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Chandrayaan-3 Spacecraft

Country – India | ISRO

Purpose – Landed on the Moon South

Pole to Explore Water Resources

Rover – Pragyan , Lander - Vikram

2. Luna 25 Spacecraft

Country - Russia

Purpose – Aimed to land near the lunar

south pole . However, the mission
unfortunately failed.
3. MS-23 Soyuz Spacecraft

Country - Russia

Purpose – Transporting Crew to the

International Space Station
4. MAVEN Spacecraft

Country – USA

Purpose – Study the Martian

atmosphere ( Mars ) and its evolution.
5. JUICE Spacecraft

Country – European Union

Purpose – Explore the Moons of


JUICE stands for Jupiter Icy Moons

6. Geotail Spacecraft

Country – NASA and JAXA

Purpose – Study the Earth’s

magnetosphere for 30 Years.
7. Soyuz Spacecraft

Country - Russia

Purpose – The spacecraft is carrying supplies

and equipment to the ISS crew (International
Space Station )
8. Magellan Spacecraft

Country – USA

Purpose – To map the surface of Venus -

Images of Venus’ surface, indicating the
presence of active volcanoes
9. OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

Country – USA

Purpose – Collecting samples from the

asteroid Bennu.
10. Shenzhou 16 Spacecraft

Country – China

Purpose – Carrying China first

civilian astronaut into space.
11. Aditya L1 Spacecraft

Country – India | ISRO

Purpose – To study the Sun’s ever-changing behavior

and how it affects Earth’s climate.

Note – It will be placed in a special orbit around a stable

point between the Sun and Earth, called the Sun-Earth
Lagrange point 1 (L1).
12. SLIM Spacecraft

Country – Japan

Purpose – To transform lunar exploration with its

exceptional ability to land precisely on the Moon’s

Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)

13. Psyche Spacecraft

Country – USA | National Aeronautics and

Space Administration (NASA)

Purpose – First mission aimed at studying an

Asteroid 16 Psyche that is
composed predominantly of metal rather than
rock or ice.
14. Lucy Spacecraft

Country – USA | National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA)

Purpose – The solar-powered mission is

estimated to be over 12 years long, during which
the spacecraft will visit 10 different asteroids (
includes Jupiter Trojan Asteroids ) covering a
distance of about 6.3 billion km to deepen the
understanding of the “young solar system”.
15. ESCAPADE Spacecraft

Country – USA | National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA)

Purpose – To study the planet Mars.

Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers

16. XPoSat

X – Ray Polarimeter Satellite

Country – India

Purpose – To study X Ray Polarisation & its Cosmic

Sources Like Black Holes ,Neutron Stars & Magnetars.

Rocket Used – PSLV – C 58

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