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Subject: Political Science

Three Years B.S.S. Pass Course

Effective from the Session: 2013–2014
National University
Syllabus for 3 years B.S.S. Pass Course
Subject: Political Science
Session: 2013-14

The Courses of Study for B.S.S. Pass in Political Science shall extend over a period of three
academic years comprising Six papers with marks as indicated below:

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

First year
111901 Paper-I Political Theory 100 4
111903 Paper-II Political Organization and The Political 100 4
System of UK and USA
Second year
121901 Paper-III Government and Politics of Bangladesh 100 4
121903 Paper-IV Political Economy of Bangladesh 100 4
Third year
131901 Paper-V Local Government and Rural Politics in 100 4
131903 Paper-VI Women and Politics 100 4
Total = 600 24

Detailed Syllabus
First Year
Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits
111901 Paper-I Political Theory 100 4

Political Science: Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Science,
Importance to Study Political Science.
State: Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society,
Theories of origin of the state.
Fundamental concepts: Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation,
Nationalism, Internationalism.
Political Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St.Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes,
Locke and Rousseau.

Books Recommended:
1. R. G. Gettell : Political Science
2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
4. G. H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
6. H. G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
7. gynv¤§` Av‡qk DÏxb : ivóªwPšÍv cwiwPwZ
8. GgvRDwÏb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi ivóªwPšÍv
9. ‡gvt `i‡ek Avjx Lvb : †c‡Uv I Gwi÷U‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPšÍv
10. mi`vi dRj~j Kwig : †c‡Uvi wicvewjK

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

111903 Paper-II Political Organization and The Political 100 4
System of UK and USA

Political Science: Meaning and significance, Classification, Methods of Establishing

Forms of Government: The Concept to Traditional and Modern Forms, Democracy,
Dictatorship, Parliamentary, Presidential, Unitary and Federal.
Theory of Separation of Power: Meaning, Significance and Working.
Organs of Government: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Electorate.
Political Behaviour: Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Public Opinion.
British Political System: Nature, Features and Sources of the Constitution, Conventions,
Monarchy, Parliament, The Prime Minister and the Cabinet, Party System.
American Political System: Nature and Features of the Constitution, The System of Checks and
Balances, The President and Congress, Judiciary and Political Parties.

Books Recommended:
1. K. C. Wheare : Modern Constitution
2. K. C. Wheare : Federal Government
3. W. F. Willoughby : The Government of Modern State
4. C. F. Strong : Modern Constitution
5. R. M MacIver : The Web of Government
6. H. Finer : Theory and Practice of Modern Government
7. W. †gvt gKmy`yi ingvb : ivóªxq msMV‡bi iƒc‡iLv
8. W. I`y` f~uBqv : ivóªweÁvb
9. wecyj iÄb bv_ : ivóªxq msMVb
10. wbg©j KvwšÍ †Nvl : AvaywbK ivóªweÁv‡bi f~wgKv

Second Year

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

121901 Paper-III Government and Politics of Bangladesh 100 4

Political Background and Constitutional Development: Growth of Nationalism, Partition of

Bengal– 1905 and its Annulment, Formation of Muslim League-1906, Act of 1909, 1935. Lahore
Resolution-1940, Cripps Mission-1942, Cabinet Mission Plan-1946, Indian Independence Act of
1947, Constitution of 1956 and 1962.
Emergence of Bangladesh: Language Movement of 1952, Elections of 1952, Autonomy
Movement and the 6-point Programme, Mass Upsurege of 1969, Elections of 1970, War of
Liberation and Birth of the New Nation.
The Constitution of Bangladesh: Constitution making1972, Features, Fundamental Principles
Constitutional Amendments.
Major Political Trends: Sheikh Mujib Regime, Zia Regime, Military intervention of 1982 and
the Military Regime of General Ershed and struggle for democracy, the Fall of Ershed Regime,
Working of Parliamentary Government.

