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Answer Key

2 1 Thirteen seventy-five, 2 Fourteen fifty, Reading

3 Fifteen eighty-one, 4 Sixteen eighty-nine,
Unit 1
5 Seventeen forty-four, 6 Eighteen ninety-five
1 1 true, 2 false, 3 false, 4 true, 5 false, 6 true,
3 1 designed, 2 studied, 3 worked, 4 helped,
7 false, 8 true
5 wanted, 6 visited
2 1 David, 2 Maria, 3 Alan, 4 Claire
Unit 6 Extension
Unit 2
1 1 printing press, 2 telephone, 3 parachute,
4 television, 5 computer program, 6 light bulb 1 1 false, 2 true, 3 true, 4 false, 5 false, 6 true,
7 true, 8 true
2 1 Thirteen seventy-five, 2 Fourteen fifty,
3 Fifteen eighty-one, 4 Sixteen eighty-nine, 2 isn’t any bamboo—We can see a bridge over
5 Seventeen forty-four, 6 Eighteen ninety-five, the water—There are some water lilies on the
7 Nineteen twenty-six, 8 Nineteen thirty-two water—There aren’t any dragonflies—There
aren’t any frogs
3 1 designed, 2 studied, 3 worked, 4 helped,
5 wanted, 6 visited, 7 lived
Unit 3
Unit 7 Consolidation 1 1 (c), 2 (f), 3 (d), 4 (a), 5 (b), 6 (e)
Sword: metal/bend it/break it, Chair and table:
1 1 mast, 2 cabin, 3 anchor, 4 helm, 5 deck, 6 sail,
wood/fold, Pig: glass/see through it/put coins in it,
7 crow’s nest
Bracelet: silver/bend it, Earrings: gold/bend it,
2 Child draws: a big, black hat, a curly wig, and a Belt: leather/fold it
long, grey beard for the captain and a red turban
2 1 earring, 2 belt
and long, brown hair for the cabin boy.
3 1 didn’t have, 2 stopped, 3 slept, 4 eat, 5 wear Unit 4
1 Peter: Black Forest
Unit 7 Extension
John: hike and explore; the desert
1 1c mast, 2f cabin, 3e helm, 4b sail, 5a anchor, Kate: climb and take photos; the Alps
6d deck Sarah: camp and swim; the Nile
1 mast, 2 cabin, 3 anchor, 4 helm, 5 deck, 6 sail,
2 1c, 2a, 3f, 4b, 5d, 6e
7 crow’s nest
2 1 captain, 2 cabin boy, 3 turban, 4 beard, 5 wig Unit 5
3 1 (c) didn’t have, 2 (a) stopped, 3 (b) slept, 1 1 bull’s (a), 2 lion/famous (c), 3 woman/kind (b),
4 (c) eat, 5 (a) wear 4 man’s/cruel (d)
2 1 No, they weren’t, 2 No, they weren’t,
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

Unit 8 Consolidation
3 Yes, they were, 4 Yes, he was, 5 No, he wasn’t
1 1 screen, 2 mouse, 3 speakers, 4 webcam,
5 keyboard, 6 microphone Unit 6
2 1b, 2e, 3a, 4g, 5d, 6h, 7c, 8f 1 1 American, 2 good, 3 didn’t have much,
3 1 Can, 2 couldn’t, 3 Could/couldn’t, 4 can’t/Can 4 in a bank, 5 Not everybody, 6 didn’t work,
7 smaller, 8 digital
Unit 8 Extension 2 1 prehistoric men, 2 Dora, 3 Henry Ford,
1 1 screen, 2 mouse, 3 speakers, 4 webcam, 4 Mr Green, 5 Calatrava
5 keyboard, 6 microphone
Unit 7
2 1b, 2e, 3a, 4g, 5d, 6h, 7c, 8f
1 Picture 2
3 1 use, 2 couldn’t, 3 do/couldn’t, 4 use/Can I 1 true, 2 false, 3 true, 4 false, 5 false, 6 true,
7 false, 8 true


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Answer Key

2 turban, carried, sword, mast, didn’t use, looked, Unit 6

sea, saw, ship, had, sails 1 Model answers: 1 Gutenberg lived in Germany.
He invented the printing press in 1440.
Unit 8 2 Alessandro Volta lived in Italy. He invented the
1 Mike: records, George: chats, Paul: prints, battery in 1800. 3 Levi Strauss lived in the USA.
Matt: downloads He invented blue jeans in 1873. 4 Laszlo
Picture 1 is Paul, Picture 2 is Mike, Picture 3 is Biro lived in Hungary. He invented the ballpoint
Matt, Picture 4 is George pen in 1938.
2 1 social network, 2 attachment, 3 mouse, 2 1 Where did he live as a child? He lived in Germany.
4 website 2 Where did he go in 1701? He went to Holland.
3 How long did he work as a shopkeeper? He
Writing worked as a shopkeeper for four years.
Unit 1 4 What did he do in 1706? He started studying
1 Model answer: In this city there are six hundred 5 What did Fahrenheit invent? He invented the
and fifty schools. There are two million flats and thermometer with mercury.
twenty-seven sports centres. In this city there are 6 When did he die? He died in 1736.
three museums and forty shopping centres.
There are seventy libraries, one hundred and Unit 7
eighty car parks and four hundred and thirty
hotels. 1 Model answer: Yesterday I saw a pirate ship. The
ship had a mast, sails and an anchor. On the deck
2 likes, playing, like, lives, goes of the ship I saw the captain and a cabin boy. The
Part 2 Child’s own answer captain had a beard and a hook.

Unit 2 2 Child’s own answer

1 1 There is/there isn’t, 2 There is/there are, Unit 8

3 There is/there isn’t, 4 There aren’t/there is,
5 There aren’t/there are 1 Model answer: I’m listening to music; It’s for
recording my voice; For playing games and for
2 Child’s own answer listening to music; Yes, I can; No I didn’t, I was
doing my school work
Unit 3
2 Child’s own answer
1 vase: glass/see/shatter/can’t
gloves: These/leather/can/through Listening
table and earrings: Child’s own answer
Unit 1
2 Child’s own answer
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

1 Lucas: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ — ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ — ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
Unit 4 Louise: ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ — ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ — ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗

1 Child’s own answer 2 1 museum/hotel, 2 house/skyscraper,

3 office/bank, 4 restaurant, 5 library, 6 university,
2 Child’s own answer 7 library, 8 market

Unit 5 Unit 2
1 1 centaur/half/horse/dangerous/wise, 1 Eddie: picture 2, Becky: picture 1, Bill: picture 3,
2 harpies/women/wings/ugly, Sheila: picture 4
3 Model answer: He was a cyclops. He had one
eye. He wasn’t small, he was a giant and he was 2 Child draws: 1 two fish in the bowl, a small bird
very strong. over the bowl, a cat under the table, 2 grass under
the tree, apples on the tree, bees around the tree,
2 Child’s own answer 3 a frog on a rock, some bamboo


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