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Ee x BlaceBiora! technolloga Edescodicnoh sledanollony sa the obbhication, ob serontibic method ardtech niques Lo ecterc Lon. ~ 5 ise preactical roxed Rearering cdhich makes, Jeaching, gcientibic, object've haxed, 3' ble anc anjerce SiN - ss dow Th ° i % edeicaionas jednobay 3% lc Prec ae . wch ace done. ba! the heapon dearning onc ee ok Bearenin L Preovacle cbprecpresocte ; me 4 ing. : ; ore aby We Jeohingard Aearening envirconment by prrexentasion, ry erciol and seqerce ols Preegenla_ Lion and orggem24na the bhagical, social Buren In os Leorenert: 32 ankluenced} direct Dy rr z Clerceclionc! technology, Bekaviorcah Scrence, Inborernodon technaloga, bhasial acence- % objeckv® ob Edescosiong! “tedhnalegy x The ro cuin ohjectwea 28 10 make the Searening, Sertercesting asd} eee ake Hheodional technologa, okyjectives cone aoe Mey classed anto bo Doing cedlegora BM Devel Ajeckvee™ = wo cadlectslers jhe edeicatio nat need o& the comnt.. ane ‘cleramine an antegrected| carers codewn bore Arcts, Seaence. and Henan Vales . ar os ease the material and reegourrcesto achieve. eS lo . To develob models bore nh verent so teachin Leorcring, Preace3s: : e To g S22 in preoviding voowtionce! abkoreteinidy bore shree ch NEARY, 7 Understand cewerrent envirronmental conatreaint, a intg. Scanned with CamScanner STormanage the entire edecational saben bo, NN Taelone adion and evaleetion Phasgey. ThA 2 Micrco Level dojectiver:- i 3 Te emderestand edeicalional regtureement of dey To adonklgy ney content ok teaching and Arereangin and organizing them. 4 sTdentiby hema reessereces Dike teachercsand ae >To Plan cect modes and voctheels a3, bere needks. ‘hi ~ Bvalucde the orelcome ol teaching- behavicra) changes in ateclents- + To breovede ‘pawrePoRe beedleadk bore stedents ang] Leachercs. > Pan oot: streategies aed on beadleacks, a. Othere dkjectives:s = OPPoretoinity bore andebendent stodgy. -y lenbreovement 20 geolety ob edticafion. > Eqrakizing edercationa! obkorte matics. ~> Ialpreove contineaing and Ske fong edrication. x Abbreoaches bere Ohjectves> The objectives, can only be belbs led eshen Teachercs, Manogerments Regcartd,, Organization and Gove bolton Hannercs worth together: xTeacheres'- Patent re ees of Edleccations! *echrobig > BevelloP goocl attitude toca bbls cation o& cdc technologas = abbtecali > DevekoP Content ci . le oo. Jctrokag cwike and Probe. *lanogement Provide adeqrode bacility +n kchol + Preovide Preabere Periodical tcainin to teachers, 7 Reseaccch oecganszations- Freebarce dibbercent oeidliovidee) Qxcufrmert basing on reescorech bindings Scanned with CamScanner Po 0 bcokodonda regarding the age ok Ede. predboganda cregaredling the tage ob dered! 4 Reaclort, Ree holon 2 Oregenizing on Bervice training ob teachercs. eGovercarpente Goverenment howl) take interest ins iy Regaredling bree at ase ok Elcicafional technoky. Reg ey e the preodaction of Bde.cadionaltechnolbay (iy Encottoy ee hol oho ree searedy orgganszottions. UEncowrtoge TBC ok Edercoional Aechnologe, in borernal, ron; fonmallefeicaion» cistnnes, Sorwesthondencs ae % Need of Edeseadional Techooblogy + Eheicadionot techno log, 12 the abhlicabionals 2ccontisic method anol dechnaques to edrarcodion Stig a Preackical boxed Leoren.ing echich makes toad, 28 acientibic, objective based; gimble ond sinters, 5 there arte t0 Mme kactores cohich have Sead -ko mode@rnrzodion ob the edeicational System: Pobrula tion Eacbosion > The biggest challenge os often Eon as Penne tte ly ees i ols Dike ae ond paige ae ent ned ahrnagg mealia ohicn O65 arcotionsds ea Sch decrmalogs hove nedped to golve these le “ ‘ . ecalelge Exchlesion att 1g ol eset dallerge bee The teodhere to poss on reo INA, Speer ion to ghoderk3 ine Dimitedl time Period: >To seaolve st diltsercent teoching enethoels avel Rear, Theorie, hove. loeen develobed lea Flex tional 4 Ps; Foloay ‘gore better teachirg eck Bleorening. Scanned with CamScanner 4 Greotaing, cooretd pobelation >The escblasion ob Lncealedge. > >The changing dorsand, 2cience and technology x Socets: > Provides kreee. brimarcy etecerbion 4oallin relia. > Adeelt istereac ot ke erradicecled caithorclese ck techrallogy, in education. >b evaleote ond 3 loreave the quality ob eer, > crolize the shardoared ok edleicoction can ond be achieves| by bregrearnmes Jeareaing ™ eral, > Edpcetionol ted nobis Very cascbe) bore dstance yTechrelogg, 20 lection svabreoves, th inhi "a abibty ob the Noorenerc: >ltis tae an providing farege ackoremation an obbective cay in Shoret berciad ob time. > Ederectiono| technolloga 38 vera helbbre) bore Largeiage ALarening Specially borceign Jangeage: ait plage o. vital reale an devedolsing nakional antegreection. >Pelbic con be. rade. ware. aleort bendamenta| rag and reason ila feta SET wn ke csedto educale