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Test 4 - Module 4

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Whoever knows the answer to the question, please rise / raise your hand.
2. The parents in the area were disturbed / interrupted by the news of the little girl’s disappearance.
3. We are doing a research / survey on radio stations. Have you got a minute to spare?
4. My grandfather became rich when he discovered oil / petrol on his land.
5. Mice are easy prey / predator for cats.
6. How many litres / inches of milk should we buy?
7. Luckily, we were not injured in the accident but the car was badly damaged / destroyed.

score 7
B. Match the two columns.

1. global a. fumes
2. fossil b. congestion
3. conservation c. warming
4. exhaust d. project
5. environmental e. awareness
6. nature f. fuels
7. traffic g. reserve
score 7

C. Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition.

1. According scientists, the Earth’s temperature will keep rising in the future.
2. I am not favour of animals being used in experiments.
3. I am not sure Ashley is aware the seriousness of the situation.
4. People should try hard order to achieve their goals.
5. present, he has a part-time job at a supermarket.
6. The researchers are in search a cure for the disease.

score 6

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D. Complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Make any
necessary changes.

show off cool off run out of turn into give in

1. We have milk. I should go out and get some.

2. I kept asking my parents for a new bike until they finally and bought
me one.
3. Let the soup a bit before you eat it. It’s too hot.
4. The residents do not agree with the authorities’ decision to the
a shopping mall.
5. She always wears designer labels as she likes to to other

score 5


A. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. If I had a licence, I (drive) my father’s car.
2. If you go out shopping, (you/ buy) me some shampoo, please?
3. What would you do if you (see) a burglar in your house?
4. When the temperature drops below zero, the local lake (freeze).
5. you (let) me go out with my friends if I promise to tidy up
my room?
6. You should see a doctor if your stomachache (not get) any better.
7. You (not pass) your final exams unless you study hard.

score 7

B. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra ones
which you do not need to use.

some a lot of any no much many a few few a little little

1. We’ve got very time left! Unless we hurry, we’ll miss our flight.
2. I’m afraid we have lemonade. Would you like orange juice
3. A: How people were at Janet’s wedding?
B: There were quite actually. We had a nice time.
4. A: How money did you spend on that dress?
B: I didn’t spend money at all. It was a gift from my husband for my birthday.
5. No wonder she has so friends. She is such a rude person!

score 8

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


C. Complete the following sentences using a, an, the or -.

1. Himalayas are highest mountain range in world.
2. Corfu is beautiful island in Ionian Sea.
3. Last Friday we went on excursion to Lake Jude. When we arrived back home,
the children were so tired they went straight to bed.
4. police officers usually wear uniforms.
5. I want to learn how to play violin.


You will hear people talking in five different situations. Choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. What do they agree about?

a. Lightning is spectacular.
b. They might be in danger.
c. They're lucky to be alive.

2. What is the woman worried about?

a. that the fox might be lost
b. that the fox might get hit by a car
c. that the fox might get sick

3. Where are the couple?

a. in a beach chalet
b. in their hotel room
c. in a tent

4. What do they have in common?

a. They have both travelled abroad.
b. They have both met and worked with interesting people.
c. They're both concerned about endangered species.

5. Why is the man upset?

a. There was heavy snowfall.
b. The government isn't protecting the environment.
c. There will be floods in the future.

score 10

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write T, F or NM.

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


Goa is a natural paradise which offers travellers who need a break from city life an opportunity to
experience nature at its best. If you want to combine a holiday with conservation work, this is the
ideal place to go to. I spent two weeks at a nature conservation centre in Goa and it was one of the
best holidays I've ever been on.
The conservation centre, which serves as a field station for biologists and ecologists, was set up
so that they can do research and check the development of various plants and wildlife. In addition,
the centre tries to make the local communities in the region aware of environmental issues. There
are also volunteers at the centre who help with various conservation activities in the area.
After a two-day training course, I started working with the team responsible for the conservation of
sea turtles. My role was to collect data on the turtles and also to talk to people in the local
community about things they can do to help protect the turtles. I spent most of my days walking up
and down the beaches observing and writing down everything I noticed about the turtles. At sunset,
I would eat dinner with the other team members and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
In my free time, I went swimming in the sea and I also went on organised nature walks into the
jungle. This was a truly amazing experience as I got to see all kinds of interesting wildlife up close.
However, the best thing was visiting the waterfalls; they were simply wonderful. I also took a yoga
class which was offered at the centre.

1. According to the text Goa is an ideal location to enjoy a break from living in the city.

2. The writer stayed in luxurious accommodation in Goa.

3. The conservation centre was set up to study and investigate plants and animals.

4. The centre does not inform the local community about environmental issues.

5. The writer was involved in sea turtle conservation work.

6. The writer studied the turtles mostly at sunset.

7. The writer organised nature walks into the jungle.

8. The writer plans to return to Goa next year.

score 8

An international magazine has invited its readers to write an article about a place of
natural beauty in their country. Write your article for the magazine including the
following points.

 where the place is

 what makes it beautiful/special
 what you can do there
score 10

Total score 80

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications

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