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Teacher: Michelle “Shelly” Bassett Date: Fossil Ridge HS

Class: Finance Period: 5

Title: TAXES Lesson #: 3/ 3 Lesson Length: 55 minutes

Standard 2 Objective 3: Understand the effects of state, local, and federal taxes and voluntary deductions on
wages and income, the difference between gross and net income, and the similarities and differences between
wages and income. 

Lesson Ideas/Topics:

Learning Targets: Students will be able to

● Identify what they need to file their tax returns
● Distinguish tax credits from tax deductions and understand how they
can lower their overall tax burdens
● Complete a 1040 form to file their tax returns 

Enduring Understanding (Big Idea):​ I can do hard things. Things may seem overwhelming but
when I break things up into smaller pieces they become more manageable.

Building Background (links to past learning, connections, key vocab):

W-2 form, W-4 form, 1040, 1099, standard deduction, itemized deductions, tax credit, gross
income, net income

Procedures and Meaningful Activities:

Print ​Tax Preparation Checklist for Teens​ for reference
Figure out how to divide classroom up
Post worksheet (deductions vs credits, standard vs itemized) on Google Classroom
Print 1040 for everyone in class
Print W-2 Borris for everyone in class
Get quarter sheets to hand out for exit ticket

Est Time Notes

Language Skills: Reading Writing Speaking Listening
10 min Opening: Divide into 4 groups based
Reference: Tax Preparation Checklist for Teens on last name:
You’re ready to file your tax return...but, what exactly do you need before you file? 1. A-B
2. C-La
1. Make a list of all of the information you will need and all of the documents you 3. Le-Si
will need to gather. (as a group they write answers on whiteboard) 4. Sl-z
2. Have each group give one answer (fire round must be fast without repeating
what others have said)

● Tax Preparation Checklist for Teens


10 min -Students work on

1.​Have students go to Google Classroom to complete the following ​worksheet own and submit
(information below is on worksheet) when done

● Tax Deductions vs. Credits

● Standard Deductions vs. Itemized Deductions

Standard Deductions vs. Itemized Deductions

You have all your paperwork and are ready to fill out the 1040. Not so fast! You also
have to figure out if you qualify for any ​tax credits​ or ​tax deductions​, which can
actually lower your overall tax bill! Read the information from this article segment
and reference slide to learn more about tax credits and deductions. Then, answer
the questions.
1. In your own words, explain how tax deductions differ from tax credits.
2. Would you rather take a tax deduction or a tax credit? Why?
3. Why might someone want to itemize their deductions if it requires more
work than simply claiming the standard deduction?

● CALCULATE: Completing a 1040

20 min 2.​CALCULATE: Completing a 1040 Divide class based

on their comfort level
of filling out taxes on
-Handout 1040 form their own
-Handout W-2 form for Borris
**Bring class into groups…
-Those that want help can sit on one side of class
-Those that feel comfortable can work on own

-Follow the directions on this worksheet to complete this activity.


5 ming Handout quarter sheet of paper

1. How do you feel about doing your own taxes in the future?
2. What questions do you still have about doing taxes?
3. What are two ways someone can use their tax refund wisely?

**These questions are going be addressed at the beginning of next class**

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