Books Recommended:
1. A. B. Keith : Constitutional History of India
2. Jennings : Constitutional Problems in Pakistan
3. G. W. Choudhury : Democracy in Pakistan
4. K. B. Sayeed : Pakistan- The Formative Phase.
5. Waresul Karim : Election Under a Creataker Government, Dhaka: UPL, 2004
6. Aveyj gbmyi Avng` : Avgvi †`Lv ivRbxwZi cÂvk eQi
7. Aveyj dRj nK : evsjv‡`‡ki kvmb e¨e¯’v I ivRbxwZ
8. i`i“DwÏb : c~e© evsjvi fvlv Av‡›`vjb I ZrKvjxb ivRbxwZ (1-3 LÊ)

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

121903 Paper-IV Political Economy of Bangladesh 100 4

Political Economy: Meaning of Political Economy, Relations between Politics and Economics,
Development of State activity and Socio-Economic Functions of Modern State.
State and Economy: Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed Economy, Intermediate Regime and Free
Market Economy.
Economic Development: Meaning and Pre-conditions, Characteristics of Developed,
Underdeveloped and Developing Countries, Problems of Economic Development in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Agriculture: Importance of Agriculture in the Economy of Bangladesh, Problems
of Agriculture and Food-its remedies, Agricultural Policies, Agricultural Credit, Land
Ownership, Land reforms, Green Revolution.
Bangladesh Industries: Industrialization in Bangladesh, State Sector vs. Private Sector and
Foreign Direct Investment.
Unemployment in Bangladesh: Meaning, Different Forms, Causes of Unemployment,
Measures to solve the problems.

Books Recommended:
1. Dalton : Principles of Public Finance
2. B Higgins : Economic Development: Principles, Problems and Politics
3. CA Beard : The Economic Basis of Politics.
4. WW Rosto : Stages of Economic Growth
5. L Robson : Politics and Economics.
6. AH Hansen : Nationalization-Public Enterprise and Economic Development.
7. WA Robson : Nationalized Industry and Public
8. AR Khan : The Economy of Bangladesh
9. KL Seth : Economic Aspects of Bangladesh.
10. AMA Rahim : Current Issues of Bangladesh Economy
11. A Faruk : Economic Development of Bangladesh.
12. Emajuddin Ahmed : The Development Strategy of Maximizing Agricultural
Production and Its Impact on Economic Development
in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh
13. Rehman Sobhan &
Muzaffer Ahmed : Public Enterprise in an Intermediate Regime.
14. M K Alamgir : Land Reform in Bangladesh
15. M K Alamgir : Development Strategy for Bangladesh
16. Azizur Rahman Khan
and Mahabub Hossain : The Strategy of Development in Bangladesh, (Macmillan).
17. A Hamid Khan : The Decades of Rural Development.
18. Nizam Ahmed : Parliament and Public Spending in Bangladesh.

Third Year

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

131901 Paper-V Local Government and Rural Politics in 100 4

Course Content:
A. Approaches to the Study of Local Government.
B. Local Government in Bangladesh: Historical growth of local bodies.
C. Structure of local bodies: Linkage between formal structure and informal structure.
D. Dynamics of local government in Bangladesh: The Process of decision-making, The
administration of Local finance, Local level planning.
E. Local level Politics: Emerging socio-anthropological structure, Rural Power
Structure. The Pattern of leadership-politics of brokerage, Politics of factionalism:
Patron-Client relation.
F. Decentralization, Social Change: Rural Development, Problems and trends,
Political Participation.

