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Developing Person Through Childhood

and Adolescence 11th Edition (eBook

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The Developing Person

Through Childhood and

The Developing Person

Through Childhood and


Kathleen Stassen Berger

Bronx Community College
City University of New York
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ISBN-13: 978-1-319-14624-5 (EPUB)

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Kathleen Stassen Berger received her undergraduate education at Stanford University and
Radcliffe College, and then she earned an MAT from Harvard University and an M.S. and Ph.D.
from Yeshiva University. Her broad experience as an educator includes directing a preschool,
serving as chair of philosophy at the United Nations International School, and teaching child and
adolescent development at Fordham University graduate school, Montclair State University, and
Quinnipiac University. She also taught social psychology to inmates at Sing Sing Prison who
were earning paralegal degrees.
Currently, Berger is a professor at Bronx Community College of the City University of New
York, as she has been for most of her professional career. She began there as an adjunct in
English and for the past decades has been a full professor in the Social Sciences Department,
which includes psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, and human
services. She has taught introduction to psychology, child and adolescent development, adulthood
and aging, social psychology, abnormal psychology, and human motivation. Her students—from
diverse ethnic, economic, and educational backgrounds, of many ages, ambitions, and interests—
honor her with the highest teaching evaluations.

Berger is also the author of Invitation to the Life Span and The Developing Person Through the
Life Span. Her developmental texts are used at more than 700 colleges and universities
worldwide and are available in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese as well as English. Her
research interests include adolescent identity, immigration, bullying, and grandparents, and she
has published articles on developmental topics in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Psychology,
Developmental Review, and in publications of the American Association for Higher Education
and the National Education Association for Higher Education. She continues teaching and
learning from her students as well as from her four daughters and three grandsons.

PART I The Beginnings

CHAPTER 1 The Science of Human Development
CHAPTER 2 Theories
CHAPTER 3 The New Genetics
CHAPTER 4 Prenatal Development and Birth

PART II The First Two Years

CHAPTER 5 The First Two Years: Biosocial Development
CHAPTER 6 The First Two Years: Cognitive Development
CHAPTER 7 The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development

PART III Early Childhood

CHAPTER 8 Early Childhood: Biosocial Development
CHAPTER 9 Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
CHAPTER 10 Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development

PART IV Middle Childhood

CHAPTER 11 Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development
CHAPTER 12 Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development
CHAPTER 13 Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development

PART V Adolescence
CHAPTER 14 Adolescence: Biosocial Development
CHAPTER 15 Adolescence: Cognitive Development
CHAPTER 16 Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
EPILOGUE Emerging Adulthood
APPENDIX More About Research Methods
Name Index
Subject Index

The Beginnings

Chapter 1 The Science of Human

Understanding How and Why
The Scientific Method
A VIEW FROM SCIENCE: Overweight Children and
Adult Health
The Nature–Nurture Controversy
The Life-Span Perspective
Development Is Multidirectional
Development Is Multicontextual
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Thinking About Marijuana
Development Is Multicultural
Development Is Multidisciplinary
Development Is Plastic
Designing Science
The Experiment
The Survey
Studying Development over the Life Span
Cautions and Challenges from Science
Correlation and Causation
Quantity and Quality

Chapter 2 Theories
What Theories Do
Questions and Answers
Past and Future
Grand Theories
Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud and Erikson
Behaviorism: Conditioning and Learning
Cognitive Theory: Piaget and Information Processing
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Measuring Mental Activity
Newer Theories
Sociocultural Theory: Vygotsky and Beyond
Evolutionary Theory
OPPOSING PERSPECTIVES: Toilet Training—How and When?
What Theories Contribute

Chapter 3 The New Genetics

The Genetic Code
46 to 21,000 to 3 Billion
Same and Different
Matching Genes and Chromosomes
New Cells, New People
Cells and Identity
Twins and More
From Genotype to Phenotype
Many Factors
Gene–Gene Interactions
Nature and Nurture
Practical Applications
Chromosomal and Genetic Problems
Spontaneous Mutations
Not Exactly 46
Gene Disorders
Genetic Counseling and Testing
A CASE TO STUDY: Raising Healthy Children

