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Odisha is one of the fastest growing States in India. In 2022-23, it registered a growth rate of 7.8 per cent in
comparison to 7.1 per cent at all India level. Odisha’s post-CO VID growth revival is quite exemplary. In 2021-22, the
State’s GSDP grew by 11.5 per cent while India grew by 290 basis points lower than Odisha. Odisha’s growth
resilience is reflected in its average medium-term growth rate of 7.9 per cent from 2013- 14 to 2021-22, leaving aside
the COVID year. Odisha’s COVID recovery and resilience is demonstrated by its nominal growth in GSDP in 2021-
22. In nominal terms (growth in current price), Odisha grew by a spectacular rate of 23.5 per cent against 19.5 per cent
at all India level in 2021-22. Per Capita income in the State is growing at a rapid rate. Per capita income (income per
head) of Odisha has multiplied by thrice between 2011-12 and 2022-23 while at all India level, it is multiplied by 2.7

Odisha’s per capita income grew at an annual compound rate of 10.9 per cent while that of India grew by 150 basis
points lower than Odisha during this period. Odisha, in the shortest possible time, is going to converge and exceed
India’s per capita income bringing all round prosperity driven by growth, innovation, technology, governance,
institutional innovation and effective decentralization.

In the past, effective tackling of natural disasters, high and targeted capital spending, positive shock in terms of higher
mineral revenues, prudential fiscal management, relatively lower inflationary environment, rising job opportunities,
substantial improvement in various social indicators such as in health and education, diversification of manufacturing
sector, strong growth in fisheries sector, power and manufacturing sector reforms, and promotion of start-ups are some
of forces behind rapid growth. In future, the massive outlay is in the pipeline for improving the crucial components of
infrastructure namely Electricity, Transport (Road, Railway, and Water & Air), Water Supply & Sanitation, Ports,
Airports, Warehousing Facilities, and IT to uplift the economy. This would strengthen the medium-term growth
potential of the State and would make the State grow at an even higher rate and ensure prosperity for all.

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Odisha's economy has shown resilience despite natural disasters and the pandemic, with a remarkable rebound in real
terms. The state is expected to grow at 7.8% in 2022-23, higher than the pre-COVID average of 7.1%. The agriculture
and allied sectors, which employ over 40% of the workforce, are expected to grow at 5.9% in 2022-23, compared to
3.5% at the All-India level. The industry sector has recorded the highest growth on average in pre-COVID times, with
a 6.1% growth expected in 2022-23. The services sector, which comprises nearly 36% of GSVA, is expected to grow
at 8.8% in 2022-23, higher than pre-COVID average growth.

The services sector is highly diverse, including trade, transport, education, health, financial services, and public sector.
Odisha's long coastline has significant potential in the tourism sector, which can have second-round effects on jobs
and investments in other sectors.


Odisha has successively reduced its gap with India’s per-capita income. In 2015-16, Odisha’s per-capita income was
32 per cent lower than India’s per-capita income. Within 7 years, the gap is reduced to 11.7 per cent in 2022-23.
Odisha’s per-capita income has grown at CAGR of 10.9 per cent while India’s per-capita income grew at a CAGR of
9.4 per cent in nominal terms since 2011-12.


Odisha has experienced a structural transformation in recent decades, with agriculture accounting for 33% of the
State's Gross State Value (GSVA) in 1993-94. However, the industry sector and services sector have gained share in
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2020-21, with agriculture being the largest employer. The agriculture sector, which accounts for 52% of rural workers
and 12% in urban areas, is expected to contribute 22.5 per cent to GSVA in 2022-23. The industry sector has the
highest share in the GSVA, with manufacturing and mining & quarrying being key sub-sectors. The services sector,
which has a 36.2 per cent share, is a major player in Odisha's economy, with growth segments including trade, repair,
hotels & restaurants, transport, financial services, and real estate. Industrialization and expansion of the service sector
are crucial for economic development.


Skill development is crucial for employment opportunities and sustainable growth in Odisha. The State Government is
providing infrastructure and institutional support to enhance skill levels and employability through skill training
programs and initiatives. The SDTE Department is responsible for providing training, strengthening human resource
potential, and empowering youth to become technically competent and compete in the global labor market.
Transformational initiatives include career counseling campaigns, the 'Sudakshya' scheme for ITI girl students, a new
Students' Welfare Scheme for ITI trainees, construction of 23 new Government ITIs, and IoT training in four
disciplines. The SDTE Department has signed eight Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with leading institutions,
agencies, and companies to strengthen skill training and infrastructure, generate employment, and establish E-Vehicle
labs at ITIs and Polytechnics.


The Chief Minister's Employment Generation Programme aims to skill 15 lakh youth in five years at a rate of 3 lakh
per year. The Short Term Skilling Programme Placement Linked Training Programme has trained 5,451 youths and
provided placements in 2021-22, with a cumulative number of 1,03,502 and 29,821 trained and placed, respectively.
The Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) has trained 2,356 youths in various sectors, including apparel,
beauty & wellness, BFSI, construction, healthcare, logistics, plumbing, retail, and telecom. The Digital Skilling for
All (DIGITALL) program aims to impart digital skills to all students, with partnerships with CISCO, SAP, and Times
Pro. The World Skill Centre, Bhubaneswar, is an advanced skill training institute in Bhubaneswar, assisting ITIs and
Polytechnics in becoming globally employable in emerging engineering and service sectors. The Nano-Unicorn
Program promotes entrepreneurship among youth, offering an interest-free loan of INR one lakh for one year.

Odisha's government is implementing welfare schemes to improve workers' well-being and efficiency, including skill
formation, insurance, minimum wages, gender equality, job opportunities, information dissemination, and socio-
economic security. The Labour Commissioner enforces 29 labor legislations and ensures statutory wages. In 2021-22,
industrial relations were peaceful, with eight disputes settled, 28 failure reports submitted, and INR 6,35,42,436 paid
to affected workers. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, enforces minimum wages in 89 scheduled employments,
resulting in 3630 inspections and 69 prosecutions. The Labour Directorate of Odisha has identified 14 migration-prone
districts and implemented a State Action Plan for migrant workers since 2020-21.

The State Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labour is being implemented, with 1701 inspections conducted,
115 child laborers rescued, and 19 prosecutions filed under the P&R Act, 1986. The Odisha Building and Other
Construction Workers Welfare Board is implementing the Building & Other Construction Workers Act, 1996 and
Cess Act, 1996 to safeguard construction workers' interests and promote a harmonious work environment.

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Odisha has experienced impressive growth in the last two decades, with steady economic growth and a skilled
workforce. The state's economy is expected to grow at 8% to 8% in real terms in 2023-24, leveraging human, natural,
and financial resources. Industrial diversification and the promotion of the Blue economy, with a coastline of 480 kms,
will create job opportunities and make the state more resilient. Odisha's agriculture sector is also experiencing
significant diversification, with investments in education, health, and skill development. The state is also focusing on
digital technology and promoting small and medium industries.

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Odisha, an agrarian state, has a significant agricultural workforce, accounting for 22.5% of Gross State Value Added
(GSVA) in 2022-23 and 22.9% in 2021-22. The agriculture and allied sectors have shown resilience during the
pandemic, with the core sub-sectors including crop, livestock, fishery, and forestry. In 2021-22, the crop sector
contributed 14.3% to GVA, with success in crop diversification, irrigation, productivity, plant protection, farmers'
credit, post-harvest management, and marketing of paddy and non-paddy procurement. The production, productivity,
and per capita availability of animal husbandry and fishery products and exports of marine products improved in
2021-22. The forestry sector also performed well, with a rise in actual forest area during 2021-22.

Odisha ranks 1st in sweet potato production, 4th in fish production, and 6th in goat meat production. The state also
ranks 5th in coconut production and produces 660 MT of Arabica coffee in Koraput. The last two decades have
witnessed an increase in production and productivity of all crops, including foodgrains.

The current financial year has been a good year for the agriculture sector in Odisha, with an estimated growth of 6.0%
in FY 2022-23 compared to 2.4% in 2021-22. The crop sub-sector accounts for 14.2% of GSVA in 2022-23, while the
livestock sub-sector contributed 3.0%.

During 2021-22, food grains contributed around 45% of the total crop production in the state, with a record production
of 113.8 lakh MT. However, total food production declined by about 13% in 2021-22, mainly due to a decline in rice
production. Maize production increased by 4.5% in 2021-22, while pulses production decreased by 15% and oilseeds
production increased by 6%. Vegetable production increased by 0.36 per cent, but the growth of spices and
condiments remained the same as the previous year.

The Directorate of Horticulture, Department of Agriculture, and Farmers' Empowerment is launching two missions to
promote the cultivation of mushroom and spices in the state. The mushroom mission aims to make the state self-
sufficient in button mushroom production and a net exporter of paddy straw and oyster mushroom, while the spices
mission will double the area under spices and promote primary processing of spices.

The government has increased budgetary outlays for water infrastructure, leading to enhanced coverage under
irrigation. Major irrigation projects, such as Lower Indra and Upper Indravati Lift Irrigation, have been completed,
and work is underway on other projects. The Parvati Giri Mega Lift Irrigation scheme covers upland areas, and the
INR 11700 crore scheme for In-stream Storage Structure construction began in 30 places. Deep Bore Wells and
community involvement in irrigation continue, with 14000 new Pani Panchayats created. The Odisha Millet Mission
promotes millets and revives millet cultivation, with procurement of ragi from registered farmers approved by
PACS/LAMPCS. It is a government-facilitated initiative aiming to develop a sustainable food system for millets and
ensure nutritional security in rainfed areas. The program aims to increase household millet consumption by 25%,
revitalize millet food cultures, conserve landraces, promote post-harvest enterprises, and improve millet-based crop
productivity. The OMM is recognized as a best model and celebrated on November 10 as Millets Day.

Odisha has implemented various crop insurance schemes to protect farmers from crop damage and income loss.
PMFBY, a flagship scheme, covers risks from sowing to post-harvest stages for eight crops in Kharif and nine crops
in Rabi seasons. Kalia provides financial support for cultivation to small and marginal farmers, while Ama Krushi
strengthens the extension system and provides timely information. RKVY, launched in 2007, has implemented 855
projects in various sectors. OWDM prioritizes rain-fed areas development, while Farm Pond Plus enhances farm pond
productivity. Other policies include the First Agriculture Policy, Odisha Organic Farming Policy 2018, Odisha Farmer
Producer Organisations Policy, Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana, Agriculture Production Cluster, Horticulture

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Programme for Non-Mission Districts, Coconut Development Board, and Implementation of Interest Subvention


Odisha's livestock sector is crucial for small and marginal farmers, contributing 13-15% of agriculture's GVA. With
3.4% of India's total livestock population and 3.2% of poultry, cattle dominate. The state has implemented schemes to
improve livestock production, combat protein hunger, and support breed maintenance. Milk production has grown,
with cow milk accounting for 88% and buffalo milk 12%. Government initiatives, such as the Integrated Livestock
Development Program, Mobile Veterinary Units, Genetic Improvement of Bovine, and Preventive Vaccination under
the National Animal Disease Control Programme, aim to improve livelihoods, enhance farmers' income, and foster
rural development.
MKUY, launched in 2018, aims to improve agri-entrepreneurship and ease business for agri-entrepreneurs. APICOL
is responsible for implementing the scheme, which covers 1649 acres for fodder crop cultivation. Innovative measures
include digitalization, credit linkages, and disease monitoring. Key initiatives include artificial insemination, AI in
cattle, animal help lines, televeterinary services, and poultry hubs.


