 13.
Examples of nonstructural components that are exempt include:

1) Furniture, (except storage cabinets as noted in Standard Table 13.5-1).

2) Temporary or movable equipment.
3) Architectural components in Seismic Design Category B other than parapets supported by bearing
walls or shear walls provided that the component importance factor, Ip, is equal to 1.0.
4) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category B.
5) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category C provided that either:
a) The component importance factor, Ip, is equal to 1.0 and the component is positively attached to
the structure; or
b) The component weighs 20 lb (89 N) or less or, in the case of a distributed system, 5 lb/ft (73
N/m) or less.
6) Discrete mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Categories D, E or F that are
positively attached to the structure, provided that either
a) The component weighs 400 lb (1780 N) or less, the center of mass is located 4 ft (1.22 m) or less
above the adjacent floor level, flexible connections are provided between the component and
associated ductwork, piping and conduit, and the component importance factor, Ip, is equal to 1.0;
b) The component weighs 20 lb (89 N) or less or, in the case of a distributed system, 5 lb/ft (73
N/m) or less.
7) Distribution systems in Seismic Design Categories D, E or F included in the exceptions for conduit,
cable tray and raceways in Standard Section 13.6.6, duct systems in Standard Section 13.6.7 and
distribution, piping and tubing systems in Standard Section 13.6.8, may be exempt provided they
meet all the specified conditions listed in the Standard. Where in-line components such as valves, in-
line suspended pumps, and mixing boxes require independent support, they must be designed as
discrete components and must be braced considering the tributary contribution of the attached
distribution system.

18.1.13 Pre-Manufactured Modular Mechanical and Electrical Systems

The Standard now includes guidance on the design of pre-manufactured modular mechanical and
electrical systems. These factory-built units are transported to the site and assembled together. Section

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

13.1.5 of the Standard directs the user to Standard Chapter 15, Nonbuilding Structures, for the design of
the modular unit itself. Nonstructural components installed or supported by the modular unit are designed
in accordance with Standard Chapter 13.


18.2.1 Example Description
In this example, the architectural components are a 4.5-inch-thick precast normal-weight concrete
spandrel panel and a column cover supported by the structural steel frame of a five-story building, as
shown in Figures 18.2-1 and 18.2-2.

Spandrel panel 24'-0" Typical window

under consideration frame system

Column cover Structural

under consideration steel frame

5 at 13'-6" = 67'-6"

Figure 18.2-1 Five-story building elevation showing panel location

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

About BSSC



13'-6" story height

7'-0" column cover

Typical window
frame system

~ Column cover
under consideration

6'-6" panel

Spandrel panel
under consideration

Figure 18.2-2 Detailed building elevation

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

The columns at the third level of the five-story office building support the spandrel panel under
consideration. The columns between the third and fourth levels of the building support the column cover
under consideration. The building, located near a significant active fault, is assigned to Seismic Risk
Category II. Wind pressures normal to the building are 17 psf, determined in accordance with the
Standard. The spandrel panel supports glass windows weighing 10 psf.

This example develops prescribed seismic forces for the selected spandrel panel and prescribed
seismic displacements for the selected column cover, including revisions to the provisions for exterior
wall element connections made in the 2016 edition of the Standard.

Details of precast connections vary according to the preferences and local practices of the precast
panel supplier. In addition, some connections may involve patented designs. This example will
concentrate on quantifying the prescribed seismic forces and displacements. After the prescribed seismic
forces and displacements are determined, the connections can be detailed and designed according to the
appropriate AISC and ACI codes and the recommendations of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
(PCI). New requirements for connections that accommodate story drift through sliding or bending of steel
rods are discussed.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

18.2.2 Design Requirements Provisions Parameters and Coefficients

ap = 1.0 for wall panels and the body of the panel connections (Standard Table 13.5-1)

ap = 1.25 for fasteners of the connecting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

SDS = 1.487 (for the selected location and site class) (given)

Seismic Design Category = D (Standard Table 11.6-1)

Spandrel panel Wp = (150 lb/ft3)(24 ft)(6.5 ft)(0.375 ft) = 8,775 lb

Glass Wp = (10 lb/ft2)(21 ft)(7 ft) = 1,470 lb (supported by spandrel panel)

Column cover Wp = (150 lb/ft3)(3 ft)(7 ft)(0.375 ft) = 1,181 lb

Rp = 2.5 for wall panels and the body of the panel connections (Standard Table 13.5-1)

Rp = 1.0 for fasteners of the connecting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

Ip = 1.0 (Standard Sec. 13.1.3)

Ω0 = 1.0 for fasteners of the connecting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

z 40.5 ft
= = 0.6
h 67.5 ft (at third floor)

According to Standard Sections 13.3.1 and Item 3, the redundancy factor, ρ, for nonstructural
components is taken as 1.0 in load combinations where it appears. Performance Criteria. Component failure must not cause failure of an essential
architectural, mechanical, or electrical component (Standard Sec. 13.2.3).

Component seismic attachments must be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without
considering the frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity (Standard Sec. 13.4).

About BSSC

The effects of seismic relative displacements must be considered in combination with displacements
caused by other loads as appropriate (Standard Sec. 13.3.2).

Exterior nonstructural wall panels that are attached to or enclose the structure must be designed to
resist the forces in accordance with Standard Section 13.3.1 and must be able to accommodate
movements of the structure resulting from response to the design basis ground motion, DpI, or temperature
changes (Standard Sec. 13.5.3).

18.2.3 Spandrel Panel Connection Details. Figure 18.2-3 shows the types and locations of connections that
support one spandrel panel.

window frame
column cover/

A1 B A1
3rd Story beam


Panel C.G.

Figure 18.2-3 Spandrel panel connection layout from interior

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

The connection system must resist the weight of the panel and supported construction including the
eccentricity between that load and the supports as well as forces generated by response to the seismic
motions in all three dimensions. Furthermore, the connection system must not create undue interaction
between the structural frame and the panel, such as restraint of thermal movements of the panel or the
transfer of floor live load from the floor beam to the panel. The panels are usually very stiff compared to
the frame and this requires careful release of potential constraints at connections. PCI’s Architectural
Precast Concrete (Third Edition, 2007) provides an extended discussion of important design concepts for
such panels.

For this example, the panel dead load and vertical seismic accelerations are resisted at the two
connections identified as A, which provide the recommended simple and statically determinant system for

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

supporting the gravity load of the panel. These connections are often referred to as bearing connections.
As shown in Figure 18.2-5, there is an eccentricity between center of mass of the panel and the reaction at
the vertical support, which generates a moment that is resisted by a force couple at the pairs of A1 and A
connections. Horizontal loads parallel to the panel are resisted by the A connections. Horizontal loads
perpendicular to the panel are resisted by the A and A1 connections at the ends of the panel and the pair of
B connections mid-span. The bearing connections (A), resist forces in vertical, longitudinal (in-plane),
and transverse (out-of-plane) directions while the A1 and B connections resist forces in only the out-of-
plane direction.

The practice of resisting the horizontal in-plane force at two points varies with seismic demand and
local industry practice. An alternative option is to resist all of the in-plane horizontal force at one
connection in order to avoid restraint of panel shrinkage and thermal movements. The decision to use one
or several in-plane horizontal connections is made based on seismic demands, and local experience with
restraint issues in precast panels of similar length.

The A and A1 connections are often designed to take the loads directly to the columns, particularly on
steel moment frames where attachments to the flexural hinging regions of beams are difficult to
accomplish. To provide sufficient stiffness and strength to resist the out-of-plane loads, the lower B
connection often requires bracing the bottom flange of the exterior beam to the floor or roof deck in order
to control torsional behavior of the exterior beam, unless the connection can be placed near an
intersecting beam that will prevent twisting of the exterior beam.

The column cover is supported both vertically and horizontally by the column, transfers no loads to
the spandrel panel and provides no support for the window frame.

The window frame is supported both vertically and horizontally along the length of the spandrel panel
and transfers no loads to the column covers. Prescribed Seismic Forces. Lateral forces on the wall panels and connection fasteners
include seismic loads and wind loads. Design for wind forces is not illustrated here. Panels.

D = Wp = 8,775 lb + 1,470 lb = 10,245 lb (vertical gravity effect)

0.4 ( 1.0 ) ( 1.487 ) ( 10, 245 lb )
Fp = ( 1 + 2 ( 0.6 ) )
( 2.5
1.0) = 5,362 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Fpmax = 1.6(1.487)(1.0)(10,245 lb)
= 24,375 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.487)(1.0)(10,245 lb)
= 4,570 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

 Standard Eq. 13.3-1 governs, and Fp = 5,362 lb

About BSSC

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


QE (due to horizontal application of Fp) = 5,362 lb (Standard Sec. 12.4.2-1)

ρ = 1.0 (because panels are nonstructural components) (Standard Sec 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Substituting, the following is obtained:

Eh = ρQE = (1.0)(5,362 lb) = 5,362 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

Ev = 0.2SDSD = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.487)(10,245 lb) = 3,047 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

The above terms are then substituted into the following Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design
from Section to determine the design member and connection forces to be used in conjunction
with seismic loads.

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

For nonstructural components, the terms L and S typically are zero. Connection fasteners. The Standard specifies a reduced Rp and an increased ap for
“fasteners” with the intention of preventing premature failure in those elements of connections that are
inherently brittle, such as embedded items that depend on concrete breakout strength, or connection
elements that are simply too small to adequately dissipate energy inelastically, such as welds or individual
bolts. The net effect more than triples the design seismic force. The higher value of Rp used for the
design of the body of the connections limits together with the reduced Rp for fasteners allows the value of
Ω0 to be taken as 1.0.

0.4 ( 1.25 ) ( 1.487 ) ( 10, 245 lb )
Fp = ( 1 + 2 ( 0.6 ) )
( 1.0 )
1.0 = 16,757 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Fpmax = 1.6(1.487)(1.0)(10,245 lb)
= 24,375 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.487)(1.0)(10,245 lb)
= 4,570 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


QE (due to horizontal application of Fp) = 16,757 lb (Standard Sec. 12.4.2-1)

ρ = 1.0 (because panels are nonstructural components) (Standard Sec 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Substituting, the following is obtained:

Eh = ρQE = (1.0)(16,757 lb) = 16,757 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

Ev = 0.2SDSD = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.487)(10,245 lb) = 3,047 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

The above terms are then substituted into the following Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design
from Section to determine the design member and connection forces to be used in conjunction
with seismic loads.

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

For precast panels, the terms L and S typically are zero. Load combinations with overstrength
generally are not applicable to nonstructural components. Proportioning and Design. Panels. The wall panels should be designed for the following loads in accordance with
ACI 318. The design of the reinforced concrete panel is standard and is not illustrated in this example.
Spandrel panel moments are shown in Figure 18.2-4. Reaction shears (Vu), forces (Hu) and moments (Mu)
are calculated for applicable strength load combinations.

About BSSC

For this example, the values of L and S are assumed to be zero.

V u = Dead and/or earthquake load


L = Column spacing

M ux

Vu L

H u = Wind or earthquake load Weak


M uy

Hu L

Figure 18.2-4 Spandrel panel moments

Standard Basic Load Combination 1: 1.4D (from Standard Sec. 2.3.1)

Vu = 1.4(10,245 lb) = 14,343 lb (vertical load downward)

( 14,343 lb ) ( 24 ft )
M ux =
8 = 43,029 ft-lb (strong axis moment)

Standard Basic Load Combination 6: 1.2D + 0.2SDSD + ρQE + L + 0.2S

Vumax = [1.2 + 0.2(1.487)] (10,245 lb) = 15,341 lb (vertical load downward)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

� H u = 1.0(5,362 lbs)
= 5,362 lb (horizontal load parallel to panel)

^ H u = 1.0(5,362 lbs)
= 5,362 lb (horizontal load perpendicular to panel)

( 15,341 lb ) ( 24 ft )
M uxmax =
8 = 46,023 ft-lb (strong axis moment)

( 5,362 lb ) ( 24 ft )
M uy =
32 = 4,022 ft-lb (weak axis moment)

Standard Basic Load Combination 7: 0.9D - 0.2SDSD + ρQE

Vumin = [1.2 – 0.2(1.487)] (10,245 lb) = 6,174 lb (vertical load downward)

� H u = 1.0(5,362 lb)
= 5,362 lb (horizontal load parallel to panel)

^ H u = 1.0(5,362 lb)
= 5,362 lb (horizontal load perpendicular to panel)

M uxmin =
( 6,174 lb ) ( 24 ft )
8 = 18,522 ft-lb (strong axis moment)

M uy =
( 5,362 lb ) ( 24 ft )
32 = 4,022 ft-lb (weak axis moment) Connection fasteners. The design of the connection fasteners is not illustrated in this
example. They should be designed for the loads calculated below, in accordance with ACI 318
(Appendix D) and the AISC specification. There are special reduction factors for anchorage in high
seismic demand locations, such as factors for anchors in cracked concrete, and those reduction factors
would apply to this example. Spandrel panel connection forces are shown in Figure 18.2-5. Reaction
shears (Vu), forces (Hu) and moments (Mu) are calculated for applicable strength load combinations.

About BSSC

D = Dead
E = Earthquake
W = Wind 1'-6"
R = Reaction




E, W

Panel C.G.