Chapter 4 Prenatal Development

and Birth
Prenatal Development
Germinal: The First 14 Days
Embryo: From the Third Week Through the Eighth Week
Fetus: From the Ninth Week Until Birth
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Neuronal Birth and Death
The Newborn’s First Minutes
Medical Assistance
Problems and Solutions
Harmful Substances
Applying the Research
Prenatal Diagnosis
Low Birthweight: Causes and Consequences
OPPOSING PERSPECTIVES: “What Do People Live to Do?”
Complications During Birth
The New Family
The Newborn
New Mothers
New Fathers
Parental Alliance
Family Bonding

The First Two Years
Chapter 5 The First Two Years:
Biosocial Development
Body Changes
Body Size
Brain Development
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Neuroscience Vocabulary
Harming the Infant Body and Brain
A VIEW FROM SCIENCE: Face Recognition
Perceiving and Moving
The Senses
Motor Skills
Cultural Variations
Surviving in Good Health
Better Days Ahead
A CASE TO STUDY: Scientist at Work
Chapter 6 The First Two Years:
Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor Intelligence
Stages One and Two: Primary Circular Reactions
Stages Three and Four: Secondary Circular Reactions
Stages Five and Six: Tertiary Circular Reactions
A VIEW FROM SCIENCE: Object Permanence
Information Processing
Language: What Develops in the First Two Years?
The Universal Sequence
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Understanding Speech
Cultural Differences
Theories of Language Learning
Chapter 7 The First Two Years:
Psychosocial Development
Emotional Development
Early Emotions
Toddlers’ Emotions
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Expressing Emotions
The Development of Social Bonds
Insecure Attachment and the Social Setting
A CASE TO STUDY: Can We Bear This Commitment?
Social Referencing
Fathers as Social Partners
Theories of Infant Psychosocial Development
Psychoanalytic Theory
Cognitive Theory
Evolutionary Theory
Sociocultural Theory
Early Childhood

Chapter 8 Early Childhood:

Biosocial Development
Body Changes
Growth Patterns
Brain Growth
INSIDE THE BRAIN: Connected Hemispheres
Advancing Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
A VIEW FROM SCIENCE: Eliminating Lead
Fine Motor Skills
Injuries and Abuse
Avoidable Injury
A CASE TO STUDY: “My Baby Swallowed Poison”
Child Maltreatment
Definitions and Statistics
Frequency of Maltreatment
Consequences of Maltreatment
Preventing Maltreatment

Chapter 9 Early Childhood:

Cognitive Development
Thinking During Early Childhood
Piaget: Preoperational Thought
A CASE TO STUDY: Stones in the Belly
Vygotsky: Social Learning
Children’s Theories
Brain and Context
Language Learning
A Sensitive Time
The Vocabulary Explosion
Acquiring Grammar
Learning Two Languages
Early-Childhood Schooling
Homes and Schools
Child-Centered Programs
Teacher-Directed Programs
Intervention Programs
Long-Term Gains from Intensive Programs

Chapter 10 Early Childhood:

Psychosocial Development
Emotional Development
Initiative Versus Guilt
Active Play
Learning Emotional Regulation
Challenges for Caregivers
Styles of Caregiving
A VIEW FROM SCIENCE: Culture and Parenting Style
Becoming Boys or Girls: Sex and Gender
A CASE TO STUDY: The Berger Daughters
What Is Best?