Odisha, an agro-maritime state on the east coast, has a flourishing fish catching industry due to its long coastline and
coastal plains. With 7.04 lakh ha of freshwater resources and 4.18 lakh ha of brackish water resources, the state aims
to double inland fish production and triple export levels. Fish, crab, and shrimp production are critical for enhancing
fish yield. Odisha is among the top fish-consuming states, with per capita annual consumption of 17.15 kg in 2021-22.
The fishery sub-sector shows positive trends in exports and imports of marine/fish products, with the total export of
fish from all sources increasing at a CAGR of 11.2% between 2013-14 and 2021-22.

The Odisha Fishery Policy, 2015, aims to develop fresh water, brackish water, and marine fisheries in the state. It
includes activities like Carp-Mola polyculture, GIFT tilapia demonstration, and cage culture in reservoirs. The Matsya
Pokhari Yojana, 2017-18, encourages farmers and entrepreneurs to produce freshwater fish by creating new water
bodies. The PMMSY scheme promotes bio-floc technology for intensive shrimp and fish farming, providing financial
assistance for general category beneficiaries and skill upgradation training for brackish water farmers. The Pradhan
Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana provides livelihood support to marine fishermen during fishing ban periods and fish
transport infrastructure.

The OMBADC Funded Schemes support economic upliftment of poor tribal communities in seven mineral-bearing
districts. The MKUY scheme offers up to INR 50 lakhs for fishery-related activities, including commercial
fish/prawn/crab farming, hatchery, processing units, aqua shops, harvest and post-harvest technologies, and seed


Forests are vital for the economy of Odisha, contributing to food security, livelihoods, and environmental balance. The
forestry and logging sub-sector grew at 5.5% in 2021-22, contributing 2.8% to the Gross State Value. The state has a
recorded forest area of 61204.17 Sq. Km., with 37% of its total geographical area covered. The Ministry of
Environment, Forests & Climate Change has granted permission for exploratory mineral drilling in forest land.

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The state has implemented various afforestation programs, such as the Green Mahanadi Mission, CAMPA, Ama
Jangala Yojana, and Forest Protection Units and Eco-development Committees. The Odisha Forestry Sector
Development Project (OFSDP) aims to organize 1200 VSSs and has already formed 1211 VSSs. The State Wildlife
Organization is committed to wildlife conservation and management, with nineteen wildlife sanctuaries, one National
Park, three elephant reserves, two tiger reserves, and 14 elephant corridors. Habitat development is also being
promoted, with 47 eco-tourism destinations developed in 2021-2022, generating revenue of INR 556.81 lakhs. Odisha
is the third largest producer of kendu leaves, benefiting many tribal communities. The Odisha Bamboo Development
Agency promotes bamboo production and women empowerment among poor tribal and rural communities.


The agriculture and allied sector in Odisha is crucial for the state's development, accounting for 22.5 per cent of Gross
State Value Added (GSVA) in 2022-23 and 22.9 per cent in 2021-22. The sector is expected to grow at a higher rate
than India's 3.5% in FY 2022-23. However, the productivity level of major crops in Odisha is less than average at the
national level. To enhance farmers' net income, concerted efforts are needed to improve production and productivity,
establish market linkages, provide credit and insurance, build capacity, and develop infrastructure. Strategies for crop
subsectors include increasing crop production, improving livestock production, promoting dairy through cooperatives,
improving fishery production, increasing forest cover, and addressing post-harvest losses. Prioritizing infrastructure
development and effective post-harvest management can significantly increase return on investment in agriculture.

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Odisha's economic performance is attributed to its strong industrial base, with an average annual growth of 6.6% since
2012-13. The state's progressive ecosystem and infrastructure make it a desirable destination for investors. The state's
480 km coastline and seaports provide opportunities for maritime industries and diversification. The state's low costs
of doing business and GO-SWIFT system support industries throughout their investment lifecycle. The promotion of
MSMEs and the development of Fintech products further enhance the state's digital footprint.

Odisha ranks 3rd among 18 major states, with Gujarat and Haryana having higher industrial growth rates. The state
government has taken several initiatives to promote industrialization in Odisha, including the Odisha Industrial Policy
Resolution, 2022, which aims to reinforce and accelerate the pace created in IPR-2015.

Odisha aims to transform the state into a manufacturing powerhouse along India's eastern coast. The state has
developed an upstream ecosystem for downstream and ancillary industries, with mineral resources and mother plants
in proximity. The state has made major investments in the development and modernization of industrial parks, regions,
and clusters, with dedicated sectoral manufacturing zones and an extensive network of roads and railways.

Odisha's mineral-rich state contributes significantly to the state's economy, with a significant mining sub-sector
contributing to the state's GDP. The state generates about 0.5 lakh direct employment in mineral-based industries and
contributes significantly to national output.

Odisha, a major iron and steel producer, has experienced a 14% growth rate from 1995-96 to 2021-22, with a peak of
22% in 2021-22. The state has signed MoUs with 45 steel plants and established sponge iron units and pellet plants to
value-add products. The government has implemented long-term linkage (LTL) policies to supply minerals to end-
user units and a preemption policy for iron ore lease holders. The state aims to contribute 100 million tons to the
national steel consumption target by 2030.

The state's aluminium industry is gaining wider acceptance due to its lightweight, recyclable properties, high
durability, and eco-friendly advantages. The construction sector is heavily reliant on the metal, with the southwest part
of Odisha rich in bauxite. The state has planned Aluminium Parks to provide jobs and expand the scope for
downstream and ancillary industries.

The Integrated Mines and Mineral Management System (i3MS) has been implemented to improve transparency and
transparency in the mining sector. The mining sector generates substantial revenue for both central and state
governments, with revenue collected from statutory revenues like royalties, rents, profits, and interest income. The
Odisha Mineral Fund (DMF) aims to promote the interests of those impacted by mining-related activity and affected

Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) is one of the largest mining companies in India, focusing on iron ore, chromite
ore, and bauxite ore. The state has become the 7th state to implement reforms, mobilizing additional financial
resources through Open Market Borrowings. The state is also emerging as the skill capital of India, with globally
recognized Institutes of Higher Learning & Research.


Odisha is renowned for its beautiful handicrafts, with over 1.3 lakh artisans practicing over 50 different crafts. The
Odisha Handicrafts Policy, 2019 aims to boost the sector's growth by empowering skilled artisans and enhancing
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exports. The policy includes easy availability of raw materials, capacity building, financial assistance, survey
management, social security, and welfare schemes. The Odisha Artisan Grade Stone Policy, 2021, facilitates the
availability of quality raw materials for stone carving artisans. The Handlooms, Textiles & Handicrafts Department in
Odisha has reopened Urban Haats, resulting in sales of INR 194.4 lakh and INR 15 lakh.

The 16th Toshali National Crafts Mela in Bhubaneswar attracted 465 artisans and weavers from across the country. A
survey of 1,51,505 artisans was completed in all 30 districts of the state. The Directorate of Handicrafts has developed
a website and web application to provide benefits under various schemes. The Odisha Bamboo Development Agency
(OBDA) has signed an MoU for the development of bamboo craft clusters in six locations of five districts, with funds
sanctioned to INR 35 crore. The State Institute for Development of Arts & Crafts (SIDAC) has been mandated for the
overall development of the handicrafts sector in the state, with achievements such as design development programs,
SANKALP Golden Grass Project implementation, and the Odisha Crafts Museum in Kala Bhoomi.


The handloom industry in Odisha is a significant employment source, particularly for rural non-agricultural
households and preserving the state's rich cultural heritage. As per the 4th All-India Handloom Census, 2019-20, the
handloom sector is growing faster in Odisha than the rest of India in terms of both looms and workers. The sector has
received various initiatives, such as technological intervention, capacity building of weavers through skill up-
gradation training, exposure visits, construction of work sheds and housing, establishment of common facility centers,
marketing support, financial support, market development assistance, marketing initiatives, design inputs, and

E-commerce activities have been strengthened to establish sustainable market linkage with buyers both inside and
abroad. Retail brands like FABINDIA, Odisha Artisans & Weavers Ltd., and online platforms like Amazon, GoCoop,
and Flipcart are engaged in marketing activities to boost the sale of Odisha hand-woven items and increase
productivity and income of the weavers.

The State Agency for Development of Handloom Clusters (SADHAC) works for the promotion and development of
handloom in the state, providing assistance for training, designing, product innovation, and marketing. The agency
also organizes eye camps for handloom weavers and provides financial assistance to senior weavers.

In 2021-22, the total sale of handloom products in Odisha was INR 259.5 crore, with offline/offline sales of INR
212.4 crore and yarn/tassar cocoon sales of INR 39.3 crore. The weekly Bunakar Bazaar at Behera, Bargarh, is one of
the biggest open-air handloom markets in Asia, with around 1300 weavers and traders participating.


Odisha, a leading handloom producing state in India, has a rich history in textiles and is known for its Ikat weaving.
The state aims to harness its potential to develop a strong textile sector, including apparel and technical textiles. The
"Odisha Apparel & Technical Textiles Policy, 2022" focuses on boosting employment and economic growth by
encouraging investors through incentives like capital investment subsidies, employment cost subsidies, and market
development initiatives. The policy aims to encourage garment, apparel, made-ups, technical textiles, and support
activities related to weaving, spinning weaving, dyeing, and processing of textiles, wearables, and accessories.

Odisha's textile sector has been transformed into an engine of inclusive growth and employment generation, with the
establishment of garment manufacturing units and the establishment of an incubation center. The State also has a
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center of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) at Bhubaneswar. The Directorate of Export Promotion
and Marketing is mandated to promote export of goods and provide marketing assistance to MSMEs. With active
initiation and export promotion activities, Odisha's merchandise export turnover has increased to an all-time high of
INR 1,27,197.7 crore during 2021-22, representing a 68% growth. Odisha's share in all-India exports has increased
from 2.7% in 2017-18 to 4.4% in 2021-22.


