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Detailed Lesson Plan in Art 2

By: Jim U. Pamagaw

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupil should be able to;
A. Recognize primary and secondary colors;
B. Discover how color are produced; and
C. Enjoy working with colors.

II. Subject Matter: “Colors”

Reference: Mape book in grade 2 Pages: 139 – 146
Materials: Crayons, water color, bondpaper or oslo paper
water, paint brush.
Author: Enerita I. Cruz/Adoracion F. Francisco

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparation:
Everybody please stand let us pray Oh, God almighty…
Joane, please lead the prayer.

Goodmorning class! Good morning teacher!

How are you today? We’re fine teacher!
Very Good!

Before we start to our lesson

this morning, we have an agreements. Yes, teacher!

What will you have to do if somebody Listen carefully, teacher

is talking in front?

How about if you want to answer? Raise the right hand teacher,
Yes, princess! And do not answer in chorus.
Very, good!

I hope you will follow all of our Yes, teacher!


B. Motivation
I have something to show you class!
and tell me what you have observe.

What kind of fruit is this?

Oliver! Mango, teacher
Very good!
What can you observe about the The color of the mango is yellow teacher
mango? Yes Delvi and the leaves of the mango is color green.
Great! Good job Delvi!
Now, class what do you think our
lesson for today? I think about color teacher
Yes, Jonathan

C. Presentation
Now class, our lesson this morning is
all about colors.

D. Discussion:
Color is the reflection of light that
pleases the eye. Color makes the
things around us beautiful and
attractive. Color can be light or heavy.
The sun is the source of the colors.
There are two groups of colors: The
primary and secondary. Those primary
colors are: red, yellow and blue. And
secondary colors are green, orange
and violet.
Primary colors Secondary colors



Yellow Orange

Blue Violet

E. Generalization:

Class let us see if you really

understand, our lesson this morning

What is color? Susan Color makes the things around us beautiful

and attractive, teacher.
Very, good!

What else, James Color can be light or heavy.


What are those primary colors? Primary colors are red, yellow and blue
Very good! give barangay clap for Everybody clap their hands.

And what are those secondary colors? Secondary colors are green, orange and violet,
Sheena! teacher
Excellent! give an apple clap for
sheena. One, two, three, apple.

F. Application:

Now class I will group you into two.

Direction: Group I draw and color

those primary color. And group II Yes, teacher.
draw and color those secondary

IV. Evaluation:
Write P if the color belongs to
Primary and S if the color belongs
to Secondary

1. Violet __________ Answer key:

1. S
2. Red __________ 2. P
3. S
3. Green __________ 4. P
5. P
4. Blue __________ 6. S

5. Yellow __________

6. Orange __________

V. Assignment: January 27, 2020

Study how to make color through

mixing primary and secondary

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