Middle Childhood
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carried back a long way to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and
other parts of the East.
Glass mills form an important part of the city’s industries and
have been in operation for a long time. Bottle glass is manufactured
here, besides three fourths of all the plate glass of the United States.
Perhaps it is because bottles are made in Pittsburg that we find here
also the largest cork factory in the world.
Pittsburg is proud of the fact that she handles more tons of
freight in a year than any other city in the world. Indeed, the tonnage
is greater than that of New York and Chicago taken together.
The old “point” between the rivers is filled with tall buildings.
Inclined railways run up the steep bluffs on the further side of each
river and lead to the beautiful streets and the homes where many of
the people live. For Pittsburg is not all coal and furnaces and smoke,
but has fine churches, the great Carnegie Library and Museum, and
many schools. But it is mostly because of the coal and the rivers that
we find here a splendid city.
Sixty-three miles down the Ohio river, on its left bank, is
Wheeling, the largest city in West Virginia. The business streets lie
close to the Ohio, and the houses extend up the steep slope to the
east, while over a high ridge comes the old National Road from the
valley of Wheeling creek. Wheeling was the goal of many heavily
laden wagons in the days of the pike, and because of the river and
many railroads has a large trade to-day. It was settled in 1770 and is
one of the oldest towns on the river.
On the north bank of the great stream, in the southwest corner of
Ohio, is the largest city on the river. As late as 1900 Cincinnati had a
few thousand more people than Pittsburg, but a “greater Cincinnati”
would not be so large as a “greater Pittsburg.”
In Cincinnati, as in Pittsburg, men do business on the low
grounds by the river, where offices and mills and shops crowd one
another, and the smoke of soft coal hangs as a cloud above.
Business hours over, the well-to-do merchants climb out of the grimy
town to the top of the bluffs, and there find, in a clearer air and along
open and beautiful avenues, their comfortable homes. Down town
the turbulent river sometimes comes up forty or fifty feet beyond its
usual level and makes trouble in the busy city, but Mt. Auburn and
Walnut Hills are disturbed neither by smoke nor by floods.
Rivers do not often flow in straight lines, and it is very common
for them to change their courses along their flood plains. This habit
of shifting belongs alike to great and small streams, whether the
Mississippi or the brook in the meadow. The Ohio, like other rivers,
often writes the letter S, and in so doing at this point has swung off
from its old north bank, leaving a low plain with room enough for a
hundred thousand people to carry on their business. There is always
some good reason which has led to the settlement and growth of a
town, and the history of Cincinnati shows no exception.
It was in early winter, 1788, when cakes of ice were already
floating on the river, that a number of men sailing downstream
stopped here and began a settlement. The place was not readily
named. It is said that the matter was left to a frontier schoolmaster,
and he did not lose the chance to show how much he knew. He saw
that the Licking river comes into the Ohio on the Kentucky side just
opposite. So he set down an L. He next remembered an ancient
word os, meaning “mouth,” and he put that down. Then he
considered that anti means “opposite” and that ville means “town.”
So he wrote the whole name,—L-os-anti-ville,—Losantiville,—“the
town opposite the mouth of Licking.”
We might wonder whether a town with a name like that would
ever grow into a great city. It did not have to try, for it was not long
before General St. Clair, who had come there, made fun of the name
and insisted upon a new one. He and other officers of the American
army had formed a society commemorating their experience in the
Revolution, and in honor of the Roman patriot Cincinnatus had called
themselves the Order of Cincinnati. St. Clair thought this a good
name for the town, and Cincinnati it has been since that time.
The place has its nickname also, and its people like to call it the
Queen City, which seems to go very well with Beautiful River.
Another name, rarely used and not very pleasing, perhaps, to those
who live there, is “Porkopolis,” which came from the fact that for forty
years before the American Civil War more pork packing was done in
Cincinnati than anywhere else in the country.