The Start-up Odisha initiative, launched in 2016, aims to create scalability and replicability in Odisha, leading to
large-scale employment opportunities. The State Start-up Policy aims to make Odisha one of the top three Start-up
Hubs in India through strategic partnerships, a conducive ecosystem, investment, and policy interventions. The
objectives of the policy include developing a world-class Start-up Hub, encouraging incubators aligning with the
State's strengths and requirements, creating an enabling environment and supportive ecosystem that facilitates at least
1,000 Start-ups in the next five years, providing skill-based training to encourage youth to take up Start-ups, and
encouraging major companies to include skill and infrastructure development for Start-ups as an integral component
of their CSR activities.

Odisha's start-up ecosystem has been rated as 'Top Performer' in the State/UT ranking 2021 by the Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). The state has a robust start-up ecosystem, with 1,468 start-ups, 140
seed-funded start-ups, 21 venture-funded start-ups, and over 250 women-led start-ups. The state has a comprehensive
start-up portal with all the necessary features catering to all start-ups and stakeholders of the Start-up Ecosystem.

Odisha's maiden, centralized incubator, O-Hub, is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate Start-up
Incubation. It provides a platform for innovators and entrepreneurs to develop products or services, establish formal
businesses, and interact with stakeholders of the ecosystem. The Odisha Start-Up Growth Fund, organized by the
Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA), aims to motivate skilled youths to start their small industries and create
employment opportunities by providing mentoring, training, and capital funding.


Odisha is rapidly becoming a major investment destination, with a focus on transformation in all sectors. The 'Make in
Odisha Conclave-2022' and the government's Industrial Policy Resolution-2022 will position Odisha as a major
industrialized state. The state is a major force in mining and mineral-based industries, with major investments in steel
and aluminium projects. With adequate power availability, captive power plants, and a favorable business
environment, Odisha is well-positioned for diversification and growth in other industrial sub-sectors.

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Infrastructure is crucial for economic growth and development, ensuring citizens access to basic services like clean
water, electricity, transport, and communication. Investment in infrastructure has a high multiplier effect and is
essential for long-term sustainable growth. Odisha, a power surplus state, has a strong MSME sector, contributing
40% of exports and 45% of manufacturing output. The state has achieved 100% electrification of villages and is
focusing on energy diversification, including biomass and solar power. Road transport contributes to 56% of transport
GSVA, followed by railways at 25%. Digital platforms have been developed to promote citizen participation and meet
public expectations.

Odisha government plans to implement infrastructure projects to improve quality of life and economic growth by
2030. The "Logistics Policy 2022" aims to create an integrated logistics system, strengthening the state's position as a
preferred trade and commerce destination. The LEADS 2022 report grades Odisha as an 'Achiever' state, showing
exemplary logistics ecosystems with exceptional infrastructure and transparent regulatory processes. The state is
grouped into three grades based on percentage score range: Achievers, Fast Movers, and Aspirers.


The energy sector is crucial for a state's economic development, supporting various activities and influencing the
quality of air, water, land, forest resources, and climate protection. It contributes 2.8% of Odisha's GDP in 2021-22
and 2.9% in 2022-23. However, growth has fluctuated due to factors like input availability, environmental constraints,
and natural shocks.


GRIDCO has partnered with various generators to meet the increasing power demand of DISCOMs. The state's
installed capacity increased by 1.1% in 2021-22, with a 45% increase in the last six years. The Odisha Renewable
Energy Policy (OREP), 2022, aims to maximize renewable energy potential and make the state a hub for green
hydrogen and green ammonia production. The state has a total of 94.9 lakh electricity consumers, with 91% of them
being domestic. Odisha has experienced significant power availability changes in recent decades, with 47,679 villages
electrified by March 2020.

The state has a robust power transmission system, with OPTCL adding 11 GSSs. The government provides equity
support for major transmission projects, such as the 400 kV system for Paradip and disaster-resistant transmission
systems for SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack. The state is committed to renewable energy, with the
Renewable Energy Policy 2016 aiming to increase renewable energy capacity. OREDA, the state's renewable energy
development agency, is implementing initiatives such as Konark Solarisation, roof-top solar power plants, and solar
street lighting.
OREDA collaborates with 32 DHH hospitals, 7 medical colleges, and educational institutions for site identification
and feasibility assessments for a 10 MW capacity solarisation of agricultural pump sets. The government implements
various schemes to strengthen transmission and distribution infrastructure, including the Odisha Distribution System
Strengthening Project, Socio-Economic Transformation and Upliftment, Elephant Corridor Scheme, State Capital
Region Improvement of Power System, and Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana.


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Odisha's transport networks are crucial for passenger and freight movement due to rapid demographic trends,
urbanization, industrialization, and human settlements. The road transport sector has rebounded to 7.1% in 2022-22,
with highways, districts, and other roads being the highest contributors. The state government focuses on promoting
the development of backward areas and connecting remote habitations to growth and service centers. The State
Highways Development Project (SHDP) and Biju Setu Yojana (BSY) aim to bridge missing links on roads and
provide an effective all-weather road network across the state.

Odisha's Electric Vehicle Policy aims to phase out 15+ year old vehicles, reducing air pollution and promoting the
automobile industry. The government has approved the "Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility Policy 2022" and
procured 180 new buses, including 10 ultra-luxurious Volvo buses. The state has completed the construction of an
Inter-State Bus Terminal (ISBT) at Baramunda and is constructing 55 new block level bus stands in 22 districts.

The Odisha Port Policy 2022 and the Odisha Maritime Board have provided an impetus to trade through the state's
ports. Paradip Port, the largest dry bulk handling port in India, has experienced significant growth in 2021-22,
handling over 116 million metric tons of cargo and the highest monthly total of 12.3 million metric tons. Other ports
in Odisha include Dhamra and Gopalpur port, which handled 33.4 MMT and 8 MMT respectively by the end of 2021-

The state government provides inland water transport services, which have seen a 30% increase in passenger traffic
and fare collection since the removal of COVID-19 restrictions. The air transport sector has experienced significant
growth in 2021-22, with the Airports Authority of India developing the existing terminal building at Biju Pattnaik
Airport for international flights. The airport is expected to grow further with various development plans undertaken by
the Airports Authority of India.


Odisha has incorporated IT into its administration and encouraged the growth of the IT sector. The Electronics &
Information Technology Department manages IT activities, with institutions like OCAC, OSEDC, IIT, STPI, and
IDCO promoting IT and e-governance projects. The state aims to transform Odisha into a leading IT destination and a
preferred IT outsourcing destination, fostering efficient governance and digital literacy. The Odisha Electronics Policy
2021 aims to position the state as an attractive electronics destination and promote electronics manufacturing. The
Odisha Data Centre Policy aims to modernize government ICT, promote green IT and ITeS, and attract BPO/ITeS
industries for inclusive growth and employment opportunities.


The Odisha government has implemented various initiatives to improve public services delivery, including Aadhaar
Enrolment, the Odisha Right to Public Service Act, and the Odisha One Portal. These initiatives aim to address
citizens' demand for improved services and reduce corruption. The state has also launched Mo Sarkar, a responsive
and people-centric initiative, e-District, Jana Sunani, Student Academic Management System, Odisha Economic
Survey 2022-23 170 State Scholarship portal, e-Pravesh, and Social Protection Delivery Platform (SPDP). These
initiatives aim to provide citizens with convenient access to essential services and promote rural entrepreneurship.
Odisha's Social Protection Delivery Platform (SPDP) aims to monitor beneficiaries' welfare schemes and ensure data

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The government has launched various portals, including PAReSHRAM, Agni Shama Seva Services, Go-Sugam,
SAACAR, SAFAL, House Allotment System, e-Diary, Ama Krushi, State Animal Helpline, Go-Skill Job Portal, and
Sanjog Helpline. These portals aim to digitize farmer-centric schemes, support SC-ST community welfare, and
streamline the process of allotment of houses.
The objective is to streamline grievance redressal processes for rural Odisha citizens through a single window and
central grievance redressal system with faster disposal rates. The government has implemented several IT initiatives,
including the COVID Portal, Litigation Management System (LMS), Odisha State Workflow Automation System
(OSWAS), Mail Messaging Services, e-Despatch, Bio Medical Waste Management, Odisha Judicial Workflow
Automation System (OJWAS), Paperless High Court, National eVidhan Application (NeVA), Biju Swasthya Kalyan
Yojana (BSKY), and Integrated Minor Mineral Mining Management System (i4MS). These initiatives aim to improve
governance, streamline communication, and ensure transparency in the state's infrastructure.


Odisha has developed its ICT infrastructure through the Odisha State-wide Area Network (OSWAN), State Data
Centre (OSDC), Cyber Security Operation Centre (CSOC), Bharat-Net, IPv6 Implementation, Telecom Infrastructure
Facilitation and Management System (TIFMS), Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC), EDUSAT Network,
Paddy-GIS, Odisha Spatial Data Infrastructure (OSDI), and Space based information support for Decentralised
Planning (SIS-DP). The government has allocated INR 350 crore for upgrading OSWAN to the Block level, and has
budgeted around INR 200 crore for a new state-of-the-art SDC with Disaster Recovery Sites and Cloud Services. The
government has also set up a next-generation Cyber Security Operation Centre (CSOC) to secure ICT infrastructure
and e-governance applications.

Bhubaneswar Land Use Intelligence Systems (BLUIS) monitors changes in Bhubaneswar city using geo-referenced
cadastral data and satellite data. The Pathani Samanta Planetarium, Odisha Bigyan Academy, Institute of Mathematics
& Application, Bio-Technology Cell, State Council on Science & Technology, Science Innovation Hubs, Patent
Information Centre, and Planetarium and Science Centre are all part of the state's infrastructure. These institutions
promote science, innovation, and IP culture, preparing the state for future challenges and meeting the growing
population's aspirations.


The State Government of Odisha focuses on quality infrastructure, including road, railway, port, and airport projects,
to reduce logistic costs and promote sustainable growth. Road transport contributes to 56% of transport GSVA (2022-
23 AE). The state has also enhanced railway connectivity and invested in renewable energy through the "Odisha
Renewable Energy Policy 2022." Sensitization programs and EV policies aim to reduce emissions and promote
sustainable development. Technology plays a crucial role in delivering seamless services between government,
citizens, and businesses.

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India's urban population is primarily rural, with nearly one-third living in urban areas and two-third in rural areas. A
regional balance in rural and urban development is crucial for the state's overall development. Urbanization
accelerates urban growth, while rural areas provide resources, workforce, and market for non-agricultural goods and
services. Urbanization is not just about urban growth, but also about the development of rural areas to transform the
overall economy. The government of Odisha has worked to create inclusive cities and prioritize sustainable rural
development, aiming to make all regions equitable, inclusive, and resilient.


