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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Mata Pelajaran : Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti

Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :
Nama :
Kelas : V (Lima

I. Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text !

Hello, friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Dewi Purbasari. My friends call me Dewi. I
am a student. I will tell you something about Edo, my friend.
Edo is my friend. He has a round face, flat nose, brown skin, short black hair, and tall body.
Edo is a smart student. He always be the best in class. He is also kind. He likes to help his friends.
That is why he is famous at school.
Edo is also diligent. He likes to help his parents at home. Every morning he helps his mother
sweeping the yard and waters the flowers. His parents are proud with him.

1. What is Dewi?
Answer : She is a …………………………………………………………………..……………..………………

2. Who is Edo?
Answer: He is Dewi's ……………….…………………………………………………………………………….

3. What does Edo look like?

Answer: He has …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

4. Why is Edo famous at school?

Answer : Edo is famous at school because he likes to ……………………………………………………….

5. What does Edo do every morning at home?

Answer : Every morning he ………………………………………………………………………………………

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d !

1. Rino listens to the music with his ....
a. eyes c. fingers
b. ears d. stomach

2. The fried rice is so delicious.

I can taste it by my ....
a. tongue c. neck
b. eyes d. ears

3. Daniel is in the court.

He plays basketball with his friends.
He holds the ball with his ....
a. hands c. neck
b. feet d. head

4. stomach-have - We-one
The correct arrangement is ....
a. Stomach have we one. c. We have one stomach.
b. Have we one stomach. d. We one stomach have.
5. We kick the ball with our ....
a. hand c. head
b. feet d. ears

Dialogue for number 6 and 7.

Andi : "How many eyes do we have?"
Budi: "We have two eyes.
Andi : "What are eyes for?"
Budi : "Eyes are for seeing."
6. The text tells about ....
a. eyes c. nose
b. ears d. cheeks

7. We can see something by using our ....

a. nose c. eyes
b. ears d. mouth

8. A: "What do we use to smell something!

B: "We use our... to smell something."
a. fingers c. nose
b. teeth d. stomach

9. Nia always helps her mother every morning. She is a …. girl.

a. sleepy c. stubborn
b. lazy d. diligent

10. Look at the picture!

Jojo is my younger brother. He has …. hair.
a. straight
b. wavy
c. curly
d. long

Dialogue for number 11 to 13.

Lisa : "Do you have a sister?"
Doni : "Yes, I do."
Lisa : "What is her name?"
Doni : "Her name is Niken."
Lisa : "What is she like?"
Doni : "She is tall. She has long black hair. Her nose is pointed."

11. The dialogue tells about ....

a. Doni's friend c. Lisa's brother
b. Doni's sister d. Lisa's grandmother

12. Niken has a ... body.

a. short c. high
b. long d. tall

13. Niken's hair is ....

a. long and red c. short and white
b. long and black d. short and black
Text for number 14 to 16.
Good morning, friends! My name is Angga. Today, my family and I are going to the zoo. We choose
Gembiraloka zoo as the destination. There are many kinds of animals we can see there. Some of
them are giraffe and hippopotamus. Giraffe and hippopotamus are wild animals. Giraffe has a long
neck and a big body. The hippopotamus has a short body, but it is strong.

14. A: "Where can we see wild animals?

B: "We can see them in the ...."
a. zoo c. school
b. park d. library

15. The giraffe's neck is ....

a. small c. long
b. cute d. big

16. A: "How is the hippopotamus?”

B: "It has a short body, but it is ...."
a. weak c. short
b. strong d. tall

17. The feather is light.

The meaning of the word light is....
a. tinggi c. berat
b. kuat d. ringan

18. A : “The car is …. than the bicycle.

B : “Yes, you’re right.
a. slow c. fast
b. slower d. faster

Dialogue for number 19 and 20

Nita : "How old is your little sister?"
Dewi : "She is five years old."
Nita : "How about your brother?"
Dewi : "He is seventeen years old."

19. Dewi's little sister is …. than Dewi's brother.

a. old c. young
b. older d. younger

20. Dewi's brother is …. than Dewi’s little sister.

a. younger c. older
b. young d. old

21. Reno’s kite …. than Dino’s kite.

a. bigger
b. smaller
c. longer
c. fatter
Dialogue for number 22 to 25
Niken: "Who is that girl?"
Kiki : "She is Lina, my sister."
Niken: "What is your sister?"
Kiki : "She is a secretary."
Niken: "She is taller than your mother."
Kiki : "Yes, you are right.
She is also smarter than me."

22. Who is being described in the text?

a. Niken is c. Kiki's sister is
b. Kiki is d. Kiki's mother is

23. Lina is a ....

a. teacher c. pilot
b. headmaster d. secretary

24. Lina is ... than her mother.

a. taller c. older
b. fatter d. younger

25. Lina is ... than Kiki.

a. bigger c. heavier
b. smarter d. more diligent

III. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!

1. We have one nose.
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Andika uses his teeth for chewing the food.

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. The bag is expensive.

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Riana is smarter than Dona.

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Rangga's house is bigger than mine.

Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Kunci Jawaban Room I
1. student
2. friend
3. a round face, flat nose, brown skin, short black hair, and tall body
4. help his friends
5. helps his mother sweeping the yard and waters the flowers

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1. b. ears
2. a. tongue
3. a. hands
4. c. We have one stomach.
5. b. feet
6. a. eyes
7. c. eyes
8. c. nose
9. d. diligent
10. c. curly
11. b. Doni's sister
12. d. tall
13. b. long and black
14. a. zoo
15. c. long
16. b. strong
17. d. ringan
18. d. faster
19. d. younger
20. c. older
21. a. bigger
22. c. Kiki's sister is
23. d. secretary
24. a. taller
25. b. smarter

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. Kita mempunyai satu hidung
2. Andika menggunakan giginya untuk menggigit makanan
3. Tasnya mahal
4. Riana lebih pintar daripada Dona
5. Rumah Rangga lebih besar daripada rumahku

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