Figure 18.2-5 Spandrel panel connection forces

Standard Basic Load Combination 1: 1.4D (from Standard Section 2.3.2)

1.4 ( 10, 245 lb )
VuA =
2 = 7,172 lb (vertical load downward at Points A and A1)

MuA = (7,172 lb)(1.5 ft) = 10,758 ft-lb (moment resisted by paired Points A and A1)

Horizontal couple from moment at A and A1 = 10758 / 1.33 = 8071 lb

Standard Basic Load Combination 6: 1.2D + 0.2SDSD + ρQE + L + 0.2S

1.2 + 0.2 ( 1.487 ) �
� �( 10, 245 lb )
VuA max = �
2 = 7,671 lb (vertical load downward at Point A)

^ H uA = 1.0(16, 757 lb)
16 = 3,142 lb (horizontal load perpendicular to panel at Points A and A1)

HAin = (7,671 lb)(1.5 ft) / (1.33 ft) + (3142 lb)(2.0 ft) / (1.33 ft) = 13366 lb (inward force at Point A)

HA1out = (7671 lb)(1.5 ft) / (1.33 ft) + (3,142 lb)(0.67) / (1.33 ft) = 10222 lb (outward force at Point A1)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

1.0(16,757 lb)
� H uA =
2 = 8,378 lb (horizontal load parallel to panel at Point A)

Mu2A = (8,378 lb)(1.5 ft) = 12,568 ft-lb (flexural moment at Point A)

^ H uB = 1.0(16,757 lb)
8 = 10,473 lb (horizontal load perpendicular to panel at Points B and B1)

HB = (10,743 lb)(2.0 ft) / (1.33 ft) = 15,714 lb (inward or outward force at Point B)

HB1 = (10,473 lb)(0.67 ft) / (1.33 ft) = 5,237 lb (inward or outward force at Point B1)

Standard Basic Load Combination 7: 0.9D - 0.2SDSD + ρQE

1.2 - 0.2 ( 1.487 ) �
� �( 10, 245 lb )
VuA min = �
2 = 3,086 lb (vertical load downward at Point A)

Horizontal forces are the same as combination 1.2D + 1.0E. No uplift occurs; the net reaction at
Point A is downward. Maximum forces are controlled by prior combination. It is important to realize
that inward and outward acting horizontal forces generate different demands where the connections are
eccentric to the center of mass, as in this example. Only the maximum reactions are computed above. Prescribed Seismic Displacements. Prescribed seismic displacements are not applicable to
the spandrel panel because all connections are at essentially the same elevation.

18.2.4 Column Cover Connection Details. Figure 18.2-6 shows the key to the types of forces resisted at each
column cover connection.

About BSSC



window frame C E
column cover

D E Cover C.G.


Figure 18.2-6 Column cover connection layout

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

Vertical loads, horizontal loads parallel to the panel and horizontal loads perpendicular to the panel
are resisted at Point C. The eccentricity of vertical loads is resisted by a force couple at Points C and D.
The horizontal load parallel to the panel eccentricity between the panel and the support is resisted in
flexure of the connection at Point C. This connection is designed to take the loads directly to the column.

In-plane horizontal loads parallel to the panel are resisted at Point D. The eccentricity between center
of mass of the panel and the reaction at the vertical support generates a moment that is resisted by a force
couple of Points C and D. The eccentricity of horizontal loads parallel to the panel is resisted by flexure
at the connection at Point D. The connection is designed so as not to restrict vertical movement of the
panel due to thermal effects or seismic input. The connection is designed to take the loads directly to the

Out-of-plane horizontal loads perpendicular to the panel are resisted equally at Points C and D and
the two points identified as E. The connections are designed to take the loads directly to the columns.

There is no load eccentricity associated with the horizontal loads perpendicular to the panel.

In this example, all connections are made to the sides of the column because usually there is not
enough room between the outside face of the column and the inside face of the cover to allow a feasible
load-carrying connection. Prescribed Seismic Forces. Calculation of prescribed seismic forces for the column cover
is not shown in this example. They should be determined in the same manner as illustrated for the
spandrel panels. Prescribed Seismic Displacements. The results of an elastic analysis of the building
structure usually are not available in time for use in the design of the precast cladding system. As a result,
prescribed seismic displacements usually are calculated based on allowable story drift requirements:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

hsx = story height = 13’-6”

hx = height of upper support attachment = 47’-9”

hy = height of lower support attachment = 41’-9”

ΔaA = 0.020hsx (Standard Table 12.12-1)

(h x )
– hy  aA ( 72 in.) 0.020hsx
Dp = hsx = hsx = 1.44 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-8)

DpI = DpIe= 1.44 in (1.0) = 1.44 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-6)

The joints at the top and bottom of the column cover must be designed to accommodate an in-plane
relative displacement of 1.44 inches. The column cover will rotate somewhat as these displacements
occur, depending on the nature of the connections to the column. If the supports at one level are “fixed”
to the columns while the other level is designed to “float”, that is, free to allow vertical movement, then
the rotation will be that of the column at the point of attachment.

In the 2016 edition of the Standard, requirements were added for exterior wall panel connections
which accommodate story drift through sliding mechanisms or bending of threaded steel rods. Standard
Section 13.5.3 requires that threaded rods in these applications be fabricated of low-carbon or stainless
steel. When cold-worked carbon steel threaded rod is used, the rods as fabricated must meet or exceed
the reduction of area, elongation, and tensile strength requirements specified in the Standard. For sliding
connections utilizing slotted or oversized holes, the rods must have length to diameter ratios of 4 or less,
where the length is the clear distance between the nuts or threaded plates. The slots or oversized holes
must be proportioned to accommodate the full in-plane design story drift in each direction. In
connections where story drift is accommodating d by bending of the threaded rod, it must satisfy
Standard Eq. 13.5-1:

(L/d)/DpI ≥ 6.0 [1/in.]

 where:

L = clear length of rod between nuts or threaded plates [in.]

d = rod diameter [in.]

 Assuming in this example that a ½ inch diameter rod with a clear length of the rod of 10 inches is

[(10 in.)/(0.5 in.)])/(1.44 in.) = 13.9 ≥ 6.0, O.K.

About BSSC

18.2.5 Additional Design Considerations Window Frame System. The window frame system is supported by the spandrel panels
above and below. Assuming that the spandrel panels move in-plane with each floor level and are rigid
when subject to in-plane forces, the window frame system must accommodate the entire prescribed
seismic displacement based on the full story height.

( hx – hy )  aA ( 162 in.) 0.020hsx
Dp= hsx = hsx = 3.24 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-8)

DpI = DpIe= 3.24 in (1.0) = 3.24 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-6)

The window frame system must be designed to accommodate an in-plane relative displacement of
3.24 inches between the top and bottom spandrels. Normally this is accommodated by a clearance
between the glass and the frame. Standard Section prescribes a method of checking such a
clearance. It requires that the clearance be large enough so that the glass panel will not fall out of the
frame unless the relative seismic displacement at the top and bottom of the panel exceeds 125 percent of
the predicted value amplified by the building importance factor. If hp and bp are the respective height and
width of individual panes and if the horizontal and vertical clearances are designated c1 and c2,
respectively, then the following expression applies:

h p c2

D clear =2 c1 1+ )
b p c1
≥1.25 D pI

(Standard Sec., Exception 1)

For hp = 7 feet, bp = 5 feet and DpI = 3.24 inches and setting c1 = c2, the minimum required clearance

Dclear =1.25DpI = 1.25(3.24 in.)=4.05 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-6)

Solving for c1:

( 7 ft . ) c 1
4.05∈.=2 ( c1 ) 1+
( 5 ft . ) c 1)=4.80 c 1

Required clearance = c1 = c2= 0.84 inch. Building Corners. Some thought needs to be given to seismic behavior at external building
corners. The preferred approach is to detail the corners with two separate panel pieces, mitered at a
45 degree angle, with high grade sealant between the sections. An alternative choice of detailing L-
shaped corner pieces introduces more seismic mass and load eccentricity into connections on both sides
of the corner column, and may also trigger the need for wider joints between the column cover and
adjacent glazing and curtain wall units to prevent interaction under story drift. This is often the case if
panels that accommodate story drift by rocking or rotation are adjacent to panels that do not rock or
rotate, such as the spandrel in this example. Dimensional Coordination. It is important to coordinate dimensions with the architect and
structural engineer. Precast concrete panels must be located a sufficient distance from the building

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

structural frame to allow room for the design of efficient load transfer connection pieces. However,
distances must not be so large as to increase unnecessarily the load eccentricities between the panels and
the frame.


18.3.1 Example Description
Egress stairs are an essential part of the system used to evacuate building occupants following an
earthquake. Failure of the stairs may trap building occupants on the upper levels of the structure.
Ladders on emergency vehicles can usually only reach the lower floors in mid- and high-rise structures.
This was especially prevalent in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. In recognition of their importance,
egress stairs are assigned a component importance factor, Ip =1.5. In the 2016 edition of the Standard, a
new section was added to Chapter 13 with specific requirements intended to limit damage and improve
functionality of egress stairs following an earthquake. The new requirements do not apply to egress stair
systems and ramps that are integral with the building structure since it is assumed that the seismic
resistance of these systems is addressed in the overall building design. Examples include stairs and ramps
integral with monolithic concrete construction, light-frame wood and cold-formed metal stair systems in
multiunit residential construction, and integrally constructed masonry stairs.

In this example, egress stairs of prefabricated steel construction are installed in a five-story reinforced
concrete moment frame building. The example focuses on the flight of stairs running between the 3 rd and
4th Levels of the building. Elevation, plan, and isometric views of the stairs are shown in Figures 18.3-1,
18.3-2, and 18.3-3. The prescribed seismic forces and displacements for the flight of stairs between
Levels 3 and 4 in the buildings are determined. The treads and landings are fabricated from 1/8 inch thick
steel checkered plate. The stringers are fabricated from ¼ inch thick steel plate, and other members and
supports are fabricated from steel channels, angles, and tube. The effective dead load is estimated at 20
psf, and the design live load is 100 psf. This example focuses on quantifying the prescribed seismic
forces and displacements. The design of the stairs themselves and their connections for dead, live, and
seismic loads is not covered.

While this example focuses on stairs required for egress, the principles can applied to all types of

About BSSC

Figure 18.3-1 Elevation of egress stairs

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

Figure 18.3-2 Plan of egress stairs

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Figure 18.3-3 Isometric view of egress stairs

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m)

18.3.2 Design Requirements Provisions parameters and coefficients

ap = 1.0 Egress stairways not part of the seismic force-resisting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

ap = 2.5 Egress stairs and ramp fasteners and attachments (Standard Table 13.5-1)

SDS = 1.00 (for the selected location and site class) (given)

Seismic Design Category = D (Standard Table 11.6-1)

Rp = 2.5 Egress stairways not part of the seismic force-resisting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

About BSSC

Rp = 2.5 Egress stairs and ramp fasteners and attachments (Standard Table 13.5-1)

Ip = 1.0 (Standard Sec. 13.1.3)

Ω0 = 2.0 for fasteners of the connecting system (Standard Table 13.5-1)

Landing Wp = (20 lb/ft3)(7.33 ft)(3.5 ft) = 513 lb

Flight Wp = (20 lb/ft2)(10.08 ft)(3.5 ft) = 706 lb (Single flight from landing to floor)

(at Level 3)

(at Level 4)

According to Standard Sections 13.3.1 and Item 3), the redundancy factor, ρ, for
nonstructural components is taken as 1.0 in load combinations where it appears. Performance Criteria.

Supports, attachments, and the egress stairs themselves must be designed to meet the seismic
requirements of the Standard, Chapter 13 (Standard Sec. 13.2.1).

Component failure must not cause failure of an essential architectural, mechanical, or electrical
component (Standard Sec. 13.2.3).

Component seismic attachments must be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without
considering the frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity (Standard Sec. 13.4).

The effects of seismic relative displacements must be considered in combination with displacements
caused by other loads as appropriate (Standard Sec. 13.3.2).

The net relative displacement shall be assumed to occur in any horizontal direction, and shall be
accommodated through slotted or sliding connections, or metal supports designed with rotation capacity
to accommodate seismic relative displacements (Standard Sec. 13.5.10).

Sliding connections with slotted or oversize holes, sliding bearing supports with restraints that engage
after the displacement DpI, is exceeded (e.g. keeper assemblies or end stops), and connections that permit
movement by deformation of metal attachments, shall accommodate a displacement DpI, but not less than
0.5 in. (13 mm), without loss of vertical support or inducement of displacement-related compression
forces in the stair (Standard Sec. 13.5.10).

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Sliding bearing supports without keeper assemblies or end stops shall be designed to accommodate a
displacement 1.5DpI, but not less than 1.0 in. (25 mm) without loss of vertical support. Break-away
restraints are permitted if their failure does not lead to loss of vertical support (Standard Sec. 13.5.10).

The strength of the supports shall not be limited by bolt shear, weld fracture or other limit states with
lesser ductility (Standard Sec. 13.5.10).

If sliding or ductile connections are not provided to accommodate seismic relative displacements, the
stiffness and strength of the stair or ramp structure shall be included in the building structural model of
Standard Section 12.7.3 and the stair shall be designed with Ω0 corresponding to the seismic force-
resisting system but not less than 2½ (Standard Sec. 13.5.10).

18.3.3 Force and Displacement Demands

Stairs are generally displacement-controlled. Unless the stairs are included in the design of the
structure’s lateral force-resisting system, they must be either isolated from the lateral displacement of the
building or provided with ductile connections, capable of accepting the lateral displacements without loss
of vertical load-carrying capacity. Sufficient ductility must be provided in these connections to
accommodate multiple cycles at anticipated maximum drift levels.

There are many different approaches for dealing with seismic displacement demand on egress stairs.
In this example, for displacements parallel to the flights of stairs, the X-direction in Figure 18.3-3, the
stair assembly is fixed at Level 3 of the structure by connections A3 and B3. Connections A4 and B4 on
Level 4 are detailed to accommodate story drift by sliding in the X-direction. For displacements
perpendicular to the flights of stairs, the Y-direction in Figure 18.3-3, the stair is fixed in the Y-direction
by connections A3 and B3 and connections A4 and B4 are a detailed to accommodate story drift by
sliding in the Y-direction. This connection configuration induces twisting of the stairs about the Z axis,
due to the eccentricity between the center of gravity of the stairs and the center of resistance of the
connections. This eccentricity must be accounted for in the design. When designing the stairs themselves,
the seismic forces should be distributed relative to the components mass distribution. For simplicity in the
connection calculations in this example, the mass of the stairs is lumped at the landing and at the center of
gravity of each flight of stairs. Although the mass of the stairs is distributed between Levels 3 and 4, the
lateral force is calculated assuming it is concentrated at Level 3, since the connections at Level 4 are free
to slide in the X- and Y- directions. Flights of Stairs.

D = Wp = 706 lb (vertical gravity effect)

L = (10.08)(3.5)(100 psf) = 3,528 lb (vertical gravity effect)

0.4(1.0)(1.0)(706 lb)
Fp= ( 1+2( 0.4) )=306 lb
2.5 (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

About BSSC

Fpmax = 1.6(1.0)(1.5)(706 lb) = 1,694 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.0)(1.5)(706 lb) = 318 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

 Standard Eq. 13.3-3 governs, and Fp = 318 lb

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


QE (due to horizontal application of Fp) = 318 lb (Standard Sec.