During the period 1951-2011, the population in rural Odisha has increased by 2.5 times from 140.5 lakh to 349.7 lakh.
The rural population in Odisha is expected to be 384.7 lakh by 2031. On the other hand, the population in urban
Odisha has increased about 12 times from 5.9 lakh in 1951 to 69.8 lakh in 2011 and is expected to become 98.5 lakh
by 2031. During the same period (1951-2011), the population of rural India has grown by 2.8 times and urban
population of India has grown by 6 times.

The literacy rate is 83.4 per cent for males in rural areas and 88.8 per cent in urban areas in Odisha. The corresponding
figures for females were 66.7 per cent and 81.9 per cent respectively in rural and urban areas. The literacy rate was
higher for both males and females in urban areas.

Significant progress has been made in health and nutrition indicators in both rural and urban areas of Odisha. Pregnant
mothers' consumption of folic acid for 100 days has increased in both rural and urban areas, and the Infant Mortality
Rate has declined due to the state's efficient health policy and program implementation. The number of mothers with
at least 4 antenatal care visits has also improved, with a reduction in the rural-urban divide. The proportion of women
with BMI lower than normal has declined in both rural and urban areas, but higher rates are observed in rural areas.
The proportion of stunted children under 5 years of age has declined in both rural and urban areas, with higher rates in
rural areas.

The proportion of overweight or obese women has increased in urban areas, while men's overweight or obese status
has declined in both rural and urban areas. Rural areas are catching up with urban areas, indicating convergence in
health and nutrition indicators. Catching up curves show that backward districts are catching up with advanced
districts between NFHS-4 and NFHS-5, indicating progress in these indicators and convergence across districts.


Infrastructure plays a crucial role in economic growth by enhancing competitiveness and productivity. Improvements
in facilities like energy, telecommunications, and transport networks directly impact growth, but they also act as
catalysts in the production and distribution of goods and services. A solid infrastructure base can make production
cost-effective, increase competitiveness, and facilitate physical mobility of people and products. In Odisha,
telecommunication infrastructure has made significant progress between NFHS-4 and NFHS-5 periods, with rural
households having access to mobile connections increasing from 78.3% to 86.9%. Internet connectivity has also
increased, with urban areas seeing coverage increase from 19.2% to 61.5 per cent, and rural areas seeing coverage
increase from 3.5% to 30.9%.

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The government of Odisha has undertaken efforts to address homelessness through various programs and schemes,
with 31.17 lakh rural housing units constructed in the state since 2014-15. Road connectivity is another important
issue in infrastructure, with the Biju Setu Yojana (BSY) initiating 1332 bridge projects on 536 RD roads and 796
important PS roads.

Odisha has constructed 31.17 lakh rural housing units since 2014-15, with 16.8 lakh houses built under PMAY (G)
and 10.65 lakh under Indira Awas Yojana. The completion rate in 2021-22 was 34.5%, with around 1.8 lakh rural
houses completed against the annual target of 3.12 lakhs. The government has prioritized the AWAAS (Odisha Urban
Housing Mission) at the state level and created District Urban Housing Societies (DUHS) to provide additional
managerial and technical capacity. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)-Urban is a major programme
implemented in urban areas to meet the housing shortage. The state has completed 58,277 km of road under PMGSY.

Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) has provided affordable public transport services in the capital region,
including Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Khurda, Pipili, Puri, and Konark. The government is also developing two modern
bus terminals at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Banking infrastructure plays a crucial role in development in both rural
and urban areas.


The JAGA Mission aims to transform slums into liveable habitats by providing land rights to eligible slum dwellers.
OUHM aims to fulfill urban poor housing requirements through In Situ Slum Redevelopment schemes and credit-
linked subsidy schemes. The Drink from Tap Mission focuses on risk management of continuous water supply,
enabling consumers to drink water directly from taps, and reducing plastic waste generation by 400 tonnes per annum.
The Mega piped water scheme aims to provide safe water for drinking and domestic purposes on a sustainable basis.
Amrut:2.0 aims to provide universal piped water supply, sewerage and septage management, and promote a circular
economy of water.

The state has notified an urban sanitation strategy in 2011 to transform urban areas into community-driven, sanitized,
safe, healthy, and liveable cities and towns. Garima aims for safety and dignity of core sanitation workers, while
Mukta introduces an urban wage employment program to provide a socio-economic safety net for migrants/informal
workers. Public Transport: MO Bus service (CRUT) aims to transform urban public transport through smart
technology, service benchmarking, and customer satisfaction.


MUKTA aims to secure the livelihoods of urban poor, particularly vulnerable groups like migrants, women,
transgender, and persons with disabilities, by providing gainful employment opportunities and building community
resilience in urban areas. It adopts a community-driven, participatory, and bottom-up approach to project planning and
implementation, ensuring transparency and accountability. MUKTA is complimented by the Dindayal Antodaya
Yojana-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM), which aims to reduce poverty and vulnerability of urban
poor households by enabling access to gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities. The Jaga
Mission, the world's largest slum land titling and improvement program, has helped improve living standards and
secure tenure for slum dwellers. As of March 2022, 1,94,397 houses have been sanctioned under different verticals of
PMAY (U), with incentives for completion within 180/120 days.


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The Odisha state government has implemented a multipronged approach to achieve safe sanitation and sustainable
sanitation for all. The state has declared 115 ULBs as "Open Defecation Free" (ODF) and constructed 1,42,336
individual Household Latrines, 7,217 Community Toilet seats, and 4782 Public Toilet seats under the "Swachha
Odisha Sustha Odisha" scheme. Municipal solid waste is processed using decentralized methods of Micro Composting
Centres (MCCs), which gradually replace chemical fertilizers with organic manure. The sanitation value chain has
been made women-centric, with 4,657 women from 2579 SHG groups engaged across the SWM value chain. A
performance management system called Ama Sahara has been developed to monitor staff performance and improve
the state's performance.

Environment-friendly Battery-operated Vehicles (BoV) have been deployed for segregated waste collection. Odisha
has also launched the Garima Scheme, providing benefits to around 20,000 sanitation workers and their families. The
state has also implemented a state-wide decentralized sewerage treatment system, with 110 FSTPs commissioned to
treat wastewater from 108 towns. Cities have inducted 3000 women and transgender groups to manage these SWM
and FSTPs, creating livelihoods, enhancing gender parity, and empowering marginalized communities.


The Government of Odisha has prioritized improving urban drinking water service to ensure universal coverage and
equitable access. WATCO, a Not-for-Profit company, has been entrusted with providing water supply services in 29
cities, covering 60% of the state's urban population. The state has revamped water infrastructure, connecting 1.0
million households with piped water connections, and deployed a unique community-led service delivery model,
including women from marginalized low-income families. The Drink from Tap Mission aims for 24x7 water supply,
quality surveillance, and community participation in water supply management. The Jal Saathi Initiative, launched in
December 2018, focuses on effective water management through community participation.

The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation Scheme has made significant achievements, including
replacing 285.14 km of water supply distribution pipelines, connecting 1,90,874 households, and completing
sewerage/sewage projects. BASUDHA revamped water infrastructure, connecting 1.0 million households with piped
water connections, and completed 100 projects in 2022-23


The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) aims to enhance the livelihood
security of the rural poor by providing wage employment opportunities in works leading to the creation of durable
assets. The scheme focuses on providing safe, accessible, and adequate drinking water for all people living in rural
areas, ensuring good health and overall wellbeing. The scheme also aims to provide safe and adequate water through
piped water supply systems, enhancing water quality and empowering communities for ownership of water assets.

The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) aims to provide a functional household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every household,
achieving drinking water security. The Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) aims to provide safety, security, and
convenience, especially for women and children, by eliminating open defecation across the country and achieving
Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages.

Odisha has been a pioneer in rural housing, committed to providing pucca houses to all rural houseless and those
staying in Kutcha houses through Biju Pucca Ghar Yojana (BPGY) and Nirman Shramik Pucca Ghar Yojana

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(NSPGY). The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAYG) was formed to meet the objectives of the 'Housing
for All' scheme by the year 2022.

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has been playing a pivotal role in
generating rural employment and enhancing rural livelihood in the State since 2006-07. It covered the entire State,
generating 1113.89 lakh person days of employment in 2019-20, which has risen to 2080.81 lakh person days in 2020-

The most vulnerable groups seek employment under MGNREGS, designed to allow women equity in both access to
work and payment of wages. The participation of SC/STs in terms of person-days generated was more than 50%
during these years.

MGNREGS has taken several initiatives to address distress migration, including tagging beneficiaries with specific
functionaries, simplifying the process, using online case records, and promoting citizen connect through the "Mo
Sarkar" initiative. The share of Odisha in total employment generated through MGNREGS has increased since 2019-
20, with the share of the state in total person days generated increasing from 4.2% in 2019-20 to 5.44% in 2021-22
and further increasing to 6.45% by January 2023.


The PR&DW Department is responsible for providing safe drinking water in rural areas, with the National Rural
Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) providing technical and financial assistance. In water-scarce areas, piped water
supply schemes are being commissioned in a phased manner under various programs. As of 31.3.2022, 13,848 new
PWS schemes have been commissioned, providing 40,42,261 households with functional household tap connections.
Additionally, 12,683 solar units have been installed in inaccessible villages, and 209 mega PWS projects on surface
water sources are under execution.
Access to sanitation is crucial for health and overall well-being, leading to holistic growth and development. Odisha
achieved 100% Open Defecation Free (ODF) status in 2019 and dropped households without toilet facilities to zero in


The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) is a strategy aimed at reducing
poverty by promoting diversified, gainful, and skilled wage employment opportunities, leading to increased incomes
and sustainable livelihoods. The NRLM focuses on universal inclusion of the poor, prioritizing the poorest through
participatory processes and converting them into institutions of the poor.

The Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM) is a registered society under the Department of Mission Shakti, Government
of Odisha, working with 52.44 lakh households and covering 4.65 lakh SHGs across the state

Innovative e-Governance applications for rural areas include eGramSwaraj, NREGA Soft, Awas Soft, PP Grant, LGD
(Local Government Directory), Tube well Management Information System, Video Conferencing facility at the Block
level, and Dashboard Monitoring System (DBMS).

The DDU-GKY aims to skill rural youth aged 15-35 years and provide them with jobs with regular monthly wages at
or above the minimum wage. It is part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) - the Mission for poverty

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reduction under Deen Dayal Antodaya Yojana (DAY). The scheme aims to add diversity to the incomes of rural poor
families and cater to the career aspirations of rural youth.

