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Final Test

Name : sirumani gea

ID No. : 2052011
Lecturer : Mrs. Marlin

I. PARTS OF SPEECH. Choose the right answer.

A. Noun
1. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are a lot of …………………
a. furniture c. chairs
b. tea set d. desk

2. I don’t have much ………… just two small bags.

a. furniture c. work
b. luggage d. progress

3. George is unemployed. He’s looking for a …………………..

a. work c. progress
b. experience d. job

B. Article
4. I want to buy…..laptop next week.
a. a c. the
b. an

5. Can you please go to ………… grocery store on Fifth street and buy two cartons of milk?
a. a c. the
b. an

6. Please meet me at the train station in ……………hour from now.

a. a c. the
b. an

7. My bother got an award for being …………… best speller at our school.
a. a c. the
b. an

C. Verb
8. What did Mary tell about the film last night? Tell is a ……………..
a. Verb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Conjunction
9. Christine _________ the match in olympic games. She is so happy.
a. jumped c. won
b. lost d. celebrated

10. I do believe what my mother said. Believe is a ……………….

a. Adjective c. Verb
b. Conjunction d. Adverb

11. Josua _________ in the morning and we __________ in the afternoon.

a. studies – study c. studies – studied
b. studied – studies d. studying – studied

D. Adjective
12. Mary got an expensive car from her parents. Expensive is a ………………….
a. Noun c. Verb
b. Adjective d. Adverb

13. I wonder if I could speak English as well as a native speaker. Wonder is a ………………
a. Noun c. Verb
b. Adjective d. Adverb

14. Azam acts silly in front of his girl sometimes. Silly is a ………………..
a. Noun c. Verb
b. Adjective d. Adverb

E. Pronoun
15. I wonder why Geoff rushed off. Did you upset _______ ?
a. he c. we
b. him d. they

16. _______ hope those flowers are for me.

a. We c. I
b. Them d. Him

17. Sarah wanted Lisa to follow ________.

a. she c. I
b. they d. her

18. What can ________ do about it?

a. him c. you
b. her d. us

F. Preposition
19. When we get ready for dinner, I have to take my books __________ the table.
a. off c. out
b. from d. of
20. Every weekend, we put the trash can ________________ for garbage collection.
a. up c. into
b. at d. out

21. It was a long walk, so he began moving slowly ________________ the town.
a. for c. until
b. towards d. at

22. We often go fishing __________________ the river bank.

a. towards c. along
b. inside d. around

G. Conjunction. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions listed below.

So that while since

except unless although

23. You’d better write down the number ____So that___ you will not forget it.
24. The atmosphere in the class has not been the same ____since_____ you left.
25. I go to school every day of the week ____except____ on Saturday and Sunday.

II. 8 Parts of Speech in one sentence. Identify the 8 Parts of Speech from the sentences below!
Write down your answer under the word.
26. Yes! My brother and I are going to visit Maldives next month.
Yes!: interjection
Brother: Noun
I: pronoun
Visit: verb
Next: Adjective
And: conjunction

27. Ah! My family wish we could travel around Indonesia and see all amazing places.
Ah!: interjection
Wish: verb
Indonesia: Noun
And: conjunction.
Amazing: adjective
Around: preposition
We: pronoun.

28. The young boy ran very quickly and he yelled, “Help”.
Young: Adjective
Boy: Noun
Ran: verb
Quickly: adverb
And: conjunction
Help!: interjection
He: pronoun

29. I, funny Sam, am playing happily and friendly at school at noon. Wow!
I: pronoun
Funny: adjective
Sam: noun
Happily: adverb
At: preposition
Wow!: interjection
And: conjunction

30. Oops! I spilled the milk.

Oops!: interjection
I: pronoun
Spilled: verb
Milk: noun

III. Tenses Understanding.

A. Simple Present. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
31. Water ___boils____ (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
32. Your class ____starts_____ (start) at 8:00 a.m.
33. It often ___rains_____ (rain) in the month of December.

B. Read the first text. It describes what Pete does every day. Complete the second text with the
Past Simple.

Every day …
‘I get home from work at six o’clock every day. I watch the news on TV
and then make my dinner. I put the dishes in the dishwasher, then I read
the newspaper and do the crossword. When I feel tired, I go to bed.’