ρ = 1.0 (because egress stairs are nonstructural components) (Standard Sec 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Substituting, the following is obtained:

Eh = ρQE = (1.0)( 318 lb) = 318 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

Ev = 0.2SDSD = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.0)(318 lb) = 64 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

The above terms are then substituted into the following Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design
from Standard Section to determine the design member forces to be used in conjunction with
seismic and gravity loads.

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7) Landing.

D = Wp = 513 lb (vertical gravity effect)

L = (7.33)(3.5)(100 psf) = 2,566 lb (vertical gravity effect)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

0.4(1.0)(1.0)(513 lb)
Fp= ( 1+2(0.4))=222 lb
2.5 (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Fpmax = 1.6(1.0)(1.5)(513 lb) = 1,231 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.0)(1.5)(513 lb) = 231 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

 Standard Eq. 13.3-3 governs, and Fp = 231 lb

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


QE (due to horizontal application of Fp) = 231 lb (Standard Sec. 12.4.2-1)

ρ = 1.0 (because egress stairs are nonstructural components) (Standard Sec 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Substituting, the following is obtained:

Eh = ρQE = (1.0)( 231 lb) = 231 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

Ev = 0.2SDSD = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.0)(231 lb) = 46 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

The above terms are also substituted into the Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design from
Standard Section to determine the design member forces to be used in conjunction with seismic
and gravity loads. After the prescribed seismic forces and displacements are determined, the stairs
members are designed to carry the dead, live, and seismic loads, and the connections can be detailed and
designed according to the appropriate standards.

About BSSC

If the connections at Level 4 also provided lateral restraint, then it is recommended that design be
based on the average of values of Fp determined individually at each point of attachment, but with the
entire component weight, Wp. In this example, Fp would be calculated first assuming the stairs were
completely supported at Level 3, then repeating the calculation assuming the stairs were completely
supported at Level 4. The results would then be averaged. Alternatively, for each point of attachment, a
force Fp may be determined with the portion of the component weight, Wp, tributary to the point of

 Egress Stairs and Ramp Fasteners and Attachments. The Standard specifies an increased
ap for egress stair and ramp fasteners and attachments with the intention of preventing premature failure
in those elements, which could cause loss of vertical support. The change in ap only effects the force
calculated using Standard Eq. 13.3-1. For a flight of stairs,

0.4(1.0)(2.5)(706 lb)
Fp= ( 1+ 2(0.4) )=765 lb

(Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

 Standard Eq. 13.3-1 governs, and Fp = 765 lb.

 For the landing,

0.4(1.0)(2.5)(513 lb)
Fp= ( 1+2(0.4))=555 lb

(Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

 Again, Standard Eq. 13.3-1 governs, and Fp = 555 lb. Prescribed Seismic Displacements. Assuming the results of an elastic analysis of the
building structure is not available for use in the design of the egress stairs, prescribed seismic
displacements are calculated based on allowable story drift requirements:

hsx = story height = 14’-0”

hx = height of upper support attachment, Level 4 = 42’-0”

hy = height of lower support attachment, Level 3 = 28’-0”

ΔaA = 0.020hsx (Standard Table 12.12-1)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

( hx – hy )  aA 14 (12)(0.020 hsx )
Dp = = hsx = 3.36 in.

(Standard Eq. 13.3-8)

DpI = DpIe= 3.36 in (1.5) = 5.14 in. (Standard Eq. 13.3-6)

 Assuming that the connections of the egress stairs to the structure at Level 4 are sliding connections with
slotted or oversize holes, sliding bearing supports must be provided with restraints that engage after the
displacement DpI, is exceeded (e.g. keeper assemblies or end stops), The connections must be designed to
accommodate DpI, without loss of vertical support or inducement of displacement-related compression
forces in the stair. The displacement can act in any direction, so the connection must be able to
accommodate a total range of movement of two times DpI, or 10.28 inches in all directions, If a keeper
assemblies or end stops are not provided, the connection must be designed accommodate 1.5 DpIe, or 7.56
inches, or a total range of movememt of 15.12 inches.

 Accomodating displacements of these magnitudes may be problamatic from a practical destgn
perspective, and connection options that rely on yielding of ductile steel elements may produce a more
efficient design.


18.4.1 Example Description
In this example, the mechanical component is a 4-foot-high, 5-foot-wide, 8-foot-long, 3,000-pound
HVAC fan unit that is supported on the two long sides near each corner (Figure 18.4-1). The component
is located at the roof level of a five-story office building, near a significant active fault. The building is
assigned to Seismic Risk Category II. Two methods of attaching the component to the 4,000 psi, normal-
weight roof slab are considered, as follows:

Direct attachment to the structure with 36 ksi, carbon steel, cast-in-place anchors.

Support on vibration isolation springs that are attached to the slab with 36 ksi, carbon steel, post-
installed expansion anchors. The nominal gap between the vibration spring seismic restraints and
the base frame of the fan unit is presumed to be greater than 0.25 in.

About BSSC

Attachment location (typical).

HVAC fan unit Direct attachment shown

W = 3,000 lbs


Plan Center-of-mass

Concrete Concrete

a = 7'-0" b = 5'-6"

Elevation Elevation

Figure 18.4-1 HVAC fan unit

(1.0 ft = 0.3048 m, 1.0 lb = 4.45 N)

18.4.2 Design Requirements Seismic design parameters and coefficients.

ap = 2.5 for both direct attachment and spring isolated (Standard Table 13.6-1)

Ω0 = 2.0 for anchorage to concrete with nonductile behavior (Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote c)

SDS = 1.487 (for the selected location and site class) (given)

Seismic Design Category = D (Standard Table 11.6-1)

Wp = 3,000 lb (given)

Rp = 6.0 for HVAC fans, directly attached (not vibration isolated) (Standard Table 13.6-1)

 Rp =
2.0 for spring isolated components with restraints

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

(Standard Table 13.6-1)

 Ip = 1.0
(Standard Sec. 13.1.3)

z/h = 1.0 (for roof-mounted equipment) Performance Criteria. Component failure should not cause failure of an essential
architectural, mechanical, or electrical component (Standard Sec. 13.2.3).

Component seismic attachments must be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without
consideration of frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity (Standard Sec. 13.4).

Attachments to concrete or masonry must be designed to resist the load combinations considering Ω 0
in accordance with Standard Section 2.3.6 unless the component or a support in the load path leading to
the structure undergoes ductile yielding at a load level less than the design strength of the corresponding
anchor. (Standard Sec. 13.4.2).

Attachments and supports transferring seismic loads must be constructed of materials suitable for the
application and must be designed and constructed in accordance with a nationally recognized structural
standard (Standard Sec. 13.6.5).

Components mounted on vibration isolation systems must have a bumper restraint or snubber in each
horizontal direction. Vertical restraints must be provided where required to resist overturning. Isolator
housings and restraints must also be constructed of ductile materials. A viscoelastic pad, or similar
material of appropriate thickness, must be used between the bumper and equipment item to limit the
impact load (Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote b). Such components also must resist doubled seismic
design forces if the nominal clearance (air gap) between the equipment support frame and restraints is
greater than 0.25 in. (Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote b).

18.4.3 Direct Attachment to Structure

This section illustrates determination of forces for cast-in-place concrete anchors, where the design
anchor strength is greater than the strength capacity of the ductile steel anchorage element. Therefore, the
load combinations considering Ω0 are not used for the component anchorage design.

Figure 18.4-2 shows a free-body diagram for seismic force analysis.

About BSSC

0.2S DS D

 QE

Vu D Vu

Figure 18.4-2 Free-body diagram for seismic force analysis

(1.0 ft = 0.348 m)

0.4(2.5)(1.487)(3, 000 lb)
1 + 2 ( 1) �

� �
(6.0 / 1.0)
Fp = = 2,231 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Fpmax = 1.6(1.487)(1.0)(3,000 lb)
= 7,138 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.487)(1.0)(3, 000 lb)
= 1,338 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

Since Fp is greater the Fpmin and less than Fpmax, the value determined from Equation 13.3-1 applies.

Eh = ρQE (Standard Eq. 12.4-3)

Ev = 0.2SDSD (Standard Eq. 12.4-4a)


QE (due to horizontal application of Fp) = 2,231 lb (Standard Sec. 12.4.2-1)

ρ = 1.0 (HVAC units are nonstructural components)
(Standard Sec. 13.3.1)

D = dead load effect (due to vertical load application)

Substituting, one obtains:

Eh = ρQE = (1.0)(2,231 lb) = 2,231 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Ev = 0.2SDSD = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.487)(3,000 lb) = 892 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

The above terms are then substituted into the following Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design
of Section to determine the design member and connection forces to be used in conjunction with
seismic loads.

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

Based on the free-body diagram, the seismic load effects can be used to determine bolt shear, Vu and
tension, Tu (where a negative value indicates tension). In the calculations below, the signs of SDS and Fp
have been selected to result in the largest value of Tu.

U = 1.2D + 0.2SDSD + ρQE

1.0 (2,231 lb)
Vu = 4 bolts = 558 lb/bolt

1.2 - 0.2 ( 1.487 ) �

� �( 3,000 lb ) ( 2.75 ft ) - 1.0 ( 2,231) ( 2 ft )
Tu = (5.5 ft)(2 bolts) = 299 lb/bolt (no tension)

U = 0.9D - 0.2SDSD + ρQE

1.0 (2,231 lb)
Vu = 4 bolts = 558 lb/bolt

0.9 - 0.2 ( 1.487 ) �

� �( 3,000 lb ) ( 2.75 ft ) - 1.0 ( 2,231 lb ) ( 2 ft )
Tu = (5.5 ft)(2 bolts) = 46 lb/bolt (no tension)

Anchors with design capacities exceeding the calculated demands would be selected using the
procedures in ACI 318 Appendix D.

18.4.4 Support on Vibration Isolation Springs

This portion of the example illustrates the design of the same HVAC unit when the component is
supported on vibration isolators and determination of anchor design forces when the attachment to the
structure is made with anchors controlled by concrete breakout. The nominal clearance (air gap) between
the equipment support frame and the seismic restraint is presumed to be greater than 1/4 in, so the design

About BSSC

value of Fp is doubled, per Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote c. If a limit of gap clearance to ¼ inch (which
would require special inspection during construction to be sure it happened) was specified, it would
reduce design seismic forces on seismic restraints and associated anchorage. For anchors to concrete, the
load combinations considering Ω0 are used for the component anchorage design.

Equipment that contains rotating or reciprocating components may be internally isolated. Externally
the equipment is directly attached to the structure, but vibration isolators are installed on some of the
internal components. Internally isolated components are subject to higher seismic design forces, and the
appropriate design coefficients from Standard Table 13.6-1 should be used. Any mechanical component
that normally would contain rotating or reciprocating items and is directly attached to the structure should
be investigated to determine if it is internally isolated. Any component which contains one or more
internal items that are mounted on vibration isolators, such as fans or motors inside air handler units, is
considered an internally isolated component and should be design for higher loads as specified in the

Design forces applied to the top of the vibration isolators are determined by an analysis of earthquake
forces applied in a diagonal horizontal direction as shown in Figure 18.4-3. Terminology and concept are
taken from ASHRAE APP IP. In the equations below, Fpv = Ev = 0.2SDSWp:

Angle of diagonal loading:

�b �
q = tan -1 � �
�a � (ASHRAE APP IP Eq. 17)

Tension per isolator:

W p - Fpv Fp h �cosq sin q �
Tu = - � + �
4 2 �b a � (ASHRAE APP IP Eq. 18)

Compression per isolator:

W p + Fpv Fp h �cosq sin q �
Cu = + +
4 2 � �b a � � (ASHRAE APP IP Eq. 19)

Shear per isolator:

Vu =
4 (ASHRAE APP IP Eq. 20)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

4 3
q F p cos (q ) W P = Operating weight of equipment
F P = Seismic horizontal force
FPV = Seismic vertical force
F p sin (q ) a = Distance between vibration isolators along Y-Y
b = Distance between vibration isolators along X-X
h = Height of center of gravity
= Vibration isolator location
1 2

Plan view


F p sin (q ) F p cos (q )
Wp Wp

1 a 2 2 b 3

Figure 18.4-3 ASHRAE diagonal seismic force analysis for vibration isolation springs

Select the worst-case assumption.

0.4(2.5)(1.487) ( 3,000 lb )
( 1 + 2(1) )
Fp = (2.0/1.0) = 6,692 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Fpmax = 1.6(1.487)(1.0)(3,000 lb)
= 7,138 lb (Standard Eq.13.3-2)

Fpmin = 0.3(1.487)(1.0)(3, 000 lb)
= 1,338 lb (Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

Components mounted on vibration isolation systems must have a bumper restraint or snubber in each
horizontal direction. Per Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote b, the design force must be taken as 2Fp if
nominal clearance (air gap) between equipment and seismic restraint is greater than 0.25 inch.

QE = 2Fp = 2(6,692 lb) = 13,384 lb (Standard Sec. 6.1.3)

ρ = 1.0 (HVAC units are nonstructural components) (Standard Sec. 13.3.1)

About BSSC

ρQE = (1.0)(13,384 lb) = 13,384 lb (horizontal earthquake effect)

Fpv(ASHRAE) = 0.2SDSD = (0.2)(1.487)(3,000 lb) = 892 lb (vertical earthquake effect)

D = Wp = 3,000 lb (vertical gravity effect)

The above terms are then substituted into the Basic Load Combinations for Strength Design of
Section 2.3.6 to determine the design member and connection forces to be used in conjunction with
seismic loads.

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S (Standard Basic Load Combination 6)

0.9D - Ev + Eh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

These seismic load effects can be used to determine bolt shear, Vu and tension, Tu (where a negative
value indicates tension). In the calculations below, the signs of SDS and Fp have been selected to result in
the largest value of Tu. Similar calculations would be performed to determine the maximum compressive
force Cu.