beable an villages reegpreding yarsous chigeases and gociel evils. => Forcrercs Can be edticated aboect Jostest meth] ds boreming, and tase ob better ancl amproved Reecly kertilizercs andl pesticicles: % Factores thet demand tae ob technology i, XI Sy Scanned with CamScanner BS t.. ET 33 VOC 3 fe +e qleicahtion Dogrondoae cling 2 porerction amd x Inforctant aspects ob Elecotional technalog e Edescational tech nology: 33 the abblication o ea acientibic method anc eh niques +o edexcotton. > 1i8 o breacti call cased Jearening ewhich makes teaching gcientibic, objective \coseds simple and j antercesting. > Ecexcotional jechnaloga hos three aspects. Inpud» ILis needed to ‘canderestand the behavioere ols Rearenere at ene: alt ancleades breevsot2 achievernart, ol brqard devel ok motivation ob Deore et: sl\tis concerened cath the cornbreehension Jevelok the. ee evolves ‘eacring alot and enocalledae ob teaching, ol Qeoreniny methood- i . a is a exith the ovortolarlabe ob {eaching ad vod) 2kibh, towse the Jeodiing ao di Preoceagee To breeborce artuiagion bore teaching parcticalr, agubjects: >To select gcbject rooktere, caccebrlll agkere students and arercange thera gaslernatically, ++ To ealplog teaching aicl bor better’ behonioes henge aathe skeclasd rbehowocrsal 5 To tae Scuitoble coromunicasion technigze » tall reotteoret tae Siete tending, ) Ocdlece 4s (t snvalves tne tener! b \’ : ~clewaty the objectives ob the el Fochontors ob feng, : fe deterring oe, choreactercistics ob steideats anctthare Scanned with CamScanner ¥ Relationship between Tnbek, Process and Onli Tabet ——— Process ——— Ovckbek Educaded Stud enty] ‘eee BT belhe an inbnord toB tat _ SO in maittaining and breoveli aie, cetion ba sare eoching and TOBIN 7 - > Elcgalirel broblans e pencel el sites ‘er et 7 a oe eG ond casa, methad o& tenching chhective ly . n alo ecko red ob Living, ok anbreoves 8 i, aan change sn ie nen 2 better bene “Mona obhorten bey > He helbs an eppaizing Eduacdional technolegs, asatost greaing dlischlie Scanned with CamScanner eV— #.r st. A 5 [bia anblaenced by advancernentg inthe bield ols ~ barowsceita] aciesces: bhygical aciences, electronics ere Lieie easentiallly a breactioal discibhine rather than reorretical constcauct Sipis.c, science’ als design * devellcbment ond application as orto ce} eggapenent to the krald of edercation. 45 |t Rocates the breoblers to ectacation ard provides “emedial meastvres and callhimately ainzet érobraving Ane edercadtion 2ygien. > ET as a0 abl cation Rcrence coherce an the rexared, ard\bindinga ob divercse gocial acence belo’ Like paachology » gociology, jpehowitirea|, Sciences Engineoreg phagical Sciences. Arce allied to the bet) o& elercation > ET laag an ~ienborctant reole in making teachin acienbBic ene ginbl.bied and intereslin > ET gets teaether ical means Students teach Oren psaichalogical ashects. Oe 5 ET ag bounded to amipreoved the teacherea, the fearmec end te, -eadhing- Seartning preocesg. = The. Eeltcattiona:! tednology aga com . ee preocesg- Lb Gncleide, anstreactronel 4echnaleg S teachin 4 technology, breagrcarnmned| eoarnin revi va china and geetern anollegig ete. a > [t Raga Strceag on developme t ak meth : kor ekbective eoching-llerronie, methock, end fechninces >It akreesses the organization als Learn . rani e i igi ecard Se” Seaeoclal llecleaoceenlichoneen ts ame bosslale thecegh edacchenah oa teachers ord be > The lpreoviaion ols measercin i ra a , i rascals ob Leartning arte enphasized in edticad Bac Scanned with CamScanner ' technalogay: “SG ¥ sche of Edescadliona Tecrnologa + Edcicacbiong) Lechn ology ugthe abblication o& Saientibic methada, techniaries to education Ito preachical boxed Rearw ing cohich makes tegg), Acientibic) objective Laged), Simple one soterating 9 > Ithos reyolletionized edercation System. : > Edercationa! Technology main dim 23 to AmbProve quality ob Seerning . > tis agseocioled) analh amporttant activities ang) silage. os edtrcation. F SERE ca ion ok objective of Edercation ep helhs to sdeokby the need ob Leornnere and Objectig o& edercattion . W Anolyges the Teachings ET analyses, the bhaa, a Pracciples ob teaching and reelation between teachin a Reorening. 4 WidTeacherss, treainingss ET i2 gtaxecl cardely bn te eres, braining model, Ske raiereoteaching. . Bamang te. WY Cerreiiceelein Congbeeictions [tis verg cache in Constrenction os Cearcrercelim according to 4h, develdoment and need) ob accrely, 4 < ) MResourece Develobmant ET 29 being cased in cademig congtreaction 95 Teach ° : and wel woods, eachirg Learening Modlercia l (TL) Vi Customize teaching:s Intercactive sngtreicion ance SESS Rea © the ankelligrce ar fray MW) Develo Leorening Envarconment ‘ wltig cased toe a broken, dalving ‘and Xeorening, environment bee Scanned with CamScanner

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