Fig. 49. River Front, Cincinnati

Sir Charles Lyell, an Englishman who saw Cincinnati in 1842,
speaks of the “pork aristocracy,” explaining that he means the men
that had grown rich by packing pork, and not the pigs that he saw
running in the streets. This shows how new some of our large
business centers are, though it would be a great mistake to suppose
that pigs and cows now run loose in western cities. In those days
such places were teaching the country how to “pack fifteen bushels
of corn into a pig,” and how to send the produce of the farms to
distant cities or other lands in such a way as to get the most money
for the least freight.
When Charles Dickens visited this country many years ago he
went to Cincinnati, and spoke well of the place. This was a great
compliment, for the famous English story-teller was hard to suit when
he was looking at anything American. If he could come back to
Cincinnati now, he might find even more to please and surprise him.
Cincinnati has always made much use of the river. There were
little boats in which the owners carried notions and such things as a
country store sells, peddling them from one settlement to another
along the banks. There were barges and flatboats bearing families
and farm produce. Then came steamboats, which carried everything,
—passengers, grain, coal, merchandise, and even circuses and
menageries. We can imagine the excitement among the small boys
of a river town when the circus boat told of its arrival by the fierce
blast of a loud steam whistle. There are steamboats yet and a busy
river front, but great railroads center here, and trains run to Pittsburg
and Philadelphia, Cleveland and New York, Chicago and St. Louis,
Nashville and New Orleans. A vast business is done. There are
many schools, and to-day Cincinnati can boast of her music, of her
pictures and museums, and of the fine pottery that she makes. She
has thrown off the schoolmaster’s clumsy name, she has many
better things than pork, and she is widely known as one of America’s
great cities.
An early writer says that the Ohio is “by far the noblest river in
the universe.” He writes this in the beginning of a history of
Louisville, a book which was printed in 1819. This in itself shows that
Louisville is one of the old cities of the Ohio valley. It is not so large
as Cincinnati or Pittsburg, but it is the chief city of the great state of
The old boatmen, finding that the current was rapid at a certain
point, called it the “falls of the Ohio.” A ledge of hard rocks in the bed
of the river caused the rapids and made it no easy task to navigate
boats. Finally a canal was dug by which the rapids might be avoided
at low water.
It was this ledge in the river that started the town and finally
made a city out of Louisville, for boats going in either direction
naturally stopped at the falls. There was another reason, too, as we
shall see when we learn something of the “Wilderness Road,” which
crossed Kentucky from the eastern mountains and came out on the
river at Louisville. Back from the river also lay the rich and fertile
Blue Grass country for which Kentucky is famous.
The canal was ready to take steamboats around the ledge in
1831. Some of these boats had interesting names, such as the
Enterprise, the Vesuvius, the Comet, the Volcano, the New Orleans,
the Cincinnati, the Experiment, the Rifleman, and the Rising States.
It was a wonderful life on the river, and Louisville got her share of
the gain of it, as she now shares the traffic of the railroads. To-day
she is a rich and beautiful city of two hundred thousand people.

