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CHAPTER III: Science, Technology, and Society and the

Human Condition

1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.

- Yes. Our reverence of science is justified. People believe, make us and rely
on science. Also, we Filipino evolve from listening to superstition belief to
modern day when we believe most of the things explained by science.
Science is a well-known respected truth-seeking way of knowing things.

2. Were we successful so far in trying to tie down technology with what we

conceive as human flourishing?
- Yes. Many labor-saving inventions that are by product of science and
technology have been greatly added to human flourishing. Though human
flourishing may be subjective to different opinions, we can all say that even
fire which is technology makes betterment in our lives. From sterilizing things
to cooking our food, fire has been the root of technology and has been very
important to humans for survival purposes.

3. What do you think constitutes human flourishing?

- A human being’s flourishing requires the rational use of his individual
abilities, and virtues in the pursuit of his freely and rationally chosen values
and goals. I personally think that, when we experience different situations and
we take action upon it, and if that action is proper we are flourishing. Human
flourishing encompassed the uniqueness, dignity, diversity, freedom,
happiness, and holistic well-being of the individual within the larger family,
community and the population. Most of us have this goal of
making a better life for our children or the youth. The eagerness to make
things that will make life easier and convenient for next generation must be
the key to human flouring.

4. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?

- Probably human may have very small scale population and worst case
scenario is extinction. Human race is delicate due to our short lifespan. We
may adapt to some changes in our nature but that doesn’t guarantee survival.
Animals have stronger survival instinct specifically in the wild. I am watching
one of the anime which greatly affects my answer regarding this question. The
title of the Anime is Doctor Stone, where science and technology has been
erased due to unknown occurrence that made all people In Earth a stone. In
that anime, where astronaut who survived the said occurrence and came back
here in Planet Earth can’t even live longer due to a simple sickness because
they can’t produce a medicine. They struggle to live and most the things they
do are what we imagine to primitive people.

5. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that technology should only
be seen as one of the approaches in perceiving truth?
- I don’t agree with Martin Heidegger. I may respect the man for his
perseverance in making that idea and publishing it, but technology was never
one of the approaches in perceiving the truth. Technology is neutral in the
sense that it merely provides options and it does not compel anyone to take
up options. We choose whether or not to use every new technology and how.
We have potential for the good and ill in how we choose to use it and how it
will affects us.

6. What are other possible approaches we should consider?

- As I’ve mentioned in my answer in number 5, we must approach technology
as neutral. We humans, have choices on how we use and see technology.
We rely and use it the way we like. Not the other way around. In instance, a
technology: dynamite. It was created and then use for blasting rocks and
drilling tunnels in 1866 for faster building of canals. But later on, it was used
for civil wars and today used by illegal man to get fishes in bodies of water.

7. Have you ever measured, using science, the truth and the good?
- It is true that technology offers us one compelling notion of the truth and the
good. We should be staunch in our resolve if we want to know the real one.

8. What is the falsification theory?

- The Falsification Theory holds that we should accept an ideology as long as
it is not proven to be false and can explain a phenomenon better than
alternative theories. Due to its its hospitable character, the shift to this theory
allowed the emergence of theories otherwise rejected by the theory of
verification. It does not promote the ultimate adoption of one theory but
instead encourages research in order to determine which among the theories
can stand the test of falsification. The strongest one is that which is able to
remain upheld a midst various tests while being able to make particularly risky
predictions about the world. Karl Popper is a well-known proponent of this
view. He was notorious for stating that up-and-coming theories of the time,
such as Marx's Theory of Social History and Sigmund Freud's
Psychoanalysis, were not testable and thus not falsifiable, and for questioning
their status as scientific. Although the majority of scientists nowadays are
more inclined to be Pomeranian in their beliefs, this theory, similar to the
theory above, presents certain dangers by interpreting otherwise independent
evidence in light of their pet theory.
9. What was it like to have technology in the pre-Columbian era?
- According to research, stone tools were the first known technological
inventions made by humans. And so, we can say that technology before the
common era is already being used to make life easier. Humans are said to
have discovered the universe through observation and endless
experimentation thousands of years ago

10. Does technology really matter to you?

- Formalized paraphrase Absolutely. We are in an era where technology is not
just used to make life more convenient and easier, but also to discover and
study species and events that are beyond our understanding. Technology has
profoundly shaped society, the economy, and the environment. Technology
has caused many environmental and social problems, but it is also key to
addressing environmental degradation, climate change, food scarcity, waste
management, and other pressing global issues.

Do the Activities below.