U = 1.2D + 0.2SDSD + ρQE

1.2 ( 3,000 lb ) – ( 892 lb ) ( 13,384 lb ) ( 2 ft ) �cos ( 51.8 deg ) + sin ( 51.8 deg ) �
- � �
4 2 � 7 ft 5.5 ft �= -2,405 lb
Tu =

1.2 ( 3,000 lb ) + ( 892 lb ) ( 13,384 lb ) ( 2 ft ) �cos ( 51.8 deg ) sin ( 51.8 deg ) �
+ � + �
4 2 � 7 ft 5.5 ft �= 4,204 lb
Cu =

13,384 lb
Vu = 4 = 3,346 lb

U = 0.9D - 0.2SDSD + ρQE

�7 ft �
q = tan -1 � �= 51.8

�5.5 ft �

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

0.9 ( 3,000 lb ) – ( 892 lb ) ( 13,384 lb ) ( 2 ft ) �cos ( 51.8 deg ) + sin ( 51.8 deg ) �
- � �
4 2 � 7 ft 5.5 ft �= 2,630 lb
Tu =

0.9 ( 3,000 lb ) + ( 892 lb ) ( 13,384 lb ) ( 2 ft ) �cos ( 51.8 deg ) sin ( 51.8 deg ) �
+ � + �
4 2 � 7 ft 5.5 ft �= -3,980 lb
Cu =

13,384 lb
Vu = 4 = 3,346 lb
The vibration isolator would be designed to resist these forces. Proportioning and Details. In this example, there is no component or a support in the load
path leading to the structure that undergoes ductile yielding at a load level less than the design strength of
the corresponding anchor, so the anchors are designed to resist the load combinations considering Ω 0 in
accordance with Standard Section 2.3.6. In the calculations below, the signs of SDS and Fp have been
selected to result in the largest value of Tu. The geometry of the vibration isolators are shown in Figure
18.4-4. By inspection, the load combination that results in net tension on the anchors governs. Applying
the load combinations of Standard Section 2.3.6, Load Combination 7, the vertical design tension force

U = 0.9D – Ev + Emh (Standard Basic Load Combination 7)

Emh = Ω0QE (Standard Eq. 12.4-7)

�7 ft �
q = tan -1 � = 51.8o
�5.5 ft �

Tension per isolator:

W p−F pv F p h cosθ sinθ

2 b
a ( )

Tu =
0.9 ( 3,000 lb )−(892lb )
−( 2.0 )
2 7 ft (
(13,384 lb)(2 ft ) cos ⁡( 51.8 deg) sin ⁡( 51.8 deg)
5.5 ft )
=-5,737 lb

Acting concurrently with tension, the horizontal design shear force is:

About BSSC

Ω0 F p
V u=

Vu = 2.0 ( 13,384
) = 6,692 lb

Since the horizontal shear force is applied at the top of the isolator, it generates a moment that induces
prying action, which will increase the tension on the anchor. Other local prying effects are assumed to be
negligible, although in some cases these effects will be significant and would further increase the design
anchor force. Assuming that each isolator is attached to the concrete slab with two anchors, the design
tension force per anchor including the effects of prying, Tb is:

Tu Vu
 T b= −
2anchors 2∈. 2 anchors
2 )
−5,737 lb 5∈.

2∈. ( )( 6,692lb
2 )
=−8,365 lb(tension)

 The design shear force per bolt, Vb is:

V b= = 3,346 lb.
2 anchors


Equipment frame

Vu Vibration isolator
w/ seismic housing
H = 5"



W = 4"

Figure 18.4-4 Anchor and snubber loads for support on vibration isolation springs
(1.0 in. = 25.4 mm)

18.4.5 Additional Considerations for Support on Vibration Isolators

Vibration isolation springs are provided for equipment to prevent vibration from being transmitted to
the building structure. However, they provide virtually no resistance to horizontal seismic forces. In such
cases, some type of restraint is required to resist the seismic forces. Figure 18.4-5 illustrates one concept

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

where a bolt attached to the equipment base is allowed to displace a controlled distance (gap) in either
direction along its longitudinal axis before it contacts resilient impact material.

Gap Gap
Equipment Impact
frame material

Steel bushing
bolted or welded
to equipment frame

Figure 18.4-5 Lateral restraint required to resist seismic forces

Design of restraints for vibration-isolated equipment varies for different applications and for different
manufacturers. In most cases, restraint design incorporates all directional capability with an air gap, a
soft impact material and a ductile restraint or housing.

Restraints should have all-directional restraint capability to resist both horizontal and vertical motion.
Vibration isolators have little or no resistance to overturning forces. Therefore, if there is a difference in
height between the equipment's center of gravity and the support points of the springs, rocking is
inevitable and vertical restraint is required.

An air gap between the restraint device and the equipment prevents vibration from transmitting to the
structure during normal operation of the equipment. Air gaps generally are no greater than 1/4 inch.
Dynamic tests indicate a significant increase in acceleration for air gaps larger than 1/4 inch, and this is
reflected in the requirement in Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote b. that Fp be doubled if the air gap exceeds
¼ inch.

A soft impact material, often an elastomer such as bridge bearing neoprene, reduces accelerations and
impact loads by preventing steel-to-steel contact. The thickness of the elastomer can significantly reduce
accelerations to both the equipment and the restraint device and should be addressed specifically for life-
safety applications.

In Section 18.4.4, the example was for a housed isolator, where the vibration isolator and seismic
restraints are combined into a single unit. A ductile restraint or housing is critical to prevent catastrophic
failure. Unfortunately, housed isolators made of brittle materials such as cast iron often are assumed to be
capable of resisting seismic loads and continue to be installed in seismic zones.

About BSSC

Overturning calculations for vibration-isolated equipment must consider a worst-case scenario as

illustrated in Section However, important variations in calculation procedures merit further
discussion. For equipment that is usually directly attached to the structure or mounted on housed
vibration isolators, the weight can be used as a restoring force since the equipment will not transfer a
tension load to the anchors until the entire equipment weight is overcome at any corner. For equipment
installed on any other vibration-isolated system (such as the separate spring and snubber arrangement
shown in Figure 18.4-5), the weight of the unit cannot be used to provide a restoring force in the
overturning calculations.

As the foregoing illustrates, design of restraints for resiliently mounted equipment is a specialized topic.
The Standard sets out only a few of the governing criteria. Some suppliers of vibration isolators in the
highest seismic zones are familiar with the appropriate criteria and procedures. Consultation with these
suppliers may be beneficial.


In the 2016 edition of the Standard, the design requirements for piping, electrical raceways and ducts
were updated and consolidated. Piping and tubing systems requirements are contained in Standard
Section 13.6.8. Suspended components that are installed in-line and rigidly connected to and supported
by the piping system such as valves, strainers, traps, pumps, air separators and tanks are permitted to be
considered part of the piping system for the purposes of determining the need for and sizing of lateral
bracing. Where components are braced independently due to their weight but the associated piping is not
braced, flexibility must be provided to accommodate relative movement between the components.

Piping systems may be exempt from the seismic design requirements if they meet the requirements in
Standard Section Piping systems with Ip=1.0, may be exempt if flexible connections, expansion
loops or other assemblies are provided to accommodate the relative displacement between component and
piping, the piping system is positively attached to the structure, and where one of the following apply:

Trapeze assemblies with 3/8-in. diameter rod hangers not exceeding 12 in. in length from the pipe
support point to the connection at the supporting structure are used to support piping and no single
pipe exceeds the specified size limits, and the total weight of the piping supported by the any
single trapeze assembly is 100 lb or less, or
Trapeze assemblies with 1/2-in. diameter rod hangers not exceeding 12 in. in length from the pipe
support point to the connection at the supporting structure are used to support piping and no single
pipe exceeds the specified size limits, and the total weight of the piping supported by the any
single trapeze assembly is 200 lb or less, or
Trapeze assemblies with 1/2-in. diameter rod hangers not exceeding 24 in. in length from the pipe
support point to the connection at the supporting structure are used to support piping and no single
pipe exceeds the specified size limits, and the total weight of the piping supported by the any
single trapeze assembly is 100 lb or less.

Piping supported by individual rod hangers may be exempt if it is supported by rods of 3/8- or 1/
diameter, each hanger is 12 in. in length or less, the total weight supported by any hanger is less than 50
lb., and the piping meets specified limitation on diameter and seismic design category.

18.5.1 Example Description

This example illustrates seismic design for a portion of a piping system in an acute care hospital. It
illustrates determination of the seismic demands on the system, consideration of anchorage and bracing of
the system and design for system displacements within the structure and between structures. The example

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

focuses on the determination of force and displacement demands on the different components of the
system. The sizing of the various elements (braces, anchor bolts, etc.) are not covered in detail.

The Standard provides requirements for three types of piping systems: ASME B31 pressure piping
systems (Sec., fire protection piping systems in accordance with NFPA 13 (Sec. and
other piping systems (Sec. 13.6.8). This example considers three piping runs of a chilled water piping
system supported from the roof of a two-story structure. The system is not intended to meet the ASME 31
requirements and, therefore, is designed to the “other piping system” requirements of the Standard. The
piping system is illustrated in Figures 18.5-1 and 18.5-2 and a typical trapeze-type support assembly is
shown in Figures 18.5-3 and 18.5-4. One run of the piping system crosses a seismic separation joint to
enter an adjacent structure. The building, a hospital, is located in an area of high ground shaking potential
and assigned to Seismic Risk Category IV.

Figure 18.5-1 Plan of Piping system

About BSSC

1 2 3
Structural Separation Joint

2'-6" Roof

Support 1 Support 2 Support 3

Pipe "A"

Pipes "A", "B", and "C"

Support M
Pipe "C"

Mechanical Unit

Level 2

Support 4

Figure 18.5-2 Piping system near Column Line A


"A" "B" "C"

A Section
- Support 1

Figure 18.5-3 Typical trapeze-type support assembly with transverse bracing

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


B Section
- Support 1

Figure 18.5-4 Typical trapeze-type support assembly with longitudinal bracing Earthquake Design Requirements. Earthquake design requirements for piping systems in the
Standard depends on the system importance factor (Ip), the pipe diameter and the installation geometry.
The importance factor is determined in Standard Section 13.1.3. Given that the structure is assigned to
Seismic Risk Category IV, the components are assigned Ip = 1.5, unless it can be shown that the
component is not needed for continued operation of the facility and failure of the component would not
impair operations. Since failure of the piping system will result in flooding of the hospital, Ip = 1.5.

Some piping is exempt from some or all of the seismic requirements, provided it meets the criteria in
Standard Section The exemptions in Section 13.1.4 apply only to components with Ip = 1.0 and
therefore are not applicable to this example. In Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F, Section
Item 4 waives seismic support requirements for piping with Ip greater than 1.0 if the pipe is 1 in. or less in
diameter, has an Rp of 4.5 or greater, is supported by rods less than 12 inches long from the pipe support
point to the connection to the supporting structure. The total weight supported by any single hanger must
be less than 50 lb. Our example piping system does not meet these requirements, so seismic design and
lateral supports will be required.

"Other" piping systems must meet the following requirements of the Standard:

Section 13.3: Seismic Demands on Nonstructural Components

Section 13.4: Nonstructural Component Anchorage

Section 13.6.3: Mechanical Components

Section 13.6.5: Component Supports

About BSSC

It is important to note that per Standard Section 13.6.3, where Ip is greater than 1.0, the component
anchorage, bracing and the component itself (in this example, the pipe) must be designed to resist seismic
forces. System Configuration. The portion of the piping system under consideration consists of
three piping runs:

Piping Run “A”, a 4-inch-diameter pipe, which connects to a large mechanical unit at Line 1 supported
at the second level. It crosses a seismic separation between adjacent structures at Line 3.

Piping Run "B", a 6-inch-diameter pipe, which has a vertical riser to the second level at Line 3.

Piping Run "C", a 4-inch-diameter pipe, which turns 90 degrees to parallel Line 3 at Column Line 3-A.




load to transverse brace at support 1 3

Seismic Separation Joint
Pipe Run "A" - 4-inch dia.

Figure 18.5-5 Piping Run “A”

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples



load to transverse brace at support 1 3

Pipe Run "B" - 6-inch dia.

Figure 18.5-6 Piping Run “B”



load to transverse brace at support 1 3

Pipe Run "C" - 4-inch dia.

Figure 18.5-7 Piping Run “C”

About BSSC

The system consists of non-ASME B31 piping fabricated from steel Schedule 40 pipe with threaded
connections. This example covers determination of the seismic forces acting on the system, a check of
the seismically induced stresses in the pipes using simplifying assumptions, determination of bracing and
anchorage forces and a check of the system for seismic relative displacements.

It should be noted that details of pipe bracing systems vary according to the local preferences and
practices of mechanical and plumbing contractors. In addition, the use of proprietary pipe hanging and
bracing systems is relatively common. As a result, this example concentrates on quantifying the
prescribed seismic forces and displacements and on simplified stress checks of the piping system itself.
After the seismic forces and displacements are determined, the bracing and anchorage connections can be
designed and detailed according to the appropriate AISC and ACI codes.

18.5.2 Design Requirements. Seismic Design Parameters and Coefficients.

ap = 2.5 for piping systems (Standard Table 13.6-1)

Rp = 4.5 for piping not in accordance with ASME B31, constructed

(Standard Table 13.6-1)
of high or limited deformability materials, with joints made
by threading

Ω0 = 2.0 for anchorage to concrete with nonductile behavior

(Standard Table 13.6-1, footnote c)

SDS = 1.0 (for the selected location and site class) (given)

Seismic Design Category = D (Standard Table 11.6-1)

h = 30 feet (roof height) (given)

hsx = 15 feet (story height) (given)

z = 30 feet (system is braced at the roof level) (given)

z 30.0 ft
= = 1.0
h 30.0 ft (at roof)

Ip = 1.5 (Standard Sec. 13.1.3)

Gravity (non-seismic) supports provided every 10'-0" (given)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

System working pressure (P) = 200 psi (given)

ASTM A53 Pipe Fy = 35 ksi, threaded connections (given)

 D = Dead Load = Wp
= 16.4 plf (4-inch-diameter water-filled pipe) (given)

= 31.7 plf (6-inch-diameter water-filled pipe)

Longitudinal brace spacing = 80 feet (given)

According to Standard Section 13.3.1 (and repeated in Sec., the redundancy factor does not
apply to the design of nonstructural components. Seismic Design Forces.

