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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section____________________________________________ Score: ________________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

______1. The upper quartile is equal to

A. 50th percentile C. 2nd decile
B. 25th percentile D. 3rd quartile
______2. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
2N 50 N
A. C.
4 100
5N 3N
B. D.
10 4
______3. The median of a given data set is also the .
A. first quartile C. second quartile
B. seventh decile D. None of the above.

_____4. What measure divides the distribution into ten equal parts?
A. Median B. quartile C. decile D. percentile

_____5. The following are the test scores of a random sample of eleven (11) students. 8, 23, 18, 9, 16, 25, 12, 10, 21, 15,
and 11. Find the 40th percentile or P40.
A. 10 C. 15
B. 12 D. 16

______ 6. The first quartile of the data set is equal to the .

A. 5th decile C. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile D. 75th percentile

_______7. What is the median of the scores 6, 8, 11, 25, 15, 10, 2, 8, 16?
A. 2 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10
_______8. Using Tukey’s Method, what is the first quartile of the following set of values: 12, 15, 22, 23, 34, 8, 19, 17,18
A. 12 B. 12.5 C. 13.5 D. 15
_______9. In the 2019 National Career Achievement Examination (NCAE), Aileen’s score in the Mathematics
Ability Test is at 90th percentile. What does this mean?
A. Aileen’s score is 90 points.
B. Aileen scored higher than 89% of the examinees.
C. Aileen is the 90th in position among all the examinees.
D. Aileen scored higher than the other 90% of the examinees.

For items 10 to 12, consider the score distribution of 15 students given below:
85 74 89 81 84 79 82 75
88 83 81 84 81 76 76

_______10. The lower quartile is ________________.

A. 74 C. 81
B. 76 D. 88
_______11. The median score is _______________.
A. 75 C. 82
B. 81 D. 84
_______12. In a 40-item test, Jenny got a score of 30 which is the third quartile. This means
A. She got the highest score.
B. Her score is higher than 25 of his classmates.
C. She surpassed 75% of his classmates
D. Seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test.
For items 13-14. Consider the situation.

The poultry caretaker was instructed by the owner to record the eggs of 500 layer chickens collected each day for
15 days. The results were: 401, 400, 380, 400, 350, 375, 320, 415, 425, 375, 380, 358, 385, 345, 360.

________13. Which of the following is the lower quartile?

A. 345 C. 375
B. 358 D. 380
________14. Which of the following is the upper quartile?
A. 400 C. 415
B. 401 D. 420
________15. The scores of a student in three tests are 19, 17, and 15. What must be his 4 th
score to gain an average of 17?
A. 20 C. 17
B. 19 D. 15
________16. Find the 3rd decile of the following test scores of a random sample of ten (10)
students using linear interpolation. 15, 20, 23, 18, 40, 42, 28, 28, 35, 33.
A. 19.6 C. 20.9
B. 20.3 D. 21.3

________17. In a 100-item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it imply?
A. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the test.
B. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the test.
C. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the test.
D. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the test.
________18. If you are the 9th tallest student in a group of 12, how many percent of the
students are shorter than you?
A. 60% C. 70%
B. 67% D. 75%

For items 19 to 23, refer to the table below.

Leading Countries Based on Facebook Usage

Country Number of users (in millions)

Myanmar 25

Nigeria 27

Germany 28

Argentina 30

Italy 30

France 32

Columbia 35

Turkey 37

United Kingdom 37

Bangladesh 38

Pakistan 38
Egypt 42

Thailand 50

Vietnam 64

Philippines 76

Mexico 89

Brazil 130

Indonesia 140

United States 190

India 290

________19. What is the fifth decile of the number of FB users?

A. 37 million B. 38 million C. 38.5 million D. 40 million

________20. What is the 80th percentile of the number of FB users?

A. 76 million B. 89 million C. 130 million D. 140 million

________21. Which country has greater number of users compared to the country in the 40th percentile?
A. Bangladesh B. Columbia C. Turkey D. United Kingdom

________22. Which country has greater number of users compared to the country in the 40th percentile?
A. Bangladesh B. Columbia C. Turkey D. United Kingdom

________24. Given the set of data: 81, 72, 94, 66,85, 70, 87. Find the 5th decile.
A. 66 C. 72
B. 70 D. 81
________25. Find the 50th percentile from the given set of values:
18.1, 35.6, 81.0, 44.4, 72.5, 25.0
A. 44.4 C. 35.6
B. 40 D. 35
For items 26 to 29, complete the table below.