1. State a brief history or discovery that brought about the invention or
discovery of the things stated below. State their contributions in our scientific

a. Gravity
- Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist who lived from
1642-1727, discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking
about the forces of nature. Newton realized that some force must be acting
on falling objects like apples because otherwise they would not start moving
from the rest. He also realized that the moon would fly off away from Earth in
a straight line tangent to its orbit if some force was not causing it to fall
toward the Earth. The moon is only a projectile circling around the Earth under
attraction of Gravity. He then called this force, “gravity” and determined that
gravitational forces exist between all objects.
- The discovery of gravity led to law of universal gravitation, which holds that
those forces are proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them. Thus, the said law
of universal gravitation is still used in Physics and Astronomy.

b. Telescope
- In 1608, a patent was submitted by eyeglass maker Hans Slippery. Later in
1609, Galileo improved design and applied astronomy. Development after
these two scientists is racketing. Different types of telescope were developed
for wide range wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The development of
space observatories after 1960 allowed access to several bands impossible to
observe from the ground, including X-rays and longer wavelength infrared
C. Processed Food
- dates back to prehistoric ages when crude processing incorporated
fermenting such as drying, preserving with salt, and various types of cooking
such as smoking, steaming and more. Processed food is commercially
prepared for ease of consumption. Main purpose of these foods in modern
days is to save time in such preparation. In Agriculture, processed food takes
a major role specifically in increasing shelf life of food product and thereby
ensures food safety.

d. Microscope
- Grinding glass to use or spectacles and magnifying glasses was
commonplace during the 13th century. In the late 16th century several Dutch
lens maker designed devices that magnified objects, but in 1609
Galileo Galilean perfected the first device known as the microscope. The
invention of the microscope allowed scientist and scholars to study the
microscopic creatures around them. The microscope allowed human beings
to step out of the world controlled by things unseen and into the world where
the agents that caused disease where visible, named and, over time,

e. Radio
- is a decades of experimental investigation of radio waves and adaption to
signaling. Works of many scientists culminated in the building of an
engineering complete and commercially successful wireless communication
system by Guillermo Marconi. Many argue that it is Pop is the first inventor of
radio but he didn’t patent his invention or commercialized them.
- The discovery of radio helps to establish the broadcast to provide real-time
information and can update the listener to latest event Thus, radio has the
ability to reach across borders and can become a valuable source of
information where reliable news is scarce.

f. Benzene Ring
- Benzene was discovered by three great men, first was in illuminating gas by
Micheal Faraday in 1825, then in heated benzine acid with lime by Reinhardt
Escherichia in 1834, and isolated benzene from coal tar by A.W von Hofmann
in 1845. Although August Kekule was the one who visualized the ring
structural of benzene in 1865, the above scientist who discovered benzene
greatly helped Kekule.
- Benzene Ring discovery greatly contributed in industries that make use of
plastic, resins, nylon and synthetic fiber. Benzene also used to make some
type of lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drug and pesticide.
g. Large Hadron Collider
- Peter Higgs in 1960 postulated a particle that had interacted with other
particles at the beginning of the time to provide them with their mass
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and highest energy
particle collider and the largest machine in the world. It can conduct and
possible new facilities that could collides particles at energies far beyond what
the current LHC can achieve according to scientist
h. Guns
- The first successful rapid-fire firearm is the Gatling Gun invented by Richard
Gatling and fielded by Union forces during American Civil War in 1860s. But
as for our history, Chinese fire lances in 10th century was recognize the first

- The contribution of guns specifically during war to defend and protect has
been known. Though many says that the creation or invention of gun resolve
to violence and crime, technology like gun is always upon how the users of
the specific technology use it
i. Internet
- started with Ni-kola Tesla with the idea of world wireless system to the first
workable prototype of Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of
APARNET that used packet switching to allow multiple computers to
communicate on a single network.
- Internet is used regularly by one-third of the world 6.8 billion people. Thus,
internet has played an active role in users’ access to information and
community involvement. Mass media is a major route of science
communication, Internet; due to spread of the unique strengths and strong
communication ability is more prominent in mass media.
j. Cell phones
- Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On
April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, researcher and executive made the first mobile
telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment. In that same day, Cooper
placing a call to his rival, Joel S. Angel of Bell Labs..
- Cellphone is widely used by society and it makes easier to excommunicate
and live and work where they want. Over 90% of current users say it makes
them more efficient worker

a. Gravity
- Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist who lived from
1642-1727, discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking
about the forces of nature. Newton realized that some force must be acting
on falling objects like apples because otherwise they would not start moving
from the rest. He also realized that the moon would fly off away from Earth in
a straight line tangent to its orbit if some force was not causing it to fall
toward the Earth. The moon is only a projectile circling around the Earth under
attraction of Gravity. He then called this force, “gravity” and determined that
gravitational forces exist between all objects.
- The discovery of gravity led to law of universal gravitation, which holds that
those forces are proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them. Thus, the said law
of universal gravitation is still used in Physics and Astronomy.

