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G5 / Grammar FT Semester 2

Name : _________________________

Circle the correct answer.

1. Sleds run …. over the frozen snow.
a. best b. better c. good d. well
2. False friend are …. Than open enemies.
a. Bad b. worse c. worst d. good
3. I’m so impressed, your masterpiece is … than mine.
a. good b. better c. best d. bad
4. Billy is the ….. boy in the class.
a. good b. better c. best d. bad
5. Is the Nile …. than the Amazon?
a. good b. better c. best d. bad
6. We had …… dress, like we do every year.
a. good b. better c. best d. worse
7. She's the woman …. going to be our new manager.
a. who b. whose c. who’s d. where
8. ….. are my grandparents, and …. people over there are my friend's grandparents
a. These / these c. These / those
b. Those / these d. Those / those
9. Please watch …… children over there for me.
a. that b. those c. this d. these
10. I cannot read the writing in …. letter on my hand. The handwriting is too small.
a. this b. that c. those d. these
11. …. building over there is the Chrysler Building
a. This b. That c. These d. Those
12. …….topic would you like to discuss?
a. Whose b. What c. Which d. Why
13. …..job does your mother have?
a. What b. Whose c. Which d. Who’s
14. ……. did you cry last night?
a. When b. Whose c. Why d. Who
15. I really like my new home, especially its location.
How many possessive adjectives are there in the sentence?
a. One b. two c. three d. four
16. He carefully replaced the delicate vase.
The word “delicately” is the adverb that answer the question ….
a. when b. how often c. in what manner d. where
17. The police pushed bystanders away from the accident scene.
Which one is an adverb in the sentence above?
a. pushed b. bystanders c. away d. police’

18. The adverb in the previous number answer the question …..
a. when b. how often c. in what manner d. where
19. Smart travelers eventually will learn to use traveler’s checks.
What does the word “eventually” describe in the sentence above?
a. traveler b. will learn c. smart d. to use
20. The bleachers are already built for the concert.
Which one is the adverb of the sentence above?
a. Bleachers b. are c. already d. built
21. Harry and Nick went to the movies with their friends.
Which of the following can be found in the sentence above? (circle 2)
a. Simple subject c. Simple predicate
b. Compound subject d. Compound predicate
22. William throws and catches baseball for fun.
a. Simple subject c. Simple predicate
b. Compound subject d. Compound predicate
23. Marsha and Steve followed Ann and waited for her.
a. Simple subject c. Simple predicate
b. Compound subject d. Compound predicate
24. Nadia and Rama went to the mall and shopped for an hour.
a. Simple subject c. Simple predicate
b. Compound subject d. Compound predicate
25. Tristan ordered pizza for dinner.
a. Simple subject c. Simple predicate
b. Compound subject d. Compound predicate
26. ………. are relieved we arrived home safely.
a. Alexis b. I c. Bertha and Jim d. Jim and I
27. Which of the following sentences contain compound predicates?
a. Joane went to the market and bought tomatoes.
b. Hensel and Spot walked to the park in the rain.
c. I was glad I had an umbrella.
d. Lisa got up late, but Denis woke up early.
28. Which of the following sentences contain compound subject?
a. He and I are in a different team.
b. The boys drew picture and colored it.
c. Karen did her homework at school this morning.
d. The firefighter bravely went into the burnt house.
29. Samantha really liked the song. Gary agreed with her.
The correct way to combine the sentences above is.
a. Samantha and Gary really liked the song.
b. Samantha really liked the song, and Gary agreed with her.
c. Samantha really liked the song, but Gary agreed with her.
d. Samantha really liked the song and Gary really liked the song.
30. Lisa buys her lunch every day. Jenny brings her lunch from home.
a. Lisa buys her lunch every day, and Jenny brings her lunch from home.
b. Lisa buys her lunch every day, but Jenny brings her lunch from home.
c. Lisa and Jenny bring her lunch from home.
d. Lisa and Jenny buy her lunch every day.
31. Which conjunction is correct to combine the following sentences?
Do you want to order a burger?
Should I make spaghetti?
a. And b. But c. Or d. So
32. Which conjunction is correct to combine the following sentences?
I didn’t study for the final exam.
I got a bad score.
a. And b. But c. Or d. So
Underline the prepositional phrases and circle the noun it described.
1. The strange man parked his car next to the tall trees.
2. Her family from Chicago decided to plan their trip later.
3. Watch the horse run around the field.
4. Please return the book to the cabinet.
5. My cousin Jesse wore a bandage on his nose to cover the wound.
6. The boy in the blue cap is the captain.
7. Do you know the girl in the front row?
8. Jo and Ty love cookies with peanut.
Underline the verb in each sentence and circle the verb. Write “when” / “where” /
“how often”
1. Our family frequently enjoys a night at the movie. ________________________
2. The mice darted everywhere to escape the cat. ________________________
3. The car easily won the race. ________________________
4. Frances awoke early the first day of school. _________________________
5. The audience glanced up at the balcony where the noise originated.
6. He decisively moved the chess piece. _______________________
Underline the adverbs in each sentence and write positive / comparative /
1. My ice cream melted more quickly than yours. _______________________
2. There is much work to be done on the stadium project. ____________________
3. This article appeared more recently than other. ____________________
4. He knows well the punishment for disobeying his parents.
5. I can do this essay more easily than the previous one. ____________________
Write compound subjects go with these predicates.
1. ___________________________________ love playing basketball.
2. ________________________________ are going to the movies.
3. ________________________________ are helping the people.
4. ________________________________ don’t like water.
Write compound predicates to go with these subjects.
1. Those ladies _______________________________________________________
2. The president ______________________________________________________
3. You and I _________________________________________________________
Combine the two sentences with conjunction and or but.
1. The ship transports people. The ship moves goods.
2. Sammie played on the swing. Paul enjoyed the slide.
3. Wendy lost her jacket. Edward missed his ride home.
4. Sally really like the music. Fiona agreed with her.
Rewrite the sentence by moving the prepositional phrase closer to the words.
1. My sister with a big bow gave me a present.
2. The genie granted three wishes from the brass lamp.
3. The woman was looking for cat in the large hat.
4. A bird in the pet store bit me in the mall.
5. We like to eat eggs in the morning with a toast.
Write a sentence using subject and adjectives given and another sentence using
adverb form.
1. Boy – messy
2. Coach – brief

