Formal Complaint To The Office of Disciplinary Council From Carl and Lillie Smalls

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Unequal Scales of Justice

South Carolina citizens put their faith and trust

in the South Carolina Judicial System, to use as equal

scales of justice to protect them. This is the first

and foremost duty of all Government. Unfortunately, the

scales are now tilted heavily towards criminals. The

tilt is at the point where we no longer have a Criminal

Justice System but a Criminal ASSISTANCE System. The

Judicial system has gotten to this point because of the

unlawful practices of Byron Gibson, (Fifth Circuit

Solicitor) Todd Rutherford (Private attorney, State

Representative) and Retired Judge Casey Manning.

Due to the unlawful practices of the aforementioned

parties, we are filing this complaint to address the

injustice that we have received. First for the record,

Jeroid Price did not receive the proper sentence that

he deserved. Price was able to plead self-defense.

Price approached our son with a gun. When Price

realized that he could not “defend” himself against our

unarmed son even with his gun, he shouted out to his

accomplice, Ryan Brooks to do something. Brooks, shot

our son in his side, while our son was on the floor

helpless, Price stood over our son and shot him in the

chest and stomach. If Price’s gun had not jammed, he

would have emptied it on him. (Where in the HELL is the

self-defense?) This is the cold-blooded murderer whom

Todd Rutherford deemed HARMLESS.

Two individuals shooting one unarmed person. They

were allowed to plead self-defense. This was the first

instance of injustice that we received from the

Criminal Assistance System. Price, is the criminal

that our Judicial system assisted with a back-alley

deal to get him released. Our complaint is against the

three individuals who orchestrated this corrupt, back-

room deal, Byron Gipson, Todd Rutherford, and Retired

Judge Casey Manning.

We are requesting that Mr. Gibson be sanctioned,

reprimanded and punished because he was the starting

point to this whole deal. Mr. Gibson was extremely

negligent in his duties as the Chief Prosecutor in

Richland County. Mr. Gibson’s job is to incarcerate

criminals not to make secret back-room deals to release

them. Although he did not try the case, Mr. Gipson was

responsible for all matters pertaining to Jeroid Price.

Mr. Gipson was not that “Minister of Justice”, he said

he wanted to be. If he had acted on the integrity, he

said he wanted to bring back into the law, he would

have never engaged in such a corrupt deal as this. Mr.

Gipson should not have participated in this scheme.

The main driver was Todd Rutherford, the lawyer

for Jeroid Price. It was Mr. Rutherford who collected

questionable supporting evidence to justify releasing

Price. That evidence has yet to be corroborated and

has shown to be untruthful. Mr. Rutherford was also

the so-called outside source, who turned state’s

evidence against Jimmy Causey, that was provided to him

by Jeroid Price. This is the same Todd Rutherford, who

in his position as House Minority Leader, would be

third in line to the Governor’s office, if Democrats

regain control of the House of Representatives. A

person of his stature and the position he holds should

not be engaged in improper unlawful and corrupt

practices such as this.

Retired Judge Casey Manning on his last day on the

bench signed this scam of an order, then had it sealed.

Why on his last day? To prevent scrutiny? He knew he

was not authorized to sign off on this. This was a

blatant lack of respect and fidelity to the laws. He

knew these laws would have prevent him from signing

this corrupt deal. Jeroid Price was convicted of murder

and was NOT ELIGIBLE to receive any reduction of time

prior, to serving 30 years. The three individuals

involved knew that. What would entice these three,

experienced law officials, with over 100 combine years

of experience, to go to such extreme measures for

Jeriod Price?

We are requesting that Mr. Rutherford and Retired

Judge Casey Manning’s Judicial records be opened and

examined for all the decisions they have made while in

their official positions. These findings must be made

public. These two individuals should receive the

strictest form of punishment available to them. To

include disbarment for Mr. Rutherford and retired Judge

Casey Manning to be reprimanded to the highest degree

possible for a retired judge. For all the damage

Retired Judge Casey Manning has done to the legal

system in this state, he should never be allowed in a

court room as an arbiter of the law.

These three individuals are the faces of the

corruption that is in the legal system in this state.

These three individuals have disregarded state laws

that outlines that as victims of this crime, we have

the state constitutional right to be reasonably

informed about any criminal proceedings pertaining to

Jeriod Price. We were not notified of any proceedings.

During the Supreme Court hearing dated (April 26,

2023), our Chief Justice, Donald Beatty made an

insulting, snide, rude, off-the-cuff, remark about

notification of victims, not being relevant to the

proceedings. Maybe he tipped his hand as to his

reasoning for dissent. Justice Beatty cared little

about the injustice done to our family. As Chief

Justice, he had no issue with this corrupt deal.

The Chief Justice seemed more concerned about how

we got to this point rather than earnestly seeking a

solution to this problem. Justice Beatty’s demeanor

during this hearing was pathetic.

Section 17-25-65, gives us the right to be present at

all proceedings and the right to voice our concerns.

Todd Rutherford stated that this deal had to be secret

because to tell the world (even the victims) would be a

death sentence to Price. We have far more to fear from

Price and/or his associates than he has to fear from

us. We have to be more conscience of our surroundings

these days. Mr. Rutherford, Price does not have to

worry about us, we have to worry about him. Rutherford

also stated that some people are angry.

Yes sir, we are angry. The coroner did not ring

your door bell. You did not have to sit in a funeral

home and discuss business with an undertaker to bury

your 22-year-old son! You said you told Retired Judge

Casey Manning you wanted 19 years. Well Todd, we do

not care what you want. We want the whole 35 years plus

what other time comes with being a fugitive. When

captured, Price should be resentenced. Price’s true

sentence should align with the horrific nature of his


This family has no faith or trust in the Justice

system in this state. We are sure we are not alone.

The rebuke of these three individuals must be public

and swift, to restore trust in the system. All parties

that have dealt with injustice at the hands of these

corrupt individuals must be made whole. Trust must be


There are many people in the Judicial building

that are good Patriotic Civil Servants who do what is

right and serve the public Honorably. Yet there are

many more Manning’s and Rutherford’s and this whole

Justice system has to be purged of corruption. We must

have Judicial reform and accountability must be

restored to this system.

The system has to be what it was intended to be, a

system that has equal scales of Justice that are

applied equally to the rich, the poor, the powerful and

the powerless. Our family, for over 20 years, has

always handled this travesty of Justice with Grace to

all and malice towards none, but this is a Bridge Too


Carl and Lillie Smalls
July 10, 2023

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