The State Odisha Rural Development and Marketing Society (ORMAS), a registered society under the aegis of
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, is the nodal agency for implementing the scheme.


Urbanization is often seen as a precondition for economic development, but a holistic development of both urban and
rural areas is crucial for better livelihood options and living standards. The Government of Odisha has taken steps to
address the urban-rural gap, improving indicators like infant mortality, maternal care visits, and BMI. Transportation
and road connectivity initiatives, such as Biju Setu Yojana, have also been implemented. Rural areas have seen a
significant increase in mobile phones and internet access, while banking infrastructure is skewed towards urban areas.

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The Services Sector contributes immensely to India’s GDP, employment, exports, and foreign exchange earnings.
Over time, a robust manufacturing and productive agriculture sector in India led to services sector becoming a
mainstay of GDP and employment.

The services sector in Odisha is the second highest contributor to GSVA after industry, with a 36.2 per cent share in
2022-23 (AE). This growth is mainly due to the COVID-19 impact. The services sector is expected to grow at 8.8% in
2022-23, with all key sub-sectors experiencing buoyant growth rates in 2021-22 and 2022-23. The subsector "Trade,
Repair, Hotel & Restaurants" saw a 13.7% and 16.2% growth in 2021-22, while "Transport, Storage, Communication
and Services relating to broadcasting" registered a 6.8% growth and "Real estate, Ownership of dwelling and
Professional Services" saw a 7.0% growth in 2022-23.

In Odisha’s context, the services sector has become extremely important not only in terms of contribution to GSDP,
but also as a key vehicle for employment generation. Employment in services sector in Odisha was estimated to be
24.4 per cent in 2020-21 as per PLFS estimation against 28.6 per cent for India.


Odisha, a state known for its natural beauty and historical significance, has a significant tourism industry that
contributes significantly to the state's GDP and employment. The industry is highly labor-intensive and generates high
employment through various activities such as hotels, transport, shopping, food, and entertainment. It also strengthens
the local economy through inflow of money, including foreign exchange earnings.

To boost Odisha's services sector, improved customer experience is key, with government initiatives such as e-VISAs,
better infrastructure facilities, safety and security, and stronger connectivity being key enablers. The hotel and
restaurant sector contributed 0.6% to the state's GDP in 2021-22, with a growth of 62.7% over the last year's share.

Odisha has 358 identified tourist destinations, with Cuttack, Balasore, Ganjam, Puri, Mayurbhanj, and Khorda being
the leading districts. The Golden Triangle, Puri, the Sun Temple, and the 'TriRatna Triangle' are some of the major
tourist attractions. The state also has several other tourist attractions, particularly in the western and southern parts,
that require development for popular tourism.

The Department of Tourism (DoT) has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to promote tourism, with tourist arrivals in
Odisha increasing from less than 1% of total arrivals in 2015-16 to 2021-22, with foreign tourists representing less
than 1%. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the arrival of tourists, with restrictions on travel affecting
the inflow of money through tourists' expenditure.

The Health & Wellness tourism segment in Odisha has experienced rapid growth in the last decade, with travelers
traveling to specific destinations for healing purposes. The state capital, Bhubaneswar, has numerous multi-
facility/super speciality hospitals that attract patients from across the state and neighboring states. The Department of
Tourism is promoting Integrated Developments (comprising hotels and hospitals) in urban areas of the State, with
hospitals attached to hotels of 3-star and above category.

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To streamline the efforts of developing wellness tourism in the State, the Department of Tourism will incentivize
interested investors to develop wellness resorts with at least 15 accommodation or overnight stay units, accredited
through the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), skilled, trained, and certified
workforce. The state's healthcare facilities are conducive for the promotion of health tourism, and a study by NSS has
suggested corrective measures to facilitate health tourism for projecting Odisha as a medical tourism destination.

The Odisha Tourism Department has undertaken various projects, including the development of 16 Integrated tourism
masterplans, identification of infrastructure gaps at tourist centers, special projects, niche tourism products,
establishment of Special Odia Cuisine Restaurant (NIMANTRAN), development of Blue Flag Beach, Coastal Circuit,
and projects in Puri under Central Scheme - PRASAD BOX-1.

The State Government has spent substantially on infrastructure development in the tourism sector to attract tourists,
with an increasing trend in capital outlay and expenditure. Odisha has developed sports infrastructure, hosted
international and national events, and recognized meritorious sportspersons for their excellence with jobs in
government departments and PSUs. Over INR2000 crore projects are underway, including India's first indoor athletic
stadium, indoor aquatic center, tennis court, Hockey High Performance Centre, Staff accommodation, and Sports
Science Centre.

In 2022-23, Odisha hosted several successful events, including the Hockey Pro-League 2021/22, Odisha Women's
League, Indian Grand Prix Series, Indian Women's League 2022, FIBA U18 SABA Qualifiers, 2022 South Asian
Football Federation U20 Championship, and Junior National Aquatic Championship. Over INR70 crore has been
invested in developing 4 FIFA standard, natural grass, football training centres, and one artificial turf football ground
for the FIFA U17 Women's World Cup.

Odisha Juggernauts, the only state to have a team in the inaugural edition of the Ultimate Kho Kho League, made
history by becoming Champions in 2022. A Talent Identification program was conducted across disciplines for
selection into sports department-run sports hostels, and pay and play programs and weekend sports programs were
launched to give exposure to young students.

Odisha's sportspersons have brought many laurels to the state, with 53 sportspersons awarded jobs in government
departments and PSUs, and INR 48.29 Lakhs disbursed towards pension.

Nandankanan Zoological Park, a famous zoo in India, is a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquarium
(WAZA). The park is built in a moist deciduous forest and has experienced an annual growth of 41% in visitors since
2020-21. The Tourism Department is promoting eco-retreat destinations and nature camps with local community
involvement to encourage tourists.

The Baristha Nagarika Tirtha Jatra Yojana, launched in 2016-17, provides free pilgrimage tours for senior citizens of
BPL category. The Tourism Department plans to resume these tours by organizing five pilgrimage tours for senior
citizens in the current year. The scheme has facilitated 13,686 senior citizens.

Odisha Homestay Establishment Scheme-2020 aims to motivate homeowners to host tourists with unique cultural
experiences in hospitality, cuisine, and local culture. Silver City Boat Club is a water sports facility in the Mahanadi
river, with plans to develop a world-class marina. Hirakud Boat Club offers water sports activities on the right dyke of
Hirakud Dam, including a 40-seater floating restaurant.

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Taladanda Canal-front Development is planned for non-motorized water sports, with a boat club in the precinct.
Tampara Eco-cottages are proposed for the lake front, providing premium accommodation and water sports
experience. Ramchandi Promenade offers scenic beauty and potential for water sports and adventure activities.

Cruise tourism is being developed in partnership with private cruise operators at water bodies like Hirakud dam,
Chilika lake, Bhitarkanika, and various channels on the River Mahanadi. Tourism masterplans of Chilika and Hirakud
have been initiated, and two 40-seater day cruises have been procured under Central Scheme Swadesh Darshan.

Camping and tented accommodation projects are also being developed in line with eco-retreat. Caravan tourism is also
being explored, with the growing demand for eco-adventure, wildlife, and pilgrimage tourism in remote areas.


The co-operative sector in Odisha comprises credit and non-credit institutions, with a well-structured three-tier
institutional network. The state has 2,710 Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS), 215 Large sized Adivasi
Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies (LAMPCS), 5 Farmers' Services Cooperative Societies (FSCS), 17 District
Central Cooperative Banks, and the Odisha State Cooperative Bank (OSCB). The state government has begun offering
crop loan finance up to INR 1 lakh free of interest since 01.04.2022. The market share of cooperatives in the short-
term agricultural credit sector is about 58%, with Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks accounting for the
smaller share of 42% in 2021-22. The Kisan Credit Card Scheme, introduced in 1998-99, provides timely, adequate,
and hassle-free credit to farmers based on their land holding and cropping pattern. The overall gross non-performing
asset (NPA) level in Odisha is 6.5%, with RRBs having the highest NPA share.


The Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) has significantly contributed to financial inclusion in Odisha, with
over 1.9 crore bank accounts opened in March 2022. The government has adopted a phase-wise approach to promote
financial inclusion through the penetration of banking services in rural areas and sustainable banking services in
unbanked areas. The government has also opened brick and mortar bank branches in 65 identified GPs, covering 339
un-banked GPs in 33 branch locations. The Department of Post has opened Indian Post & Promotion Bank (IPPB) in
each district headquarter, covering 339 un-banked GPs in 33 branch locations. Digital connectivity under Bharat Net
has been crucial for financial inclusion, with 3,990 GPs/BHQs connected through Optical Fibre Cable under Bharat
Net Phase-I and 2,842 GPs/BHQs in Phase-II.

The TFIIP programme is being implemented in all 10 aspirational districts, with 1,948 financial inclusion camps
organized. NABARD has provided funds to banks under Financial Inclusion Funds (FIF) for financial inclusion and
banking technology schemes for rural areas. Financial literacy camps have been organized through 2,850 rural
branches, and financial literacy centres (FLCs) have been established to initiate financial literacy activities at the
ground level. Aadhaar number seeding has been achieved, and financial literacy materials have been included in 10+2

The Pradhan Mantri Surakhya Bima Yojana (PMSBY) provides accidental insurance for death/full disability for 18-70
years with a yearly premium of Rs. 12. The PMJJBY offers life insurance for 18-50 years with a yearly premium of
Rs. 330 for coverage of Rs. 2 lakh. The Atal Pension Yojana provides pension benefits for unorganised sector
individuals aged 18-40 years after reaching 60. In 2021-22, 23.55 lakh accounts were enrolled in these schemes.


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Odisha has adopted a Self Help Groups (SHG)-based model for financial inclusion, extending banking services to
unbanked areas. The SHGs formed under the Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) will provide banking services, with
OLM entering into agreements with SBI, Odisha Gramya Bank (OGB), Utkal Gramya Bank (UGB) and other banks
for financial inclusion. The agreement aims to reduce the interest burden and encourage SHGs to invest more capital
in livelihood activities.

The Mission Shakti is a financial inclusion programme that provides access to financial literacy, bank creditlinking,
and interest subvention for economic development of 70 lakh women in 6 lakh Mission Shakti SHGs. The government
is providing interest subventions to Women-SHGs (WSHGs) in the State, known as the "Mission Shakti Loan," which
provides interest-free loans up to Rs. 3 lakh. The government aims to graduate SHGs to entrepreneurs and has targeted
to increase the loan size to 4 lakh per SHG by the financial year 2022-23.