3. Brother – quiet
4. Players – tired
Circle every subject and underline every predicate. Then write compound subject,
compound predicate, both or neither.
1. James mowed lawns and delivered papers over the summer.
2. Janneka and Darneka are twins.
3. The judge gave Jim his verdict.
4. I woke up, brushed my hair and my teeth, and went to school.
5. Karen and Marsha did their homework and checked it twice.
Circle and write the correct answer.
1. __________________ Maureen has already / all ready for the dance.
2. __________________ Mom was sick, but she’s alright / all right now.
3. __________________ The baby raised / rose the spoon to his mouth.
4. __________________ The eagle raised / rose out of sight.
5. __________________ I am going to ask my boss to raise / rise my salary.
6. __________________ When I wanted to answer the question I raised / rose my
hand in class.
7. __________________ All of last week I lay / laid in bed feeling sick.
8. __________________ Our pet dogs like to lie / lay under the table.
9. __________________ “Look over their / there !” he shouted.
10. ___________________ There / They’re a good football team.
11. ___________________ Your lunch is over they’re / there.
12. ___________________ Have you seen they’re / their new house?
13. ___________________ Who’s / Whose friend is an architect?
14. ___________________ Whose / Who’s more confident — Lily or Rachel?
15. ___________________ My sister will learn / teach you how to skate for free.
16. ___________________ Who learned / taught you how to play guitar?
Combine the following sentence by using a coordinating conjunction. (FANBOYS)
1. Darren will not fo on a vacation with you. He will not go on a vacation with Tom
2. Does Clark have any brothers? Does Clark have any sisters?
3. Jack must travel to the village. He can see how the tribe lives.
4. Steven isn’t going to the movies. Fred isn’t going to the movies.
5. There are cheese cakes for afternoon tea today. There are chocolate biscuit, too.
Making sentences.
Please make a sentence by using the category below.
1. Simple subject + simple predicate
2. Simple subject + compound predicate
3. Compound subject + simple predicate
4. Compound subject + compound predicate
5. Already
6. Lay
7. Lie
8. Raise
9. Their
10. They’re
The adjectives and adverbs are bold in the sentences. Above the bold words please
write ADJ if it is an adjective or ADV if it is an adverb. The draw an arrow to the
noun to the adjective describes or to the verb the adverb describes.
1. An old mayor was elected twice.
2. He carefully put the tall screen between our desk.
3. The woman gently coaxed the frightened kitten out of the tree.
4. The nervous boy talked loudly.
5. The new boy in our class moved here from Phenix.
6. Charles ran quickly to the empty house to get his blue ball.

Use adjectives and adverbs to answer the questions below.

1. The plant grew. (Which plant? How?)
2. The birds flew. (How many? What kind? Where?)

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