0.4(2.5)(1.0)W p
Fp = (1 + 2(1)) = 1.00W p
1.5 (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Fp = 1.6(1.0)(1.5)W p = 2.40Wp
(Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Fp = 0.3(1.0)(1.5)Wp = 0.45W p
(Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

Ev = 0.2(1.0) D = 0.2 D = 0.2W p
(Standard Sec. 12.4.2)

Standard Eq. 13.3-1 governs the horizontal seismic force on the piping system. Performance Criteria.

System failure must not cause failure of an essential architectural, mechanical, or electrical
component (Standard Sec. 13.2.3).

Component seismic attachments must be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without
considering the frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity (Standard Sec. 13.4).

The effects of seismic relative displacements must be considered in combination with displacements
caused by other loads as appropriate (Standard Sec. 13.3.2).

About BSSC

The piping system must be designed to resist the forces in accordance with Standard Section 13.3.1
and must be able to accommodate movements of the structure resulting from response to the design basis
ground motion, Dp.

18.5.3 Piping System Design

The requirements for the design of the piping system are summarized in Table 13.2-1 of the Standard.
The supports and attachments of all mechanical and electrical components must meet the requirements
listed in Table 13.2-1. Where Ip > 1.0, the component itself, in this case the pipe, must also meet the
seismic loading and stress limit requirements. Check of Pipe Stresses . . The spacing of seismic supports is often determined by the need
to limit stresses in the pipe. Therefore, the piping stress check is often performed first in order confirm
the assumptions on brace spacing. For non-ASME B31 piping that is not subject to high operating
temperatures or pressures, the stress check assumptions may be simplified. The pipes can be idealized as
continuous beams spanning between lateral braces, while longitudinal forces can be determined using the
length of pipe tributary to the longitudinal brace.

The permissible stresses in the pipe are given in Standard Section 13.6.11, Item 2. For piping with
threaded connections, the permissible stresses are limited to 70 percent of the minimum specified yield

The section properties of the Schedule 40 pipes are as follows:

4-inch diameter:

Inner diameter, d1 = 4.026 in.

Outer diameter, d = 4.5 in.

Wall thickness, t = 0.237 in.

d 3 d13 (4.5)3 (4.026)3

Z= - = -
Plastic modulus, 6 6 6 6 = 4.31 in3

4 4 4 4
Moment of inertia, I = 0.049807(d - d1 ) = 0.049087((4.5) - (4.026) ) = 7.23 in4

6-inch diameter:

Inner diameter, d1 = 6.065 in.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Outer diameter, d = 6.625 in.

Wall thickness, t = 0.28 in.

(6.625)3 (6.065)3
Z= -
Plastic modulus, 6 6

= 11.28 in3

4 4
Moment of inertia, I = 0.049087((6.625) - (6.065) ) = 28.14 in4 Gravity and Pressure Loads. The longitudinal stresses in piping due to pressure and
weight may be estimated using the following equation:

Pd M g
SL = +
4t Z


SL = sum of the longitudinal stresses due to pressure and weight

P = internal design pressure, psig

d = outside diameter of pipe, in.

t = pipe wall thickness, in.

Mg = resultant moment loading on cross section due to weight and other sustained loads, in-lb

Z = section modulus, in3

Vertical supports are spaced at 10-foot centers, so the moment due to gravity, Mg, may be conservatively
estimated as follows:

Dl 2 D(10) 2
Mg = = = 12.5D
8 8

For a 4-inch-diameter pipe, where D = 16.4 plf:

M g = 12.5 D = 12.5(16.4)
= 205 ft-lb = 2,460 in-lb

About BSSC

SL-DeadLoad = 4.31 = 571 psi

S L - Pr essure =

949 psi

For a 6-inch-diameter pipe, where D = 31.7 plf:

M g = 12.5(31.7)
= 396 ft-lb = 4,752 in-lb

S L - DeadLoad =

= 421 psi

SL-Pressure = 1,183 psi Seismic Loads on Piping Runs A and C. By idealizing the piping runs as continuous
beams, the maximum bending moments and reactions can be readily estimated.

Piping Runs A and C are 4-inch-diameter pipes, shown schematically in Figures 18.5-5 and 18.5-7. They
are idealized as a two-span continuous beam. The design lateral load, Fp, is taken as:

Fp = 1.00W p = 1.00(16.4)

= 16.4 plf = w

The maximum moment due to horizontal seismic load may be approximated as:

wl 2 16.4(40) 2
ME = =
8 8 = 3,280 ft-lb =
39,360 in-lb

The flexural stress associated with this moment is:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

M E 39,360
f bh = =
Z 4.31

= 9,132 psi

The moment due to vertical seismic load, Ev = 0.2 Wp, may be approximated as:

Ev l 2 0.2(16.4)(10) 2
Mv = =
8 8

= 41 ft-lb = 492 in-lb

The flexural stress associated with this moment is:

f bv = = 492
Z 4.31 = 114

Note that for vertical seismic effects, the span of the pipe is taken as the distance between vertical
supports, not the distance between lateral bracing.

The basic strength load combination including earthquake effects from Standard Sec. 2.3.6 that will
govern is Load Combination 6:

1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S

For nonstructural components, ρ = 1.0 and QE = the forces (or stresses) resulting from applying Fp.

In this example, live load, L and snow load, S, are equal to zero. The dead load, D, includes bending
stress due to dead load. The load factor for internal pressure is the same as that for dead load. The design
stress in the pipe is therefore:

U = 1.2(421 psi) + 0.2(1.0)(421 psi) + 1.2(1,183 psi) + 1.0(1.0)(9,132 psi) = 11,141 psi

The permissible stress from Section 13.6.11, Item 2, of the Standard is 0.7Fy = 0.7(35,000) = 24,500 psi.
Comparing the demand to capacity:

U =11,141 psi < 0.7(35,000 psi) = 24,500 psi OK

Note that a number of conservative assumptions were made for the sake of simplicity. A more precise
analysis can be performed, where the piping is modeled to achieve more accurate bending moments and
the effects of biaxial bending in the pipe are considered separately. Also note that at any point in the pipe
wall, the stresses caused by dead (and vertical seismic) load and by horizontal seismic load occur in
different physical locations in the pipe. The peak stresses due to vertically applied load occurs at the top
and bottom of the pipe, while the peak stress for horizontally applied load occurs at mid-height of the

About BSSC

pipe. Assuming that they are both occurring in the same location and are summed algebraically is quite
conservative. Seismic Loads on Piping Run B. Piping Run B, a 6-inch-diameter pipe, is shown
schematically in Figure 18.5-6. It is idealized as a two-span continuous beam. Note that the effects of the
15-foot-high riser between Level 2 and the roof are considered separately. The design lateral load, Fp, is
taken as follows:

Fp = 1.00W p = 1.00(31.7) = 31.7

plf = w

The maximum moment due to horizontal seismic load is approximated as:

wl 2 31.7(40) 2
ME = = =
8 8 6,340 ft-lb =
76,080 in-lb

The flexural stress associated with this moment is:

M E 76,080
f bh = =
Z 11.28

= 6,745 psi

The moment due

to the vertical seismic load, Ev = 0.2 Wp, may be approximated as follows:

Ev l 2 0.2(31.7)(10) 2
Mv = =
8 8

= 79.25 ft-lb = 951 in-lb

The flexural stress associated with this moment is:

Mv 951
f bv = =
Z 11.28 = 84 psi

The design stress in the pipe is:

U = 1.2(571 psi) + 0.2(1.0)(571 psi) + 1.2(941 psi) + 1.0(1.0)(6,745 psi) = 8,674 psi < 24,500 psi OK

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

18.5.4 Pipe Supports and Bracing

As with the design of the pipe itself, design of the vertical and lateral supports of piping systems can
be simplified by making conservative assumptions. In this example, design demands on the support
assembly at Support 1 (Figure 18.5-8) are determined.

Figure 18.5-8 Design demands on piping support assembly Vertical Loads. Vertical pipe supports are often considered separately from lateral bracing.
Configuration and spacing of vertical supports may be governed by plumbing codes or other standards
and guidelines. Given that the vertical component of seismic force, Ev, is often low relative to other
vertical loads, vertical supports proportioned for gravity and operational loads generally are adequate to
resist the vertical seismic forces. However, where a support resists the vertical component of a lateral or
longitudinal brace force, it should be designed explicitly to resist all applied forces. This example focuses
on vertical supports associated with the lateral bracing system.

Due to the repetitious nature of the pipe gravity support system, the vertical load at the brace
assembly due to gravity or vertical seismic load can be estimated based on the tributary length of pipe.
Given a 10-foot spacing of vertical supports, the vertical loads due to a 4-inch-diameter pipe are as

About BSSC

Dead load, Pv4 = (10 ft)(16.4 plf) = 164 lb

Vertical seismic load, PEv4 = 0.2(10 ft)(16.4 plf) = 33 lb

For a 6-inch diameter pipe:

Dead load, Pv6 = (10 ft)(31.7 plf) = 317 lb

Vertical seismic load, PEv6 = 0.2(10 ft)(31.7 plf) = 63 lb Longitudinal Lateral Loads. Spacing of longitudinal bracing may be dictated by system
geometry, thermal demands on the pipe, anchorage and brace capacities, or prescriptive limitations in
standards and guidelines. In this example, we assume longitudinal braces are provided every 80 feet,
which is twice the transverse brace spacing.

For Piping Run A, the total length of pipe tributary to Support 1 is approximately 40 feet (half the
distance between longitudinal braces at Supports 1 and 3) plus 9 feet (length of pipe from Support 1 to
Support M, the mechanical unit), or 49 feet.

The longitudinal seismic load, PX1A, for the 4-inch-diameter Piping Run A is:

PX1A = (49 ft)(Fp) = (49 ft)(16.4 plf) = 804 lb

For Piping Runs B and C, the total length of pipe tributary to Support 1 is approximately 80 feet.

The longitudinal seismic load, PX1B, for the 6-inch-diameter Piping Run B is:

PX1B = (80 ft)(Fp) = (80 ft)(31.7 plf) = 2,536 lb

The longitudinal seismic load, PX1C, for the 4-inch-diameter Piping Run C is:

PX1C = (80 ft)(Fp) = (80 ft)(16.4 plf) = 1,312 lb Transverse Lateral Loads. To determine the transverse loads at support points, the pipes are
idealized as continuous beams spanning between transverse braces. Assuming continuity over a
minimum of two spans, the maximum reaction can be approximated conservatively as:

(2) wl

where w is the distributed lateral load and l is the spacing between transverse braces.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

For Piping Run A, we assume that 5/8 of the total length of pipe between the mechanical unit and the
transverse brace at Support 2 is laterally supported at Support 1 (see Figure 18.5-3). The maximum
transverse reaction due to Piping Run A at Support 1 may be approximated as:

5 5
PZ 1 A = wl =
8 8 (16.4 plf)(40 ft + 9 ft) = 502 lb

For Piping Runs B and C, we assume that 5/8 of the total length of pipe on each side of Support 1 is
laterally braced at Support 1 (see Figures 18.5-4 and 18.5-5). The maximum transverse reaction due to
Piping Run B at Support 1 is then approximated as:

5 5
PZ 1B = (2) wl = (2)
8 8 (31.7 plf)(40 ft) = 1,585 lb

The maximum transverse reaction due to Piping Run C at Support 1 is approximated as:

5 5
PZ 1C = (2) wl = (2)
8 8 (16.4 plf)(40 ft) = 820 lb Support Design. The bracing system at Support 1 is shown in Figure 18.5-8. The analysis
must consider design of the following bracing elements: Beam f-g, Hangers f-b and g-d, Transverse
Brace a-f and Longitudinal Braces f-c and g-e. The connections at a, b, c, d and e must also be designed
and are subject to special requirements. Beam f-g. Beam f-g is subject to biaxial bending under vertical (Y-direction) and
longitudinal (X-direction) forces. The maximum moment, which occurs at the center, is equal to:

M= + +
2 4 2

The factored vertical loads for the piping runs are:

Piping Run A: PA = 1.2(164 lb) + 1.0(33 lb) = 230 lb

Piping Run B: PA = 1.2(317 lb) + 1.0(63 lb) = 443 lb

Piping Run C: PA = 1.2(164 lb) + 1.0(33 lb) = 230 lb

The maximum moment about the x-axis of the beam due to vertical loads is:

About BSSC

230(7) 443(30) 230(7)
Mx = + +
2 4 2

= 4,933 in-lb

The vertical reactions at f and g are equal to (230 + 443 +230)/2 = 452 pounds.

The factored lateral loads in the longitudinal direction determined in Section are:

Piping Run A: PA = 804 lb

Piping Run B: PA = 2,356 lb

Piping Run C: PA = 1,312 lb

The maximum moment about the y-axis of the beam due to lateral loads is approximately:

804(7) 2,356(30) 1,312(7)
My = + +
2 4 2

= 25,076 in-lb

The horizontal reactions at f and g are:

PA ( L2 + L3 + L4 ) PB PC L4 804(8 + 8 + 7) 2,356 1,312(7)
Rf = + + = + +
L 2 L 30 2 30

= 2,101

PA L1 PB PC ( L1 + L2 + L3 ) 804(7) 2,356 1,312(7 + 8 + 8)
Rg = + + = + +
L 2 L 30 2 30

= 2,371

Beam f-g must be designed for moments Mx and My acting simultaneously.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples Brace Design. By inspection, Brace g-e will govern the longitudinal brace design, since
the horizontal reaction at g (2,371 lb) is larger than that at f (2,101 lb).

The horizontal load that must be resisted by the Transverse Brace a-f is the sum of the loads from the
three pipes determined in Section

Rz = 502 lb + 1,585 lb + 820 lb = 2,907 lb

Assuming the same member will be used for all braces, Brace a-f governs the design. Since the brace
is installed at a 1:1 slope (45 degrees), the maximum tension or compression in the brace would be:

T max=C max =R z √ 2= (2,907 )( 1.414 )=¿ 4,110 lb

The brace selected must be capable of carrying Cmax with an unbraced length of
( 30 in.) 2
= 42 inches. Bracing elements subject to compression should meet the slenderness ratio
requirements of the appropriate material design standards. Hangers. By inspection, Hanger f-b will govern the vertical element design, since the
brace force in brace f-a governs the brace design. Since the brace is installed at a 1:1 slope (45 degrees),
the maximum tension or compression due to seismic forces in the hanger is the same as the horizontal
force resisted by the brace: 2,907 pounds. The vertical component of the brace force must be combined
with gravity loads and the vertical seismic component.