The SHGs-bank linkage programme is of paramount significance for the economic empowerment of 70 lakh women
with 6 lakh Mission Shakti SHGs. During 2021-22, about 3,10,819 SHGs have been credit linked with a loan amount
of Rs. 6,836.48 crore, with an average loan size of Rs. 2.20 lakh per SHG. The physical and financial target for 2022-
23 is fixed at 3.50 lakh SHGs and Rs. 8,725 crore to undertake different livelihood and entrepreneurial activities.

The government has engaged eligible SHGs and Federation members as BCAs under the BC model, ensuring last-
mile delivery of different banking services to the people in unbanked & underbanked GPs across the state. This will
not only provide a sustainable livelihood option to WSHG members but also extend banking services to the public at
large in GPs deprived of brick and mortar bank branches.

The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) was launched nationwide in 2016-17, providing insurance to
farmers in case of crop loss in notified crops during stages of premature sowing, standing crop, mid-season adversity,
localized calamities, postharvest losses, and pest affects. The scheme uses Remote Sensing Technology and Smart
Phones for crop selection and recording results.

Mobile banking is a service provided by banks or other financial institutions that allows customers to conduct
financial transactions remotely using a mobile device. The total users of mobile banking increased from 40.4 lakhs in
2019-20 to 68.8 lakhs in 2021-22.

Telecommunications is a vital sector in the economy, contributing to economic growth and GDP. The development of
telecom infrastructure is a sine qua non in the growth of economic infrastructure.


India's Services Sector has been rapidly growing, contributing the largest share to the country's economy. It accounts
for over half of GDP/GVA, accounting for 52% of GDP until 2022-23. Odisha's services sector has exponential
potential, with the state government focusing on health, sports, and eco-tourism. Financial services, including e-
VISAs, infrastructure, safety, and connectivity, play a crucial role in economic growth. Financial inclusion, including
the adoption of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and mobile banking, is essential for inclusive development. The telecom
sector, with rapid globalization and internet connectivity, is also crucial for economic infrastructure growth.

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Improving quality of life and wellbeing is a major focus for policymakers in developing countries. This includes
longevity, access to basic amenities, improved health and educational conditions, women empowerment, safety, and
holistic human development. The State of Odisha prioritizes improving aspects of quality of life, including healthcare,
education, water supply, sanitation, poverty reduction, housing, and social safety nets. The government allocates
adequate budgetary resources for social sector spending, maintaining over 41% of its overall revenue expenditure.


The Government of Odisha has been working to ensure universal access to affordable and quality healthcare services
by strengthening public health infrastructure, improving service delivery, and addressing local health issues and needs
of vulnerable communities. This has led to a drastic improvement of public health facilities in Odisha, increasing
people's faith, trust, and dependence on these institutions.

Life expectancy at birth in Odisha has been on an increasing trend over the years, with the overall life expectancy now
higher than the national average. The state has also made efforts to develop quality healthcare infrastructure, with new
medical colleges being established. Public healthcare facilities in Odisha include 32 district hospitals, 33 sub-
divisional hospitals, 384 CHCs, 1379 PHCs, 6688 Sub-centres, 619 Ayurvedic Dispensaries, and 561 Homeopathic
Dispensaries. Efforts are being made to establish new PHCs/UPHCs and upgrade PHC to CHC and CHC to SDH as
per the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) 2022 mandate.

The government has also improved performance in infant mortality rates, neonatal mortality rates, and under-5
mortality rates. The incidence of these rates has declined, with active interventions through health programs such as
IMR Mission (2001) and Nabajyoti Scheme (2004) and corrective strategies such as New-born Care Corners, New-
born Stabilization Units, Sick New-born Care Units, and Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres playing a key role in
enabling these outcomes.

Maternal health care facilities have also been improved, with the percentage of mothers having a prenatal check-up
during their first trimester increasing from 64% in 2015-16 to 79% in 2019-21. The implementation of policy
initiatives like JSY, JSSK, the Free Drug Scheme, 108/102 ambulance services, and the construction of Maa Gruha
has contributed to improving the state's institutional delivery rates.

Odisha has made significant progress in improving child nutrition by implementing supplementary nutrition programs,
expanding Anganwadi Services, pre-school education programs, and developing infrastructure. The Aspirational
Districts Programme focuses on child nutrition in underdeveloped districts, reducing stunting, wasting, severely
wasted, and underweight children under the age of five in Odisha.

The state has upgraded eight Government Nursing Schools to B.Sc. Nursing Colleges with a total annual intake
capacity of 840, and 15 new PG Diplomas have been introduced in nursing colleges at Berhampur, Cuttack, and Burla.
The Employees State Insurance (ESI) Scheme is a social security measure available to industrial workers in the state
since 1960, providing medical care through four ESI Hospitals and 41 ESI Dispensaries.

The Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) aims to promote institutional deliveries, particularly among poor pregnant women,
to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality rates. The Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) was launched
in November 2011 to provide free treatment for all pregnant women, sick newborns, and infants up to one year at
public health facilities.
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The government of Odisha has implemented various initiatives to improve healthcare services in the state, including
initiatives for anemia control, Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA), Maa Gruha, and the Mother &
Child Health Wing. These initiatives aim to improve institutional delivery, screening for high-risk pregnancies, and
initiating appropriate treatment.

Major child health interventions include New-Born Care Corner (NBCC), Sick New-born Care Units (SNCU),
Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), Training and Capacity Building, Home-based new-born care (HBNC), Intensified
Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF), and Early Intervention Services through District Early Intervention Centres

The Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness Centres (PHC/UPHC) and Sub Centres are being converted to Health and
Wellness Centres for comprehensive Primary Health Care. By September 2022, around 5053 Sub Centres, PHCs, and
UPHCs were converted to Health and Wellness Centres.

The Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) provides free health services for all, regardless of income, status, or
residence, in all government health care facilities. All treatments are cashless, and beneficiaries can avail entitlements
under BSKY on production of a New BSKY card or NFSA/SFSS card if not provided for some reasons.

Free Drug Services (Niramaya) provide around 750 types of essential drugs free of cost to all categories of patients in
public health facilities. Free Dialysis Service (Sahay) provides free dialysis services at all Medical College Hospitals,
30 DHHs, CHC Narshingpur, CHC Barbil, and SDH Bhanjanagara. Free Ambulance Services are available for
emergency treatment at public health facilities.

The state government has introduced 'Khushi' sanitary napkins to address menstrual hygiene among women and
adolescents, launched SAMMPurNA for accelerating the reduction of maternal and child mortality rates (MMR) and
infant mortality rates (IMR) in 15 districts with "Hard to Reach" areas and tribal communities, and established Free
Cancer Care and Chemotherapy Services at all DHHs through the District Cancer Care Programme.

The Mukhya Mantri Swasthya Seva Mission aims to strengthen infrastructure development of public health
institutions, provide financial assistance for critical health care, and promote health investment promotion. The state
has revamped medical colleges and public health infrastructure, created new posts for doctors and specialists, and
established critical care units.

The Emergency Medical Ambulance Service (EMAS) is being implemented to provide pre-hospital care and
transportation services across the state for medical emergencies. The Mobile Health Unit (MHU) in PPP mode has
been extended to provide patient care in remote areas.

DAMaN, launched by Odisha, aims to eliminate malaria in remote and inaccessible areas by comprehensively
addressing malaria, anemia, and malnutrition. The malaria Test Positivity Rate (TPR) has reduced from 5.95% in 2017
to 1.24% in 2021.


Odisha has implemented several policy interventions to promote inclusive, equitable, and quality education in the
state. The 5th initiative of the state government has taken steps to bring about equity in the education system,
increasing investment and improving efficiency. The state has launched the 5th-High School Transformation
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Programme: "Transformation towards Aspiration" under Mo School Abhiyan, which has mobilized CSR funds from
various corporate houses to the tune of INR 796.5 crores. The budget allocation of school education, higher education,
ST, SC, and technical education department has increased from INR 18,404 crore in 2017-18 to INR 27,324 crore in
2022-23, registering a growth of 48.5% over five years.

Odisha is leading in the adoption and implementation of SDGs related to education, aiming to achieve SDG 4 for
education by 2030. Universal access to a quality higher education, early childhood development, and universal pre-
primary education are prioritized in the government plan, policy, and action. Promotion of an effective learning
environment, provision of scholarships, engagement of qualified educators, and development of adequate
infrastructure are being emphasised.

The government has launched Mukhya Mantri Sikhya Puraskar to encourage healthy competition and recognition of
excellence for transformed schools and other schools of the state. These awards will be presented every year to 50,000
students, 1500 teachers, and other key stakeholders for their contribution towards the greater cause of strengthening
the school education ecosystem of Odisha.

Odisha's literacy rate has been improving significantly, with an increase of 9.8 percentage points over the previous ten
years. The state's literacy rate is at par with the national average, with a gender gap of 15.4 percentage points. The
Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan (OAVS) is providing free quality education in English to students, especially
from semi-urban and rural areas, from across the state.

Dropout rates are a measure of students who fail to complete education or do not enroll for the next level. In 2021-22,
the average dropout rate was zero, indicating successful enrollment. The government is implementing special
measures to strengthen infrastructure, such as establishing 182 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas for ST and SC
girls, 85 residential girls hostels, and 147 seasonal hostels for migrant children. Mother tongue-based multilingual
education (MLE) has been introduced to address language barriers faced by tribal children. Odisha's PTR is better than
required standards at 29:1 and 22:1, respectively. The state government has upgraded 106 high schools to higher
secondary schools to ensure access and arrest dropouts.

Skill development and vocational and technical education are crucial for innovation and economic development in a
knowledge-driven economy. In Odisha, the state has three Government Technical Universities, four Government
Engineering Colleges, and two Government Management Colleges. The College of Engineering and Technology
(CET) in Bhubaneswar has been upgraded to a Unitary Government Technical University in October 2021, with a
budgetary provision of INR 1500 crore approved. The State also has two Centers of Excellence (CoE), one on
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and the other on Space Research and Innovation in VSSUT, Burla. The
Chief Minister's Employment Generation Programme, launched by the government, aims to train 11 lakh youth (150
from each Gram Panchayat) for employability skill training over a five-year period. Ten major departments are
engaged in skill development activities, including the Skill Development and Technical Education Department,
Panchayati Raj Department, ST&SC Development Department, Housing and Urban Development Department,
Agriculture and Farmers' Empowerment Department, Handloom, Textiles and Handicrafts Department, Commerce &
Transport Department, Fisheries and Animal Resource Development Department, Information and Public Relation
Department, and Tourism Department.

