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lntroduction ............................. 2 Unit 5 L 01

5.1 Vocabulary ............................ 60

Unit О
5.2 Grammar ............................. 62
0.1 ln class . ........................... .. 4 5.3 L1stening Language Practice ............. 63
0.2 l'm from ... ........................... . 5 5.4 Reading .............................. 64
о.з Favourites ..............•.............. 6 5.5 Grammar ............................. 66
0.4 Му family ..... ......................... 7 5.6 Speaking ............ ................. 67
0.5 Abilities ..... ...... ........ ............ 8 5.7 Writ1ng ...... ........................ 68
0.6 At home ............................... 9 5.8 Exam Speaking. ....................... 69
0.7 Gadgets .............................. 10 5.9 Self.check ............................. 70
0.8 Times and dates ....................... 1 1
Unit 6 Н І,h а d "r.ort
Unit 1 n е" s
6.1 Vocabulary ............................ 72
1.1 Vocabulary .................... ........ 1 2 6.2 Grammar ............................. 74
1.2 Grammar ............................. 1 4 6.3 Listening Language Practice ............. 75
1.3 Listening Language Practice ............. 1 5 6. 4 Reading .............. . ............. 76
1.4 Read1ng ................ ....... ..... 16 6.5 Grammar ............................. 78
1.5 Grammar ............................. 1 8 6.6 Speaking ............................. 79
1.6 Speaking ............................. 1 9 6.7 Writing ............................... 80
1.7 Writing ............................... 20 6.8 Exam Speaking ........................ 81
1.8 Exam Speak1ng ........................ 2 1 6.9 Self-check ............................. 82
1.9 Self-check ............................. 2 2
Unit 7 Travel
Unit 2 Foor:f
7.1 Vocabulary ............................ 84
2 .1 Vocabulary ............................ 24 7.2 Grammar ............................. 86
2.2 Grammar ............................. 26 7.3 Listening Language Practice ............. 87
2.3 Listening Language Practice ............. 27 7.4 Reading .............................. 88
2.4 Reading .............................. 28 7.5 Grammar ............................. 90
2.5 Grammar ............................. 30 7.6 Speaking ...... . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. ... .. 91
2.6 Speaking ............................ 31 7.7 Writing ... ........................... 92
2.7 Writing ..........................•.... 32 7.8 Exam Speaking ........................ 93
2.8 Exam Speaking ........................ 33 7.9 Self-check ............................. 94
2.9 Self-check ................ ...... . . .... 34
Unit 8 N u L
\Jnit З Worlt
8.1 Vocabulary ............................ 96
3 .1 Vocabulary .......... . ......... ........ 36 8.2 Grammar ............................. 98
3 .2 Grammar ............................ 38 8.3 Listening Language Practice ............. 99
з.з Listening Language Practice . ........... 39 8.4 Read1ng ............................. 1ОО
3.4 Reading . ............................ 40 8.5 Grammar ............................ 10 2
3.5 Grammar ............................. 42 8.6 Speaking .......•.................... 10 3
3.6 Speaking ............................. 43 8.7 Writing .............................. 10 4
3.7 Writing .. ............................ 44 8.8 Exam Speaking ....................... 10 5
з.з Exam Speaking ....•................... 45 8 .9 Self-check ............................ 10 6
3.9 Self-check ............................. 46
Vocabulary Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8
'Jnit 4 РеорІ
4.1 Vocabulary ............................ 4 8 Vocabulary Вank - Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20
4.2 Grammar ............................. 50
GRAMMAR: Train and Тгу Again . . • • . . . . . . 128
4.3 Listening language Practice ............. 51
4.4 Reading .............................. 52 Writing Bank . ... ... • ..... ....... . ... .. 136
4.5 Grammar ............................. 54
4.6 Speaking ............................. 55 GRAMMAR: Train and Тгу Again - Answer Кеу . . . 140
4.7 Writing ............................... 56
Exam Speaking ........................ 57
Self-check - Answer Кеу ............... .. 142
4.9 Self-check ........................... . 58

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