The maximum tension force in the hanger is determined using the basic strength Load Combination 6
from Standard Section 2.3.6 :

U = 1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S

For nonstructural components, ρ = 1.0 and QE = the forces (or stresses) resulting from applying Fp.

In this example, live load, L and snow load, S, are equal to zero. The unfactored reaction at f due to the
weight of the water-filled pipes is 323 pounds.

U = 1.2(323 lb) + 0.2(1.0)(323 lb) + 1.0(1.0)(2,907 lb) = 3,359 lb (tension)

The maximum compression force in the hanger is determined using the basic strength Load
Combination 7 from Standard Section 2.3.6:

U = 0.9D - Ev + Eh

Substituting the values from above:

U =0.9(323 lb) - 0.2(1.0)(323 lb) - 1.0(1.0)(2,907 lb) = -2,681 lb (compression)

About BSSC

Fp should be applied in the direction which creates the largest value for the item being checked. A
negative sign indicates compression. The hanger selected must be capable of carrying the maximum
compression with an unbraced length of 30 inches. Again, bracing elements subject to compression
should meet the slenderness ratio requirements of the appropriate material design standards. It is also
important to note that the length of pipe that contributes dead load to counteract the vertical component of
brace force is based on the spacing of the vertical hangers, not the spacing between lateral braces. Anchorage Design. Standard Section 13.4 covers the attachment of the hangers and braces
to the structure. Component forces and displacements are those determined in Standard Sections 13.3.1
and 13.3.2, with important exceptions. When designing the attachments for the piping system, the
response modification factor Rp may not exceed a value of 6 (Standard Sec. 13.4.1). Anchors in concrete
and masonry are proportioned so that either the component or support that the anchor is connecting to the
structure undergoes ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces not greater than their
design strength, or the anchors shall be designed to resist the load combinations considering Ω0 in
accordance with Standard Section 2.3.6.

To illustrate the effects of these provisions, consider the design of the attachment to the structure at
Point “a” in Figure 18.5-8.

The horizontal and vertical components of the seismic brace force at Point ”a” are 2,907 pounds each.
Assuming the brace capacity limits the force to the anchor and that the brace does not resist vertical loads
due to gravity or the vertical seismic component, the minimum design forces for the anchor are
2,907 pounds in tension acting currently with 2,907 pounds in shear.

The maximum design force for the anchor, assuming that a ductile element does not govern the
anchorage capacity is determined using the load combinations considering Ω 0 in accordance with
Standard Section 2.3.6.

By inspection, the load combination that results in net tension on the anchor will govern the design of
the anchor. Applying the load combinations of Standard Section 2.3.6, Load Combination 7, the vertical
design tension force is:

U = 0.9D - Ev + Emh

Emh = Ω0QE (Standard Eq. 12.4-7)

U = (0) + (0) + 2.0(2,907 lb) = 5,814 lb = TU

Similarly, the horizontal shear load on the anchors is:

VU = Emh = Ω0QE = 2.0(2,907 lb) = 5,814 lb

18.5.5 Design for Displacements

In addition to design for seismic forces, the piping system must accommodate seismic relative
displacements. For the purposes of this example, we assume that the building has a 15-foot story height
and has been designed for a maximum allowable story drift of 1.5% per floor:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

 a = 0.015hsx = 0.015(15)(12)
= 2.7 in. per floor Design for Displacements Within Structures. Piping Run A, a 4-inch-diameter pipe,
connects to a large mechanical unit at Line 1 supported at the second level. For a nonstructural component
subject to displacements within a structure, the relative displacement, Dp is given in Standard Eq. 13.3-6
as the difference between lateral story drifts at the points of attachment. Because the mechanical unit can
be assumed to behave as a rigid body and the piping system is rigidly braced to the roof structure, the
entire story drift must be accommodated in the 5'-0" piping drop (see Figure 18.5-2).

The seismic relative displacement demands, DpI, are determined using equation 13.3-5 of the

DpI = DpIe


Dp = displacements within or between structures

Ie = the importance factor for the structure

(Standard Sec 11.5.1)

DpI = DpIe= 2.7 in (1.5) = 4.05 in.

There are several approaches to accommodate the drift. The first is to provide a flexible coupling
(articulated connections or braided couplings, for example). A second approach is to accommodate the
drift through bending in the pipe. Loops are often used to make the pipe more flexible for thermal
expansion and contraction and this approach also works for seismic loads. In this example, a straight
length of a pipe is assumed. For a 4-inch-diameter Schedule 40 pipe, the moment of inertia, I, is equal to
7.23 in4. Assuming the pipe is fixed against rotation at both ends, the shear and moments required to
deflect the pipe 4.05 inches are:

12 EID pI 12(29,000,000)(7.23)(4.05)
V= 3
= 3
=47,176 lb
l ( ( 5.0 ) ( 12 ))

The stress in the pipe displaced DpI is:

M = (47,176 lb)(60 in.) = 2,830,590 in-lb

M 2,830,590
f b= = =656,749 psi
Z 4.31

These demands far exceed the capacity of the pipe and would overload the nozzle on the mechanical
unit as well. Therefore, either a flexible coupling or a loop piping layout is required to accommodate the
story drift.

About BSSC

Piping Run B, a 6-inch-diameter pipe, drops from the roof level to the second level at Line 3. Again,
the drift demand is 2.7 inches, but in this case, it may be accommodated over the full story height of
15 feet. A simplified analysis assumes that the pipe is fixed at the roof and second level. This assumption
is conservative, since in reality the horizontal runs of the pipe at the roof and Level 2 provide restraint but
not fixity. For a 6-inch-diameter Schedule 40 pipe, the moment of inertia, I, is equal to 28.14 in4 and the
plastic modulus Z is equal to 11.28 in3. The shear and moments required to deflect the pipe 4.05 inches
are approximately:

12 EID pI 12(29,000,000)(28.14)( 4.05)

 V= 3
= 3
=6,800 lb
l ( ( 15.0 )( 12 ) )

M = (6,800)((15)(12))/2 = 612,045 in-lb

The stress in the pipe displaced DpI would be:

M 612,045
f b= = =54,259 psi
Z 11.28

This exceeds the permissible stress in the pipe, but not by a wide margin. Refining the analysis to more
accurately consider the effects of the rotational restraint provided by the horizontal piping runs (which
will tend to reduce the rigidity of the pipe and therefore reduce the bending stress), providing loops in the
piping layout, or providing flexible couplings will produce more favorable results. It is critical that the
capacity of the nozzle on the equipment where the pipe is attached has the capacity to resist the shears and
moments applied by the pipe. Design for Displacements Between Structures. At the roof level, Piping Run A crosses a
seismic separation between adjacent two-story structures at Line 3. Assuming story heights of 15 feet and
design for a maximum allowable story drift for both buildings, the deflections of the buildings are:

d xA = d xB = (2)0.015hsx = (2)0.015(15)(12) = 5.4


The displacement demand, DP is determined from Standard Equation 13.3-7 as follows:

D pmax = d xA + d yB = 5.4 + 5.4
= 10.8

The seismic relative displacement demands, DpI, determined using equation 13.3-5 of the Standard

DpI = DpIe= 10.8 in (1.5) = 16.2 in.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

In addition to motions perpendicular to the pipe, the seismic isolation joint must accommodate movement
parallel to the pipe. Assuming an 18-inch seismic separation joint is provided, during an earthquake the
joint could vary from 1.8 inches (if the structures move towards each other) to 32.4 inches (if the
structures move away from each other). The flexible coupling, which could include articulated
connections, braided couplings, or pipe loops, must be capable of accommodating this range of


18.6.1 Example Description
This example illustrates seismic design for a small platform-supported vessel in the upper floor of a
structure. It includes determination of the seismic design forces, anchorage of the vessel to the supporting
platform, design and anchorage of the platform and demands on the floor slab of the supporting structure.
The example focuses on the determination of force and displacement demands on the different
components of the support system. The sizing of the various elements (beams, columns, braces,
connections, anchor bolts, etc.) are not covered in detail.

This example considers a vessel supported by a platform on the second floor of a three-story structure.
The contents of the vessel, a compressed non-flammable gas, are not hazardous. The structure is assigned
to Seismic Risk Category II.

The design approach for nonstructural components depends on the type, size and location of the
component. The Standard provides requirements for nonstructural components in Chapter 13 and
nonbuilding structures in Chapter 15. Vessels are classified as nonbuilding structures, but in this example
the provisions of Standard Chapter 13 apply, due to the size and location of the vessel. Earthquake Design Requirements. Earthquake design requirements for vessels in the
Standard depend on the system importance factor (Ip), the mass of the vessel relative to that of the
supporting structure and the installation geometry. There are special analytical requirements triggered by
Section 13.1.5 where the weight of the nonstructural component exceeds 25 percent of the effective
seismic weight of the structure. This condition is not present in the example but if it were the case, the
component would be classified as a nonbuilding structure and the requirements of Section 15.3.2 would

The importance factor is determined in accordance with Standard Section 13.1.3. Given that the structure
is assigned to Seismic Risk Category II, components are assigned Ip = 1.0, unless they must function for
life-safety protection or contain hazardous materials. Neither of these conditions apply, so Ip = 1.0. System Configuration. The vessel is of steel construction and supported on four legs,
which are bolted to a steel frame. A plan of the second level showing the location of the vessel is shown
in Figure 18.6-1. A section through the structure showing the location of the vessel is presented in
Figure 18.6-2. The supporting frame system consists of ordinary braced frames (tension-only bracing).
An elevation of the vessel and supporting frame is shown in Figure 18.6-3.

About BSSC


12'-0" 6'-0" 12'-0"



6" R/C Slab

Figure 18.6-1 Elevated vessel - second-level plan

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples


Level 2

Level 1

Level 0

Figure 18.6-2 Elevated vessel - section

About BSSC


3'-0" 3'-0"


HSS6x2x1/4 (typ)

HSS 2x2x1/4 (typ)



Figure 18.6-3 Elevated vessel - supporting frame system

The example covers the determination of the seismic forces in the supporting steel frame and its
connection to the concrete slab at the second level and concentrates on quantifying the prescribed seismic
forces for the different elements in the vessel support system. After the seismic demands are determined,
the bracing and anchorage connections can be designed and detailed according to the appropriate AISC
and ACI codes. Finally, methods of considering the seismic demands on the floor system due to the
vessel are discussed.

18.6.2 Design Requirements Seismic Design Parameters and Coefficients.

ap = 1.0 for vessels not supported on skirts and not subject to Chapter 15 (Standard Table 13.6-1)

Rp = 2.5 for vessels not supported on skirts and not subject to Chapter 15 (Standard Table 13.6-1)

Ω0 = 2.0 overstrength factor for nonductile anchorage to concrete (Standard Table 13.6-1)

SDS = 1.2 (for the selected location and site class) (given)

Seismic Design Category = D (Standard Table 11.6-1)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

h = 46 feet (roof height) (given)

z = 28 feet (system is supported at the second level) (given)

z 28.0 ft
= = 0.609
h 46.0 ft

Ip = 1.0 (Standard Sec. 13.1.3)

ASTM A500 Grade B steel HSS sections, Fy = 46 ksi, Fu = 58 ksi (given)

ASTM A36 steel bars and plates, Fy = 36 ksi, Fu = 58 ksi (given)

ASTM A53 Grade B pipe, Fy = 35 ksi, Fu = 60 ksi (given)

ASTM A 307 bolts and threaded rods (given)

 D = Dead Load = Wp
= 5,000 lb (vessel and legs) (given)

 = 1,000 lb (allowance, supporting frame)


According to Standard Section 13.3.1 (and repeated in Sec., the redundancy factor does not
apply to the design of nonstructural components. Seismic Design Forces.

0.4(1.0)(1.2)W p
Fp = (1 + 2(0.609)) = 0.426W p
1.0 (Standard Eq. 13.3-1)

Maximum Fp = 1.6(1.2)(1.0)W p = 1.92W p
(Standard Eq. 13.3-2)

Minimum Fp = 0.3(1.2)(1.0)Wp = 0.36W p
(Standard Eq. 13.3-3)

About BSSC

Ev = 0.2(1.2) D = 0.24 D = 0.24W p
(Standard Eq. 12.4-4a) Vessel. The seismic forces acting on the vessel are as follows:

Fp = 0.426W p = 0.426(5,000)
= 2,129 lb

Ev = 0.24W p = 0.24(5,000)
= 1,200 lb Supporting Frame. The seismic loads due to the supporting frame self-weight are:

Fp = 0.426W p = 0.426(1, 000)
= 426 lb

Ev = 0.24W p = 0.24(1,000)
= 240 lb Performance Criteria. Component failure must not cause failure of an essential
architectural, mechanical, or electrical component (Standard Sec. 13.2.3).

Component seismic attachments must be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without
considering the frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity (Standard Sec. 13.4).

The effects of seismic relative displacements must be considered in combination with displacements
caused by other loads as appropriate (Standard Sec. 13.3.2).

The component must be designed to resist the forces in accordance with Standard Section 13.3.1 and
must be able to accommodate movements of the structure resulting from response to the design basis
ground motion, Dp.

Local elements of the structure, including connections, must be designed and constructed for the
component forces where they control the design (Standard Section 13.4).

Anchors to concrete shall be designed so that either the support or component that the anchor is
connecting to the structure undergoes ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces not
greater than their design strength, or the anchors shall be designed to resist the load combinations
considering Ω0 in accordance with Standard Section 2.3.6.

18.6.3 Load Combinations

The basic strength load combinations including earthquake effects from Standard Section 2.3.6 that will
govern design of the vessel legs, attachments and the supporting frame are the following:

Load Combination 6: U = 1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S

Load Combination 7: U = 0.9D - Ev + Eh

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

For nonstructural components, ρ = 1.0 and QE = the forces resulting from applying Fp. In this example,
live load (L) and snow load (S) are equal to zero.

