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WJEC 2014 Online Exam Review

GCSE Biology 4461-02

All Candidates' performance across questions

Question Title N Mean SD Max Mark FF Attempt %

1 8531 3.6 1.5 6 59.2 100
2 8533 3.1 1.2 6 51.8 100
3 8527 2.8 1.3 6 47.4 99.9 3
4 8340 1.7 1.3 6 27.7 97.7
5 8533 4.2 1.2 6 69.8 100
6 8405 1.2 1.3 4 30.9 98.5
7 8035 3.5 1.9 7 50.3 94.1
8 8524 2.8 1.5 8 34.4 99.9
9 8443 1.2 1.1 5 23.1 98.9 9
10 8192 2.1 1.6 6 34.2 96 10

GCSE Biology 4461-02

10 34.2
9 23.1
8 34.4
7 50.3

6 30.9
5 69.8
4 27.7
3 47.4
2 51.8
1 59.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Facility Factor %
3. The diagram below shows the hairs on the surface of the skin of a cat at different air temperatures.

Diagram A Diagram B

Mean air temperature 6.4°C Mean air temperature 22.7°C



(a) Name the structures in the skin that raise each hair to the position shown in Diagram A.


(b) Explain why the skin in Diagram A loses less heat to the air than the skin in Diagram B.

020 0 07
4 4 61

(c) State two other ways in which the skin reduces heat loss from the body. [2]



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9. The diagram below shows how some nitrates enter water in the soil and how some enter the
roots of wheat.

rain cloud

nitrogen in
wheat crops grown
in spring rain

nitrogen in the form nitrogen in water

of animal manure and nitrate in
urea added to soil soil

nitrate solution
nitrogen in ammonia washed through soil

(a) Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) are areas of land where nitrates in fertilisers are likely to
enter water supplies.
Suggest why:

(i) the annual deadline for spreading animal manure (slurry) on NVZs in Wales is
October 31st; [1]

(ii) it is more environmentally friendly to add nitrate fertiliser to wheat crops in the
Spring than in the Winter. [1]

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(b) Some genetically modified plants are able to absorb nitrates more rapidly than others so
that they increase their yield.
State another way in which plants may be genetically modified as an economic advantage.

(c) Suggest how ploughing dead plants back into the soil may lead to increased nitrate
production in the long term. [2]

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10. There is a gene (FOXI 1) in humans which controls how much water is lost from the body in
sweat and urine. Scientists found that 85% of a large sample of people who lived in the Sahara
desert had a form of the FOXI 1 gene which had changed over time.
It has been estimated that climate change caused the Sahara desert to form between 10 000
and 20 000 years ago at the same time that the change in the FOXI 1 gene took place.
Explain how evolution has resulted in the changed FOXI 1 gene increasing in frequency in
people living in the Sahara desert. [6 QWC]


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