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Gauss law

Gauss's law was suggested by Karl Frederich Gauss(1777-1855) who was German
scientist and mathematician.Gauss's law is basically the relation between the charge
distribution producing the electrostatic field to the behavior of electrostatic field in space.
Gauss's law is based on the fact that flux through any closed surface is a measure of total
amount of charge inside that surface and any charge outside that surface would not
contribute anything to the total flux.
Before we look further to study Gauss's law in detail let's study electric field due to
continuous charge distributions.


According to the Gauss law, the total flux linked with a closed surface is 1/ε0 times the
charge enclosed by the closed surface
For example, a point charge q is placed inside a cube of edge ‘a’. Now, as per Gauss law,
the flux through each face of the cube is q/6ε0.
The electric field is the basic concept of knowing about electricity. Generally, the electric field
of the surface is calculated by applying Coulomb’s law, but to calculate the electric field
distribution in a closed surface, we need to understand the concept of Gauss law. It explains
the electric charge enclosed in a closed or the electric charge present in the enclosed closed
Electric Flux:
Gauss Law Formula:
As per the Gauss theorem, the total charge enclosed in a closed surface is proportional to
the total flux enclosed by the surface. Therefore, if ϕ is total flux and ϵ0 is electric constant,
the total electric charge Q enclosed by the surface is;
Q = ϕ ϵ0
The Gauss law formula is expressed :
ϕ = Q/ϵ0
Q = total charge within the given surface,
ε0 = the electric constant.

The Gauss Theorem:

The net flux through a closed surface is directly proportional to the net charge in the volume
enclosed by the closed surface.
Φ = → E.d → A = qnet/ε0
In simple words, the Gauss theorem relates the ‘flow’ of electric field lines (flux) to the
charges within the enclosed surface. If no charges are enclosed by a surface, then the net
electric flux remains zero.
This means that the number of electric field lines entering the surface equals the field lines
leaving the surface.

The Gauss theorem statement also gives an important corollary:

The electric flux from any closed surface is only due to the sources (positive charges) and
sinks (negative charges) of the electric fields enclosed by the surface. Any charges outside
the surface do not contribute to the electric flux. Also, only electric charges can act as
sources or sinks of electric fields. Changing magnetic fields, for example, cannot act as
sources or sinks of electric fields.

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