Alexander Spotswood was a famous governor of the colony of

Virginia. He was of Scottish parentage, but he was born in Morocco,
where his father was a surgeon. The lad grew up to serve his
country as a soldier, and was wounded by a cannon ball in a great
war then going on in Europe. In 1710 the king sent him to Virginia to
be governor, an office which he filled for twelve years. The people
liked him, though he made some enemies because he kept his
soldierly ways and did not always speak in gentle phrases. He was a
kind, warm-hearted man, nevertheless, loving his family and friends.
His energy, too, was well known, and he was always ready to further
a new scheme.
Because he started the first iron furnaces in America he was
called the “Tubal Cain of Virginia,” Tubal Cain being known in sacred
history as the first of metal workers. Nothing was more important to
the colonists than iron, for they could not always bring tools and
kettles and nails and gun metal from England. The governor showed
his practical ability in other ways. He brought over Germans who
knew how to raise grapes and make wine. He was interested in
teaching the Indians, and at one time he sent out ships and caught
“Blackbeard,” who, with his fellow-pirates, was prowling about the
coast. When the young Benjamin Franklin, in Boston, heard of the
capture he wrote a poem about it.
In that day nearly all of Virginia was in the “tide-water country,”
but Spotswood had often heard of the valley beyond the Blue Ridge.
He made up his mind to go and see this region, and brought together
a party to make the journey. They took their servants and pack
horses and carried provisions and many bottles of the wine which
the Germans had made. There was good hunting in the unbroken
forest and they had all the venison and other wild meat they could
have wished.
A good map of Virginia will show us Harpers Ferry, where the
Potomac river runs through a deep gap in the Blue Ridge. Looking
along the range to the southwest, we shall find, about eighty miles
away, Swift Run Gap, not so low a pass, but one which made it easy
to cross the mountains and go down into the lowlands along the
Shenandoah river.
Spotswood and his friends climbed one of the peaks of the Blue
Ridge and named it Mt. George, after the king. Another peak was
named Alexander for the governor. Down by the Shenandoah they
buried a bottle (the historian of Virginia thinks that by this time they
must have had several that were empty), and in the bottle was a
paper stating that they took possession in the name of the king. They
called the river the Euphrates, but the name did not cling to it. We
may be glad of that, for the Indian name of Shenandoah is much
more musical.
Fig. 50. Luray, Shenandoah Valley
If Spotswood had crossed the lowlands, he would have found
himself among other mountains running parallel to the Blue Ridge.
Between the two ranges is the valley of the Shenandoah, or, as it is
quite as often called, the valley of Virginia. The land is flat and the
soil deep and rich. The soft shales and limestone of ancient higher
lands have wasted away here, between the higher mountains on
either side, and thus we find a valley and a fertile valley floor.
The place was wild and lonely when this band of explorers
visited it, but to-day it is a country rich in interest and associations. If
we go northeast we shall pass Winchester, which became famous in
the Civil War. In another part of the valley is Luray, where the
limestones have been dissolved under the ground, making a large
cavern with beautiful stalactites. Still going northward, we shall pass
Harpers Ferry on our right and cross the Potomac. On our right also,
after we cross the river, is Antietam, where a severe battle was
fought between Lee and McClellan. A little farther on is Hagerstown,
Colonel Rochester’s old home, in the state of Maryland.
The next move would take us over into Pennsylvania, through
Chambersburg and Carlisle, about which we already know, and
across the Susquehanna to Harrisburg. On our right, as we go up
into Pennsylvania, is the low South mountain, which is the Blue
Ridge continued. All this time we are in the Great Valley. The valley
of Virginia is but a part of the whole, which reaches through several
states and everywhere has the Blue Ridge on the southeast and
other ridges of the Appalachian mountains on the northwest. Every
part of the valley is thickly settled and has fine houses and homes,
because its soil produces good crops and makes the people

Southern Appalachian Region

Spotswood’s journey opened the way for families from the tide-
water region to settle beyond the mountains, but they were not the
only settlers. It was easy for the people of the Great Valley in
Pennsylvania, where the land was earlier taken up, to push to the
southwest along the same valley. They found smoother traveling and
better farms than if they had gone up into the mountains on the west.
So we see that the valley, leading southwest, guided the stream of
emigrants in that direction. The result was that the valley of Virginia
was occupied partly by people entering through Pennsylvania, and
partly by those who, like Spotswood, came through passes in the
Blue Ridge. It was thirty years later, when most of the land was still a
wilderness, that we find George Washington crossing these same
mountains to survey for Lord Fairfax. His path lay between Harpers
Ferry and Swift Run Gap.
In this valley, during the Civil War, “Stonewall” Jackson,
Sheridan, and other well-known generals took their armies up and
down, and fought a number of battles. The rich farms and full barns
of the valley played no small part in the strife by furnishing food for
the soldiers.
The headwaters of the James river are in the Great Valley. One
branch flows southwest and another northeast. These come together
and go out to the southeast by a gap in the Blue Ridge. To-day we
come up the Shenandoah by the Norfolk and Western Railway,
which continues along these branches of the James. Before long we
reach Roanoke, a flourishing city just inside the Blue Ridge. Then
follows the crossing of the New river, which flows northwest across
the valley on its long course to the Ohio.