18.6.4 Forces in Vessel Supports

Supports and attachments for the vessel must meet the requirements listed in Standard Table 13.2-1.
Seismic design of the vessel itself is not required, since Ip = 1.0. While the vessel itself need not be
checked for seismic loading, the component supports listed in Standard Section 13.6.4 must be designed
to resist the prescribed seismic forces. The affected components include the following:

The legs supporting the vessel

Connection between the legs and the vessel shell

Base plates and the welds attaching them to the legs

Bolts connecting the base plates to the supporting frame

Standard Section 13.4.1 states that the lateral force, Fp, must be applied independently in at least two
orthogonal directions. For vertically cantilevered systems, the lateral force also must be assumed to act in
any horizontal direction. In this example, layout of the vessel legs is symmetric and there are two
horizontal directions of interest, separated by 45 degrees. These two load cases are illustrated in
Figure 18.6-4.

x' y y'

Frame Leg "1"

Vessel Leg "C" Load Case 2 Vessel Leg "A"

x x
Load Case 1

Frame Leg "2"

Y y' y x'

Figure 18.6-4 Elevated vessel support load cases Case 1 - moments about the y-y axis. The height of the vessel’s center-of-gravity above the
bottom of the leg base plates is 5.5 feet. The moments about the bottom of these base plates are :

About BSSC

M = (5.5) Fp = (5.5)(2,129)
= 11,710 ft-lb

Assuming the vessel acts as a rigid body, in Case 1 the overturning moments is resisted by the two legs
along the x-x axis. The vessel is assumed to rotate about the legs on the y-y axis. The maximum tension
and compression loads in the legs may be estimated as:

T =C =M /d

where the distance between legs A and C, d, is 6.0 feet. Therefore:

T = C = 11, 710 / 6.0 = 1,952 lb

The vertical load in each leg due to gravity is Wp/4 = 5,000/4 = 1,250 pounds.

The shear in each leg due to Fp is V= Fp/4 = 2,129/4 = 532 pounds. Case 2 - moments about the x'-x' axis. In Case 2 the overturning moments are resisted by all
four legs, two in compression and two in tension. The loads in the legs due to gravity are the same as in
Case 1, as is the shear in the legs due to Fp. Under seismic load, the vessel is assumed to rotate about the
x'-x’ axis. The maximum tension and compression loads in the legs may be estimated as:

T =C =
2(0.707 d )

where the distance between legs A and C, 0.707d , is 4.24 feet. Therefore:

T = C = 11, 710 / 2(4.24) = 1,380 lb

18.6.5 Vessel Support and Attachment

The axial loads in the vessel legs due to seismic overturning about the y-y axis (Case 1, in
Section are substantially larger than those obtained for overturning about the x'-x' axis (Case 2,
in Section . Therefore, by inspection Case 1 governs the design of the legs.

The design compression loads on the vessel legs is governed by Load Combination 5:

U = [1.2 + 0.2(1.2)](1,250 lb) + 1.0( 1,952 lb) = 3,752 lb = CU

The design tension load on the vessel legs is governed by Load Combination 7:

U = [0.9 – 0.2(1.2)](1,250 lb) - 1.0(1,952 lb) = -1,127 lb = TU

(A negative sign denotes tension.)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

The design shear in each leg is U = 1.0(532 lb) = 532 lb = VU. Vessel Leg Design. The check of the leg involves a check of the connection between the
vessel and the leg and a stress check of the leg itself. The length of the leg, L, is 18 inches and the legs
are fabricated from 2-inch-diameter standard pipe. The section properties of the leg are:

A = 1.00 in2

Z = 0.713 in3

Assuming the leg is pinned at the connection to the supporting frame and fixed at the connection to
the vessel, the moment and bending stress in the leg are:

M = VUL = 532(18) = 9,576 in-lb

fb = M/Z = 9,756/0.713 = 13,683 psi

The maximum axial compressive stress in the leg is:

Cu/A = 3,752/1.00 = 3,752 psi

The capacities of the leg and the connection to the vessel are determined using the structural steel
specifications (AISC 360). The permissible strengths are:

Fa = 31,500 psi

Fbw = 31,500 psi

For combined loading:

fa f
+ bw �1.0
Fa Fbw

3,752 13,683
+ = 0.553 �1.0
31,500 31,500 Connections of the Vessel Leg. The connection between the vessel leg and the supporting
frame is shown in Figure 18.6-5. The design of this connection involves checks of the weld between the
pipe leg and the base plate, design of the base plate and design of the bolts to the supporting frame. Load

About BSSC

Combination 7, which results in tension in the pipe leg, will govern the design of the base plates and the
bolts to the supporting frame. The design of the base plate and bolts should consider the effects of prying
on the tension demand in the bolts.

Figure 18.6-5 Elevated vessel leg connection

Each vessel leg is connected to the supporting frame by a pair of 5/8-inch-diameter bolts. The load path
for this connection consists of the following elements: the weld of the leg to the connecting plate, the
connecting plate acting in bending considering the effects of prying as appropriate, the bolts, the
connection plate welded to the supporting frame beam and the welding of the connection plate to the
supporting frame beam. Again by inspection, Case 1 (Section governs. The factored loads in
the connection are determined using Load Combinations 6 and 7 of Standard Section 2.3.6. As
previously determined, the maximum compression in the connection (Load Combination 6) is:

CU = 3,752 lb

The maximum tension in the connection (Load Combination 7) is:

U = 0.9D - Ev + Eh

U = 0.9(1,250 lb) – 0.2(1.2)(1,250 lb) - 1.0(1,952 lb) = -1,127 lb (tension) = TU

The maximum shear per bolt is:

VU = 532 lb/2 = 266 lb

The designs of the vessel leg base plate and of the connection plate at the supporting frame beams are
identical. The maximum tension in each bolt is:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

TU = -1,127 lb/2 = -534 lb

The available shear and tensile strengths of the bolt are as follows:

ϕvrn = 5,520 lb (shear)

ϕrn = 10,400 lb (tension)

Therefore, the bolts are adequate.

The connection plates are 1/4 inch thick and 3 inches wide.

bd 2 3(0.25)2
Z= =
4 4 = 0.0469 in3

The maximum moment in the plate is:

MU = 534 lb (1.5 in.) = 801 in-lb

The bending stress is:

fb = MU /Z = 801/0.0469 = 17,088 psi OK

Prying action can have the effect of increasing the tensile forces in the bolts. AISC 360 permits
prying action to be neglected if the plate meets minimum thickness requirements, given by:

4.44Tb '
tmin =

where p = 3 inches is the tributary length per pair of bolts

b' = (b-db/2) = (1.5-0.625/2) = 1.1875 in.

tmin =
= 0.13 in.

This is less than the 0.25-inch thickness provided, so prying need not be considered further.

About BSSC

The welds of the vessel leg to the vessel body and of the leg to the upper connection plate are
proportioned in a similar manner. The calculation can be simplified by assuming the weld is of unit
thickness. This yields a demand per inch of weld and an appropriate weld thickness can then be selected.
The vessel leg has an outer diameter, d, of 2.38 inches. The weld properties for a weld of unit thickness

d 3 2.383
Z= =
6 6 = 2.25 in3

A = πd =3.14(2.38) = 7.45 in.

The shear in the weld is:

v = 532 lb/7.45 in. = 714 lb/in.

The tension in the weld due to axial load is:

T = 1,127 lb/7.45 in. = 151 lb/in.

The tension to the weld due to bending (at the connection to the vessel) is:

T = M/Z = 9,756/7.45 = 1,310 lb/in.

For E70 electrodes, the capacity of a fillet weld is given by:

ϕRn = 1.392 Dl (kips/in.)

where D is the size of the weld in sixteenths of an inch and l is the weld length.

For a unit length, a 3/16-inch fillet weld has a capacity of:

ϕRn = 1.392(3)(1) = 4.18 kips/in.

This will be adequate.

The same size weld is used for the vessel leg-to-vessel body joint and for the leg-to-upper connection
plate joint. A similar design approach is used to proportion the weld of the lower connection plate to the
HSS 6x2 beam.

18.6.6 Supporting Frame

The design of the supporting frame can be performed separately from that of the vessel. The
reactions from the vessel are applied to the frame and combined with the seismic loads resulting from the
supporting frame itself. The configuration of the supporting frame is shown in Figure 18.6-6.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

3'-0" 3'-0"



Figure 18.6-6 Elevated vessel supporting frame

The supporting frame uses Steel Ordinary Braced Frames (OBF). While the supporting frame is
designed for seismic forces determined in Section 13.3, the design process for the frame itself is similar to
that used for building frames or nonbuilding structures similar to buildings. In this example, seismic
loads are developed for the following elements:

Beams supporting the vessel legs


Columns supporting the platform and vessel

Base plates and anchor bolts

To simplify the analysis, the self-weight of the supporting frame is lumped at the vessel leg connection
locations. Support Frame Beams. The beams transfer vertical and horizontal loads from the vessel to
the brace frames. The beams, fabricated from HSS6x2x1/4 members, are idealized as simply supported
with a span of 6 feet. The reactions from the vessel legs are idealized as point loads applied at mid-span.
The vertical loads applied to the beam are:

P = [5,000 lb (vessel) + 1,000 lb (frame)]/4 supports = 1,500 lb

The lateral load per beam of the combined vessel and supporting frames is:

V = 0.426[5,000 lb (vessel) + 1,000 lb (frame)]/4 supports = 639 lb

About BSSC

The maximum load on a leg due to overturning of the vessel was computed as P = 1,952 pounds. The
maximum factored vertical load, which will generate strong axis bending in the beam, is determined using
Load Combination 6:

PU = 1.2(1,500 lb) + 0.2(1.2)(1,500 lb) + 1.0( 1,952 lb) = 4,112 lb = Pv

Acting with the horizontal load, VU = 639 pounds, the moment in the beams then is:

Mx-x = PUl/4 = (4,112 lb)(6.0 ft)/4 = 6,168 ft-lb

My-y = VUl/4 = (639 lb)(6.0 ft)/4 = 959 ft-lb

For an HSS6x2x1/4:

Zx-x = 5.84 in3

Zy-y = 2.61 in3

fbx fby
+ �1.0
Fb Fb

Fb = ϕFy = 0.9(46,000 psi) = 41,400 psi

f bx f by M x- x Z x- x M y- y Z y- y 6,168(12) / 5.84 959(12) / 2.61
+ = + = + = 0.41 �1.0
Fb Fb Fb Fb 41, 400 41, 400
OK Support Frame Braces. The maximum brace force occurs where loads are applied in the
X- or Y-direction and the loads are resisted by two frames. The horizontal force is:

V = 0.426[5,000 lb (vessel) + 1,000 lb (frame)]/2 braces = 1,278 lb

The length of the brace is:

(5)2 + (6) 2
= 7.81 ft

The force in the brace then is:

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Tu = 1, 278
6 = 1,664 lb (tension)

The braces consist of 5/8-inch-diameter ASTM A307 threaded rod. The nominal tensile capacity is:

ϕrn = 10,400 lb (tension) > 1,664 lb OK

It is good practice to design the supporting frame connections to the same level as a nonbuilding
structure subject to Chapter 15. In this example, the supporting frames would be treated as an ordinary
braced frame. For this system, AISC 341 requires the strength of the bracing connection to be the lesser
of the expected yield strength of the brace in tension, the maximum force that can be developed by the
system, or the load effect based on the amplified load. Support Frame Columns. The columns support the vertical loads from the vessel and frame,
including the vertical component of the supporting frame brace forces. The columns are fabricated from
HSS2x2x1/4 members and are idealized as pinned top and bottom with a length of 5 feet. The case where
the vessel rotates about the x'-x' axis governs the design of the supporting frame columns. The
overturning moment is:

M = (10.5) Fp -vessel + (5.0) Fp - frame = (10.5)(2,129) + 5.0(426) = 24, 485

Assuming the vessel acts as a rigid body, in Case 1 the overturning moment is resisted by the two legs
along the y'-y' axis. The vessel is assumed to rotate about the legs on the x'-x' axis. The maximum
tension and compression loads in the columns due to overturning may be estimated as follows:

T =C =M /d

where the distance between Frame Legs 1 and 2, d = (6.0) 2 = 8.48 feet. Therefore:

T = C = 24, 485 / 8.48 = 2,886 = 2,886 lb

The vertical load in each leg due to gravity is Wp/4 = (5,000+1,000)/4 = 1,500 pounds.

The design compression load on the supporting frame columns is governed by Load Combination 6:

U = 1.2(1, 500 lb) + 0.2(1.2)(1, 500 lb) + 1.0(2,886 lb) = 5,046 lb = CU

The design tension load on the supporting frame columns is governed by Load Combination 7:

U = 0.9(1,500 lb) - 0.2(1.2)(1,500 lb) - 1.0(2,886 lb) = -1,896 lb = TU

The capacity of the HSS2x2x1/4 column is 38,300 pounds and is therefore adequate.

About BSSC Support Frame Connection to the Floor Slab. The connection of the support frame
columns to the floor slab includes the following elements:

Weld of the column and brace connection to the base plate

Base plate

Anchor bolts

The design of the connection of the base plate and of the base plate itself follows the typical procedures
used for other structures. There are special considerations for the design of the anchor bolts to the
concrete slab that are unique to nonstructural components. Anchors in concrete and masonry must be
proportioned so that either the component or support that the anchor is connecting to the structure
undergoes ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces not greater than their design
strength, or the anchors shall be designed to resist the load combinations considering Ω 0 in accordance
with Standard Section 2.3.6. In this example, it is assumed that the anchor design strength is less than the
yielding strength of the vessel or supporting frame, and so Ω 0 must be applied to the anchor loads.