Selected Readings:
Ahmed Shafiqul Haq, Politics and Administration in Bangladesh, Dhaka: UPL, 1988.
Ali Ahmed, Administration of Local Self-Government for Rural Areas in Bangladesh,
Dhaka: NILG, 1979.
B. Hartmen and J.K. Boyce, A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village, London:
Zed Books, 1998.
Dalem Chandra Barman, Emerging Leadership Patterns in Rural Bangladesh, Dhaka:
CSS, 1988.
Eliot Tepper, Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan, Michigan:
Michigan state University Press, 1966.
Hasnat Abdul Hye (ed.), Village Studies in Bangladesh, Comilla: BARD, 1985.
Hugh Tinker, Foundations of Local Self-Government in India, Pakistan and Burma,
London: Athlone Press, 1954.
Kamal Sidiqui (ed.), Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative Study, Dhaka:
UPL, 1992.
M. Rashiduzzaman, Politics and Administration in the Local Councils, Dhaka: OUP,
Md. Moksuder Rahman, Politics and Development of Local Self Government in
Bangladesh, Delhi: Devika Publications, 2000.
N. C. Roy, Rural Self-Government in Bengal, Calcutta: Calcutta University Press, 1936.
Najmul Abedin, Local Administration and Politics in Modernizing Societies:
Bangladesh and Pakistan, Dhaka: Oxford University Press, 1973.
Nizam Ahmed, Bureaucracy and Local Politics in Bangladesh, Dhaka: A.H.D
Publishing House, 2009.
R. Qadir and M. Islam, Women Representatives at the Union level as change agents of
Development, Beijing: Newstar Publishers, 1995.
S. Maqsood Ali, Decentralization and People’s Participation in Bangladesh, Dhaka:
NIPA, 1981.
Shairul Masreck, Kinship and Power Structure in Rural Bangladesh, USA: Homeland
Press and Publications, 1995.
‡gv: gKmy`yi ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’vbxq ¯^vqËkvmb, ivRkvnx: AvjxMo jvB‡eªix,
we.‡K Rvnv½xi, evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvgvÂj I †kªYx msMÖvg, XvKv: mgvR wbwi¶Y †K›`ª,
Avby †gvnv¤§`, MÖvgxY mgvR I A_©bxwZ, XvKv : Wvbv cÖKvkbx, 1987|
Av‡iÝ B‡q‡bKv I eyi`¨vb BDm dvb, SMovcyi: MÖvg evsjvi M„n¯’ I bvix, Abyev`:
wbjydvi gwZb, XvKv: MY cÖKvkbx, 1980|
Kvgvj wmwÏKx, evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvgxY `vwi`ª: ¯^i“c I mgvavb, XvKv: Wvbv cÖKvkbx,
ev‡U©vwm wcUvi †W, A¯úó MÖvg: c~e© cvwK¯—v‡bi MÖvgxY mvgvwRK KvVv‡gv
Ges m¤cÖ`vq wfwËK msMVb, Abyev`: †gvnv¤§` Avãyi ingvb wgTv, XvKv: b¨vkbvj
Bbw÷wUDU Ae †jvKvj MfY©‡g›U, 1992|
ingvb †nv‡mb wRjyi, gvV M‡elYv I MÖvgxY `vwi`ª: c×wZ wel‡q KwZcq msjvc, XvKv:
BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wj:, 1994|

Paper Code Paper Paper Title Marks Credits

131903 Paper-VI Women and Politics 100 4

Course Content:
A. Women and Politics: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives
B. Status of Women: Social, Legal, Religious and Political
C. Women’s Participation in Politics, Organization and Movement
D. Women and Development: Strategies and Policies
E. Women and Mass Media
F. Women’s Rights and the UN, CEDAW
G. Scope and Nature of Women’s Participation in Bangladesh Politics: Election and Voting
(Local and National); Political Parties (Leadership Role and Membership); Political
Institutions; Legislature, Executive and Judiciary; Local Self-governing Bodies
Selected Readings:
Barbara A. Marshall, Engendering Modernity: Freminism, Social Theory and Social Change, UK; Polity
Press, 1988
Barbara J. Nelson and Najma Choudhury, eds. Women and Politics Worldwide, New Haven and London:
Yale Univ. Press, 1994
F.E. Stiftnug, Women in Politics, New Delhi: Har Anand Pub. 1993
Gould, /Carol, ed. Gender: Key Concepts in Critical Theory, NJ: Humanities Press, 1997
Avby †gvnvv¤§`, bvix cyi“l mgvR, XvKv: m‡›`k, 1997|
Avj gvmy` nvmvbD¾vgvb (m¤úvw`Z) evsjv‡`‡ki bvix: eZ©gvb Ae¯’v I Dbœqb
cÖm½, XvKv: BDwcGj, 2002

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