Fig. 51. James River Gap in the

Blue Ridge, from the West

Now we are looking toward Tennessee, and the Great Valley

soon takes us to several long streams which help to form the
Tennessee river. The heads of these streams we shall find in
Virginia, and their names are the Holston, the Clinch, and Powell’s
river. The Great Valley in this southwestern part of Virginia is really
divided into several valleys by long and rather high ridges that
separate these rivers.
The main line of the Southern Railway, between Washington and
Knoxville, runs along the valley of the Holston river and crosses from
Virginia into Tennessee at Bristol.
After we come into Tennessee the ridges that separate the
streams fall away again, and we find one great valley, about forty
miles wide. On the northwest the Cumberland plateau and the
Cumberland mountains rise above it. On the southeast there loom
up the Great Smoky mountains on the border of North Carolina.
Great Smoky is only another name for the Blue Ridge, for it is the
same range, only higher and wider than it is farther north.
Although this valley is a part of the Great Valley, it is commonly
called the valley of east Tennessee, its people using the home name
as they do in Virginia. The Holston, the Clinch, and Powell’s river are
not the only branches of the Tennessee. Out of the Great Smoky
mountains there flow from the east the French Broad, the Little
Tennessee, and the Hiwassee. Knoxville stands a little below the
place where the Holston and French Broad flow together, and
Chattanooga is a hundred miles farther down, where the Tennessee,
now a lordly stream, leaves the Great Valley and flows westward
through a deep valley in the Cumberland plateau. This lesson in
geography we must learn well, with the help of a map, and we shall
then see what the pioneers did as they followed the rivers between
the mountains.
It is an old road that runs from Pennsylvania to Tennessee by the
valley. It took the pioneer across the Potomac through Winchester
and Staunton in Virginia. Farther on was a fortified place, Fort
Chissel, built in 1758, which was on the way to the Watauga
Settlement and Cumberland Gap. Of Watauga we must now tell, and
of the Cumberland Gap in the next chapter.
Watauga is the name of a small river which flows out of the
mountains on the east, into the Great Valley, and enters the Holston.
In a pleasant spot on the banks of this stream the first settlement of
white men in Tennessee was made. Some of the people had come
along the valley from Pennsylvania and Virginia, and others had
climbed over the mountains from North Carolina because of the
wrongs they had suffered there.
Many of these men and women had come from the north of
Ireland. They were not of Irish but of Scotch blood, their ancestors
having originally come from Scotland to make the north of Ireland
their home. For this reason they are often called Scotch-Irish, but
whatever we name them, we are to remember that they were sturdy
and intelligent people. Conscientious and loyal Presbyterians they
were in faith, and by nature brave and full of endurance. Their
fathers had shed their blood for freedom on Scottish fields, and the
sons were not likely to be frightened by a wilderness full of red

Fig. 52. Hilly Farm Lands in the Great Valley, near Knoxville
Besides the Scotch-Irish, there were many Germans who had
followed the valley from Pennsylvania, and there were Huguenots
also, besides a few Hollanders and Swedes. A fort was built on the
little river, and around this defense grew up the Watauga Settlement.
There was no Tennessee in those days.
Many of the settlers had followed down the valleys from earlier
homes in Virginia, and it never occurred to them that they were not
still living in Virginia, and able to call on the colony for help. But after
a time a man came to the settlement who was a surveyor, and for
some reason he thought that he would run the boundary line of
Virginia farther west. When he had done it, what was the surprise of
every one to find that they were not in Virginia at all! If they belonged
to any colony, it was to North Carolina. Unfortunately there was a
lack of good government in that colony, and the prospect of
belonging to it was not a pleasant one; indeed, some of the settlers
had run away from North Carolina, and had felt safer because the
great mountains rose between them and their former home.
There seemed nothing to do but to make a government of their
own, so they formed the Watauga Association, about which writers of
American history have said a good deal. It would be interesting to
see a copy of the constitution that was drawn up by these
backwoodsmen, but it has been lost, with little hope that it will ever
be recovered. It is known, however, that there was a committee of
thirteen, really a legislature. This committee chose five of their own
number to form a court, which had a clerk and a sheriff and made
laws for all the settlers. Roosevelt, in his Winning of the West, says
that these pioneers were the first to build a “free and independent
community” in America.
The two most important men of this little state in the wild forest
show us that the settlers came from widely different places. James
Robertson was one, and he came over the mountains from North
Carolina. John Sevier was the other, and he came down the valley
from Virginia. We shall need to know what sort of men these were.
James Robertson belonged to the Scotch-Irish people. He was
not one of the very first settlers at Watauga, but came in the second
year, 1770. He had no early education, and his wife, an intelligent
woman, taught him to read. He went alone over the mountains, with
only his horse and gun, in search of a place for a home. He found
the settlers and admired the place which they had chosen, but on his
way back in the fall he lost his horse and got his powder wet. He
wandered about, almost starved, until he met some hunters, who
helped him home. He told his neighbors of the lands in the valley,
and as soon as the winter was over his own family and sixteen
others started out for Watauga. He built a log house, went to work on
the land, and by his wisdom and energy soon came to be a leader of
the new colony.
John Sevier did not come until 1772. His father had been a
settler in the Shenandoah valley, and John followed the streams, as
we have traced them, to the Great Valley. He was by birth a
gentleman, using that word to mean a man born of cultivated parents
and familiar with the world. He was well educated and was
acquainted with prominent men, such as Franklin and Madison. Both
he and Robertson were good fighters, as we shall see.
It was not long before seven hundred Indian warriors, angry
because the white people had made homes on their hunting
grounds, stole in upon the settlement. An Indian woman, Nancy
Ward by name, who felt kindly toward the whites, secretly warned
them of the attack, so that when the savages came they found all the
men, women, and children in the fort. It was not much of a fort, but it
saved their lives. The Indians kept up the attack for six days, but the
colonists, led by Sevier and Robertson, held out against them and
killed a number of their braves. When nearly a week had passed the
red men, tired of the siege, went off through the forest.
Fig. 53. From the Pinnacle, Cumberland Gap, looking
Northeast along the Cumberland Mountains. The
Great Valley at the Right

