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Answer Key

Unit 3 Phonics
1 1 glass vase, 2 gold ring, 3 towel Unit 1
2 1 Chair: ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓, 2 Newspaper: ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓, 1 1 me, 2 she, 3 teacher, 4 team, 5 please, 6 street,
3 Bag: ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ 7 he, 8 feel
2 1 beach, 2 sea, 3 knee, 4 tree, 5 tea,
Unit 4
6 queen, 7 eagle
1 Ben: the desert, May, friends, a tent and
3 1 bee, 2 green, 3 feet, 4 leaf, 5 ice cream, 6 week,
some boots
7 sheep 8 sweet
Janet: the Alps, September, her brother, ropes
and a water bottle
Unit 2
Samuel: a forest, June, his grandad, a sleeping
bag and a torch 1 1 tractor, 2 brother, 3 farmer, 4 doctor,
5 police officer, 6 grammar, 7 sister, 8 popular
2 1 picture two, 2 picture one, 3 picture two,
4 picture three, 5 picture one 2 1 water, 2 teacher, 3 popular, 4 binoculars,
5 investigator, 6 doctor, 7 peculiar,
Unit 5 8 visitors, 9 lower
1 Number 1 is Chimera, Number 2 is Typhon, 3 Picture 1 (7), picture 2 (6), picture 3 (8),
Number 3 is Cerberus; Extra name: Orthus picture 4 (2), picture 5 (3), picture 6 (5),
picture 7 (4), picture 8 (1)
2 1 Yes, he was very tall. 2 No, Cerberus was
Typhon’s son. 3 Yes, Cerberus’ heads were
Unit 3
dogs’ heads. 4 No, Chimera was not beautiful.
5 Yes, she was. 6 Yes, Cerberus and Chimera were 1 1 bright/striped, 2 shining/sky, 3 five/climbed/
brother and sister. behind, 4 line/flying/horizon 5 Why/decide,
6 island, 7 light, 8 I’ve/bike
Unit 6 2 1 flying, 2 Why, 3 island, 4 climbed, 5 light, 6 bike,
1 1 George Pullman, 2 Ruth Handler, 3 Ruth Wakefield 7 shining, 8 striped
2 George Pullman: 1 False (George Pullman was 3 Children find the words.
American), 2 True, 3 False (George Pullman died
in 1897) Unit 4
Ruth Handler: 4 False (Ruth Handler was a 1 1 friend, 2 film, 3 laugh, 4 dolphin, 5 enough,
business woman), 5 False (Barbie was the name 6 microphone, 7 alphabet, 8 leaf
of the doll), 6 True
Ruth Wakefield: 7 True, 8 False (Mr Nestle 2 1 February, 2 elephant, 3 laugh, 4 cough, 5 photo ,
worked for Nestle chocolate company and loved 6 Pacific 7 telephone, 8 fish
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

her cookies), 9 False (Ruth Wakefield worked as a 3 1 fish, Pacific, 2 photo, 3 February, 4 cough,
cook, a teacher and in a restaurant), 10 True 5 Elephants, 6 laughs

Unit 7 Unit 5
1 1 — coat, 2 — mug, 3 — ship, 4 — rope, 1 1 tail, 2 play, 3 train, 4 cake, 5 snake, 6 rain, 7 date,
5 — biscuits, 6 — seagulls, 7 — helm 8 day, 9 snail, 10 say
2 sea—black—three—turban—rope—anchor 2 snail: tail, train, rain, snake: cake, date,
play: day, say
Unit 8
3 1 What day are we going to play? 2 The snake
1 screen (1), microphone (2), mouse (3), is making a cake. 3 The snail is taking the train
webcam (4), speakers (5), keyboard (6) because it doesn’t like the rain.
2 Sammy ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ Laura ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pam ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ Alex ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


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Answer Key

Unit 6
1 Talked/asked/worked/looked—t Unit 1 test
Smiled/arrived/showed/tried—d 1 Top to bottom and left to right: 2, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6
Visited/waited/invented/wanted—id 2 bank, skyscraper, library, museum, restaurant,
2 1 visited, 2 lived, 3 smiled, 4 pointed, 5 helped, hotel, market
6 looked 3 library, museum, market, skyscraper, hotel
3 1 walked, 2 invented, 3 wanted, 4 watched, 4 1 doesn’t, 2 goes, 3 lives, 4 don’t, 5 doesn’t live,
5 studied, 6 waited 6 likes
Unit 7 5 1f, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6a
1 1 coast, 2 coat, 3 cold, 4 sofa, 5 rope, 6 home, 6 1 Anna likes skiing, skateboarding and playing
7 gold, 8 bone computer games. 2 She doesn’t like horse riding.
3 David likes skiing and playing computer games.
2 1 coat, 2 sofa, 3 bones, 4 coast, 5 gold He doesn’t like skateboarding and horse riding.
3 words to colour: don’t, go, bones, cold, no, rope, 4 Anna and David like skiing and playing
slow, home computer games. They don’t like horse riding.

Unit 8 Unit 1 extension test

1 1 ✗ (different), 2 ✓, 3 ✓, 4 ✗ (organise), 5 ✓, 1 Top to bottom and left to right: 2, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6
6 ✗ (wonderful), 7 ✗ (banner), 8 ✗ (welcome), 9 ✓, 2 Clues down: 1 skyscraper, 2 market, 3 hotel
10 ✗ (incredible) Clues across: 4 museum, 5 bank, 6 restaurant,
2 1 collects, 2 wonderful, 3 summer, 4 welcome/ 7 library
banner, 5 message, 6 different 3 1 library, 2 museum, 3 market, 4 skyscraper,
3 organise, different, message, incredible, banner, 5 hotel, 6 restaurant
wonderful, equipment, welcome, summer, collect 4 1 doesn’t like, 2 goes, 3 lives, 4 don’t go,
5 doesn’t live, 6 likes
5 1 like (e), 2 live (a), 3 go (d), 4 does (c), 5 do (b)
Diagnostic test
6 1 Does Anna like skiing? Yes, she does. 2 Does
1 1 first picture, 2 third picture, 3 third picture, David like skateboarding? No, he doesn’t. 3 Do
4 second picture, 5 second picture, 6 third picture they like riding? No, they don’t. 4 Do they like
2 1 Paul: once, twice, twice, 2 Anna: Anna plays playing computer games? Yes, they do.
tennis twice a week. She goes swimming three
times a week and she goes running once a month. Unit 2 test
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

3 1h Paris, 2a Germany, 3g Holland, 4f Milan, 1 bamboo (1), frog (2), duck (3), butterfly (4),
5c Spain, 6d Brussels, 7b Athens, 8e Poland snails (5), water lilies (6), dragonfly (7),
Country: France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Greece, grass (8), beetle (9)
Spain, Belgium, Poland 2 1 is, 2 is, 3 are, 4 isn’t, 5 aren’t, 6 are
City: Paris, Berlin, Milan, Amsterdam, Athens,
Zaragoza, Brussels, Warsaw 3 1 eggs, 2 tadpoles, 3 gills, 4 pondweed, 5 froglets,
6 lungs, 7 insects, 8 land
4 1 cactus, 2 penny, 3 caravan, 4 potato, 5 uncle,
6 long 4 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B
5 There is a desert. There are two palm trees. There 5 Children’s own writing
are some cacti. There is a camel. There is a snake.
There is a lot of sand. Unit 2 extension test
1 bamboo (1), frog (2), duck (3), butterfly (4),
snails (5), water lilies (6), dragonfly (7),
grass (8), beetle (9)

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