Yesterday …
‘I (34) …………got…………. home from work at six o’clock yesterday.
I (35) …………watched…………. the news on TV and then (36) ………made………..
my dinner. I (37) ………put……. the dishes in the dishwasher, then I (38)
……read…………… the newspaper and (39) ……did……… the crossword.
When I (40) ………felt………….. tired, I (41) …………went…….. to bed.’

C. Past Continuous. Choose the right answer.

42. You .... studying when she called.
a. was c. had
b. were d. has
43. I was .... a book when Louisa knocked the door.
a. reading c. reads
b. read d. will read

44. ………... were waiting at the library.

a. She c. We
b. He d. It

D. Future Continuous
45. You will be .... for her when her plane arrives tonight.
a. wait c. waits
b. waiting d. is wait

46. They .... not be waiting.

a. will c. has
b. have d. is

47. I .... waiting for you when your bus arrives.

a. was c. am
b. is d. will be

E. Present Continuous. Decide what tense is best for each of the verbs in brackets.

Nowadays people [use / are using] the Internet to do their shopping and banking. Roger
Hawkins of Auction On-line [says / is saying]. ‘We [find / are finding] more and more people
taking part each month. Some even [enter / are entering] their cars or houses at auction and
[sell / are selling] them.

F. Simple Future. Indicate the meaning expressed by the italicized verbs by writing in the future,
now or habitually in the blanks.

1. My brother’s birthday is next week. I am giving him a sweater. in the future

2. I am taking seven subjects this semester. ___now______
3. When I graduate, I’m going to return home. ___in the future____
4. Students usually take seven subjects every semester. ___habitually___
5. I’m tired. I am going to bed early tonight. __in the future__
6. Shhh. The broadcaster is giving the latest news about the crisis in England. I want to hear
what she’s saying. __now___

G. Tenses Recognition: Simple Past and Past Perfect.

Instruction: Read the conversation below and try to comprehend the content. After
comprehending it, you are required to fill in the blanks by forming the word into proper
tenses, either it should in a form of Simple Past or Past Perfect.

Police: Please tell me about what __happened__ (happen) last night at your house.
Victim: I ___fell___ (fall) asleep at 7 pm. Before I __slept_ (sleep), I __checked___ (check) all
doors to make sure they _were___ (v-be) all secured. Suddenly, in the middle of the
night, I _woke__ (wake) up because of a loud noise.
Police: And then?
Victim: I _was___ (v-be) really afraid to get out from my room so I just __stayed___ (stay) inside.
I __heard__ (hear) some steps approaching my bedroom area. Immediately, I __called__
(call) my brother and __told__ (tell) him that somebody___broke___ (break) into my
house. In twenty minutes, my brother __arrived__ (arrive) at my house with his three
friends. That’s the time I ___realized___ (realize) that my house ____was robbed___
Police: Thankfully, you are safe.

H. Tenses Recognition: Present Perfect and Past Perfect.

Instruction: Identify tenses that are used in each of the following sentences then write your
answer next to/below the sentence.

1. Although lacking in calcium and vitamin A, grains have more carbohydrates than any other
Simple present

2. They have waited for you at the restaurant for 2 hours.

Present perfect

3. I had eaten my lunch when my mom called me.

Past perfect

4. Have you ever flown an airplane?

Present perfect

5. The students had planned their field trip.

Past perfect

H. Change these sentences below into passive voice.

1. He is delivering the letters.
The letters are being delivered.

2. Someone has already paid the workers.

The workers had already been paid by someone.

3. My friend offered me a job at the bank.

A job at the bank has been offered to me by my friend.

4. Everyone says he is a great footballer.

He is a great footballer said everyone.
5. The police told her that they had found her lost purse.
She was told that the police had found her lost purse.

6. They will show the paintings at the exhibition until Monday.

The paintings are going to be shown at the exhibition until Monday.

7. When I entered the room, the teacher was passing out the test instructions.
The test instructions were being passed out when I entered the room.

8. They treat and cure people at hospitals.

At the hospital they are treating and curing people.

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