The World Skill Centre Odisha aims to become an industry-friendly and investment-attractive state in India. In 2012,
the State Government created the Odisha Skill Development Authority to fix, scale, and sustain the state's skilling
ecosystem. The center aims to deliver skill development to 1.51 lakh youth through long-term, short-term, and
entrepreneurship training. It will also act as an incubation ground for building faculty capacity by constantly inducting
and releasing faculties into the WSC. The WSC aims to have a state-of-the-art training infrastructure, focus on hands-

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on practical training, create a world-class talent pool, and differentiate itself from mainstream training providers
through innovative practices like Design Thinking and environmental sustainability. With support from ITEES, the
government ensures the importance of these programs and drives them to success.

Higher education is crucial for human advancement, sustainable economic and social growth, and optimum utilization
of knowledge, technology, and skills. Odisha has converted three autonomous colleges into universities in 2020, and
by the end of 2021-22, there were 14 public universities and 6 private universities under the aegis of the Higher
Education Department. The Odisha State Higher Education Council (OSHEC) has taken proactive steps to improve
the quality of higher education, including biometric attendance, common syllabuses, examination reforms, and seed
funds for research scholars.

Odisha has a strong base of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to address the state's growing need for higher
education. The All-India Survey on Higher Education reported 24 colleges per lakh people in 2019-20, an increase
from the average of 30 in 2019-20 and 28 in 2018-19.

Odisha has implemented several measures to improve access to education among ST and SC children, including
providing residential schooling facilities and scholarships. The state has 1,737 residential schools and about 5500
hostels for ST and SC students, providing primary to Senior Secondary education to over 4.50 lakh ST/SC students,
with 2.75 lakh girls. The number of hostels increased by over 250 per cent in the last 16 years, with 70% concentrated
in 12 tribal-dominated districts. The emphasis on girls' education has led to a substantial increase in female literacy
among the ST population.

Odisha has launched several educational schemes, such as Sargiful, SUVIDYA, ANWESHA, AKANKSHA, and
Odisha State Scholarship Portal. Sargiful is an annual event for students studying in schools run under the aegis of the
ST & SC Department, providing opportunities for creativity, imagination, and exposure to various art forms and
scientific experiments. Over 17 lakh SC and ST students have received scholarships at pre-matric and post-matric
levels during 2021-22.

ANWESHA, launched by the State Government in partnership with urban educational institutions, provides quality
education to ST/SC students in 165 good private schools across 17 districts. AKANKSHA offers hostel facilities in
urban areas for ST/SC students studying in post-matric level courses, with plans for additional hostels in the pipeline.

Odisha State Scholarship Portal provides Post Matric Scholarships to eligible SC/ST students through Direct Benefit
Transfer (DBT) mode. During 2021-22, 1.81 lakh ST and 2.33 lakh SC students have been benefitted through the

Odisha occupies a unique position among the Indian States and Union Territories due to its rich and diverse tribal
population, with 62 Scheduled Caste communities and 93 Scheduled Caste communities in the state. Special
Development Councils (SDCs) have been set up in nine districts with the highest concentration of tribal population,
aiming to conserve, document, and propagate tribal culture, indigenous knowledge systems, and resources. These
SDCs organize exposure visits, promote tribal languages and dialects, and organize sports and youth activities.


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The nutritional status of women impacts child nutrition and overall society's health. Proper nutrition is crucial for
women and their children, including preconception, antenatal and postnatal maternal nutrition, women's nutrition
throughout reproductive years, and foetal, neonatal, and child nutrition. Odisha has implemented several initiatives to
improve nutrition indicators, including the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, which provides
six services to improve nutrition and health status. The SNP program provides Take Home Ration (THR) to children,
pregnant and nursing women, and severely underweight children. The state has also introduced a Nutrition Budget to
assist key departments in allocating resources for nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programs.

The incidence of malnutrition in Odisha has declined across all three parameters, with a 4.7 percentage point reduction
in underweight status and a 3.1 percentage point reduction in stunting. The Department also implements a
comprehensive range of nutrition interventions, including early initiation of breastfeeding, initiation of complementary
feeding at six months, spot feeding nursing mothers and their infants, management of severely acute malnutrition,
adoption of severely underweight and SAM children, a mechanized THR unit, and a Social and Behaviour Change
Communication (SBCC) package. Odisha has secured top rank amongst the general category of the State Ranking for
National Food Security Act (NFSA).

In partnership with World Fish, fish-based nutrition has been piloted in food rations for tribals, underprivileged
children, adolescent girls, and pregnant and lactating women in Mayurbhanj. Women Self-Help Groups (WSHGs)
have been trained to produce hygienically dried marine small fish for incorporation into Take Home Rations (THR) of
adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women. The program provides an additional source of income to women
SHGs, ensures an assured price to Ragi farmers, boosts local production of Ragi and other millets, and ensures
improved nutritional status of children.

SOPAN is a State-funded targeted project aiming to improve nutrition outcomes among nutritionally vulnerable
beneficiaries. It covers 125 nutritionally vulnerable blocks and will be expanded to all ICDS projects across the State.
The Mo-Chhatua initiative, launched in 2019, is an interactive end-to-end platform for real-time monitoring of
indenting, issue of work orders, production and supply of THR, and settlement of payment to THR producing SHGs.

Community-based crèches have been set up in hard-to-reach areas, enabling working women in the lower stratum of
the economy to pursue livelihood by dropping their children in crèches manned by the community. Kalika is a state-
led strategy to promote appropriate care and nutrition practices among children under three years of age by
establishing creches. Pada Pusti Karyakram is a special programme to provide nutrition services in remote and hard-
to-reach hamlets, improving nutritional status of pre-school children.


The Indian Constitution guarantees gender equality and empowers the state to adopt measures for positive
discrimination against women and girls. SDG 5 calls for ending discrimination against women and girls, as it is a
fundamental human right. However, women face disadvantage and discrimination due to gender bias, resulting in
disparities in access to education, health services, and social development indicators. Odisha's sex ratio is higher than
the national average, but its declining trend is a concern. The Biju Kanya Ratna Yojana aims to create an enabling
environment for girl child development, while the Odisha State Policy for Girls and Women aims to promote equal
opportunities, eliminate discrimination, and enhance capacities.

Odisha has implemented various initiatives to empower women and foster their socioeconomic development. These
include state intervention on gender mainstreaming, improving healthcare facilities, and enabling women to lead lives
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with self-esteem. The Swadhar Greh Scheme provides shelter, food, clothing, medical treatment, and care to 1,703
women in distress. The Ujjawala Scheme prevents trafficking and promotes awareness through social mobilization
and public discourse. The One Stop Centre SAKHI offers integrated support to women affected by violence, while the
Women Helpline Number provides crisis and non-crisis intervention. The State is working to make child marriage free
by 2030, with plans to build more hostels and child marriage free districts.

The ADVIKA platform aims to link all government schemes targeting adolescents, promoting life skill activities and
empowering them through digital literacy. Over 1.5 lakh Sakhi-Saheli (Peer Leaders) have been engaged through
ADVIKA, raising their voices for improving health and nutrition, mobilizing communities, supporting frontline
workers, and participating in Gram Sabha and Day for Children meetings. The State Commission for Women has
organized district-level camps and legal awareness camps to create awareness among women about legislation and
schemes for safeguarding women's interests in Odisha. The Odisha State Social Welfare Board organizes welfare
activities and seminars to generate awareness about women's problems and service grants from the Central and State
Governments for welfare programs. The "Mission Shakti" program aims to empower women through economic
empowerment through the promotion of Women's Self-Help Groups (SHGs).

The State Cabinet approved the provisioning of Government services and procurement of goods through SHGs in a
structured manner amounting to Rs 5,000 crore over five years. The Mission Shakti has engaged women SHGs and
Federations in electricity meter reading, billing, and collection of charges, increasing bill collections and reducing
meter tampering. The government has identified fish farming as one of the potential business activities for SHGs, with
a flagship scheme launched in September 2018 providing financial support of INR 90,000 per hectare to SHGs.

Mission Shakti has been working to improve livelihood opportunities and promote entrepreneurship among women in
the State. In 2021-22, 1,882.6 hectares of GP tanks were earmarked for lease to SHGs, with 1,823 SHGs engaged in
pisciculture and harvesting over 12,339.14 quintals of fish. This has led to increased fresh fish availability and a
positive impact on nutritional outcomes among women and children. Mission Shakti SHGs have also taken up
horticulture, promoting nutrition security and income generation. The ICDS Scheme aims to improve primary
education by providing preschool uniforms to Anganwadi Centres.

The Department of Mission Shakti in partnership with ORMAS aims to promote livelihood initiatives and offer
marketing support to women SHGs. Mission Shakti Bazaars, e-commerce platforms, and agriculture production
clusters have also been established to help women farmers in tribal-dominated districts. Millet enterprises, such as
Tiffin Centres and mobile food trucks, have been established to provide millet-based food products and promote
entrepreneurship among women in the State.


MAMATA is a conditional cash transfer maternity benefit scheme launched in September 2011 to reduce maternal
and infant mortality by improving the health and nutrition status of pregnant and lactating women and their infants.
The scheme aims to motivate pregnant and lactating women to seek maternal and child health services and adopt
optimal nutrition behaviors and practice. It partially compensates wage loss to working women so they can take
adequate rest and consume nutritious diet during critical periods of pregnancy and post-pregnancy. The scheme is
operational in 30 districts across the State and has received over 5.18 lakh beneficiaries.

The 5T and Mo Sarkar initiatives of MAMATA have been developed to ensure transparency and make the scheme
more citizen-centric. The mobile application provides a message in Odia language and transfers online funds through
the IFMS gateway. Over 5594 feedback responses were completed by 31st March 2022, with most of the beneficiaries
being positive and satisfied with the services of AWWs/AWHs at the grass root level.
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Child Care and Welfare are also being implemented to ensure the best interest of every child in the State. The Juvenile
Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and Odisha Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
Rules, 2018 are being implemented by the Department of Women and Child Development and Mission Shakti.

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is a core service of Anganwadi centers, focusing on ensuring a
stimulating environment with emphasis on providing necessary inputs for optimal growth and development of
children. Initiatives such as the Nua Arunima curriculum, Mo Bikash Patra, ECCE Day, Ghare Ghare Arunima,
Vatsalya, and Vatsalya/Shaishaba have been launched to strengthen parent and community involvement and promote
the well-being of children in the state.

The Kuni Calendar focuses on early childhood development, distributed to 17,000 families. Collocated AWCs 2021-
22 help design curriculums and revise pre-primary textbooks. The Parent+ program strengthens children's
development, with training manuals and posters distributed to district social welfare officers and supervisors.


Odisha's elderly population, aged 60 and above, accounts for nearly 9.5% of the state's population. The government
has launched various schemes to support the elderly, including the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana (MBPY), Indira
Gandhi National Old Age Pension (IGNOAP), and Integrated Infrastructure Complex (IIC). These schemes provide
financial assistance to elderly individuals, including free food, clothing, medical treatment, and recreation facilities.
The government also supports senior citizens through various programs and activities. Understanding the socio-
economic conditions of the elderly is crucial for developing appropriate policies and infrastructure.

