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M Equipments Over the years, VLM has developed a wide range of stressing equipments which includes Hydraulic Pumps, Stressing Jacks, Testing Equipments and accessories, to economically and efficiently stress its tendons. VLM's emphasis on versatility is also the key to the inter-matching of different pumps and Jacks to achieve maximum efficiency. VLM range of equipments is widely known for its durability, high capabilities and efficiency. VLM Hydraulic Pump (YBZ series) Through years of research and development, VLM has developed YBZ series of Hydraulic Pumps (also commonly known as Stressing Pump) that are highly efficient and durable. The versatility of VLM Hydraulic Pumps allows operators to mix-and-match with VLM range of Stressing Jacks, thus attain- ing maximum efficiency for any stressing job. VIM Hydraulic pump (YBZ1.5-63) VLM Hydraulic pump (YBZ2.5-63) LM Hydraulic pump (2¥824-80) VLM Hydraulic pump (2¥BZ2-80) /E Technical drawings for VLM Hydraulic pump base LM Hydraulic pump (2YBZ2-80) structural diagram VLM Hydraulic pump (2YBZ4-80) ‘structural diagram echnical data for VLM Hydraulic pump (YBZ series) i] vezisa yer25-63 2vez2-80 2vezi-80 Iresimin 25 2x20 2x40 Ma 3 2 500 70 740 382 525 aso 1310 kg 4 105 Remarks Ins smallsie & light weight feature has made it the perfect choie for workin small & confined space. Ths hydraulic pump i commonly used ‘vith jacks or ther equipments ith eapacty of 2004 fle. ‘Simple & easy to operat isthe main feature of ‘this hydraulic pump. tis commonly used with Jacks or equipments with capacity of SOD0KN oF tess This the most popular model among all the hydraulic pump. tis widely used with almost ll series of acks & equipments. Its high efficiency {ease of usage has made Ite favourite choice among operators ‘This high pressure hydraulic pump is mainly sed with jacks or equipments ofapacity SQOGkN& above. Due tot large capability tis ‘widely used fr lage tonnage job where ficiency is crucial \VLM Hydraulic pump (2Y824-80) at construction site /E ‘The information set forth in this website including photos, technical drawing and engineering datas presented for general information and as reference or 28 an illustration only. Kindly refer to our technical department fr further verfcations While every effort has been made to insure its accuracy, this ‘formation should not be used oF rled upon for any specie apliaton \ithout independent profesional examination and verification of ts accuracy, suitability and applicability, Anyone using this material assumes any and al ably cesuting From such use VM eliclaims any and al expres or implied \warartes of merchantability fitness for ary genera or particular purpose or ‘reedom from infingement of any patent, trademark, or copytightin regard to the information or products contained or referred to herein, Nothing herein ontsined shllbe construed as granting a license, expressor implied under ary potent Contacts MET. Liuzhou VLM Prestressing Co, Ltd No.7 Weixing Road, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China 545005 Tel 86 772 260 9109, Fax 9 :+86772 3112154 Email. :levimen@gmail com Website =

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