The horizontal and vertical reactions of the supporting frame columns calculated in Section

Vertical load due to gravity = 1,500 lb

Tension and Compression due to seismic overturning = 2,886 lb

Horizontal seismic force = 1,280 lb

By inspection, the load combination that results in net tension on the anchors will govern. Applying
the load combinations of Standard Section 2.3.6, Load Combination 7, the vertical design tension force

U = 0.9D - Ev + Emh

Emh = Ω0QE (Standard Eq. 12.4-7)

U = 0.9(1,500 lb) - 0.2(1.2)(1,500 lb) - 2.0(2,886 lb) = -4,782 lb = TU

Acting concurrently with tension, the horizontal design shear force is:

U = 2.0(1,280 lb) = 2,560 lb = VU

This is represents a 152 percent increase in the design tension. The design shear forces for the
increase 100 percent.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

18.6.7 Design Considerations for the Vertical Load-Carrying System

This portion of the example illustrates design considerations for the floor slab supporting the
nonstructural component. The floor system at Level 2 consists of a 6-inch-thick reinforced concrete flat-
slab spanning between steel beams. To illustrate the effects of the vessel, the contribution of the vessel
load to the overall slab demand is examined. Slab Design Assumptions

Dead load = 100 psf

Live load = 100 psf (non-reducible) Effect of Vessel Loading

During design, the slab moments and shear are checked at different points along each span. In order
to simply illustrate the potential effects of the vessel, this investigation will be limited to the change in the
negative moments about the x-x axis over the center support. In an actual design, a complete analysis of
the slab for the loads imposed by the vessel would be required. At the center support, the moments due to
dead load and live load are :

Maximum dead load moment, MDL = wl2/8 = (100)(152)/8 = 2,813 ft-lb/ft

Maximum live load moment, MLL = wl2/8 = (100)(152)/8 = 2,813 ft-lb/ft

The support frame columns are 6 feet apart. Assuming an additional 3 feet of slab on each side of the
frame to resist loads generated by the vessel, the design moments for the strip of slab supporting the
vessel are:

MDL = 2,813 ft-lb/ft (12 ft) = 33,756 ft-lb

MLL = 2,813 ft-lb/ft (12 ft) = 33,756 ft-lb

The moments at the center support due to a point load, P, in one of the spans is:

M= ( l + a)
4l 2


a = distance from the end support to the point load

b = distance from the point load to the center support

About BSSC

l = span between supports = 15 ft

The point loads due to the vessel and support frame self-weight is:

P = 2(1,500 lb) = 3,000 lb

The moment in the slab due to the vessel and support frame is:

(3,000)(4.5)(10.5) (3, 000)(10.5)(4.5)
M VD = ( 15 + 4.5 ) + (15 + 10.5)
4(15) 2 4(15) 2
= 7,088 ft-lb

The point loads due to the vessel and support frame caused by seismic in the Y-direction are:

T = C = 24, 485 / 6.00 = 4,081 lb

The moment in the slab due to the overturning of the vessel and support frame for seismic forces in the
Y-direction is:

(4,081)(4.5)(10.5) ( -4,081)(10.5)(4.5)
M VD = ( 15 + 4.5) + (15 + 10.5)
4(15) 2 4(15) 2
= -1,286 ft-lb


( -4, 081)(4.5)(10.5) (4,081)(10.5)(4.5)
M VD = 2 ( 15 + 4.5 ) + (15 + 10.5)
4(15) 4(15) 2
= 1,286 ft-lb

The factored moments for the slab without the vessel not including seismic overturning are:

D + L: U = 1.2 D + 1.6 L = 1.2 (33,756 ft-lb) + 1.6(33,756 ft-lb) = 94,517 ft-lb

The factored moments for the slab including the vessel not including seismic overturning are:

D + L: U = 1.2 D + 1.6 L = 1.2 (33,756 ft-lb+ 7,088 ft-lb) + 1.6(33,756 ft-lb) = 103,022 ft-lb

The factored moments including seismic are (using 50 percent of the live load per Standard Sec. 2.3.6
Exception 1):

Load Combination 6:

U = 1.2D + Ev + Eh + L + 0.2S

= 1.2(33,756+7,088) + 0.2(1.2)(33,756+7,088) + 1.0(1.0)(1,286) + 0.5(33,756) + 0.2(0)

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

= 76,979 ft-lb

Load Combination 7:

U = 0.9D - Ev + Eh

= 0.9(33,756+7,088) - 0.2(1.2) (33,756+7,088) + 1.0(1.0)(-1,286)

= 25,671 ft-lb

In this case, the loads from the vessel do not control the design of the slab over the center support.

About the Building Seismic Safety Council...................................................................................................................1
BSSC Board of Direction................................................................................................................................................4
BSSC Member Organizations.........................................................................................................................................5
BSSC Publications..........................................................................................................................................................8
BSSC Webinars...............................................................................................................................................................8
BSSC Membership..........................................................................................................................................................8

About the Building Seismic

Safety Council
The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC), which became part of the National Institute of Building
Sciences in 1979, deals with the complex technical, regulatory, social, and economic issues involved in
developing and promulgating building earthquake risk mitigation provisions that are national in scope.
The BSSC is a voluntary organizational membership body representing a wide variety of building
community interests that brings together the needed expertise and relevant public and private interests to
resolve issues related to the seismic safety of the built environment through authoritative guidance and
assistance backed by a broad consensus. BSSC’s fundamental purpose is to enhance public safety by
providing a national forum that fosters improved seismic planning, design, construction and regulation in
the building community.

To fulfill its mission, the BSSC: (1) evaluates research findings, practices, and field investigations to
develop seismic safety provisions; (2) encourages and promotes the adoption of provisions by the national
standards and model building codes; (3) provides ongoing education for structural design professionals
through training materials, webinars, workshops, and colloquia; (4) provides education outreach on
seismic design and construction to the non-technical building community and the general public; and, (5)
advises government bodies on their programs of research, development, and implementation.

In 1977, the U.S. Congress passed the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act to plan effective ways to
protect the lives of building occupants during an earthquake, and mitigate the impact of such disasters on
the national economy. The law established the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
(NEHRP) and designated four federal agencies to tackle seismic issues: the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National
Science Foundation (NSF), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). BSSC under contract with
the Federal Emergency Management Agency develops and maintains a key resource, the NEHRP
FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures. The Provisions are used as
the primary resource for the professional design standard ASCE/SEI 7 Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures. The 2009 edition of the Provisions, FEMA P-750, developed as a
knowledge-based resource document intended to translate research results into engineering design
practice, was largely adopted in ASCE/SEI 7-10. The 2015 edition of the Provisions, FEMA P-1050, has
been similarly adopted in ASCE/SEI 7-16.

BSSC’s success with the Provisions is due to the efforts of its organizational members and volunteer
experts, which include: engineers, seismologists, architects, academics, researchers, code officials,
manufacturers, and suppliers. The Provisions are developed by a Provisions Update Committee of
seismic experts that identify and apply the most advanced seismic technology available. The committee
is supported by expert issue teams that address specific aspects of seismic design methodology and
construction. Together they ensure that state-of-the-art seismic requirements reflect lessons learned from
results and findings from recent research projects, problem-focused studies, and post-earthquake
investigation reports conducted by various professional organizations, research institutes, universities,
material industries and the NEHRP agencies. Through a balloting process, organizational members
ensure that in this process accounts for the interests of the building community.

BSSC’s mission to improve the regulation of seismic resistant planning, design and construction also is
accomplished through the Codes Resource Support Committee (CRSC). This group of volunteers
develops, submits, monitors, and supports code changes, particularly in the International Building Code
(IBC), based-on the most recent edition of the Provisions.

Based-on the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions, the BSSC develops educational, training
materials and explanatory information to support the structural engineering community. Webinars,
workshops and colloquia are held to explain the principles behind the Provisions, describe the types of
structures, materials, and specific seismic load resisting elements, and to illustrate how to apply the new
requirements, and to handle critical issues when conducting seismic design of structural systems.

Understanding the Provisions as a basis for seismic-related codes and standards is important to many
others outside the technical community. To support this transfer of knowledge, the BSSC provides
webinars and maintains the publication Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts, FEMA P-749 for use by
builders, elected officials, building regulatory officials, industry representatives, decision–makers in the
insurance and finance communities, individual business owners, other members of the building
community and the public. The document provides a nontechnical explanation of the concepts of the
earthquake-resistant design and requirements of the Provisions.

Periodically, the BSSC advises government bodies on their programs of seismic research, development,
and implementation. For example, for NIST the BSSC in 2012 and 2013 prepared the Development of
NIST Measurement Science R&D Roadmap: Earthquake Risk Reduction in Buildings, NIST GCR 13-917-
23 to assist NIST in planning future research efforts related to seismic safety for new and existing
buildings over the next eight years. The BSSC also supported NIST on behalf of the Interagency
Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction (ICSSC) in development of the Standards of Seismic Safety
for Existing Federally Owned and Leased Buildings, ICSSC Recommended Practice 8 (RP 8), NIST GCR
11-917-12. As part of a continuing effort to achieve seismic safety in existing Federal buildings, this
Standards document provides Federal agencies with minimum and extended standards for the evaluation
and mitigation of seismic risks.

BSSC's activities are structured to provide all interested entities with the opportunity to participate. The
BSSC is committed assessment of advances in engineering knowledge based on design experience and

About BSSC

evaluation of earthquake impacts, and to lasting technical improvement of seismic design provisions that
are implemented in design practice, and the nation’s model building codes and standards.

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

BSSC Board of Direction

Jim. W. Sealy, FAIA, Dallas, TX
James R. Cagley, P.E, S.E., Chairman of the Board Cagley & Associates, Rockville, MD (representing:
the Applied Technology Council)
Melvyn Green, Secretary, Melvyn Green & Associates, Torrance, CA (representing the Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute
Remington B. Brown, Insurance Institute for Building and Home Safety, Tampa, FL (representing the
Insurance Institute for Building and Home Safety)

Charles J. Carter, PhD., P.E., S.E., Vice President of Engineering and Research, American Institute of
Steel Construction, Chicago, IL (representing the American Institute of Steel Construction)

Bradford K. Douglas, P.E., Vice President, Engineering American Wood Council, Leesburg, VA
(representing the American Wood Council)

Jennifer Goupil, P.E., Director, Structural Engineering Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Reston, VA (representing the American Society of Civil Engineers)

Perry A. Haviland, FAIA, Oakland, CA (representing the American Institute of Architects)

John R. Hayes, Jr. ("Jack"), PhD., P.E., NEHRP Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Gaithersburg, MD (representing the National Institute of Standards and Technology)

Jay W. Larson, P.E., F. ASCE, Managing Director, Construction Technical American Iron and Steel
Institute, Bethlehem, PA (representing the American Iron and Steel Institute)

Ron Lynn, Clark County Government Center, Las Vegas, NV (representing the Code Officials)

Greg Schindler, SE, Associate, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Seattle, WA (representing the National
Council of Structural Engineers Association)

Matthew Senecal, P.E., Senior Engineer, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI (representing
the American Concrete Institute)

Stephen S. Szoke, P.E., Director, Codes and Standards, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL
(representing the Portland Cement Association)

Jason J. Thompson, Vice President of Engineering, National Concrete Masonry Association, Herndon, VA
(representing the National Concrete Masonry Association)

About BSSC

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

BSSC Member Organizations

American Concrete Institute
Representative: Matthew Senecal

American Consulting Engineers Council

Representative: Marie Ternieden

American Institute of Architects

Representative: Perry Haviland

American Institute of Steel Construction

Representative: Charles Carter

American Iron and Steel Institute

Representative: Bonnie Manley

American Society of Civil Engineers

Representative: Jennifer Goupil

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

Representative: Robert Simmons

American Welding Society

Representative: Andrew Davis

American Wood Council

Representative: Douglas Bradford

APA – The Engineered Wood Association

Representative: Thomas Skaggs

Applied Technology Council

Representative: James Cagley

Association of Engineering and Environmental Geologists

Representative: Gary Luce

Brick Industry Association

Representative: Charles Clark

Building Owners and Managers Association International

Representative: Ron Burton

California Seismic Safety Commission

Representative: Richard McCarthy

Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada

About BSSC

Representative: Kurt Siggard

Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
Representative: Mike Mota

Division of the State Architect, California

Representative: Ronald LaPlante

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Representative: Melvyn Green

General Services Administration-Seismic Program

Representative: James Sampson

Institute for Business and Home Safety

Representative: Remington Brown

International Code Council

Representative: Steve Ikkanda

International Masonry Institute

Representative: David Sovinski

Masonry Institute of America

Representative: John Chrysler

Metal Building Manufacturers Association

Representative: Lee Shoemaker

National Association of Home Builders

Representative: Gary Ehrlich

National Concrete Masonry Association

Representative: Jason Thompson

National Council of Structural Engineers Associations

Representative: Kevin Moore

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Representative: John (Jack) Hayes

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

Representative: Robert Garbini

Portland Cement Association

Representative: Steve Szoke

Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute

Representative: Jason Krohn

Rack Manufacturers Institute

Representative: Victor Azzi

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

Steel Deck Institute

Representative: Robert Paul

Structural Engineers Association of California

Representative: Don Schinske

Structural Engineers Association of Central California

Representative: Roy Lobo

Structural Engineers Association of Colorado

Representative: James Harris

Structural Engineers Association of Illinois

Representative: Jon Sfura

Structural Engineers Association of Kansas & Missouri

Representative: Alan Wiley

Structural Engineers Association of Kentucky

Representative: Mark Caldwell

Structural Engineers Association of Northern California

Representative: Ken Miles

Structural Engineers Association of Oregon

Representative: Aaron Burkhardt

Structural Engineers Association of San Diego

Representative: Cathy Riley

Structural Engineers Association of Southern California

Representative: Bahram Zarin-Afsar

Structural Engineers Association of Texas

Representative: William Wallace

Structural Engineers Association of Utah

Representative: Parry Brown

Structural Engineers Association of Washington

Representative: Tom Xia

The Masonry Society

Representative: Philip Samblanet

Western States Clay Products Association

Representative: Jeff Elder

Wisconsin Department of Administration

Representative: Owen Landsverk

About BSSC

FEMA P-1051, NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples

BSSC Publications
For a complete list of all BSSC publications and to download copies free of charge, visit the BSSC
website at

Where applicable, BSSC Publications are also available free of charge from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency at 1-800-480-2520 (by FEMA Publication Number).

BSSC Webinars
For a complete list of past and future BSSC webinars and to download presentations, visit the BSSC
website at

BSSC Membership
For membership in the BSSC, visit the National Institute of Building Sciences website at

For other information about the BSSC and its projects, workshops and colloquia, visit the BSSC website
at or contact the Council directly at:

Building Seismic Safety Council

National Institute of Building Sciences
1090 Vermont Avenue, N .W., Suite 700, Washington, D .C . 20005
Phone: 202-289-7800; Fax 202-289-1092

Philip Schneider, AIA, Executive Director

e-mail [email protected]


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