At one time, when some lawless whites had killed an Indian

without reason, the members of the tribe were very angry and
threatened to avenge the murder. Robertson, thinking that he could
soften their anger, went alone among the fierce Cherokees. He told
them that the Watauga people were very sorry the man had been
killed, and that they would try to find and punish the murderer. As the
Indians believed Robertson to be an honest man, they did as he
asked them to do and the settlers were not disturbed.
The Watauga colonists had to live in a very rough and simple
way. They built their cabins of logs, with what were called puncheon
floors,—that is, floors made of thick, rude slabs. Frequently a big
slab served for a table, three-legged stools for chairs, and a row of
pegs for a wardrobe. Roosevelt says that the dress of the men was
largely copied from that of the Indians, and included a fur cap,
leggings of buckskin or elk hide, and a fringed hunting shirt. A heavy
rifle was carried, which was usually fired from a rest.
Garments and bed clothing were made of wool, which was spun
at home by the wives and daughters. The women worked hard from
morning till night, and the men had many things to do. There were
lands to be cleared, crops to be raised, and game to be hunted and
dressed. Besides all these occupations it was necessary to keep a
constant lookout for hostile savages and to have all means of
defense ready in case of a sudden attack. The Indians were so crafty
and deceitful that only the closest watchfulness saved the palefaces
from danger and death. Sometimes an unwary hunter, hearing the
gobbling of a turkey or the call of an owl, would come out into an
open place only to be laid low by the red man’s bullet. These
experiences developed a strong and brave people.
The settlers often bartered things because they had no money,
and they were ignorant of many of the ways of civilized life. Some of
the frontiersmen did not know that tea leaves should be steeped and
used for a drink, and tried to eat them with butter or salt.
When a boy was twelve years old he had to begin to take a
man’s part. A gun was given to him, and he was placed at a loophole
in the fort to help keep off the savage foe. Thus the boys grew up to
be real men, knowing little fear, able to take care of themselves, and
helping to build one of the great states of the American Union.