The Abadana scheme aims to improve the quality of life for senior citizens by providing basic services and providing
comprehensive rehabilitation facilities. The State Government has allocated INR 250 lakh for 2021-22 for various
welfare programs, including the BAYOJYESTHA SAMMAN Award. The government has also implemented various
welfare schemes to empower persons with disabilities, such as the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana, Indira Gandhi
National Disability Pension Scheme, Bhima Bhoi Bhinnakhyama Samarthya Abhiyan, Accessible India Campaign,
Scholarship & Stipend to Students with Disabilities, Rehabilitation of Physically & Mentally Challenged, Socially
Disadvantaged Persons, and Incentive for Marriage Between PwDs and Non-PwDs.

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2016 provides free education to children with disabilities until the age of 18.
The government introduced the "Uniform to Students at Special Schools" scheme, providing two pairs of free
uniforms annually to students in 103 special schools. Special ITI for PwDs is functioning at Jatni of Khordha District,
providing skill development in various trades. The State Commission for Persons with Disability is appointed to
safeguard rights and facilities for PwDs. Hostels for women with disabilities are set up, and rehabilitation centers are

A computerized Braille press is established in Berhampur for Braille books. The Department supports skill
upgradation, training, and economic rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWP) is launched for widows of BPL households and provides financial assistance to bereaved
families. The National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) provides financial assistance to BPL families upon the death
of the primary breadwinner of the family within the age of 18 to 59 years. The De-Addiction (Non-Clinical) –
Preventive Campaign is being implemented, with funds provided to NGOs for deaddiction campaigns. The
SWEEKRUTI scheme aims to implement various rehabilitation and welfare programs for transgender people in

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Odisha has implemented multidimensional schemes for inclusive social development, dedicating over 40% of the
budget to social sector. These schemes improve life expectancy, reduce IMR, and increase institutional deliveries. 5T
interventions improve access to digital education, and zero interest rate credit for SHGs contributes to women's

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Good governance is a value-based approach to addressing development issues and improving a nation's future through
law implementation. It involves open, transparent, and accountable public administration, promoting citizencentric
administration and enhancing economic growth. Good governance is essential for a democratic framework, fostering
public trust, and promoting efficiency and accountability. It is measured by eight factors, including participation, rule
of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity, inclusiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability.


The Odisha government has been a pioneer in responsive administration and people-centric governance, implementing
governance reforms under the 5T paradigm. Good governance practices and e-governance projects, such as the
"Odisha One Portal" and "Odisha Right to Public Services Act," have been implemented to provide timely services to
citizens. The Zero Tolerance approach to corruption has been adopted to enhance transparency in administration.

The Odisha Right to Public Services (ORTPS) Act, 2012, aims to ensure service delivery within a stipulated time
frame, with 417 public services notified from 31 departments. The government has also focused on tackling
corruption, with 219 criminal cases registered against 393 individuals, 61 cases involving disproportionate assets and
92 trap cases, and 66 cases involving misappropriation of public money.

Enquiries have been initiated against various public servants and retired public servants, with 202 inquiries initiated.
The forest wing of vigilance conducted 97 joint raids with local forest officials, seized timber, machineries, and
vehicles worth INR 3.06 crore. The introduction of virtual police stations has facilitated online registration of FIRs
related to thefts at public places.

The state has prioritized strengthening police machinery, including dedicated Police Stations for Cyber Crime and
Economic Offences, covered under 'Mo Sarkar' to achieve accountability and transparency. Cyber Police Stations have
been sanctioned to handle cybercrime and financial frauds, addressing global and national security challenges.

The state has created 336 posts for civil police, including Inspector-16, SI-48, ASI-29, CI Havildar-30, Constable-177,
and Constable (Communication)-36, to establish 36 new Police Stations. The state has launched various web-based
modules for tracking and providing real-time services, such as the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems
(CCTNS) and the Virtual Police Station.

An extremist management module assists police personnel in Maoist-affected districts in creating a database of Maoist
organizations, reducing duplication and manpower deployment. The FSL Module automates the State forensic science
laboratory, while the Accident Investigation Module captures data for analysis to comply with Ministry of Road
Transport requirements. The Road Accident Case Document Module provides insurance-related documents for early
settlement of insurance claims in motor vehicle accident cases.

Governance reforms have also strengthened the police system in courts, including the establishment of Investigation
Support Units (ISUs) in the Crime Branch, an in-service training wing for LoS, and a data analytics wing for
professional and systematic analysis of crime data and crime patterns.


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Odisha has been leveraging Information & Communication Technology (ICT) to deliver seamless Government to
Government (G2G), Government to Citizen (G2C), and Government to Business (G2B) services. The government has
implemented various ICT interventions in key sectors like education, healthcare, revenue administration, and urban
development. Some major ICT interventions include the Odisha Sampad Portal, which stores geospatial data and
supports community development at the block level. The State has also developed IT applications like PRIASoft,
BETAN, and the National Panchayat Portal for managing information about rural housing programs. The AmaGhar
App, an android application system, has been developed to empower beneficiaries digitally.

The Paddy Procurement Automation System (P-PAS) is an automated ICT platform that credits MSP payments to
farmers' accounts within 24-72 hours of sale. Farmers' Registration is a consolidated database of farmers cultivating
paddy and selling surplus produce to the State agencies through Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS).
E-Licensing is a single window project-based service delivery system for agri-inputs, managing the supply chain for
seed, fertilizers, and insecticides. The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) monitors all receipts and
expenditure of the State, providing services such as e-payment, reprint challan, accounts collection, and payments

The state has implemented several initiatives to improve the quality of life for citizens in the state. These include the
Bhubaneswar Smart City, the Odisha Economic Survey 2022-23, e-Bhawan Management System, Agni-Shama Seva
online portal, Integrated Mines and Minerals Management System (i3MS), Single Window System (GO SWIFT), e-
MARKFED, e-Liquor Supply Chain Management System, e-Blood Bank Management, Online Training Management
System for RIPAE&S, OKH, e-Registration, e-Stamping, Bhulekh, Digitization of cadastral maps, and Online
Mutation (LRMS). These initiatives aim to provide citizens with a seamless experience and streamline their daily
lives. The implementation of these initiatives has led to increased transparency and efficiency in the state's economy.

The Odisha government has implemented various governance reforms to improve citizens' access to public services.
These include the implementation of the LRMS software, which handles 4.93 lakh mutation cases, hi-tech survey
operations using aerial photography, and the ORTPS Daily Bulletin. The Revenue Minister's Helpline is also being
launched to address citizens' grievances related to services. The e-PAUTI Portal has been introduced to facilitate
online payment of land revenue, and the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Management System
(LARRMS) has been automated. The Works and Accounts Management Information System (WAMIS) is a generic
public infrastructure project management and monitoring framework, enabling integration with other departments and

The Odisha Tourism Portal has been revamped using AI and AI tools, and the e-Despatch system has led to
transparency in official communication among different government offices. The Central RTI Portal ensures the
implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2005 across all departments and organizations. The E-District portal
automates workflow, digitizes documents, and generates e-certificates. The Integrated Legal Monitoring System
(ILMS) tracks legal cases and provides a workflow model for effective communication among government officials
and advocates. The CM Social Media Grievance Cell is an application for addressing public grievances on social
media platforms. The Odisha One Portal provides one-stop access to public services, including birth certificate, death
certificate, caste certificate, residence certificate, and payment of water and electricity bills.


Odisha's government has adopted the 5T framework, focusing on people-centric and responsive governance. The 5T
charter focuses on technology, transparency, and time-bound goal tracking to reduce decision-making time and
improve understanding of government schemes. The state has undertaken e-governance transformation in various
sectors, including education, cyber security, public grievance redress, tourism, investment, trade, land records, health,
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and disaster management. The 5T initiative has also improved the quality of public services and accountability of
government officers through ICT.

The 5T initiative in Odisha focuses on technology-driven solutions to improve the lives of citizens. The government
has launched various initiatives, such as the SAACAR Portal, which facilitates the processing of atrocity cases
registered in police stations, the Bhubaneswar Land Use Intelligent System (BLUIS), HRMS 2.0, LMS 2.0, ORTPSA
Online Module, Integrated Recruitment Management System (IRMS), and the Krushak Odisha portal. The Mo Bidyut
Portal allows people to obtain new power associations, file complaints, and pay bills online. The Odisha Career Portal
offers career guidance and information in local Odia. The Odisha Caste Certificate Portal facilitates online
applications for caste certificates, saving time and money.

The Odisha Farmer Registration Portal aims to prepare a database of farmers who want to sell their produce at the
minimum support price. The Inter-Caste Marriage Scheme encourages inter-caste marriages in the state, with an
incentive of Rs 1.5 lakh for couples. The Odisha State Scholarship Portal provides financial aid to the public. These
initiatives aim to address the challenges faced by citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic and promote ethical


Mo Sarkar is an integrated citizen interaction system that provides a single platform for citizens' feedback on public
services, leading to accountability and efficiency in governance. It is a feedback-based governance model that allows
ministers and top-ranked officials to directly contact citizens to gauge their experience of public services. The system has
been successful in transforming public perception and building trust between the public and the government. It has been
implemented in 31 departments and has received feedback from 3,48,64,861 citizens. Jana Sunani, a unified omnichannel
grievance redressal platform, offers greater transparency and accountability, with over 100,000 registered grievances. The
Centre for Modernizing Government Initiative (CMGI) is a unique organization operating in the meta-space of e-
Government, focusing on improving service delivery, transparency, accountability, and efficiency within governments.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global call for action to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient
path. The Government of Odisha is committed to achieving the SDGs and has taken strategic initiatives to localize them.
The State has created SDG Cells in all departments and trained officials in the local context. Odisha has also been a pioneer
in ensuring no one is left behind and development is relevant to local needs and aspirations. The State has constituted the
Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) to have a systematic and planned approach to disaster mitigation
and management.

Odisha has built upon its capacity at the community level, starting community-level warning, building multi-purpose
cyclone shelters, and developing an Early Warning Dissemination System (EWDS). The state has faced four major
disasters in 2021-22, and its prompt and timely response has helped overcome the situation.


Odisha has transformed into a fast-developing state, focusing on public service delivery and governance. The 5T concept
has revolutionized the delivery of services, with initiatives like 'Mo Sarkar' promoting behavioral change and accountability.
The state has implemented citizen-centric initiatives, such as online services and citizen grievance redressal, and has
expanded its service delivery system. The 'Jana Sunani' Portal, implemented in November 2021, aims to make public
administration people-centric and improve the quality of life for the people.

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