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QUARTER I Lesson I: Fad and Trend


You will explore the meaning of trends and how they operate
as forces for social change in many communities and societies in the
world today. Various trends, both micro and macro, operate as MY TARGETS:
sources of change and develpments for individuals, organizations, 1. Identify the difference between the fad and the trend.
and intitutions. 2. Determine the process in how to spot trends
We become knowledgeable and informed in our daily actions. 3.Identifying the part of a whole.
4. Discuss the characteristics of a trend
It takes a serious study to look at trends, knowing their elements and
characteristics, can propel the assertion of people’s collective identity,
social responsibility, and global interconnectedness. . DISCOVERY TASK:
A global citizens, you will need to respond and acton some of
these trends as a necessary condition for engaged critical thinking. Directions: Think some words that is related to the word “TRENDS”. Put
In this whole quarter, you’ll encounter notes, tasks and the words into the blank shapes around the word TREND. After putting
activities that will help you to see the value of yourself. words in the blanks, Write your own definition of Trend. Write your
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ definition on the blank space below.


As we go in this journey, you need to know:

Grade Level Standards: Differentiate a trend from a trend and a fad

Revised Content Standard: The learner understands the emergence of TRENDS

trends and patterns.

Revised Performance Standard: The learner will be abe to derive an

idea from instances and present this idea through a 100-word essay,
artwork, and other graphic representations.
Since the information mentioned above is clear, you are ready to go!

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

Your own definition: MEGATRENDS 2000 (1990) with Patricia Aburdene
• The Booming Global economy
__________________________________________________________ o Global economic boom prompted by the information
__________________________________________________________ economy, freer trade, and a government bias
Page |
__________________________________________________________ toward economic expansion over political ideology
__________________________________________________________ • Renaissance in the Arts
o Rapid growth in participation in the fine and finer
__________________________________________________________ arts.
👌LECTURE 1 • The Emergence of Free-market Socialism
o The emergence of free markets in socialist
• The Rise of Women in Leadership
A Trend is a sequential pattern of change in recorded data-a o Women have become much more important in
change evidenced by a rise or fall of variables when measured leadership roles.
between at least two points overtime (Gordon, 2008) • Religious Revival
A trend in a global scale is called megatrend. Mega trends are o Religious revival led by fundamentalism and the
not always created by the majority, but are typically followed by desire for deep and personal experience
a majority of society. Megatrends entail a major restructuring; • Triumph of the Individual
they are larger pattern of broad trends that reshape and
transform our lives.
• Microtrends are introduce as the most powerful forces in
Here are some of the megatrends identified by Naisbitt (1982)
our society (Penn, 2007). These are small forces in our
and Patricia Aburdene (1990)
society (Penn, 2007). These are small forces that can stir
The Original Megatrends (1982) big changes in communities, institutions, and societies
around the world.
• from an industrial society to an information society
• These microtrends advocate localization as opposed to
• from forced technology to high tech or high-touch globalization. They recognize that people and communities
technology have never been more sophisticated and more
• from national economy to long term knowledgeable about the choices they make in their
• from centralization to decentralization everyday lives.
• from institutional help to self help
• from hierarchies to networking

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

👌ACTIVITY Mr. Ato dela Cruz
has a made-to-order
Directions: Classify the following trends as microtrends or
car delivered to him Page |
megatrends. Be sure to explain your reason/s for categorizing them.
in less than a 3
NOTE: You may write this activity on a one whole sheet of yellow


The growing
number of
international Stay-at-home
students presents workers
a challenge for
and educators in
terms of their
preparation to live
and work in
globalizing world.

The rise of the fast-

food businesses

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

A coffee shop FADS
becomes popular Fads are transitory and very limited in scope. They
because it allows only affect a particular group or region and has no Page |
people to make their long-term implications. 4
choice of coffee,
their milk, and their
sweetener Jejemon Gadgets Social Media

The use of the Look at the

Trends can also
Jejemon phenomenal
run counter to
language in the Facebook and
each other as
Philippines has Twitter. These
iPods are popular technology
been famous major social
because they let us progresses.
but short-lived. media networks
pick and choose our Every era offers
own songs. A Jejemon is a have stunning
a trend that
person who billion of active
seems to fade
makes the users as a new
away as a new
English language way to connect
decade begins.
difficult to read with people
Telephones and
and understand. across the globe.
beepers were
The language is As a social trend,
once the
popular to these major
A cultural shift youngsters who social media
trend, but were
toward healthier call themselves platform
living among Asians different, but constantly
replaced cell
happy because change the way
phones, tablet,
of their we relate and
and iPads.
language and communicate
clothing style

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

👌 Answer Attachment 1 ________________________________________________
(To be submitted at the end of the week)
Directions: Make an artwork about TREND. You can make poster, ________________________________________________ Page |
drawing, sketch, or digital artwork. Do this attachment on a short bond
NOTE: Copying the ideas from the internet is PROHIBITED. Create it
with your own idea. 2. When you identify it, what might have caused this trend to
Lesson II: TRENDSPOTTING ________________________________________________
Time Frame: 2 HOURS
MY TARGETS: ________________________________________________
1. Identify the difference between the fad and the trend.
2. Determine the process in how to spot trends ________________________________________________
3.Identifying the part of a whole.
4. Discuss the characteristics of a trend ________________________________________________

. LET’S GET CRITICAL! 3. How long will it probably last?