Dr. Thomas Walker was a man of Virginia. He had attended

William and Mary College, and was well educated for his times. As
the agent of a land company which had a grant of new lands in
Kentucky, he, with several companions, made a hard journey of six
months into the wilderness. They started at Charlottesville in
Virginia, went through the Blue Ridge into the Great Valley, and then
followed the valley southwest. One of Walker’s companions bore the
name of Ambrose Powell, and as they followed one of the long
streams that flow to the southwest to form the Tennessee, they
named it Powell’s river. His son afterwards was an officer in the
Revolution, and it is said that A. P. Hill, a well-known Confederate
general in the Civil War, was his great-grandson.
These were, in fact, no common men who, in the year 1750,
ventured out into the forest, over the roughest trails we can imagine,
among wild animals and savage men. Following down Powell’s river,
the travelers saw rugged mountains on their right, the Cumberland
range. As they wished to explore the forests of Kentucky, they were
looking for a chance to pass the mountains, and by and by they
came in sight of a deep notch, cut at least a thousand feet below the
top of the mountain ridge (Fig. 54).
Fig. 54. Cumberland Gap from the East
They turned aside to this and followed it out of the Great Valley.
They had to climb up about five hundred feet through a wooded
ravine in order to reach the top of the pass, and there was a similar
slope on the other side. This brought them to an open valley and to a
river, which they followed through a gap in another mountain range,
the Pineville mountains.
Dr. Walker called the first pass the Cumberland Gap, in honor of
a well-known Englishman, and the name has survived even to the
present day. In like manner we have the Cumberland mountains.
Walker did not go far enough west to find the beautiful Kentucky
lands on the Ohio river. After wandering about in the high, rough
country of eastern Kentucky, he finally reached his Virginia home
without having accomplished much in the service of his company.
But he had found and named what has become one of the most
famous historical places in America, the Cumberland Gap. He was
not the first man to go through it, for the Indians had long been
familiar with it. Their trail had traversed it for no one knows how
many generations. Not only did it lead directly to the open, fertile
country west of the mountains, but beyond it the warrior’s trail
stretched northward through the woods to the Ohio river.
The Watauga Settlement was about fifty miles eastward from the
Cumberland Gap. As the hardy pioneers did not make much of
following a forest trail for fifty miles, the Watauga colony was next
door to Kentucky, and the great gap in the Cumberland mountains
was only a step farther on, either for them or for travelers to the West
who might choose this route.
We must now follow the fortunes of the most famous of Kentucky
hunters and pioneers, who, while he did not find or name the
Cumberland Gap, often went through it, and is remembered by most
people in connection with it. This man was Daniel Boone.
We could not find a better example of the movement along the
Great Valley to the southwest than the life of Boone; for his
childhood was spent on what was then the frontier, and his
experience was like that of hundreds of others similarly reared.

Fig. 55. Daniel Boone

Boone was born near the Schuylkill river in Pennsylvania in
1734, two years after the birth of Washington. This part of
Pennsylvania was still on the edge of the wilderness, and from his
early boyhood Boone knew all about the Indians. His family were
Quakers, and he himself was quiet and thoughtful, learning to read
from the Quaker wife of his eldest brother, but getting most of his
education in the fields and woods. Though he could read, he spelled
almost as badly as did Nicholas Herkimer. Boone had some
experience as a blacksmith, which, his biographer says, taught him
how to mend his traps and guns. He used to hunt in the woods in
winter, helping thus to feed the family, and with the skins which he
took to Philadelphia he bought powder, lead, and hunting knives.
When Boone was about sixteen years old his family decided to
move. They went along the Great Valley, as many were doing in
those days, crossed the Potomac, and traveled far through the valley
of Virginia. Then they turned east, crossed the Blue Ridge, and
made a home in the valley of the Yadkin river in North Carolina. They
were thus east of the mountains, and across, to the west, was the
Watauga Settlement.
While his home was in North Carolina Boone had an experience
which helped him to be a rugged pioneer, for he went up to Virginia
and across the mountains with General Braddock, serving as
wagoner and blacksmith. He found himself in dangerous quarters in
the battle, where many of the teamsters were shot, but he managed
to cut his horses loose, mounted one of them, and escaped.
On this expedition he made friends with John Finley, and
together they planned to go at some future time to Kentucky by the
Cumberland Gap and enjoy the fine hunting in the forests of the
West. Finley had already made a journey down to the falls of the
Ohio river.
At home Boone lived, like all others in those valleys, in a small
log cabin chinked with clay and warmed by a large fireplace, in
which, says his biographer, “the young wife (for Boone was now
married) cooked simple meals of corn mush, pumpkins, squashes,
beans, potatoes, and pork, or wild meat of many kinds.”

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