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SCITES030 Seatwork No. 1

1. How did society shape science and how did science shape society?

Society molded science through its needs due to the times of difficulties and because of the demand in
rapid advancement of technology that requires the aid of scientific exploration to suffice the ever-growing
economy and work loads of such times. Society shaped science according to our needs and demands. Such as
health needs which includes the production of medicines and medical apparatus. It also includes the
technological demands of the people for a comfortable and convenient living. Science shaped the society
through the application of scientific knowledge, this includes technological advancement and growth as it goes
along with the development of the society. Science shaped the society through technological advancement and
growth as it goes along with the development of the society. Science generates solutions for everyday life and
helps us to answer the great mysteries of the universe. In other words, science is one of the most important
channels of knowledge. It has a specific role, as well as a variety of functions for the benefit of our society:
creating new knowledge, improving education, and increasing the quality of our lives.

2. How to political and capes of the society affect the development of scientific culture, science activities and
science literacy?

The developing the one’s science culture, activities, and literacy in political and cultural landscapes of
the society is reject or overruled especially if they exercise their tradition and faith. Science is the pursuit and
application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic
methodology based on evidence. Hence, if one culture is already bounded and hated questioning on their belief,
the main core of science will be wasted especially in religion. Religion is already part in transforming every
culture which they’re based on their faith while science is based on evidence or existence. When any cultural or
political entity pushes into a society “fact” that are not supported by evidence and instead claim, this is when
science literacy is excluded. Science culture is overruled when any society or cultural entity adheres to a belief
that Faith possibly explains something. When any cultural or political entity pushes "facts" into a society that
are not supported by evidence, and instead claim, this is when it rejects science literacy.

3. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among people as contributed to the
growth of our economy?

I think that science literacy among people has contributed a lot to the growth and progress of our
economy. Scientific literacy gives people the ability to not accept the world as it is but look for situations how
to make it a better place. For example, scientific research, medicine, safer and more efficient transportation,
prosthetic limbs, and pharmaceuticals. You can think about scientific literacy as the engine for the technological
progress you see around. Science literacy is highly adaptable - therefore you find so many technological and
engineering feats around the world.

4. How can science influence government policies?

The simplest way to be politically active is to be aware of current events and involved in debates, by
forming your own opinions and sharing your views. By engaging the members of the various communities that
you belong to — your neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, students, etc. — you can spread awareness about this
issue and add nuance to your own views. If you don’t get an opportunity to make your voice heard in an official
capacity, then you can always reach out to those who do and let them know your opinion. Science should
influence politics too by providing factual evidence for politicians to act on, e.g., evidence of the causes of
climate change and global warming. Ensuring that governments properly use science to make decisions and
continues to support scientific research is of paramount importance. As a scientist you are well positioned to
weigh in on and influence this process. Your expertise and opinions matter in the ever-evolving relationship
between science and society. Consider using some of the options highlighted above to make your voice heard
and shape the kind of future that you want to see.

5. With the COVID-19 pandemic situation that we have now, in what ways science contribute to the people and
the society in general?
As the pandemic continues its relentless spread in all corners of the world, scientists in virology, medicine,
epidemiology, and other fields are doing their part to contribute to a better understanding of the disease. The
virtual debate took a bird’s eye view of the role of science during such times of crisis, which includes the
shaping of policy decisions in addition to traditional research duties like vaccine and drug development. Science
and technology have played, and will continue to play, a decisive role in mitigating the pandemic, whether it is
by discovering new features about the novel coronavirus, looking for new treatment or vaccines or offering
expertise in psychological services, experts said.

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