A. HOW TO SPOT A TREND. ________________________________________________
After determining the meanign of a trend, let us move ________________________________________________
on how to identify a trned by reflecting on these questions.
1. How do you spot a trend? ________________________________________________

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT


Spotting a trend is looking at the future through the TREND SPOTTING

lens of the present moment. Being able to predict a trend is a
Page |
valued skill for the global citizen.
Scrunity Summary
You can
share your trend
After this, analyze analysis with other
Setup your work as a groups for critique
Surveying Scenarios
group for you to be and affirmation.
able to identify a They can add fifth
Inferring from
trend or shift. column, Summary,
the setup and containing the class’
The Write it under the
The Setup scanning trend analysis on
Surveying Scrunity section.
column should should have sections, poverty.
contain your the group’s imagine .
questions as a observation of situations that
group as you the world and can shed light
attempt to it’s different on the changes The 4s Trendspotting Model
grasp the cultures in you have (Rehn and Lindkvist, 2013)
general trend order to grasp observe to help
community happening. understand
the trend and
think about

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

Scanning comes first before spotting a trend. After
all materials are gathered, they are are analyzed and 👌ACTIVITY
contextualized for trend significance. From each new event Directions: Using the 4s Trendspotting Model, make a trend Page |
or data point, the analyst will bw the following: analysis of poverty in your country for the last decade.
Note: Write this activity in a 1 whole sheet of yellow paper.
1. Does this fit a pattern?
2. Is this suggestive of a pattern? SETUP SURVEYING SCENARIOS SCRUNITY SUMMARY
3. Is this part of a bigger phenomenon, a growth
or decline of significance that will change the environment?
4. Does it offer threat and opportunities, and will it change
what is required of organizations in order for it to be

Once trend is identified, experts will soon

categorized, interpret, and label it based on their contexts
and perspectives.
But some trends are easy to identify and do not
need to be thoroughly analyzed. For example, Japan is
observed to have an aging population, while the
population of the Philippines is increasing per year.
However, if the evidence of a trend is unclear, 👌 Answer Attachment 2
different analyses will emerge and data will be observed (To be submitted at the end of the week)
from different point of views or paradigms. -------------------------------------------------
Directions: Write a 100-word essay. Imagine yourself being
an award recipient. You have won an award entitled
“Outstanding Trendspotter of the decade” or “School
Trendspotter” Your task now is to write an accpetance
speech. In it, you must tell how the knowledge you have
acquired as a trendspotter helps you become what and who
you are.
Do this on a short bond paper.

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

Lesson III: Elements and Characteristics of a Trend Elements and Characteristics of a Trend
Time Frame: 4 HOURS
At the beginning of this lesson you were asked to think and
reflect on the quotation of Krist Novoselic: “Don’t follow trend,
follow your heart” What does this quotation tell you before and Page |
after studying about trends? 8

MY TARGETS: • A significant characteristic of a trend is its capacity to make

1. Identify the difference between the fad and the trend. sudden surprises and reversals about the things that we can see
2. Determine the process in how to spot trends around us, future plans and challenges. There are countries
3.Identifying the part of a whole. whose economies are growing as the number of available jobs
4. Discuss the characteristics of a trend signifivantly increases.
• The pattern to determine a trend in any issue must pass the
. LET’S GET CRITICAL! basic tests of significance so that it can create change to a wide
range of people and have broad social, economic, and political
Now that we gained a basic understanding of a trend and
• Another characteristic of a trend is that it overlaps and
how to spot it, let us move on to describe its elements and
interlocks with other trends. Globalization hastens the creation
characteristics. From the previous lesson, enumerate
of urban centers.
significant words in the world of trends.
• Some of the trends we look at are dynamic. Their identification
may be familiar to us since they are with us for a given period
_________________________________________________________ of time, but trends have changed.
• Look at the future of work. Years ago, we did not have
_________________________________________________________ the Internet and there were no Social Media networks.
_________________________________________________________ • The jobs we find today are nonexistent decades ago.
• Work trends are so dynamic. We do not know what jobs
will exist in the next twenty years.
_________________________________________________________ • The people out of work today will soon find jobs again,
but their descriptions will not be the same.
• Many businesses are choosing contract relationships
_________________________________________________________ over hiring new employees. Virtual teams at work are
becoming a trend.

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

2. Similarly, what has changed in your own company or
Directions: Do a formal interview through texting or
messaging with entrepreneurs (businessman/woman), Page |
regular employees, or other professionals guided by the ________________________________________________ 9
following questions:
1. Looking back over the last ten years or so, what has
changed in your industry? ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ 3. What do you think will happen next in your field?
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

👌ACTIVITY b. Which ones do they think are the most popular and why?
Directions: Cut out two copies of magazines or news papers ________________________________________________
about fashion and make a list of characteristics you notice ________________________________________________ Page |
regarding fashion trends as you look at them: 10
Note – You can do this on a short bond paper
Magazine/Newspaper A. ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ c. What makes this fashion trends memorable?
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Magazine/Newspaper B.
3. Share how you became aware of particular trends or if you
can remember what factors have influenced you to accept
those trends.
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
2. Give a brief report after identifying and describing some ________________________________________________
fashion trends. ________________________________________________
a. Which ones have you experienced personally? ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Learning Module in TNCT – GRADE 12 Prepared by: Benedict C. Lumague, LPT

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