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Class test-III

1. The process involved in recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, compensating,

and laying off people is called:
a. selection.
b. recruiting.
c. human resource management.
d. human resource planning.

2. The process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for an

existing or an anticipated job openings is called_________.

(a) selection

(b) placement

(c) recruitment

(d) induction

3. All of the following are sources of internal recruiting except:

a. transfers.
b. promotions.
c. advertisements.
d. retrained employees.

4. Which is not a step in the selection process?

a. filling out an application.

b. taking a physical exam.
c. taking an employment test.
d. none of the above.

5. Employee referral is______________ .

(a) an internal method of recruitment

(b) an indirect method of recruitment

(c) third party method of recruitment

(d) an internet recruiting

6. Inputs to the selection process include all but_____________.

(a) job analysis

(b) supervision

(c) HR planning

(d) job applicants

7.  Compensation will be perceived as fair if it is comprised of a system of

components developed to maintain ______________.

(a) internal equity

(b) external equity

(c) both internal and external equity

(d) none of these

8.  Wage and salary survey ensures about_______________ .

(a) Internal equity

(b) External equity

(c) Individual equity

(d) Both (a) and (b)

9. Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

a. Improves morale

b. Helps people identify with organisational goals

c. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination

d. None of the above

10. Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?

a. Assessment makes training department more accountable

b. Higher training costs
c. Loss of business
d. Increased overtime working

11. Which of the following is a technique of evaluation?

a. Longitudinal or time - series analysis

b. Transfer validity
c. Inter - organisational validity
d. None of the above

12. Which of these is a hindrance to effective training?

a. Career planning workshop

b. Aggregate spending on training is inadequate
c. Mentoring
d. Career counselling

13. Which function is not included in training and development programs?

a. helping new employees learn about and fit into the organization.
b. designing training activities.
c. evaluating training activities to meet the identified needs.
d. none of the above

14.  Which of the following are features of a management training program?

a. job rotation.
b. understudy position.
c. on-the-job coaching.
d. all of the above.
15. Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of employee
a. upward movement
b. decrease in authority and responsibility
c. permanency
d. merit or seniority as the basis
16. Which of the following is not a reason for demotion?
a. Inefficiency
b. Indiscipline
c. Administrative convenience
d. Absence of promotional opportunities
17. The transfer which facilitate the employees in acquiring a wide variety of skills is
known as
a. Displacement transfer
b. Versatility transfer
c. Shift transfer
d. Remedial transfer
18. Which of the following is not an example of transfer?
a. Displacement transfer
b. Versatility transfer
c. Shift transfer
d. Remedial transfer
19. Which of the following is not a reason for the involuntary separation of employees?
a. Employee health problems
b. Employee indiscipline problems
c. Organizational problems
d. None of the above
20. Which of the following makes the employees ineligible for provident and gratuity
a. Retirement
b. Resignation
c. Dismissal
d. Discharge
21. Define training.

22. What are two types recruitment? Explain in detail.

23. What are the three main purpose of job application form?

24. Give the principal for guidance and training?

25. Mention the functions of Medical record departments.

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