Class Interval / Daily Frequency Lower Boundary Less Than Cumulative

Allowance (f) (LB) Frequency (<cf)

91 - 100 3
81 – 90 2
71 – 80 2
61 – 70 3
51 – 60 8
41 – 50 5
31 – 40 6
21 – 30 10
11 – 20 11
1 - 10 15

Note: 2 points for correct and complete data under cumulative frequency (cf) and 2
points for correct and complete data under lower boundary (LB).

_______30. Which measure divides the data set or distribution into one hundred equal parts?
A.Median B. Quartile C. Decile D. Percentile

_______31.The second quartile of the data set is equal to the .

A. Fourth decile C. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile D. 75th percentile
_______32. Which of the following measures where exactly 25% of the distribution or data set are below it?
A. First Quartile C. Third Quartile
B. Second Decile D. Seventh Decile

For items 33 – 36:

Kim and Alex scored 32 and 23, respectively, in the qualifying exam for a scholarship grant. The
determining factor for a college scholarship is that as student’s score should be in the top ten percent of the scores
of his/her graduating class. The students in the graduating class obtained the following scores in the qualifying


39 – 41 6
36 – 38 7
33 – 35 9
30 – 32 13
27 – 29 22
24 – 26 10
21 – 23 9
18 – 20 7
15 – 17 8
12 – 14 4
9 – 11 2
6–8 1
3-5 1

33. Complete the table by filling in the values of LB (lower boundaries) and <cf (less
than cumulative frequency). Explain how you arrive at your answers.

34. Based on their percentile and percentile ranks, will Kim and Alex receive a
scholarship? Explain your answer.

Good luck and God bless!!!

“What I have done will endure, not what I have said or written.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Prepared by:
Teacher 3

1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. D
25. B/C
26 – 29:


91-100 3 65 90.5
81-90 2 62 80.5
71-80 2 60 70.5
61-70 3 58 60.5
51-60 8 55 50.5
41-50 5 47 40.5
31-40 6 42 30.5
21-30 10 36 20.5
11-20 11 26 10.5
1-10 15 15 0.5
Note: In finding the lower boundary, subtract 0.5 from the lower limit of the class interval.
Like for example: 91 – 100: LB = 91 – 0.5 = 90.5. For less than cumulative
frequency column, the frequency of the lowest class interval is also the value of less than cumulative
frequency, then add it to the frequency of the next class interval up to the highest interval. Like for
example: 15 + 11 = 26. The total frequencies will also be the less than cumulative frequency value of the
highest class interval.


91-100 3 62 + 3 = 65 90.5
81-90 2 60 + 2 = 62 80.5
71-80 2 58 + 2 = 60 70.5
61-70 3 55 + 3 = 58 60.5
51-60 8 47 + 8 = 55 50.5
41-50 5 42 + 5 = 47 40.5
31-40 6 36 + 6 = 42 30.5
21-30 10 26 + 10 = 36 20.5
11-20 11 15 + 11 = 26 10.5
1-10 15 15 0.5

30. D
31. C
32. A


39 – 41 6 38.5 99
36 – 38 7 35.5 93
33 – 35 9 32.5 86
30 – 32 13 29.5 77
27 – 29 22 26.5 64
24 – 26 10 23.5 42
21 – 23 9 20.5 32
18 – 20 7 17.5 23
15 – 17 8 14.5 16
12 – 14 4 11.5 8
9 – 11 2 8.5 4
6–8 1 5.5 2
3-5 1 2.5 1

37 – 40:

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