b. Telescope
- In 1608, a patent was submitted by eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey. Later
in 1609, Galileo improved design and applied astronomy. Development after
these two scientists is racketing. Different types of telescope were developed
for wide range wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The development of
space observatories after 1960 allowed access to several bands impossible to
observe from the ground, including X-rays and longer wavelength infrared
C. Processed Food
- dates back to prehistoric ages when crude processing incorporated
fermenting such as drying, preserving with salt, and various types of cooking
such as smoking, steaming and more. Processed food is commercially
prepared for ease of consumption. Main purpose of these foods in modern
days is to save time in such preparation. In Agriculture, processed food takes
a major role specifically in increasing shelf life of food product and thereby
ensures food safety.

d. Microscope
- Grinding glass to use or spectacles and magnifying glasses was
commonplace during the 13th century. In the late 16th century several Dutch
lens maker designed devices that magnified objects, but in 1609
Galileo Galilei perfected the first device known as the microscope. The
invention of the microscope allowed scientist and scholars to study the
microscopic creatures around them. The microscope allowed human beings
to step out of the world controlled by things unseen and into the world where
the agents that caused disease where visible, named and, over time,

e. Radio
- is a decades of experimental investigation of radio waves and adaption to
signaling. Works of many scientists culminated in the building of an
engineering complete and commercially successful wireless communication
system by Guglielmo Marconi. Many argue that it is Popov is the first inventor
of radio but he didn’t patent his invention or commercialized them.
- The discovery of radio helps to establish the broadcast to provide real-time
information and can update the listener to latest event Thus, radio has the
ability to reach across borders and can become a valuable source of
information where reliable news is scarce.

f. Benzene Ring
- Benzene was discovered by three great men, first was in illuminating gas by
Micheal Faraday in 1825, then in heated benzoic acid with lime by Eilhardt
Mitscherlich in 1834, and isolated benzene from coal tar by A.W von Hofmann
in 1845. Although August Kekule was the one who visualized the ring structur
of benzene in 1865, the above scientist who discovered benzene greatly
helped Kekule.
- Benzene Ring discovery greatly contributed in industries that make use of
plastic, resins, nylon and synthetic fiber. Benzene also used to make some
type of lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drug and pesticide.
g. Large Hadron Collider
- Peter Higgs in 1960 postulated a particle that had interacted with other
particles at the beginning of the time to provide them with their mass
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and highest energy
particle collider and the largestmachine in the world. It can conduct and
possible new facilities that could collides particles at energiesfar beyond what
the current LHC can achieve according to scientist
h. Guns
- The first successful rapid-fire firearm is the Gatling Gun invented by Richard
Gatling and fielded by Union forces during American Civil War in 1860s. But
as for our history, Chinese fire lances in 10th century was recognize the first
- The contribution of guns specifically during war to defend and protect has
been known. Though many says that the creation or invention of gun resolve
to violence and crime, technology like gun is always upon how the users of
the specific technology use it
i. Internet
- started with Nikola Tesla with the idea of world wireless system to the first
workable prototype of Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of
APARNET that used packet switching to allow multiple computers to
communicate on a single network.
- Internet is used regularly by one-third of the world 6.8 billion people. Thus,
internet has played an active role in users’ access to information and
community involvement. Mass media is a major route of science
communication, Internet; due to spread of the uniquestrengths and strong
communication ability is more prominent in mass media.
j. Cell phones
- Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On
April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, researcher and executive made the first mobile
telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment. In that same day, Cooper
placing a call to his rival, Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs..
- Cellphone is widely used by society and it makes easier to telecommunicate
and live and work where they want. Over 90% of current users say it makes
them more efficient worker

2. Brainstorming. Try to determine the possible alternatives to growth and

development. List down several ways to promote sustainable living and start a
mini-campaign advocating the method of your choice.

 Sustainability is a not a choice but a necessity. Here is a list we can do to

promote sustainable living:

- Grow your own garden – this campaign it is not always for people to be
Plantito or Plantita. I believe that one house must have either a succulent or
any plant This will help in purifying the air you breathe.

- Minimize using of single-used Plastics – I’ve done my personal research

regarding this topic last semester in Filipino Essay. Though 7 out of 10
Filipinos are in favor of banning single-use plastic, we still ranked number 4 in
the world’s most plastic consumer. I believe that the implementation of the
government is the problem. They focus more on public community rather than
to those companies who still promotes using single use plastic in their
products. Thus, the effects of this will be burden in the start, specifically to the
poorest countrymen who always buy Tinge. But in the long run, it will give a
whole nation a fresh new start of minimizing plastic that will prevent flood and
global warming.

- Conserving energy – this will help us financially and environmentally. It will

help us in reducing our utility bills. It doesn’t require an upfront investment,
rather it just require you to find if there is a faulty wiring, leaking pipes or
faucets, and also checking old appliances. Simple turning off light or
unplugging appliances when not in use would be a great help.

3. Create a comic . Try to imagine the world without technology, How do you
think your day-to-day life would be like? Do this by illustrating a scenario
where a certain technological innovation does not exist.
Below are examples you could use:
a. Watch
b. Phone
C. Light bulbs
d. Cars
e. Printing Press
f. Electricity

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