PH Credit Corporation Vs CA

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PH Credit Corporation vs. Court of Appeals and Carlos M.

G.R. No. 109648 November 22, 2001


 PH Credit Corporation filed a suit for collection of sum of money against Pacific Lloyd
Corp., Carlos Farrales, Thomas H. Van Sebille and Federico C. Lim.
 A judgment was rendered by the trial court holding all aforementioned liable to pay PH
Credit Corporation the amount of Php 118,814.49 at 18% interest per annumstarting
December 20, 1982 until fully paid; Surcharge of 16% per annum from December 20,
1982; Penalty Charge of 2% per month from December 20, 1982, computed on interest
and principal compounded; Attorney’s fees in an amount equivalent to 25% of the total
sum due; and Costs of suit.
 A writ of execution was issued and the personal properties of Carlos M. Farrales were
levied and sold at public auction where PH Credit Corp. was the highest bidder.
 The judgment failed to specify in the fallo part whether the liability of the
aforementioned debtors were joint or solidary.
 PH Credit Corp. contends that the body of the decision holds that the debtors are jointly
and severally liable which should render them solidarily liable.

Whether or not the aforementioned parties are solidarily liable.

Article 1207 and 1208 of the Civil Code provides that in the absence of clear stipulation or of
the law or the nature of the obligation does not require solidary liability then the parties are
presumed to be jointly liable. The statement holding the aforementioned parties as
solidarily liable were only part od the statement of facts of the judgment rendered by the
judge, thus in the absence of any express statement in the fallo portion of the judgment
holding the parties solidarily liable, they are jointly liable. Furthermore, the sale of Carlos M.
Farrales’ property is deemed void for it was made to answer for the whole obligation
against PH Credit Corp., when parties are jointly liable an execution sale of their property
should only be up to the extent of their liability.

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