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Test 6 - Module 6

A. Circle the correct words.

1. My grandfather enjoys playing golf but I find it really normal / monotonous.
2. We’ll have the ride / chance to go parasailing during our holiday. It’ll be great!
3. What time do they usually rehearse / applaud for the play?
4. The police want to find all the differences / details of the mysterious death of the famous actor.
5. Sue didn’t like the film we saw yesterday. She found the cast / plot unrealistic.
6. Barton takes the ball and, yes, he scores / swings!
7. Pauline has cheered / changed her mind and won’t come to the theme park with us.
8. The hero finally takes revenge / action for the death of his wife.
9. Who stars / sets in the new Tim Burton film, Alice in Wonderland?
10. There are a lot of children who have original / imaginary friends.
score 10
B. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

in down across on back up out from

1. Denise came some old school photos.

2. You should book advance for the trip to Mexico.
3. They tried to stop Jack going out in the rain.
4. Mr Rowland checked of our hotel at noon today.
5. I always depend my brother to help me with my Maths homework.
6. Mark has never let any of his friends. He’s always been there for them.
7. My father should give smoking. It’s not healthy.
8. When will you bring me my digital camera?
score 8

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Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. There is one extra phrase which you do
not need to use.

a. I’m going to thrash you! b. I got a 50% discount. c. What shall we do for the rest of the
afternoon? d. I’ve changed my mind. e. Check this out!

A: I’m bored. (1) .
B: Let’s play a tennis game on my new game console. I’m really good at it.
A: Just good? I’m the best. (2) .
B: Yeah, yeah, OK.

A: (3) .
B: What is it?
A: It’s my new aquarium.
B: Wow! It’s great! Isn’t it expensive?
A: Well, it was on offer. (4) .
B: Really? That’s great. score 8
A. Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive
of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: Marion (finish) her homework yet?

B: No, she (work) on it since seven o’clock.
2. A: they (ever / be) to New York?
B: Yes, they (already / travel) there twice.
3. A: The weather is awful!
B: I agree. It (snow) all night.
4. A: I (not call) Gary to invite him to the meeting yet.
B: But you (talk) on the phone for almost two hours!
5. A: We (never / taste) this dish before.
B: It’s delicious!
6. A: you (ever / have) a lesson with Mr Kennedy?
B: Are you kidding? I (take) his courses every year for 3 years now.

score 10

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If John (pass) his exams, he (have) a big party.
2. What Richard (do) if his father (not allow) him to
go out?
3. I think our team (lose) if they (not play) well today.
4. If the baby (cry), (give) him some milk.
5. If I (see) her, I (tell) her to call you later.
score 10
C. Choose a, b, or c.
1. A: My friend doesn’t like extreme sports.
B: does Diane.
a. Neither b. Too c. So
2. If it continues to rain, we have a picnic.
a. not b. could not c. might not
3. A: I’m very good at golf.
B: am I.
a. Either b. Neither c. So
4. A: I’ve never travelled abroad.
B: I haven’t .
a. too b. either c. so
5. Charlie isn’t a very good driver. He have an accident.
a. could b. must c. should
6. winter comes, all our plants will die.
a. If b. While c. When
7. A: Ron passed his driving test.
B: Mathew did .
a. so b. too c. either
8. I think the film is really boring. I watch it till the end.
a. may b. couldn’t c. might not
9. A: I hate waking up early in the morning.
B: .
a. I don’t either b. Neither do I c. So do I
10. A: I haven’t seen Mary for weeks.
B: .
a. I haven’t either b. So have I c. Neither haven’t I

score 10

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.
1. What did the woman like most about the film?
a. the special effects
b. the scene where the hero saves the woman in the water
c. the part where the hero saves a little girl
2. Why is the man going to Rome?
a. to visit his cousin Luca
b. to see the football match
c. to go sightseeing
3. What costume did Paul wear last year?
a. Count Dracula
b. Superman
c. Batman score 6

Read the text and complete the sentences.
Wicked is an internationally known musical about the witches in
the novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The musical started on
Broadway in 2003 and has been going on since then in cities
around the world like Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo,
Melbourne and Stuttgart. Wicked is based on the book Wicked:
The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, by Gregory
Maguire. The book tells the story of the witches in Oz, Glinda,
the Good Witch of the North and Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of
the West, and how they knew each other. It might surprise fans
of the Wizard of Oz to know that these two witches were actually
friends! Don’t worry, though. If you haven’t seen the original
Wizard of Oz, you can still enjoy the show. Wicked shows how
these two very different witches became friends and then
enemies. Wicked gives the audience a picture of what it was like
in Oz before Dorothy, the main character of the Wizard of Oz got
there. If you like the Wizard of Oz, go see Wicked, the musical.
The music and costumes are amazing and, of course, the story
is really interesting.

1. Wicked started in and it is still on.

2. Wicked is the story of two .
3. Glinda and Elphaba were in the beginning.
4. isn’t one of the characters in Wicked.

score 8

Copyright © 2010 MM Publications


Write a paragraph about your favourite film. Answer the questions below.

• What’s the title of the film?

• What type of film is it?
• Who stars in it?
• What is it about?
• What do you like about it?
score 10

Total score 80

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